Sentence with the word bound

Synonym: boundary, enclose, going, jump, leap, limit, on the way, surround. Antonym: unbound. Similar words: boundary, abound in, round and round, bounce, round, ground, around, expound. Meaning: [baʊnd]  n. 1. a line determining the limits of an area 2. the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something 3. the greatest possible degree of something 4. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards. v. 1. move forward by leaps and bounds 2. form the boundary of; be contiguous to 3. place limits on (extent or access) 4. spring back; spring away from an impact. adj. 1. held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union 2. confined by bonds 3. secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form 4. (usually followed by `to’) governed by fate 5. covered or wrapped with a bandage 6. headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students’ 7. bound by an oath 8. bound by contract 9. confined in the bowels. 

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1. Talk of the Devil, and he is bound to appear. 

2. If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we are not bound to trust him. Thomas Fuller 

3. The doctor bound the wound with gauze.

4. He was left bound and gagged .

5. We bound the enemy to a post.

6. They bound him down with cords.

6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

7. Goats can bound from rock to rock.

8. His sister had been bound to secrecy.

9. If he chooses Mary it’s bound to cause problems.

10. Everyone’s opinion is bound to be subjective.

11. They bound my arms and legs with rope.

12. You are bound by oath to tell the truth.

13. His death was bound up with the matter.

14. They bound the boy’s hands.

15. Your work is bound to be successful.

16. She was bound to a chair.

17. He’s bound to go, and nothing could stop him.

18. It’s bound to be sunny again tomorrow.

19. There are bound to be price increases next year.

20. I’d be homeward bound even before Grant arrived.

21. He was bound over to keep the peace.

22. Peg away, students(, and you are bound to win.

23. They bound the packages with brightly coloured ribbon.

24. These problems were almost bound to arise.

25. It was bound to happen sooner or later .

26. You’re bound to be nervous the first time .

27. The injured arm was bound by bandage.

28. Rubber balls can be made to bound.

29. You’re bound to feel nervous about your interview.

More similar words: boundary, abound in, round and round, bounce, round, ground, around, expound, compound, founder, round off, all round, round up, come round, surround, all around, get around, go around, profound, scoundrel, confounded, background, surrounding, middle ground, revolve around, on the grounds of, around the corner, about, rub out, get about. 

связанный, обязанный, граница, предел, связывать, ограничивать


- обязанный, вынужденный

bound to military service — военнообязанный
he is legally bound to do it — по закону он обязан сделать это

- непременный, обязательный

something is bound to happen — что-то обязательно должно произойти
the plan is bound to succeed — план непременно удастся
this horse is bound to win — эта лошадь обязательно выиграет
he is bound to die — ему суждено умереть

- predic. амер. разг. решившийся (на что-л.); намеренный (сделать что-л.)

he is bound he will have his way — он решил поступить по своему

- спец. несвободный, связанный

bound energy — физ. связанная энергия

- переплетённый, в переплёте (о книге и т. п.)

bound in leather — в кожаном переплёте

ещё 4 варианта


- прыжок, скачок

with one bound — одним прыжком
a bound forward — быстрое движение /рывок/ вперёд

- воен. перебежка
- отскок (мяча)

to catch a ball on the bound — поймать мяч, как только он отскочит

- воен. рикошет (тж. bound shot)
- поэт. сильный удар сердца

ещё 5 вариантов


- прыгать, скакать; быстро бежать, нестись

to bound up — вскакивать
his dog came bounding to meet him — собака бросилась ему навстречу
big rocks were bounding down the side of the hill — по склонам горы скатывались огромные камни
his heart bounded with joy — его сердце радостно колотилось /ёкнуло/

- отскакивать (о мяче и т. п.)

the ball struck the wall and bounded back to me — мяч ударился об стену и отскочил обратно ко мне

- воен. отскакивать, рикошетировать
- ограничивать, служить границей

England is bounded on the north by Scotland — на севере Англия граничит с Шотландией
the Pacific Ocean bounds California on the west — с запада Калифорнию омывает Тихий океан

