Sentence with the word artist

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1 Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist

2 An artist lives everywhere.

3 No artist of performer can entirely escape the lure of fame and its promise of endless admiration and respect, but there is a heavy price one must pay for it. 

4 The artist limned a good likeness of his wife.

5 The artist looked at her with scorn.

6 This is clearly the work of a superior artist.

7 The artist brought his paints with him.

8 He earned a precarious living as an artist.

9 An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head.

10 She is really a fine artist.

11 He’s a real con artist .

12 Each poster is signed by the artist.

13 He is cut out for an artist.

14 The artist is picking in shadows in the picture.

15 The artist drew the scene from memory.

16 He is a promising artist.

17 Hodges wrote an unofficial biography of the artist.

18 Constable was a great English artist.

19 He has become celebrated as an artist.

20 The artist retouched the painting several times.

21 He is an artist to his fingertips.

22 The artist depicted him strolling through a garden.

23 He is a known artist.

24 The young artist showed me his recent canvases.

25 The artist depicted them strolling through a park.

26 The artist had depicted her lying naked on a bed.

27 She’s commissioned an artist to paint her portrait/paint a portrait of her.

28 She came to national prominence as an artist in the 1960s.

29 She wanted a famous artist to paint her picture .

30 Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.

More similar words: artistic, expertise, advertising, advertisement, partial, article, scientist, artifact, partially, particle, statistics, that is to say, statistical, take part in, particular, artificial, articulate, participant, participate, in particular, particularly, participation, tissue, as it is, that is, British, antiseptic, what is more, chastisement, portion. 

Sentences with the word Artist?



  • «his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty»; «the artist‘s gifts are at their acme»; «at the height of her career»; «the peak of perfection»; «summer was at its peak»; «…catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame»; «the summit of his ambition»; «so many highest superlatives achieved by man»; «at the top of his profession»
  • «The artist‘s work influenced the young painter»; «She worked on her friends to support the political candidate»
  • «every artist needs an audience»; «the broadcast reached an audience of millions»
  • «He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system»; «The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist«
  • «the climax of the artist‘s career»; «in the flood tide of his success»
  • «a consummate artist«; «consummate skill»; «a masterful speaker»; «masterful technique»; «a masterly performance of the sonata»; «a virtuoso performance»
  • «The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image»
  • «This artist‘s drawings cannot emulate his water colors»
  • «the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt»; «substitute regular milk for fat-free milk»; «synonyms can be interchanged without a changing the context’s meaning»
  • «she has an eye for fresh talent»; «he has an artist‘s eye»
  • «The artist flowed the washes on the paper»
  • «he gave free rein to his impulses»; «they gave full play to the artist‘s talent»
  • «The article about the artist inspired the exhibition of his recent work»
  • «he writes in his leisure hours»; «life as it ought to be for the leisure classes»- J.J.Chapman; «even the artist and the sculptor were not regarded…as leisured men»- Ida Craven
  • «a major artist«; «a major role»; «major highways»
  • «the president didn’t have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos»
  • «interested in one particular artist«; «a man who wishes to make a particular woman fall in love with him»
  • «the words were scribbled in pencil»; «this artist‘s favorite medium is pencil»
  • «deplored the gap between rich and poor countries»; «the proverbial poor artist living in a garret»
  • «the artist had put together a portfolio of his work»; «every actor has a portfolio of photographs»
  • «The artist must first learn to see»
  • «a good poet is a verbal artist«; «a merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound»; «verbal aptitude»
  • «She works the night clubs»; «The salesman works the Midwest»; «This artist works mostly in acrylics»
  • «The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper»; «Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet»

художник, артист, мастер своего дела, эстрадный артист


- художник, особ. живописец
- творческий работник в области изобразительных искусств; скульптор, гравировщик, редк. архитектор
- артист, актёр

opera artist — оперный певец
artist of the dance — артист(ка) балета

- артист, мастер своего дела

artist in words — мастер слова
this cook is an artist — этот повар — настоящий артист

