Sentence with the word centuries

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.








English evolved over centuries to arrive at gender-neutral «he».

Английский язык развивался с течением веков, чтобы прибыть на гендерно-нейтральное «он».

But for a few centuries (until ca.

Тем не менее на протяжении еще нескольких веков (вплоть до сер.

In previous centuries capital punishment was common.

В течение предыдущих столетий смертная казнь была очень распространенной формой наказания в Европе.

It was also influenced by other languages over many centuries.

Но на него также в течение многих столетий оказывали влияние другие языки.

Fasting in the early centuries was observed strictly.

Правила жизни, привитые в начале века, соблюдались ими неукоснительно.

Perhaps in past centuries these words had and found confirmation.

Может быть, в прошлые века эти слова имели и находили подтверждение.

For three centuries geographers copied his maps without alteration.

В течение трёх столетий географы копировали его карты, даже не внося изменений.

Seventeen independent witnesses of the first four centuries attest its genuineness.

Семнадцать независимых друг от друга свидетельств, в первые четыре века, подтверждают его подлинность.

Much of that mistreatment fulfilled prophecies written centuries earlier.

Такое жестокое обращение во многом исполнило пророчества, записанные за века до того.

Russia over many centuries supported strong and trusting relations between countries.

Он подчеркнул, что наша страна на протяжении многих веков выступала за крепкие и доверительные отношения между государствами.

It takes centuries for nature to form rocks.

Необходимы века, для того, чтобы природа сделала скалы.

It takes patience and hard work and sometimes centuries before seeing any worthwhile results.

Это требует терпения и трудолюбия, а иногда и веков, прежде чем увидеть какие-либо достойных результатов.

In fact, labour benefited right alongside productivity throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

На самом деле, труд на пользу право наряду с производительностью на протяжении многих 19th и 20th веков.

For five centuries it has been hardly more than a geographical expression.

В течение пяти столетий до этого — это было не более чем просто географическое название.

Once it starts revolving it will again have twenty-five centuries‘ life.

Как только оно начнет крутиться, у него опять будет жизнь, длиной в двадцать пять столетий».

Who knows how the centuries will regard them.

И кто знает, в какую глубь веков им удастся заглянуть.

Consequently, illiteracy decreased in the following centuries.

Благодаря этому неграмотность в последующие века отошла на задний план.

The 19th and 20th centuries saw many Polish scientists working abroad.

19-е и 20-е века видели, что много польских ученых работали за границей.

As with many cathedrals, its construction took many centuries.

Как и в случае с Кельнским собором, строительство заняло несколько столетий.

It took another eight centuries for Europeans to grasp negative numbers.

Однако оказалось, что нужно еще целых три века, чтобы европейцы более-менее признали отрицательные числа.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат centuries

Результатов: 35133. Точных совпадений: 35133. Затраченное время: 263 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Мои примеры


a venerable tradition that colleges have been maintaining for centuries — древняя традиция, которая вот уже много веков поддерживается в университетах  
the collected wisdom of many centuries — познания, накопленные за многие века  
cultural inheritance of the past centuries — культурное наследие прошлых веков  
a centuries-old tradition — многовековая традиция  
a centuries tradition — многовековая традиция  
centuries revolve — столетия сменяют друг друга  
distant centuries — давнопрошедшие века; далекие века  
seven centuries — семисотлетие  
three centuries — трехсотлетие  
four centuries — четырехсотлетие  
six centuries — шестисотлетие  
for centuries — на века; веками  

Примеры с переводом

Pharaohs reigned over Egypt for centuries.

Фараоны правили Египтом многие века.

The novel spans three centuries.

Роман охватывает три столетия.

Predators have inhabited the woods for many centuries.

В этих лесах на протяжении столетий обитали хищники.

This ring has come down in my family for two centuries.

Это кольцо передаётся в нашей семье по наследству уже два века.

For centuries scholars have been divided on this issue.

Этот вопрос уже несколько веков вызывает разногласия среди учёных.

The source of the text has been disputed for centuries.

Об источнике данного текста споры ведутся уже несколько веков.

