Sentence with the word access

Synonym: retirement, retreat. Similar words: accessible, successfully, accent, acceptable, acceptance, accentuate, accelerate, process. Meaning: [‘ækses]  n. 1. the right to enter 2. the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership) 3. a way of entering or leaving 4. a code (a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way (typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something (a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.) 5. (computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information 6. the act of approaching or entering. v. 1. obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer 2. reach or gain access to. 

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1. Only authorized personnel have access to the computer system.

2. Dropped kerbs make wheelchair access easier.

3. The only access to the village is by boat.

4. The hotel has exclusive access to the

5. Does the theatre have disabled access?

6. The police gained access through a broken window.

7. RAM stores information for immediate access.

8. There is easy access by road.

9. Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.

10. The cave is difficult of access.

11. They don’t have access to a convertible currency.

12. This account gives you instant access to your money.

13. They now have access to the mass markets of Japan and the UK.

14. The software enables you to access the Internet in seconds.

15. A child’s access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.

16. The only access to the city is across the bridge.

17. The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.

18. Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities.

19. There is no access to the street through that door.

20. The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet’s world wide web.

21. I had access to a wide range of documents which corroborated the story.

22. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.

23. How does a private pilot get access to the airways?

24. I lived deep in the country, without easy access to shops.

25. The government has announced plans to open up access to higher education.

26. Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.

27. Mr Dennis said he had requested access to a telephone.

28. Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

29. The government is considering new laws which will further restrict people’s access to firearms.

30. Inequalities of income would lead to even greater inequalities in access to health care.

More similar words: accessible, successfully, accent, acceptable, acceptance, accentuate, accelerate, process, excessive, processor, recession, processing, in excess of, soccer, succeed in, ancestor, go to pieces, accuse, social services, vaccine, accompany, tobacco, account, accurate, accuracy, the accused, according, account for, accommodate, by accident. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


As more areas were restored, access increased.

По мере того как все больше районов были восстановлены, доступ увеличился Это все еще восстанавливается.

Your temporary access may end at any time, but we may begin offering access for purchase.

Ваш временный доступ может закончиться в любое время, но мы можем начать предлагать доступ для покупки.

Yes, access, access, access

UNAMID, protection and development actors must enjoy uninhibited access.

ЮНАМИД, структуры, обеспечивающие защиту, и стороны, оказывающие содействие в области развития, должны пользоваться беспрепятственным доступом.

Restricted access and access control were considered as vital.

Как было сочтено, насущное значение имеет ограниченный доступ и контроль за доступом.

Operators maintain full administrative access (root access) to their section.

Владелец VDS обладает полным контролем над системой, административным доступом (root доступ) к своему серверу.

As with SCADA server-browser access, remote users have full-featured two-way access.

Как и в случае с доступом через браузер, удаленные пользователи получают полноценный двухсторонний доступ.

Access means both physical access and social access.

It’s easy to manage access in such a way as to allow access but maintain the security and accountability of a system.

Легко управлять доступом таким образом, чтобы обеспечить доступ, но поддерживать безопасность и подотчетность системы.

Consular access without being able to do true consular support is not real access.

Консульский доступ без возможности оказывать реальную консульскую помощь по сути не является настоящим доступом.

Any unauthorized access or access which is not justified by professional needs is forbidden.

Любой несанкционированный доступ или доступ, не оправданный необходимостями службы, запрещен.

Other reasons include EU’s mandate for open access, and significant public spending over research and growth of open access publishing platforms like ScholarlyHub.

Другие причины включают мандат ЕС на открытый доступ, а также значительные государственные расходы на исследования и развитие издательских платформ с открытым доступом, таких как ScholarlyHub.

We release random data anyone can access.

Security problems restricted access, leaving serious protection problems.

Проблемы с обеспечением безопасности ограничивали доступ к этим людям, что создавало серьезные трудности в части обеспечения защиты.

It includes an annex detailing constraints on humanitarian access.

Он включает в себя приложение, где подробно излагаются препятствия, которые чинятся на пути гуманитарного доступа.

Most access points have two radios.

За исключением того, что у большинства точек доступа есть два радио.

The derived class cannot directly access them.

Тем не менее, производный класс не может получить к ним доступ напрямую.

Our plantation access roads programme is one such initiative.

Одной из таких инициатив является наша программа по строительству дорог, которые должны обеспечить доступ к плантациям.

Likewise unmarried males cannot single-handedly access SNL.

Точно также неженатые мужчины не могут в одиночку получать доступ к землям нации свази.

It top speed internet broadband access today.

