Sentence with the word avoid

Synonym: evade, keep away from, shun, snub. Antonym: face. Similar words: voice, favor, flavor, favorite, favorable, in favour of. Meaning: [ə’vɔɪd]  v. 1. stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something 2. prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening 3. refrain from doing something 4. refrain from certain foods or beverages 5. declare invalid. 

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1. Avoid the ford on which your friend was drowned. 

2. Guerrillas avoid fighting set-piece battles.

3. He tends to avoid all physical contact.

4. The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.

4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

5. We took a roundabout route to avoid the accident.

6. The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.

7. I can’t avoid shedding the load.

8. The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching.

9. Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips.

10. The doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise.

11. Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.

12. The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting the cyclists.

13. The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.

14. Avoid any reference to his illness.

15. He dodged to avoid the hurtling bicycle.

16. He’d managed to avoid being sidetracked by Schneider’s problems.

17. Book early for the show to avoid disappointment.

18. I am anxious to avoid any possible misunderstanding.

19. Are you trying to avoid me?

20. Her efforts to avoid him proved useless.

21. Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions.

22. They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion.

23. The payment was made to avoid threatened litigation.

24. Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.

25. It is sometimes impossible to avoid conflict altogether.

26. Avoid using perfumed soaps on sensitive skin.

27. The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.

28. They decided to widen out the river to avoid the flooding.

29. If we take the bypass we’ll avoid the town centre.

30. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations[], but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word avoid, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use avoid in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «avoid».

Avoid in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word avoid in a sentence.

  1. They tend to avoid farmland.

  2. These avoid reliance on infinite series.

  3. These avoid the highest areas of the hills.

  4. Those of equal rank tend to avoid each other.

  5. To avoid the press, she was booked in as Mrs.

  6. Scully brakes hard to avoid hitting the woman.

  7. Some mantis nymphs mimic ants to avoid predators.

  8. Handrails and shower chairs can help avoid falls.

  9. A fine filter is required to avoid these problems.

  10. He was keen to avoid an «Anglo-Franco-Soviet bloc».

  11. The ships were forced to zigzag to avoid ice floes.

  12. Robby Gordon could not avoid the melee and hit Yeley.

  13. To avoid typecasting, she began taking on adult roles.

  14. All four men dropped to the ground to avoid being hit.

  15. Baby, aware of Bats’ homicidal habit, stops him from killing her to avoid paying.

  16. Many drummers avoid mentioning the añá in public and may not refer to it by name.

  17. Rastafarians typically avoid food produced by non-Rastas or from unknown sources.

  18. To avoid a crowd and sudden rush, devotees were allowed to bathe before 6:00 a.m.

  19. The Earl of Oxford turned north to avoid the marsh (and possibly Richard’s guns).

  20. Pierce wanted to avoid war at all costs, and wrote to Van Buren, proposing an assembly of former U.S.

  21. Tilden opposed the idea, but many Democrats supported it as the only way to avoid a second Civil War.

  22. They generally avoid mountainous forests, but may enter alpine and sub-alpine areas during dispersal.

  23. Eager to avoid open confrontation, Smith told Dupont to reconsider his tone, and changed the subject.

  24. She was badly damaged during one such bombardment in March and had to beach herself to avoid sinking.

  25. John a private investigator, and felt that they «appear eager to avoid what makes their show unique».

  26. After a few minutes, Rheinland and the rest of the German battleships turned away to avoid torpedoes.

  27. A third also sank slightly out of position when the tug towing it cut it loose to avoid the shelling.

  28. The appellation was selected in order to avoid confusion with Brooklyn’s Manual Training High School.

  29. To avoid cumbersome notation, it is common to abuse notation by using the same symbol to denote both.

  30. When Andrei realizes that Kira loves Leo, he helps his rival avoid prosecution, then commits suicide.

  31. In the resulting Battle of Taranto, Duilio was hit by a torpedo and forced to beach to avoid sinking.

  32. Tolerance dissipates after a few days, so doses can be spaced several days apart to avoid the effect.

  33. In a similar experience, Popular Computing Weekly slowly learned to use rather than avoid the orchids.

  34. The antipathy towards the vine made it seem that eating cabbage would enable one to avoid drunkenness.

  35. The portrayal of a double rape caused significant problems with the MPAA and had to be trimmed to avoid the NC-17 rating.

