Sentence with the word anyone

Anyone is a band from Southern California that formed in 1995. Their 2001 self-titled album was released on Roadrunner Records. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

We’re not singling anyone out for a worse experience.


She has also made it known within the Conservative caucus that if anyone else is thinking about a leadership run, the party will find ways to «leverage opportunities» for them.


To anyone balking at the idea of renting out a non traditional workspace, Jiang scoffs.


We’ve explored tools that help anyone create visual content.


Why don’t we just go around having sex with anyone we want to?


Our coffee shop startup guide is perfect for anyone seeking to get ahead of competition.


Do the same thing with the Fed Model, or most other «equity risk premium» estimates proposed by Wall Street analysts or academics, and you’ll either cry, or laugh, or cry laughing, but you’ll undoubtedly be distressed that anyone would recommend those models as a basis for long-term investment.


While I’m sympathetic to anyone who dislikes the current tax rates, and I think it is unfortunate that dividends are taxed at all since they are already taxed 35 % or so at the corporate level, but realistically speaking, the current 15 % tax structure (for most of us) is about as good as we can ask for.


Heck, anyone who watches tv news, talking heads, sitcoms, or movies have their beliefs challenged all the time.


No one ever killed anyone with kindness — only the dark is killed by kindness.


«We pay more taxes in this country than anyone,» he tells Rose.


«But if you’re talking about truly automated accounts that are operated in huge numbers, that is a huge problem, and reducing that doesn’t limit anyone‘s freedom of speech.»


For instance, anyone who did invest in gold 10 years ago has done well: the per-ounce spot price of gold has risen more than 300 percent over that time period.


I don’t think anyone has said, «Because of you, Mark!


But it’s unlikely that having a mission statement has changed anything for the church, and today it’s hard to find anyone who can recite it from memory.


I hereby ask anyone willing to help rebuild the island to donate via this fund.


Loan programs, tax credits and down payment assistance are available for anyone who qualifies.


But third party services can sometimes require a Facebook login (a workaround for that would be to create a dummy Facebook account purely for login purposes — using a name and email you don’t use for anything else, and not linking it to your usual mobile phone number or adding anyone you actually know IRL) Tell me more: Deleting Facebook clearly isn’t for everyone.


A year later, a California federal court ordered Coinbase to hand over customer records of anyone transacting $ 20,000 or more in any year between 2013 and 2015.


Sam said;» I have never heard anyone say that of any Christians in my lifetime.


If anyone wonders why I hate God so much, this would be Exhibit A. I get to go through life alone — like the prisoners in Pelican Bay, except that I get to walk around.


A little reflection shows that just one year of managing money wisely can make a huge difference in anyone‘s finances.


Interesting discussion… if it takes being in the top 2-4 % of all earners to raise a family, how the heck is anyone going to retire?


As anyone familiar with my own work will expect, I have many serious reservations about this book, the most inclusive being that I do not think the author helps either the nonbeliever or the believer to understand the problem of faith and New Testament criticism.


After a recent haircut, the stylist gave me a card offering myself, and anyone I referred to her, a free haircut.


— Todd Henry, author of The Accidental Creative «This book is more than a «how to» guide, it’s a «how they did it» guide that should persuade anyone thinking about starting a business that they don’t need a fortune to make one.»


EVOLUTION AND WOMEN RELIGIOUS When the Vatican announced the expected results of its investigation of women’s religious orders in the United States, the sisters of the LCWR and their supporters (Garry Wills clearly among them) reacted with shock — shock that anyone would think the sisters and the conference had any problems at all.


How, they asked, could anyone not understand that mankind as a whole shared the blame?


The tweets were sent to a total of more than 40,000 followers as well as anyone else who saw them via hashtags.»


It is important that plan sponsors distinguish between anyone who is a 5 % owner and other employees, as RMD requirements may differ.


They’re moving away from trade agreements, they’re moving away from WTO mandated minimums, and consequentially they’re saying that they’re going to run trade and they don’t care what anyone else says.


In an evolving corporate landscape, with an increasingly younger workforce, C-Suite Coach seeks to provide a fun, attainable, and powerful resource for anyone seeking to build a path to the C-Suite.


The new law would allow essentially anyone over the age of 18 to invest a portion of their income to startups that will campaign for investor money using crowdfunding websites.


Authors Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms explore how power is won and lost now that anyone with a Facebook FB, -1.16 % Twitter TWTR, +0.39 % YouTube, Instagram or other social-media account can create a popular movement just by adding «#» to a cause or concern.


