Sentence with the word accessories

accessories — перевод на русский

My dear, somehow I believe my accessories are the normal size.

Милая, мне кажется, мои аксессуары вполне нормального размера…

Eitaro… give them this kimono and the accessories.

Эйтаро… передай им это кимоно и аксессуары.

They are the same on the leather, and on the accessories.

Такая же кожа, и аксессуары.

I want you to steal all the money from Mummy’s purse… and buy all my accessories.

Стащи все деньги из маминой сумочки.. и купи все мои аксессуары.

You must have bought me… every Malibu Stacy accessory. Not quite.

Папа, ты наверно купил мне все существующие аксессуары для Малибу Стэйси!

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It would become accessory to a plot perpetrated at the expense of a third party.

… и стать вашим соучастником в ущерб третьему лицу.

And more than a witness. An accessory to misadventure.

Более, чем свидетелем, мистер Нэвилл — соучастником этой трагедии.

— He’d be accessory to armed robbery.

— Он стал бы соучастником вооруженного ограбления.

You know what you’ve done has made you an accessory to murder?

Вьi понимаете, что ваши действия сделали вас соучастником убийства?

Being an accessory to a murder wasn’t part of our understanding.

Разве мы договаривались, что я стану соучастником убийства?

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And I say that hiding a crime is being an accessory. We’re talking hard labor.

— Сокрытие преступления означает соучастие и грозит каторгой.

But this business of being an accessory, that’s serious!

Но в таком случае это соучастие, серьёзное дело

Let them try me for perjury, or an accessory, or… — Ready?

Пусть меня судят за лжесвидетельство или за соучастие или…

Good news. Withholding evidence, extortion, accessory after the fact.

Хорошие новости. соучастие по факту.



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Do you regard me as an accessory?

Беллами, в этом вашем заговоре вы и меня считаете соучастницей?

They said she was an accessory after the fact.

Говорят, она была соучастницей.

Tell us where this Sanford is or you’re an accessory.

— Скажите нам где Стэнфорд, иначе мы будем считать вас соучастницей. — Он адвокат.

And I’m not sure you want her booked as an accessory. She stays.

Если не хотите, чтобы её сочли соучастницей, она будет отвечать.

You wreck my play, you make me an accessory to a crime.

Ты срываешь мою пьесу, делаешь меня соучастницей преступления.

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As is being an accessory to bribery, embezzlement, tax evasion and racketeering.

Как и пособничество в даче взяток, уклонении от уплаты налогов.

And if he sent A.J. to that motel room, it’s accessory to murder.

И если он отправил Эй Джей в ту комнату в мотеле, то это пособничество в убийстве.

Martin Gold, you’re under arrest for possession and distribution of narcotics and accessory to murder.

Мартин Голд, вы арестованы за хранение и распространение наркотиков И пособничество в убийстве.

Oh, a bunch of them… Campaign finance fraud and as an accessory to murder.

О, по нескольким — мошенничество c финансированием кампании и пособничество в убийстве.

Ms. Franza, you’re under arrest for extortion, accepting a bribe and accessory to felony assault-— and that’s just for appetizers.

Мисс Францы, вы арестованы за рэкет, взяточничество и пособничество в особо тяжком преступлении и это, только цветочки.

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She refused to be an accessory.

Она отказалась быть сообщником.

If you tip him off, you become an accessory.

Если ты его предупредишь, то ты станешь сообщником.

I don’t know if that makes me an accessory or something…

Я не знаю, может это делает меня типа сообщником….

You want us to be an accessory to… whatever?

А что? Ты хотела сообщником стать в чём бы там ни было?

At the least, that makes you an accessory.

По крайней мере, это делает тебя сообщником.

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You see, I prefer my children to consider tattoos an accessory reserved for decorating convicts or blue-collar ideals of rebellion.

Видишь ли, я предпочитаю, чтобы мои дети считали татуировки украшением для преступников или для «голубых воротничков» восстания.