  36. They could not predict wind directions, which is key to the ability of ships to avoid or cope with the effects of storms.

  37. The front porch campaign allowed Harding to avoid mistakes, and as time dwindled towards the election, his strength grew.

  38. These somehow had to be coated in aluminum to avoid corrosion and the escape of fission products into the cooling system.

  39. To avoid the existence of negative coordinates in the southern Negev, the False Northing of ICS was increased by 1000000.

  40. These communities lived in separate sections of the city to avoid disputes, especially when it came to social privileges.

  41. The German ships had too much of a lead to be caught by the British ships before they had to turn to avoid the minefield.

  42. His gracious withdrawal at the convention to avoid Democratic infighting earned him more notice from the party hierarchy.

  43. Kaiserin had come too close to Prinzregent Luitpold and was forced to haul out of line to starboard to avoid a collision.

  44. It is thought likely that the king had ordered him to be killed to avoid the disgrace of executing a prince of the blood.

  45. Therefore, the final, pinnate subdivisions of each fingerlike segment may be referred to as «ultimate segments» to avoid the technical inaccuracy of calling them pinnules.

  46. The general press took a wider view, with several newspaper columns reporting that the decision appeared to have been made to avoid offending the South African government.

  47. However, to avoid a costly tenting operation to simulate night-time, a replica of the necessary parts of the ventilation system was built in a lower level of the car park.

  48. Hiro was very keen to avoid that over-bright stage look.» The budget meant that many of the Enterprise sets were redresses of those used in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  49. Such a proof needs to be able to declare certain pairs of real numbers to be different based on their decimal expansions, so one needs to avoid pairs like 0.2 and 0.1999..

Synonyms for avoid

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word avoid has the following synonyms: debar, obviate, deflect, avert, head off, stave off, fend off, ward of, invalidate, annul, quash, void, nullify and keep off.

General information about «avoid» example sentences

The example sentences for the word avoid that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «avoid» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «avoid».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Donors were encouraged to avoid insufficiently coordinated and overlapping assistance.

Донорам рекомендуется избегать оказания помощи в тех случаях, когда она недостаточно эффективно координируется, а проекты дублируют друг друга.

Businesses and individuals should avoid impulse purchases.

Как в бизнесе, так и в личных тратах необходимо избегать импульсивных покупок.

All those things I normally avoid.

Да, да, всего того, что мы обычно избегаем.

Only those who avoid love can avoid grief.

Want to avoid ED — you should avoid such substances.

Хотите избежать ЭД (импотенцию) — Вы должны избегать и таких веществ.

The first lecture in any serious economic textbook says: avoid protectionism, avoid sanctions, avoid duties.

«Первая же лекция в любом серьёзном экономическом учебнике гласит: избегайте протекционизма, избегайте санкций, избегайте пошлин.

To avoid meeting them one should avoid these dangerous places.

Чтобы избежать встречи с ними, следует избегать этих опасных мест.

To help you avoid such headaches, here are six mistakes to avoid when using marketing automation.

Чтобы помочь вам избежать таких головных болей, вот шесть ошибок, которых следует избегать при использовании автоматизации маркетинга.

If I want to avoid conflict, I must avoid making assumptions.

Если я хочу избежать конфликтов, я должна избегать делать предположения.

To avoid this, avoid elevating yourself, arrogance.

If today’s democratically elected leaders wish to avoid their fate, they will also have to avoid their mistakes.

Если сегодняшние демократически избранные лидеры хотят избежать их судьбы, им также надо избегать их ошибок.

Try to avoid smoky rooms, for instance in bars and restaurants, and also avoid swimming in chlorinated water.

Постарайтесь избегать прокуренных помещений, например, в барах и ресторанах, а также избегайте плавать в хлорированной воде.

Guys often avoid putting their foot down because they want to avoid conflict.

Парни часто избегают опускания ног, потому что они хотят избежать конфликта.

They are either trying to avoid themselves, or avoid other people.

Initially, you should avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby, and avoid most housework.

Первоначально, вы должны избегать подъема, ничего тяжелее вашего ребенка, и избежать большинства работы по дому.

You should also avoid spills and, consequently, avoid accidents, so keep the gasoline containers sealed.

Вам также следует избегать разливов и, следовательно, избегать несчастных случаев, поэтому держите контейнеры с бензином закрытыми.

The best way to cure and avoid this type of contact dermatitis is to avoid all contact with nickel.

