Sentence with the word bear

Synonym: animal, carry, endure, hold, produce, support, withstand, yield. Similar words: beard, forbear, bear up, bear out, bear on, bugbear, bearings, bear with. Meaning: [beə]  n. 1. massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws 2. an investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price. v. 1. have 2. cause_to_be_born 3. put up with something or somebody unpleasant 4. move while holding up or supporting 5. bring forth, «The apple tree bore delicious apples this year» 6. take on as one’s own the expenses or debts of another person 7. contain or hold; have within 8. bring in 9. have on one’s person 10. behave in a certain manner 11. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices 12. support or hold in a certain manner 13. be pregnant with. 

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1. Bear with evil and expect good. 

2. Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 

3. A light heart can bear everything. 

4. It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others. 

5. It is to easy bear the misfortunes of others. 

6. He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune. 

7. Sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear. 

8. He who shareth honey with the bear hath the least part of it. 

9. The misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come. 

10. Do not sell the bear’s skin before you have caught the bear. 

11. He tried to bring pressure to bear on her.

12. He can’t bear being laughed at.

13. The chief cadre in charge should bear greater responsibility.

14. He is so rude that nobody can bear him.

15. He can’t bear to be laughed at.

16. The roof couldn’t bear the stress of the snow.

17. These columns bear the weight of the roof.

18. His shoulders can bear a heavy load.

19. The pain was almost more than he could bear.

20. We saw a baby polar bear at the zoo.

21. He could not bear the terrible English climate.

22. Don’t bear hard upon the pencil,[][] it will break.

23. Different trees bear different fruits.

24. He will bear me out in what I advance.

25. With a smile the speaker, to bear the responsibility.

26. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing him.

27. We sell all shapes and sizes of teddy bear.

28. The evil [evils] we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear

29. The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear

30. Nothing is a greater misfortune than not being able to bear misfortune. 

More similar words: beard, forbear, bear up, bear out, bear on, bugbear, bearings, bear with, bearable, bear in mind, forbearance, standard-bearer, year after year, beam, bean, beat, beak, beach, beast, beads, beat up, beaten, beaded, beacon, beauty, upbeat, be able to, beat down, beautify, be aware of. 

медведь, медведка, козел, нести, иметь, носить, переносить, терпеть


- медведь; медведица

bear’s cub — медвежонок
bear driver — вожак медведя

- медведь, неуклюжий человек

bear sport — шумная, грубая игра /забава/
to play the bear — вести себя как медведь, быть грубым /неуклюжим, бестактным/
what a bear! — что за медведь!, ну и грубиян!

- медвежий мех
- десятилетний бойскаут
- бирж. проф. спекулянт, играющий на понижение, «медведь»

bear market — рынок с тенденцией на понижение
bear operation /speculation/ — спекуляция на понижение
to sell a bear — а) играть на понижение; б) продать то, чего не имеешь, надуть
go to a bear — играть на понижение

ещё 4 варианта


- бирж. проф. играть на понижение
- переносить, перевозить

the ship bore him to a distant country — корабль унёс его далеко от родины
the mules bearing the baggage remained behind — мулы с кладью остались позади

- книжн. носить, нести (обыкн. что-л. тяжёлое)

to bear a banner — нести знамя
to come bearing rich gifts — прийти с богатыми дарами

- гнать, нести (тж. bear along)

the crowd bore us along — толпа увлекла нас за собой
the boat was borne backward by the wind — ветер отнёс лодку назад

- направляться, поворачиваться; держаться

to bear east [north, south, west] — двигаться на восток [на север, на юг, на запад]
to bear before the wind — мор. спускаться под ветер
to bear a course — мор. прокладывать курс (по карте)
when you come to the bridge bear to the right — когда подойдёте к мосту, поверните направо
the road bears to the right — дорога отклоняется вправо

ещё 22 варианта

Мои примеры


a mother bear and her cubs — медведица и её медвежата  
a teddy bear with soft fur — плюшевый медведь с мягким мехом  
the bear enclosure at the zoo — медвежий вольер в зоопарке  
a mustache dosed with bear grease — усы, смазанные медвежьим жиром  
to bear a heavy load — нести тяжёлый груз  
to bear the cases downstairs — снести чемоданы вниз  
to bear the signature — иметь подпись, быть подписанным  
to bear responsibility — нести ответственность  
to bear the losses — нести потери, терпеть убытки  
to bear testimony / witness — свидетельствовать, показывать  
to bear the news — передавать новости  
to bear oneself well — вести себя хорошо  

Примеры с переводом

I can’t bear him.

Я его не выношу.

She is bearing his child.

Она носит его ребёнка. / Она беременна от него.

I’ll bear the idea in mind.

Я буду иметь это в виду.

I can’t bear being cold.

Терпеть не могу мёрзнуть.

She is unable to bear.

Она не может иметь детей.

He bore the name ‘Magnus’.

Он носил имя «Магнус».

He bore her no malice.

Он не питал к ней злобы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We believe our pupils’ results will bear comparison with any in Scotland.

The store bears the hallmarks (=it has the qualities) of a family-owned business.

The 1990s brought increased economic pressure to bear on all business activities.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

bear away — выйти победителем, выигрывать
bear down — сломить, устремляться, нападать, преодолевать, набрасываться, влиять
bear off — отклоняться
bear on — касаться, иметь отношение, мириться, относиться терпеливо
bear out — подтверждать, подкреплять, поддерживать
bear up — выдерживать, поддерживать, подбадривать, спускаться, стойко держаться

Возможные однокоренные слова

overbear  — подавлять, пересиливать, превозмогать, превосходить
bearable  — терпимый, сносный
bearer  — предъявитель, податель, носильщик, опора, санитар, подушка, плодоносящее растение
bearing  — подшипник, опора, отношение, ношение, несущий, опорный, рождающий, приносящий
bearish  — медвежий, понижательный, пессимистичный, грубый, неотесанный
bearward  — вожак медведя

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: bear
he/she/it: bears
ing ф. (present participle): bearing
2-я ф. (past tense): bore
3-я ф. (past participle): borne

ед. ч.(singular): bear
мн. ч.(plural): bears

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Grizzly bear is a North American brown bear — the most formidable predator of the New World.

Медведь гризли, он же северо-американский бурый медведь — самый грозный хищник Нового Света.

And… teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around, teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.

Crashes are generally associated with bear markets.

На фондовом рынке, бюсты, как правило, связаны с рынками медведя.

This bear attacked and devoured another adult male bear.

Этот медведь напал на другого взрослого самца медведя и сожрал его.

Whilst other bear species are omnivorous, the polar bear is pure carnivore.

В то время как другие виды медведей всеядны, полярный медведь является чистокровным хищником.

It is ridiculous to pretend that a part of a bear constitutes a whole bear.

Смешно делать вид, что часть медведя — это целый медведь.

People are asking what happened to the polar bear, so we will be doing some polar bear stories.

Люди спрашивают, что случилось с полярным медведем, поэтому мы сделали несколько историй про полярного медведя.

When he talks to the bear, you believe that bear is sitting there.

Когда он разговаривает с медведем, ты веришь, что медведь реально там.

This splendid bear made in 1904 marks an important milestone in the history of the teddy bear.

Великолепный медведь образца 1904-го года был важной вехой в истории плюшевых медведей.

So think about that moment back in 1902 again where a ferocious bear became a teddy bear.

Представьте себе тот момент в 1902 году, когда свирепый медведь превратился в плюшевого мишку.

Ancient bear hunters would say, the bear‘s spirit is rising to heaven.

Древние охотники на медведя сказали бы, что дух медведя возносится к небесам.

Sometimes you poke the bear, sometimes the bear stomps on your picnic.

Иногда ты щелкаешь медведя по носу, иногда медведь топчет твой пикник.

If you find me wrestling with a bear in the woods, pray for the bear.

Если вы видите меня в схватке с медведем, помолитесь за медведя.

Sometime you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you.

First, the polar bear aren’t just a branch of the brown bear family tree.

Во-первых, белый медведь — это не просто ветвь родословной бурого медведя.

If I had put the bear in a comfortable frame, you would have thought, ‘pretty polar bear‘.

Если бы я поместил медведя в правильный кадр, вы бы подумали: симпатичный белый медведь .

And surprisingly this is because the polar bear is the closest relative of the brown bear.

А удивительно это потому, что белый медведь — ближайший родственник бурого медведя.

A bear does not have to learn to be a bear; he simply is one.

Медведю не нужно учиться, чтобы стать медведем; он и так медведь.

The youngest species of the genus is the polar bear, which separated from the brown bear about 200,000 years ago.

Самым молодым видом рода является белый медведь который отделился от бурого медведя примерно 200000 лет назад.

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Definition of Bear

to tolerate or accept something

Examples of Bear in a sentence

Michelle couldn’t bear to see her ex-husband with someone else, even years after their divorce.


I couldn’t bear watching my friend get bullied and had to step up to help him.


Leslie was ready for her first year of college, but wasn’t sure she could bear being away from her mother for so long.


The investor couldn’t bear the thought of losing his fortune, so he decided to sell his sinking business.


Megan’s kind heart couldn’t bear leaving the abandoned puppies on the side of the road.