Investor Sri Gorthy, who worked at Google for 8 years himself, says that Xoogler-run companies have become his «sweet spot,» since he trusts that anyone who worked there has a strong work ethic.


Though much of the work with fog harvesting has been conducted with a charitable bent, it is not hard to see corporations utilizing the concept should it prove viable — bottled water from the Sahara, anyone?


But there he was standing Tuesday before an array of Canadian flags, in front of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario officials, to announce the closest thing anyone has seen to a tech company that takes the reins in a major city.


Default search doens» t «WOW» anyone.


The deduction is available to anyone, in any business, with income up to $ 157,500 for an individual or $ 315,000 for a married couple filing jointly.


The Hanfree case serves as an allegory for Kickstarter’s growing pains as a crowdfunding platform, a largely new and unregulated world in which anyone with any idea — good or bad — can get paid to create it, largely without any vetting or approval process from the site itself.


Instead they’d be hoping they could find anyone who would pay them anything for their coffee.


If content marketing is going to benefit from buyer persona development, you will need to uncover specific insights that are unknown to your competitors or anyone inside your company.


Even though its directed towards the green sector, Id recommend it to anyone interested in promoting their business while benefiting others and getting more enjoyment out of life at the same time.


This course will help just about anyone — from journalists to technical writers to developers to aspiring bloggers — create content that really engages and converts online.


I was trapped in her car as she drove, then she blurted, «Keep it in your pants and don’t impregnate anyone


This enables the traders to receive information from, say, the New York Stock Exchange, a fraction of a millisecond before anyone else.


Is there anyone in this room that was surprised by the economic meltdown?


The US is considering adopting a new «crowdfunding» exemption that would allow companies to sell securities to anyone over the internet through either a registered broker-deal or a registered funding portal.


«The PCs have created a crisis in health care — anyone who’s stepped into an ER lately can tell you that,» said Notley.


So really what keyword strategy (and research) comes down to for ecommerce sites is A) knowing some general SEO rules of thumb (i.e. an optimal URL structure, what to do when you come across situation X, etc.) B) knowing your products inside & out (this is essential and spells doom for anyone who tries to find shortcuts!).


anyone — перевод на русский


Anyone can play there if they want— — The nerds can’t stop them.

Играть здесь может кто угодно, Задроты не запрещают.

Right. Anyone can take over the stage. Incredible!

Выходит… кто угодно может забраться на сцену?

No, anyone can write a letter, even you.

Да кто угодно может написать, даже ты.

Anyone could say anything they like.

Значит, кто угодно может позвонить и сказать, что угодно.

Anyone could have taken the snapshot, anytime, anywhere.

Кто угодно мог снять этот кадр, когда угодно и где угодно.

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How could I have fallen in love with anyone as low as you?

Как я могла влюбиться в такого низкого человека, как вы?

The Baltimore Police say they can’t locate anyone so far who answers Henderson’s description.

Полиция Балтимора говорит, что не может найти человека, похожего на описание Хендерсона.

How queer! I never heard of anyone who didn’t eat chicken.

Странно, никогда не встречала человека, который бы не ел курицу.

Did you ever know anyone who was blind before? .

Вы когда-нибудь прежде встречали слепого человека?

— We don’t know anyone named Hunt.

Я возьму. Мы не знаем человека по фамилии Хант.

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How can anyone be all right after seeing that?

Как можно быть в порядке после такого?

What chance has anyone of finding him?

Как его можно найти?

How can anyone hate teaching kids?

Как можно ненавидеть учить детей?

For example, the noblest names in France are available to anyone if the family’s died out.

Можно отхватить самую знатную фамилию во Франции, если род иссяк.

I did not know it was possible to hate anyone as much I hate you.

Я и не думала, что можно ненавидеть так сильно, как я ненавижу вас.

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I don’t want anyone to come and see me while I’m in my office.

— Что еще? — Что делать с капелланом?

I’ve never seen anyone like you.

— Знаете, я таких как вы, ещё не встречал.

Is there anyone who can be my match?

Есть ещё бойцы для поединков со мной?

He asked me without telling Duke Red or anyone.

Он попросил меня, не сказав герцогу или кому-то еще.

Does anyone need to go to the toilet?

Кому-то еще надо в туалет?

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Ashley Wilkes couldn’t like anyone like her.

Эшли не может нравиться такая, как она.

Couldn’t be anyone but George.