Лучший способ вылечить и избежать этого типа контактного дерматита это избегать любого контакта с никелем.

Now, most people will tell you to avoid dairy if you’re looking to avoid a heart attack or a stroke.

Теперь, большинство людей скажет вам избегать молочных продуктов, если вы хотите избежать сердечного приступа или инсульта.

Obviously, the best way to avoid being misled by these labels is to avoid processed foods altogether.

Очевидно, что лучший способ избежать введения в заблуждение от маркировок, это избегать обработанных продуктов в целом.

To avoid stagnation, women who plan to give birth should, to the extent possible, avoid intervention.

Чтобы избежать застоев молока, женщинам, которые планируют рожать, по мере возможности необходимо избегать такого рода вмешательств.

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Avoid Common Ad Set Mistakes
Избегайте распространенных ошибок в группах объявлений

Try to avoid wearing baggy clothing.
Старайтесь не надевать мешковатую одежду.

The Zero banked left sharply to avoid my fire.
Zero резко ушел влево, чтобы уклониться от моего огня.

Avoid splitting your total budget across too many ad sets.
Постарайтесь не разделять весь свой бюджет между слишком большим количеством групп объявлений.

Although we want to avoid suffering, it seems we are running somewhat towards it.
Хотя мы стремимся избежать страданий, мы, казалось бы, бежим по направлению к ним.

Select the Avoid LIFO calculation check box to exclude the item from the fiscal LIFO calculation.
Установите флажок Аннулировать расчет по методу ЛИФО, чтобы исключить номенклатуру из расчета по финансовому методу ЛИФО.

Several preached that a Christian should avoid these works and rejected their knowledge as un-Biblical.
Некоторые проповедовали, что христианину должно сторониться таких работ, ибо они содержат небиблейское знание.

Even if countries avoid the immediate blow of a dollar collapse, they still have to watch for a boomerang effect.
Даже если страны избегнут непосредственного удара, вызванного падением доллара, они все равно должны остерегаться эффекта бумеранга.

James Madison, and with it Washington was granted the authority to avoid the usual reporting procedures mandated by Congress — the president was in essence given a blank check to conduct secret operations that he alone deemed to be in the national interest.
Тем самым, Вашингтон получил возможность обойти стороной обычный порядок подчиненности, введенный конгрессом. По сути дела, президент получил карт-бланш на проведение тайных операций, самостоятельно решая, какие из них необходимы в национальных интересах страны.

Avoid broad Lookalike Audience sources.
Избегайте использования широких источников для похожих аудиторий.

Avoid creating product sets that are too small.
Старайтесь не создавать слишком маленькие наборы продуктов.

But she’s paranoid, so she moves around a lot to avoid detection.
Она параноик, поэтому всё время переезжает, пытаясь уйти от слежки.

For starters, both the US and North Korea will have to avoid cornering one another.
Во-первых, и США, и Северная Корея должны постараться не загонять друг друга в угол.

By nighttime, I received maps showing me which way to run and where there were guard dogs I’d need to avoid.
К вечеру я получила карты с указаниями, в какую сторону бежать и местоположением сторожевых собак.

One court, after pointing out the problems that may arise under the Convention in respect of parol evidence, stated that to the extent parties wish to avoid parol evidence problems they can do so by including a merger clause in their agreement that extinguishes any and all prior agreements and understandings not expressed in the writing.
Один из судов, отметив проблемы, которые могут возникнуть в соответствии с Конвенцией в отношении устных доказательств, заявил, что в той мере, в какой стороны желают избежать проблем, связанных с устными доказательствами, они могут включить в свое соглашение оговорку о поглощении, которая аннулирует любые и все предыдущие договоренности и понимания, не нашедшие выражения в письменной форме.

What is at stake is Europe’s capacity to avoid another financial meltdown – one that could be even more devastating than the 2007 crisis.
Способность Европы избегнуть новой финансовой катастрофы, которая может быть еще более разрушительной, чем кризис 2007 года – вот что является смыслом разрабатываемых предложений.

This helps avoid lock violations.
Это позволит избежать конфликтов блокировки.

Avoid splitting budgets across ad sets if possible
По возможности старайтесь не делить бюджет между группами объявлений

The Iskander can maneuver during its terminal phase, potentially allowing it to avoid missile defense systems.
Ракета «Искандер» на конечном участке траектории может маневрировать, что позволяет ей уходить от средств ПВО противника.

