Sentence with the word characterize

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It will characterize you from negative side.

We have identified four trends, or general schemes, that we believe will characterize layout design in the next year.

Мы определили четыре тенденции, или общие схемы, которые как мы считаем, будут характеризовать дизайн макета в следующем году.

We cannot characterize the parameters of these changes for we lack appropriate terminology.

При этом понятно, что мы не можем охарактеризовать все параметры этих изменений, за неимением соответствующей терминологии.

Nothing else can characterize the nation better as its cuisine.

Наверное, ничто не сможет охарактеризовать народ лучше, чем его национальная кухня.

Rapid changes characterize working life and education.

Положение в области условий труда и образования характеризуется стремительными изменениями.

High entry and exit levels also characterize e-markets.

Кроме того, электронные рынки также характеризуются высокими уровнями входа и выхода.

The problem is the long-term prognosis, which I would characterize as bleak.

Проблема, по его словам, заключается в долгосрочном прогнозе, который он бы охарактеризовал как унылый.

Autumn color and contrast jacquard insert characterize this headwear.

Осенний цвет и контрастная вставка из жаккарда характеризуют этот головной убор.

In so many ways these descriptions characterize kings and potentates.

Все эти описания во многом ёмко и четко характеризуют царей и властелинов.

Those paragraphs characterize globalization and debt as significant obstacles to achieving gender equality.

В этих пунктах глобализация и задолженность характеризуются как препятствия на пути достижения равенства между мужчинами и женщинами.

Basically, patients characterize it as «piercing needles».

В основном, больные характеризуют ее, как «вонзающиеся иголки».

External factors are those that characterize the particular language learning situation.

К числу внешних можно отнести те факторы, которые характеризуют конкретную ситуацию изучения языка.

When negative thoughts arise, just remember what positive traits characterize your partner.

Когда негативные мысли возникают, сразу вспоминайте о том, какие положительные черты характеризуют вашего партнера.

Pure and clean lines characterize his design.

Простые формы, чистые линии, которые характеризуют его дизайн.

Personal traits are what characterize a person as a person.

Личные черты характера — это то, что характеризует человека, как личность.

Gross current assets characterize their overall volume formed from both own and borrowed capital.

Валовые оборотные активы характеризуют общий их объем, сформированный за счет как собственного, так и заемного капитала.

The first framework that helps us characterize digital health is the IoT system framework.

Первый шаблон, который позволяет нам охарактеризовать «цифровое здравоохранение» — это структура системы интернет вещей (IoT).

These factors characterize the average birth rate of women in each age group in the calendar year.

Эти коэффициенты характеризуют средний уровень смертности в каждой возрастной группе в календарном году.

Still more complex forms of interaction characterize the life of society.

Ещё более сложные формы В. характеризуют жизнь общества.

This alone does not characterize him very well.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1. How would you characterize the mood of the 1990s?

2. Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.

3. Bright colours characterize his paintings.

4. Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.

5. Improve laboratory capabilities to identify and characterize emerging pathogens.

6. Can you characterize your own political belief system?

7. A lot of people characterize romance as trashy books.

8. Both characterize connections in reality and both give an account of the character of our beliefs about them.

9. In consequence, simple statistical techniques are used to characterize the grain size distribution data.

10. Growers characterize the upcoming battle as a fight for their right to earn a living.

11. The problem arose of how best to characterize the booklet for teachers.

12. His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class.

13. In the pages that follow I will characterize some of the more obvious signs of a badly organized and motivated operation.

14. Another way to characterize these deepening levels of concentration is by the amount of time the mind can remain undisturbed.

15. Some of them we would characterize as networks, others as staff support / staff development cooperatives.

15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. What concepts can be used to characterize those systems that are not democratic?

17. Deciding on the right level for a band depends on the policy ideas which characterize different agents.

18. The first is to take visual systems apart, identify their components and characterize the way these components work.

19. Some analysts attempt to identify broadly shared patterns of political orientations that characterize a large group of individuals.

20. The solid outline encloses the subset of the array that we were able to characterize fully.

21. One way to illustrate such a difference is to characterize different relationships between the Symbolic and the Imaginary.

22. The issue dominated the campaign, prompting many commentators to characterize the election as a virtual referendum on the independence issue.

23. Polar cold may be less constricting than other factors, for example aridity or intense seasonality, that characterize polar regions.

24. Yet while we make this point we must immediately see that these pronouns do not characterize the relationship.

25. Is it worthy of that manly fortitude that ought to characterize republicans?

26. Volcanicity and magma emplacement, largely in the form of large granite intrusions, characterize the volcanic arc.

27. Direct DNA sequencing of the relevant amplification products in both patients was used to characterize each mutation.

28. Even analysts who have been busily downgrading tech stocks tend to characterize the rout as a correction, not a long-term trend.

29. The feminine economy has mostly operated outside the System of explicit prices and contracts that characterize the market economy.

30. Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem- in my opinion- to characterize our age. Albert Einstein 


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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

There is no great display of arboreal vegetation anywhere except in the valleys and lower passes where the rainfall is abundant, but in general terms it may be said that the rainfall and vegetation which characterize the Quito basin soon disappear as one proceeds southward, and are substituted by arid conditions.

Burchard (1812-1891), on the 29th of October 1884, in Blaine’s presence, to characterize what, in his opinion, the Democratic party stood for.

It is a notable feature of the new movement, that except verbally, in a certain licence of nominalist expression, due to the swing of the pendulum away from the realist doctrine of universals, there is little that we can characterize as Empiricism.

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Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru exhibit on a vertical scale the various forms of vegetation which characterize East Africa (see Kilimanjaro).