И это может быть лишь Джордж.

I’ve booked the finest company anyone’s ever seen.

Я нанял самую лучшую труппу, которая только может присниться.

Ask him if anyone else is having dreams like yours.

Узнай, может еще у кого-то похожие сны.

But can you actually remember anyone ever comin’ back and doin’ anything?

Может вспомнишь такой случай?

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Anyone for a game of ping-pong?

Кто-нибудь хочет сыграть в пинг-понг?

— Would anyone like some more coffee?

Кто-нибудь хочет ещё кофе?

Would anyone like some coffee?

Кто-нибудь хочет кофе?

Uh, listen. Speaking of pancakes, — would anyone like a cup of coffee?

Раз уж речь зашла о блинах, кто-нибудь хочет выпить чашечку кофе?

Anyone for a jelly baby?

Кто-нибудь хочет мармеладку?

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I never saw anyone so afraid to die.

Я еще не видел, чтобы человек так боялся умереть.

Have you ever seen anyone put the seed in the ground?

Разве ты видел, как сажают зерно?

Let’s get Pompeo. He never seen anyone drown before.

Давай позовём Пампео, он никогда не видел утопленников.

Anyone see mine go in? — Didn’t know you were with us!

Ты разве не видел, что я его подбил ?

J.C. Says he hasn’t seen anyone carry the ball for the Bears like that since Willie Galimore.

Джей-Си сказал, что он не видел, чтоб так несли мяч за Медведей, со времени Вилли Галимора.

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I’ve never met anyone like her.

я никогда раньше не встречал таких, как она.

I’ve never met anyone like her.

Я никогда не встречал таких женщин.

He thought he’d never seen anyone so lovely.

Он даже подумал, что никогда в жизни ещё не встречал такой красавицы!

I’ve never known anyone like her.

Я никогда не встречал таких, как она.

I ve never met anyone like her,

Я никогда не встречал похожую на неё.

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Ooh, this is the best night of mine’s or anyone else’s life.

Оо, это лучшая ночь в моей жизни и вообще в чьей-угодно жизни.

Does anyone ever get drunk on this?

От него вообще пьянеют?

Anyone in Cuba?

Вообще на Кубе?

Doesn’t anyone have anything to talk about apart from «happiness»?

Тут вообще говорят о чём-нибудь кроме «счастья»?

I don’t believe he had any contact with your man Uribe, and I don’t think anyone else would.

Я не верю, что он как-то связан с этим Урибе и вообще, не верю, что у него были сообщники

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Didn’t anyone tell you about the sharks?

Доплыла? Вам не говорили об акулах?

Did anyone ever tell you, you look like a young prince out of the Arabian Nights?

Вам никогда не говорили, что вы похожи на юного принца из сказок «1000 и одной ночи»?

Did anyone ever say you were… shamming?

Вам когда-нибудь говорили, что вы — симулянт?

Didn’t anyone ever tell you that?

Тебе что, никогда не говорили?

My son doesn’t want anyone talking about that.

Мой сын не хочет, чтобы об этом говорили.

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1. Worrying never did anyone any good. 

2. Don’t trust anyone over thirty.

3. Hard work never did anyone any harm. 

4. Anyone returning the necklace will be handsomely rewarded.

5. Does anyone here speak Japanese?

6. Are you seeing anyone now?

7. He never exerts himself to help anyone.

8. Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult.

9. Which one? Anyone will do.

10. ‘Promise not to tell anyone!’ ‘I promise.’

11. With that cynical outlook, he doesn’t trust anyone.

12. He hates anyone parking in his space.

13. Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.

14. I forbid anyone to touch that clock.

15. I despise anyone who is cruel to animals.

16. His success can’t be cried down by anyone.

17. I defy anyone to disprove the defendant’s statements.

18. Is there anyone who can tell a fairy tale?

19. Don’t tell anyone my secret.

20. Don’t blab this to anyone.

21. If anyone calls, tell them I’m not at home.

22. Can anyone put up bail for you?

23. Has anyone seen my keys lying about?

24. I have never heard her pan anyone.

24. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. Stay close together-I don’t want anyone to get lost.

