Sentence with the word castle

About 6783 results found using ‘CASTLE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • After the Iron Curtain fell, her heirs petitioned for the castle to be returned.  (open, save, copy)

  • The estate has a mock castle, ornamental lakes, a cricket pitch and 3,000 acres.  (open, save, copy)

  • She points out a little tower which is the only original bit of the castle left.  (open, save, copy)

  • Tina’s family sold their castle to the dictator as he renamed the country Zaire.  (open, save, copy)

  • The Hearst Corp. still owns the 128-square-mile ranch that surrounds the castle.  (open, save, copy)

  • A note explained what was ahead, as did a picture of the castle at Disney World.  (open, save, copy)

  • A sorceress steals baby Rapunzel from the castle and locks the child in a tower.  (open, save, copy)

  • A spokeswoman for the castle says the fire was concentrated in a billiards room.  (open, save, copy)

  • While the visitors center is a modern building, the castle seems frozen in time.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘castle’:

  1. Move the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king [source]
  2. Palace: a large and stately mansion [source]
  3. A large building formerly occupied by a ruler and fortified against attack [source]
  4. (chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard [source]
  5. Interchanging the positions of the king and a rook [source]
  6. (castled) embattled: having or resembling repeated square indentations like those in a battlement; «a crenelated molding» [source]
  7. A castle (from Latin castellum) is a type of fortified structure built in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages. Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble. … [source]
  8. Castle is Sherman Chung’s second album, released by EEG Emperor Entertainment Group in 2008. [source]
  9. Castle is a Caldecott Honor award-winning book by David Macaulay published in 1978. [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘castle’:

Sentences with the word Castle?



  • «the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants»; «The army seized the town»; «The militia captured the castle«
  • «he was held in captivity until he died»; «the imprisonment of captured soldiers»; «his ignominious incarceration in the local jail»; «he practiced the immurement of his enemies in the castle dungeon»
  • «a commanding view of the ocean»; «looked up at the castle dominating the countryside»; «the balcony overlooking the ballroom»
  • «cut flowers»; «a severed head»; «an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm»
  • «an embattled castle«
  • «the cold castle walls were covered with hangings»
  • «I inherited a castle from my French grandparents»
  • «a castle involved in mist»; «the difficulties in which the question is involved»
  • «the outworks of the castle«
  • «Mist shrouded the castle«
  • «the street rose steeply up to the castle«
  • «Muskrat castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer»- James Fenimore Cooper

How to use in-sentence of “castle”:

– Instead, a player will usually castle and find safety on the edge of the board behind pawns.

– The castle belonged to Albrecht von WallensteinWallenstein, a soldier and politician of the Thirty Years’ War.

– The area became the focus of a targeted regeneration initiative, led by the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust from 1993 to 2005, where the estate witnessed the demolition of many of its houses and facilities, the repair of remaining properties, and the construction of new housing and facilities along with the remodelling of the estate, funded both privately and publicly.

– In 2000, the town, together with numerous surrounding Fortificationfortifications, including the Castle Islands Fortifications, they were added to the World Heritage Site.

– He built Kronborg castle in Elsinore again between 1574 and 1585.

How to use the word castle

How to use the word castle

Example sentences of “castle”:

– The Nürburgring, known as simply “the Ring” by enthusiasts, is the name of a famous motorsport race track in Nürburg, Germany, built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel, which is about 70 kilometres south of Cologne, 100 kilometres northwest of Mainz, and 120 kilometres northwest of Frankfurt.

– The Courcelles sur Vesle castle was built in 1694.

– Queen Victoria visited the castle during her tour through England and Wales in 1832.

– The castle sits atop Castle Hill, an intrusive volcanic crag, part of the Stirling Sill geological formation.

– As Mario arrives, he learns that Bowser took over the castle and kidnapped Peach.

– There is a small Old Town, and a castle called Bratislavský Hrad.

– The remains of a late Norman period castle known as Penstowe Castle are 500 metres west of the village.

– Clipping problems can often be used as a time-saving tactic in speedruns, for example, in Super Mario 64 it is possible to skip walking up the spiral staircase in the castle by jumping through the ceiling.

– Takamatsu was a castle town.

- The Nürburgring, known as simply "the Ring" by enthusiasts, is the name of a famous motorsport race track in Nürburg, Germany, built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel, which is about 70 kilometres south of Cologne, 100 kilometres northwest of Mainz, and 120 kilometres northwest of Frankfurt.

- The Courcelles sur Vesle castle was built in 1694.
- Queen Victoria visited the castle during her tour through England and Wales in 1832.

– On December 20, 2017, it was announced that Castle would be reprising his role as Michael Myers in the new “Halloween” movie.

