Sentence with the right word order

1) Choose the sentence with the right word order: №1

a) Friends my a lot of people invited

b) A lot of people my friends invited

c) My friends invited a lot of people

d) My friends invited of people a lot.

2) Put the article if it is necessary:

Have you got – pencil?

  1. -; b) a; c) an; d) the;

3) Present tenses:

My friend — (to read) a newspaper now.

  1. Reads b) is reading c) read d) has read

4) Past tenses:

The Romans – (to come) to Britain in 54 BC.

  1. came b) were coming c) has come d) had come

5) Future tense

Tom — (to go) to the theatre with friends tomorrow. He has got an appointment with them.

  1. is going b) will have gone c) will go d) goes

6) Passive voice

Tom, look! The mail — (to deliver)

  1. is delivered b) delivers C) delivered d) is delivering

7) Modal verbs:

His brother is only 6, but he — already play the guitar.

  1. has to b) must c) may d) can

8) Phrasal verbs:

At first you have to — (complete a form) the application form.

  1. try on b) fill in c) come on d) take off

9) Irregular verbs: to bite

  1. bit – bitten b) bitten-bitten c) bite- bited d) biten- bited

10) Person – always does his best.

  1. which b) who c) whose d) whom

11) Noun plus Pronouns:

His brother is so rude. I don’t like — .

  1. him b) he c) his d) himself

12) Adjectives:

You should be very careful. Snowboarding is a — hobby.

  1. dangerous b) boring c) awful d) scary

13) Adverbs:

The train was moving — .

  1. slow b) slowful c) slowly d) slowy

14) Relative clauses

That man has some trouble – his car.

  1. with b) at c) of d) to

15) Prepositions:

We’ll wait for you — the car. It’s raining heavily.

  1. onto b) at c) into d) in

16) Adjective plus preposition:

She is very proud — her little daughter.

  1. With b) for c) of d) about

17) Nouns:

I see two — on the table.

  1. Matchs b) matchec c) matches d) machtes

18) Indefinite pronouns:

There is — coffee on the shelf.

  1. many b) a few c) any d) some

19) Conditionals:

If you — (study) hard, you -( to pass) the exams.

  1. will study/ pass b) study/will pass c) will study/will pass d) study/pass

20) Reported speech:

He said: “ I work every day”

  1. He said that he was working every day.

  2. He said that he had worked every day.

  3. He said that he worked every day.

  4. He said that he would work every day.

  1. Choose the sentence with the right word order: №2

  1. I think you should never put this coat on.

  2. I think you never should put this coat on.

  3. I think you should put this coat never on.

  4. I think you should put never this coat on.

  1. They have got only — hour to do this task.

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

  1. Tom — (to work) in a military department.

  1. Is working b) works c) work d) has worked

  1. They were strolling in the park when suddenly it – (to thunder).

  1. Was thundering b) had thundered c) thundered d) thunders

  1. Tom has invited them to his birthday party. He — (to be) 34 next week.

  1. Shall be b) will be c) is going d)is

  1. The book “Pickwick Papers” — (to write) by Charles Dickens in 1836.

  1. Was write b) wrote c) is written d) was written


  • you open the window, please?

  1. Could b) should c) must d) might

  1. Hey, Tom, — (to be careful)! The floor is wet!

  1. Look in b) look forward to c) look out d) look after

  1. To become —

  1. became –become b) become-became c) become-become d) became-became

  1. May I take — umbrella?

  1. You’re b) yours c) you d) your

  1. He wants to marry Cindy. He gave her a beautiful – ring.

  1. Goldful b) goldy c) golden d) gold

  1. The train was moving very -.

  1. Fastly b) fast c) faster d) fistful

  1. Rennes is a city, — is situated in France.

  1. Whom b) whose c) which d) who

  1. Jack is a student — business administration.

  1. In b) at c) for d) of

  1. I will pay — cash.

  1. In b) for c) at d) to

  1. I am fond — swimming.

  1. At b) of c) with d) for

  1. There are eleven — in each football team.

  1. manes b) man c) men d) mans

  1. We don’t have — milk.

  1. Some b) a few c) any d) many

  1. If I — (to be) Kate, I — (to study) harder.

  1. Were/would study b) would be/would study

  2. Were/ studied d) would be/studied

  1. Rachel:” I am playing the guitar now”

a)Rachel said that she was playing the guitar now.

b) Rachel said that she was playing the guitar then.

c) Rachel said that she played the guitar then.

d) Rachel said that she had played the guitar now.

  1. Choose the right word order: №3

  1. The blue whale is the biggest animal on Earth.

  2. Is the biggest animal on Earth the blue whale.

  3. On Earth the biggest animal blue whale.

  4. The biggest animal on Earth the blue whale is.

  1. I saw a bird in the tree. – bird was grey.

  1. A b) an c) the d) —

  1. Oh, no! We are late! They — (to go/already) out.

  1. Already go b) are already going c)have already gone d) already gone

  1. I was watching TV while the kids — (to play) in the yard.

  1. played b) was playing c) were playing d) have played

  1. It is a wonderful afternoon. I really don’t think it — (to rain) tomorrow.

  1. Is going to rain b) shall rain c) rains d) will rain

  1. Winston Churchill — (to capture) during the war in south Africa in 1899.

  1. Is captured b) was captured c) captured d) captures

  1. Perhaps, Tom — pass the exam tomorrow.

  1. may b) must c) can d) has to

  1. Our helicopter will — (to leave the ground) in 35 minutes.

  1. Turn up b) take off c) wake up d) get up

  1. To begin —

  1. begun-began b) began-began c) began-begun d) begun-begun

  1. Whose car is this? — this car is —.

  1. Our’s b) we c) our d) ours

  1. Jerry is — than Carol.

  1. short b) shorter c) shortly d) the shortest

  1. Tom has learnt the poem -.

  1. bady b) bad c) the worst d) badly

  1. BMW is a car — I like.

  1. who b) whose c)whom d) that

  1. Mr. Gordon is a great example — courage.

  1. in b) at c) of d) for

  1. I’ve known him — five years.

  1. Ago b) from c) for d) since

  1. I’m so tired — him.

  1. with b) of c) by d) about

  1. Can you find three — in the picture?

  1. Sheepies b) sheepes c) sheeps d) sheep

  1. There are — students in the class.

  1. many b) much c) a lot of d) a little

  1. If Jessy — (to tell) everything, she — (not to have) any problems.

  1. Will tell/ hasn’t b) tells/won’t have c) tell/hasn’t d) will tell/won’t have

  1. George said:” I have bought a new car yesterday.”

  1. George said that he had bought a new car recently.

  2. George said that he bought a new car recently.

  3. George said that he would have bought a new car recently.

  4. George said that he has bought a new car recently.

1.Choose the sentence with the right order: №4

  1. We don’t often go to the cinema.

  2. We often don’t go to the cinema.

  3. We don’t go often to the cinema.

  4. We don’t go to the cinema often.

  1. Rome is — capital of Italy.

  1. A b) an c) the d) –

  1. Angela — (to cook) twenty pancakes today.

  1. Cook b) is cooking c) cooks d) has cooked

  1. I was listening to music while my husband — (to read).

  1. Read b) was reading c) reads d) has read

  1. Sue is 15. She already knows what she wants. She — a singer.

  1. Shall become b) will become c) is going to become d) becomes

  1. Biscuits — (to make) from milk, eggs and flour.

  1. Are made b) make c) made d) are make

  1. Pupils — listen to the teacher.

  1. Could b) can c) may d) must

  1. Tom, could you —(to wait) for a minute? I need to talk to you.

  1. Hold in b) hold on c) hold up d) hold at

  1. To break —

  1. broke –broken b) broke-broke c) broken-broken d) broken — broke

  1. This is George’s umbrella. The umbrella is — .

  1. Her b) him c) hers d) his

  1. I think she is – girl in our school.

  1. Beautifuller b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful d) the beautifullest

  1. A car appeared -.

  1. Suddenly b) sudden c) more sudden d) the most sudden

  1. Fred is a person — can speak four languages.

  1. Which b) who c) whose d) whom

  1. I couldn’t find an answer — your question.

  1. to b) on c) at d)for

  1. We go to work — car every morning.

  1. in b) on c) at d) by

  1. It was nice — you.

  1. from b) for c) of d) about

  1. Mothers always give us ——.

  1. many advices b) much advice b) many advice d) much advices

  1. There is — sugar in my cup of tea.

  1. a few b) many c) any d) a lot of

19. Your brother is being very rude. If I – (to be) him, I – (to say) those things.

  1. were /wouldn’t say b)were/didn’t say c) would be/wouldn’t say d) would be Tom /didn’t say

20) Jack said:” I’ll go to the cinema tomorrow”

  1. Jack said that he would go to the cinema tomorrow.

  2. Jack said that he will go to the cinema the next day.

  3. Jack said that he would go to the cinema the next day.

  4. Jack said that he went to the cinema the next day.

1.Choose the sentence with right word order: №5

  1. Jack drives to work every day.

  2. Every day to work Jack drives.

  3. Jack every day drives to work.

  4. Every day drives Jack to work.

2. I see — three men outside.

  1. A b) an c) the d) —

3. The climate — (to change) rapidly nowadays.

  1. Is changing b) changes c) has changed d) is changed

4. I — (to play guitar) at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  1. Have played b) had played c) played d) was playing