26. Has anyone got any suggestions for a title?

27. It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.

28. I am reluctant to trust anyone totally, Your Excellency.

29. Does anyone have any questions or comments?

30. The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«Did you see anyone there?«
(see, meet)

«Did anyone call?«
(call, phone, come, leave, stay, visit)

«Does anyone believe him?«
(believe, trust, understand)

«Does anyone know what happened?«
(know, care about, think about, remember, recall)

«Can anyone attend the meeting?«
(attend, come, join, sit in)

«Does anyone have her phone number?«
(have, know)

«Don’t tell anyone.«
(tell, share with, give it to, discuss it with)

Used with prepositions:

«She doesn’t care about anyone.«
(about, for)

Example sentences:

«Is anyone available to take my place?«

«It is so easy. Any could do it.«

«Is anyone going?«

«Is anyone else coming?«

«Anyone is free to join.«

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

So thinks, or at any rate feels, anyone who comes in sight of the enemy, and that feeling gives a particular glamour and glad keenness of impression to everything that takes place at such moments.

Once she did that, she could risk contacting Tim on her net and pray he reached her before Greenie or anyone else found her.

He’d lied to her to get her to take him to the Immortals, but she still felt safer with him than anyone else.

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She struck first, not bothering to soften her blows as she might with anyone else.

Throughout Africa the death of anyone is ascribed to the magicians of some hostile tribe or to the malicious act of a neighbour.

The defenses the Exemplars gave us must work for anyone trying to kill us.

Sarah suspected the real reason to be twofold, one: He did not want his work critiqued by anyone, let alone those ‘jugheads in the modern music industry’ and two: his music held so much rapture, sadness and longing that anyone listening to it would understand that beneath the snarky I-don’t-give-a-crap-about-anyone attitude boiled a cauldron of raw emotion.

You brought our man closer to being identified than anyone else so you should kiss off any guilty feelings.

At that moment she was oblivious of her surroundings, and from her smiling lips flowed sounds which anyone may produce at the same intervals and hold for the same time, but which leave you cold a thousand times and the thousand and first time thrill you and make you weep.

I grabbed my wife’s hand and the tape recorder and left before anyone could object.

Learn how to use word anyone in a sentence and make better sentences with `word anyone` by reading word anyone sentence examples.