– In 936 the king died and his body was buried on the castle hill in Quedlinburg.

– The Wawel Cathedral and Kraków’s castle are built on Wawel Hill.

– Since it was built when Okinawa was Independenceindependent, the castle structure is very different from other castles in Japan.

– Seymour and Catherine moved into the castle and brought with them ladies to attend on the Queen Dowager, as well as gentlemen of the household and Yeomen of the guard.

– It grew up around the Frauenfeld castle on the land of the Reichenau convent.

More in-sentence examples of “castle”:

- The castle was started in 1295 and work stopped in 1330.

- Edward was officially invested as Prince of Wales in a ceremony at Caernarvon Castle on 13 July 1911 and was even tutored by furture Prime Minister David Lloyd George to speak a few words of Welsh.
- The following year Elizabeth ordered that Dublin Castle be improved so the lord lieutenant could live there.

– The castle was started in 1295 and work stopped in 1330.

– Edward was officially invested as Prince of Wales in a ceremony at Caernarvon Castle on 13 July 1911 and was even tutored by furture Prime Minister David Lloyd George to speak a few words of Welsh.

– The following year Elizabeth ordered that Dublin Castle be improved so the lord lieutenant could live there.

– Some castle ruins have been rebuilt to look like they did originally.

– The Château de Chaumont is a castle in Chaumont-sur-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, France.

– The most famous are the Palamidi castle, and Bourtzi castle which is on the islet in front of the port.

– Honda Tadakatsu built Ōtaki Castle on a hill in 1590.

– There was previously another castle here during the Edo period, but it was destroyed.

– Robert de Mortain built his castle there.

– New Castle had 4,862 people in 2000.

– Arundel Castle is a castle in Arundel, West Sussex, England.

– Hideyoshi said that all samurai must either live on farms or live in castle towns with other warriors.

– In 1620, Tokugawa Hidetada started to rebuild Osaka Castle and it finished in 1629.

– The castle has been used in movies including “Macbeth”.

– She was a great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, she was born in Windsor Castle and grew up in Great Britain, Germany and Malta.

– The Castle of Ribalonga was a fortress that probably began to be inhabited on the Iron Age and continued on the Ancient Rome.

– The outer stone wall of Kumamoto Castle has particular structure.

– In 1575, Nagachika Kanamori built the castle at the top of Kameyama mountain.

– Caernarfon Castle is a castle in Wales.

– The William Parsons, 3rd Earl of RosseEarl of Rosse observed the nebula at Birr Castle in 1848, and referred to the object as the Crab Nebula because a drawing he made of it looked like a crab.

– Gilles de Rais had his castle here.

– The other was Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s castle at Momoyama near Kyoto.

– The canton gained the castle in 1804.

– It started as a little township with a little castle and some farmhouses.

– The most interesting sight is the big castle which it is built at the crusade period by Ioannites Knights.

– The boundary with the North Riding of Yorkshire was adjusted: the part of the town of Barnard Castle that was in Yorkshire was added to County Durham, but the part of the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees in Durham was given to the North Riding.

– King Marke’s castle is empty except for Isolde and Brangaene who stand by a lighted torch.

– There are 7 museums, 2 theaters, 1 castle and 7 nature parcs.

– The game begins with a letter from Princess Peach inviting Mario to come to her castle for a cake she has baked for him.

– Carrickfergus Castle is Norman architectureNorman castle in Carrickfergus, County Antrim in Northern Ireland.

– The Hamada clan was on the shogunate’s side in the Meiji Restoration, and the castle was burned down.

– Edward Bruce made an agreement with the castle commander, Mowbray.

– Mošovce was at first a royal village, and in about 1350 changed into a privileged town, which belonged to the kingroyal castle of Blatnica.

– The castle was built on a marsh by the village of Llanfaes.

– When the ground was used for Cricket, they played at Castle Ground or Nottingham Forest’s Town Ground.

– Glamis Castle is set in the wide valley of Strathmore, near Forfar, the capital of Angus.

– In Delaware, the New Castle County Courthouse in Wilmington and Family Court in Georgetown were evacuated.

– In the later part of his reign Fulk made several gains in the south including much of Poitou and built a castle there to protect his interests.

– The quake destroyed the castle tower of Maruoka Castle.

– Date Masamune built the castle at Sendai in 1601.

– Kenroku-en was made as a garden of the Kanazawa castle at the Edo period.

– In December, Sidney Castle got the job of taking the rest of the railway apart.

– This Japanese castle is also known as Hakutei-jō.

– The district is named after the Wartburg castleWartburg, a castle near Eisenach most famous as Martin Luther’s refuge in 1521.

– There was an inscription over a door in the castle which read, meaning “what pleased the Sicilians, only Sperlinga denied”.