You’d be an accessory.

Будешь украшением.

So I thought maybe some flowers or accessories could help.

И я подумала: вдруг с цветами или каким-то украшением получше будет.

Puppies were merely accessories.

Щенки были всего лишь украшением.

I can make clothes and accessories…

Я могу разработать одежду и украшения…

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I swear to God, McClane, I swear to you I had no idea I was gonna be… an accessory to Armageddon.

Я клянусь, МакКлейн, клянусь вам, я никак не ожидал, что стану пособником Армагеддона.

I’d take you with me, but that would make you an accessory after the fact.

Я взял бы тебя со мной, но это сделает тебя пособником.

Which makes you an accessory.

Что делает вас пособником.

And one of those guns was used in a murder, which makes you an accessory.

И один из таких пистолетов использовали в убийстве, что делает тебя пособником.

— Whoever delivered the device could be considered an accessory to mass murder.

Тот, кто доставил устройство, может считаться пособником массового убийства.

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Now, I got to assume you’re accessory to bank robbery, but you want to be a party to that?

Сейчас, я предположу что ты участвовала в ограблении банка, но неужели ты хочешь быть причастна к этому?

So you’re accusing me of being a murderer, or an accessory to murder, because I lied on my resume, and 20 years ago, a crazy person painted a picture of a girl who sort of looks like me.

Так ты обвиняешь меня в том, что я — убийца, или причастна к убийству, потому что я соврала в моем резюме, и 20 лет назад сумасшедшая старуха нарисовала картину, на которой девушка немного похожа на меня.

She could be an accessory to murder.

Она может быть причастна к убийству.

It’s life if you’re an accessory to Burns’ murder.

И пожизненное, если ты причастен к убийству Бёрнза.

So, at a minimum, Blunt is an accessory.

Таким образом Блант как минимум причастен.

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You’re an accessory to a crime now.

Ты теперь сообщница преступления.

Lying to the cops, that makes me an accessory.

То, что я вру копам, значит, что я сообщница.

If you weren’t an accessory to these crimes, why are you fleeing the country?

Если вы не сообщница, почему пытались бежать из страны?

Inadvertently making you her accessory.

Нечаянно сделав тебя своей сообщницей.

That makes you an accessory.

Это делает тебя сообщницей.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word accessories, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use accessories in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «accessories». In addition, we also show how different variations of accessories can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are accessories—have and accessories—was. If you click on the variation of accessories that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Accessories in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word accessories in a sentence.

  1. The system also supports several accessories.

  2. Strahd has since appeared in a number of D&D accessories and novels.

  3. Other accessories include a keyboard, mouse, floppy disk drive, and movie card.

  4. A number of cross-compatible accessories were created for the Mark III and Master System.

  5. Gaga and Elton John released the clothing and accessories line Love Bravery at Macy’s in May.

  6. For ceremonial occasions of the Order, the officers wear the following garments and accessories:.

  7. Conversely, sensible Elinor opts for simpler accessories, such as a long gold chain and a straw hat.

  8. The Wii system supports wireless connectivity with the Nintendo DS without any additional accessories.

  9. Items and other accessories can be found by defeating enemies or by purchasing items from the game’s shop.

  10. Designer Nomura said that he wanted Tidus’ clothing and accessories to suggest a relationship with the sea.

  11. There were South Pacific music boxes, dolls, fashion accessories, and even hairbrushes for use after washing men from hair.

  12. Shops provide an opportunity to buy and sell items that can aid Cloud and his party, such as weapons, armor, and accessories.

  13. The prefix for the numbering scheme of the Wii system and its parts and accessories is «RVL-» for its code name, «Revolution».

  14. Adams advertised Lacoste’s fragrance Eau de Lacoste in 2012, and two years later, she endorsed accessories and handbags of Max Mara.

  15. In Persona and Innocent Sin, the main characters all wore the same school uniforms, so Kaneko differentiated them using accessories.