  • Music was so loud I couldn not hear a word anyone said.
  • I don’t believe a word anyone of them says until it has been vetted in the news media.
  • I like the way he just assumes we’ll listen to him when he doesn’t take in a word anyone else says.
  • Intimacy is probably the last word anyone would use in connection with the Coliseum.
  • If your goal is to never hear a word anyone in your party is saying, then this is the place for you.
  • I loved every word of it and highly recommend this to anyone.
  • Anyone who likes scrabble cross word would enjoy this.
  • The two most important possessions anyone has is their word and their integrity.
  • I’m no propagandist, though I don’t expect anyone to take my word for that.
  • YOu will not hear me say a word about anyone but this requires mention.
  • It’s been 3 days since with no word from anyone.
  • I enjoy this bible because the word is broken down so anyone can understand it.
  • I enjoyed every word of this novel and would recommend it to anyone who loves Austen’s characters.
  • Not a word from anyone locally or from corporate.
  • It would also make a great gift for anyone wanting to learn about God’s word.
  • Sorry but anyone who takes the word of a world class liar like Ms.
  • The simple relaxation techniques are word so that anyone can follow them.
  • I would recommend this to anyone interested in learning more of God’s word.
  • Also, I don’t know anyone that drops the F word as much as these characters do.
  • Romney essentially introduced the ACA in Massachusetts before anyone ever said the word Obamacare.
  • Last word If anyone is thinking of entering into Salvia D.
  • Mary Oliver presents word pictures that can speak to anyone at any time.
  • Please, don’t take my word or anyone else’s read Betrayal for yourself and decide.
  • So I drop my car off for this to be fixed and did not hear a single word from anyone for 16 days.
  • He hung on her every word as will anyone who invests in the litle gem.
  • Almost anyone can kill you with a single word, SMALL.
  • And anyone familiar with his works in Middle Earth will find echoes in every word.
  • But the word didn’t reach anyone.
  • Goodman’s word for it because it’s an era that never started for anyone I know.
  • I would recommend this to anyone who likes word search puzzles.
  • But don’t tell anyone working there I used the M word.
  • Word of advise for anyone that don’t know anyone’s business.
  • Anyone who is interested in ancient history or religious history should enjoy every word.
  • Well written and a must read for anyone who is a patriot in the best sense of the word.
  • And I do not need to stress to anyone who is a woman how terrifying to word rape sounds.
  • Does anyone believe a word from Mr.
  • Anyone who relies on his word is a sucker.
  • I would highly recommend this app for anyone who loves word searches like I do.
  • Have you got people in your life that has not got a good word to say about anyone.
  • Nastya doesn’t speak a single word to anyone for a very long time.
  • Oh my word that man with leave anyone breathless.
  • He was an organic farmer of fruit before anyone much used the word the way we do today.
  • By using the word DRAMA I do not mean for anyone to deny the authenticity of this engaging text.
  • A beaming smile and kind word await anyone coming in to The Caribbean Queen.
  • A word of advice to anyone who buys this product is to use crushed ice from your ice maker.
  • Anyone with a love for the written word and an incredible story can easily ignore that.
  • The word » nigger » draws revulsion from anyone who hears it.
  • True, it would be seriously weird to hear anyone utter this ugly abortion of a word aloud.
  • Good read to help anyone struggling with TRYING to live according to God’s word.
  • But has anyone given a deep thought to this word.
  • She says no word of greeting to anyone.
  • I would recommend this to anyone who loves the word.
  • The powers that be would take anyone’s word for it when they were on a witch hunt.
  • Jake left town 10 years ago without a word to anyone.
  • Without a single word from anyone that worked there.
  • Trump shouldn’t be allowed to use the word hypocrite in reference to anyone but himself.
  • We got up and left without anyone saying a word.
  • She left with no word to anyone, including her brothers or her father.
  • The name » golliwog » came to be used as a degrading term for anyone who wasn’t white-skinned, and new origins were suggested for the word.
  • We’ve not heard word one from the sales woman or anyone at Lexus of Las Vegas.
  • 10, 15, 20 mins go by not a word from anyone.
  • Great for anyone who can read God’s word and grow by.
  • I have never heard a good word about Rentals Tempe from anyone who has rented through them.
  • College sweethearts separated when she disappears, leaving college without a word to anyone.
  • I would recommend to anyone who wants to spread the word, but is reluctant to do so.
  • I am old enough to remember the first time that anyone mentioned the word computer.
  • Rarely has an expletive word killed anyone.
  • I highly recommend these to anyone who is serious about digging deeper into God’s word.
  • I would reccomend it to anyone that desires to read and listen to God’s word.
  • Would recommend this app to anyone who likes word relationship puzzles.
  • He will tell you he treats you like anyone in his family and he is true to his word.
  • Does anyone use that word anymore.
  • Again I have to say I don’t like going though 8 or 10 pages without anyone say a word.
  • Not one word from anyone about voter suppression, gerrymandering, and fake news.
  • No one word chapters, but if anyone could pull it off, I’m sure it would be this author.
  • If he said an unkind word about anyone, I sure don’t remember it.
  • Wark didn’t say a word about the money to anyone except a few administrators.
  • I can’t believe anyone would take any word written in this thin flimsy tome to heart.
  • I highly recommend this set to anyone wanting to enhance their time spent in the word.
  • Recommend to anyone wanting to test their word ability.
  • Plus, anyone with an iPhone 4s will be asking themselves if Daria is a Mid word version of Siri.
  • For A Christian or anyone who wants to Learn more about The word of God.
  • Anyone who knows God, His word, and his forgiveness and love knows that.
  • I still have not heard a word from anyone, with the exception of the automated responses.
  • Following the incident, Stigler never said a word about it to anyone even after the war.
  • And without emotion, all that is left of a swearword is the word itself, unlikely to soothe anyone’s pain.
  • Why would anyone listen and believe a word he says this time.
  • For instance, spreading the word that you have money for the guy will bring anyone out of hiding.
  • Needless to say we walked out without anyone saying a word to us.
  • One word of advice don’t trust anyone.
  • Always quick with a kind word and even quicker with a secret helping hand for anyone in need.
  • Today, with modern GUI word processors, it’s hard to imagine anyone using overtype mode, but undoubtedly such people are out there.
  • Powell says that there is no record of anyone in the early church ever recognizing that a writing was pseudepigraphical in any sense of the word and still regarding it as authoritative.
  • Would recommend this to anyone that loves crosswords or word puzzles.
  • This is a very complex word for anyone this app would be interesting to.
  • I won’t ruin it for anyone but it’s in one word addictive.
  • I walked around the store without anyone saying a word to me for more than thirty minutes.
  • I love anyone who uses that word.
  • I can’t believe anyone would just take the word of some unknown mystery source.