– Brahan Castle was a castle that used to stand near Dingwall, in Easter Ross, Scotland.

– Liebenwerda had a Water castle with a Keep called Lubwarttower.

– When Bowser Bowser uses the Star Rod, he interrupts the party hosted by Princess Peach and the castle is lifted into outer space.

– Together with Durham Cathedral, the castle is a World Heritage Site in England since 1986.

– The main sightseeing attraction is the 14th-century Castle of Almansa.

замок, дворец, ладья, убежище, твердыня, рокировать, рокироваться


- замок; дворец
- (the Castle) ист. Дублинский замок, резиденции вице-короля (символ владычества англичан в Ирландии; тж. Dublin Castle)
- твердыня, убежище

an Englishman’s house is his castle — дом англичанина — его крепость

- шахм. ладья
- поэт. корабль
- спец. контейнер

shielding castle — защитный контейнер (для радиоактивных веществ)
to build castles in the air /in Spain/ — строить воздушные замки; фантазировать


- заключать в замок
- рокировать
- рокироваться

Мои примеры


an eccentric who designed his house to look like a Scottish castle — чудак, который спроектировал свой дом в виде шотландского замка  
the castle’s supposedly impregnable walls — якобы неприступные стены этого замка  
ruinous castle — разрушенный замок  
castle builder — мечтатель; фантазёр  
castle-builder — мечтатель; фантазёр  
castle building — несбыточные грезы; воздушные замки; фантазирование  
castle-building — несбыточные грёзы; воздушные замки; фантазирование  
a moated castle — замок, обнесённый рвом  
air-castle — фантастический, необоснованный проект; необоснованный проект; фантазия  
card castle — карточный домик  
bouncy castle — надувной замок  
castle in the air — маниловщина  

Примеры с переводом

An Englishman’s house is his castle.

Дом англичанина — его крепость.

The castle now lies in ruins.

Теперь этот замок лежит в руинах.

Edinburgh Castle

Эдинбургский замок

We had to give up the castle to the enemy.

Нам пришлось сдать крепость неприятелю.

There was a great castle built right on the sea.

Прямо на берегу моря стоял величественный замок.

The castle is now a ruin.

Теперь на месте этого замка одни развалины.

These are all the grounds pertaining to the castle.

Это все земли, принадлежащие крепости.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Millionaires built their castles along the lake.

The castle is founded on solid rock.

They catapulted rocks toward the castle.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

castling  — рокировка
castled  — с замком или с замками, зубчатый, с замком

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): castle
мн. ч.(plural): castles

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


We recommended you visit the castle early when the castle opens for the castle gets pretty crowded later afternoon.

Мы рекомендуем вам посетить замок рано, когда замок открывается, так как после полудня замок становится довольно многолюдным.

As any real castle, the Nesvizh castle is surrounded by legends and ghosts.

Как и любой настоящий замок, Несвижский замок окружен легендами и призраками.

A castle with no defenders is no castle at all.

Thousands of foreign tourists visit the castle every year, and locals enjoy walks through the castle and green forests surrounding the castle.

Тысячи иностранных туристов посещают замок ежегодно, а местные жители наслаждаются прогулками по замку и окружающими замок зелёными лесами.

Ruzhany Castle is a majestic castle often called not just a castle, but a palace complex.

Ружанский замок — величественный замок, который часто называют не просто замком, а дворцовым комплексом.

In this castle, you can see various museum collections, and the castle‘s fine architecture will also draw your attention.

В этом замке вы можете увидеть различные музейные коллекции, и прекрасная архитектура замка также привлечет ваше внимание.

The castle is a convent-type castle with two large fortification towers.

Замок представляет собой монастырский замок с двумя большими фортификационными башнями.

The contents of the castle were sold in 1935 and the castle left neglected.

Имущество замка было продано в 1935 году, а сам замок оставался неиспользованным.

This inflatable bouncy castle multifun pirate is a wonderful bouncy castle with a nice print and bright colors when inflated has a capacity of 6-8 children.

Этот раздувной пират мултифун надувного замка чудесный надувной замок с славной печатью и яркими цветами надуванный имеет емкость 6-8 детей.

If the castle receives many travelers, the castle lord expands the brewery to include a small tavern.

Если замок принимает много путешественников, лорд замка расширяет пивоварню, включая маленькую таверну.

The castle‘s function was economic and defensive, but the castle was also an administrative center.

Функция замка была экономической и оборонительной, но замок был также административным центром.

The current castle is a concrete reproduction of the original castle, with a modern museum within.

Современный замок является точной копией оригинального замка с музеем внутри.

This castle is also called the castle of the white heron for elegance and polished forms.

