Sentence with the word bursts

bursts — перевод на русский

He would have burst out laughing!

Он бы лопнул от смеха!

There’s nothing to do but burst.

А были бы у тебя миллиарды, ты бы лопнул.

Remember what the doctor said last time you burst a blood vessel?

Помнишь, что сказал доктор, когда у тебя в прошлый раз лопнул сосуд?

His appendix burst.

Его аппендикс лопнул.

My tomato’s burst.

Мой помидор лопнул.

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Stop struggling. The lightbulb will burst.

Прекрати напрягаться, а то лампочка взорвется.

Listen, if you lower your hips any more, the light bulb will burst inside you and your box will be a real mess.

Слушай, если будешь низко опускать бедра, лампочка в тебе взорвется, и в твоем отсеке будет реальный бардак.

My brain will burst if someone grabs me and shoves me aside once again

Мой мозг взорвётся, если меня ещё раз так схватят и будут толкать.

— My heart is totally bursting.

У меня сейчас сердце взорвётся.

He’s about to burst.

Он вот-вот взорвется.

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-I’m sorry to burst in on you like this.

-Мне очень жаль, что я так к вам ворвался.

Someone burst into the room, crying «Hands up!» I had a gun, so I fired.

Кто-то ворвался в комнату и закричал — руки вверх, а у меня пистолет под подушкой, я выстрелил, а это Сережка Лукашевич.

There was a fellow burst in and accosted Mr Chang between shows.

Был один парень, который ворвался и приставал к мистеру Чангу между выступлениями.

You burst into my dressing room, everything you say to me, all of it is stupid.

Ты ворвался в мою гримёрку, всё, что ты тут сказал, это всё глупо.


Тише… ты же не хочешь, чтобы стюард услышал и ворвался сюда…

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The optical burst patterns we programmed were successful in counteracting the addictive effects of the game.

Вспышки света, частоту которых мы рассчитали, успешно снимали эффект привыкания и зависимости от этой игры.

Your sun gave off modulated gamma bursts before Meridian appeared.

Ваше солнце испускало модулированные гамма вспышки прямо перед появлением Меридиана.

How do modulated gamma bursts cause a dimensional shift?

Как же модулированные гамма вспышки вызывают переход между измерениями?

Nothing indicates the gamma bursts are causing the quantum fluctuations.

Ничто не указывает, что гамма вспышки вызывают квантовые колебания.

And hope that I don’t get another solar-flare burst and burn the farm down.

И я надеюсь, что не будет другой солнечной вспышки и я не сожгу ферму.

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Well, I started to tell her, and then all of a sudden, for some reason I just burst into tears.

Ну, я начал ей говорить, а потом внезапно, как-то самой собой меня прорвало.

The pipes are bursting again, John.

Трубы снова прорвало, Джон.

Burst pipe.

Трубу прорвало!

True, you forgot it that morning that our pipes burst, but then you went back and waded through the flood to retrieve it.

Правда, ты забыла его в то утро, когда у нас прорвало трубы. Но ты вернулась, перешла вброд весь этот потоп и отыскала его.

I cannot believe a pipe burst and left that there.

Неужели трубу прорвало и это выпало?

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A burst blood vessel in the brain which didn’t kick in until she was in the flat.

Кровеносный сосуд в мозге не разорвался сразу, пока она была дома.

So it didn’t technically burst.

Значит он не разорвался!

A vessel burst.

Сосуд разорвался.

Honest, it was about to burst and then who knows?

Честно, он чуть не разорвался. А потом кто знает что б было? — Ого, это…

The cocaine must have burst inside.

Кокаин, наверно, разорвался внутри.

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Fused air burst at 10…» Check…»12,000 feet.»

Взрыв в воздухе на высоте в 12000 футов. »

— A brown burst.

— Коричневый взрыв.

Better than your eyes bursting.

Лучше, чем взрыв глаз.

— Can you confirm a burst helium disk?