Similar words: Worksop, World Melting, Wormy, World Bound, Work Force, Workmen, Workgroup, World Wars, Wordings, World Adored, Worse Calculated, World Altering, Word Existence, Worthiness, Worm Killing, Words Used Incorrectly, Worcester, World Bank, Worst Cast, Word Book

You’ve probably already tried to work out the differences between someone vs anyone, and that’s a good place to start. We’re here to help you truly learn what the differences are and when you should use them. We’ll also show you the positive ideas behind “someone” and the negative ideas behind “anyone.”

What Is The Difference Between “Someone” And “Anyone”?

Someone should be used when you’re asking for or wanting an unspecified person. This person usually comes with a few select qualities related to the situation. Anyone should be used when you’re asking for or wanting an unspecified person but do not care which person you end up getting. In both cases, you can use them as part of a question or as a sentence.

The Positive Meaning Of “Someone”

We’ll start by looking a little closer at “someone.” There is a positive meaning that’s closely associated with the use of “someone,” and most people will use it in this sense. When using “someone,” we’re asking for somebody unspecific that we don’t know (or do in some cases) to come out for us. These people will often be closely related to the task at hand, whether they’ve got specific qualifications to help out or something else.

When we say the positive meaning in this subtitle, we use “someone” in positive sentences or questions. We’re asking for help from somebody. Though the person is unknown in the context, the idea is that we really need their help and would appreciate them doing it. Let’s see what we mean.

  • I need someone to help me out here.

This is a positive sentence, where somebody is in trouble and asks anyone to help them out with whatever has gone wrong.

  • Could you find someone to give me a hand?

This is a positive question where someone is specifically asking for help. Typically, they’d be helped by the person with the most experience. However, the person they’re expecting to help them is unspecified, which usually means that anybody could come along to help them.

The Negative Meaning Of “Anyone”

Now we get to the negative meaning of “anyone.” It means much the same thing as “someone,” but when we use it, we’re referring to any specific person. The idea is that we truly don’t care who comes to help us out. This lack of care gives “anyone” the negative connotations that we’re about to share with you.

  • Can anyone help?

This is a negative question that’s asking if someone can help. However, using “anyone” in this scenario shows that the speaker doesn’t care who comes out. In fact, they’re usually insulting the person they’re asking the question to, implying they can’t already help them out.

  • I don’t want anyone. I want someone good.

This is another negative sentence where someone is saying they don’t want just any random person. They’re implying that the person they’re speaking to needs to find someone else to help, and it’s always used negatively.

Of course, in some scenarios, we can still use “anyone” in a positive light, though it’s not nearly as common in this sense. If we use the word “if” before “anyone,” we can typically write some positive sentences out of “anyone,” though the overall tone of the sentence is still seen as a negative one.

  • If anyone could help me out, that would be great.

See here how this is a positive sentence. Somebody is indeed asking for help and don’t mind which person comes to help them. However, using anyone in this way shows the negativity coming through. It almost seems sarcastic or careless when someone speaks in this manner, so you should be careful using it this way.

Examples Of How To Use “Someone” In A Sentence

Now that we’ve seen a few examples of sentence structures with positive and negative connotations, it’s time to look at some examples more closely. Examples are some of the best ways to learn new language rules and structures to help you get a grasp of the English language. We’ll show you a few sentences, and you can see how “someone” is used first of all.

  • I’d like to find someone who fits the criteria.
  • They’re looking for someone to help them out.
  • Can someone find me a suitable donor?
  • I need someone to order my food for me.
  • Could someone offer their seat for me?

Examples Of How To Use “Anyone” In A Sentence

We’ll also look at “anyone” in some examples. In these cases, you’ll see a slight hint of the negative meanings for each case. If you say them out loud, you’ll often be able to hear the underlying mocking tone that most people use when saying “anyone.” Of course, you shouldn’t use “anyone” in this regard if you’re talking to somebody you like, as it can be insulting.

  • Is anyone out there?
  • Is anyone going to help me with this?
  • They are looking for just about anyone to work there.
  • We’d like anyone who knows what they’re doing.
  • If anyone keeps talking, I’ll give you all detention.

Does Someone/Somebody And Anyone/Anybody Have The Same Meaning?

What about “somebody” and “anybody?” When we use these words, do they mean the same thing? Well, yes. In fact, they are completely identical to “someone” and “anyone.” “Somebody” means that you’re looking for an unspecified person, though typically has the required criteria or qualities you’re looking for. It is used only in positive senses, just like we talked about above with “someone.”