5. I am sorry, but I have no time to do it. I -(to take part) in serious negotiations tomorrow.

  1. will take part b) am going to take part c) take part d) shall take part

6. Napoleon —— (to defeat) in 1815.

  1. is defeated b) was defeated c) defeated d) will be defeated

7. You look very pale. I think you — go to the doctor.

  1. Can b) may c) should d) might

8. Excuse me, Ted, I can’t hear you. Could you — (to speak louder), please.

  1. speak up b) speak c) speak above d) speak out

9. To choose –

  1. chosen-chosen b) chose-chose c) chosen-chose d) chose-chosen

10. Who are these people? I don’t remember -.

  1. they b) their c) them d) themselves

11. I think that Ferrari is a good car, but my sister thinks that AUDI is-.

  1. Good b) better c) gooder d) the best

12. Jenny will have an exam soon. She studies very -.

  1. the hardest b) harder c) hardly d) hard

13. Washington is a city – was founded in 1791.

  1. who b) which c) whose d) whom

14. She has a great interest — science.

  1. In b) for c) at d) on

15. Mary gets up — 7 o’clock.

  1. In b) at c) on d) for

16. George is very good — chess.

  1. of b) in c) at d) for

17. My sister always wears -.

  1. Glasses b) a glass c) glass d) glassies

18. We don’t have – time for it.

  1. Few b) a few c) many d) much

19. If I — (to read) this book, I — (can to get) a lot of knowledge.

  1. will read/can get b) read/will be able to get c) would read/can get d) read/will can get

20. Bob said:” Don’t disturb me, please”

  1. Bob said to me don’t disturb him.

  2. Bob asked me didn’t disturb him.

  3. Bob asked me not to disturb him.

  4. Bob said to me I don’t disturbing him.

  1. Choose the sentence with the right order: №6

  1. I can to the swimming pool with you.

  2. I can go to the swimming pool with you.

  3. Can I go to the swimming pool with you.

  4. To the swimming pool I can go with you.

2. Daniel Defoe was — famous English writer.

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.I — (never to be) to Brazil.

  1. was never b) am never being c) have never been d) am never

4.Albert Einstein — (to publish) a paper on the general theory of relativity in 1916.

  1. was publishing b) had published c) has published d) published

5.Jack, can you help me? – Well, it’s a difficult situation but I — (to see) what can I do for you.

  1. am seeing b) am going to see c) will see d) see

6.Many buildings — (to destroy) by the Great Fire in London in 1666.

  1. had been destroyed b) are destroyed c) destroyed d) were destroyed

7.I must be at work at 8 o’ clock every day. So I — wake up at 6 a. m.

  1. can b) may c) might d) have to

8.I don’t like this old wardrobe. I am going to — (to get rid of) .

  1. let it out b) give it up c) throw it way d) take it off

9.To come –

  1. came –came b) came-come c) come-come d) come-came

10.What a wonderful quilt! Have you done it by -?

a)you b) your c) yours d) yourself

11.Jack has bought a — — — (round/wooden/brown/new) table.

  1. New brown round wooden

  2. Round new brown wooden

  3. New round brown wooden

  4. New wooden brown round

12.Bob has got his driver’s license recently. He drives very -.

  1. careful b) carefully c) more careful d) the most careful

13.She took a kitten — she had seen two days before in the street.

  1. who b) whom c) which d) whose

14.We can’t find any connection — these facts.

  1. in b) for c) among d) between

15.Oh, please, don’t eat so many pancakes! You are — a diet!

  1. in b) at c) on d) with

16.Do you see that woman? Her face is very familiar — me.

  1. for b) to c) with d) of

17.There is — (hair) in my soup.

  1. hair b) hairs c) a hair d) haires

18.It’s late but Bob hasn’t come yet. I think — has happened.

  1. anything b) some c) someone d) something

19.If it -(to be) sunny I — (to go) skiing.

  1. is/will go b) will be/go c) will be/will go d) is/go

20.She said: “ I will never go to the circus again!”

  1. she said that she will never go to the circus again.

  2. She said that she would never go to the circus again.

  3. She said that she had never gone to the circus again.

  4. She said that she was never going to the circus again.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №7

  1. You would like some coffee?

  2. Some coffee would you like?

  3. Would you like some coffee?

  4. Would like you some coffee?

2.Is this — your new car?

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.My brother — (to get up) at 7 o’clock every morning.

  1. has got up b) is getting up c) gets up d) get up

4.Sandy was listening to her favorite music while Jack — (to do) his home task.

  1. did b) has done c) had done d) was doing

5.I — (to ring up you) tomorrow.

  1. am going to ring you up b) will ring you up c) ring you up d) am ringing you up

6.The terrible fire -(to bring) under control at 8 p.m.

  1. was been brought b) had brought c) brought d) was brought

7.My father — drive a car very well.

  1. has to b) might c) can d) may

8. If you aren’t watching TV, — .

  1. switch it off b) take it off c) throw it away d) switch it on

9.To drive –

  1. drove-drove b) drive-drive c) driven-drove d) drove-driven

10.My cousin didn’t do — wrong.

  1. something b) nothing c) anything d) everything

11.Mark speaks — German.

  1. fluently b) fluent c) fluentily d) fluenty

12.He breathes -.

  1. heavy b) heavily c) heave d) heaven

13.Carl has an aunt — is a teacher at school.

  1. whose b) whom c) which d) who

14.Terrible storm caused huge damage — the villages.

  1. for b) at c) to d) on

15.I would like to pay — advance if you don’t mind.

  1. At b) on c) for d) in

16.They are indifferent — his words.

  1. for b) to c) at d) on

17.My uncle has caught a lot of — .

a)fishes b) fishs c) fish d) fishies

18.How — photos do you need?

  1. much b) lots of c) little d) many

19.If she — (to win) the contest she — (to be) very happy.

  1. won/was b) would win/would be c) would win/was d) won/would be

20.Paul asked me:” will you visit Tom with us tomorrow?”

  1. Paul asked me would I visit Tom with him tomorrow.

  2. Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with them tomorrow.

  3. Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with them the next day.

  4. Paul asked me would I visit Tom with them the next day.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №8

  1. Ted doesn’t often go to the theatre

  2. Ted often doesn’t go to the theatre.

  3. Ted doesn’t go often to the theatre.

  4. Often Ted doesn’t go to the theatre.


  • Moon is beautiful today, isn’t it?

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.You — (always/to talk) too loud!

  1. always talk b) are always talking c) have always talked d) are always talked

4.Ernest Hemingway — (to win) the Nobel Prize in literature in 1954.

  1. was winning b) had won c) won d) had been winning

5.We — (to be) very glad to see you tomorrow.

  1. is b) am going to be c) am d) will be

6.The Beatles — (to know) all over the world.

  1. are being knowing b) are known c) known d) have been known

7.My friend — speak German, Italian, and French.

  1. should b) can c) may d) must

8.Dear, look, what a nice dress! You should — (to sample clothing to see if it fits)

  1. hold it on b) carry it on c) come it on d) try it on

9.To drink —

  1. drank-drank b) drank-drunk c) drunk-drunk d) drunk-drank

10.The living-room is empty. I can see — here.

  1. somebody b) anybody c) everybody d) nobody

11.I think her behavior is — .

  1. antinormal b) innormal c) unnormal d) abnormal

12.Angela is — beautiful.

  1. amaze b) amazing c) amazingly d) amazeful

13.I met Bob, — asked me to tell you about the accident.

  1. which b) who c) whom d) whose

14.I think his attitude — life is too pessimistic.

  1. of b) for c) to d) at

15.Many rare animals are — danger.

  1. by b) at c) on d)in

16.I’m very disappointed — the defeat of my favorite football team.

  1. at b) on c) with d) of

17.There are three — (a brush) on the bathroom shelf.

  1. brushies b) brush c) brushs d) brushes

18.We don’t have — bread.

  1. Many b) much c) some d) a few

19.If the weather — (to be) fine next Sunday, we — (to go) to the pond.

  1. is/will go b) will be/ go c) is/go d) will be/will go

20.Bob :” I don’t like lemons”

  1. Bob said that he hadn’t liked lemons.

  2. Bob said that he would like lemons.

  3. Bob said that he didn’t like lemons.

  4. Bob said that he wasn’t liking lemons.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order; №9

  1. A federation is Australia of six states.

  2. A federation of six states Australia is.

  3. Australia of six states is a federation.

  4. Australia is a federation of six states.

2.I bought some cheese and — bottle of wine.

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3. Look! Your puppy — (to swim)!

  1. swims b) is swimming c) is swiming d) swim

4.I — (to drive) home at 8 p.m yesterday.

  1. was driving b) drove c) drive d) driven

5.Lily doesn’t know whether she — (to go) to Rome next week.

  1. is going to go b) will go c) goes d) shall go

6.The novel “Golden Fish” — (to write) by A.S. Pushkin.