If possible, avoid invading other countries, especially those with large young and radical Muslim populations.
Если это возможно, постарайтесь не нападать на другие страны, особенно на те, где живет много молодых и радикально настроенных мусульман.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
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Sentences with the word Avoid?



  • «the professor’s lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them»; «a deep metaphysical theory»; «some recondite problem in historiography»
  • «the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work»; «she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own»
  • «she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date»
  • «Let’s avoid a confrontation»; «head off a confrontation»; «avert a strike»
  • «Her former friends now avoid her»
  • «She refrains from calling her therapist too often»; «He should avoid publishing his wife’s memories»
  • «I keep off drugs»; «During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day»
  • «the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold»
  • «they hoped to avoid a break in relations»
  • «I had a brush with danger on my way to work»; «he tried to avoid any brushes with the police»
  • «our capital concern was to avoid defeat»
  • «the ship’s rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision»
  • «he changed his name in order to avoid confusion with the notorious outlaw»
  • «everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it»; «that’s unfortunate but it isn’t the end of the world»
  • «her easy virtue»; «he was told to avoid loose (or light) women»; «wanton behavior»
  • «he hoped to avoid the expense of hospitalization»
  • «a stipulation of fact was made in order to avoid delay»
  • «he recited the whole poem without a single trip»; «he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later»; «confusion caused his unfortunate misstep»
  • «his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful»
  • «He shuffled his funds among different accounts in various countries so as to avoid the IRS»
  • «yogurt made with skim milk»; «she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter»
  • «she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread»
  • «I try to avoid the thronged streets and stores just before Christmas»
  • «The problem is well understood»; «she was well informed»; «shake well before using»; «in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked»; «well-done beef»; «well-satisfied customers»; «well-educated»

избегать, избежать, уклоняться, избежание


- избегать, сторониться, уклоняться

to avoid smb. — избегать /сторониться/ кого-л.
to avoid danger [an accident] — избежать опасности [уберечься от несчастного случая]
to avoid doing smth. — избегать чего-л. /делать что-л./, уклоняться от чего-л.
he couldn’t avoid uttering his opinion — ему пришлось высказать своё мнение
to avoid some place — стараться не бывать где-л.

- юр. отменять, аннулировать; делать недействительным

to avoid a sentence — отменять приговор
to avoid an agreement [a document] — аннулировать соглашение [документ]

- уст. опорожнять, освобождать

Мои примеры


in an effort to avoid confusion — в стремлении избежать путаницы  
using clear language to avoid misunderstandings — используя понятный язык, чтобы избежать недоразумений  
to avoid collision — избежать столкновения  
a fatality that it was hopeless to avoid — судьба, которой нельзя было избежать  
to avoid ambiguity — избежать неясности, двусмысленности  
in order to avoid — во избежание  
to avoid like / as the plague — бояться, бежать как от огня  
to avoid / shun publicity — избегать гласности, огласки  
to avoid publicity — сохранять инкогнито  
to avoid the world — скрываться от людей  
to avoid action — уклоняться от боя  
to avoid law — обойти закон  

Примеры с переводом

I try to avoid fatty foods.

Я стараюсь не есть жирную пищу. / Я стараюсь избегать жирного.

Why do you keep avoiding me?

Почему ты продолжаешь меня избегать?

Let’s avoid a confrontation.

Давайте избегать конфронтации.

She managed to avoid being punished.

Ей удалось избежать наказания.

They successfully avoided each other for days.

Они успешно избегали друг друга несколько дней.

Everyone seemed to be avoiding Nick.

Все как будто избегали Ника.

One could hardly avoid noticing him.

Его трудно было не заметить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…being abstemious diners, they avoid restaurants with all-you-can-eat buffets…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

avoidable  — такой, которого можно избежать
avoidance  — избежание, уклонение, отмена, аннулирование, упразднение, аннуляция
avoidant  — замкнутый, неконтактный, замкнутый человек
avoidless  — неизбежный, неотвратимый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: avoid
he/she/it: avoids
ing ф. (present participle): avoiding
2-я ф. (past tense): avoided
3-я ф. (past participle): avoided

avoid — перевод на русский


Jae Ha, let’s just avoid him!

давай просто избегать его!

And, after all, you can’t avoid seeing Madge sometime, can you?