— Подтверждаете ли взрыв гелиевого танка?

Melanie burst in.

Мелани взрыв.

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It better be good, bursting in on me like this.

Надеюсь, ради них стоило сюда врываться.

Paris, when will you learn to stop bursting in here when I’m busy?

Парис, когда вы научитесь не врываться сюда, когда я занят?

It keeps growing and bursting In on us.

Он продолжает расти и врываться в нас.

How dare you burst into my room?

Что? Как вы смеете врываться в мою комнату?

— Look, I’m sorry, Estelle, but bursting in on a doctor and patient is against the rule!

Слушай, мне жаль, Эстель. Но врываться в кабинет к врачу с пациентом это против правил. — Я знаю, но можно.

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This new burst of self confidence, would it have anything to do with that boy… you dragged kicking out of Dennys?

Этот новый всплеск самоуверенности… он как-то связан с тем парнем, от которого ты отгонял Дэнни в субботу?

OK, where did this sudden burst of optimism come from?

Так, и откуда такой всплеск оптимизма?

Short burst of flutter.

Короткий всплеск фибрилляции.

That last magnetic burst completely wiped our systems.

Последний магнитный всплеск полностью вырубил наши системы.

And what has prompted this sudden burst of domestic devotion?

— И что же вызвало этот внезапный всплеск желания заняться домашними делами?

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You criticised my design for the Indian doll and I burst into tears.

Раскритиковал один из моих эскизов индейца, и я разрыдалась.

Mmm-hmm, I think the part where I burst into tears just really brought us together.

Да, мы очень сблизились, когда я разрыдалась.

When asked if there had been an attacker Miss Blake burst into tears and failed to answer the questions.

Когда ее спросили, действительно ли на нее напали, мисс Блейк разрыдалась и перестала отвечать на вопросы.

The fact that she didn’t burst into tears tells me that you never thought he was your dad.

Тот факт, что она не разрыдалась, говорит мне о том, что она никогда не считала вас отцом.

And then the next day, my mom told me we were out of juice, and I burst into tears.

И потом на следующий день моя мама сказала, что у нас закончился сок, и я разрыдалась.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word bursts, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use bursts in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «bursts».

Bursts in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word bursts in a sentence.