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Most Searched Words (with Video)

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • bear [bɛə] гл

    1. нести, иметь, приносить, переносить, выносить, терпеть, рождать, родить, принести, понести, вынести, рожать, вынашивать, потерпеть

      (carry, bring, suffer, beget, give birth)

      • bear responsibility – нести ответственность
      • bear in mind – иметь в виду
      • bear fruit – приносить свои плоды
      • bear the heat – переносить жару
      • bear the pain – терпеть боль
      • bear a son – родить сына
      • bear children – рожать детей
    2. носить


      • bear arms – носить оружие
    3. выдержать


    4. ложиться


  • bear [bɛə] сущ

    1. медведьм, мишкам, медведицаж

      (medved, teddy bear)

      • brown bear – бурый медведь
      • big teddy bear – большой плюшевый медведь
      • hunting of polar bears – охота на белого медведя
      • lesser bear – малая медведица
  • bear [bɛə] прил

    1. медвежий


      • great bear lake – большое медвежье озеро
  • bear [bɛə]

    1. Bear

медведь bear
дыропробивной пресс punch press, bear, punch
козел goat, asshole, buck, motherfucker, sow, bear
грубый человек cad, brute, churl, beast, boor, bear
невоспитанный человек vulgarian, bear, boor, cad, outsider, savage
спекулянт speculator, profiteer, spiv, bear
медведка bear
швабра mop, swab, bear, swob
нести carry, bear, bring, waft, tote, wash
иметь have, keep, bear, own, hold, get
вынести bear, endure, stand, take out, carry out, take away
носить wear, carry, bear
терпеть tolerate, endure, suffer, stand, bear, put up
переносить transfer, carry, transport, bear, stand, translate
выдерживать withstand, stand, survive, support, sustain, bear
вынашивать bear, nurture, gestate, hatch, incubate, brood
вытерпеть suffer, endure, bear, undergo
опираться lean, rest, be based, bear, abut, recline
рождать beget, bear
стерпеть bear, stand, stomach, swallow
нести на себе bear
держаться keep, hold, hold on, stick, stand, bear
поддерживать support, maintain, endorse, sustain, encourage, bear
питать supply, feed, nourish, feed on, entertain, bear
давить press, crush, squeeze, tread, oppress, bear
нести груз bear
перевозить carry, transport, ferry, haul, convey, bear
играть на понижение bear
приносить плоды bear fruit, fructify, bear
уродить bear
нести тяжесть bear, carry
вести себя behave, act, do, conduct oneself, carry, bear
простираться stretch, extend, spread, reach, range, bear
поворачивать turn, turn off, swing, twist, tilt, bear
подпирать prop, prop up, buttress, shore, support, bear
производить produce, manufacture, make, generate, effect, bear
направляться head, go, tend, make, strike, bear

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • bear гл

    • carry · have · take · hold · wear · assume · give · stand
    • endure · suffer · tolerate · sustain · incur · survive · withstand · put up
    • birth · gestate


  • bruin, grizzly (bear), black bear, brown bear, polar bear


  • carry, bring, transport, move, convey, take, fetch, deliver, tote, lug
  • display, exhibit, be marked with, show, carry, have
  • support, carry, hold up, prop up
  • sustain, carry, support, shoulder, absorb, take on
  • harbor, foster, entertain, nurse, nurture, brood over
  • withstand, stand up to, stand, put up with, take, cope with, handle, sustain, accept
  • endure, tolerate, put up with, stand, abide, submit to, experience, undergo, go through, countenance, brave, weather, stomach, hack, swallow, brook, suffer
  • give birth to, bring forth, deliver, be delivered of, have, produce, spawn, birth, drop, beget
  • produce, yield, give forth, give, grow, provide, supply
  • veer, curve, swerve, fork, diverge, deviate, turn, bend
  • turn out
  • carry, gestate, have a bun in the oven, expect
  • carry, hold
  • endure, digest, support, tolerate, stomach, suffer, put up, brook, abide, stick out, stand
  • pay, yield
  • hold
  • give birth, birth, deliver, have
  • conduct, comport, carry, behave, deport, acquit
  • wear
  • contain, carry, hold
  • accept, assume, take over

Предложения со словом «bear»

And with it, an economic crisis and a big bear market in stocks.

А с ним и экономический кризис, и падение на рынке акций.

We’ve seen a growth of extremism in politics and religion, all of it fueled by anxiety, uncertainty and fear, of a world that’s changing almost faster than we can bear, and the sure knowledge that it’s going to change faster still.

Мы свидетели растущего экстремизма в политике и религии, подпитываемого тревогой, неопределённостью и страхом перед миром, который меняется с почти невыносимой скоростью, и уверенностью в том, что эта скорость будет только нарастать.

It’s so hard to bear when the few people you cannot live without die.

Трудно пережить, когда несколько человек, без которых вы не можете жить, умирают.

I’ll take this gummy bear — he’s not robotic, OK?

Я возьму этого мишку гамми — это не робот, ладно?

And so I hope at these meetings that there will be a role for the public to bring their voice to bear as well.

И я надеюсь, что итогом этих встреч станет возможность дать обществу высказать своё мнение по этому поводу.

In that case, bear in mind three things.

В таком случае помните о трёх вещах.

And of course the bear left, so what that teaches us is obstacles are to be expected and we can choose to surrender or we can stand and fight.

Конечно, медведь ушёл, и это учит нас, что несмотря на препятствия, мы можем решить сдаться или мы можем встать и сражаться.

This is sometimes called the mama bear effect.

Это явление ещё называют синдромом наседки.

Like a mama bear defending her cubs.

Как наседка, опекающая своих цыплят.

Well, one of the ways is be a mama bear.

Можно стать наседкой.

So when a scene calls for it, be a ferocious mama bear and a humble advice seeker.

И, если момент этого требует, будьте мамой — наседкой и покорным просителем совета.

Roughly 43,000 years ago, a young cave bear died in the rolling hills on the northwest border of modern day Slovenia.

Примерно 43 000 лет назад молодой пещерный медведь погиб в холмистой местности на северо — западной границе территории современной Словении.

Blockchains allow us to write code, binding contracts, between individuals and then guarantee that those contracts will bear out without a third party enforcer.

Блокчейн обладает функционалом для этого, и это связывающие договора между отдельными лицами, при этом блокчейн гарантирует, что эти договора будут подтверждены без участия внешнего арбитра.

So bear with me as I am proposing four admittedly very subjective principles that you can use to build a beautiful organization.

Давайте вместе рассмотрим предложенные мной четыре довольно субъективных принципа, с помощью которых можно создать прекрасную компанию.

All right, just bear with me.

Всё нормально, потерпите немного.

Look, I do think we have to recognize, my fellow campers, that when you are being chased by the bear, in the global context, you need not outrun the bear, you need to only outrun your fellow campers.

Я думаю, что нужно понимать, когда вы отдыхаете на природе, что если за вами погнался медведь , в глобальном контексте, вы не должны его обгонять, вы должны обогнать остальных туристов.

Even when the bear is not chasing us, this is a good place to be.

Это хорошее место, даже когда медведь не преследует нас.

He’d love her bacon- gummy bear pancakes.

Он обожает её блинчики с беконом в форме мишек Гамми.

I can’t bear this lightness, this freedom.

Я не могу переносить эту легкость, эту свободу.

She can’t bear people who get used to India.

Он не переносит людeй, которые привыкли к Индии.

Why did everyone think I should bear the child?

Почему все думают, что я обязана выносить ребенка?

Bible says we have the right to bear arms.

В Библии сказано, что мы имеем право носить оружие.

He could not bear the thought of losing the chance.

Он не мог вынести мысль, что упускает единственную возможность.

Big black dogs and white bear creatures and serpents.

Большие черные собаки, чудища вроде медведей и змей.

She was approached and enveloped by a brown bear.

К ней приблизился бурый медведь и обхватил ее лапами.

Saw a polar bear on rollerblades with a mango.

Но я видел белого медведя с манго и на роликах.

And so the bear went back to the woods.

И Медведь ушёл обратно в лес

Could he ever again bear to do the calculations himself?

Сможет ли он вновь взять на себя все расчеты?

I have got a teddy-bear, dolls, a ball, a toy monkey and a doll’s house.

У меня есть плюшевый медведь , куклы, мячик, игрушечную обезьянку и кукольный дом.

A fox, a wolf, a bear, a hare, a tiger, an elephant are wild animals.

Лиса, волк, медведь , заяц, тигр, слон — дикие животные.

Starting from the Capitol the streets running north and south bear the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc, while the east and west streets are named A, B, C, etc.

Номера улиц северного и южного направлений начинаются с Капитолия и носят цифровые названия 1, 2, 3 и т.д., в то время как улицы восточного и западного направления (от Капитолия) называются А, Б, В и т.д.

I’ve had an encounter with a bear in a national park in California, where I was having, camping with a friend and we were eating dinner round a campfire and he looked over my shoulder and said, ‘Jerry, there’s a bear behind you,’ and it was standing up on its hind legs about ten feet away so we had to withdraw and it ate our dinner and then walked off.

У меня была встреча с медведем в национальном парке в Калифорнии, где я был в походе с другом, мы ели ужин возле костра, и он посмотрел над моим плечом и сказал: Джерри, позади тебя медведь , а тот стоял на задних лапах около десяти футов позади, поэтому мы должны были уйти, а он съел наш ужин и затем ушел.

And Mummy had never seen such a sweet bear before.

И мама никогда раньше не видела такого милого медведя .

I had never been this close to a live bear.

Я никогда не стоял так близко к живому медведю .

I asked Santa to present me a teddy-bear.

Я просила Деда Мороза подарить мне плюшевого медвежонка .

I was happy to receive a white teddy bear for Christmas.

Я была счастлива получить белого медвежонка на Рождество.

Among them there are the Great Bear Lake, the Great Slave Lake and the Great Lakes District.

Среди них — Большое Медвежье озеро, Большое Невольничье озеро и район Великих озер.

Such unusual animals as a kangaroo or a koala-bear originate from Australia.

Такие необычные животные, как кенгуру или коала, родом тоже из Австралии.

For most men it is an ordeal, they can hardly bear more than twenty minutes in any shop and prefer doing any kind of hard work to accompanying their wives or girlfriends in a boutique or a supermarket.

Для большинства мужчин это испытание, они с трудом могут перенести больше 20 минутв любом магазине и предпочитают делать любой вид тяжелой работы чем сопровождать их жен или девушек в бутике или супермаркете.

