Sentence with the word awoken

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1. She was awoken by the noise.

2. We were awoken by a pounding at the door.

3. She was awoken by a sharp stabbing pain in her chest.

4. We have at last awoken Mary to the fact that there’s no easy way to success.

5. I was awoken from my dream by a knock at the door.

6. Brooks was roughly awoken from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with $ 100,000.

7. You are suddenly awoken by a loud noise.

8. I slept through it until I was awoken by slamming doors?

9. The first tug had awoken him from a complacent slumber, the second had brought him to his feet.

10. At dawn the next day we were awoken by the call to prayer from a nearby mosque.

11. They were awoken from their slumber by a knock at the door.

12. Earlier that morning I had awoken lying on the grass underneath an oak tree in Regent’s Park.

13. Yours truly was awoken by a shout: «Ahoy there!».

14. The drunken lady had said something that awoken him.

15. Wealthy householders have also awoken to the sound of trespassing swimmers enjoying an illicit dip.

16. Have awoken with soreness in your genitals which can not be explained.

17. The recent sand storms have awoken people to the importance of environment protection.

18. Today, I awoken at 1:30 am by a strange noise, and something tugging on my hair.

19. He had awoken from a vivid dream with his hands pressed over his face.

20. Let me guess. I’ll be awoken at three every morning by the theme song from ‘The Exorcist.’

21. Your criticism has awoken me and made me realize where I had gone wrong.

22. He’d enjoyed that,( letting the good alderman know what it was like to be awoken just before dawn.

23. On the morning of the fight, a hungover Jimmy was awoken by a tapping on the window.

24. Although she recognized her boss’s voice, in fifteen years she had never been awoken by him.

More similar words: awoke, woke, token, broken, betoken, outspoken, brokenly, unspoken, broken-down, spoken word, broken reed, heartbroken, by the same token, wok, draw out, draw on, in a word, law of supply and demand, ken, taken, yoke, joke, poke, coke, sunken, darken, kennel, sicken, weaken, shaken. 

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The impact must’ve awoken me from hypersleep.

Это импульс, должно быть, разбудил меня от гиперсна.

One late night, Chris was awoken by the sound of a splash outside of his mansion.

Однажды ночью Крис разбудил звук всплеска за пределами его особняка.

The psychotherapists had found they had awoken other forces.

Психотерапевты обнаружили, что они разбудили и другие силы.

I was awoken at midnight, sir, and asked to do my lady’s bidding.

Меня разбудили в полночь, сэр, и попросили выполнить указания моей госпожи.

Not long after midnight, the entire base was awoken by a loud scream.

Вскоре после полуночи вся база была разбужена громкими криками.

I was lying in bed and again was awoken.

Я лежала в кровати и снова была разбужена.

Often these people tell me they were awoken in the middle of the night and found themselves paralyzed.

«Часто эти люди говорят мне, что их разбудили посреди ночи и они оказались парализованы.

I quietly contemplated the incident and realized that it was Master Li who had awoken me.

Спокойно проанализировав произошедшее, я понял, что это Учитель Ли разбудил меня.

At around 1:00 AM, Lady Fanshawe was awoken by a voice coming from the window.

Около часа ночи леди Феншоу разбудил голос, доносившейся от окна.

Despite all this, our people have awoken.

Но, несмотря на все это, наш народ выстоял.

When awoken, he appeared disoriented.

You have awoken my dreamy eyes.

Friedrich, good to see you awoken.

Helen was awoken in the middle of the night by a telephone call.

Елена разочаровалась, но где-то в полночь на телефон поступил звонок.

One major difference from modern versions is how the sleeping princess is awoken.

Одним из основных отличий от современных версий является то, как спит принцесса.

One night I was awoken to what seemed to be beautiful harmonious singing.

Однажды ночью меня разбудило то, что казалось прекрасным гармоничным пением.

Nobody knew that ancient magic was awoken.

Никто не знал, что древняя магия проснулась.