The war was fueled by hatreds that were centuries old.

Война была подпитана многовековой ненавистью.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The steps were hollowed by centuries of use.

The castle was centuries old and full of atmosphere.

The people were held down for centuries by their conquerors.

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  • Use the word CENTURIES in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The Roman Empire was now gleefully killing Christians just as it had killed Christ two and a half centuries before.

centuries later the golden plates were found, giving birth to the fastest-growing religion today!

For almost four centuries Serbian people was humiliated and without any rights…

For centuries scholars have argued about Hamlet and the meaning of Hamlet’s legend.

In the arc of a few centuries, over 8 million women, men and children were burned as witches.

centuries have passed and the Almighty of medieval times no longer sits in his tenth sphere.

For centuries, fashion has forced the female to wear a corset and even today vanity affects the health of many women.

In the middle of Metropolis, there stands a strange house that the centuries had overlooked.

A centuries-old sentinel, guardian of the past, a moss-grown old man is still guarding them the way he did it in times of the Haydamachyna — for three hundred years… a thousand years…

For centuries year in year the old man’s senile mouth put down maidenly destiny on the Ivan Kupala night… Fern blossomed at dark nights…

Brave and loyal companions in arms, centuries of guilt confront you in this castle.

She will live through the centuries to come… as I have lived.

Our motto has always been for centuries:

centuries back when man and woman…

Built by the Portuguese, centuries ago.

Her love for you may bridge the centuries.

This is the tale of the strange adventures of young Allan Gray, who immersed himself in the study of devil worship and vampires. Preoccupied with superstitions of centuries past, he became a dreamer for whom the line between the real and the supernatural became blurred. 00:02:02,173 — 00:02:21,305 His aimless wanderings led him late one evening to a secluded inn by the river in a village called Courtempierre.

For centuries this has been home to monks of the Carmelite order. They preached Christianity in the villages of Las Hurdes.

He runs his own show out here, with about 50 centuries of authority back of him.

That wall is as strong today as it was centuries ago.

We might have been born in different centuries.

And remember: once taken, this oath has never been broken by any man, down through the centuries of time, in the history of this fraternal organisation.

The Exhausted Ruler said that if you took an oath, it would have to be broken for generations of centuries of hundreds of years.

I may resort to a Chinese system… that is centuries old and cut off your heads. Ha ha!


Just her memory… has kept the world weeping for centuries.

They met in the ninth day the month of Nisan that day to the centuries Christians call Palm Sunday.

What braves the centuries… will also be strong through the centuries.

centuries of fear for nothing.

Your life? Ha! Wait until you’ve been through some centuries, as I have.

You can’t murder a man who’s been dead for five centuries.

Through centuries, its history tells… it pierced many times the hearts of beautiful ladies… who were unfaithful to the trust imposed in them by their lords.

The age of windows lasted four centuries.

This would mean relinquishing everything that civilized man has won by the most prodigious effort over a course of the past five centuries.

For three centuries… women and children of Gloucester men have stood upon this shore and cried: «There go the ships.»

Once before, the centuries reversed a judgment.

How beautiful the soul of France which for centuries taught right and justice to Europe and the world.

centuries of tradition kicked right in the pants.

For almost two centuries, never leaving the court, it followed an amazing zigzag course, finally reaching Madame du Barry.

This dates back three centuries.

The love and loyalty of centuries can’t be dead in them.

Just as it was centuries ago when the Phoenicians sailed through.

is there to be a stench in this courtroom that will linger for centuries?

One can almost feel the centuries.

I have information which leads me to believe that for centuries past every Baskerville whose inherited the estates has met with a violent and sudden death.

Surrounded by learned men from the four corners of the earth… Mr. Stevens is expertly brushing the dust of untold centuries

You’ll see the whole parade of what man’s carved out for himself after centuries of fighting. Fighting for something better than just jungle law.

A sentence using the word centuries. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use centuries in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for centuries.