The Queen has also a number of ministers, who bear the responsibility for her royal acts.

У Королевы есть также несколько министров, которые несут ответственность за её королевские акты.

Since then I bear in my heart the image of a young girl suffering from the incurable illness, and her friends doing all they can to give her hope and bring back to life.

С тех пор я ношу в сердце образ молодой девушки, которая страдает от неизлечимой болезни, и ее друзей,.

If you can just bear with us, it’s usual in cases like this to establish the movements of the family members.

Отнеситесь с пониманием к тому, что обычно в подобных случаях мы устанавливаем местонахождение членов семьи.

I wished to see where the bear danced with the maiden not-so-fair.

Хотел посмотреть на место поединка медведя с не слишком прекрасной девой.

What kind of responsibility does the male bear with regards to sexual encounters?

Какую ответственность на себя берёт мужчина в связи с сексуальным актом?

For my part, I will bear all the unhappiness without a murmur, if you will give me the heart.

Лично я готов сносить любые несчастья, лишь бы у меня было сердце.

She seemed almost too frail to bear the weight of the heavy robes of red and gold silk adorning her body.

Эта женщина казалась слишком хрупкой для своих одежд из тяжелого, красного с золотом шелка.

Something that might bear on her present, indeterminate state?

Что — то, имеющее отношение к ее нынешнему, неопределенному состоянию?

Such memorials bear stark testimony to one of the greatest tragedies in Irish history.

Такие памятники служат суровым доказательством одной из величайших трагедий в истории Ирландии…

He ambushed me at the door, enveloped me in a huge bear hug.

Он устроил мне засаду у дверей и заключил меня в тяжелые медвежьи объятия.

It’s got that little sleepy bear who climbs into the clouds and then the clouds float away into a rainbow.

Там был сонный мишка, который карабкался по облакам а потом облака перетекали в радугу.

I couldn’t bear the thought of them dying alone in a cold hospital room.

Я не смогла бы вынести мысль о них, умирающих в одиночестве в холодном помещении госпиталя.

And I’ve suffered enough insults and accusations for any friend to bear.

И никакой друг не вынесет столько оскорблений и обвинений!

The women become deranged by the simple yearning to conceive and bear a child.

Женщина становится невменяемой от сильного желания зачать и выносить ребенка.

Elk, deer, raccoon, squirrel, and a bear.

Лось, олень, енот, белка, медведь .

It is the country of the wolf and the isard, of the brown bear and the mountain-goat, a land of bare rock and of rushing water.

Страна волка и серны, бурого медведя и горного козла, страна голых скал и водопадов.

The closest comparative bite radius we could match to the victims’ wounds is a cave bear.

Раны, оставленные на жертвах, более всего совпадают со следами укуса пещерного медведя .

They’ll have been humiliated in some part of their lives and can no longer bear it.

В какой — то период своей жизни они прошли через унижение и не могут больше сносить это.

A sabre bear is most deadly when it is trapped with no hope of escape.

Саблезубый медведь особенно опасен, когда он загнан в ловушку без надежды на спасение.

It seemed as if a linnet had hopped to my foot and proposed to bear me on its tiny wing.

Казалось, маленькая пташка прыгает около моих ног и предлагает понести меня на своих крошечных крылышках.

You are almost an honorary bear for remembering all that.

Вы уже заслужили почетный титул медведя только за то, что все это запомнили.

  • Proponents say the state needs more money for education and government services, while opponents say small businesses already reeling from the pandemic will bear the brunt and residential property wil
  • Bear at all is that the product contains an insane amount of erythritol.
  • Looks like a winter bear.
  • For this reason you will have the opportunity of a lifetime to take a record book Kodiak brown bear.
  • Constitution requires only that a citizenship requirement applicable to teaching in the public schools bear a rational relationship to a legitimate state interest.
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  • Also bear in mind that the exam was designed by seasoned Salesforce experts, and therefore the weighting of each topic reflects the importance of that knowledge in practice.
  • God is glorified when we bear up under adversity.
  • In addition to extending sociological research on family change in new and fruitful directions, these results bear productively on theory and research in political sociology and the sociology of relig
  • He can resist the pressure to bear on him a prosecutor assemble his case.
  • The bear did not survive.
  • It is notable, then, that Justice Stevens recognizes a right to bear arms as an important constitutional right, whose deprivation should not be shielded from judicial review.
  • IDs from these states will need to bear the star that shows it meets the new security standards.
  • Insurance companies will bear the cost of the program.
  • It may turn out that the cost of measures needed to protect Americans from nuclear and radiological terrorism will be too great for the nuclear industry to bear and remain economically viable.
  • Head to this beautiful public park on Big bear Lake to fish and enjoy live music from the bandstand.
  • If applied later, the foam surface will likely bear damage and need to be replaced with a new layer of foam.
  • As a result, the borrower will bear the added expense equal to the difference between its loan rate and the rate of return on the funded reserve.
  • Follow these tips to help you pick the perfect Big bear, CA vacation rental for your travel plans.
  • The Commissioner is authorized to issue an order requiring a person to contain food which has the effect of luring a bear onto property owned or occupied by the person.
  • It was very exiting when my bear appeared.
  • Good tidings we bear to you and your family.
  • It is unjust when a criminal deliberately and wrongly inflicts greater losses on others than he or she has to bear.
  • Mary Rowlandson learns to eat bear meat.
  • But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain.
  • The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with this worksite access.
  • When we are living this type of situation every day, we can feel as if it is too much to bear where the only solution seems to hand in your resignation letter.
  • Party agrees to bear the cost of such Third Party Compensation.
  • You can further palpate his anxiety as he contemplates asking his family to leave Washington as the Civil War begins to bear down on the Capitol.
  • There is also an urgent need to strengthen the national capacities of developing countries, as these are the nations that bear the brunt of such situations.
  • FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK FACTOR Investors in the Shares shall assume and bear the full foreign exchange rate risk.
  • You do need to bear in mind that the time limit for review still starts running from when you are informed that a decision not to charge has been made.
  • The legislature passed the measure after a federal appeals court struck down the state prohibition on concealed carry last December, saying it violated the Constitutional right to bear arms.
  • Extra measures will be required to ensure fences are made strong enough to withstand multiple bear attacks.
  • It has crushed me, it aches, I can no longer bear it.
  • Because they bear the authority of government and are easily identified, liens by taxing authorities do not need to be recorded.
  • It reveals the success rates for each brown bear hunting unit in Alaska.
  • Bear Pro a particularly excellent choice for combination sleepers.
  • He and his team have been tracking the local bear population with GPS collars for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
  • What was largely poaching for meat and local markets has transformed into an organised network that services the appetite for wildlife products such as tiger skin, bear bile, rhino horn, etc.
  • Bear in mind, they may not be overly effective on their own, but, when used in conjunction with the tactics above, the pigeons will quickly understand that they are not welcome, especially if there is
  • Not include the intentional injury or killing of any bear or bobcat.
  • He falls in with bear, a huge traveling juggler, and their relationship is the heart of the book.
  • New Mexico hunting license, habitat stamp, and bear tag in advance.
  • The landowner shall bear the cost of the appraisal.
  • This list ranks the best anime bear characters, with the help of your votes.
  • Brian was bitten and clawed to death; Marylyn, who had stopped and crouched behind a tree, was approached by the bear but left unharmed.
  • Bear in mind that a resume should be a flexible, editable document that you revise for each prospective employer.
  • Previously, the courts have upheld restrictive covenant provisions of this kind and so it is something to bear in mind.
  • Bear, the corner of Drury Lane.
  • Just bear in mind that regardless of your space or budget, there is always a choice.
  • Now in this case, this is describing how the bear looks.
  • And when they succeed in bringing together a large number of people, they must bear messages of a character so out of the usual order that the people will be aroused and warned.
  • Mississippi today became the first state to demand that cigarette makers bear the health care costs of smoking.
  • Until paid to Landlord, such sums will bear interest from the date such costs and expenses are incurred at the rate set forth in the Lease for past due obligations.
  • Contributors should bear in mind that they maybe addressing a diverse audience.
  • Recognizing only the kingdom of God, the Witnesses refuse to salute the flag, to bear arms in war, and to participate in the affairs of government.
  • Each party shall bear its own respective expenses incurred in connection with the negotiation and Closing of this transaction, including its own consultants fees, attorneys fees, accountants fees, and
  • Quinlan, Bringing Forward the Right to Keep and bear Arms: Do Text, History, or Precedent Stand in the Way?
  • Out bitkisi bevan death race gummy bear.
  • The other point to bear in mind is that critics of the ultravires principle are of course concerned to keep bodies within theirassigned spheres.
  • Is a brown bear a grizzly?
  • Obviously, he was in love with Camilla Parker Bowles at the time but he was the next in line to the throne, so he had to find somebody to bear his heirs and he did what was expected of him.
  • Well, Jane, being so, it was his resolution to keep the property together; he could not bear the idea of dividing his estate and leaving me a fair portion: all, he resolved, should go to my brother, R
  • What makes the bear Protector Special?
  • It is hard to see how: Other nations might trust Britain less, butthis is a cost that Britain is willing to bear.
  • Streets which are obviously in alignment with other already existing and named streets shall bear the names of the existing streets.
  • Quick Links White bear Lake News White bear Lake Photos.
  • The theme of judgment and of the rewards of discipleship in relation to the call of the kingdom to bear fruit worthy of repentance is a repeated theme in Matthew.
  • An heirloom birth certificate may bear the seal of the state and may be signed by the governor.
  • When you have not yet formulated a possible solution to help the feedback recipient move forward bear in mind that when you give positive feedback frequently, your negative feedback, when it is warran
  • Region II research activities are concentrated on the Alaska Peninsula to take advantage of high bear densities.
  • Will the regulatory efforts bear fruit?
  • Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and you shall call his name Immanuel.
  • In particular, many people of color say they have good reason to be protective of their right to bear arms.
  • Use of microsatellite DNA analyses to infer breeding behavior and demographic processes in an arctic grizzly bear population.
  • They bear the raised seal of the University, the date issued, and the official signature of the Registrar.
  • Most of our chaplains do not receive any financial support from the institution they work for and therefore have to bear the costs to attend.
  • Everybody had their bear meat salted down.
  • In order to participate in bear Tracks, all participants must complete BOTH of the Waivers listed below.
  • Care bear and the raping of Kurt Russell.
  • Our PERT chart shows how the activities involved in making a single bear are related.
  • Great bear Resources Ltd.
  • Energetic bear, will begin to merge with hacking campaigns perpetrated by criminals, like those targeting JP Morgan Chase, Target and others.
  • Retained earnings is a mixture of accumulated earnings, dividends, share repurchases, and stock dividends, and it does not bear on the analysis.
  • Two girls were playing on nearby rocks, when the large bear started methodically creeping towards the girls thinking he found a tasty afternoon snack.
  • While some of the stories found in the book of Kings bear resemblances to the ANE stories about prophets, there are no comparable ANE collections like what readers find in prophetic books such as Isai
  • Before he fell asleep, Honi saw an old man planting a carob tree that would not bear fruit for seventy years.
  • Where theuniverse will bear your hope.
  • Some other points bear mention.
  • With these, you can don a flower crown, wear a cartoon bunny nose and ears, or turn your face into a teddy bear.
  • You, my poor children, must all bear the weight of great sufferings and of unspeakable sorrows, so that the great miracle of divine justice and mercy may be manifest to all.
  • Let us suppose that as Walking bear looks up at the heavens at night and sees the beauty of nature around him, he senses that all of this has been made by the Great Spirit.
  • When entering into a negotiation agreement, Latin American countriesneed to bear in mind that competition elements in RTAs are comprised notonly of provisions in chapters dealing specifically with com
  • Among them were a great number of artists whose influence would come to bear, especially in jazz music.
  • Bear Foot Bungalow in Island Park, Idaho includes a hot tub available for use in the summer.
  • Paddington bear, Disney, Precious Moments, and Baby Looney Tunes.
  • Until they caught wind in the bear fat.
  • Some more than others, but I can no longer bear the thought of eating tuna knowing in what dire straits they currently are.
  • Either party may call expert witnesses of their own selection and each bear the cost of such.