Этот замок еще называют замком белой цапли за элегантность и отточенность форм.

The castle has not always been a fortified castle.

That was a wooden barrier, which surrounded the castle and it prevented any foreign ships to approach the castle harbour.

Это был деревянный барьер, который окружал замок и предотвращал попадание вражеских кораблей в бухту замка.

The interior of the castle and cellars are quite typical for any medieval castle.

Интерьеры и подвалы замка достаточно характерны для любого средневекового замка.

The castle has a rich history, which is shared with tourists through exhibits inside the castle.

Замок имеет богатейшую историю, которой делится с туристами посредством экспозиций, находящихся внутри замка.

The castle is a national treasure, and a major restoration was done on the castle up to May 2015.

Замок является национальным достоянием, а крупная реставрация была сделана в замке до мая 2015 года.

Granary: This building stores extra food, which the castle inhabitants move into the main castle at the faintest rumor of war.

Зернохранилище: это здание хранит дополнительное продовольствие, которые обитатели замка перемещают в главный замок в самых слабых слухах о войне.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат castle

Результатов: 40799. Точных совпадений: 40799. Затраченное время: 124 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Use the word Castle in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Renfield’s cautious approach to the door of castle Dracula is emblematic of Hollywood’s attitude toward Dracula himself.

Lieutenant von Mallwitz receives an order to occupy the castle.

This movie was filmed in castle Belvedere in Prague, Palazzo Furstenberg, in Lobkowitz and in other historical places.

Preparations for hunting, at Count Schwartzenberg’s castle.

«There I will build you a castle — of wich you will be the distinguished mistress.»

Wedding at castle Chanterelle.

I set fire to the castle causing the death of your sister.

The congratulations shall begin only when the King arrives at the castle.

Did you not receive my order to leave the castle?

In the «castle of Illusions» Youth meets the old Lady Alba d’Oltrevita.

Secluded in the «castle of Illusions» Lady Alba goes through the bleakness of her heart.

I found the snake also, Prince, and to me, it looked like one of the venomous snakes from the castle Dungeon!

In the castle of the Norwegian King.

The film, HAUNTED castle (Schloss Vogeloed), was restored in 2002, using the following material:

In the Vogel castle after the rain It has been raining all through the hunting days of October.

I will pay my respects tomorrow to the owners of the castle.

«We looked all over the castle

«So, I arrived before Father Faramund, who was also expected at the castle!» Thus I came to the castle to await Father Faramund!»

The story, «Vogel castle,» by Rudolf Stratz was published by Ullstein.

For scenes at court, the first permission to shoot in the Viennese castle area was obtained.

High up in the air is Apelone’s dream castle, and there the Devil will fulfill all her secret wishes.

I must hasten to Count Orlok’s castle

With twilight the empty castle came alive again with menacing shadows.

One’s dreams are heavy in this deserted castle, but do not fear…

«His Highness cannot be found anywhere in the castle

Have you never before heard of the king’s castle at Worms on the Rhine and the kings of Burgundy who reign there?

Siegfried, son of King Sigmund, is outside the castle door with twelve of his knights, and asks for an audience with King Gunther.

Ringed by fire, her invincible castle towers in the Northland.

Last summer, when Namie was out at the castle she slipped into his room one night.

Mlle de Mauprat is within the walls of the castle you are bombarding.

«I await you in the castle pavilion this evening!»

We are authorized to use the vacant castle as our orphanage building.

In the other side of the village, Wassilissa making the castle ready for the orphans as soon as possible.

The construction of the castle was begun under Maximilian I in 1537… and finished in 1687 under Maximilian VIII.

The castle contains one of the most beautiful picture galleries in the world… and its collection of art treasures is unsurpassed.

The castle represents a value of $110 million.

But in consideration of the royal honeymoon… I must ask the public to refrain just a little longer… from any serenades, torchlight processions… or public demonstrations of any kind and, in particular… to patriotically observe quiet within the limits of the castle… especially in the early morning hours.

Yeah, my granite castle on the river.

Reynard lives quietly on the outskirts of town in a delightful old castle.

You known where is his castle at Malpertuis.

Furious, the lion decided to apprehend Sir Reynard and prepared to lay siege to the castle of Malpertuis.

Brave and loyal companions in arms, centuries of guilt confront you in this castle.

In early youth, I was kidnapped from my father’s castle by gypsies.

Today, Transylvanian innkeepers will do almost anything to encourage travellers to visit the real Dracula’s castle.

It’s incomprehensible that Renfield later fails to recognise the driver at the castle.

I’m sure you will find this part of my castle more inviting.

the Lyceum as the castle and Henry Irving as the count, Stoker as the imprisoned Jonathan Harker.

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