During such a sleep the organism transforms the received energy, and, having awoken, you feel the burst of cheerfulness.

Во время подобного сна организм трансформирует полученную энергию и, проснувшись, вы ощутите прилив бодрости.

This is a light stage of sleep from which you can be easily awoken.

Это период легкого сна, когда вы можете быть легко разбужены.

I have not yet awoken from last night’s slumber.

Я все еще не проснулся с прошлой ночи.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 386. Точных совпадений: 386. Затраченное время: 78 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The sleeper has awoken, spreading,

So many times he had seen this in dreams; so many times he had awoken just as he reached

She was only awoken at the end of their shifts; when their usefulness expired, or when they went mad

I was awoken by the sound of a fierce fight between the

Jean was awoken early the next morning by a commotion

of his face, and at first he had no idea what had awoken

was actually in the city of Genoa itself when I was awoken

What he imagined constituted his soul had awoken, in one piece, within the body of a large moth-eaten black Labrador dog

His son’s presence had awoken him

Unusually this was an audio-only link; Deanna in any case refused the visual unit on the grounds of it being intrusive: if she looked less than terrific having, for instance, been awoken early, unmadeup, bleary-eye it would ill- behove her to be seen by a potential client

Carol Lee had just awoken after sleeping soundly for more than six hours, more than likely a side effect of the painkiller she was on

They told him it was as if they had truly awoken for the first time

He was awoken early in the morning by Mr Abbott’s caustic tones

Awoken by the splash of salty water, Bosco grabbed a knife from another’s belt and did the same

Having awoken alone in the room, she had made her way to the beach for sunrise

When he did so and paused his study of the insect-ridden log he noticed Amonas had quietly awoken, seemingly quite refreshed and energized

His voice was cold, driven by the anger Elior’s anger had awoken in him

Did they search all the houses? No, it was just the residents who had been awoken by the noise

There were too many nights where she had awoken to that sound

What is meant by this is a totally new perspective must be awoken within U

I was awoken the next morning by the sound of pots crashing, and a panicked cry of “oh shit! Not again! Not again!” Accompanied by the sound of running water

Honey had been cruelly awoken by the kids who knew it was

After disarming his traps, he joined the girls who had awoken and started to pack up camp

After patching up Sorus and dozing on the soft silk bedding of the guests’ quarters for a few hours, she was gently awoken by Cedar, Tamar’s House Master, he had returned from one of his many tasks

Lord Azeth had insisted that he was to be awoken an hour before first light and to fail in this duty would ensure certain death so all remained vigilant and alert

» The sleeping bear had awoken and ferocity burned in his voice and shined in his bloodshot eyes

Thinking back to the morning when he had been laid out on the cold floor of the shrine unconscious, he had awoken with his head spinning and a rare clarity of mind which was almost dreamlike, enveloping him

awoken from a bad dream, still rubbing his sleepy eyes with both fists, which gave me the

While Harry was sleeping off the effects of another night out I’d awoken sometime

moment I thought I’d awoken during the actual operation

Bubba was awoken from his nap by all the commotion

Thinking that Chantal must have awoken and let the cat out of her

One night after sleeping at my friends» house, I was awoken early by his mom,

Stone, I would have loved to have taken your money and let you go, but now that you’ve awoken the beast, I’m afraid that I can’t let you leave my house!”

In the morning he was awoken by someone sucking softly on his erection

The morning of the day she dropped off the stuff but before she had done so I was awoken by a screamed death threat in my ear

Simon is awoken by the ringing of his phone; it feels like he has only been asleep for a few minutes instead of hours

She had awoken the lion in Olamayiani and she sincerely hoped that he would find his way to his youngest wife before it dosed off again

These had been cut up by a small and ancient stationary engine which could be seen coupled to a saw bench beside a huge pile of saw dust; it was the scream of the saw that had awoken and alarmed Siri at first light

On the morning of June 23 Douglas MacArthur was awoken by a brilliant ray of sunshine that entered his bedroom window at Blackstone the new presidential residence in Winnipeg