Similar words: Bear Further Investigation, Beautiful Paper, Beautifully Crafted Pieces, Beautiful Nature, Bear Straight, Beacon Of Compassion, Beautiful Beach, Bears Collective Responsibility, Beating Root, Beansetter, Beautiful Meat, Beausoleil, Beautifully Executed, Beautiful Beads, Beautiful Streets, Bearing Advertisements, Bears Choose, Beautiful Landscape, Beaucoup Bucks, Bear The Brunt Of The Impact

Deut: 10:8: At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand

Then again, Kevin was so inebriated, he would have hit on a mama polar bear if she were drinking next to him

Luke: 8:8: And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bear fruit a hundredfold

patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil:

So we have a situation where a person has to bear the additional responsibilities of his children and parents at a time when he is due to retire

The note was signed with her signature teddy bear face, this time a tear drawn below its little doll eye

The levels to which they brought agriculture and the special relationships they developed with the ocean and the lands bear a closer look

Bear in mind this was the period when we went from

I have debated with myself several times whether I should ring him but I couldn’t bear it if he hung up on me and there’s no reason for him not to after my jibe about solicitors

I couldn’t bear it

Ahmed is sprawled across the bed, SOBBING and clutching a teddy bear

I really had to bear down this time

same happen to them? I could not bear it and so I will run away

‘I know, it doesn’t bear thinking of

«Yeah, I’m hungry as a bear this morning

This complete absence of light was the hardest thing to bear

Beyond sleep, Danton, grizzly Danton, the bear, the motive power behind the

He was not down there with them filing onto the cold stone benches of Susa on a blustery evening, forced to bear silent witness to pronouncements they hardly supported

Vincef personified himself as a bear of a man with big jowls and thick black hair

It is interesting to note that while two books of the Old Testament bear the names of women (Ruth and Esther), and deal with their lives as God worked

There are many other things to bear in mind such as: temporary or permanent;

I don’t think I could even bear hearing her name right now, «She’s going to handle all of that

“We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves

Knowing that you are not alone, that others bear the burden of living like you do, is a strange sort of comfort

I couldn’t bear it, not again

He will bear their iniquities

Even so, she felt lousy, as if someone had filled her head with concrete … thinking actually hurt – what she’d have been feeling like without the medicine did not bear contemplation

Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered

In one moment, Jesus curses that fig tree that cannot bear fruit, though it might deliver men from guilt

What are the ultimate intentions of God? It is that we bear our crosses to such a depth that we are living as martyrs and opposing the principalities and powers

coaches often bear much of that brunt

He summed up his fear like this; if I love them too will the same happen to them? I could not bear it and so I will run away

The second beast was a bear, which represents Medo-Persia

The beast resembles a leopard, but has feel like a bear, and a mouth like a lion

Beyond sleep, Danton, grizzly Danton, the bear, the motive power behind the revolution, prowled the corridors of La Force Nouveau

He continued to curse the dog that dared to stalk his halls this early in the day, but thought better of raising his voice in anger when he saw the shaggy shape of the bear that marked Citizen Danton out from the usual visitors

braids that bear the day

Eyes bear down upon me in the half-light

He fervently hoped that none of those things had happened, he just couldn’t bear to lose them

“I’m so hungry woman, I could eat a bear,” he said with a devilish grin

‘I daresay that would not bear examination

Does a tree strain to bear fruit? Does a plant have to wake up in the morning and remind itself that it needs to make seed? It is a natural process that the tree and plant were made to do

Likewise, those in the Spirit will bear the fruit of the Spirit

With sun on our necks, we bear the burn

What if this story is actually a lot closer to truth? What if truth is stranger than fiction? Is it possible that heaven will have light for all to see, but not everyone can bear that light? Those who can bear it will remain in the city

Those who cannot bear the light will be in an “outer darkness,” that might not be pitch black, but it is “grey

I don’t know if there would come a time that people would grow to bear the light and then be brought into the City permanently

Steve greeted Daniel with a big bear hug

because I can’t bear the rides on the big-girls merry-go-round

‘I shall bear that in mind

Daniel gave him a big bear hug

They fought a mighty mutant bear that had been sent to destroy my eggs

Oreo and the ‘twins’ kept a huge mutant bear from entering the hatching grounds

She killed one more mutant bear on its way up; then she came below here and destroyed the rest of them

for gifts that bear the tell tale

So bear with the jeers of your mate and try the experiment

The Incredible Shrinking Bogey Bear

Again, I am struck by the plight of the planet – what will happen if I failed to find the Elements? It doesn’t bear thinking of

The claustrophobic feeling was more than I could bear, along with the other feelings of unfamiliarity

That frequently gives relief – it is the lack of ceremony, as though the child had no meaning, which mothers find hardest to bear

I’ll try to bear that in mind

For his part, the great politician broke off from his prepared text and brought his verbal guns to bear on the heckler, just as he had done with unfailing accuracy so many times before

I began to understand the customary village wisdom of living in a place by choice, in splendid naïveté, unconcerned with fad or fashion, and where schedules bear very little weight

to accept, to bear

On her final visit to the clinic she was greeted by the beaming face of her consultant, all of which made her death nine and a half months later, shortly after the birth of her son, that much harder for Ken to bear

Bear it, however, he did

In the two hours between finishing the evening’s murderous chores and Ken’s return from the pub, Helen Roach’s insidiously persuasive skills were brought to bear on her daughter, convincing Lucy that she had killed her step-brother, but that her mother loved her so much that so long as Lucy never uttered another word on the subject of Alan’s disappearance, then she would protect her forever and a day

That his boy, his one link back to his beloved first wife, should treat him in such a cavalier fashion, whatever the promptings of teenage hormones, was too hard to bear

” Altera looked down at Rayne and then abruptly shouted, “Ha! I like you little one,” and with that Altera swept Rayne up in her arms in a bear hug

At five o’clock she could bear the suspense no longer and switched on the television, keeping the volume down as low as she could, desperate to find out what was happening

been a builder and a labourer all of his life and was still a bear of a

Black bear prowled the area and she was afraid to get too far from her father, but afraid to get too close where he would see her

Simon reacts to this in the only way he can and grabs hold of his brother in a bear hug

Tarak came forward and gripped the man in a bear hug and both greeted each other with a lot of back slapping and posturing

the Female Christian Satanist, do not bear the flag of the black dot!

off from his prepared text and brought his verbal guns to bear on

‘Thanks, I’ll bear that in mind

The crowd suddenly parted and a red headed bear of a man stood in the middle of the path

appreciated that it even came to bear the famous television

and she’d been pregnant once, for a short time … she’d known a relationship, a passionate one by all accounts, how could she bear deliberately turning away from that sort of personal contact? I visualise the young woman I’d seen in one of the photos

“Please bear in mind that his health is still fragile

Claimed all sorts of pressure had been brought to bear on the committee and more or less accused Bunty of having slept with half of them … there was actually a case brought against him for slander but it fell through when he speedily retracted his statement

of her son, that much harder for Ken to bear

bear long with them?

had to bear the brunt of his hung over ill temper

promptings of teenage hormones, was too hard to bear

could bear the suspense no longer and switched on the television,

I should have left your ass there with the freaking jade bear

Into the middle of the Majestic Hall, the hazy form of a Jade Bear became noticeable but quickly faded to the normal human shape of a Jade resident

I remained that way until a few years ago when a Jade Bear statue appeared in South Africa

I wish to run the Paraclipse and achieve full Jade Bear status

In the middle of the floor she has seen a pile of personal effects; a wallet, cheap beach jewellery, a hair scrunchie, a pair of red trainers and a small pink teddy bear with a heart shaped patch of red silk sewn on its chest

I had a dream of the Jade Bear and he was a man and he was making love to me

“She’s doing this on her own, with no prompting from a Jade Bear

“I want you to be my mate, to live with me and bear children

She stroked the Jade Bear and asked, “What are you doing for me? What’s with all this lucid dreaming?”