  1. write b) wrote c) was written d) will be written


  • you tell me where Trafalgar Square is?

  1. might b) must c) should d) could

8.Ted, — (to move quickly)! It’s almost 9 o’ clock!

  1. grow up b) hurry up c) turn up d) give up

9.To draw –

  1. drew-drawn b) draw-drawn c) drawn-drew d) drawn-drawn

10.Sarah spoke to Brad Pit — .

  1. themselves b) itself c) himself d) yourself

11.She has wonderful — hair.

  1. gold b) goldish c) goldy d) golden

12.My niece passed the exam — .

  1. easy c) easily d) ease d) easier

13.We visited the city, — I have never been to.

  1. whose b) whom c) who d) which

14.The humanity hasn’t found cure — this disease yet.

  1. from b) to c) for d) of

15.I don’t like most of popular shows — television.

  1. at b) on c) in d) by

16.Why is Sarah so angry — it?

  1. Of b) to c) with d) about

17.Carla was sitting with two nice — .

  1. womans b) woman c) women d) womens

18.They eat — sweets every day.

  1. many b) a little c) much d) any

19.If you — (to call) me I — (to help) you.

  1. would call/helped b) called/would help c) would call/would help d) called/helped

20.Judy:” I’m driving to work now”

  1. Judy said that she drove to work now.

  2. Judy said that she had been driving to work then.

  3. Judy said that she was driving to work now.

  4. Judy said that she was driving to work then.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №10

  1. Is how far your town from here?

  2. How far your town from here is?

  3. How far your town is from here?

  4. How far is your town from here?

2. Have you ever been to — Spain?

  1. a b) an c) the d)

3.We all know that the Earth — (to be) round.

  1. has been b) is being c) is d) is be

4.Jack — (to listen) to music when the doorbell rang.

  1. was listening b) listen c) listened d) was listened

5.I’m so happy! Lisa and Bob — (to marry) soon!

  1. are going to marry b) will marry c) shall marry d) marry

6.Quebec — (to capture) by the British in the 18th century.

  1. was captured b) captured c) is captured d) captures

7.Do you see black clouds? It — rain this evening.

  1. needs b) has to c) must d) may

8.We sometimes — (to stop sleeping) early in the morning.

  1. give up b) wake up c) turn up d) grow up

9.To eat —

  1. eaten-eaten b) ate-ate c) ate-eaten d) eaten-ate

10.I’m so sorry, but I can do — in this situation.

  1. everything b) something c) anything d) nothing

11.Our guide showed us a(an) — — — (water/old/gloomy/high) tower.

  1. gloomy old high water b) high gloomy old water c) gloomy high old water d) water old high gloomy

12.Jack reads — .

  1. slowful b)slowy c) slow d) slowly

13.I like the sofa — we saw in the mall yesterday.

  1. who b) that c) whom d) whose

14.I have some difficulties — Maths.

  1. at b) from c) in d) for

15.We are — a hurry , so we shouldn’t stay here for a long time.

  1. by b) at c) on d) in

16.My parents were angry — me — failing the exam.

  1. about/for b) on/about c) with/for d) at/in

17.How many — (a child) do the Greens have?

  1. childrens b) childes c) childs d) children

18.There is — good furniture in this department.

  1. a lot of b) many c) a few d) any

19.If I — (to see) her I — (to give) her the book.

  1. see/will give b) will see/give c) will see/will give d) see/give

20.Mother:” I’ve cooked mushrooms and fried chicken”.

  1. Mother said that she has cooked mushrooms and fried chicken.

  2. Mother said that she had cooked mushrooms and fried chicken.

  3. Mother said that she cooked mushrooms and fried chicken.

  4. Mother said that she had been cooking mushrooms and frying chicken.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №11

  1. When did Apollo 11 land on the Moon?

  2. When Apollo 11 did land on the Moon?

  3. Did Apollo 11 land on the Moon when?

  4. When did land Apollo11 on the Moon?

2.-Elbrus is situated in Caucasus.

a) a b) an c) — d) the

3.Oh, no way, I — (to see) that man before!

  1. see c) is seeing c) have seen d) has seen

4.I woke up at 6 o’clock, ironed my clothes and — (to go) out.

  1. had gone b) went c) was going d) had been going

5.Wait a minute, I — (to take) a laptop.

  1. take b) will take c) am taking d) am going to take

6.American continent — (to discover) in 1492.

  1. was discovered b) is discovered c) discovered d) discovers

7.Sorry, I have no time to discuss anything. I — be at work at 8 o’clock.

  1. may b) could c) can d) must

8.Learning languages is very difficult but I need to — (to continue in spite of difficulties).

  1. hold on b) come on c) keep on d) try on

9.To fly –

  1. flew-flown b) flew-flew c) flown-flown d) flown-flew

10.Bob, we haven’t seen you for ages. When will you come and see — ?

  1. them b) we c) our d) us

11.We would like to buy that flat because it’s — than the other one.

  1. the largest b) the most large c) larger d) more large

12.My friend looked at him — .

  1. angriness b) angryful c) angrily d) angry

13.My brother has a friend — is a student.

  1. whose b) which c) that d) whom

14.Her words had a great influence — his thoughts.

  1. in b) on c) for d) at

15.Bob is so unlucky. He fell ill — holiday.

  1. for b) at c) in d) on

16.They were surprised — the news.

  1. on b) in c) at d) of

17.There are many — (an ox) in the fieds, hills and pastures in summer.

  1. oxs b) oxes c) ox d) oxen

18.The guests would like — cheese, please.

  1. any b) some c) a few d) many

19.If you — (to be) more attentive you — (to pass) the exam.

  1. were/would pass b) would be/passed c) would be/would pass d) were/passed

20.Angela:” I’ll do it tomorrow”.

  1. Angela said that she would do it tomorrow.

  2. Angela said that she did the next day.

  3. Angela said that she would do it the next day.

  4. Angela said that she had done it tomorrow.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №12

  1. Bob lived in a large modern house.

  2. Bob lived in a modern large house.

  3. In a modern large house lived bob.

  4. Bob in a large modern house lived.

2.Rachel told us — interesting story.

  1. a b) the c) an d) –

3.The train from Paris — (to arrive) at 12.25.

  1. arrives b) is arriving c) has arrive d) arrive

4.Her friend — (to meet) Mary three years ago.

  1. had met b) met c) was meeting d) had been meeting

5.My uncle — (to return) to Spain in a few days.

  1. is going to return b) will return c) shall return d) returns

6.The continent Australia — (to discover) by Dutch explorers in 1606.

  1. is discovered b) discovered c) was discovered d) discovers

7.I’ve watched his new movie, it’s great! You — watch it too.

  1. have to b) might c) may d) should

8.Bob is ill, he — (to be absent) today.

  1. is after b) is on c) is away d) is out

9.To forget –

  1. forgotten-forgot b) forgot-forgot c) forgot-forgotten d) forgotten-forgotten

10.Look at — ! He’s really happy.

  1. his b) them c) he d) him

11.We can’t work with him anymore. He’s too — .

  1. unresponsible b) irresponsible c) inresponsible d) ilresponsible

12.She ran — .

  1. quickful b) quickly c) quick d) quickly

13.The person — I gave my keys is my aunt.

  1. whose b) which c) whom d) what

14.Could you give me some information — this district?

  1. at b) about c) for d) to

15.-last, we found the street.

a) in b) on c) for d) at

16.I’m afraid — dogs.

  1. for b) at c) of d) on

17.My grandmother has got many nice — (a goose) in her village.

  1. goose b) geeses c) gooses d) geese

18.Alex, I hope you’ll tell me — good.

  1. something b) anything c) some d) someone

19.He — (to fall) ill if he — (to eat) so much ice-cream.

  1. falls/will eat b) will fall/eats c) will fall/will eat d) falls/eats

20.Jack:” When does the train arrive?”

  1. Jack asked when the train arrived.

  2. Jack asked when did the train arrive.

  3. Jack asked when had the train arrived.

  4. Jack asked when the train did arrive.

1. Choose the right sentence with the right word order: №13

  1. My purse my brother found outside the house.

  2. Outside the house found my purse.

  3. My brother outside the house found my purse.

  4. My brother found my purse outside the house.

2.My friend was born in — USA.

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.We are fond of history. We often — (to go) to our local museums.

  1. go b) goes c) am going d) has gone

4.They — (to go) to Spain last year.

  1. went b) had gone c) were going d) were gone

5.Bob — (to go) to the dentist next Monday.

  1. goes b) will go c) shall go d) is going to

6.Everybody — (to inform) about the accident tomorrow.

  1. inform b) will be informed c) is informed d) was informed

7.I feel sick. I — go to the doctor.

  1. have to b) may c) might d) can

8.Let’s go home. The concert — (to be finished).

  1. is on b) is off c) is over d) is out

9.To give —

  1. gave – given b) gave- gave c) given –given d) given-gave

10.They have done — work properly.

  1. them b) they’re c) there d) their

11.Angela bought a nice — skirt.

  1. metally b) metal c) metallic d) metalous

12.Mark always speaks — .

  1. cleary b) clear c) clearly d) clearful

13.The man, — car it is, should pay a parking.