  16. Magnavox produced no more games for the console after 1973 and rejected proposals for different versions of the console or accessories.

  17. In addition to accessories such as the Power Base Converter, the Genesis supports two add-ons that each support their own game libraries.

  18. The junction system also acts as a substitute for armor and accessories, which were used in earlier games to modify character statistics.

  19. Weapons, armor, and other accessories can be purchased or upgraded using money or valuable items, which are collected throughout the game.

  20. This was overcome by reducing the intake fan diameter and relocating the gearbox and other accessories from beneath the engine to the sides.

  21. However, this did not include a discounted dealer delivery fee and savings on factory fitted options and accessories that employees received.

  22. Many optional accessories are available to enhance the game, such as expansion rulebooks, pre-designed adventures and various campaign settings.

  23. The main quills may be dyed, and then applied in combination with thread to embellish leather accessories such as knife sheaths and leather bags.

  24. Players can equip characters with weapons, armor, helmets, and accessories for use in battle; for example, the «Power Seal» upgrades attack power.

  25. Characters in Final Fantasy VI can be equipped with a variety of weapons, armor and, particular to this entry, powerful accessories known as «Relics».

  26. The game features downloadable content (DLC) in the form of downloadable outfits, weapons, accessories, scenarios, recruitable monsters and minigames.

  27. She designed Allen’s clothing to resemble that of the nineteenth century, giving him a ribbon tie and other accessories to make him appear gentlemanly.

  28. The show is also popular with cosplayers, or performance artists who wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent characters from the Adventure Time universe.

  29. Most of the beads are 10–15 cm in diameter and designed so they could be held in the palm of a hand, hung from necklaces or belts, or worn as fashionable accessories.

  30. The family kept most of the jewelry and accessories seen in the painting, although the marabou feathers were sold to the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum.

  31. These trophies include figures of playable characters, accessories, and items associated with them as well as series and characters not otherwise playable in the game.

  32. Support teams provided by county officials transported over 300 tons of ruined accessories from the storm, such as appliances, carpets, and drywall, to local landfills.

  33. Allen’s clothing is drawn from Hoshino’s general impression of the late 19th century; his ribbon tie and other accessories are intended to project a «gentlemanly image».

  34. His solution was to design a boat in which all components would double as items of clothing, or accessories that Halkett assumed the user would be carrying in any event.

  35. He built up a picture of the sitter’s underlying anatomical structure, as seen in the Musée Bonnat study, before deciding how to build the lavish costume and accessories.

  36. Linde Air Products developed a wide range of air-cooled and water-cooled torches, gas lenses to improve shielding, and other accessories that increased the use of the process.

  37. Inuit shamans, called angakkuq, usually wore garments like those of laypeople, but which included unique accessories or design elements to differentiate their spiritual status.

  38. In February 2012, Johansson and Anna Wintour hosted a fashion launch of pro-Obama clothing, bags, and accessories, the proceeds of which went to the President’s re-election campaign.

  39. Optional accessories include a conical flash hider and a special barrel featuring an integrated sound suppressor that the operator may swap to rather than the standard barrel pattern.

  40. In 2014, she attended a charitable art exhibition organised by the Rouble Nagi Art Foundation, and donated clothing and accessories to a website raising funds for In Defense of Animals.

  41. Crystogen points gained in battle can be used to expand the Crystarium, unlocking bonuses to health, magic, or strength, or provide the characters with new abilities and slots for battle accessories.

  42. The Switch game Ring Fit Adventure, which includes accessories that let players manipulate the game through physical exercise, is seen as a successor to Wii Fit and continuing the quality-of-life program.

  43. During the development phase of the 3DS, a handheld device featuring stereoscopic 3D without the need of accessories, Iwata stated that his background in technology helped keep Nintendo’s engineers in line.