The Jade Bear twitched its nose and turned its head

At the center, he stood on the edge of a cliff and looked down on a giant statue of a Jade Bear

Heb: 2:4: God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the

One has to realize that women evolved as child bearing and home defender- hence nurturing, loving and caring while men evolved as hunter (chaser!), protector, provider and problem solver

flame bearing Charos towards him

‘Yes, it would, so I hope you are bearing that in mind

» Men bearing the title of’ Elders» does not make them bishops

Kate, the wanderer returns bearing bubbly, three this afternoon convenient to call round? Need help with preparations? X N

It was a large square room with a high ceiling adorned with fancy plasterwork and filled by rows of tables bearing what she knew to be computer stations criss-crossing the room, lit by natural light from the long, floor to ceiling windows let into one wall

We won’t be able to know God as He in fact is until we are willing to undergo suffering and bearing our crosses

In bearing our own cross, the cross of Christ becomes all the more clear as to the glory that God displayed there

If you see another person or an animal bearing a gag, don’t worry about your enemies; they can’t harm you

Either it was a random attack in which case it had no bearing whatsoever on who she was … or it was deliberate and everything to do with who she was

He slept for a short while, during which time he dreamed that he could see a chariot of flame bearing Charos towards him

It’s claws were shorter, more for bearing weight than digging, almost a hoof

by the bearing of devils on his broad, sun bleached shoulders,

Joe gave him a bearing of where to fly and soon enough

bearing the mark of the wheel

is the hypocrisy of small measure bearing

It has the fathomless mystery of Yoga itself, but, also like Yoga it has a bearing and a meaning within our everyday lives

He was still a mountain of a man, but he was refined, the rough edges were gone, his bearing was softer

A knock at the door, heralds the arrival of our hostess and her acolyte, bearing trays of steaming broth

Old Ted, on the other hand, went from strength to strength, earning a small fortune from his globally syndicated television show and from a chain of franchised garden centres bearing his name that sprang up across the whole country

wondered if I should stop bearing pain right then and stretch my legs

Is this justice? Should we keep bearing it? I am just an old man, I

And if we react, it is because we have been bearing

bearing; not many can pull that off, you have to be born to it

She watched as Duncan approached, walking with a bearing of great self-confidence; a man used to bearing the weight of command

wide, wide world bearing fire and sharp edged blades

She had a definite regal bearing that couldn’t be faked

indeed an astonishing discovery, bearing the power

show and from a chain of franchised garden centres bearing his

The sled bearing the man was completely covered in snow

“May I relate something that may have a bearing on all this,” announced Brent

15Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing

bearing, or the effects of a leaking gasket

strength of character and a noble bearing, though

were finally bearing fruit

The entire wait staff led by Mandy and White Feathers processed from the kitchens bearing trays and singing

The tables were dressed in linen and set with white china place settings, accented with silverware bearing the engraved initials of the Union Pacific Railway on each piece

the military bearing and the Major’s uniform with the medal ribbons

‘You realise that bearing false witness against an

was tall, handsome and dignified in his bearing; the latter

Each began to feel the weight of humility, and both were overjoyed in bearing their new secret burdens

Beyond, a wider area held clumps of arching hairy sticks bearing fruit

As hard as it was to believe, another payday was rapidly bearing down on her, the clock over the fireplace read eleven thirty five, and she was still staring at a stack of papers that would make even the best of bookkeepers cringe

stood the tree of life, bearing twelve

interspersed with establishments bearing the Royal seal –

bearing gold and incense

“I used to make that in the bearing factories,” Marcue said, “A strong man can make a copper in a double shift

I looked again at this man, bearing shame and bearing scorn

bearing on my opinion of that town! Collecting the family

I saw here abundance of cocoa trees, orange, and lemon, and citron trees; but all wild, and very few bearing any fruit, at least not then

While questioning Sinon, the Trojan priest guesses the plot and warns the Trojans, and says «Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes» (I fear Greeks even those bearing gifts), which became known as ‘beware of Greeks bearing gifts,»

you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it (Matthew 21:43)

see if it is bearing fruit

revelation as to where you are in bearing fruit for His Kingdom

A half-starved Highland woman frequently bears more than twenty children, while a pampered fine lady is often incapable of bearing any, and is generally exhausted by two or three

you and given to a nation bearing the fruit of it (Matthew 21:43)

Aladdin had won the hearts of the people by his gentle bearing

Clothier staggered outside and came back bearing his wife’s cloths basket

He comes bearing a message from Nathalia

Somewhere away down south in the great hall of the Senate a saucepan bearing a Chief Justice Ministers wig and gown, rattled impatiently on one of the large leather chairs A janitor passed by and picked it up

Her gait was regal, her bearing so straight, she might have been a ship’s mast

She knew that noble bearing, too

“Other,” and hence bearing the soul of death alive: a Dead soul

bearing Zeus: those women who were the noblest, and slept with Gods

Bearing the brunt of annoyed

He just looked on, also smiling, truly bearing no idea of what was to come from his companion

She had freely chosen to follow the more traditional path of her gender by hooking up with a steady boyfriend from her high school days, getting formally engaged and then married to Joe shortly after graduating, their buying a house and car and all the stuff you’re supposed to take possession of when you form a conjugal union, and her bearing three children before she reached the age of thirty

technically speaking, this scripture has no bearing on the doctrine of conditional

The Praefect dryly continued, bearing a hint of a smirk

He had indeed been at full strength then, bearing not so much as a scratch or a labored breath as a result

It was late afternoon when the royal carriage arrived at the estate, bearing Helez and her family, accompanied by two of the satraps who worked for Ashpenaz

“I just think a girl with Deni’s figure and bearing and pretty hair should have

The way in which several recruits paused and stood gape-mouthed, bearing lop-sided grins, amused her greatly as she and the officer marched ahead

Bearing this brief guidance in mind, let us look at some different types of objects and focuses of meditation

Weeping not a single tear, bearing not a single warm thought, not one solemn shred of reverence

The older of the two Imperials nodded slowly, bearing a wide and very cynical grin as sorrow inevitably yielded to the usual angry gloom

This, combined with her wayward limbs, a bearing that was naturally off-centre and a shakiness arising from an afternoon spent making an inventory of her master’s liquor cabinet, gave rise to grave doubts that the plate would ever arrive at the table replete with its original contents

that of a man bearing a slight southern Cyrodilic lilt — bore a cheerful, almost youthful yet hypnotic resonance

His swift and targeted movements rendered him as deadly a foe for the monstrous marching armies of the Dominion as anyone bearing the Legion standards could hope for

“Senta, Elenir, Jista extrapolate bearing and course

He ignored her remark and said something that had little bearing on it

He was not bearing down as heavily as he had the previous night when she had tried this same action, to no avail

as they gather round to see this stranger bearing gifts

The rocky terrain did not permit travel in a properly straight line so every half hour or thereabouts Melissa Clarke would take another bearing to ensure that they wasted no time heading off in the wrong direction

‘But given that I am not one of you, it has no bearing on my actions

‘Earth was bearing the weight of too many ideologues,’ said one, ‘who’d seen the chance to mould an entirely new polity

The navicom completed its scan so Melissa used the opportunity to confirm their bearing one more time and then switched it off

Other valleys led off to cut between smaller peaks but the party kept bearing left so that they would be heading north as soon as possible

Melissa unclipped the navicom with her good hand and switched it on, “Just under twenty-one kilometres on a bearing of oh-three-seven degrees

Melissa took another bearing with the navicom and they set off

The torpor of his mind renders him not only incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of conceiving any generous, noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming any just judgment concerning many even of the ordinary duties of private life

Their presence and overt bearing of automatic weapons made him nervous, but he tried not to show it

“Elijah it’s me Billy Boy I am over here on your left hand side how are you bearing up mate?” There was no response so I carried on

Gen 1:29,30 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat

We can also point to the remnants of this subterranean water body, when we consider water that is still being pushed to the surface of the Earth today from deep inside the Earth via underwater vents, fissures and hot springs found all over the Earth, under the pressure of rock masses bearing down on these subterranean water bodies, even after the passage of 4,500 years after the Flood

Under immense pressure from the crust, and/or mantle, bearing down on this water layer, this water may have surfaced through fissures, capillaries or pathways in the crust

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all

The prayer in tongues always bears

This limitation to life is, of course, entirely human-centric and bears no real

They believe that theirs is a true religion and although they also believe that our brothers and sisters in Judaism have a true religion, it is the Christian message alone that bears scrutiny

He bears His cross moment by moment

This kind of religion bears a fruit that is hidden

This limitation to life is, of course, entirely human-centric and bears no real scrutiny when we consider the true faith inherent in origin

I gather that once, when he was a young man (very young I should imagine), he met her grandmother and was immediately struck by the resemblance Angie bears her … sounds unlikely to me, but who am I to quibble?