  • Two centuries! (9)
  • It will not do ten centuries hence. (10)
  • This dispute lasted for many centuries. (3)
  • We are a few centuries in advance of Homer. (10)
  • Whole centuries of authority stood behind him. (8)
  • A man may escape for centuries and yet be found out. (9)
  • Ten centuries had come to an end in him to prove the formula correct. (10)
  • The fact is, he wants to jam the business of two or three centuries into a life-time. (10)
  • In those cruel words he heard the murmur of the centuries breaking upon the shore of eternity. (1)
  • She is many centuries old, and still she lives to remind people that she married a Rouaillout. (10)
  • She swung the sword for centuries; in a day It slipped her, like a stream cut off from source. (10)
  • There stands the man who has faith in Italy, though she has been lying like a corpse for centuries. (10)
  • Meager indeed is our knowledge of this only British bard whose works have endured through thirty centuries. (7)
  • During the 14th century, it spread over all Europe, retaining its popularity from the 15th to the 17th centuries. (3)
  • Paris, London, Munich, Vienna, Rome—each has the artistic tradition and atmosphere, coming down through the centuries. (16)
  • The necessity for the two conditions will explain how it is that we count him during centuries in the singular number. (10)
  • What circumstances show that the church singers of the 13th to 16th centuries must have had considerable skill in singing? (3)
  • We shall lose the toil of two centuries and the sacrifices of twenty generations of Englishmen in colonizing a wilderness. (18)
  • By virtue of this power he was where he was, had been for centuries, and hoped to be for centuries to come. (8)
  • Great people of yore, kings and queens, buffoons, and grave ambassadors, played their stately farce for centuries in Holyrood. (2)
  • The French Court and people were filled with enthusiasm about Canada, and so they continued to be for more than two centuries. (19)
  • The carpenter who builds in wood to-day builds according to certain customs which come down to him from centuries of carpenters. (17)
  • If those traders had ruled for other than ego, power might have rested with them on broad basis enough to carry us forward for centuries. (10)
  • For three successive centuries the towns of Rhineland boasted his visits in the flesh, and the conqueror of Darkness caused dire Rhenish feuds. (10)
  • The great church has been distorted by successive additions and rebuildings during several centuries, and little remains of its original Byzantine dignity. (20)

Also see sentences for: century.

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April 11, 2023
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This was simply the old Roman jurisprudence embodied in the legislation of Justinian, modified by custom and legislative decrees during the course of the centuries which witnessed the growth of civilization in Europe; and it is to all intents and purposes the jurisprudence which was the foundation of the Code Napoleon.

The universities of Bologna, Padua and Salerno had been famous through the middle ages for the study of law, physics and medicine; and during the 15th and 16th centuries the first two still enjoyed celebrity in these faculties.

For the most part, the Arab tribes have been reluctant to avail themselves of their new powers, and where they have done so the hasty reversal of the traditions of centuries has proved demoralizing to the natives, without any sufficient equivalent in the way of healthy French colonization.

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Our knowledge of the Peripatetic school during the first two centuries of the Christian era is very fragmentary; but those of its representatives of whom anything is known confined themselves entirely to commenting upon the different treatises of Aristotle.

The foundation of botanic gardens during the 16th and 17th centuries did much in the way of advancing botany.

Suggested two centuries ago by Robert Hooke, this use of fossils has in the hands of Barrande, Neumayr, the marquis de Saporta (1895), Oswald Heer (1809-1883), and an army of followers developed into a sub-science of vast importance and interest.

The other great historical cultus, which during the last twelve centuries did for the Semitic peoples what Christianity accomplished among the European Aryans, has won to itself one-fifth of the population of Bengal.

It joined the Hanseatic league in 1270, and about the same time began to engage in the linen manufacture, which was greatly extended during the 16th and 17th centuries by a number of refugees from the Netherlands.

Till this period the greater part of Annam had been occupied by the Chams, a nation of Hindu civilization, which has left many monuments to testify to its greatness, but the encroachment of the Annamese during the next six centuries at last left to it only a small territory in the south of the country.

Tend to teach), who occupy the first two centuries A.D.