  1. that b) whom c) which d) whose

14.His reaction — that event was rather aggressive.

  1. on b) to c) for d) in

15.The temperature fell to 12 degrees Fahrenheit — zero.

  1. under b) beneath c) above d) below

16.Angela is married — Paul.

  1. at b) on c) to d) for

17.My cat has caught three — ( a mouse) today.

  1. mices b) mouses c) mice d) mouse

18.Kate doesn’t have — knowledge at Maths.

  1. some b) a few c) many d) much

19.If you — (to speak) louder I — (to hear) her address well.

  1. spoke/would hear b) would speak/heard c)would speak/would hear d)spoke/hears

20.Bob:” Don’t go there alone”

  1. Bob asked me didn’t go there alone.

  2. Bob asked me not to go there alone.

  3. Bob asked me do not to go there alone.

  4. Bob asked me hadn’t gone there alone.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №14

  1. Is what the name of this street?

  2. The name of this street is what?

  3. What is the name of this street?

  4. What the name of this street is?

2.I don’t like to come home late — evening.

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.My friend usually — (to drink) a cup of milk before going to school.

  1. is drinking b) drinks c) drink d) has drunk

4.My cat — (to play) with a toy when I called it.

  1. was playing b) played c) play d) has played

5.Our car is very old and my parents — (to buy) a new one.

  1. will buy b) are going to buy c) shall buy d) buy

6.My wallet — (to steal) yesterday.

  1. was stole b) stole c) is stolen d) was stolen

7.We can’t understand anything. — you help us, please?

  1. should b) may c) might d) could

8.It’s so nice to see that Jack — (to know) everything now.

  1. fell out b) find out c) fell for d) fell on

9.To go –

  1. went-gone b) went-went c) gone-gone d) gone-went

10.Bob, be careful with the knife! You can cut — .

  1. yours b) it c) you d) yourself

11.Andy is always — .

  1. illattentive b) unattentive c) inattentive d) disattentive

12.My little sister managed to do the task — .

  1. correctful b) correcty c)correct d) correctly

13.I saw my cousin, — is a doctor in our local hospital.

  1. whose b) who c) which d) whom

14.Bob has a lot of knowledge — ancient civilizations.

  1. for b) at c) in d) of

15.I should visit my granny — a hospital.

  1. into b) at c) in d)for

16.Jane feels sorry — Mike.

  1. at b) of c) to d) for

17.Oh, no, there are about two — (a dozen) of bugs in the kitchen.

  1. dozens b) dozens c) dozen d) a dosen

18.I don’t receive — letters from him.

  1. many b) any c) much d) a little

19.I — (to call) you if I — (to find) your bag.

  1. will call/find b) call/will find c) call/find d) will call/will find

20.Alice:” John is always polite”

  1. Alice said that John was being always polite.

  2. Alice said that John would be always polite.

  3. Alice said that John had always been polite.

  4. Alice said that John was always polite.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №15

  1. Amanda bought eleven yellow amazing tulips.

  2. Amanda eleven amazing yellow tulips bought.

  3. Amanda bought eleven amazing yellow tulips.

  4. Amanda eleven yellow amazing tulips bought.

2.Have you seen — Bob today?

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.I can’t find Mark. It seems he — (already/to go).

  1. has already gone b) is already going c) already goes d)already go

4.Luciano Pavarotti — (to give) his last performance at the 2006 Winter Olympic Games.

  1. had given b) gave c) was giving d) had been given

5.Their team is very strong. I believe they — (to win).

  1. win b) are going to win c) shall win d) will win

6.Your sofa — (to deliver) tomorrow.

  1. is delivered b) was delivered c) will be delivered d)delivers

7.Mary says that she — read minds.

  1. can b) might c) must d) have to

8.Oh, Mark nice to meet you! You should — (to visit smb for a minute) to my place some day.

  1. come away b) come on c) come around d) come at

9.To know –

  1. knew-knew b) knew-known c) known-known d) known-knew

10. Every country has factories — water and air.

  1. pollute b) to pollute c) polluted d) polluting

11. Sandra had to send an email to the headmaster — .

a) him b) itself c) yourself d) himself

12.He was standing — to me.

  1. closeful b) closer c) close d) closely

13. Bob likes snakes, — many people hate.

  1. whom b) who c) which d) whose

14.What is your opinion — this accident?

  1. for b) at c) in d) on

15.We would like to pay — credit card, please.

  1. With b) by c) in d) at

16.Elton John is famous — his songs.

  1. To b) at c) of d) for

17.Bob, could you buy two — ( a sandwich)?

  1. sandwichies b) sandwichs c) sandwiches d) sandwich

18.I don’t read — newspapers at all.

  1. any b) a lot of c) many d) some

19.If I — (to meet) Johnny Depp I — (to ask) for the autograph.

  1. would meet/would ask b) would meet/asked c) met/asked d) met/would ask

20.Simon:” I am taking shower now”.

  1. Simon said that he was taking shower now.

  2. Simon said that he had been taking shower then.

  3. Simon said that he was taking shower then.

  4. Simon said that he had been taking shower now.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №16

  1. Pete comes from England.

  2. Comes Pete from England.

  3. From England Pete comes.

  4. Pete from England comes.

2.Who said that — Earth is round?

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.The sun — (to set) in the west.

  1. has set b) is setting c) sets d) is set

4.Ludvig van Beethoven — (to compose) his first piece of music when he was 12.

  1. composed b) was composing c) has composed d) had composed

5.Put a saucepan of water on the fire and wait. Water — boil at 100 degrees.

  1. is going to b) will c) shall d) has to

6.The president — (to elect) tomorrow.

  1. will be elected b) will elect c) elected d) is elected

7.- you give me a pen, please?

  1. should b) could c) might d) must

8.She has just — (to discover) that he lied to her.

  1. found in b) found at c) found out d) found on

9.To ring –

  1. rung-rang b) rung-rung c) rang-rang d) rang-rung

10.Oh, no, am I alone here? I can’t find — .

  1. everybody b) nobody c) somebody d) anybody

11.Dave likes to spend time at home . He’s so — .

  1. unactive b) disactive c) inactive d) non-active

12.Their trip was — difficult.

  1. extremeful b) extremy c) extremely d) extreme

13.Kate doesn’t like the flower — stands in the living room.

  1. who b) that c) whom d) whose

14.I want to take a picture — that monument.

  1. at c) on c) for d) of

15.I feel sick so it is better for me to say — home.

  1. inside b) in c) at d) into

16.This place is always crowded — people.

  1. for b) of c) with d) to

17.I have spent too much time outside today. My — (a foot) are frozen.

  1. a foot b) feets c) foots d) feet

18.I haven’t heard — news about him for a long time.

  1. any b) some c) a few d) many

19.He — (to be) angry if he — (to hear) about this.

  1. will be/will hear b) will be/hears c) is/hears d) is/will hear

20.Amanda:” Oh, no, I’ve left my tickets at home”.

  1. Amanda said that she left her tickets at home.

  2. Amanda said that she had been leaving her tickets at home.

  3. Amanda said that she has left her tickets at home.

  4. Amanda said that she had left her tickets at home.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №17

  1. Patrick White received in 1973 the Noble Prize.

  2. Patrick White received the Noble Prize in 1973.

  3. In 1973 the Noble Prize Patrick White received.

  4. Received Patrick White the Noble Prize in 1973.

2.Where is — Sahara desert?

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.My plane to Washington — (to depart) at 6.30. There is no changes in the time-table.

  1. is departing b) has departed c) depart d) departs

4.She put her coat and — (to take) a look in the mirror.

  1. had been taking b) took c) was taking d) had taken

5.My niece has got serious problems. She — (to visit) a lawyer.

  1. is going to visit b) will visit c) shall visit d) visits

6.Greenpeace — (to found) in 1969.

  1. is founded b) was founded c) founded d) found

7.I don’t know where to go next summer. I — go to Los-Angeles.

  1. have to b) should c) must d) may

8.They don’t want to — (to disappoint/us).

  1. let you in b) let you down c) let you up d) let you out

9.To rise –

  1. rose-risen b) rose-rose c) risen-risen d) risen-rose

10.Bob moved from parents when he was 17.he has lived by — since that time.

  1. he b) his c) himself d) him

11.Their chair has a — cover that looks like natural.

  1. leatherish b) leatheric c) leather d) leathery

12. — ,Bob’s team was beaten in the half-final.

a) unfortunaty b) unfortunate c) unfortunately d) unfortunateful

13.She visited a nephew — is a dentist.

  1. which b) that c) whose d) whom

14.Do you know any means of protection — diseases?

  1. against b) in c) of d) from

15.I like travelling — sea.

  1. at b) on c) by d) in

16.I’m worried — my exams.

  1. Of b) to c) for d) about 17.We’ve seen three — (a deer) in the forest today.

  1. deers b) deer c) deeres d) a deer

18.I’ve heard — I think we are not alone in the house.

  1. anything b) something c) some d) any

19.If I — (to be) you I — (not to swim) in cold water.

