Sentence with the word accepted

accepted — перевод на русский

You need to accept that.

Это нужно принять.


Веление моего сердца обязывает меня принять ваше крайне лестное предложение.

— Oh, I accept it, please. — Oh, no, no.

— я прошу вас принять это.

I’m sorry, I can’t accept it now.

Извините. Я не могу это принять.

No, but if you offered it, I’d advise the Prefect to accept it.

Нет, но если вы подадите, я бы посоветовал префекту принять ее.

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Then, I, too, will formally accept it.

Тогда я принимаю приглашение.

I’ll accept that challenge.

Я принимаю вызов.

«I wired Mr. Herman … telling him to accept the conditions.»

«Телеграфируйте мистеру Херману, что я принимаю эти условия.»

I don’t accept bracelets from a stranger.

Я не принимаю браслеты от незнакомцев.

I accept your apology.

Я принимаю ваше извинение.

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Since I did not have the necessary capital, she proposed to sell her jewels for cash. I accepted this proposition.

Так как у меня не было достаточно денег, она предложила продать свои драгоценности, с чем я согласился.

Is he going to accept?

Он согласился?

He accepted so easily.

Слишком легко согласился.

— And I accepted.

— И я согласился.

Would you have accepted a normal invitation?

А если б я тебя просто пригласила, ты бы согласился? — Нет.

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Sleeping or dreaming, the dreamer must accept his dreams.

Сон или греза, грезящий должен смириться со своими снами.

But I can see it might be hard to accept.

И я понимаю, что с этим не просто смириться.

They can’t accept a samurai becoming a dignitary of the Empire!

Они не могут смириться с самураем в роли придворного вельможи!

These things happen to us sometimes… and when they do, we simply accept them.

Такое иногда случается… И нам остаётся только смириться.

Suppose he just invented her for some reason, or she’s dead and he can’t accept it, so he just goes on pretending?

Что если он просто выдумал её, или она умерла, а он не может смириться с этим?

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— We accept.

— Я согласен.

Therefore I accept.

Следовательно, я согласен.

Your Excellency, I accept.

Ваше превосходительство… я согласен.

And the man or woman who accepts those terms can’t be ordinary, can’t be just someone.

Я согласен, что люди, посвятившие себя театру, не могут быть обыкновенными.

I haven’t accepted your offer.

Я не сказал, что согласен.

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You must at least accept these.

Их-то вы должны взять.

Is he quite sure that he will not accept one of our umbrellas?

Он точно не желает взять себе зонтик?

I can’t accept it.

Я не могу взять этого.

I cannot accept your buttons.

Я не могу взять у вас пуговицы.

It’s lovely, but l-— I can’t accept it.

Очень красиво, но я… Я не могу его взять.

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We have no alternative but to accept defeat and trust your word. In return for your freedom, Lavalle will grant us ours?

Хотя король ещё не спасён, мы не можем признать поражение и верить вашим словам.

— And maybe they might accept me.

Они могут признать меня.

He will be able to accept your love later.

И позже он сможет признать Вашу любовь.

To give up hope of escape to stop thinking about it means accepting a death sentence.

Отказаться от надежды на побег перестать думать об этом — это значит признать смертный приговор.

But your governments of Earth refused even to accept our existence.

Но правительства Земли отказались даже признать наше существование.

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Challenge was given and lawfully accepted.

Вызов был брошен и принят согласно закону.

Thus the commissioners authorised me, Thomas Haringh, administrator to accept and to sell.

Сей документ принят и завизирован мной, администратором Томасом Харингом, по поручению комиссионеров городского собрания.

You’re accepted.

Ты принят!

[ Alfredo ] I accept the challenge.

Что ж, вызов принят.

— Challenge accepted!

— Вызов принят!

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Please do not feel constrained to accept it.

Вы не обязаны соглашаться.

It’s so disgusting, absurd, we shouldn’t have accepted it.

Это так отвратительно, абсурдно. Мы не должны были соглашаться на это.

I shouldn’t have accepted the invitation.

Мне не стоило соглашаться

Well, I think I’ll have to accept it, as a husband, I will be closer to that cash anyway.

Придется, наверное, соглашаться? В качестве мужа я все-таки буду поближе к этим деньгам

I wouldn’t dream of accepting him, of course.