Это на сегодняшний день самая быстрая в мире сеть широкополосного доступа в Интернет.

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Suggestions that contain access

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Access?



  • «he gained access to the building»
  • «he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge»
  • «How does one access the attic in this house?»; «I cannot get to the T.V. antenna, even if I climb on the roof»
  • «in Britain they call an access road a slip road»
  • «the accordance to Canada of rights of access«
  • «I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional»; «access all the factors when taking a risk»
  • «a difficult task»; «nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access«; «difficult times»; «why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?»
  • «Beethoven’s manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle»- Leonard Bernstein; «she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it»- David Denby; «an internal sense of rightousness»- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
  • «they paid a premium for access to water»
  • «the following use of `access‘ was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists; `You can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers'»
  • «I had unrestricted access«

доступ, проход, подход, выборка, припадок, обращаться, иметь доступ


- доступ:

access to markets — доступ к рынкам
access to shelves — открытый доступ к полкам (в библиотеке)
on open access — в открытом доступе
to have [to gain /to obtain/] access to — иметь [получить] доступ к
easy of access — легкодоступный, достижимый без труда
difficult of access — труднодоступный, малодоступный

- подход; проход; подступ

access door — лючок для доступа (при техобслуживании)
access duct — входной канал
access gully — тех. смотровой канализационный колодец
access to the island [to the mountain] — подход /подступ/ к острову [к горе]

- въезд (на дорогу); дорожный подъезд

access road — подъездной путь
access control — контроль доступа, управление доступом

- книжн. приступ, припадок (гнева, болезни и т. п.)

access of grief — порыв горя

- добавление; прирост

access of tone — нарастание звука

- книжн. приближение, наступление, приход

access and recess of the sea — морской прилив и отлив
access of winter — наступление зимы

- вчт. доступ (к ЭВМ)

- возможность выступить по телевидению (предоставляется телекомпаниями непрофессионалам, политическим деятелям, особ. кандидатам в президенты)

access television — телепередача, проводимая отдельной группой населения или организацией (ветеранами войны, иммигрантами-неграми, вегетарианцами и т. п.)


- иметь доступ (к чему-л.)
- производить машинный поиск (данных)

Мои примеры


a filing system that enables easy access to information — файловая система, которая обеспечивает лёгкий доступ к информации  
the accordance to Canada of rights of access — предоставление Канаде прав доступа  
access controller — контроллер доступа  
disabled access — вход для инвалидов на колясках  
easy / free access — свободный доступ, открытый доступ  
unlimited access — неограниченный доступ  
to deny access — запретить доступ  
to gain / get access — получить доступ  
to have access to smth. — иметь доступ к чему-л.  
access time — время доступа  
remote access — теледоступ, дистанционный доступ  
free access to all areas of celestial bodies — свободный доступ во все районы небесных тел  

Примеры с переводом

Do you have access to the Internet?

У вас есть доступ в интернет?

You’ll need a password to access the database.

Для доступа к базе данных вам понадобится пароль.

I had unrestricted access.

У меня был неограниченный доступ.

He always has access to the Prime Minister.

У него всегда есть доступ к премьер-министру.

We have Internet access at the library.

В нашей библиотеке есть доступ к Интернету.

The word “access” is spelled with two cs.

Слово «access» (доступ) пишется с двумя буквами «с».

That access of fear loosened his joints.

От этого приступа страха его суставы ослабли.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

accessary  — соучастник, соучаствующий
accessible  — доступный, достижимый, податливый, поддающийся
accession  — вступление, доступ, воцарение, пополнение, вносить книги в каталог

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: access
he/she/it: accesses
ing ф. (present participle): accessing
2-я ф. (past tense): accessed
3-я ф. (past participle): accessed

Repair all cracks in the foundation that provide access to the wood inside

Leaking pipes or water faucets will keep the wood moist causing damage to the wood and providing access to the termites

Given that the family remains the mainstay of care for older people in rural areas, boosting the household income is essential to improving care, including access to health care

Once out of the confines of the body, your thought process becomes capable of unlimited access in space

We can access

In old movies you would have people in hissing space suits fumbling with obsolete access codes and overcoming the dead batteries in the security system as the air supply in their suits ran low

For Smith, without access to

The clearance to view the data for that was a much bigger boon than non-technicians knew, for it allowed access to the diagnostic recording system and once one knew how to use the diagnostic recording system it was relatively simple to get access to every data stream in the crew, every sense, every output, even hormone levels

«We have to strip off the Chief’s artificial limbs, access her neural interface processors and splice her into Tipperary so she can act as the CDCS to control the discharge