“Anybody” is the same word as “anyone.” We use it when referring to an unspecified person, though we don’t care who comes when we ask for them. It’s mostly used in a negative sense and is synonymous entirely with the word “anyone.” You can easily replace both words with these counterparts and get the same meaning.

There isn’t a rule you need to follow in choosing which one either. “If anyone can help” is the same grammatically as “if anybody can help.” Don’t worry about getting them confused. Just work with whichever word you find sounds and looks best for you.

You might also like: Me And Someone” Or “Someone And I”: Which Is Correct? (12 Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

What is the difference between anyone and any one?

The words “any one and “anyone” may look similar, but they do not mean the same thing. The main difference is that “anyone” is an indefinite pronoun while “any one” is not really a word at all–– it’s a two-worded phrase. 

More specifically, the pronoun “anyone” (one word) can reference one person or a group of people, while the phrase “any one” (two words) references any single person, place, or thing. 

The origins of confusion: anyone vs. any one

According to Garner’s Modern English Usage (GMEU), there was a time when “anyone” was written as two words: “any one.” But as with many English phrases, the unification of “any one” is complete, and the single-worded version is now a part of standard English (Garner 58). 

The union of “any” and “one” is thought to have taken place in 1844 (Modern English), although Old English ænigmon also meant ‘anyone’ or ‘someone.’ Additional forms included: 

  • Old English (c. 450–1150 CE) = ǽnig + mon (any one, any man)
  • Middle English (c. 1150–1450 CE) = anī ōn (any single one, anyone)

What does anyone mean?

According to the New Oxford English Dictionary, the word anyone is an indefinite pronoun that references “any person or people” or “a person of importance or authority” (“Anyone” 71). For example, 

  • Anyone who’s anyone has visited New York.” 
  • “They say anyone can eventually live on Mars.”
  • “Do you know anyone who bought stock in GameStop?”
  • “Can anyone explain the stock market to me?”

The pronoun “anyone” is the most similar to “anybody” (another indefinite pronoun) because they serve the same function: to describe any person at all. For example, 

  • “Is there anybody on the International Space Station?” 
  • “I can’t see anybody on the moon.” 

Synonyms of anyone

All, anybody, everybody, everyone, somebody, someone. 

Antonyms of anyone

Nobody, none, no one.

What does any one mean?

Any one” is not a recognized word in the English language. In fact, standard dictionaries don’t provide definitions of “any one,” except to differentiate it from its single word counterpart. However, we can use “any one” as an adjective phrase to indiscriminately reference a person, place, thing from a larger group. 

Sentence examples: 

  • “She didn’t enjoy any one your ESL classes.” 
  • “We can study any one of these suffixes.” 
  • Any one of you can become a linguist.” 
  • “I would love to study at any one of those universities.” 

Usage note

In case you haven’t noticed, we often pair any one” with the preposition “of” to address specific pronouns and determiners. For example, 

  • Any one of them can work at the office.”
  • Any one of you can be granted access to the building.”
  • Any one of us might find open office hours helpful.”  
  • Any one of these offices may be open.”

How to use anyone vs. any one in a sentence?

Many writers confuse terms like “anyone” and “any one” because they don’t understand indefinite pronouns or how “any one” functions as an adjective phrase. To settle the confusion once and for all, let’s review these simple grammar topics. 

What are indefinite pronouns?

In general, indefinite pronouns are words that can describe any person, place, or thing (although they can specify non-specific actions in certain circumstances). 

When indefinite pronouns contain quantifying or distributing terms like “any,” “every,” “some,” or “no,” there are specific contexts when one word is more appropriate than the other. 

Indefinite pronouns with “every” reference all quantities of people, places, or things:

  • Everyone = every person in existence or of a group. 
  • Everybody = all people as a group. 
  • Everywhere = every location imaginable. 
  • Everything = every person, place, or thing imaginable (as a whole).  

Indefinite pronouns with “some” reference partial quantities of people, places, or things:

  • Someone/somebody = a non-general person that may or may not exist. 
  • Somewhere = a non-specific place. 
  • Something = a general and non-specific person, place, or thing. 

Indefinite pronouns with “any” imply no selective preference to a person, place, or thing in a group: 

  • Anyone/anybody = a non-specific person or group of people. 
  • Anywhere = a non-specific location. 
  • Anything = a non-specific person, place, thing, or action. 

Indefinite pronouns with “none” or “no” (negative quantifiers) reference zero quantities of people, places, or things:

  • No one = zero specific individuals. 
  • Nobody = zero individuals or groups of people. 
  • Nowhere = zero locations. 
  • Nothing = zero persons, places, or things. 