  44. In July, Jackson modeled for the Blackglama clothing line featuring mink fur, then helped design a signature line of clothing and accessories for Blackglama, to be sold at Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdales.

  45. Over time, tattoos, piercings, and metal-studded and -spiked accessories became increasingly common elements of punk fashion among both musicians and fans, a «style of adornment calculated to disturb and outrage».

Accessories—have in a sentence

Accessories—have is a variation of accessories, below you can find example sentences for accessories—have.

  1. Many aspects of Japan’s fashions—including clothing, hair, nails, and accessories—have in some way been influenced by her.

Accessories—was in a sentence

Accessories—was is a variation of accessories, below you can find example sentences for accessories—was.

  1. However, the simplicity with which Velázquez displays the female nude—without jewellery or any of the goddess’s usual accessories—was echoed in later nude studies by Ingres, Manet, and Baudry, among others.

General information about «accessories» example sentences

The example sentences for the word accessories that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «accessories» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «accessories».



- аксессуары, принадлежности, приспособления
- аксессуары, вспомогательное оборудование, дополнительные принадлежности
- машиностр. приданная аппаратура
- арматура

Мои примеры


bathroom accessories such as mirrors and towel-rails — такие принадлежности для ванной комнаты, как зеркала и полотенцесушители  
a set of fully matching clothes and accessories — полный комплект одежды и аксессуаров к ней  
skiing accessories — лыжные принадлежности  
car accessories — автомобильные аксессуары  
computer accessories — компьютерные аксессуары  
cable accessories — кабельная арматура  
dress accessories — аксессуары костюма; аксессуары одежды  
electric accessories — электрическая арматура  
gas-line valves and accessories — газовая трубопроводная арматура  
gun accessories — орудийные принадлежности; орудийная принадлежность  
installation accessories — монтажная арматура  
mine accessories — минные принадлежности  

Примеры с переводом

She was wearing a pastel green suit with white accessories.

На ней был костюм в мягких зелёных тонах с белой отделкой.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Bright bold accessories are the quickest way to add colour to a room.

Matching bag and accessories provide a complete ensemble of colour coordinates.

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Use Accessories in a sentence. How to use the word Accessories in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Accessories.

Use Accessories in a Sentence - How to use "Accessories" in a sentence

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Examples of Accessories in a sentence

  1. Accessories are embellished with colorful beads that is reminiscent of the Huichol spirituality.
  2. Wanting to up your accessories game?
  3. It has adorned every class of textile object garments; costume accessories, such as bags and handkerchiefs; and furnishings, such as carpets, hangings, coverlets, upholstery, and household linen.
  4. It will take you a lot of money if you want to recreate the atmosphere of a real bar in your own home. From bar accessories, stools to other paraphernalia, it can cost you a pump.
  5. Made of red cedar, it has double glazing and all the accessories of the opening window are made of solid brass.
  6. Type of product: clothing and luggage products necessary for a variety of accessories and gifts.
  7. Stationery and office supplies, Fashion accessories, Tools, Car parts, Construction hardware and Stationery materials.
  8. We are one of the most professional suppliers of crochet clothing and garment accessories in the Chaoshan area.
  9. In high treason, there are no accessories; all are principals.
  10. In petit treason, murder, and felonies, there may be accessories, except in offenses which, by judgment of law, are sudden and unpremeditated, such as manslaughter, and cannot have any accessories before the fact.
  11. Also, in petit larceny and in all crimes under the degree of felony, there are no accessories either before or after the fact; all persons concerned therein, if guilty at all, are principals.
  12. “By so doing,” said he, “we should be accessories to the sin.”
  13. The ‘phone receivers and the crystal detector will have to be purchased as well as some of the accessories, such as the copper wire, pulleys, battery, switches, binding posts, the buzzer tester and so forth.

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Definition of Accessory

an article that completes one’s basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves

Examples of Accessory in a sentence

This silk scarf is the perfect accessory for stylish summer evenings.


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