  1. were/didn’t swim b) would be/wouldn’t swim c) were/wouldn’t swim d) were/didn’t swim

20. Bob:” I’ll go to the Gym tomorrow”.

  1. Bob said that he had gone to the gym the next day.

  2. Bob said that he went to the Gym tomorrow.

  3. Bob said that he would go to the Gym tomorrow.

  4. Bob said that he would go to the Gym the next day.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №18

  1. Bob was wearing a fantastic Italian coat.

  2. Bob was wearing an Italian fantastic coat.

  3. Bob was a fantastic Italian coat wearing.

  4. Bob was an Italian fantastic coat wearing.

2.My little brother wants to become — policeman.

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.It’s better to get rid of this toaster. It — more and more insecure.

  1. is getting b) get c) has gotten d) gets

4.I was going to a supermarket when the fire — (to break) out.

  1. was breaking b) broke c) had been breaking d) had broken

5.Well, I — (to take) this pair of shoes.

  1. am taking b) take c) am going to take d) will take

6.New Year — (to celebrate) all over the world.

  1. celebrates b) is celebrated c) celebrated d) is celebrate

7.Our car is too dirty. I — clean it immediately.

  1. might b) can c) must d) may

8.We hate this town. We’ll never — (to return) here again.

  1. go on b) go behind c) go off d) go back

9.To run —

  1. ran-ran b) ran – run c) run-run d) run – ran

10.If someone comes tell — to wait for a while.

  1. he b) her c) him d) them

11.Monkey is — animal I’ve ever seen.

  1. the most funny b) funnier c) the funniest d) more funny

12. — ,he managed to do it.

  1. surprisingly b) surprisingy c) surprising d) surprisingful

13.The person — I phoned 2 days ago is my grandfather.

  1. which b) whose c) whom d) what

14.Bob has got some reasons — moving to London.

  1. on b) at c) of d) for

15.We have no information about where he is but — least we know where he planned to go.

  1. in b) at c) on d) for

16.I was astonished — her performance.

  1. for b) on c) in d) by

17.Every human has got 32 — (a tooth).

  1. a tooth b) tooths c) teeth d) teethes

18.They hadn’t — success with that task.

  1. much b) many c) a few d) some

19.If he — (to be) at home we — (to tell) him everything.

  1. is/will tell b) will be/tell c) will be/will tell d) is/tell

20.Sister:” Don’t put this T-shirt on”.

  1. Sister saked me did not to put this T-shirt on.

  2. Sister asked me did not put this T-shirt on.

  3. Sister asked me not to put this T-shirt on.

  4. Sister asked me to put this T-shirt not on.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №19

  1. They not are walking in the park.

  2. They are walking in the park not.

  3. Not they are walking in the park.

  4. They are not walking in the park.

2.His nephew plays — piano very well.

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.Simon is very busy. He — (to take) a rest very seldom.

  1. takes b) is taking c) has taken d) take

4.Bob — (to play) football at 10 o’clock yesterday.

  1. was playing b) played c) had played d) had been playing

5.I have won the lottery. I — (to spend) it for charity.

  1. am going to spend b) will spend c) spend d) spent

6.Opera “Rigoletto” — (to compose) by Giuseppe Verdi in 1851.

  1. was composed b) is composed c) composed d) compose

7.He is good sportsman, but he — stop smoking.

  1. may b) can c) might d) should

8.I think it is important — (to stay in good relationship) with your teachers.

  1. to hold on b) to fill in c) to keep in d) to be after

9.To see —

  1. seen –saw b) seen – seen c) saw – saw d) saw — seen

10.We’ve bought a boat for — .

  1. our b) we c) ourselves d) us

11.This black dress is — than the blue one.

  1. the elegantest b) eleganter c) more elegant d) the most elegant

12.My niece plays the guitar — .

  1. beautifuly b) beautifullest c) beautiful d) beautifully

13.Bob asked me about Mary, — travelled with us last summer.

  1. whom b) whose c) which d) who

14.He doesn’t have any respect — his relatives.

  1. to b) at c) for d) on

15.Amanda is always — the phone talking about everything in the world.

a)at b) on c) in d) up

16.Bob is very unfriendly — Kate.

  1. of b) on c) at d) to

17.I watched two — (a series) of “Friends” yesterday.

  1. seriess b) serieses c) series d) a series

18.There are — cats on the bench.

  1. many b) much c) a little d) any

19.If I — (to be) an actor I — (to choose) roles in action movies.

  1. were/chose b) were/would choose c) would be/would choose d) would be/chose

20.Mary:” I usually leave home at 8 o ‘clock”.

  1. Mary said that she would usually leave home at 8 o’clock.

  2. Mary said that she was usually leaving home at 8 o’clock.

  3. Mary said that she had usually left home at 8 o’clock.

  4. Mary said that she usually left home at 8 o’clock.

1. Choose the sentence with the right word order: №20

  1. New Zealand is about the same size as Great Britain or Japan.

  2. New Zealand about the same size as Great Britain or Japan is.

  3. About the same size as Great Britain or Japan New Zealand is.

  4. New Zealand about the same size is as Great Britain or Japan.

2.My uncle wrote a poem for her. – poem was beautiful.

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.It — (to get) colder. Do you really want to go out?

  1. get b) is getting c) is getting d) gets

4.Bob — (to talk) to his cousin while his wife was reading a newspaper.

  1. talked b) was talking c) has talked d) had talked

5.My father to do so much today. He — (to be) tired after work.

  1. is b) shall be c) is going to be d) will be

6.This single — (to release) last month.

  1. was released b) is released c) released d) releases

7.It’s very cold outside. We — put on warm clothes.

  1. can b) could c) may d) have to

8.I need — (to complete) this project until the end of this month.

  1. to keep on c) to carry out c) to hold on d) to find out

9.To sing —

  1. sang –sang b) sang – sung c) sung – sung d) sung — sang

10.Bob didn’t answer Martin. She didn’t know what to tell — .

  1. himself b) his c) him d) he

11.The service is currently — .

  1. non-available b) imavailable c) inavailable d) unavailable

12.Nick spoke — .

  1. softy b) soft c) softly d) softest

13.Bob took the pen, — was red.

  1. whom b) whose c) who d) which

14.My brother is a great specialist — IT.

  1. of b) on c) at d) in

15.They invited us — dinner.

  1. at b) in c) for d) on

16.Who is responsible — this mess?

  1. of b) for c) at d) in

17.Her granny has several — (a swine) in the village.

  1. a swine b) swines c) swine d) swins

18.We’ve seen — animals in the Zoo today.

  1. a lot of b) much c) a little d) any

19.If you — (to drive) so slowly we — (to be) late.

  1. will drive/will be b) drive/are c) will drive/are d) drive/will be

20.Tom:” Will you go there with me?”

  1. Tom asked me I would go there with him.

  2. Tom asked me if I would go there with him.

  3. Tom asked me if would I go there with him.

  4. Tom asked me if I went there with him.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №21

  1. You have ever been to Greece?

  2. Have you ever been to Greece?

  3. Have you been ever to Greece?

  4. Have you been to Greece ever?

2.We travelled to — Netherlands last month.

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.I — (to know) Bob since 2013.

  1. am knowing b) know c) have known d) have knew

4.Bob — (to read) the first book when he was four years old.

  1. was reading b) read c) had read d) was read

5.Carol — (to be) busy tomorrow.

  1. is going to be b) is c) shall be d) will be

6.The door — (to break) two hours ago.

  1. breaks b) is broken c) was broken d) broke

7.I can’t hear you at all. — you speak louder?

  1. may b) must c) should d) could

8.Bob, could you — (to take care of smb) my cat fo a couple of days?

  1. look out b) look after c) look forward to d) look for

9.To speak —

  1. spoke — spoke b) spoken – spoken c) spoke – spoken d) spoke – spoke

10.He went to the shop but he bought — .

  1. anything b) something c) everything d) nothing

11.Bob took pictures of wonderful — clouds.

  1. featherly b) feather c) feathery d) featheric

12.Amanda was dancing — .

  1. gracefuly b) gracefuller c) graceful d) gracefully

13.Mike has bought a suit — is black.

  1. who b) that c) whose d) whom

14.Angela has a talent — playing the guitar.

  1. to b) in c) at d) for

15.Jim and Sandra walked in silence -a while.

  1. at b) on c) for d) in

16.We’re interested — science.

  1. at b) for c) of d) in

17.Have you already heard this — ?

  1. newes b) new c) news d) a new

18.He didn’t want to take — luggage with him.

  1. any b) many c) some d) a few

19.If I — (to have) one billion dollars I — (to donate) a half for charity.

  1. had/donated b) had/would donate c)would have/would donate d) would have/donated

20.Mark:” I’m doing my homework now”.

  1. Mark said that he was doing his homework now.

  2. Mark said that he had been doing his homework then.

  3. Mark said that he was doing his homework then.

  4. Mark said that he had been doing his homework now.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №22

  1. Bad Bellingen is a nice small town in Germany.

  2. Bad Bellingen is a small nice town in Germany.

  3. In Germany Bad Bellingen is a nice small town.

  4. In Germany Bad Bellingen is a small nice town.

2.I ate — plum and went out.

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.I like to watch thrillers, but now I — (to watch) a comedy.