  1. I fired four bursts and a MiG began to smoke.

  2. Short bursts of high speed wind are termed gusts.

  3. Thereafter shooting was done only in intermittent bursts.

  4. Gamma ray bursts can have harmful or destructive effects on life.

  5. Gamma-ray bursts were first observed in the late 1960s by the U.S.

  6. Throughout the day, only sporadic bursts of deep convection occurred.

  7. In the lifeboat, an alien creature bursts out of the Engineer’s chest.

  8. The light curves of gamma-ray bursts are extremely diverse and complex.

  9. It flaps in short bursts which are followed by short periods of gliding.

  10. Another low-mass X-ray binary, Serpens X-1, undergoes occasional X-ray bursts.

  11. The low organized itself over the next days, producing several bursts of convection.

  12. Around that time, bursts of convection had formed northwest of the low-level center.

  13. His ship returns but bursts into flames, before he is washed up safe and well on shore.

  14. Intermittent bursts of activity continue until dawn, when hunting most often takes place.

  15. Some of our machineguns managed to fire a few frantic bursts at them, but it was too late.

  16. Cygnus X-1 has also never displayed X-ray bursts similar to those seen from neutron stars.

  17. Most early theories of gamma-ray bursts posited nearby sources within the Milky Way Galaxy.

  18. Oceanic whitetips are not fast swimmers, but they are capable of surprising bursts of speed.

  19. By contrast, cottontail rabbits are built for short bursts of speed in more vegetated habitats.

  20. Events with a duration of less than about two seconds are classified as short gamma-ray bursts.

  21. Air bursts distribute fallout in a large area, but surface bursts produce intense local fallout.

  22. Dr Caius bursts in and accuses Falstaff of burgling his house and Bardolfo of picking his pocket.

  23. Gamma-ray bursts are very bright as observed from Earth despite their typically immense distances.

  24. Chinnaiya, Pattabi and Hema shoot him as instructed, but Usha fails to do so and bursts into tears.

  25. Those that survived the initial bursts were bayoneted (including a mother and her 3-week-old baby).

  26. Meanwhile, the storm began heading northward and experiencing intermittent bursts of deep convection.

  27. Stellar flares are bursts of high-energy particles that are emitted due to the same magnetic activity.

  28. Two further bursts were commissioned for 2006, to run from 15 May to 9 June and 22 August to 8 October.

  29. The red-backed fairywren is diurnal, and becomes active at dawn, and again in bursts throughout the day.

  30. The male sings in short bursts, starting with some chatter, followed by a warbling tweedle-toodle-tweedle.

  31. Air bursts were officially described as «self-cleansing.» There was no significant local fallout from Able.

  32. Thus, lions run quickly only in short bursts and need to be close to their prey before starting the attack.

  33. During spring and summer, birds are active in bursts through the day and accompany their foraging with song.

  34. He kept up the chase, shooting short bursts, until the pilot, Chinese ace Wang Hai, ejected above his own base.

  35. Currently, the objects with the highest known redshifts are galaxies and the objects producing gamma ray bursts.

  36. The guns were designed to fire in 5-round or 15-round bursts, with a cyclic rate of fire of 650 rounds per minute.

  37. Most observed events (70%) have a duration of greater than two seconds and are classified as long gamma-ray bursts.

  38. The resulting social pressures were complicated by bursts of deflation that resulted from John’s military campaigns.

  39. A German patrol arrived, examined the original bush, and attacked it with bursts of automatic gunfire before leaving.

  40. I had never really done anything like that before like the fast bursts that go all the way through the song basically.

  41. Toshack contained the English batsmen with leg theory in between the new ball bursts of Keith Miller and Ray Lindwall.

  42. Like the Pixies, Nirvana moved between «spare bass-and-drum grooves and shrill bursts of screaming guitar and vocals».

  43. When fit, Miller opened the Test bowling with Lindwall, and the pair bowled in short and fiery bursts with the new ball.

  44. US and Soviet experiments had also given off similar neutron bursts at temperatures that were not high enough for fusion.

  45. X-ray bursts that last for about a third of a second match the expected time frame of matter falling toward a black hole.

  46. Herriman did little work on these excursions, and it is likely that he drew his strips in hurried bursts when in Hollywood.

  47. These events are associated with bursts of spike activity lasting 50 to 100 milliseconds in pyramidal cells of CA3 and CA1.

  48. As had been the case with several earlier campaigns, the commercial was to air in several bursts, throughout 2005 and 2006.

  49. Several gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been observed in Serpens Caput, such as GRB 970111, one of the brightest GRBs observed.

  50. Gamma-ray bursts are thought to be highly focused explosions, with most of the explosion energy collimated into a narrow jet.

General information about «bursts» example sentences

The example sentences for the word bursts that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «bursts» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «bursts».

Мои примеры


sharp bursts of machine gun fire — резкие всплески пулемётного огня  
the monsoon bursts — муссон меняет направление  
work in sudden bursts — работать рывками  
fire in bursts — стрельба очередями  
fire in long bursts — стрельба длинными очередями  
fire in short bursts — стрельба короткими очередями  
fire the flame thrower in short bursts — производить огнеметание отдельными короткими выстрелами  
friendly bursts hugging — продвижение вслед за разрывами снарядов поддерживающей артиллерии  
juxtaposed bursts — близкая посылка  
repetitive bursts — повторяющиеся последовательности импульсов  
sheaf of bursts — веер разрывов  

Примеры с переводом

She ran hard in short bursts toward the end of the race.

Она изо всех сил короткими рывками побежала к финишу.

Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.

Редкие автоматные очереди являются напоминанием о том, что повстанцы по-прежнему активны.