- амер. называть, указывать границы

to bound France — назвать границы Франции

- ограничивать, сдерживать

you should bound your desires by reason — вы должны разумно ограничивать свои желания
no nice scruples bounded his conduct — он не отличался щепетильностью

Мои примеры


two sticks of dynamite bound together by tape — две динамитные шашки, связанные вместе лентой  
to bound a variable below — ограничивать переменную снизу  
variable with upper bound — переменная с верхним пределом  
to be bound for — следовать в направлении  
to increase without bound — возрастать неограниченно  
to feel bound to say — быть вынужденным сказать  
bound volumes of the magazines — переплетённые подшивки журналов  
to catch / take the ball before the bound — действовать слишком поспешно  
to be bound apprentice — быть отданным в учение (ремеслу)  
bound book — книга в переплете  
at a bound — одним прыжком  

Примеры с переводом

I am bound to do what I promised you.

Я обязан сделать то, что вам обещал.

She bound her hair in a ponytail.

Она собрала свои волосы в хвост.

They bound his legs tight.

Они крепко связали его ноги. / Ему крепко связали ноги.

This problem is bound up with many others.

Эта проблема связана со многими другими.

The horses started with a sudden bound.

Лошади неожиданно рванули.

The prisoner was bound to a post and shot.

Приговорённого привязали к столбу и расстреляли.

Something like that was bound to happen sooner or later.

Рано или поздно что-то подобное должно было произойти.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It’s bound to get out that he’s retiring soon.

They’re bound to be on a high after such an incredible victory.

Going back to work after a month travelling in China was bound to be an anticlimax.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

boundary  — граница, черта, межа, пограничный
bounden  — обязательный, требуемый, обязанный
bounder  — прохвост, шумливый человек, пройдоха, развязный человек
boundless  — безграничный, бескрайний, беспредельный, безбрежный, необозримый
inbound  — входящий, прибывающий, возвращающийся, прибывающий из-за границы
rebound  — отскок, отдача, рикошет, отскакивание, отскакивать, накатываться
unbound  — свободный, непереплетенный, не связанный обязательствами
bounded  — ограниченный
embound  — ограничивать, заключать, класть предел

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: bound
he/she/it: bounds
ing ф. (present participle): bounding
2-я ф. (past tense): bounded
3-я ф. (past participle): bounded

ед. ч.(singular): bound
мн. ч.(plural): bounds

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The galaxies are gravitationally bound and will eventually merge into one.

Галактики гравитационно связаны друг с другом и, в конечном итоге, сольются в одну.

The two challenges are bound together.

Эти две задачи неразрывно связаны друг с другом.

I am not bound to negotiate with anyone.

Я не обязан торговаться с кем бы то ни было.

This suggests that grinding might release hydrogen that is ordinarily chemically bound to rocks.

Это говорит о том, что помол пород может высвобождать водород, который обычно химически связан с породами.

We found him bound and gagged.

Мы нашли его связанным и с кляпом во рту.

Her son knew the end was bound not.

Ее сын знал, что в конце был связан нет.

Trying to figure out this bound magic nightmare.

Пытаемся разобраться в этом кошмаре со «связанной магией».

Her wrists are rubbed raw where she was bound.

У неё на запястьях следы верёвки, которой она была связана.

Gold is found both in free form and bound in sulphides.

Золото находится как в свободной форме, так и в связанной в сульфидах.

Scientists estimate the galaxy contains roughly 400 billion stars bound together by gravity.

Ученые считают, что в нашей галактике содержится приблизительно 400 миллиардов звезд, связанных друг с другом силами гравитации.

Trions consist of three charged particles bound together by very weak bonding energy.

Квазичастицы Трионы состоят из трех заряженных частиц, связанных друг с другом очень слабой энергией связи.

Japan is bound hand and foot.

А Россия теперь связана по рукам и ногам.

Tests indicated Mikhail likely landed in the grave with bound hands and feet.

Исследования показали, что Михаила, вероятно, уложили в могилу со связанными руками и ногами.