И в конце концов, ты же не можешь все время избегать встреч с Мадж.

It was a subterfuge to avoid some people…

Это была уловка, чтобы избегать некоторых людей…

The helpless invalid complex must be avoided at all cost.

Комплекса неполноценности следует избегать любой ценой.

«We will avoid violence.

«Мы будем избегать насилия.

Показать ещё примеры для «избегать»…

But you can avoid that if you’ll just do what I ask you.

Но вы можете избежать этого, если сделаете то, о чём я вас попрошу.

— Maybe we can still avoid this war.

— Значит, войны не избежать?

— I know how to avoid accidents this summer.

— Я знаю как избежать происшествий этим лето.

— We wish to avoid any scandal. — Scandal?

— Мы хотим избежать какого-либо скандала.

To avoid that, the ranch will temporarily be someone else’s.

Чтобы избежать этого, ферма временно будет отдана в аренду.

Показать ещё примеры для «избежать»…

To avoid indigestion.

Во избежание несварения.

I take it we all agree that if we’re to avoid disaster we build a new bridge, at the site picked by Reeves, 400 yards downstream.

Полагаю, мы все согласны, что, во избежание катастрофы построим новый мост в 400 ярдах вниз по течению, как предложил Ривз.

To avoid any misunderstanding…

Во избежание недоразумений, хочу сказать…

To avoid any misunderstanding, we must show the blades.

Во избежание недоразумений мы должны показать лезвия мечей.

Sealed floors or no, you will permit him to have visitors, to avoid suspicion.

Изоляция, говорите? Все равно, во избежание подозрений, пускайте к нему всех кто придет.

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Just a little call to the police and you Could have avoided all this mess.

Один звонок в полицию мог предотвратить эту трагедию.

I’m afraid we won’t be able to avoid the irreparable.

Боюсь, мы не сможем предотвратить непоправимое.

Now that gold has disappeared, but if he’d listened we could have avoided this altogether.

А теперь это золото пропало. Если бы он послушал, мы бы могли это предотвратить.

«in order to avoid a disaster.

«и предотвратить катастрофу.

The hands were amputated before he died, with an axe the stumps cauterised to avoid his bleeding to death.

Руки ампутированы топором до наступления смерти… конечности прижгли, чтобы предотвратить кровотечение.

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I certainly want to avoid undercutting someone else’s position.

О природе трансцендентного можно спорить до бесконечности, а мне во что бы то не стало хотелось бы уклониться от полемики.

If they think you’re trying to avoid taking responsibility, it’ll blow up in your face.

Если они поймут, что ты пытаешься уклониться от ответственности, они взорвутся тебе в лицо.

Some coffee merchants trying to avoid export tax.

Простые торговцы кофе, хотели уклониться от налога на экспорт.

Are you OK, or are you just trying to avoid answering my question?

Ты в порядке или просто пытаешься уклониться от ответа на мой вопрос?

To prevent further trouble, we’ll avoid the Gauls.

Ладно! Итак, чтобы уклониться от врагов, будем уклоняться от галльских кораблей.

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The writer of those articles was tying to avoid showing his affection.

Автор этих статей старался не показать своих чувств.

Mr. Peddler, all my life I’ve been strivin’ to avoid becoming’ a millionaire and I think I’ve succeeded right well.

Знаете, уважаемый, всю свою жизнь я старался не стать миллионером. И преуспел.

In the morning, he avoided looking at pictures, because he might see Jin.

Утром он старался не смотреть на картинки, потому что мог увидеть Джин.

Avoid sleeping.

Стараюсь не спать.

Honestly, I try to avoid taking sides In most situations.

Если честно, я стараюсь не принимать ничьей стороны.

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Just talk to her You can’t always avoid her

Поговори с ней. Ты не сможешь прятаться от неё вечно.

You can’t avoid me all night.

Ты не можешь прятаться от меня всю нючь

The future is just a fucking concept that we use… to avoid being alive today.

А будущие — всего лишь мираж за которым мы прячемся от настоящей жизни.

Be careful, avoid your mom!

Это моя улица! Прячемся от твоей матери!

— I’m avoiding Burke.

— А я прячусь от Берка.

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I’ll change course to avoid it.

Я изменю курс, чтобы обойти ее.

We’re plotting a new course to avoid them.

Мы прокладываем новый курс, чтобы обойти их.

Here, you need to avoid these guys.