Because men and women are equal in God’s sight and have equal access to the spiritual

He reported to the Haad via Diam, many, many levels up, so Diam legally had access to this space, but the chance of him finding it was about as great as his doing the nanocontrol of the ship’s reactor manually

With the codes he was able to retrieve under the guise of a security survey for the real world, he was able to access more and more of the code and schematics of the female side

It must have had a hardware access trigger burned-in because it zeroed all its callbacks and withdrew

He knew it was possible for a technician as astute as the one who ran the simulated female side to ID him from his access to that area

«Who has access to the diagnostic channels?» God asked in a voice that made the whole sky rumble and crack

Bahkmar rattled off the names of everyone he knew, practically every technician had access and could get anywhere he had gone if they wanted to

«Who has access to the sacred diagrams?» the voice of God asked

This did not seem to be a case of him not having access to it

With no access to any control panel at all, there was no way he could turn that feature off

He was still stuck in confinement, he could not access any panels at all, not even his med panel, but at least he was out of that universe

And what is it that is represented at the cross that so exposes them? Nothing more grants us access into an understanding of how they operate like the cross of Jesus Christ

For Smith, without access to heaven’s as yet empty libraries, the darkness was beauty beyond description, solitude was a cruel mistress who only ever tasked without instruction, and silence was the wonder, the brilliance, the radiance of an eternal symphony half remembered

18 for through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father

Guards stood at each of the heavy wooden doors giving access to each building, doors which were firmly closed

With that much access he was sure they would be able to keep nothing from him

Most of the ship did not know he had data access in his three-d reality confinement

’I worked for the Migraine Association – it meant I could access the Errdians directly – not that everyone registered, but a lot did

The captain represented his data access as a phone

Thom had access to magic, and could dial his strength to a setting called ‘Hercules’ while Alan had neglected to up his magic level while he was in Ava’s lab and didn’t even have a med panel to reach for that setting

awkward conversations with the ability to access other people’s profiles, learning about other’s

Explain how to access Viewstate values of this page in the next page?

PreviousPage property is set to the page property of the nest page to access the viewstate value of the

Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its

Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it

«You have access to your med panel, but the only thing psycho-active is the alcohol

one ever came and Omi had access to the keys

but one way that you can access a more loving, peaceful

Access to the grounds of the villa is via a pair of wrought iron gates which look very impressive but to be honest the place is slightly run down in the way that Mediterranean properties tend to be – I don’t know if it is the heat or just a cultural difference but they don’t take the pride in their properties that the English do

“I guess he is,” Ava said, “but we have no other eyes and ears on the ground with access to a soul and the handheld instrument that his fabricator can produce

Most of us never learned that we could access the

by virtue of his birth has access to genius

order to gain access to those emotions

Even so, they were delayed by traffic on a big bridge that reached from an inner ring island, to the main island near the edge of the caldera wall, allowing motor vehicle access to a road system that reached all over the island

does not allow you to access a higher path that leads

● In addition, Receive our FREE Home Short Sale E-course, and have access to all of our real estate investor secrets that may save you thousands, if not

By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in

12In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him

Even in those days, access to the world of Faerie was variable and

The office next door used to be a dry store for the kitchen and although the conversion work was carried out some years ago, the old access hatch between the two rooms still exists

allow the machines access, and which were still cut by hand scythes

’ Chrissie said, surprised at how easily she could access this information after such a long time

To the left of the bar, next to the toilets, there is an alcove in the rear wall through which the punters would access the fire escape door if there was an emergency

“Because I don’t think letting you have access to your memories from before K’shitn of 100,00,23 is preventing you from being

The words that fled from him as he stood by the door are now crowding into his skull, jostling for position, desperate to gain access to the thin atmosphere that Billy is breathing

She did feel some remorse and conflict at hoping against hope there’d be a cancellation that would give her sooner access, but she rose above it

Then, once they have both applied gel to their hands and buzzed for access to the main intensive care unit, she shows him to a room full of screens and monitors

Presumably, Tom thought, the path had been laid to access the courts,

Pausing in her work of cleaning the men’s bathroom, she closed her eyes and tried to access the house … nothing

ran the length of the upper floor giving access to

If there’s any information on this I have access to, let’s go at it

An Internal Investigations operative, even one who seemed as cow-stupid as Bethai, would have access to all of the internal records

Hamet have had access to these portal records?”