There, they find Linda bound and unconscious.

Там они видят Линду связанную, с кляпом во рту и без сознания.

You say that we are bound, good.

All your sense organs are outward bound.

За рулем все твои органы чувств находятся на пределе.

We could do a bound carpet.

The grade it receives is bound to be high.

Опора, в качестве которой он выступает, обязательно должна быть высокой.

Sports was what bound us together.

Тогда спорт был единственным, что нас связывало.

The love is necessary to bound two people.

Ведь любовь существует для того, чтобы связывать двух людей.

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bound — перевод на русский


— Oh, it’s bound to.

— Все вещи связаны.

Each of us is bound to each other.

Мы связаны друг с другом.

— Why were you bound?

— Почему Вы были связаны?

My hand are bound!

Мои руки связаны!

Bound together by time and pain and the need to survive.

Связаны вместе временем и болью и необходимостью выжить.

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«If the city can just keep a few steps ahead of the burial ground… «we are bound to become the most flourishing camp in the Southwest.

Если город выйдет с честью из этого сражения, мы просто обязаны стать самым процветающим местом на Юго-Западе.

— Sure, we’re bound to have.

— Конечно, мы обязаны иметь.

They’re bound to get in sooner or later.

Они обязаны войти рано или поздно.

They’re bound to investigate and take action.

Они обязаны провести расследование и принять меры.

So we’re bound to experience all kinds of freak side effects.

Так что мы обязаны испытать все необычные побочные эффекты.

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We’d better bind him.

Надо его связать.

It is pointless to struggle, my Quarks have used a molecular force to bind your bodies to the wall.

Нет смысла бороться, мой Кварки использовал молекулярную энергию, чтобы связать ваши тела со стеной.

If you cannot resist disrupting the court, I order the marshal to bind and gag you.

Поскольку вы не прекращаете издеваться над судом, я приказываю маршалу связать вас и заткнуть вам рот!

You two, bind her!

Вы двое, связать её!

To argue with Shatov, he must first bind.

Чтобы рассуждать с Шатовым, его сначала надо связать.

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And we’d be bound to hear if anything happened.

И нам бы обязательно стало известно, если б что случилось.

And if you don’t hold his interest… he’s bound to go whistling under other people’s balconies.

И если не поддерживать его интерес, он обязательно пойдет насвистывать под чужими балконами.

There’s never any telling what you’ll say or do next but it’s bound to be astonishing.

Никто не может сказать, что вы сделаете или скажете в следующий раз, но это обязательно будет удивительным.

You’re bound to cut yourself.

Ты обязательно порежешься.

After 20 years, someone is bound to die.

За 20 лет кто-нибудь уж обязательно умрет.

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We’re bound by certain things.

Нас многое связывает.

In his hand does not carry a weapon in order no to be bound to kill someone.

Оружия в руки не берет. Да и еще связывает себя на всякий случай, чтобы вдруг не убить кого-то.

What binds the spectators… is merely the irreversible relation to the very center which… maintains their isolation.

Зрителей ничего не связывает, кроме спектакля — т.е. центра, стягивающего к себе все взгляды, и тем самым поддерживающего изоляцию зрителей друг от друга.

The force that binds and shapes us shall be feared and adored.

Силы, которая связывает и формирует нас, будут бояться и поклоняться.

I will relinquish everything that binds me to life … if only Thou dost restore everything as it was before … as it was this morning and yesterday,

Я оставлю всё, что связывает меня с жизнью. Только сделай так, чтобы всё было как прежде, как сегодня утром, как вчера.

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I tell you, there are no bounds, Lanyon.

Но, знай же, никаких границ нет, Лэньон.

My lust knows no bounds.

Моя страсть не знает границ.

Your hospitality know no bounds.

Твоя любезность не знает границ.

That was unavoidable. For from his first week he was the most conspicuous man of his year by reason of his beauty which was arresting and his eccentricities of behavior which seemed to know no bounds.