Здесь, ты должен обойти этих двоих.

The lesson that we should learn and that the movies try to avoid is that we ourselves are the aliens controlling our bodies.

Урок, который мы должны усвоить и который фильмы пытаются обойти, в том, что мы сами и есть наши чужие, контролирующие наше тело.

No, he-— let’s t-try to avoid jostling Shepherd’s spinal decompression unless absolutely necessary.

Нет, надо попытаться обойти то, что делал Шепард. Пока не возникнет острой необходимости.

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Tr…try to avoid doing that again, Dougal.

Постарайся больше так не шутить, Дугал.

Try to avoid bloodshed this time.

Давай, только в этот раз постарайся без крови…

We intend to avoid that, sir.

Мы постараемся, сэр.

We want to avoid a post-op ileus. Well,we better.

Постараемся, чтобы после операции не образовалась кишечная непроходимость.

Think you could do us all a favor and avoid crashing it?

Сделай нам все одолжение, постарайся не разбить её.

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In other words… he must avoid any heavy work.

Это значит… вашему мужу нельзя заниматься тяжелым физическим трудом.

And you know, you have to avoid staying still.

И знаете, что я понял? Что нельзя оставаться на месте. Надо идти вперед.

— No. Avoid it.

-Вам туда нельзя.

Should avoid eating things like chicken right before flying.

Перед полетом нельзя есть такие вещи, как жареная курица, понятно?

Clark, if oliver said he wants to avoid all mds and hospitals, I’m sure he has a really good reason.

Кларк, раз Оливер сказал, что в больницу нельзя, у него на это были веские причины.

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  1. By desperate, indebted governments. In other cases, the central bank may try,


    ,or defer the widespread bankruptcies and insolvencies which cause economic
  2. Portugal involving driver Joaquim Santos in his Ford RS200. Santos swerved to,


    ,hitting spectators in the road, and left the track into the crowd of spectators
  3. By the direct translation of ALS, sclerose lateral amyotrophic (SLA). To,


    ,confusion, the annual scientific research conference dedicated to the study of
  4. In this arrangement the soprano and alto doubling have been rewritten to,


    ,changing instruments. Response Gershwin did not particularly like Walter
  5. Of metal, forming with each other an angle of nearly 180°,allowed him to,


    ,the diffraction effects caused (by the apertures) in the experiment of F. M.
  6. Himself as a historian, which justifies his decision to stick to the facts and,


    ,subjectivity. This also explains why the style of The Plague often gives the
  7. About ten feet, with the actor carefully following chalk marks on the ground to,


    ,being hit. (Some arrows missed him by an inch; the actor, who admitted
  8. His or her concentration. The target may become unbalanced in attempting to,


    ,the blow, for example by jerking the head back, which may allow for an easier
  9. S approval, renounced his citizenship in the German Kingdom of Württemberg to,


    ,military service, and in 1896 he enrolled in the four-year mathematics and
  10. Thus, an angle as two rays is characterized by an angle of rotation. To,


    ,confusion when no isometry exists between particular representations of angles
  11. With broken asphalt. In many areas drivers have established alternate tracks to,


    ,the worst parts of the surface, although careful attention must be paid to the
  12. e.g. » Film» or» democracy» ). However, the current preference is to,


    ,direct borrowings, preferring to either use loan translations (e.g. » Branch
  13. Authorizes limited measures to combat it. When these do not work, he tries to,


    ,responsibility, saying he will ask the government for orders. After this, he
  14. Apple with a» stuck icon «, adding that Apple at the time was» a choice to,


    ,for the climate conscious consumer «. The Environmental Protection Agency rates
  15. Are in common use. Some scholars favor the hyphenated form antisemitism to,


    ,possible confusion involving whether the term refers specifically to Jews, or
  16. Who will be Eaten First? » By Howard Halls) or» scholar» replacing Arab to,


    ,any possible racist overtones. Biography H. P. Lovecraft According to Lovecraft
  17. Of the individual nonempty sets in the collection may make it possible to,


    ,the axiom of choice even for certain infinite collections. For example, suppose
  18. Asking for their support in ratifying the Corwin Amendment as a means to,


    ,secession. En route to his inauguration by train, Lincoln addressed crowds and
  19. Understand why the slower car wins or why somebody needs to hit the brakes to,


    ,going too fast. Many local tracks have also complained that bracket racers will
  20. Work, and as the only one that stood the test of time. Speer could not,