Sentences starting with centuries

  • Centuries have passed since then, yet to-day enthusiastic artists still make pilgrimages to the hillside where the sun shines so brightly, to lay wreaths on the grave of the great architect George Peregrinus of the princely house of the Greylocks. [10]
  • Centuries of doom seemed crowded into that instant of time. [11]
  • Centuries ago our ancestors were brothers—far back in the direct line, brothers—the monks have proved it. [11]

Sentences ending with centuries

  • All the Old World cathedrals were the work of centuries. [4]
  • It is no wonder that there should be such when we remember what have been the teachings of the priesthood through long series of ignorant centuries. [6]
  • The great hall, with its gallery, and its hangings, and the long table made from the trunk of a single tree, carries one back into the past centuries. [6]
  • No cement was used, but the edifice is firm and compact and is capable of resisting storm and decay for centuries. [5]
  • Fox had me under his especial care, and I was presented to young gentlemen who bore names that had been the boast of England through the centuries. [9]
  • But farther over to the right, where Cairo lay, there hung a bluish mist, palpable and delicate, out of which emerged the vast pyramids of Cheops; and beside it the smiling inscrutable Sphinx faced the changeless centuries. [11]
  • It has come to such a pass that I never speak to the Man of the Monument without wanting to take my hat off and feeling as if I were looking down a vista of twenty or thirty centuries. [6]
  • It was given to Luigi by a great Indian prince, the Gaikowar of Baroda, and it had been in his family two or three centuries. [5]
  • I don’t think the world cares personally for any mere man or woman dead for centuries. [4]
  • The reproduction of the old Gothic is so complete that the builders even seem to have brought over the ancient air from one of the churches of the Middle Ages,—you would declare it had n’t been changed in two centuries. [4]

Short sentences using centuries

  • But of centuries. [9]

Sentences containing centuries two or more times

  • Some even set it away back centuries upon centuries and said that by the mental and spiritual clock it was still the Age of Belief in Austria. [5]
  • There was Aristoteles, a very distinguished writer, of whom you have heard,—a philosopher, in short, whom it took centuries to learn, centuries to unlearn, and is now going to take a generation or more to learn over again. [6]