His art was characterized by bursts of creativity followed by long periods of stasis.

Его творчество характеризуется вспышками творчества, за которыми следуют долгие периоды застоя.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Except for occasional bursts of camaraderie, which came like thunderstorms, we were never close.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

burst in — ворваться, вмешиваться, вламываться
burst out — вспыхивать, разражаться, выметываться
burst up — взорваться, терпеть неудачу, потерпеть крушение

Возможные однокоренные слова

burst  — взрыв, разрыв, вспышка, порыв, ворваться, лопнуть, лопаться, разрываться
burster  — разрывной заряд
bursting  — разрывной, взрыв, разрыв, растрескивание

Synonym: broken, exploded. Similar words: burst in, burst into, burst out laughing, bury, suburb, course, nurse, burn up. Meaning: [bɜːst]  n. 1. the act of exploding or bursting something 2. rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms 3. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason) 4. a sudden violent happening. v. 1. break open or apart suddenly 2. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up 3. burst outward, usually with noise 4. move suddenly, energetically, or violently 5. be in a state of movement or action 6. emerge suddenly 7. cause to burst 8. break open or apart suddenly and forcefully. adj. suddenly and violently broken open especially from internal pressure (`busted’ is an informal term for `burst’). 

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1 From a little spark may burst a mighty flame. 

2 He was taken to hospital with a burst appendix.

3 Rose buds are near the burst.

4 The applause burst from the crowd.

5 The bitter cold caused the water pipes to burst.

6 She burst through the door.

7 A great epidemic burst forth in that area.

8 The door burst open and the children rushed in.

9 He felt he would burst with anger and shame.

10 He burst out laughing .

11 We burst through the enemy defences.

12 The truth burst upon me.

13 They burst open the door and marched in.

14 The explosion was caused by a burst gas pipe.

15 The river burst its banks and flooded nearby towns.

16 He burst into peals of laughter.

17 The plane burst into flame .

18 He pricked the balloon and burst it.

19 The dam burst under the weight of water.

20 The mob burst into the office ranting and raving.

21 They burst in on me while I was working.

22 The sticks burst into flames.

23 There’s a burst water main in Quarry Road.

24 I heard a burst of distant gunfire .

25 The audience burst into wild applause.

26 He burst in upon our conversation.

27 She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.

28 The audience burst into spontaneous applause.

29 The jet crash-landed and burst into flames.

30 The child pricked the balloon and it burst.

More similar words: burst in, burst into, burst out laughing, bury, suburb, course, nurse, burn up, bureau, burn out, burning, suburban, first, pursuit, of course, at worst, discourse, by yourself, at first, in due course, first of all, understand, in the course of, first prize, at first sight, the first person, in the first place, first and foremost. 

Examples of how to use the word “burst” in a sentence. How to connect “burst” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

burst (v): to break open or apart suddenly, or to make something do this

Use “burst” in a sentence

It bursts into flame.
The boy bursts into tears because of losing his ball.
They burst out laughing.

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  • Use the word BURSTS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A fantastical being rushes on an astronomer who defends himself and with a stroke of his umbrella the Selenite bursts into a thousand pieces.

Two bursts caught him and he started to drop.

Not only is Dracula unaffected by the symbol, but the cross itself bursts into flames in Dracula’s presence.

Say, Jake, couldn’t we get one of them sky rockets… to spell «Cobb» when it bursts?

He won’t have to hang there gasping for breath until his eyes pop out of his head and his tongue spreads wide open and his heart bursts.

Until suddenly it bursts wide open and then it’s too late. That’s a very slick explanation, Captain, but it doesn’t satisfy me.

Suddenly, the orchestra bursts into a brilliant finale in which the hours of darkness are overcome by the hours of light.

Hadn’t we better pull out sooner? We’re coming close to those bomb bursts.

Start firing in exactly five minutes, unless a grenade bursts before then.

There’s about enough for a couple of bursts, sir.