Это было неизбежно, так как с первого дня он сделался самым заметным студентом на курсе благодаря своей красоте, которая привлекала внимание, и своим чудачествам, которые, казалось, не знали границ.

My sister’s evil knows no bounds

Зло моей сестры Керии, не знает границ.

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Something’s bound to happen.

Что-то должно случиться.

It’s bound to be something frightful…

Это должно быть что-то страшное…

It was bound to happen.

— Это должно было случиться.

It’s bound to be hot.

Должно быть, горячие.

Matter? There’s bound to be an official reaction.

Должно быть официальное противодействие.

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Yeah, but now that we’re running it, we can do it right, with epi-injector sites and fair prices, because the way Frankie and Mickey were doing it, someone was bound to get hurt, and not just the allergic kids.

Но теперь этим занимаемся мы, и всё пойдёт как надо: с пунктом выдачи антиаллергенных препаратов и честными ценами. У Френки с Микки всё было поставлено так, что кто-то должен был пострадать.

Burt’s bound to be grateful.

Берт должен быть благодарным.

Somebody was bound to get hurt.

Кто-то должен был пострадать. Кто-то должен был пострадать.

— There’s bound to be a doctor there…

— Там должен быть доктор.

The bloke’s bound to be registered somewhere.

Он должен быть зарегистрирован где-то.

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Randolph or somebody’s bound to bite.

Рэндольф или кто-нибудь другой наверняка клюнет.

We’re bound to flush him out by morning.

Наверняка к утру мы уже схватим его.

Yeah, they’re bound to catch him, you know.

Они наверняка его поймают.

He’s bound to need something.

Ему наверняка что-то нужно.

Now listen, there’s bound to be lots of stairs in there.

А теперь послушай, там наверняка куча лестниц.

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You’re bound to make a good impression on your cousin with this painting.

Эта картина должна произвести хорошее впечатление на твоего брата. Как ты думаешь?

I am bound to speak.

Должна я говорить —

— Oh, yes, bound to be.

— О, да, должна.

The girl’s gratitude is bound to make her become friends again.

Девушка из чувства благодарности должна будет помириться с ним,.. простить его, и они снова станут друзьями.

Though I’m bound to say… all the London relatives seemed to enjoy it no end.

Но, должна сказать, что, похоже, вся моя лондонская родня была от них в восторге.

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Sentences with the word Bound?



  • «the bandaged wound on the back of his head»; «an injury bound in fresh gauze»
  • «bound and gagged hostages»
  • «bound volumes»; «leather-bound volumes»
  • «a bound official»
  • «he is bound in the belly»
  • «bound to happen»; «an old house destined to be demolished»; «he is destined to be famous»
  • «children bound for school»; «a flight destined for New York»
  • «Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city»
  • «too facile a solution for so complex a problem»; «it was a neat plan, but bound to fail»; «a slick advertising campaign»
  • «he determined the upper bound with Descartes’ rule of signs»; «he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials»
  • «furled sails bound securely to the spar»; «a furled flag»; «his rolled umbrella hanging on his arm»
  • «the volume was handsomely bound«
  • «in a homeward direction»; «homeward-bound commuters»
  • «we are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe»
  • «the departing train»; «an outward journey»; «outward-bound ships»
  • «corn is bound in small sheaves and several sheaves are set up together in shocks»; «whole fields of wheat in shock»

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word bound, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use bound in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «bound».

Bound in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word bound in a sentence.