- амер. обманщик, плут

he is an artist with cards — он ловкий картёжник /шулер/

Мои примеры


an artist with a fragile ego — художник с уязвимым самолюбием  
the artist’s daring use of color — смелое цветовое решение этого художника  
an artist who works with enamels — художник, который работает с эмалями  
an artist by birth — художник по призванию  
black and white artist — художник-график  
a complete artist — настоящий художник  
bilge artist — краснобай; болтун  
artist by birth — художник по призванию  
artist-blacksmith — кузнец, изготавливающий художественные изделия  
be worthy of an artist’s brush — быть достойным кисти художника  
bunco artist — профессиональный лгун; стукач  
bunko artist — профессиональный лгун; кидала; стукач  

Примеры с переводом

He was made to be an artist.

Ему суждено было стать художником.

He has an artist’s eye.

У него глаз художника.

The artist caught the likeness.

Художник уловил это сходство.

He is something of an artist.

Он в некотором роде художник.

She has an artist’s eye.

У неё взгляд художника.

He’s an artist in the kitchen.

На кухне он настоящий мастер своего дела.

Why does not this artist go to nature?

Почему этот художник не обратится к природе?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was living as a struggling artist in the city.

This artist’s drawings cannot emulate his water colors

The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image

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Возможные однокоренные слова

artistic  — художественный, артистический
artistical  — художественный, артистический

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): artist
мн. ч.(plural): artists

Beginning with Walt Whitman, the great poet of nineteenth-century New York, we will explore the diverse and ever-changing environment of the modern city — from Chicago to London, from San Francisco to Detroit — through the eyes of such poets as Carl Sandburg, Emma Lazarus, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Langston Hughes, Marianne Moore, Frank O’Hara, Gwendolyn Brooks, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Hayden, and Robert Pinsky, as well as contemporary hip-hop and spoken word artists.


This month brings Cheryl Rae, a spoken word artist.


Canadian spoken word artist Shane Koyczan struck a nerve with his achingly personal poem about bullying; this phenomenal version, with animation from more than 80 different artists, went viral in 2013.


During this same time, he established himself as a well-respected spoken word artist in the Northwest poetry community.


As a mother, a gamer, a marathon runner, a spoken word artist, and a frequent speaker at hacker conferences, it seems there is no limits to Baldet’s interest and ambition.


I’m a copywriter not an artist -LCB- word artist, perhaps?


Dav Stewart’s photograph of a thoughtful-looking Kate Tempest originally appeared on the cover of the spoken word artist‘s album Everybody Down, and is currently part of the National Portrait Gallery’s touring exhibition «Picture the Poet».


In Milwaukee, mentor artists are author/poet Jacqueline Suskin at King, spoken word artist Speech at Lancaster, opera singer Larisa Martinez at Sherman, and celebrity photographer Johnny Nunez at Roosevelt.


Those are the words artist Tim Rollins used to describe the doings of Puck, the mischievous jester of Shakespeare’s «A Midsummer Night’s Dream.»


Black Righteous Space features a looping soundtrack that combines songs, speeches, and dialogue from more than 50 noted black speakers, singers, and spoken word artists.


A spoken word artist delivers an emotional performance reminding us about all the incredible shelter pets that are waiting for loving homes and a professional photographer takes a groups of kids into a shelter to show how taking great pictures can help get more pets adopted.


Dan Holloway is a novelist, poet and spoken word artist.


«Protect me from what I want» — seen against the backdrop of the most spectacular car race in the world, with its battle for places and prestige, the word artist‘s plea for survival gains a whole new meaning.


Epps: One of the three major themes in the conference is «Reimagine,» and Tony, Jen, and I are all artists — Jen and I are musicians and he’s a spoken word artist — and so we all know the importance of artists and their role in helping us to reimagine a more just and more equitable society.


On the walls are stickers with the words shore and shoring on them — a word the artist is currently fixated on.


Maldonado is an emerging actress, painter and spoken word artist, and hosts a monthly spoken word event that takes place in different locations across New York City.


Optionally include a 150 word artist statement to accompany it.


The spoken word artists Jem, Lyro, and Seek provided clever poetry that addressed plagues of the contemporary African American experience.