With a crash, the ship is broken and bursts into flames.

The blood bursts into flame and burns the houses.

Laugh till your midriff bursts wide open!

I suppose he wanted to mark the bursts.

Mitty’s jaw was a grim, straight line… as he gave the Jerry three more lethal bursts… and watched him go down in flames.

We got a way to go.. Shorten bursts. Don’t waste rounds.

And you be careful with the powder, ’cause it bursts!

It isn’t always like a little spark that bursts into a great flame.

When we were towing the target, I saw some anti-aircraft bursts.

The German army breaks French defensive positions and bursts unstoppable inside the country.

Well, when this whole thing is over… when the bubble bursts, I’ll show you.

There is a danger that a vein bursts and I spit blood!

Big as a house, and we were on target with both bursts.

Your youth has it’s energetic bursts, but I would say it’s a good one.

If there were other bursts of radiation… other clouds drifting across seas and continents… would other beings follow me into this vast new world?

┬ñ A message from Andalusia turned into a song cast to the winds… ┬ñ Colombia has a song that bursts out from its heart,… ┬ñ Colombia has a song that bursts out from its heart,…

┬ñ With cane sweet as honey, the dance of Cali,… ┬ñ A message from Andalusia turned into a song cast to the winds… ┬ñ Colombia has a song that bursts out from its heart.

You shall see her at once, and before Sir Richard bursts with passion.

Shell bursts have holed us on the starboard side.

The seventh night, when the cloud bursts the rain is one of salt and bitterness.

There were bursts of violence, sudden and reckless.

A new problem bursts into the world:

I hear the sound of the fireworks shooting up, and then a huge flower of color bursts open in the sky.

Now, you see, I take this ordinary vase of flowers. I make a few magic passes over it. It bursts into flames, and rockets shoot out.

We cut its sudden bursts, we knock it down.

Carmen had expected, already accepted, in anguish and rage… this disappearance that bursts upon her today.

It’s capable of fantastic bursts of power.

it’s like a permanent fire: it bursts out from somewhere, millions of firefighters rush to extinguish it, most of them die, the fire goes out, no time for a breath and it starts up elsewhere.

poverty follows us in it’s most lethal forms, like food, books, records, clothes, plates, skin, your liver bursts in rage, your throat panics and an inexplicable oblivion of ourselves.

Petrushka bursts out laughing…

Fire out bursts in a one-block radius around these coordinates.

Look, as soon as the next shell bursts in front of us,

All at once And it bursts into view

That’s much closer to reality than your idea of a big security with little bursts of insecurity.

And then, at times… the woman… this sexual-driven, passionate woman… bursts forth like a ripe fruit.

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Eventually this bubble had to burst.

В конце концов, этот пузырь должен был лопнуть.

It had to burst, eventually.

Нарыв должен был, в конце концов, лопнуть.

However, bubbles all eventually burst.

Тем не менее, все пузыри когда-нибудь лопаются.

This is what happens when bubbles burst.

Но именно так и происходит, когда лопаются пузыри.

That bubble finally burst in 1998.

Пузырь, наконец, взорвался в 2008 году.

Paris, Marseilles, Brussels are about to burst.

«Париж, Марсель, Брюссель вот-вот взорвутся«, — сказал он.

We must have burst a tire or something.

Должно быть, у нас лопнула шина или что-то в этом роде.

But developers need to let their bubbles burst.

Но девелоперы должны сделать так, чтобы их ценовые пузыри лопнули.

Their balls eventually burst much less often than the rest.

Их шары в конечном счёте лопались намного реже, чем у остальных.

This causes the fat pockets built around the areas to burst and dissolve.

Это приводит к тому, что толстые карманы, образованные вокруг областей, лопаются и растворяются.

Some succeeded, and others burst.

Некоторым это удается, другие же… лопаются .

Water bottles and bladders can burst leaving you with nothing.

Бутылки с водой и водный пузырь могут лопнуть, оставив вас ни с чем.