The block had no water access, but wide well-paved streets went only a few blocks to small commercial centers

She needed this for data access, a voice channel was an expensive and little-used option here

staircase which was the room’s only means of access, he

He was pretty sure he could get access to all the data in the Kassikan’s system

All that meant was that it was someone with personal access to one of the committeemen, and everyone on that crew could easily gain personal access to a member of that committee, many of them knew a member personally

Thankfully the Paris transportation system allowed them ready access to the neighborhoods they most wished to tour

Harry was elated on account of those two particular locales they had essayed during their journey merely for their very formidable access and the determination which one must conjure to tour them

‘Well, I expect your dad is finding it hard locating somewhere with internet access

I have access to all the suspects, and

On the peak of the point of bedrock there was a ring of cargo canal with a bridge to Eleventh where the clothing barges had an easier access to the market

‘What if he didn’t break in? He had ready access to

” A sheaf of plans from topographical situations with grading and filling, landscape, access and building situations, to detailed construction plans, materials lists and timelines were amassed there on the table before them

Harry’s position with Waterhouse allowed him access to all the office’s past and current design projects

Well access may not be the right descriptor; part of his list of duties included the maintenance and management of the file rooms

‘I don’t have the ready access to books you enjoy at

» she responded, lifting her hair, to allow him access

In the briefing room Felina3 was trying to access the records shortly before Dan went missing, but all she could find was a very complicated uploaded virus which had deleted most of the names on the database!

Sionn said, ‘Try to access the Past lives that Dan and you were together in

Students: please be aware that you can also access the Room-of-Doors if you know you were once in a past life with either me or Dan, then you can help, these records are ongoing, that means they are continually being upgraded, so you can access them anytime

Now, all I have to do is access the computer databank; how you ask, if I can’t touch anything, it is because I can transfer my consciousness into it; it is something only Guardians and higher entities can do

It was easy to access the records; I had also made a friend in a Guardian who was sent to Altreena on a training mission! Imagine meeting someone who was a Guardian 125,000 years ago! God surely works in mysterious ways

The neutral zone is a good place to hide out, I should know, but once you’re in it, it is easy to access, anyway, am I not Master of this place?’

‘Maybe it was because he wants to access Debra?’

Later in preparing myself for the journey out of the sub plane base I asked Reeas if she could help me gain access to a lightship or Debra

‘Because he has access to the Guardian-Network

’ I said, but what about Kallo? Can he access my dreams?’

What I am trying to say is you are capable of completing any job for the network with Debra or without Debra! I proved that she can be split from you, but you still managed to access the power!’

All conspirators would have access to all documentation on a secure tablet device

“Before we start I need to show you how to access your tablet computer

The key forger followed the structure of the master maps, searching for holes where the circle access might be

But where would you land it? Obviously, it has to be out of the way und have access for us to bring in the equipment?”

down, waiting for the computer to access his NN account

This will give better access to the next row

They had all the access they wanted to all their own probes and complete freedom to study the planet

After yet another year of frustration she had watched enough sessions open that she was able to figure out that the system was erroring out trying to access what she called an environment definition

Whatever’s on the network is public knowledge and all who can ask specific enough questions can access it

The only way in or out was through a single access located at the far end of the tunnel-shaped room

Hankins was now officially on the other side, considered to be a criminal to anyone with access

They were all celebrities for the first few years, so there was over an hour of it to go thru, but there was one who stood out to his eye because he was linked with Ava, links that were not accessed when searching with her name

Now that the internet can be accessed in almost every country on Earth, using it to find a mate

Dan and Reeas have now accessed his Room-of-Doors to a past life where Dan and Reeas were in a lower state of consciousness

“We shall have to deal with the black boxes on the ground as they are in the tail section and can only be accessed from outside

However, I have accessed the Earth’s Akashi record

is accessed by and connects one billion+ people) where I

is accessed by and connects one billion people) where I

This time he had allowed a visual observation, with the proviso that it can only be accessed by himself (by entering a code after his bio-signature)

The interface panel was the same one they had accessed near the flight-deck door

But there had been thousands of pounds in the account he’d accessed at the cash

The next levels held unforeseen horrors, not least because the data had to be accessed and downloaded far more rapidly to minimise the chance of detection

A variant on this is where they have money but it cannot be accessed for some reason

His Tirolean Enterprises security identity card seemed to ease the tension a little, and when he made it plain that he was only trying to find out who had accessed the file so they wouldn’t get themselves into trouble with the police, he was invited in

Was this how the computer file had been accessed? “You mean, into the lab?”