But suddenly, as if he had awoken from a trance, Mr

As he leaned against the door, he took in a deep breath and for the first time since he had awoken, he tried to speak

He looked toward the door, remembering then that it had been some sort of sound that had awoken him

But suppose Laura had just awoken

Lady Triplet had awoken and was quite perturbed with Sheila for sedating her again

But this strangeness was no news to them: they had seen no end of strange things since they had awoken to this new world

When he had awoken that morning, he had pulled off his slept-in suit and instead donned a safari outfit: khaki pants, a chambray shirt, the cowboy boots he ordinarily reserved for the Fourth of July parade, and a pith helmet

The trolls weren’t used to the many exertions that had been necessary since they had awoken in this new world

has just been awoken from a nap between the readings of her books

He was awoken by the sour after taste of Yeungling

That’s when your granddaughter sat up, opened her eyes and seemed to have awoken out of a trance or whatever state of mind she was in

Elmer is awoken by a series of quick slaps

their host had awoken, but he shrugged her off

Someone must have awoken from their

had been awoken from his sleep every time they had spent the night beneath

He had nearly lost all track of time, ever since he had awoken in

The following morning, Charlie was awoken by his mother’s voice

For had they been able to look behind them, they would have seen that, once awoken, the Giant’s leader had stopped his guards from pursuing the escaped prisoner and her rescuers

If the Germans found a way to raise a Shadow, the witch could have awoken anywhere in the world; in England, alone and unprepared, relatively easy prey for the local witch-hunters…

We were awoken quickly after crash landing upon the surface of Garbotron

Darek was rudely awoken by a knock to the head

Unconscious will pushed his legs and before he could stop himself he took the short walk to her car, deep seated obedience had lay waiting in his subconscious which her voice had awoken, and all that he felt was his need to respond to her

Awoken hours later by a change in the incessant

Did Miss Simone know this? Thomas said he’d awoken by a lake and lived the next six years as a manticore, with a blue sky and bright sun

Sue said in a more awoken, gentle, loving voice,

A few moments later I’m awoken by the sound of a door slamming loudly

That few seconds soon game to an end when I was abruptly awoken from my dream by the sound of Ricks voice bellowing in the background

I was then awoken by the noise of the monorail slowing down

I was awoken by the twittering of the birds and the cries of the squirrels at seven the next morning and I had a splitting headache

were awoken and told to get our weapons and ourselves

I was awoken and it was

The taste of Zac’s blood had awoken senses she hadn’t felt since before she was turned and that could be dangerous for her

Having heard this bell ring throughout the days and nights for all of their lives the townspeople though seemingly fast asleep, could if awoken abruptly announce the time within fifteen minutes of its correct value

I had fallen back asleep and was awoken by a thumping noise

Grimes had also been awoken by the noise of the patrol leaving and returning

Upaya was rudely awoken by a kick to his side

About two hours later, Peter was frantically awoken by Mikhail

It is written that when he was awoken from his troubled dreams the mountain rang like a bell tolling

‘The sleeping princess has awoken

Massie had awoken early

Since she had awoken, nothing had

She hadn’t entirely awoken to our nightmarish situation in the camp, and a surreal look of happiness crossed her face as the water hit its mark

She’d never felt so physically relaxed since the day she had awoken a monster

He’d awoken to his men all dead and the sounds of the chopper being started

She had awoken every morning to miss the usual scent of hot chocolate, bacon and eggs or even the sweet fragrance of his after shave

Many times he went through this process before in his life, so many times in fact that his consciousness didn’t even bother remembering being here after being awoken

was awoken by an attractive girl of about twenty who brought me a cup of herbal tea and

They have awoken something inside of me

admonished nations and had awoken hundreds of thousands, whose voice he had also once heard, whose holy face he had also once seen with respect

From this petrified state, he was awoken by a hand touching his shoulder

He was awoken by a call from Janet Worley, who’d filled him in on the shocking events