Но я не буду соглашаться.

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But you lot can’t accept that.

Но вам еще далеко, чтобы понять это

but He just won’t accept it.

Он просто не хочет это понять.

But it’s impossible to accept.

Но это невозможно понять. -Я знаю, я здесь…

I plead that you all understand and accept these circumstances.

Я искренне прошу всех вас понять и учесть эти обстоятельства.

It can’t accept the truth, but I’ll help you just same.

Вы отрицаете правду, Но я помогу вам все понять.

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Sentences with the word Accepted?



  • «their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices»
  • «The cow accepted the bull»
  • «several accepted techniques for treating the condition»; «his recognized superiority in this kind of work»
  • «he accepted with alacrity»; «the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him»
  • «the local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough»
  • «he accepted my offer appreciatively»
  • «a class of atypical mosses»; «atypical behavior is not the accepted type of response that we expect from children»
  • «his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted«
  • «we accepted the opportunity buoyantly»
  • «he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity»
  • «he accepted the offer conditionally»
  • «delightedly, she accepted the invitation»
  • «he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University»
  • «a place where the company of others must be accepted with good grace»
  • «he accepted thankfully my apologies»
  • «he finally accepted hesitantly»
  • «a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory»; «he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices»
  • «he accepted the little they gave him»
  • «he gladly accepted the mitigated penalty»
  • «the bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home»
  • «we became mortgagors when the bank accepted our mortgage and loaned us the money to buy our new home»
  • «he accepted the naturalness of death»; «the spontaneous naturalness of his manner»
  • «we accepted him on faith»
  • «He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment»
  • «he accepted subject to one provision»
  • «accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested»- W.A.White; «the rhetorical sin of the meaningless variation»- Lewis Mumford
  • «he accepted service of the subpoena»
  • «socially accepted norms»
  • «he stoically accepted all suffering»
  • «symbolically accepted goals»
  • «instructional designers are trained in something that might be called tradecraft»; «the CIA chief of station accepted responsibility for his agents’ failures of tradecraft»
  • «stood unblinking and accepted a sentence of a year»
  • «he accepted the offer unconditionally»
  • «accepted the unearned rewards that came his ways as well as the unearned criticism»; «unearned income»; «an unearned run»

Similar words: accept, acceptable, acceptance, unacceptable, accented, september, accede, access. Meaning: [-tɪd]  adj. 1. generally approved or compelling recognition 2. generally agreed upon; not subject to dispute 3. generally accepted or used 4. judged to be in conformity with approved usage 5. widely or permanently accepted 6. widely accepted as true or worthy. 

Random good picture Not show

1) It was alleged that the policeman had accepted bribes.

2) He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.

3) She offered him a lift and he accepted .

4) It is now generally accepted that …

5) She accepted the charge without protest.

6) She accepted a present from her friend.

7) Naturally, she accepted the invitation to the party.

8) Israel accepted billions of dollars in war reparations.

9) After a short courtship, she accepted his marriage proposal.

10) To his great joy, she accepted.

11) Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else.

12) She flushed with pleasure as she accepted the prize.

13) He asked me to marry him and I accepted.

14) There is no generally accepted definition of life.

15) The opinion is accepted as true.

16) They accepted the paper and suggested only one change.

17) Cinema became accepted as an art form.

18) Rick accepted her offer of coffee.

19) The offer has been accepted,( subject to contract .

20) Defeated by her powers of persuasion, I accepted.

21) She accepted her inferiority to her rivals.

22) He wouldn’t have accepted such an inglorious outcome.

23) She’s been accepted at Bath Teacher Training College.

24) She accepted their congratulations with becoming modesty.

25) The sports association accepted the inevitability of a breakaway by the elite clubs.

26) His views on knowledge economy have been accepted with unamity.

27) Fewer than 7% of asylum seekers are accepted as political refugees.

28) It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift.

29) Mr Morgan has offered his resignation and it has been accepted.

30) Modernism seeks to find new forms of expression and rejects traditional or accepted ideas.