I named it CognitiveOS Hypnosis because it operates at the level of our cognitive operating system accessed in a state of hypnosis

Meanwhile at home, necessary alterations were underway to make it wheelchair-friendly (changes to a bathroom — non-slip tiles so he wouldn’t fall, remodelling the shower), and major earthworks for a driveway so the house could be accessed by wheelchair

Those publications can be easily accessed by the

Rumor had it, Nick had a secret stairway that directly accessed it and another private room where paperwork was kept on every dirty deed ever committed at Itam

accessed only by the functions associated with that object

 Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions

for sharing that can be accessed freely

This means that a general class of operations may be accessed in the same manner

function existed in addition to main, the local variables declared in main could not be accessed from the other

In C, the global version of a variable cannot be accessed from within the inner block

Chapter 10, «Understanding Karma: Cause and Effect», accessed on October 24, 2012 at http://victoriaims

htm, accessed September 16, 2012

only be accessed by train

What is included, excluded, data accessed from other applications, interface with hardware, etc are identified and boundary is fixed

could not be accessed by any of the others

Bylaws should’ve restricted them and the company’s finances shouldn’t have been accessed

accessed file on the computer

With the remote she accessed the inside temperature and was

only be accessed from the real bedroom, and there were

It is power that you have always had, but have not accessed in your life on Earth

Each memory the mind accessed was built on fire and replete with agony

It seems he accessed encrypted files in our restricted server with the help of some of your colleagues

neutral, calculating, wondering how I’d accessed the top to tie

able to open an account in Nepal which could be accessed in India and get money

2 Peter says that God has given us ALL THINGS that are a part of life and godliness, which is all of God’s life and attributes! This life is then accessed through our knowledge of Him, which is also revealed to us through His promises

As we saw earlier all things pertaining to His life and godliness are accessed by the knowledge of Him

That inheritance of joy can be accessed by the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of God

1:3-4 it says we have all things pertaining to life and godliness, and that it is accessed through the knowledge of God? Through the work of the cross we can access the overwhelming abundance of Christ’s glory now, to manifest His attributes of love in our lives today

Since he was no physicist, he would let his lab ponder over the relevance of the isotome while he accessed the data from the disc on his computer

If the universe is everywhere in the void, it also means that the void can be accessed from any place in the universe

It is objective and can be accessed by anyone, in the present or in the future

The Earth’s memory store can be accessed through what many metaphysicists call the ‘Akashic records

This and many other similarities lead to the conclusion that the Akashic records are being accessed in the life reviews during neardeath experiences

Because of their brain impairment, savants have a paradoxical access to a wealth of information that resides equally within everyone but cannot normally be accessed

The Akashic records that have been accessed by various

Her memories can be accessed by the Rain Man in

imposed in the same thick piece of media and can be accessed independently,

They were closed for privacy, but could still be accessed

He is co-author of The Emergence of the Relationship Economy” released in January of 08 and can be accessed here

It was the activity itself that was the dynamic living meaningful data that was being accessed and used

Internal Linking is basically making sure that all pages can be accessed either

would’ve accessed the Center and made our way inside from

buildings, inside the compound, could be accessed at all

The other pavilion, also accessed by knife-blade, was not quite as large; about twenty metres long and ten wide

The doctor then sent her outside while he drew up the paperwork and accessed Mike’s files

more foreign to each other than the veil We pierced—invisibly—when We accessed Infinity beyond the confines of Earth time

mention of their entry, making the archive conveniently ―forget‖ that someone had accessed

When the last sounds of activity had died they ventured forth and, keeping to the fence-line, made their way to the Principal»s house, an old Queenslander on high stumps, accessed through a gate in the corner of the tennis court enclosure

Robert supported him to Bart’s office, which adjoined a small sickbay accessed through an arch in the wall

It was accessed by reaching up and tilting a copy of “Dante’s Inferno” which released a catch and allowed the bookcase to swing back on well-oiled hinges

I accessed that lifetime when I was a ‘gopi’ of Lord Krishna

It wasn’t long before they passed the familiar exit that accessed both Slough and Windsor


This is accessed when one is neither attached or detached — it just is

by constructing a concealed subterranean store-room — (the underground work being done at night, when Hu Lyang’s “HL Security Company” patrolled the premises) – which was hidden immediately beneath the “Ubisi” store-room and accessed via a cunningly-concealed trapdoor

The store-room could also be accessed via a hinged, lockable sewer cover, on the outside wall of the building

Sooner or later, someone would want to go into the hidden room and then they would see how the underground room was accessed — and have it on record at “The Circle”

He went out to his patrol car and scanned the computer terminal for news of the raid and then dialed up an Internet connection through back door sites until he accessed the middleman in charge of special orders

Carmen grinned, “We accessed these files from the CIA, and they don’t know we have them

One of the best things about these bowling videos is that, they can be accessed for free, and you can copy the techniques that are used by different players through it