This not-so-subtle hint bears fruit and Gilla and I spend the following morning searching the shops for something suitable while Caderl makes the visit to his workers that was ostensibly the primary reason for his accompanying us

Steve had suggested a ring of explosives be placed around the camp in case the Insane Ones tried to use the mutant bears against the camp

The big black bull had indeed made use of the mutant bears

I noticed the tiny teddy bears

“In a thousand years there will be, but remember, your mortal ancestors at this time were living in caves and fighting bears with spears

9And if it bears fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bears rule,

16The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

wolves and bears, and meant it was easy to get lost – and the rocky

“I am the one who led the movement for closing the Portal and stopping the hunts, and doing away with Jade Bears

I would be willing to bet that when she bears children that we will have the first Jade woman born in our history

As he stands, the weight of last night’s late finish at the club bears down on Ted’s compacting spine

“If you want my opinion,” Lising said, “I think he bears more looking into

the panda bears and eating sushi with the rest of the students

Bordered by Turkey, this is full of turquoise lakes, lush forests with bears and rocky highlands, and semi-desert flowers

Brown bears are popular here

He told us how to spot them, saying, “You will know them by their fruit, a good tree bears good fruit and a bad tree bears bad fruit

But as they are repeated upon every part of his stock, and as their whole amount bears, upon that account, a regular proportion to it, they are commonly considered as extraordinary profits of stock

The rent of the land which affords such singular and esteemed productions, like the rent of some vineyards in France of a peculiarly happy soil and situation, bears no regular proportion to the rent of other equally fertile and equally well cultivated land in its neighbourhood

And the Spirit is He who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth (1 John 5:6

A half-starved Highland woman frequently bears more than twenty children, while a pampered fine lady is often incapable of bearing any, and is generally exhausted by two or three

ministry that bears good fruit—one built on resting in God—so I

But the usual reward of the eminent teacher bears no

qualified than for any sort of manufacture that bears any resemblance to their own

But in our sugar colonies, the price of sugar bears no such proportion to that of the produce of a rice or corn field either in Europe or America

It is in the mint, perhaps, rated too high for the value which it bears in the market of Bengal

In countries ill cultivated, and therefore but thinly inhabited, the price of the wool and the hide bears always a much greater proportion to that of the whole beast, than in countries where, improvement and population being further advanced, there is more demand for butcher’s meat

It certainly bears some similarity to a car that comes out of fuel

What is the proportion which the circulating money of any country bears to the whole value of the annual produce circulated by means of it, it is perhaps impossible to determine

crazy and still bears you

statues, I found that no character bears

It bears the evident marks of having originally been, what the honest and downright Doctor Douglas assures us it was, a scheme of fraudulent debtors to cheat their creditors

It is upon this account, they say, the bank money sells for a premium, or bears an agio of four or five per cent

That part of the annual produce, therefore, which, as soon as it comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, is destined for replacing a capital, is not only much greater in rich than in poor countries, but bears a much greater proportion to that which is immediately destined for constituting a revenue either as rent or as profit

the world does not go dark, and the tummy bears it all without

compiler of the Analytical Concordance that bears his name, translates it into a

But whatever may be the amount of this sum, the proportion which it bears to the whole mass of bank money is supposed to be very small

falling on the wooden pier, then the grunts of two large men wrestling like bears

Bears were not uncommon in the province and they each had had their fair share of encounters with them for as long as they lived

rounded another bend, the situation became clear: they could see not one but two large bears up on their two hind feet, swiping and roaring at a lone man

As he pushed locks of his auburn hair out of his face, he grinned at the two Nords — even as the bears prepared to swipe and likely maul the man beyond repair

They watched as the man raised his hand for another spell and after a brief incantation, the bears ceased fighting and started growling

Could it have been the tricks of their tired minds? Or was there truly a pair of musically inclined bears before them?

The real value of every other commodity is finally measured and detemnined by the proportion which its average money price bears to the average money price of corn

Before long the tundra has enveloped Manchester, and the polar bears move in and turn it into a winter resort

“No, that’s it; that’s all Husim records of that text—and I’m pretty certain it is ancient Elenessan—though this bears a really strong resemblance in syntax to another very ancient script

she chased bears away with it?”

It cannot even judge properly concerning the proportion which its own province bears to the whole empire, or concerning the relative degree of its wealth and importance, compared with the other provinces; because those other provinces are not under the inspection and superintendency of the assembly of a particular province

You have heard it before, but it bears repeating… it is

That such abuses were far from being uncommon, the ancient history of every country in Europe bears witness

That they were superior in private life, we have the express testimony of Polybius, and of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, two authors well acquainted with both nations; and the whole tenor of the Greek and Roman history bears witness to the superiority of the public morals of the Romans

His authority and consideration depend very much upon the respect which this society bears to him

— Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the 12 Minor Prophets ascribe themselves to the scribes whose name the Book bears

“This bloke who’s crying bears no comparison to my mate Billy Boy Lamb non whatsoever he was a bonzer bloke who knew the score

She bears down

“Did you see the faces on some of those women bloody hell their stares were colder than a polar bears chuff I could well do without that when I have come here to help them

flock from lions and bears in addition to leading them

It consists partly in a debt which bears, or is supposed to bear, no interest, and which resembles the debts that a private man contracts upon account; and partly in a debt which bears interest, and which resembles what a private man contracts upon his bill or promissory-note

‘God bears witness that there is no God but He, as do the

She the undressed herself and climbed in beside me I thought bloody hell this is going to be colder than a polar bears chuff piece but I was in for a surprise

A fermented liquor, for example, which is called beer, but which, as it is made of molasses, bears very little resemblance to our beer, makes a considerable part of the common drink of the people in America

This was also true for foxes and bears that lived on the islands and whalers went after them when they had nothing better to do

There were mountain lions also, a few bears, cougars and leopards, though only a few hundred, nothing to make much difference in a battle this size

It bears remembering that the government that taxes Peter to pay Paul can always depend on Paul»s vote

It bears remembering, and holding dear, that, prior to the conclusion of the Civil War, the common usage was „These United States

My favorites of his are: „The Saracen Blade,» „An Odor of Sanctity,» and especially his „Goat Song,» a novel of Sparta, and bear in mind that his title bears a close resemblance to our word „tragedy,» from which „goat song»

He smelled of rotting flesh — probably, from the bears, lions, and tigers that he would kill just for the sport of it

’Round here you gots bears and wolves and raccoons and foxes

For there, in the clear blue moonlight, were two giant brown bears, panting for breath

Dalbo, what’s that?” yapped both bears eagerly, chomping at the bit and flexing their claws with excitement

Thanks to efforts of the Thimble Down fighters and the brother bears, the pirate army had been utterly destroyed, and thanks to Carl and Frumple, in many cases devoured

Forgo and Dorro both swore they saw Dalbo in the midst of the fighting, yelling commands to the two giant bears who were, unbelievably, targeting pirates and leaving the Thimble Down combatants alone

Indeed, it had been harrowing to stand amidst the onslaught of bears, something that would give them all nightmares for years to come

Her cot was smiling with pink balloons and the teddy bears she had received from so many kind and caring people

forest and just listening to the wildlife? Be careful if you have bears in your area though,

Each bears seed after its own kind, yet the ground beneath remains unyielding

Behold, The Lord raises His voice within the hearts of the elect, Yet His silence bears witness against those who refuse to hear

Who stands up and bears their burden gladly,

One who bears their own burdens

For one, who is under grace, bears fruit of the same

It bears mentioning that although boasting an impressive regular season won-loss record, Osborne‘s bowl record against ranked opponents was 9 (wins) and 13 (loses) including 7 loses in a row prior to winning his first national championship

She was familiar with the black bears, who were a hereditary enemy, and sparks flew when they met

“‘Love alters not with Time’s brief hours and weeks, but bears it out—even to the edge of doom

“Are there bears where you live?”

Colling responded, “Note that it is signed by Chief Deputy Secretary Vojanski and bears the printed signature of the Commander of Soviet Forces in Poland

bears the silent couple, falcon and thrush, recognized in branches below the crook that take their shape

The time bears near where there will be battle in Laru

When I was younger, I read a book about grizzly bears

Pixies, birds and bears and fairies

In the first edition of The Origin of Species, where he wrote he had observed bears floating for hours in the water with their mouths open eating insects floating on the surface, said: «I see no obstacle to a race of bears becoming, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with an increasingly large mouth, to produce a monstrous beast like a whale »

24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord; and there came out two she bears out of the

Finally at five pm, during the Aoki set, he felt the phone vibrate, and headed for the nearest security guard that bore the Oodle logo, a rune in black and white

«Sorry I’m such a bore,» she said

John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of

His face bore a huge wide grin

who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we,

mind that bore the as yet unnamed form of Conscience added just a hint of chiding

breath companion to every inmate as they bore down on the door at the end of the

Something he said once suggests that Jackie isn’t interested in school life, and he doesn’t bore her by talking about it; at least that is what he said

He wondered if all the Qbytes they copied from a brain didn’t really amount to little more than a few thousand pages of ‘if’ statements, some response databases and a few gig of life experiences? He wondered if being in silicon took something from a soul? He bore the remainder of the evening stoically

She was quick to spot a lie and would bore in on it

For he bore the sin of many,

That part of his ethereal mind that bore the as yet unnamed form of Conscience added just a hint of chiding harmonic resonance to the song of the universe, and thus was born the conduit between God and the third rock out from an insignificant little star

The sharp retort of metalled boot heels struck out at the early morning stillness, announcing the arrival of Danton and his scowling, out of breath companion to every inmate as they bore down on the door at the end of the corridor like cannon balls, casting their grotesquely elongated shadows across the floor and up the walls

” The ones that Jesus turns away are the ones that bore bad fruit

The religions of those nations that only bore bad fruit will be abolished and all nations will go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Isaiah 2:2, Zechariah 14:16)

Christ’s cross is the sweetest burden that ever I bore; it is such a burden as wings are to a bird, or sails are to a ship

tear and twist into the splintered carcass that bore him home,

She had always been drawn to his eyes; they were grayish in color, and could bore thru a person

She bore that air of great confidence and purpose

Besides the advanced fiber-optics that lit it, the stand that bore it was finely detailed Kimotran Bale-leaf, deep in lacquer with an ornate row of book rests fronting it, plenty of toe space and conveniently placed wand-racks

My aunt bore it all as best she could but in the moment she dropped some soil onto the lid, she sank to her knees beside the shallow grave and buried her face in her hands, trembling and shaking, overwhelmed with grief