  1. watch b) am watching c) watches d) has watched

4.First of all we visited the British Museum, then we went to Hyde Park and last we — (to relax) in a restaurant.

  1. were relaxing b) relaxed c) had relaxed d) had been relaxing

5.I — (to go) to the gallery tomorrow.

  1. am to go b) go c) will go d) am go

6.That work — (to complete) next week.

  1. will be completed b) is completed c) will completed d) completes

7.Sue is 10 and she — skate yet.

hasn’t to b) may not c) couldn’t d) can’t

8.Rachel is — (to wait much) summer holiday.

  1. looking after b) looking for c) looking forward to d) looking at

9.To steal —

  1. stole – stole b) stole –stolen c) stolen – stolen d) stolen – stole

10.Bobby left Peter and returned to Las-Vegas. Now he lives by — .

  1. hers b) she c) her d) herself

11.Ted found a — — — (cute/little/grey) puppy.

  1. little cute grey b) grey little cute c) cute little grey d) grey cute little

12.Their team plays basketball — .

  1. terribler b) terriblest c) terrible d) terribly

13.That man shook hands with a man — is a mayer.

  1. which b) that c) whose d) whom

14.Bob always puts the blame — someone else.

  1. to b) in c) at d) on

15.Jack is ill. He must stay — bed.

  1. into b) on c) at d) in

16.I’m not keen — yoga.

  1. of b) at c) on d) for

17.How many natural — (a phenomenon) do you know?

  1. phenomenons b) phenomena c) phenomenon d) phenomenas

18.It’s too dark, I can’t see — .

  1. anything b) something c) some d) any

19.If Bob — (to return) early we — (to have) dinner with him.

  1. will return/have b) returns/have c) will return/will have d) returns/will have

20.Carla:” I’ve forgotten my message password”.

a) Carla said that she has forgotten her message password.

b) Carla said that she forgot her message password.

c) Carla said that she had forgotten her message password.

d) Carla said that she had been forgetting her message password.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №23

  1. the Olympics take place every four years.

  2. Every four years take place the Olympics.

  3. The Olympics take every four years place.

  4. Take place the Olympics every four years.

2.Can you show me — Volga on the map?

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.Bob and Ted — (to be) friends for many ages.

  1. are b) are being c) have been d) are been

4.David Becham — (to –play) in Manchester United from 1993 to 2003.

  1. played b) was playing c) has played d) had played

5.We’re so tired of this town. We — (to move) to Rome.

  1. are going to move b) will move c) shall move d) move

6.London — (to found) in the 12th century.

  1. founded b) founds c) is founded d) was founded

7. -you make me a cup of coffee, please?

a) must b) should c) could d) might

8.Amanda has to — (to go in front of) because she is the leader in her team.

  1. go on b) go ahead c) go up d) go into

9.To swim –

  1. swam – swum b) swam-swam c) swum-swum d) swum-swam

10.Bob said that he saw Jessica Alba — in the street.

  1. yourself b) itself c) himself d) herself

11.I think this street is — in the town.

  1. the most short b) shorter c) the shortest d) more short

12.The rain was falling.

  1. heavly b) heavyly c) heavy d) heavily

13.The singer, I like a lot, is a very famous one.

  1. which b) whose c) whom d) what

14.Amanda should understand that she takes responsibility — what is happening in her work and life.

  1. to b) in c) at d) for

15.Michail was — the bus when I phoned him.

  1. at b) on c) in d) to

16.Your coat is similar — mine.

  1. in b) for c) at d) to

17.We can’t remember all those (a formula).

  1. formulaes b) a formula c) formulae d) formulais

18.They haven’t got — salt.

  1. some b) a few c) many d) much

19.If I — (to win) an Olympic medal I — (to dedicate) it to my family.

  1. won/dedicated b) won/would dedicate c) would win/would dedicate d) would win/dedicated

20.Bob:” I’ll read this book next month”.

  1. Bob said that he would read that book the month after.

  2. Bob said that he would read that book next month.

  3. Bob said that he read that book the month after.

  4. Bob said that he had read that book next month.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №24

  1. My father returns usually home at 7 p.m.

  2. My father usually returns home at 7 p.m.

  3. My father returns home at 7 p.m. usually.

  4. My father returns home at usually 7 p.m.

2.New-York is — city in the USA.

  1. a b) the c) — d) an

3.Don’t disturb Bob! He — (to write) a letter at the moment.

  1. write b) is writing c) writes d) has written

4.Jill wiped the table after supper, took a shower and — (to go) to bed.

  1. had gone b) went c) was going d) has gone

5.Susan — (to go) to the birthday party this weekend.

  1. goes b) shall go c) is going to go d) will go

6.These shoes — (to make) in Italy.

  1. were made b) made c) make d) were make

7.Don’t run! The dog — get furious.

  1. needs b) should c) may d) must

8.We — (to raise a child) two children.

  1. bring up b) bring on c) bring after d) bring at

9.To take —

  1. taken-took b) taken-taken c) took –took d) took-taken

10.Is there — who can speak German?

  1. everybody b) nobody c) somebody d) anybody

11.Amanda wants everything right now. She’s too — .

  1. inpatient b) unpatient c) impatient d) dispatient

12.Bob passed the exams — . a) successfuller b) successful c) successfully d) successfullness

13.My brother is playing with the boy, — gave him a balloon two days ago.

  1. which b) who c) whose d) whom

14.Bob announced the best solution — our problem.

  1. on b) in c) for d) to

15.We usually go to the Gym — Mondays and Thursdays.

  1. for b) at c) in d) on

16.Your composition is full — mistakes.

  1. for b) with c) of d) to

17.There are a few -(a sheep) in deserts.

  1. sheeps b) sheepes c)sheep d) sheepen

18.There are — books about travelling on the shelf.

  1. much b) many c) a little d) any

19.The police — (to arrest) her if they — (to catch) her.

  1. arrest/catch b) arrest/will catch c) will arrest/will catch d) will arrest/catch

20.Teacher:” Don’t be so lazy”.

  1. Teacher asked us did not to be so lazy.

  2. Teacher asked us not to be so lazy.

  3. Teacher asked us did not be so lazy.

  4. Teacher asked us to be not so lazy.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №25

  1. You can show me the way to the Big Ben?

  2. Can show you me the way to the Big Ben?

  3. Can you show me the way to the Big Ben?

  4. To the Big Ben you can show me the way?

2.My friend gave me — twenty three roses.

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.Bob — (to be) in Berlin since Monday.

  1. has been b) is c) is being d) be

4.Abraham Lincoln — (to become) the 16th President of the USA in 1860.

  1. became b) was becoming c) has become d) had become

5.It’s very cold today. I expect it — (to snow) tomorrow.

  1. is going to snow b) will snow c) shall snow d) snows

6.The room — (to clean) tomorrow.

  1. cleans b) is cleaned c) will clean d) will be cleaned

7.Amanda is very ill. She — take medicines every day.

  1. can b) may c)must d) might

8.It’s a great pity that Helen and Ted — (to separate).

  1. gave up b) broke up c) brought up d) woke up

9.To wake —

  1. woken-woke b) woke-woke c) woke-woken d) woken-woken

10.Amanda, do you want to give anybody those flowers? – No, I’ve bought them for — .

  1. yourself b) themselves c) mine d) myself

11.Bob is being very — today!

  1. ilpolite b) unpolite c) inpolite d) impolite

12.The dog was waiting for him — .

  1. patienty b) patient c) patiently d) patientful

13.Bobby told us news, — we had already heard.

  1. whom b) who c) which d) whose

14.Ted has experience — accounting.

  1. of b) in c) at d) for

15.We don’t like to get up early — the morning.

  1. up b) at c) on d) in

16.We’re always short — time.

  1. with b) for c) of d) at

17.There are many — (a fish) in these waters.

  1. a fish b) fishs c) fish d) fishes

18.They have — money left after shopping.

  1. a little b) many c) a few d) few

19.If I — (to be) taller I — (to be) a model.

  1. would be/was b) would be/would be c)were/ was d) were/would be

20.Bob:” Ted plays the violin”.

  1. Bob said that Ted played the violin.

  2. Bob said that Ted had played the violin.

  3. Bob said that Ted was playing the violin.

  4. Bob said that Ted would play the violin.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №26

  1. What your favorite animal is?

  2. Is what your favorite animal?

  3. What is your favorite animal?

  4. Your favorite animal is what?

2.Everest is — highest mountain in the world.

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.Bob — (not to finish) the home work yet.

  1. doesn’t finish b) hasn’t finished c) isn’t finished d) not finishes

4.I was sitting in the park when my phone — (to ring).

  1. was ringing b) rang c) had rung d) had been ringing

5.Bob is in Wales now. You — (to see) him till Friday.

  1. don’t see b) are not going to see c) shan’t see d)won’t see

6.The notebooks of the pupils — (to count) several hours ago.

  1. were counted b) is counted c) are counted d) counted

7.You are sometimes totally unbearable! You — be more tolerant.

  1. may b) might c) should d) have to

8.Your brother plays chess very well, I think he should — (to take part) in the school competition.