She was sleeping deeply when she was awoken by a kiss on the cheek

WILD, fractured dreams had awoken me repeatedly

One thing that puzzled me a little was, why had he suddenly awoken to the fact that he wanted to meet Jean Paget again, after six years? A question or two upon that point seemed to be in order, and I prepared a small interrogation for him when he came to see me with his letter

At the end of that hour she returned—only to find that her husband had not yet awoken, but was still lying motionless

She too had just awoken, and was now staring at the money on the table

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

She’d fallen asleep in Kris’s library after half a bottle of whiskey and awoken in her own bed with a throbbing headache and dry mouth.

I was awoken by the gunshot and both of us drove the roads around the perimeter of the property but neither heard nor saw his vehicle.

The monster stirred when she was threatened, but had never awoken completely before.

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Howie had difficulty locating the apartment and nothing untoward occurred before he was awoken by the sound of a horn, seventeen minutes later.

  • Use the word Awoken in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And now that everything good in me has died, all sin in me has awoken!

«Brothers of Italy, Italy has awoken…»

«Brothers of Italy, Italy has awoken, with Scipio’s helmet…» «… binding her head.

Haven’t you ordered to be awoken by the car horn?

¤ A cruel and bloody feeling ¤ you have awoken in me.

(The Doctor is awoken by a drop of water on his cheek.)

Faustine, you have awoken my death on this island.

I have never, in my life, awoken without wailing. A profound wall. Mute.

The machines producing wealth, with their noise, had awoken everyone and the alarm had reached the scaffolds.

In a way you’ve awoken things I wanted to forget.

«that the love dormant in me, had awoken«

Something good has awoken in you

«I was awoken by this terrible bang, an explosion, it is the only word.

It has awoken everyone from the sleep and brought nature to its full bloom.

It has awoken everyone from the sleep and brought

Could our very presence here have inadvertently awoken him?

I was awoken by the pain.

You see, he believes that the gods were awoken from their sleep by men cutting down the trees where no man should be.

Never yet one hour in his bed… ..Have I enjoyed the golden dew of sleep,… ..But have been awoken by his timorous dreams.

The impact must’ve awoken me from hypersleep.

The river has awoken, Emissary.

Listen, Sheriff, I’m really sorry… to have awoken you from your slumber, but it’s over.

She has awoken from a dream … and we, who are left behind … are the dream.

Now, as you can see here, the unidentified man appears to have awoken the maternal instincts in Mona, a 400-pound lowland gorilla.

That morning I was awoken… by the screams of the maid.

Perhaps they have never felt the thrill of mating… and have not awoken these maternal instincts within themselves.

And thus, every morning, barely awoken from his jobless dreams,

And when began the nightly slaughter of Heike warriors at Kyoto’s Gojoe Bridge, there rose the fear that the capital’s festering misfortune had awoken a demon.

Another thing to tell the president, who still hadn’t awoken.

The Ring has awoken. It’s heard its master’s call.

But perhaps one day, when you’ve awoken from a pleasant slumber to the scent of a warm brioche smothered in marmalade and fresh creamery butter you’ll understand that life is not solely comprised of tasks, but tastes.

The psychotherapists had found they had awoken other forces.

They’ve awoken the Programmerz.

The chaos lord of fire must be awoken before sundown.

Once awoken, nothing could stop them from killing.

(Bainbridge) The idiot has awoken.

The spirit of Mae Nak has been awoken by the true love that you and your Mak have for each other.

I shall not bid you farewell… now that you have awoken within me… with never before dreamed-of precision.

I actually surprised and I found it a good sign that that young redhead had awoken desire in me after all those years.

It is called the awoken Drum Dance.

All of this has awoken the heart of Shu of the Nanto Hakuro Ken(the star of kindness.)

We weren’t awoken by the wisdom of the Quran and The Sunna (Prophet’s Way)… so you’ve awakened us with the assaults of our enemies.

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