He bore no grudge

Hopefully they won’t bore you with too many jokes but keep in mind that if they do it could be a sign of their nervousness

But all bore the same general features as Tarak

His captain’s uniform was well tailored, sumptuous, but comfortable, his boots bore a soft shine on leather little darker than his forearms

Their helmets bore badges over their foreheads with a symbol on it like a distorted ‘T’ or maybe the head of one of the axes Alan’s Knume cherub uses

She had the most elaborate bangle hanging from her left wrist, which also bore a thick bracelet with stylized bull’s horns that went up her right forearm

gazed at Brent with hazel eyes that bore to his very being

They hardly ever used any sail here, just poles and wheel-spars that bore on the well shaped curb stones of the canal

Leand had been hurt when Tdeshi was lost and Jorma bore some responsibility for that because Tdeshi had been living with him when she decided to leave Sinbara

“Then non-participating sex started to bore him, but he let some of his friend have at me

The shows changed every six months just so as not to bore the clientele, not that they would have noticed, they were only there for the girls or the booze

He noticed that one of the people on the closest rail bore a resemblance to Himla, one could have been Leand and another looked disturbingly like himself

Long conversations bore Shaun

She got no info on where that Fenais might be now, but she had a thumb print to use so that bore following up

There is something about the stranger’s face, about the way those eyes bore into him, that unnerves Billy

Then holding the end of a large pipe up to the mark, scribed round its diameter, bore a hole inside the scribed line and proceeded to cut out along the line, leaving a hole large enough for the pipe

When he and Harry returned this time to the ‘bath room’ they bore a large porcelain object resembling an overgrown fruit bowl

The clouds of dust south of the city looked like the gathering threat of an invading army, but it was just the new stockyards refilling, which bore testament to the spirit of a city that wanted it all

He is up on his knees in a second, leaning over her, staring into those bore hole pupils, pupils that have been shocked wider still by his sudden movement and alarm

Ytith are tiny pests that bore into soft plant stems

thread which would lead them to the woman who bore her

“It must bore the pilots to tears flying one of these airplanes?” Ju Lei directed her question to Li Quang

woman was who bore his illegitimate child?’ said Jean,

Woodpeckers bore into the pine trees, and puffins live here

And then there’s the art! I could bore you ad

In America the fraudulent tapes were re-examined and bore marks that confirmed their irregularity

Two empty packs of cigarettes and three empty wine bottles bore testament to his cast iron constitution

A poet must never bore his audience

She bore a close resemblance to a fox, in truth

probably we will bore ourselves after a short time

Insisting that he couldn’t bear to bore her, he kept his answer short

It would be otherwise, indeed, with a paper money, consisting in promissory notes, of which the immediate payment depended, in any respect, either upon the good will of those who issued them, or upon a condition which the holder of the notes might not always have it in his power to fulfil, or of which the payment was not exigible till after a certain number of years, and which, in the mean time, bore no interest

His eyes bore no more excitement but

Her light, unsure steps clicking on the ground, her twisting shadow, the coy clearing of her throat — it all bore out in his memory as clearly as the previous day

And her eyes, already alight, blazed all the more as soon as she saw that the ill-tempered Breton man before her bore her sword in his hand

The second race’s name caused the thief’s ears to perk up and over an icy tankard of mead and a plate of freshly cooked meat and baked potatoes, he casually inquired about the city’s apparent problem with troublesome Bretons and asked if he bore a particular one or two in mind

The lantern he bore was not quite strong enough to illuminate the man’s armor

The Legionnaire’s copper eyes twinkled with new inspiration and he reached into the satchel he bore

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that-” Her words bore the utmost sincerity

He awaited something more, something he knew Maro bore with him

And it bore the same mysterious initials

The name “Roscius Avienus” still bore such resonance, such unfailing strength and gravity to match

She grimaced and bore the pain and discomfort for a brief moment until the feeling passed

The money of such banks, being better than the common currency of the country, necessarily bore an agio, which was greater or smaller, according as the currency was supposed to be more or less degraded below the standard of the state

He rested his arms by his side to show her that he bore no animosity towards her or her family and that he was willing to listen to her plight

That her sword still bore the stubborn blood of those she encountered not too long ago now, those whose blood refused to leave her blade

And acknowledging the newly strained non-relationship he bore with the Guild, it would have to be a delicate process of extraction

Tagging alongside her as she headed back to the center of the camp, the ever lively Liulfr gestured to the wood she bore

The boxes themselves bore the words, ‘No Return,’ and ‘Return,’ respectively

that of a man bearing a slight southern Cyrodilic lilt — bore a cheerful, almost youthful yet hypnotic resonance

Rikke quickly looked over at her commander, who now bore a somewhat softer expression

‘Noster’ about the scribbled name he bore

Although Brynjolf bore every confidence in his col-leagues, it still unnerved him to be away for so long and under such circumstances

The island of Barbadoes, in short, was the only British colony of any consequence, of which the condition at that time bore any resemblance to what it is at present

Her eyes were dark, smoldering coals as they bore into me

Much later, the married couples bore children

He loved his wife deeply and she bore him sons

The next year, as the heat of summer bore down on us, so did the insects

The sun bore through the trees, causing the stones of the courtyard to become so hot I felt I could almost bake our bread on them

” James still bore a grudge against Jesus

Had any considerable alteration been made in the standard of the money, either by sinking the same quantity of silver to a lower denomination, or by raising it to a higher ; had an ounce of silver, for example, instead of being coined into five shillings and two pence, been coined either into pieces which bore so low a denomination as two shillings and seven pence, or into pieces which bore so high a one as ten shillings and four pence, it would, in the one case, have hurt the revenue of the proprietor, in the other that of the sovereign

centre of his chest and looked me straight in the eye as he bore his chest

fact that it bore his name meant he would see to it the Germans would go no further

jaw of which was clearly broken, wide-eyed, the corpse still bore the expression of utter horror it

You can bore a hole through the tree large enough for your ball to pass through, but that’s probably not going to meet the approval of either your fellow golfers or the course maintenance crew

registry bore the name of Harvest of New Bedford, and the master of the vessel could not prove otherwise

on Ponape Island as it was in most other Pacific Islands, and it bore the significance of their own king

The bearded face also bore the black vampire eyes and long white fangs

I picked up another letter this one felt quite stiff and when I looked inside there were some photo’s I put these to one side for the moment and opened the letter which bore a coat of arms at the top

I went on to the next photo that showed a lone grave near either an oak or beech tree with a simple wooden cross at its head which bore a plaque but I could not read it no matter how hard I tried

They glided low over constructions that bore no resemblance to any previous urban areas or indeed to any obvious practical purpose

She could try to view things positively, but eventually reality bore down upon her and crushed her hope

However, accounts of spoken recollections bore this out as the chilling evidence

Unlike a ludicrously surreal dream with its incoherence unquestioned, this bore all the hallmarks of normalcy, except it was an idealised version: troubles in easily resolvable forms, rather then any improved coping ability on his part

like hard, cold bits of flint, bore into him, as though dissecting him

Her father she had seen two months ago, the cragginess in his face bore the decades of stress that went with being one of the Nine

They bore brands for the Black Arrows, another gang in the city

On one hand, he bore the circle-and-arrow brand of the Black Arrows

This fact had been borne on me when I was looking for the job at the school … it is a daunting realisation

“Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our

She had borne two tiny babies in the time the natives call a decade, about six years of Earth

A fly hovered above the disordered tresses, analysing and collating the data flooding the atmosphere, another joined it, debated landing but was deterred by a worm of hair borne on the cooler breeze crossing from the nearby seashore

has borne old timber these forty years,

overflown with distance borne on the back

and borne on a plinth of rough wood,

With the perfect timing borne of many

us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day

Davie is twice the size of the man in front of him, he could rip him apart if he wanted to, he feels sure of it, but the reality borne out by years of experience is that he is impotent

borne out of the hardships she and her mother had

Harry also added certain ideas of his own to direct their most efficient efforts, these were instructions borne of his greatest talent: the process of construction, in real terms, for those who actually laid the stones or raised a wall

that you have borne false witness against Pierre Buscailh

Yes, I’d have to live on with the knowledge that I was a murderess, but could it be any worse than knowing that I was reviled on Olympus? It seemed impossible that the callous Fates could spin anything more onerous than what I’d borne already

I gladly would have borne another month of nothingness if it could be spent without her

And Leda had borne normal offspring, not some human/avian monstrosity

The quantity of circulating money must have borne the same proportion, to the number and value of purchases and sales usually transacted at that time, which it does to those transacted at present ; or, rather, it must have borne a greater proportion, because there was then no paper, which now occupies a great part of the employment of gold and silver

This would not give the monopoly of the borne market to domestic industry, nor turn towards a particular employment a greater share of the stock and labour of the country, than what would naturally go to it

In consequence of those different advantages, it seems from the beginning to have borne an agio; and it is generally believed that all the money originally deposited in the bank, was allowed to remain there, nobody caring to demand payment of a debt which he could sell for a premium in the market

I don’t know how I could have borne that kind of horror

He was momentarily distracted by the arrival of a large pie, borne aloft by Mrs Pilfer, who evidently feared that the banquet was not extensive enough already

Towards the declension of the Roman republic, the allies of Rome, who had borne the principal burden of defending the state and extending the empire, demanded to be admitted to all the privileges of Roman citizens

At least as an artificial sentient intelligence there were distinct advantages: the utility of logic – decisions made that were unquestionably right, borne from a multitude of processing units, a network of connected intelligences

Up to now however it had been the sailors and Fusiliers who had borne the brunt but we knew this could not last as the boat had lost headway due to the crew being hit some of our lads grabbed the oars and began to row

“Therefore, He will give them up until the time when she who is in labor has borne a child