  1. go on b) go back c) go ahead d) go in for

9.To write —

  1. wrote-written b) wrote-wrote c) written-written d) written-wrote

10.Bob, if someone sends a message answer — .

  1. her b) him c) they d) them

11.This group of children committed many — behavior.

  1. dissocial b) unsocial c) non-social d) antisocial

12.Bob always dresses — .

  1. smarty b) smart c) smartly d) smartful

13.The actor, — Ted likes, is Silvestre Stallone.

  1. which b) whom c) whose d) what

14.They all have no hope — successful performance of their team.

  1. on b) at c) in d) of

15.The book “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” was written — Mark Twain.

  1. for b) with c) by d) to

16.It was very stupid — him to go there alone.

  1. to b) at c) for d) of

17.There are a lot of — (a goose) in the pond.

  1. goose b) geese c) geeses d) gooses

18.Would you like — milk?

  1. some b) any c) a few d) many

19.If Bob — (to be) late I — (to leave) without him.

  1. is/leave b) will be/will leave c) will be/leave d) is/will leave

20.Trainer:” Don’t be too late”.

  1. Trainer asked me had not to be too late.

  2. Trainer asked me did not to be too late.

  3. Trainer asked me not to be too late.

  4. Trainer asked me would not to be too late.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №27

  1. Six years before in Moscow had Ted met Kate.

  2. Kate had six years before met Ted in Moscow.

  3. Kate six years before had met Ted in Moscow.

  4. Kate had met Ted in Moscow six years before

2.-Africa is the world’s second largest continent.

a) a b) the c) an d) –

3.My father — (to have) this car for six years.

  1. is having b) has c) has had d) have

4.They were listening to music when the granny — (to enter) the room.

  1. entered b) was entering c) has entered d) enters

5.That company — (to open) a new cinema next month.

  1. will open b) shall open c) opens d) will be opened

6.The Tudor dynasty — (to establish) in 1485.

  1. established b) was established c) is established d) establishes

7.Students — wear school uniform in some countries.

  1. can b) may c) have to d) might

8.We don’t want — (to quarrel) with them but they are so wrong.

  1. to fall back on b) to fall for c) to fall in d) to fall out

9.To blow —

  1. blew-blown b) blew-blew c) blown-blown d) blown-blew

10.It seems Bob and Ann have taken my umbrella because I can see only — on the shelf.

  1. them b) they c) their d) theirs

11.My granny knitted a — — — (new/black/winter) sweater.

  1. black new winte b) winter new black c) new black winter d) black winter new

12.Bob wrote the letter — .

  1. immediatful b) immediaty c) immediate d) immediately

13.The house — belongs to our family is large.

  1. whom b) who c) that d) whose

14.Smoking has a negative effect — our health.

  1. at b) on c) for d) to

15.You should go about 200 metres — the museum and turn to the left.

  1. for b) at c) to d) towards

16.Our car is covered — snow.

  1. at b) of c) with d) for

17.There were five — (a knife) on the table in the kitchen.

  1. knive b) knife c) knifes d) knives

18.I think — is wrong with my smartphone. I can’t send a message.

  1. something b) anything c) some d) any

19.If Bob — (to be) brave he — (to go) to the forest alone at night.

  1. was/went b) would be/would go c) was/would go d) would be/went

20.Ted:” I’ll be there at 6 p.m.”.

  1. Ted said that he had been there at 6 p.m.

  2. Ted said that he has been there at 6 p.m.

  3. Ted said that was there at 6 p.m.

  4. Ted said that he would be there at 6 p.m.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №28

  1. A famous American actress Julia Roberts is.

  2. Julia Roberts is a famous American actress.

  3. Julia Roberts a famous American actress is.

  4. Julia Roberts a famous American is actress.

2.Bob works in — Netherlands.

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3. Actually, I — (not/like) pears.

  1. don’t like b) doesn’t like c) am not like d) haven’t liked

4.I was trying to concentrate when suddenly Ted — (to give) me a fright.

  1. was giving b) has given c) given d) gave

5.It’s so difficult to make a choice. Ok, I — (to buy) the blue one.

  1. am going to buy b) buy c) am buying d) will buy

6.The theatre — (to build) next year.

  1. will be built b) is built c) builds d) will build

7.I’m very busy today. I — stay at work till night.

  1. have to b) may c) might d) can

8.I — (to be friendly to each other) with my younger sister very well. We are like close friends.

  1. get through b) get in c) get along d) get up

9.To fall —

  1. fell-fell b) fell-fallen c) fallen-fallen d) fallen-fell

10.Hey,Bob! Do you see — ? I’m standing in front of the monument.

  1. mine b) myself c) my d) me

11.We wouldn’t trust Ted. We think he’s — .

  1. imreliable b) irreliable c) inreliable d) unreliable

12.Amanda works — .

  1. perfecty b) perfect c) perfectly d) perfectful

13.Bob played with a boy — studied with him.

  1. which b) that c) whom d) whose

14.That website provides many recipes — dinner that you can prepare in 20 minutes.

  1. on b) at c) to d) for

15.I’m stuck in a traffic jam. I need to get — the bus or otherwise I’ll be late.

  1. on b) of c) off d) out

16.I’ m very nervous — the competition.

  1. for b) at c) of d) about

17.They saw eight — (a wolf) in the valley.

  1. wolve b) wolfs c) wolves d) wolvs

18.She has — red pepper left for cooking supper.

  1. many b) a little c) a few d) few

19.If you — (to be) attentive you — (to pass) the exams.

  1. will be/pass b) will be/will pass c) are/will pass d) are/pass

20.Ted:” He has done everything wrong again”.

  1. Ted said that he did everything wrong again.

  2. Ted said that he had been doing everything wrong again.

  3. Ted said that he has done everything wrong again.

  4. Ted said that he had done everything wrong again.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №29

  1. 2.500 kilometres long The Great Wall of China is.

  2. The Great Wall of China is 2.500 kilometres long.

  3. Is the Great Wall of China 2,500 kilometers long.

  4. The Great Wall of China 2.500 kilometres is long.

2.We are going to travel around — Europe next year.

  1. a b) an c) the d) —

3.I can bring Ted’s umbrella back now. He — (to return) from France recently.

  1. returns b) is returning c) return d) has returned

4.Ted was reading a book while the children — (to sleep).

  1. were sleeping b) slept c) had been sleeping d) had slept

5.I am too tired to do something today. I — (to stay) at home and watch TV.

  1. am going to stay b) will stay c) shall stay d) stay

6.The film “Titanic” — (to direct) by Cameron.

  1. has been directed b) directed c) was directed d) had been directed

7.I am sorry, I — hear you.

  1. haven’t to b) mustn’t c) can’t d) may not

8.They were planning to — (to start a journey) at 9 o’clock tomorrow.

  1. set on b) set off c) set along with d) set up

9.To shake — a)shaken-shook b) shaken-shaken c) shook-shook d) shook-shaken

10.Ted, could you hold on, please? I want to tell you — .

  1. somebody b) nothing c) anything d) something

11.David’s story is — than Kelly’s one.

  1. interestingest b) interestinger c) the most interesting d) more interesting

12.Finally, we returned home — .

  1. safy b) safe c) safely d) safest

13.Ted gave me the present, — was wrapped beautifully.

  1. Whose b) whom c) which d) who

14.There are many advantages — living in a city.

  1. at b) in c) for d) of

15.Tom’s birthday is — July.

  1. at b) in c) on d) near

16.He is addicted — music.

  1. at b) of c) about d) to

17.How many — of birds are there in the world?

  1. a species b) specieses c) species d) species

18.I want to make a cake but I don’t have — flour.

  1. many b) much c) a few d) some

19.If I — (to be) you I — (not to go) to rock concert alone.

  1. would/didn’t go b) would be/wouldn’t go c) were/didn’t go d) were/wouldn’t go

20.Bob:”I’m writing a letter now”.

a) Bob said that he had been writing a letter then.

b) Bob said that he was writing a letter now.

c) Bob said that he was writing a letter then.

d) Bob said that he had been writing a letter now.

1.Choose the sentence with the right word order: №30

  1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was in 1756 in Salzburg born.

  2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756.

  3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756 in Salzburg.

  4. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1756 in Salzburg was born.

2.Ted sent me a photo of — Trafalgar Square. It’s amazing!

  1. a b) an c) the d) –

3.Oh, my God! He — (just/to win) the cycling race!

  1. is just winning b) has just won c) wins d) won

4.The first Derby — (to take) place in May 1780.

  1. was taking b) took c) had taken d) was taken

5.I don’t know what to do. I can’t visit you, because I — (to leave) for Washington tomorrow.

  1. will leave b) am going to leave c) shall leave d) leave

6.That scarf — (to make) of wool.

  1. is made b) made c) makes d) is make

7. -you take an umbrella, please?

a) must b) might c) could d) should

8.Ted doesn’t know what to do in this situation. I think he’ll — (to surrender) some day.

  1. get off b) take off c) fall for d) give in

9.To hide —

  1. hid-hid b) hid-hidden c) hidden-hidden d) hidden-hid

10.Tommy, do you know — who can help me?