Xin had constructed the sophisticated device in the ships’ science lab using technical blueprints accessed from the Z’va Prime library

She could have accessed it at any time

This is long shot, she thought, and accessed a file called KEP/TECH

” He dialed information and, with the phone number in hand, had accessed one of the volunteer’s addresses

‘My point is that he could easily have accessed my computer and sent the e-mail

I have them on my laptop but couldn’t have accessed them without destroying them

‘Any member who does not wish to be involved in these proceedings, and who wishes himself and his family to be accessed on their merits, along with the general population, for housing within an Eco-City, is free to do so

Apparently, the guidance systems may have been accessed by an unknown hacker and there were fears that passenger safety may have been compromised and the authorities were not willing to put passenger safety at risk

These were fully automated cubicles with transparent fronts that an individual, wishing to escape from existence, entered and sat comfortably while their physical condition was instantly accessed

Louis where they had only been able to attach one section of the ship, the docking area had been modified so that all four of the ship’s sections could be accessed directly from the space port on the moon of the system’s only habitable planet

Food and water should only be accessed by your pigeons,

The keyboard was a touch screen, and while Lezura accessed the desired files in the computer she spoke to Joey

Lezura obliged and quickly accessed a file that showed a picture of her

Economy” released in January of 2008 and can be accessed here

Apuna then accessed a video file

Being familiar with these electronic devices he accessed the different application of the pad until he came to section labeled ‘recently added data’

“Have you accessed anything with it yet?” He asked with worry in his eyes

She continued to show the rest of what had been accessed

“EDWARD, why wasn’t I told she accessed the Elite files?” He asked EDWARD without looking at her

Billy had allowed her password when he had accessed her journal and as long as she was on the outside, she was under military direction

“You accessed my journal, why would you do that?” Jamie asked angrily

“I don’t think that’s totally accurate since I know it can be modified and accessed in as little as 12 hours

“If someone had the princess, don’t you think they would have accessed more than they did and converted more modules than one

She accessed the situation with a quick thought, and said, “Joey, when you envision yourself as a hero, what powers do you see yourself using?”

Morg quickly put away the mp5 in his coat pocket and accessed the buttons on the arm of his chair

You have to ask yourself — Why was it found? And then, why was it found there? With all the swamps and accesses to water, there»s lots of ways to make a body just disappear

The fear landscape accesses that data and presents you with a series of virtual obstacles

This kind of attack is akin to stealing the building master keys from the building janitor: the perpetrator accesses the system as if they were an entrusted employee

hand, this means that each person who accesses Earth’s

In fact we shall see later that other accesses to the file such as a write will also result in 0, provided they are successful

Just before Pat completes the update Chris accesses the same record and the zip code still has the value 14225

to consumers are still viable accesses

Unfortunately, there are armed guards, professional-looking ones, guarding the accesses to Graschev’s warehouse

The bank (or other lender) accesses the service in the form of written reports and uses it to judge the application risk before supplying the credit

The small mind accesses personality and behavior

«As you know the US government has accesses to information that the

The CPU accesses memory according to a distinct hierarchy

Guzman Bento, usually full of fanciful fears and brooding suspicions, had sudden accesses of unreasonable self-confidence when he perceived himself elevated on a pinnacle of power and safety beyond the reach of mere mortal plotters

The old tyrant, maddened by one of his sudden accesses of suspicion, mingled spluttering appeals to their fidelity with imprecations and horrible menaces

The nearer our marriage got, the more wistfully, I noticed, Julia spoke of it; war was growing nearer, too — we neither of us doubted that — but Julia’s tender, remote, it sometimes seemed, desperate longing did not come from any uncertainty outside herself; it suddenly darkened, too, into brief accesses of hate when she seemed to throw herself against the restraints of her love for me like a caged animal against the bars

When a remote user connects to a host PC with a connection and accesses other systems on the network, the host PC is functioning as a router

Thus, specifying the name of the server on a browser opens the default site on port 80, but specifying the server name with the selected port accesses the administrative site

The local file system driver accesses the requested file in the usual manner and returns it to the Server service, which transmits it across the network to the client

Instead of installing the software on an individual device, the user accesses the site via the Internet

When you log on to an Active Directory, the system accesses an account database that is located on one of the network’s domain controllers for authentication

Thus, you may have data that is secured by permissions (or even by file system encryption) while it is stored on the server, but once an authorized client accesses that data, the server usually transmits it over the network in an unprotected form

If a next-door neighbor accesses an unprotected wireless network and downloads anything illegally, the action can be traced to the original IP address, and the owner of the network could be charged with the crime