Send all proposals to: Subject line: «Your Name, Exhibit Proposal» Please attach: 500 word project proposal, 150 word artist statement, resume, and 3 or more images of recent work


I published a book of poetry and are having a hard time figuring out how to market it (I am no spoken word artist so open mikes are not the route for me to market).


Consider the case of Canadian poet and spoken word artist Shane Koyczan.


At the opening event for Nina Chanel Abney: Royal Flush, Pierce Freelon was the M.C. for the evening, featuring Duke student saxophonist Edgeri Hudlin, youth poets from Blackspace and the Nasher Teen Council and Duke student Ashley Croker-Benn, spoken word artist.


UAE’s first spoken word artist Afra Atiq talked about the hurdles in choosing a career path towards art, and more.


To Acconci, the word artist sounds like someone who is «too much in the clouds.»


Prop is a spoken word artist and musician from Los Angeles on the Humblebeast label known for his advocacy work and heart for justice.


On April 5, 2018, local spoken word artist 13 of Nazareth will perform «Ain’t Nobody More Surprised» at The Athenaeum in Old Town.


He’s a word artist or, rather, an artist who employs other people’s words.


Five $ 25,000 awards are presented annually to accomplished Minnesota writers and spoken word artists.


Candy Royalle who is a spoken word artist, a poet, did a poetry slam performance in the hall for the whole year group.


Glastonbury Festival is seeking experienced poets, wordsmiths, lyricists, spoken word artists, raconteurs, storytellers, stand-up poets and slam champs to perform on its poetry stage.


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

He was accompanied on his journey, made in 1789, by the artist Carlo Labruzzi, who executed a series of 226 drawings, the greater part of which have not been published; they are described by T.

In her style, as in what she writes about, we must concede to the artist what we deny to the autobiographer.

He lays no claim to the position of an original artist painting from life or commenting on the results of his own observation.

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There is no greater joy for an artist than to know their work is in the hands of someone who truly understands it.

Several independent chisellings may be necessary before the lines of the (liaper emerge clearly, but throughout the whole operation no measurement of any kind is taken, the artist being guided entirely by his hand and eye.

Though it was not clear what the artist meant to express by depicting the so-called King of Rome spiking the earth with a stick, the allegory apparently seemed to Napoleon, as it had done to all who had seen it in Paris, quite clear and very pleasing.

No, an artist lived here previously.

Waclaw Sieroszewski has written Twelve Years in the Land of the Jakuts, a contribution to the literature of folk-lore and ethnology such as only a real artist could produce.

The poet or the artist never yet had so fair and noble a design but some of his posterity at least could accomplish it.

This view of liberty of will is the only one in accordance with the facts of humanity; it excludes reflective volition, and explains the enthusiasm of the poet and the artist in the act of creation; it explains also the ordinary actions of mankind, which are done as a rule spontaneously and not after reflective deliberation.

artist (n): someone who paints, draws, or makes sculptures

Use “artist” in a sentence

He is a talented artist.
The artists are living in reduced circumstances.
She is a well-known tattoo artist.
He is an unknown artist.
Whoever made this cake is a real artist.

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: a person who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music, or writing) using conscious skill and creative imagination

the great artists of the Renaissance

an artist specializing in watercolors


: a person skilled in any of the arts

I can’t draw at all, but both of my children are very talented artists.


: a skilled performer


: a musical or theatrical entertainer : artiste


: a person who is very good at something




: one skilled or versed in learned arts


Example Sentences

the great artists of the Renaissance

a pitcher who is a strikeout artist

Recent Examples on the Web

Megan Thee Stallion presented the 57-year-old with the Equal Play Award, which goes to artists who have been vocal about making change in the country music industry.

Country Living Staff, Country Living, 9 Apr. 2023

Flo Milli’s edit is the first in the collab, but more to-be-revealed artists will curate their own in the coming months.

Erica Gonzales, ELLE, 8 Apr. 2023

In the 1950s and ’60s, expat writers and artists such as Paul Bowles and William Burroughs gave the city’s cafes their global renown.