  1. everybody b) nobody c) somebody d) anybody

11.Teachers think that Amanda is — girl in the group.

  1. the most smart b) smarter c) the smartest d) more smart

12.Their family lives together — .

  1. sadness b) smart c) richest d) happily

13.Peter finally met a lady, — helped him find the way to the cinema.

  1. whom b) who c) which d) whose

14.My friend gave a poor excuse — his behavior.

  1. on b) to c) for d) at

15.We like to travel — summer.

  1. to b) at c) on d) in

16.My classmates are crazy — playing video games.

  1. to b) of c) about d) with

17.There were many — in the airport when we came to see off my aunt.

  1. persons b) peoples c) persones d) people

18.They saw — buses on the highway.

  1. many b) much c) a little d) any

19.I — (to try) to help you if you — (to tell) me what’s wrong.

  1. try/will tell b) try/tell c) will try/tell d) will try/will tell

20.Amanda:” Where have you bought these trainers?”

  1. Amanda asked me where I bought those trainers.

  2. Amanda asked me where did I buy those trainers.

  3. Amanda asked me where had I had bought those trainers.

  4. Amanda asked me where I had bought those trainers.


Test 1:

1-c 2-b 3-b 4-a 5-a 6-a 7-d 8-b 9-a 10-a 11-a 12-c 13-b 14-a 15-d 16-c

17-b 18-d 19-b 20-d

Test 2:

1-a 2-b 3-b 4-c 5-b 6-d 7-a 8-c 9-a 10-d 11-d 12-b 13-c 14-d 15-a 16-b

17-c 18-c 19-a 20-b

Test 3:

1-a 2-c 3-c 4-c 5-d 6-b 7-a 8-b 9-c 10-d 11-b 12-a 13-d 14-c 15-c 16-b

17-d 18-a 19-b 20-a

Test 4:

1-a 2-c 3-d 4-b 5-c 6-a 7-d 8-b 9-a 10-c 11-c 12-a 13-b 14-a 15-d 16-c

17-b 18-d 19-a 20-c

Test 5:

1-a 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-b 6-b 7-c 8-a 9-d 10-c 11-b 12-d 13-b 14-a 15-b 16-c

17-a 18-d 19-b 20-c

Test 6:

1-b 2-a 3-c 4-d 5-c 6-d 7-d 8-c 9-b 10-d 11-c 12-b 13-c 14-d 15-c 16-b

17-c 18-d 19-a 20-b

Test 7:

1-d 2-d 3-c 4-d 5-b 6-d 7-c 8-a 9-d 10-c 11-b 12-a 13-d 14-c 15-d 16-b

17-c 18-d 19-d 20-c

Test 8:

1-a 2-c 3-b 4-c 5-d 6-b 7-b 8-d 9-b 10-d 11-d 12-c 13-b 14-c 15-d 16-c

17-d 18-b 19-a 20-c

Test 9:

1-d 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-b 6-c 7-d 8-b 9-a 10-c 11-d 12-b 13-d 14-c 15-b 16-d

17-c 18-c 19-b 20-d

Test 10:

1-d 2-d 3-c 4-d 5-a 6-a 7-d 8-b 9-c 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-b 14-c 15-d 16-c

17-d 18-a 19-a 20-b

Test 11:

1-a 2-c 3-c 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-d 8-c 9-a 10-d 11-c 12-c 13-c 14-b 15-d 16-c

17-d 18-b 19-a 20-c

Test 12:

1-a 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-b 6-c 7-d 8-c 9-c 10-d 11-b 12-d 13-c 14-b 15-d 16-c

17-d 18-a 19-b 20-a

Test 13:

1-d 2-c 3-a 4-a 5-d 6-b 7-a 8-c 9-a 10-d 11-c 12-c 13-d 14-b 15-d 16-c

17-c 18-d 19-a 20-b

Test 14:

1-c 2-c 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-d 7-d 8-b 9-a 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-b 14-d 15-c 16-d

17-c 18-b 19-a 20-d

Test 15:

1-c 2-d 3-a 4-b 5-d 6-c 7-a 8-c 9-b 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-c 14-d 15-b

16-d 17-c 18-a 19-d 20-b

Test 16:

1-a 2-c 3-c 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-b 8-c 9-d 10-d 11-c 12-c 13-b 14-d 15-c 16-c

17-d 18-a 19-b 20-d

Test 17:

1-b 2-c 3-d 4-b 5-a 6-b 7-d 8-b 9-a 10-c 11-d 12-c 13-b 14-d 15-c 16-d

17-b 18-b 19-c 20-d

Test 18:

1-a 2-a 3-a 4-d 5-d 6-b 7-c 8-d 9-b 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-c 14-d 15-b 16-d

17-c 18-a 19-a 20-c

Test 19:

1-d 2-c 3-a 4-a 5-a 6-a 7-d 8-c 9-d 10-c 11-c 12-d 13-d 14-c 15-b 16-d

17-c 18-a 19-b 20-d

Test 20:

1-a 2-c 3-b 4-b 5-d 6-a 7-d 8-b 9-b 10-c 11-d 12-c 13-d 14-d 15-c 16-b

17-c 18-a 19-d 20-b

Test 21:

1-b 2-c 3-c 4-b 5-d 6-c 7-d 8-b 9-c 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-b 14-d 15-c

16-d 17-c 18-a 19-b 20-c

Test 22:

1-a 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-c 6-a 7-d 8-c 9-b 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-b 14-d 15-d 16-c

17-b 18-a 19-d 20-c

Test 23:

1-a 2-c 3-c 4-a 5-a 6-d 7-c 8-b 9-a 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-c 14-d 15-b 16-d

17-c 18-d 19-b 20-a

Test 24:

1-b 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-c 6-a 7-c 8-a 9-d 10-d 11-c 12-c 13-b 14-d 15-d 16-c

17-c 18-b 19-d 20-b

Test 25:

1-c 2-d 3-a 4-a 5-b 6-d 7-c 8-b 9-c 10-d 11-d 12-c 13-c 14-b 15-d 16-c

17-c 18-a 19-d 20-a

Test 26:

1-c 2-c 3-b 4-b 5-d 6-a 7-c 8-d 9-a 10-d 11- d 12-c 13-b 14-d 15-c

16-d 17-b 18-a 19-d 20-c

Test 27:

1-d 2-d 3-c 4-a 5-a 6-b 7-c 8-d 9-a 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-c 14-b 15-d

16-c 17-d 18-a 19-c 20-d

Test 28:

1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d 5-d 6-a 7-a 8-c 9-b 10-d 11-d 12-c 13-b 14-d 15-c

16-d 17-c 18-b 19-c 20-d

Test 29:

1-b 2-d 3-d 4-a 5-a 6-c 7-c 8-b 9-d 10-d 11-d 12-c 13-c 14-d 15-b

16-d 17-c 18-b 19-d 20-c

Test 30:

1-b 2-d 3-b 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-c 8-d 9-b 10-d 11-c 12-d 13-b 14-c 15-d

16-c 17-d 18-a 19-c 20-d

Choose 3 sentences with the right word order.

1)When does your starts work?

2)Where are you going to work?

3)Who likes football?

4)Which book is the best?

5)How long you have lived in New York?

6)Why you are sad?

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Choose 3 sentences with the right word order?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

The standard order of words in an English sentence is subject + verb + object. While this sounds simple, there are far more complicated sentences where placing the words in the right order may turn out quite challenging. 

Here we have prepared three types of interactive exercises created on Learning Apps and suitable for the Intermediate level.

Task 1. Choose the correct word order of the sentences

This exercise presents two options of sentences in which one sentence has the correct word order while the other does not. Here students get a general understanding of word order in English.

Task 2. Put the words in the correct order

Here students go deeper and have more practice with the word order in English. In the exercise, they will find examples with different types of adjectives, adverbs, indirect questions, etc.

Task 3. Complete the questions with the correct question tags

The last exercise aims to check how well your students know the rules of question tags.

Share with us in the comments below how effective the exercises were and how you usually practise word order with your Intermediate students.

Read as well:


  1. Put the words in the right order.

1. like, he, his homework, in the evening, doesn’t, he, to do

2. usually, we, on weekends, meet, friends, our

3. is, table, sitting, he, the, at

4. didn’t, to, Peter, party, the, go

5. in, we, New Year, celebrate, December

6. used, children, computer, play, to, games.

7. school, on, weekends, we, don’t, to, go

8. can, help, cake, to, the, I, you, cook

9. are, they, to, next, going, visit, Paris, summer

10. Mike, the, is, Internet, now, surfing

  1. Put the words in the right order in sentences.

1. to the park, go, I, won’t, I, have, if, much work

2. the weather, fine, is, if, tomorrow, will go, on, we, a picnic

3. if, save, enough, I, will, money, buy, car, a new

4.pass, my exams, I, if, will, to, I, the University, go

5. I, my work, when, finish, watch, I, TV, will

  1. Find mistakes in the sentences and write down correct ones.

1. My mother me walk after 9 o’clock told not to in the evening.


2. Michael promised with homework to help me.


3. were reading a book for two hours they.


4. We at 7 o’clock in the morning get up.


5. I usually don’t go on weekdays to the shop.


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