More similar words: accept, acceptable, acceptance, unacceptable, accented, september, accede, access, accent, percept, except, adopted, adapted, precept, sceptic, concept, receptor, except for, inception, disrupted, accession, accessory, intercept, perceptive, deception, deceptive, reception, excepting, sceptical, perception. 

принятый, принявший, признанный, общепринятый, распространенный, одобренный


- принятый; признанный; одобренный

accepted definition — принятое определение
accepted truth — общеизвестная истина
accepted pronunciation — принятое произношение

Мои примеры


a word that has come to be accepted as standard — слово, которое стало восприниматься в качестве литературного  
a widely accepted scientific theory — общепризнанная научная теория  
to be generally / universally accepted — быть общепринятым, считаться общепризнанным  
accepted / established fact — установленный факт, проверенная информация  
accepted meaning — общепринятое понимание  
in the accepted meaning of the word — в обычном значении слова  
accepted bill — акцептованный вексель  
commonly accepted construction — общепринятое толкование  
accepted depth — принятая глубина  
accepted offer — принятое предложение  
accepted clusters — захваченные кластеры  
accepted co-operation — ид на сотрудничество  

Примеры с переводом

They offered me a job and I accepted.

Они предложили мне работу, и я согласилась.

The offer was plumply accepted.

Предложение было полностью поддержано.

Rick accepted her offer of coffee.

Рик принял её предложение выпить кофе.

The cow accepted the bull.

Корова подпустила к себе быка.

He accepted the challenge to duel.

Он принял этот вызов на дуэль.

She accepted with alacrity.

Она согласилась с готовностью.

She accepted the mantle of leadership.

Она приняла на себя обязанности лидера.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He accepted the honor with humility.

We accepted the news with resignation.

Like a fool, I accepted straight away.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

accept  — принимать, признавать, соглашаться, брать, допускать, акцептовать, утверждать
acceptable  — приемлемый, допустимый, подходящий, угодный, желанный, приятный
accepter  — тот, кто принимает, приёмщик
accepting  — принимающий, допускающий, признающий
unaccepted  — неакцептованный, непринятый, не принятый, не допущенный

Who was Charles George Gordon? Charles George Gordon biography, life story, works and his role in the history of Britain

Charles George Gordon;(1833-1885), was the son of Lieutenant-General Henry William Gordon and was a famous soldier himself. He was born at Woolwich on January 28, 1833, and was educated at Taunton Grammar School (Somerset). He entered the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich in 1848, being commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Royal Engineers four years later.

Charles George Gordon (Chinese Gordon)

Source :

Gordon fought in the Crimean War with great daring and was wounded. In 1860 he was sent to China to fight with the English and French forces against the Chinese. After peace had been made with the Chinese government he commanded the “Ever Victorious Army”, a force raised by the white merchants of Shanghai (China) to protect the city against bands of lawless men who were in revolt against the Chinese government. Gordon’s bravery made him almost a god to the Chinese. With only a walking stick in his hand and always in the hottest part of the battle, he led his men in 23 victories, and ended by storming the city of Suchow, the rebels’ stronghold.

In 1865 “Chinese Gordon”, as he was called, returned to England and for some years was in charge of the building of new forts along the River Thames. Already a sincere Christian, he now began to give all his spare time to helping the poor and sick, paying special attention to the education, clothing and employment of boys from poor homes.

In 1874, with the permission of the British government, Gordon went to serve the Khedive (Prince) of Egypt who made him Governor of the Equatorial Province of Egypt, south of the Sudan. He brought law and order to this wild province, established a postal service and, above gordon all, succeeded in stopping the trade in slaves. The slave merchants continued to flourish in the Sudan, however, and in 1877 the Khedive made Gordon Governor-General of the Sudan so that he could stop their activities there also. Gordon carried out many improvements in his new province, but exhausted himself fighting against the slave dealers (they had an army of 6,000 men) and in pursuing them across the desert. In 1879 he was forced to resign his post.

In 1884, however, he returned to the Sudan. This time he was sent by the British government (which had taken over control of Egypt in 1882) to lead the Egyptian army out of the Sudan, for it had been defeated in fighting the troops of the Mahdi, a religious leader, and had to be brought out. However, Gordon was besieged in Khartoum, the capital of the Sudan, and was killed on January 26, 1885, just two days before British troops arrived from Egypt to relieve him.

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