More example sentences with the word centuries in them

  • Every thing was worn out—every block of stone was smooth and almost shapeless with the polishing hands and shoulders of loungers who devoutly idled here in by-gone centuries and have died and gone to the dev—no, simply died, I mean. [5]
  • The ceremonies began with the kindling of the council fire,—a rite handed down through unknown centuries of Indian usage. [9]
  • Like my fathers, who have enjoyed the stewardship of it for centuries, I know how to exercise the sacred duties of hospitality. [10]
  • It is disunion which has held our empire together for centuries, and what it has done in the past it may continue to do now and in the future. [5]
  • The slanting walls were built as firmly as if they were intended to last for centuries and defy a violent assault. [10]
  • In the same way the best of the statues were gone, with which a few centuries previously the art-loving Lagides had decorated this residence—besides which they had another, still larger, on the Bruchiom. [10]
  • They have made us weary, and in dreamless sleep these two long centuries have we lain. [5]
  • I was a Unique; and glad to know that that fact could not be dislodged or challenged for thirteen centuries and a half, for sure. [5]
  • Now, in June, two years and a month since Bickersteth had gone into the wilds, they looked down upon the goal of one at least—of the younger man who had triumphed in his quest up in these wilds abandoned centuries ago. [11]
  • The man born two centuries from now will think he has arrived in hell; and all in good time he will think he knows it. [5]
  • The germ of truth, throughout the centuries, had lost nothing of its dynamic potentialities. [9]
  • This has been true of the Athanasian creed, in the Anglican Church, for two centuries more or less, unless the Archbishop of Canterbury, Tillotson, stood alone in wishing the church were well rid of it. [6]
  • But you could treat it in the historical spirit—like something that happened several centuries ago; De Foe’s Plague of London style. [8]
  • I half expected to see the Athenian heroes of twenty centuries ago glide out of the shadows and steal into the old temple they knew so well and regarded with such boundless pride. [5]
  • It is fair to presume that in thirty centuries history will not get done admiring these men who attempted what the world regarded as impossible and achieved it. [5]
  • It is curious to note the insular, not to say provincial, character of the people even three centuries ago. [4]
  • Suddenly there came to his mind the words of a great man who sought to save a city manifold centuries ago. [11]
  • Yes, I seemed to have flown back out of that age into this of ours, and then forward to it again, and was set down, a stranger and forlorn in that strange England, with an abyss of thirteen centuries yawning between me and you! [5]
  • One is startled to find the method anticipated by Raymond Vieussens nearly two centuries ago. [3]
  • It took centuries to develop the Greek drama. [5]
  • Who allowed them to dance and play there all those centuries and found no fault with it? [5]
  • Here and there, through the history of these centuries, there have been those who have entered into this belief of their own privilege and duty, and have used the gift which they recognized. [5]
  • Or go rather through the great archway, and under the teeth of the portcullis, into the irregular quadrangle, whose buildings mark the changing style and fortune of successive centuries, from 1300 down to the seventeenth century? [4]
  • In two or three little centuries it had converted a nation of men to a nation of worms. [5]
  • For centuries had this startling little scene and the sudden illumination of the niche round the head of the god been worked in precisely the same way at high festivals—[They are mentioned by Rufinus. [10]
  • I confess that this little picture of a fire on the hearth so many centuries ago helps to make real and interesting to me that somewhat misty past. [4]
  • Everybody laughed at these antiquities —but then they always do; I had noticed that, centuries later. [5]
  • It’s as though there was some other self in me which reached far, far back into centuries, that wills me to do this and wills me to do that. [11]
  • Upon the sides there was no verdure; upon the top centuries had made a green field. [11]
  • Two centuries ago there was a prescription for scurvy containing «stercoris taurini et anserini par, quantitas trium magnarum nucum,» of the hell-broth containing which «guoties-cumque sitit oeger, large bibit. [3]
  • Had the Duke then got his release on the ground that they were of kin—a kinship which, even to be authentic, must go back seven centuries for proof? [11]
  • It has been the way of the Romany since the time of Timur Beg and centuries beyond Timur, so it is told. [11]
  • Interesting inscriptions of the time of Rameses the Great, (14 centuries B. C.) referring to the gold-mines, have been found, one at Radesich, the other at Kubnn, and have been published and deciphered in Europe. [10]
  • It was of the same Psalms, but the congregation chanted them in a wild and weird tone and manner, as wailing and barbarous to modern ears as any Highland devotional outburst of two centuries ago. [4]
  • For fifteen centuries, the recognition of this authority and power has been altogether exceptional. [5]
  • The inhabitants of the oasis had for centuries been subject to the Pharaohs, and paid them tribute; and among the rights granted to them in return, no Egyptian soldier might cross their border and territory without their permission. [10]