Graham H. Cornwell, Washington Post, 8 Apr. 2023

Hosted by musical artist Ian Isiah, the black tie gala spotlighted several multidisciplinary creatives that encompass such industries as fashion, film, television, music, tech and design.

Michaela Zee, Variety, 8 Apr. 2023

The all-women lineup includes artists Yailin La Más Viral, La Insuperable, La Perversa, among others.

Griselda Flores, Billboard, 8 Apr. 2023

His company, Royal, is a platform where artists can create and sell NFTs that represent partial ownership of a song or album, letting the purchaser collect a portion of the streaming royalties.

Jeff John Roberts, Fortune Crypto, 8 Apr. 2023

Jean-Claude Van Damme’s star-making role follows Frank Dux, an American martial artist serving in the military, who decides to leave the army to compete in the Kumite, a martial arts tournament in Hong Kong where fights to the death can occur.

Ben Flanagan |, al, 8 Apr. 2023

Her hot water’s broken and, to add insult to injury, her landlady is a more successful artist friend seemingly too distracted by two shows of her own to fix it.

Thomas Page, Cnn, CNN, 8 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘artist.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


borrowed from Middle French artiste «person practicing a craft, student of the liberal arts,» borrowed from Medieval Latin artista «artificer, student of the liberal arts,» from Latin art-, ars «acquired skill, art entry 1″ + -ista -ist entry 1

First Known Use

1563, in the meaning defined at sense 4c

Time Traveler

The first known use of artist was
in 1563

Dictionary Entries Near artist

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“Artist.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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  • Use the word Artist in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Klein came back to his native New York in 1954 after a six year sabbatical in Paris where he trained as an artist, but this was no prodigal’s return in sackcloth and ashes.

But then as I started seriously working as an artist, travelling was essential, so I was continuously driving back and forth on US 66 between here and Oklahoma when I would take all these gasoline stations.

Daly: During the blind auditions, dance-pop artist casey desmond, Who designs all of her own clothes,

Daly: Christina and her advisor, recording artist sia, Meet with cherie and lily to prep for their upcoming battle.

Emily and curtis rehearse with cee lo And grammy-winning recording artist monica.

Emily: Curtis is an amazing artist. He’s got an incredible, soulful voice,

«He probably is a con artist

Mozart, life, love and suffering An artist‘s life

Little Wolfgang exhibited very early the talent of a great artist.

The fantasy of that curious artist, a famous clown, an academic, a former minister a boxer, an industrialist, and a poet come together here pell-mell

This announcement, and the strange maneuvers precipitated it, would have upset certain rivals of the ambitious artist.

A young engineer commits suicide for an artist.

Do not forget that you are an artist, your public life is not yours.

Georges Barsac, talented artist … but ignored by the directors.

But you’ve got the makings of a great artist.

Have you ever seen an artist‘s studio?

Dedicated to the great man and artist Heinrich Zille

(Heinrich Zille) (German graphic artist (1858 — 1929))

They’ll say you’re a great artist.

I said you were a great artist.

You may still be a great artist. Where is this picture?

That’s the artist‘s privilege.

He said he was an artist and wanted me to pose for him.

Is it customary for an artist to purchase the wardrobe of his model?

You aren’t falling for this artist guy, are you?

Seems he’s a friend of this artist guy and he don’t wanna let on he’s competition.

You and the artist, me and Standish.

Private secretary wanted for lady artist

An artist has to be very careful at that moment.

In the play, Tilla plays an artist who hurries from success to success, is adored by the public and celebrated, and one day she falls in love with some poor devil.

She’s an artist, she needs luxury, riches, success, all sorts of things the man can’t offer her. You understand that, don’t you, Herr Weidenau? She’s an artist like…

The characters in your new play, the lady artist and the young man, bear no resemblance to…

All the ladies will envy you and say, «Who is this great artist: «Who can make a woman look as beautiful as that?

You impressed me both as an artist and as a man.

Well, you may question my taste, but as an artist, you’ll understand my temptation.

In my life as an artist

At the Baring trial these last few days, you made a strong impression as a man and as an artist.

My taste may surprise you. But as an artist, you’ll understand what tempted me.