Bubbles burst when changes in sentiment — not level — turn negative.

Пузыри лопаются, когда происходят изменения в настроении, а не в уровне, становятся отрицательными.

No one knows when the bubble might burst.

Никто не знает, в какой момент этот пузырёк может лопнуть.

Not unless you want me to burst my stitches.

Нет, если только ты не хочешь, чтобы я лопнул по швам.

‘In 1990 the bubble finally burst.

В 1990 г. пузырь, в конце концов, лопнул.

The formation of ulcers: bubbles burst, and in their place there are sores.

Образование язв: пузырьки лопаются, а на их месте появляются язвочки.

Sometimes it seems like my heart will burst if I love you more.

Иногда только боюсь, что сердце лопнет, если там еще больше любви поселится.

This can lead to red blood cells becoming stuck in blood vessels and causing them to burst.

Это может привести к тому, что красные кровяные клетки застрянут в кровеносных сосудах и заставят их лопнуть.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат burst

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Sentences with the word Burst?



  • «his final, straining burst of speed»; «a strenuous task»; «your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here»- F.D.Roosevelt
  • «The bubble burst«
  • «Unrest erupted in the country»; «Tempers flared at the meeting»; «The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism»
  • «he didn’t want to burst the newcomer’s bubble»
  • «the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children»; «the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft»
  • «a burst of applause»; «a fit of housecleaning»
  • «an outburst of heavy rain»; «a burst of lightning»
  • «He burst out of the house into the cool night»
  • «The sun burst into view»
  • «The dam burst«
  • «We burst out laughing»; «`I hate you,’ she burst out»
  • «in no fit state to continue»; «fit to drop»; «laughing fit to burst«; «she was fit to scream»; «primed for a fight»; «we are set to go at any time»
  • «burst headlong through the gate»
  • «He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears»

This article will look at phrasal verbs starting with the word “Burst.”

The list of phrasal verbs that start with the word “Burst” is as follows.

  1. Burst in/into
  2. Burst in on

Let us see the meaning of each phrasal verb with Burst and their usage in a sentence.

1. Burst in

Burst in/into meaning: To enter a room or building suddenly and noisily

Using Burst in/into in a sentence:

  • The dog burst in through the open door, chasing after a squirrel.
  • The burglar burst in through the window, surprising the homeowners.
  • The intruder burst into the museum, attempting to steal valuable artifacts.
  • The student burst in during the professor’s office hours, seeking extra help on an assignment.
  • The storm burst in unexpectedly, causing damage to the surrounding area.
  • The thief burst into the jewelry store, stealing several expensive pieces.
  • The neighbor burst into the house party, complaining about the noise.
  • The customer burst into the store, demanding a refund for a defective product.
  • The employee burst into the manager’s office, requesting a raise.
  • The doctor burst into the patient’s room, delivering a critical diagnosis.
  • The animal burst into the jungle, causing the other animals to scatter.

2. Burst in on

Burst in on meaning: Suddenly come back

Using Burst in on in a sentence:

  • The fire alarm suddenly burst in, causing everyone to evacuate the building.
  • The police burst in on the robbery in progress, apprehending the suspects.
  • I was in the middle of a meeting when my phone burst in, interrupting the proceedings.
  • To their surprise, the children burst in on their parents’ anniversary dinner.
  • The candidates burst in on the debate, demanding to be included in the discussion.
  • The protesters burst in on the city council meeting, demanding to be heard.
  • The paparazzi burst in on the celebrity’s private event, causing a commotion.
  • The ambulance burst in on the scene, rushing the injured person to the hospital.
  • The teacher burst in on the class, interrupting the students’ discussion.
  • The reporter burst in on the press conference, asking a controversial question.
  • The police burst in on the illegal gambling operation, shutting it down.
  • The comedian burst in on the audience, getting them laughing with his jokes.
  • The band burst in on the stage, starting the concert with a bang.
  • The president burst in on the meeting, making an important announcement.

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