  • According to history, the monks of this place two centuries before had been worldly minded enough to want to wash. [5]
  • Her battle-flags bear the mold and the dust of centuries, her marts are deserted, she has shrunken far within her crumbling walls, and her great population has diminished to twenty thousand souls. [5]
  • Still moving through the gloom of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre we came to a small chapel, hewn out of the rock—a place which has been known as «The Prison of Our Lord» for many centuries. [5]
  • At last, all the figures merged into one, and she had the face—ah, he had seen it centuries ago!—of Madame Chalice. [11]
  • These buildings formed the citadel, round the threefold walls of which, many centuries before, King Meles had carried a lion in order to render them impregnable. [10]
  • It exists on the cistern of my father’s house at Corinth, and was executed many centuries since by a great artist of the Peloponnesus. [10]
  • Every thing about the church is marble, and all from the same quarry; it was bequeathed to the Archbishopric for this purpose centuries ago. [5]
  • The plates of the bones in Vesalius, three centuries old, are still masterpieces of accuracy, as of art. [3]
  • It was in the age of Pericles, of Socrates, of Plato, of Phidias, that Hippocrates gave to medical knowledge the form which it retained for twenty centuries. [3]
  • Let us remember that this was centuries before the Crucifixion? [5]
  • We hear sometimes that the Turk has been merely camping for four centuries in Europe. [4]
  • And I think that the Great Idea, great as it was, would have enjoyed but a brief activity, and would then have gone to sleep again for some more centuries, but for the perpetuating impulse it got from that organized and tremendous force. [5]
  • Even authorship was taking a start; Sir Dinadan the Humorist was first in the field, with a volume of gray-headed jokes which I had been familiar with during thirteen centuries. [5]
  • The butterflies have taken the places of the queens of fashion and beauty of eighteen centuries ago, and the lizards sun themselves in the sacred seat of the Emperor. [5]
  • On a high, steep hill, toward the sea, is a gray ruin of ponderous blocks of marble, wherein, tradition says, St. Paul was imprisoned eighteen centuries ago. [5]
  • Yet there was something between them which had its authority over their lives, overcoming even that maiden modesty which was in contrast to the bold, physical thing she had done in running the Carillon Rapids those centuries ago when she was young and glad-wistfully glad. [11]
  • In Spain alone some of the best men—those who doubted and questioned, and without doubting there can be no progress—were eliminated during three centuries at the rate of a thousand a year. [1]
  • If I had six centuries what good would it do? [5]
  • Good-by; we probably sha’n’t see you in this region for a thousand centuries or so. [5]
  • He sleepeth now—and shall sleep thirteen centuries. [5]
  • And Germany started several centuries too late. [9]
  • The house of Serapis was a whole world in little, and centuries had enriched it with wealth, beauty, and the noblest treasures of art and learning. [10]
  • He has been seen standing near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on many a starlight night, for he has cherished an idea for many centuries that if he could only enter there, he could rest. [5]
  • And herein, it seems to me, lies the broad distinction between most of the English and French literature of the latter part of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth centuries. [4]
  • Would it not seem as though Fate desired to help us to bring to our blessed Nile the offering which for so many centuries has been withheld? [10]
  • And now we see what history will be talking of five centuries hence: a uniformed and helmeted battalion of bronzed and stalwart men marching in double file down the floor of the House—a free parliament profaned by an invasion of brute force! [5]
  • St. Paul, you say, put us in our proper place some twenty centuries ago, and we are to remain there for all time. [9]
  • After a time, say a few centuries of experience, they had their doll all spotted over with safe places for sticking in the needles. [6]
  • Leaning against a rock not far away, Valmond watched the tiny man with the long arms throw up the soft, good-smelling earth, enriched by centuries of dead leaves and flowers. [11]
  • Just beyond are Richmond Hill and Hampton Court, and five or six centuries of tradition and history and romance. [4]
  • Millions of men, renouncing their human feelings and reason, had to go from west to east to slay their fellows, just as some centuries previously hordes of men had come from the east to the west, slaying their fellows. [2]
  • I have before referred to the fall of the spire of Tewkesbury Abbey church, three centuries earlier. [6]
  • For the like reasons Spain had to banish him four hundred years ago, and Austria about a couple of centuries later. [5]
  • If we can reach across the centuries, why, good-night and goodbye to you. [11]
  • Yet in this quiet wood so near to the centuries that were before Adam was, she looked like a spirit of comedy listening till the Spirit of the Wood should break the silence. [11]
  • And a large proportion of the descendants of those who have governed England for centuries are apparently imbued with the spirit of this adventure, even though it may spell the end of their exclusive rule. [9]
  • There in the Promised Land many centuries later was born, in Bethlehem, another Jehoshua who bestowed on all mankind what the son of Nun had vainly sought for the Hebrew nation. [10]