  1. But he felt bound by his word.

  2. McLeod, and bound over for trial.

  3. The arrows are bound by a ribbon.

  4. Quentin Bay, bound for the Atlantic.

  5. The mantle is bound with two large tassels.

  6. Bonville attended in person and was bound over.

  7. They departed Kiel on 7 July, bound for Danzig.

  8. Homeward bound, she died at Dresden on 19 April 1859.

  9. The young are fed balls of insects bound with saliva.

  10. A train stopped at the station, bound for another place.

  11. Perfectly good ones will be bound to drive people mad.».

  12. The division left Britain during October bound for Egypt.

  13. The figure wears a loincloth bound by a belt and decorated with a large U symbol.

  14. Afterwards, it sets that index as the upper bound, and switches to binary search.

  15. Her own view of these achievements was modest: «Some woman was bound to be first.

  16. Meanwhile, Davis’s belongings continued on the train bound for Cedar Key, Florida.

  17. The book was available bound for 5 shillings, or plainly stitched for 3 shillings.

  18. His death mask and a book said to be bound with his tanned skin can be seen at Surgeons’ Hall Museum.

  19. All neutral ships bound for ports in North America were required to report to Halifax for inspection.

  20. She left Hawaii on 9 September with 3,712 Navy officers and enlisted men bound for the United States.

  21. Ran away from the subscriber, two apprentice boys, legally bound, named William and Andrew Johnson ..

  22. He defended their actions and noted she was bound to uphold the laws and if she did not, others would.

  23. Jackson was encouraged because Tyler had a strong independent streak and was not bound by party lines.

  24. Laskaris allowed Theodore to leave, but bound him with an oath of allegiance to himself and his heirs.

  25. On 8 April the Mahler family and a permanent nurse left New York on board SS Amerika bound for Europe.

  26. He produced 175 copies for sale to subscribers as a part-publication, which were later bound as a book.

  27. In blood plasma, zinc is bound to and transported by albumin (60%, low-affinity) and transferrin (10%).

  28. Feeling honor bound to protect Davis, he attempted to create a diversion that would allow him to escape.

  29. Dickson (Alien from Arcturus, 1956, D-139, bound with Nick Boddie Williams’ The Atom Curtain), Samuel R.

  30. Compounds derived from the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are bound to several urinary proteins.

  31. On 10 November, Gneisenau departed Wilhelmshaven, bound for Germany’s Kiautschou Bay concession in China.

  32. The review mixed literary criticism with moral sermonising, to which Waugh felt bound to object publicly.

  33. However, XeCl2 may be merely a van der Waals molecule of weakly bound Xe atoms and Cl2 molecules and not a real compound.

  34. In future years, the club remained an advocate of eliminating the bound rule, but Adams’ continued efforts were rejected.

  35. XXI Bomber Command mounted a maximum effort, and on the afternoon of 9 March 346 B-29s left the Marianas bound for Tokyo.

  36. In any dielectric material, the electrons remain bound to their respective atoms and the material behaves as an insulator.

  37. And this gray spirit yearning in desire To follow knowledge like a sinking star, Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.

  38. He embarked with about 700 others on the troopship HMAT A74 Marathon in Melbourne on 23 July bound for the United Kingdom.

  39. It was equipped with five C-53s originally bound for the Philippines, and two B-18s and a C-39 that had escaped from there.

  40. The prisoners were mostly kept bound hand and foot on the slow passage to Coupang, which they reached on 17 September 1791.

  41. For example, the Big Eight and SEC champions could never meet, since they were contractually bound to different bowl games.

  42. Princess Royal sailed from Cromarty on 28 September to rendezvous with a Canadian troop convoy bound for the United Kingdom.

  43. She went on to write that she could not “suppose any situation more distressing” for a woman of “sensibility with an improving mind” to be bound to a husband like Maria’s.

  44. Organic cofactors can be either coenzymes, which are released from the enzyme’s active site during the reaction, or prosthetic groups, which are tightly bound to an enzyme.

  45. Three hundred metres (980 ft) beyond the townsite, traffic bound for South Australia turns south onto Coolgardie–Esperance Highway, following the National Highway 94 route.

  46. Ordered to relieve the Union forces besieged in the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Sherman departed from Memphis on October 11, 1863, aboard a train bound for Chattanooga.

  47. Although he initially agreed to these demands, on January 17, 1868, Yoshinobu declared that he would not be bound by the Restoration proclamation and called for its repeal.