She accesses the controls with one foot and delicately guides the steering column with the other

Visualizing how great investment ideas should look and the process of investing, accesses both sides of the brain

The __get__() method accesses the value of the property the underlying method wants to assign, and uses setattr() to do the assignment manually

He needed someone who could tell him something about what had happened and who was accessing that veron store

accessing the internal computer system of the body is

We can only assume they set up some sort of trap for Dan as he was accessing the database

I made sure I uploaded any info that maybe helpful to us, also I didn’t meet any student Guardians while I was accessing the records

«I haven’t had any trouble accessing any of it

You are looking at life from a new perspective and accessing your highest potential

To dream that you find something in the snow suggests that you are exploring and accessing your unused potential, abilities, and talents

On most systems, accessing the BIOS is not all that hard

She was the one who held the answer as to who had tried accessing the computer file, and maybe, with a bit of luck, what was in it

analysis goes behind it and here the analysis is done by accessing

[73] Carmen Harra, The Eleven Eternal Principles: Accessing the Divine Within (Sydney, Australia: Macmillan, 2009), 60

Thousands of transactions accessing a single database at a given time; concurrency, data integrity, locking, data security

of accessing your creative unconscious mind and allowing yourself to become more connected to the

surviving, it would be in accessing the leeward side of the

Retrieving his thrown sword from the body on the ground, the black cloaked Titus was already accessing his next target and the screams of the injured man filled the air behind Titus as the mercenary realised his manhood had been skewered

Accessing the void can therefore have both physical and psychological effects that last a long time

Forensic psychics, who assist the police in investigations, appear also, quite frequently, to be accessing these records

In discussing the process for accessing the Akashic records, Cayce described his experience as follows: ‘I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physical body, which lies inert before me

graphic memory, as was reported in various places 43, he was accessing the

Jersey had approved accessing their office computers through the main frame—ditto with the telephone call records at the building’s central switch

―Well, you‘ve applied for special holidays I see,‖ the man said, accessing the information

Image and accessing the computers, wherever they are

And you are probably getting good results with spiritual methods of finance: meditation, visualization, charitable giving and accessing the supernatural (rather than the natural) sources of supply

One of the best and easiest ways of coordinating colors properly is by accessing the internet for it

For example, offer her assistance whenever you see that she is having a trouble in accessing an equipment

Accessing Yahoo is universally

«Sure! When we pray we are simply shutting out the physical world and accessing our unconscious,» she said

and learn to fly with it, accessing parallel worlds that would otherwise remain

Many times there is greater knowledge available within you regarding this lifetime and regarding previous lifetimes but like any unused or ignored aspect of being it will slowly reside in smaller and smaller quantities, that is, it is not at the front of your mind where you are consistently retrieving and accessing it, so it becomes less dominant in your mind

Before accessing any of the material listed below, I strongly recommend that you

The process would involve more complications in the logic as far as accessing the file for this number and it would cause problems if we moved the deleted account to a history file

ted notation for accessing methods of the objects

time, once they have mastered some other method of accessing their psychic

chance of accessing the unit

The Masters knew this had to be by way accessing, or recollecting, knowledge of their entire history

As like attracts like, any person accessing profound knowledge in a moment of inspiration must necessarily have the energy to match the speed required to comprehend it

You could be accessing this vault of explosive knowledge which would

The book is titled The Vital Truth: Accessing

Vital Truth: Accessing the Possibilities of Unlimited Health is making

Should you need to gain access to CodeIgniter resources in your hook, you can do so by accessing the main CodeIgniter object, using the CodeIgniter get_instance() function shown in the following code:

� On the other hand, your idea about revoking or suspending the security clearances of suspected spies is an excellent way to allow us to rapidly prevent those Soviet agents from accessing your information without involving an army of lawyers

It had became necessary to prevent outsiders accessing the system

Max and Carla were rather surprised when James and Amy suggested they came on the mission; they believed they could come up with ways of accessing the systems, working on two at once, and make the mission a success

“And you didn’t find it odd that he was accessing the lockbox so frequently? Don’t you guys have to report stuff like that?”