    ,seeing the brutal excesses of the Nazi regime. Shortly after Hitler
  21. Wrote about a spiritual discipline under a materialistic guise in order to,


    ,accusations of blasphemy from the church and state. Thus, as science steadily
  22. South was preparing for war. Donald concludes that,» His repeated efforts to,


    ,collision in the months between inauguration and the firing on Ft. Sumter
  23. Believed that with resources and effort they could teach the deaf to speak and,


    ,the use of sign language, thus enabling their integration within the wider
  24. Techniques (use of fertilizers, chemical pest control, growth control to,


    ,lodging). Genetic engineering Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are
  25. Or pronouns and adjectives of the first person (such as the word» I» ), and,


    , using it for a week or more. Should they say the word he instructed them to cut
  26. With broken asphalt. In many areas drivers have established alternate tracks to,


    ,the worst parts of the surface, although careful attention must be paid to the
  27. Of basic commodities and foodstuffs, and under-reporting revenue to,


    ,paying taxes. Despite pronouncements at the highest levels of government on the
  28. And the safety of yourselves and posterity. » He argued that Americans should,


    ,having it said» that America had no sooner become independent than she became
  29. Nucleus. All other orbitals (p, d,f, etc.) have angular momentum, and thus,


    ,the nucleus (having a wave node at the nucleus). The three p-orbitals for n =
  30. Still call Jews apes (and Christians swine); demand that students,


    ,and not befriend Jews; claim that Jews worship the devil; and encourage Muslims
  31. To find a way to send multiple telegraph messages on each telegraph line to,


    ,the great cost of constructing new lines. When Bell mentioned to Gardiner
  32. It may be incumbent on the individual to abjure one of his citizenship to,


    ,possibly being forced into situations where countervailing duties are required
  33. Flowcharts and control tables are structured ways to express algorithms that,


    ,many of the ambiguities common in natural language statements. Programming
  34. Speer related that the sight had no effect on him, other than to cause him to,


    ,that room. When Hitler deprecated Werner March’s design for the Olympic
  35. Above and below its modulated level, and for h 1.0 it varies by 100 %. To,


    ,distortion in the A3E transmission mode, modulation depth greater than 100 %
  36. 8-bit,relatives of ASCII, with the 128 additional characters providing room to,


    ,most of the ambiguity that had been necessary in 7-bit codes. For example, IBM
  37. Speer worked to persuade generals and Emulates to evade the Nero Decree and,


    ,needless sacrifice of personnel and destruction of industry that would be
  38. More complex, anarcho-capitalists generally distrust and seek to,


    ,intentional communal arrangements. Privatization, decentralization,and
  39. Γ, θ,φ, …) to serve as variables standing for the size of some angle. (To,


    ,confusion with its other meaning, the symbol π is typically not used for this
  40. Declined, he was not defiant and on his own made changes to the O. T. O. to,


    ,conflict. He inserted notices into the last number of The Equinox to the effect
  41. That he wanted to kill his victim shortly before his own death so that he could,


    ,succumbing to the arrogance of the murderer where he might come to view himself
  42. Community» or» partnership» ( Livonia). The aim of the city is not just to,


    ,injustice or for economic stability, but rather to allow at least some citizens
  43. Pronounce Arabic names and phrases. These less» scientific» tend to,


    ,diacritics and use digraphs (like sh and km). These are usually more simple
  44. Some time earlier, Lincoln had waited for a military victory to publish it to,


    ,it being perceived as the product of desperation. McClellan then resisted the
  45. As Washington’s top aide that a strong central government was necessary to,


    ,foreign intervention and allay the frustrations due to an ineffectual Congress.
  46. Alphabets, such as Greek, that represent vowels more systematically. This is to,


    ,the notion that a writing system that represents sounds must be either a
  47. It easier to balance the weight and increase bellows control while sitting, and,


    , dropping the instrument while standing. Other accordions, such as the diatonic
  48. Jefferson Davis was eventually persuaded to support plans for arming slaves to,


    ,military defeat. The Confederacy surrendered at Appomattox before this plan
  49. Ampoules packed in argon. In wine making, argon is used to top-off barrels to,


    ,the aerial oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid during the aging process. Argon
  50. To separate his/her feet upon standing, in order to gain a wider base and to,


    ,situation (bodily oscillations tending to be forward-backward ones). The

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

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