Synonyms for bound

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word bound has the following synonyms: apprenticed, articled, indentured, unfree, bandaged, treated, brassbound, cased, half-bound, paperback, paperbacked, well-bound, chained, enchained, in chains, fettered, in bonds, in fetters, shackled, furled, rolled, pinioned, tethered, trussed, tied, wired, conjugate, conjugated, constipated, destined, certain, sure, oriented, orientated, sworn, boundary, edge, bounds, leap, leaping, spring, saltation, bounce, limit, border, border on, resile, take a hop, rebound, recoil, reverberate, ricochet, jump, leap out, jump on, restrict, restrain, trammel, confine and throttle.

General information about «bound» example sentences

The example sentences for the word bound that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «bound» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «bound».


Examples of how to use the word “bound” in a sentence. How to connect “bound” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

bound (adj): certain or extremely likely to happen

Use “bound” in a sentence

He is bound to fail.
The weather is bound toget worse tomorrow morning.
Hold on for a second. I’m bound to finish.

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  • Use the word BOUND in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The astronomers are captured, bound and taken to the palace of the King of the Selenites.

All bound ’round a woolen string!

All bound ’round, all bound ’round. All bound ’round with a woolen string!

We are bound by law and order like everybody else.

It is the dreadful spell of beauty, normally bound, half-concealed from the senses and now raging, exposed to the daylight and lecherous eyes like a beautiful woman’s limbs, shyly covered in the years of desire,

I just stole this little, expensively bound Russian book.»

The white woman stole and bound our lord!

Thus Bechlam and Burgundy are bound together: one heart, one life, one death!

A tender affection bound Mallet to his sister Madame Laisne.

We be porters bound for the Palace of the Caliph.

At the bottom of the sea is an iron-bound box.

Now they were homeward bound and they were leaving the hardship and toil of Alaska to live in the land of milk and honey.

ÔÖ½ » All the way from Ireland ÔÖ½ ÔÖ½ With a Swede named Squaarehead Joe ÔÖ½ ÔÖ½ bound to find Dakota ÔÖ½

» Pardner … where-you all bound for? «

At this time of year the belly bacon from the country is bound to be good.

Not having a maid, Golikov is bound to do the housework all by himself.

Venus harnessed to her chariot The god Mars, bound by love.

We’re bound to move camp when we get to Vacherauville.

might be amusing. They’re bound to get all the details wrong.

There’s bound to be trouble when she misses the necklace.

bound to crap out some of these times.

For I’m an hombre Texas bound, early in the morning!

Then came a work for them, bound by a good friendship.

Abduction or escape, the important thing is to solve this mystery, which, of course, is bound to create a scandal around my name.

Now it’s bound to be under one of them.

We’re bound to be, aren’t we, darling?

# Don’t be afraid of the first kiss # because it’s bound to happen one day.

# You’d better be afraid of the last kiss # because it’s bound to happen, too.

# You’d better be afraid of the last kiss # because it’s bound to happen one day, too.

So he asked to be bound to the mast of his ship, and that way he passed by without harm.

Well. it was bound to come.

Early morning; homeward bound.

Just prior to Dracula, she appeared in the screen adaptation of Sutton Vane’s drama Outward bound, about a ship whose passengers don’t yet realise they’re dead and sailing toward judgment.

It’s bound to be an awkward situation for all of us.

He’s bound to tell everyone.

Now, look here, hillcrist. I don’t object to you personally. You seem to me a poor sort of creature that’s bound to get left with your gout and your dignity.

But he’s bound to go on, because he knows there’s something.

Louisville bound with a bank roll big enough to choke a cow.

TICKETS SOLD TO ALL ISLAND PORTS The schooner Hinano is due June 24h bound for Papeete.

He’s bound to bawl us out, but that can’t be helped.

It’s bound to be a lot of man talk.

If they’re white, they can’t stand the gaffe. If they’re native, one of them is bound to drift from the coolies’ quarters, and end up waiting on you at breakfast.

Bill’s bound to be bumping into her all the time.

That’s where — where I was bound when — when my ship went down.

As long as there’s cities, you’re bound to have vice in ’em.

He’s bound to do something in a minute.

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