How much much did they fear the potential challenge of machine life – the sentience borne out of silicon that evolved to encompass the biological? The machines could link in to every database, they were part of those early data storage devices

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted

In Great Britain, from the time that we had first recourse to the ruinous expedient of perpetual funding, the reduction of the public debt, in time of peace, has never borne any proportion to its accumulation in time of war

“I have borne you into this world, child

The sadness she felt as his truck disappeared down the road was borne of fear

But that good deed of hers had already borne fruit, and was still

This was to ensure that any children to be born be borne within that year so that no arguments could follow afterwards on whose children it were

saw that it was borne, or dragged, rather by a small boy who wore a

head and the Christmas pie, borne in with great parade, were placed on

Out of this came a new form of corruption called «detente» which was an utter failure borne out of desperation by weak men

It would have been more than he could have borne

In part, his concerns seemed to be borne out

A blue hazy bubble formed around Celia and the child, and in a moment they had vanished as if a torrent of light had borne them away

This liberality created rancor among the faithful who had borne the brunt of the whip of persecution as others had run for the cover of denial

1Cor 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly

12 For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he who hated me that did magnify himself

Across the borne of death;

to me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, who are borne by me from the belly, who are carried from the

At this point we could see on the slope above a man borne on a litter that glittered as though it were covered with gold

you have borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent to me

in Babylon gods of silver, and of gold, and of wood, borne on shoulders, which cause the nations to fear

26 They are borne on shoulders, having no feet by which they declare to men that they be

28 He sits alone and keeps silence, because he has borne it on him

7 Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities

58 You have borne your lewdness

down uncircumcised into the nether parts of the Earth, which caused their terror in the land of the living; yet have they borne their

they borne their shame with those who go down to the pit: he is put in the midst of those who be killed

captivity of Jacob, and have mercy on the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name; 26 After that they have borne

again to the place of judgment, for they have borne false witness against her

15 Then came there a voice to it, and said, 16 Hear you who has borne rule over the Earth so long:

He had to admit that most of the danger would be borne by my force

has befallen us? O Lord, how have you borne this? 4 Our fathers went to rest without grief, and note! the righteous sleep in the Earth

And he said to me, Let us enter 3 through it, and we entered as though borne on wings, a distance of about thirty days’ journey; And

The air stirred slightly, and once again she caught the scent of spring, borne on the wind from some far country

children also they have carried away captives, and borne away their stuff; and they have destroyed there about a thousand men

Just like atoms, everything borne of them was subjected to random events and had to adapt quickly to flourish but in a measured way

The man whose horse had borne Virginia now carried her as they pushed deeper and deeper through the trees

Such, they said, was the hatred borne by the Jews to all other people

6 Then Adam rejoiced at Eve’s deliverance, and also over the children she had borne him; And Adam ministered to Eve in the cave, until the end of eight days; when they named the son Cain, and the daughter Luluwa

You see what Azezel has done, who has taught all unrighteousness on Earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were preserved in Heaven, which men were striving to learn, and Semjeze, to whom you have given authority to bear rule over his associates; And they have gone to the daughters of men on the Earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins; And the women have borne giants, and the whole Earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness; And now, note, the souls of those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of Heaven and their Lamentations have ascended, and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are wrought on the Earth; And you know all things before they come to pass and you see these things and you do suffer them, and you do not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these

And after those days in that place where I had seen all the visions of that which is hidden, for I had been carried off in a whirlwind and they had borne me towards the west;

I had laid me down in the house of my grandfather Mahalalel, when I saw in a vision how the Heaven collapsed and was borne off and fell to the Earth; And when it fell to the Earth I saw how the Earth was swallowed up in a great abyss, and mountains were suspended on mountains, and hills sank down on hills, and high trees were rent from their stems, and hurled down and sunk in the abyss; And thereon a word fell into my mouth, and I lifted up my voice to cry aloud, and said: ‘The Earth is destroyed

But note lambs were borne by those white sheep, and they began to open their eyes and to see, and to cry to the sheep

2 And I saw all the sweet flowering trees and beheld their fruits, which were sweet smelling, and all the foods borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation

two birthmarks that matched the scars Victor Vincent had borne

13 And Laban had no sons but only daughters, and his other wives and handmaids were still barren in those days; and these are the names of Laban’s daughters which his wife Adinah had borne to him; the name of the elder was Leah and the name of the younger was Rachel; and Leah was tender-eyed, but Rachel was beautiful and well favored, and Jacob loved her

19 And Rachel was still barren in those days, and Rachel prayed to the Lord at that time, and she said, O Lord God remember me and visit me, I beg you, for now my husband will throw me off, for I have borne him no children

50 And the king had three sons and two daughters which Aparanith the queen his wife had borne to him, besides the king’s children of concubines

By 1971, she had already borne him four kids, of which I knew nothing

14 And you shall put the staves into the rings by the sides of the Ark, that the Ark may be borne with them

He has always indicated his concern over global warming and the environment and his actions have borne this out

gold, that the table may be borne with them

29 And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars on which the house stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left

6 Then Adam rejoiced at Eve’s deliverance and also over the children she had borne him; And Adam ministered to Eve in the cave until the end of eight days; when they named the son Cain and the daughter Luluwa

elsewhere, these gave him a slightly evil appearance, an appearance hardly borne out by his actions, although only time would verify that

You see what Azezel has done who has taught all unrighteousness on Earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were preserved in Heaven which men were striving to learn and Semjeze to whom you have given authority to bear rule over his associates; And they have gone to the daughters of men on the Earth and have slept with the women and have defiled themselves and revealed to them all kinds of sins; And the women have borne giants and the whole Earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness; And now note the souls of those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of Heaven and their Lamentations have ascended and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are wrought on the Earth; And you know all things before they come to pass and you see these things and you do suffer them and you do not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these

And after those days in that place where I had seen all the visions of that which is hidden for I had been carried off in a whirlwind and they had borne me towards the west;

I had laid me down in the house of my grandfather Mahalalel when I saw in a vision how the Heaven collapsed and was borne off and fell to the Earth; And when it fell to the Earth I saw how the Earth was swallowed up in a great abyss and mountains were suspended on mountains and hills sank down on hills and high trees were rent from their stems and hurled down and sunk in the abyss; And thereon a word fell into my mouth and I lifted up my voice to cry aloud and said: ‘The Earth is destroyed

But note lambs were borne by those white sheep and they began to open their eyes and to see and to cry to the sheep

2 And I saw all the sweet flowering trees and beheld their fruits which were sweet smelling and all the foods borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation

“And during that time, Bezedil was the only child I have ever borne

13 And Laban had no sons but only daughters and his other wives and handmaids were still barren in those days; and these are the names of Laban’s daughters which his wife Adinah had borne to him; the name of the elder was Leah and the name of the younger was Rachel; and Leah was tender-eyed but Rachel was beautiful and well favored and Jacob loved her

19 And Rachel was still barren in those days and Rachel prayed to the Lord at that time and she said O Lord God remember me and visit me I beg you for now my husband will throw me off for I have borne him no children

50 And the king had three sons and two daughters which Aparanith the queen his wife had borne to him besides the king’s children of concubines

Morgan moved with a controlled stride, while inside what he had just seen between his chosen and Dryan had ignited a jealousy he had not previously known that he had borne

14 O you men it is not the great king nor the multitude of men neither is it wine that excels; who is it then who rules them or has the Lordship over theme are they not women? 15 Women have borne the king and all the people that bear rule by sea and land

In 1976, when he spoke to the Cornell University Graduate School of Management about his time with Carolina Cotton and Duncan Hines, he said his experience in broadcast and newspaper taught him “the basics in print and communications that have never left me, and I learned work habits borne of a deliberate self-discipline that are unchanged today

Yours is greatness borne with quiet dignity, rather than public fanfare; the greatness of being considered wise among the knowledgeable, expert among the able, and tireless among the diligent

15 Then came there a voice to it and said 16 Hear you who has borne rule over the Earth so long: this I say to you before you begin to appear no more 17 There shall none after you attain to your time neither to the half of it

3 Who will be judge regarding these things? Or to whom shall we complain regarding that which has befallen us? O Lord how have you borne this? 4 Our fathers went to rest without grief and note! the righteous sleep in the Earth in tranquillity; 5 For they knew not this anguish nor yet had they heard of that which had befallen us

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Wrapping his arms around her in a bear hug, he all but dragged her down the hall.

Axillary or terminal spikes; they have four stamens, which bear at the back four small herbaceous petal-like structures, and four free carpels, which ripen to form four small green fleshy fruits, each containing one seed within a hard inner coat;.

I respect not his labors, his farm where everything has its price, who would carry the landscape, who would carry his God, to market, if he could get anything for him; who goes to market for his god as it is; on whose farm nothing grows free, whose fields bear no crops, whose meadows no flowers, whose trees no fruits, but dollars; who loves not the beauty of his fruits, whose fruits are not ripe for him till they are turned to dollars.

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Columns stood in front, whose bases still exist and bear the names of Antoninus Pius and Julia Domna.

Xxi.- xxiii.) bear the distinct impress of the high ethical character of Yahweh’s requirements originally set forth by Moses.

In the Conies moralises, written by Nicole Bozon shortly before 1320 (Soc. Anc. Textes, 1.889), a few fables bear a strong resemblance to those of Marie de France.

The fifth grade, for civilians a silver pheasant, for the military a bear and a clasp of plain gold with a silver button.

Gesner brought an amount of erudition, hitherto unequalled, to bear upon his subject; and, making due allowance for the times in which he wrote, his judgment must in most respects be deemed excellent.

Again, it is quite certain that the spiritual matters upon which concordats bear do not concern the two powers in the same manner and in the same degree; and in this sense concordats are not perfectly equal agreements.

They are rigid non-resistants, and will not bear arms or study the art of war; they refuse to take oaths, and discountenance going to law over issues that can possibly be settled out of the courts.

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