  • But I can promise you the gratitude of the best and noblest who now live or who will live in centuries to come—for that you are the mother of Polykarp! [10]
  • All his inherent prejudice, the hereditary predisposition of centuries, the ingrain hatred of atheism, were alive in him, hardening his mind against the man before him. [11]
  • Their horse-shaped heads poured water into a vast basin, which, in the lapse of centuries, had grown full of a green and filmy vegetation. [10]
  • It was hard, polished, and full of pockets worn by centuries of eddying rain-water. [13]
  • Why the Asiatic plague that nearly depopulated London a couple of centuries ago. [5]
  • If that primitive physician, Chiron, M. D., appears as a Centaur, as we look at him through the lapse of thirty centuries, the modern country-doctor, if he could be seen about thirty miles off, could not be distinguished from a wheel-animalcule. [6]
  • Even now political passion is almost as ready to flame forth, either in ardent affection or enthusiastic hatred, as if two centuries and a half had not elapsed since his death. [6]
  • Nineteen centuries have passed since the one that gave us Him who died on the cross, and how far we are still from a perfect realization of this noblest of all the emotions of the heart and spirit! [10]
  • As the Council, owing to the dead state of its members for now three centuries, was not in session, we made no long tarry. [4]
  • We were driving over the spot where, eighteen centuries ago, the Roman fleet used to ride at anchor. [4]
  • They were worn out with centuries of catering to themselves. [9]
  • They talked about our own Northern people as the English in the last centuries used to talk about the French,—Goldsmith’s old soldier, it may be remembered, called one Englishman good for five of them. [6]
  • I feel that our fetish is safe for three centuries yet. [5]
  • Yet this small, originally infertile island has been for two centuries, and is today, the most vital influence on the globe. [4]
  • When a great orator makes a great speech you are listening to ten centuries and ten thousand men—but we call it his speech, and really some exceedingly small portion of it is his. [5]
  • One barbarian, in one hour can destroy what it has taken the sublimest souls years, centuries, to create. [10]
  • Phantom ships are on the sea, the dead of twenty centuries come forth from the tombs, and in the dirges of the night wind the songs of old forgotten ages find utterance again. [5]
  • And the second of those Fourths of July was not born, until four centuries later, in, Charles the First’s time, in the Bill of Rights, and that is ours, that is part of our liberties. [5]
  • There are hundreds of these, and their dates stretch back through many centuries. [5]
  • The white city of the Mellahah, resurrected for a moment out of the dead centuries, will have disappeared again and left no sign. [5]
  • From the treatment of the great astronomer who was visited with the punishment of other heretics by the ecclesiastical authorities of a Catholic country some centuries since, there is no very direct inference to be drawn to the medical profession of the present time. [3]
  • They are relics of the grandeur of Genoa’s palmy days—the days when she was a great commercial and maritime power several centuries ago. [5]
  • In certain campaigns of past centuries, and even of this, it has been hero-worship that impelled the rank and file rather than any high sympathy with the cause they were striving for. [9]
  • The first Fourth of July in that noble genealogy dates back seven centuries lacking eight years. [5]
  • Twenty centuries from now New York will still be New York, still a vast city, and the most notable object in it will still be the tomb and monument of General Grant. [5]
  • And that was not so very long ago, for Thebes, in the splendid streets of which Homer wandered and sang to the kings when Memphis, whose ruins are older than history, was its younger rival, was twelve centuries old when Paris ran away with Helen. [4]
  • Thirty centuries do not seem to have made any very great difference in the extreme limits of life. [6]

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    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • /ˈsen.tʃər.i/
    • /ˈsen.tʃər.i/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • /ˈsen.tʃər.i/

Definitions of centuries word

  • noun centuries Plural form of century. 1
  • noun centuries plural of century. 0

Information block about the term

Parts of speech for Centuries

centuries popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 93% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for centuries

noun centuries

  • century — A century is a period of a hundred years that is used when stating a date. For example, the 19th century was the period from 1801 to 1900.
  • date — A date is a specific time that can be named, for example a particular day or a particular year.
  • day — A day is one of the seven twenty-four hour periods of time in a week.
  • generation — the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation.
  • life — the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

Antonyms for centuries

noun centuries

  • continuation — The continuation of something is the fact that it continues, rather than stopping.

See also

  • All definitions of centuries
  • Synonyms for centuries
  • Antonyms for centuries
  • Sentences with the word centuries
  • centuries pronunciation

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  • Words starting with centuries
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