I’m curious how good a trapeze artist is at playing comedy.

You can select from two other preset expressions, or input your own variation such as $artist — $album, or any combination of the variables $artist, $album, and $ignore. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Not only can TagScanner clean up the artist, album, song title, and track number information for your digital music files, it can rename your songs based on a pattern you define like %artist% — %title%, it can make music playlists, and search online databases like freedb and Amazon to automatically tag music missing information. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Woman or artist — there’s no word so naked and empty to me as just _artist_ —- » ❋ Will Levington Comfort (1905)

I will use her term «artist and muse,» which they each were for each other. ❋ Maria Rodale (2011)

Some people probably object to me using the term artist about such a lowly profession. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The main artist is Karl Kerschl, whose style leans away from what Douglas Wolk calls the «default style of the superhero mainstream» toward a half-cartoony look. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I think the word artist is overused in the entertainment community. ❋ Kenneth Calhoun (2003)

The word artist tends to be over-used when describing popular musicians, but it seems apt for Polly Jean Harvey, such is her creative ambition and fierce focus on the integrity of her work. ❋ Unknown (2011)

GABE TIBERINO, Features recent work from the title artist, who paints frequently for the Mural Arts Program. ❋ Unknown (2009)

MICHAEL GALLAGHER, Features the title artist‘s acrylic abstractions, which use broad brushstrokes and warm, burnt colors. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Features photographs by the title artist, who captures tiny details: a fire hydrant, a neon ❋ Unknown (2009)

Features work by the title artist, who pioneered the use of plastic in jewelry-making to allow for large-scale pieces that would otherwise be too heavy to wear. ❋ Unknown (2009)

NIKI BOMBSHELL, Features the title artist‘s inks and acrylics on wood, cardboard and other found platforms. ❋ Unknown (2009)

FRAN GALLUN, Features collage, multimedia works and prints by the title artist, who explores her everyday surroundings through a geometric perspective.

HATAIIA, Features the title artist‘s bold photographs of curvaceous women in the nude. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Those who can paint [realistically] or not are artists for they [transfer] life onto a surface such as paper or [canvas].
Drawing is a form of artistry. ❋ RuffledRaven (2013)

duchamp; [el greco]; [stanely] kubrik; lydia lunch; ray [bradbury] (you get the point) ❋ Stacy (2004)

[Lynda] [marveled] at the sculptors skill as she gazed at the realistic deer, soldered out of pieces of scrap metal.
Dr. Smith was quite surprised and blushed when he realized that the artist he had been [talking down] to was also a doctor.
Ralph, an aspiring artist, worked long and hard on his painting and was proud of the result. ❋ Qazsw23 (2011)

I’m don’t think of myself as an artist, just a person with [some shit] on his [mind that] needs to [get out]. ❋ JeremiahTwine (2011)

1.»I am an artist
«But you never draw?»
«I know…» ([cries in] corner)
2. [Poets], authors, and dancers deserve the title of artist.
3. «That two year old is a real artist, proper [Picasso]! Smeared paint all over my new Lamborghini!» ❋ Bee.the.glorious.weedsnack (2019)

«damn, he ate all [the pizza]?»
«all ten [slices].»
«damn, that kids a straight murk-artist
«you got there [in ten] minutes»
«yeah, i’m a fuckin’ skirtist.» ❋ Dingdingding (2007)

[That person] looks like an artist. They look like they get [no sleep] so they have to [be an] artist. ❋ I’m An Artist. (2020)

[I would] [respect] her more if she weren’t such a [gossip] artist. ❋ The Return Of Light Joker (2012)

finding solace in art was the hard earned result of a 40 year elimination process.
while i was working on building a life around art (i.e. writing about it, communicating with people) i refused to accept that i had every damn right and [raison] [d’]être to be an artist myself. And to this day i struggle to give myself that title. Artist.
maybe start a [daily mantra]: i am an artist. i am an artist. my work is equally worthy. equally worthy. artistic worth. i am an artist. ❋ Dia Spora (2020)

[What the fuck is that] [shit]?
That «shit» is [art bitch]. ❋ Whipset (2005)

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