Indefinite pronouns for individuals or people

As we can see, indefinite pronouns reference non-specific objects, but we can use their determiners to address specific types of nouns. When we need to address people, we only use the following indefinite pronouns: 

  • Someone/somebody
  • Anyone/anybody
  • No one/nobody

Example sentences: 

  • “Can someone help me find a dictionary?
  • “We need somebody to teach.” 
  • “Does anyone study the English language?” 
  • Anybody can learn English grammar.” 
  • No one attended class.” 
  • “There’s nobody at the school.” 

There are exceptions to the rules, such as when we use “something,” “anything,” or “nothing” to include all “things” imaginable. Likewise, the word “thing” is appropriate when there is uncertainty over a noun’s humanity. For example, 

  • “Is something wrong?”
  • “There’s something outside.” 
  • “I didn’t see anything outside.” 
  • “It must have been nothing.” 

What are adjective phrases?

Adjective phrases are what they sound like: two or more words that describe something else. In the case of “any one,” we have the determiner “any” paired with the number “one” to select a single individual noun from multiple options indiscriminately. 

Examples sentences: 

  • “I don’t want to see any one of your friends again.”
  • “We will gladly take any one of those desserts.” 
  • “She doesn’t want any one of us in the room.” 
  • “The rascal could have been any one of my children.” 

The Word Counter has covered similar adjective phrases, such as “every one,” “some day,” “a lot,” or “a while.” These particular phrases parallel “any one” because they reference certain people, dates, quantities, and times in a nonspecific manner. 

When to use anyone vs. any one in a sentence?

Anyone” does not explicitly reference any single member of a group, and it is often used when the subject in question is general and open-ended. For example, if someone said “they can choose anyone they want,” that means “they” can select any or all of the people available.

In contrast, the sentence “they can choose any one they want” means that someone can choose any person, place, or thing available. Therefore:

  • Use “anyone” to vaguely reference people.
  • Use “any one” to specifically reference any single person, place, or thing. 

Example sentences: 

  • Anyone attending the meeting will expect snacks.”
  • “Does anyone want to bring snacks?”
  • Anyone who can bring snacks, raise your hands.”
  • “Doesn’t any one of you want to bring snacks?” 
  • Any one of you could volunteer to bring the snacks.”
  • “Is anyone willing to bring snacks?” 
  • “You can share snacks with anyone you like!”

When to use anyone vs. anybody?

According to Garner’s Modern English Usage, the pronouns “anyone” and “anybody” are completely interchangeable, although “anyone” appears far more often than “anybody.” The preference toward “anyone” is likely due to context and “euphony,” as “anyone” rolls off the tongue a bit easier than its four-syllable counterpart (Garner 58). 

Sentence examples: 

  • “Can anyone hear me?”
  • “Can anybody hear me?”
  • “I will travel with anyone.”
  • “I will travel with anybody.” 
  • “Is there anyone here from the United States?”
  • “Is there anybody here from the United States?”

Test Yourself!

Anyone can learn the difference between “anyone and any one.” See how much you’ve learned with the following multiple-choice questions. 

  1. True or false: “any one” is a common misspelling of “anyone.” 
    a. True
    b. False
  2. Any one” is a ____________. 
    a. Modal phrase
    b. Adverb phrase
    c. Adjective phrase
    d. Indefinite pronoun 
  3. The word “anyone” is a ____________. 
    a. Prefix
    b. Indefinite pronoun
    c. Modal verb
    d. Adjective phrase
  4. Which of the following can reference any number of people? 
    a. Any one
    b. Anyone
    c. Everyone
    d. All of the above
  5. “Anyone” is synonymous with ____________.
    a. Any one
    b. Everyone
    c. No one
    d. Anybody


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D


  1. “Anī ōn phr.” Middle English Compendium, Regents of the University of Michigan, 2021.
  2. “Anyone.” The Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster Inc., 2020.
  3. “Anyone.” The New Oxford American Dictionary, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 71.
  4. Garner, B. “Anyone. A. And any one.” Garner’s Modern American Usage, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 58. 
  5. “Indefinite pronouns.” Resources for Learning English, EF Education First, 2020. 
  6. Johnson, M.L. (1916). “Ǽnig.” A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary for the Use of Students, The Dictionary, 2004. 
  7. “This, that, these, those.” Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press, 2020.

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