It was four in the morning when he pulled through the electronic gates accessing his condominium development overlooking the fifteenth green and sixteenth tee box both bordering a small retention pond of the Versailles Golf Club

experience was of accessing all my past lives in a «Karmasaya» — the bag of our past lives

involved with the jump, Garcia was already accessing the situation on one of his personal displays

If it is damage, then there is nothing you can do about it anyway, and you will have risked accessing the Kelvan

them with alternate ways of accessing your information

Reinu provides the vehicle when we are accessing either the past, or the future time tracks

Life and death; but accessing the

“I can do that,” she said, and looked up and to the right, a facial cue that she was accessing information on and interacting with her main frame

to providing the most powerful solutions for accessing and

We’ve looked at how we can update our belief systems by essential y re-programming our subconscious mind through accessing deeper brainwave patterns

We have looked at how to update our beliefs from the physical perspective by reprogramming our subconscious mind through accessing lower levels of brainwave states

He was also able to surf the IS-net in the comfort of his head, accessing all sort of information, words either translated directly into audio speech, or Morse Code, depending on his preference

He considered accessing a computer and pumping some music in

memories, and then turned back to the electronic book he was accessing with his PADD

had been accessing information, perhaps about V’Ger, and it had become infected

This way you are only paying for what you will be accessing during the vacation

“Are you accessing your neural implant?”

He found himself accessing information, just as he would have through his neural implant, only much faster, and on a much larger visual, olfactory, tactile and auditory field

In the end, Jim was able to hack into his own bank and access his account, which he had not previously been able to do, while Grudge and Robin eventually succeeded in accessing the central treasury of Robin’s bank

They now knew the killer was accessing the MCU database and perhaps other regional police systems

She couldn’t be certain, but they reminded her of bounce backs that you get when you are checking whether your system is accessing a site correctly

Securely accessing the app for the first time as Sam, she looked at the result that seemed to appear magically on her computer screen

Pete Brandon in the IT section had so much work as a result of the serial killer accessing his database that he took on extra staff

Besides a licensed therapist, I also recommend reaching out to reknowned meditation teacher Shinzen Young or accessing his materials at ShinzenYoung

The Worldwide Web is credited with enabling a massive surge of worldwide creativity, In addition we use the Web for accessing information, for communicating, for storing knowledge, and for having fun

He was accessing long lost memories that were hidden deep within the realms of his mind

He was accessing memories that he had experienced when he was an infant

Steve walked to an electrical panel and began accessing it

‘Happy Thoughts’ is knowing that you can achieve your goals and purpose by accessing the source within

The first four components involving read/write deals with reading or accessing data from the quantum database (book of life, registry of God, etc

Security involves keeping unauthorized users from accessing, modifying, or destroying valuable information

For example, in a KM system with hundreds of thousands of FAQs available to customer support reps, accessing the particular FAQ and response for the problem at hand can present a significant challenge

The cost of accessing information can vary considerably, depending on 106

Some of the most helpful Twitter tools include desktop clients for accessing

Jake spoke excitedly of the new track-hoe Bryce’s father had bought; Danny was explaining to his father one of the myriad of ways he could stop outsiders from accessing the files on his server; and school was Christina’s favored topic

want your customers protected, you don’t want any thieves accessing your

Therefore, the infringing acts of illegally accessing media, and of sharing them without

in the cache without actually accessing data on the disk itself, saving a

and the technology of a hard drive is not geared toward accessing

With 24 billion dollars in international aid frozen in the accounts of the common market nations because the relief organizations that need this money to feed the starving poor did not grovel enough, and act as properly servile slaves for the privilege of accessing a few thousand dollars of these billions

While the range of accessing

primarily for accessing the service relating to the death sign #15 and the

This, of course, is patently ridiculous, considering the prerequisites for accessing the land in question

It so happened that my little Irish friend had a penchant for accessing the lost and

He looked around, accessing the situation; Michael had gone a while ago, Caleb knew he was using these Angels to hold them at bay while Holly was somewhere in Cherry Falls, unprotected

Prior to travel you can keep track of warnings with regard to journeying into certain countries by accessing the travel site of the United States State Department

The field hearings were, again, to remind communities that the issue of parity was basically state and local—it was about holding their local private health insurance providers accountable using either the federal law or their state law, whichever was stronger, and accessing the enforcement power of state insurance commissioners and state attorneys general

In addition to the in-depth state reports, outlines common parity violations, to help better educate consumers on a host of issues that might arise when seeking or accessing treatment

Not that she learned anything about it herself, not at all, but she was forever talking about the money one could make by accessing bank accounts and hacking servers and stealing information

Of course your intention is to leave them untouched for years to come since you would otherwise have to pay a penalty tax for accessing them prematurely, but they are nevertheless still liquid in nature

For early retirees, the biggest challenge of investing in tax-advantaged accounts is the limitation on accessing your money before age 59½

The most direct way of accessing the wheat markets, short of owning a wheat farm, is to trade the wheat futures contract

Other applications, however, are designed specifically for accessing network resources

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