Straggling forests, mainly of conifers, characterize the high plateaus of central Utah.

The question is one which practical railway men have long since ceased to argue on general principles; they recognize that the answer depends upon the respective degree of talent and integrity which characterize the business community on the one hand and the government officials on the other.

Being devoid of all attributes, it can be the object only of meditation, not of practical devotional rites; and philosophy can only attempt to characterize it in general and vague terms, as in the favourite formula which makes it to be sachchidananda, i.e.

Rather broad, smooth valleys, well degraded hills with rounded summits, and — despite the escarpments — generally smooth contours and sky-lines, characterize the whole of this Ozark region.

Which we have already noticed; while the deeper humility that represses the claim of personal merit even in the saint belongs to the strict self-examination, the continual sense of imperfection, the utter reliance on strength not his own, which characterize the inner moral life of the Christian.

TAWDRY, an adjective used to characterize cheap finery, and especially things which imitate in a cheap way that which is rich or costly, or adornments of which the freshness and elegance have worn off.

Definition of Characterize

to describe

Examples of Characterize in a sentence

The company is refusing to characterize the event as a PR nightmare, but their stocks have dropped significantly.


Although most would characterize the newspaper as conservative, it has been producing some politically neutral papers as of late.


The employee would not characterize her boss as friendly, but she wouldn’t say he was cold either.


Most would characterize the loss of civilians as a preventable tragedy, while some would describe it as an unfortunate casualty of war.


Eye witnesses did not characterize the suspect as Caucasian, but he didn’t look African American either.


Other words in the Neutral category:

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Clarity, pertinence, and reasonableness again characterize Weil’s writing, and a hefty clutch of recipes concludes. ❋ Unknown (2000)

The use of it in the way you characterize is exactly as you note, and actually injects the writer’s POV into the piece. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Nineteenth-and early twentieth-century writers used the term to characterize abnormalities of language production (e.g., paraphasic speech, speech without content, neologisms), rather than to define aberrant concept formation and abstraction (e.g., unable to recognize the basic category of such objects as apples and pears), which also are observed in schizophrenics. ❋ Michael Alan Taylor (1993)

(i) What, if anything, would in physical terms characterize backward causation? ❋ Faye, Jan (2005)

MEADE: They kind of characterize themselves as tech heads so to speak, so they were fascinated. ❋ Unknown (2008)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, in addition to trying to respond to many of the issues and concerns and questions that you and indeed the whole world has, let me just kind of characterize how our university is trying to cope and during the process of questions and statements by Dr. Heinz (ph) and Dr. MacNamee (ph), I hope that you’ll get a little flavor of that. ❋ Unknown (2007)

What can you — can you kind of characterize for us what was remarkable about the investigation? ❋ Unknown (2001)

Are you able to kind of characterize what happened over the weekend and where you think things stand for the next day or so? ❋ ITY National Archives (2000)

And were you able to kind of characterize what happened over the weekend and where you think things stand for the next day or so? ❋ Unknown (2000)

Q Can you kind of characterize his demeanor as he spoke to you? ❋ ITY National Archives (1998)

Q: Can you kind of characterize his demeanor when he spoke to you? ❋ ITY National Archives (1998)

I mean, is he going to urge — I mean, can you kind of characterize how he’s going to talk about — ❋ ITY National Archives (1998)

One question I had wanted to ask you was to kind of characterize your family’s social and economic status when you were growing up. ❋ Unknown (1986)

How mean then it must be to reproach the unfortunate slave with a lack of intellectual qualities, such as characterize men generally. ❋ Various (N/A)

By visual examination one may detect the presence of various swellings or enlargements, such as characterize bruises and strains of tendons where inflammation is acute. ❋ John Victor Lacroix (N/A)

I believe the strongest and most satisfactory way to meet it and, at the same time, the fittest way to end this book, will be to close with an analysis of the Soldier-Life, from which it will appear how natural and normal it is, that elements and forces, such as characterize that life, should produce men and deeds and scenes and incidents such as I have endeavored to portray in the foregoing pages. ❋ Unknown (1904)

Notwithstanding Owl’s Head is in Canada, the birds, as I soon found, were not such as characterize the «Canadian Fauna.» ❋ Bradford Torrey (1877)

It was an age of spiritual and physical distress, of manifold and violent disruptions; such as characterize those critical epochs in the history of the world at which, from the dissolution of all existing things, a new creation is about to unfold itself. ❋ 1789-1850 (1870)

He was too true to himself, however, to advocate any marked distinctions of classes in the laws, such as characterize the present school-laws of Virginia. ❋ Unknown (1856)

My excursions among the hills brought before me many interesting geological specimens, mostly such as characterize the Divide. ❋ Unknown (1841)

[Girl] 1- how did he [pull] her
Girl 2- [lead characteritis] ❋ Dr Fhil (2021)

The audience watched Comedian «X» perform one night and thought that comic to be an awesome individual. Who was very funny and a cool person to hang out with. But after meeting said comic off stage after the show, said audience realizes that Comedian «X» is an jerk. Who’s more interested in scoring a bag of weed and ignores peoples request for pictures and [autographs]. As where during the show the audience felt a [kinship] and relation to said comedian based on what that comedian was talking about. They later suffer from the effects of Disenfranchised Characterization when they realize [the comedian] is a fake. ❋ Bikertrash (2010)

«Why does [Alyssa] always talk so loud? It’s like she wants the people [next door] to hear her, too.»
«Just try to [ignore] her, she has Main-Characteritis.» ❋ Dirtball Supreme (2021)

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