Sentence with sufficient word

Synonym: adequate, ample, enough, plenty, satisfactory. Antonym: insufficient. Similar words: efficient, efficiency, scientific, official, officious, officially, ancient, scientist. Meaning: [sə’fɪʃnt]  adj. of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant. 

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1. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. 

2. Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself, is a disgrace. 

3. Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace. 

4. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. 

5. Is it available in sufficient quantity?

5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

6. A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.

7. This recipe should be sufficient for five people.

8. We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.

9. Is 10 sufficient for your expenses?

10. Have you had sufficient sleep?

11. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.

12. Do you really regard that explanation as sufficient?

13. The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.

14. Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.

15. One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.

16. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.

17. Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.

18. The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.

19. These shots were not sufficient to fetch the bear down.

20. A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.

21. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.

22. Is £100 sufficient for your expenses?

23. We will make every endeavour to obtain sufficient supplies.

24. The difficulty lies in providing sufficient evidence.

25. The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.

26. There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.

27. We need sufficient time to deal with the problem.

28. The recipe is sufficient for six people.

29. The world can be changed by man’s endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 

30. He tried to push the door open, but he didn’t have sufficient leverage.

More similar words: efficient, efficiency, scientific, official, officious, officially, ancient, scientist, office, officer, science, efficacy, difficult, head office, deficit, artificial, diffident, client, patient, lenient, nutrient, enticing, transient, recipient, ingredient, orientation, identification, handcuffs, entertainment, sentiment. 

Use ‘sufficient’ in a sentence | ‘sufficient’ example sentences

1- The practical problem is ensuring sufficient privacy.

2- Whether such changes are sufficient is another matter.

3- This document provides sufficient checks monthly university department.

4- The locality has sufficient licensed premises already.

5- Window wells help keep sufficient grade separation around foundation windows.

6- A single auxiliary per set was normally sufficient .

7- A plan must maintain sufficient funding levels.

8- Lancaster schools usually lacked sufficient adult supervision.

9- These tools utilize sufficient cause thinking and necessary condition thinking.

10- Make sure you allow sufficient braking distance.

11- The shepherds were largely self sufficient in food.

12- A simple concept telling the sender is sufficient .

13- A 12″ pot should be sufficient .

14- His nationality was accounted a sufficient crime.

15- There are cases where the senses are sufficient .

16- There are natural cases of sufficient clever order claims.

17- The name alone should have been sufficient enough deterrent.

18- A minimal outline is sufficient to suggest familiar things.

19- Of equal importance is providing sufficient access to mental health services.

20- A quarter full cooking pot should be sufficient .

21- I did find that three eggs were sufficient though.

22- This level provides sufficient material for independent study.

23- The pursuit of excellence was sufficient unto itself.

24- And shall such endeavours be accounted sufficient holiness?

25- Or is 4 days of airing under those conditions sufficient ?

26- Late payments alone were not considered sufficient .

27- CSR does not offer sufficient financial rewards.

28- The judge said the indictment is sufficient .

29- Credit card receipt alone is not sufficient .

30- It does not provide sufficient state flexibility.

31- But developing markets generally lack service providers with sufficient expertise.

32- The borrower has sufficient financial strength to absorb market price fluctuations.

33- Identifying what may happen is rarely sufficient .

34- These service levels provided sufficient capacity to meet projected demand.

35- However 48 hrs is typically sufficient to detect water quality upsets.

36- Rather the natural order itself was sufficient proof.

37- The panel recommended several measures to ensure sufficient contract surveillance.

38- Ad hoc checks are possible and often sufficient .

39- All that is required is sufficient material.

40- This conversion is sufficient for many mapping purposes. Once your body has acclimatized you may find that one is sufficient anyway.

41- Many patients with lupus have difficulty absorbing sufficient protein.

42- A word to the wise is sufficient.

43- My explanation was not sufficient.

44- Taiwan is self-sufficient in rice.

45- He has a sufficient income to support his family.

46- The funds are not sufficient for running a grocery.

47- Two hours should be sufficient time to finish the work.

48- There are sufficient grounds for believing he is honest.

49- In the absence of sufficient data, the survey was given up.

50- Find someone who suffers from frequent headaches.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
suffering – sufferings – suffers – suffice – sufficed – suffices – sufficiency – sufficient – sufficiently – suffix – suffixation – suffixed – suffixes – suffixing – suffocate –

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Definition of Sufficient

enough; plenty of

Examples of Sufficient in a sentence

With careful planning, they had a sufficient amount of food to survive for an entire month.


His efforts were not sufficient to earn him victory.


Though not ideal, the makeshift bed would be sufficient to provide a place to rest.


He had sufficient energy to complete the race, but no willpower to move forward.


The blanket would provide sufficient warmth for the night.


Though it did not taste good, the meal was definitely sufficient to provide nutrients.


With sufficient money, he was able to save the charity from going under.


The doctor felt that he did not have sufficient training to help his patient.


The boy did not have sufficient money to buy a pack of baseball cards, so he asked his friend to borrow some.


Though it was hardly ideal, the boy borrowed his father’s suit so he would have sufficient attire for his prom.


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«Perhaps there was sufficient demand from their clients for bitcoin exposure.»


Policy 7 — Providing Clients Access to Personal Information 7.1 Clients have a right to access their personal information, subject to limited exceptions (examples include: solicitor-client privilege or health and safety concerns) 7.2 A request to access personal information must be made in writing and provide sufficient detail to identify the personal information being sought.


Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.


Breeders usually make kittens available between the ages of 14-16 weeks when they have had sufficient time with their mother and littermates to socialize and have had at least the basic vaccinations.


«A wide and well-respected variety of research from different fields of study — including child development, psychiatry, neonatology, and anthropology — has revealed that humans literally require sufficient physical touch in order to develop to their optimal potential.»


Are they sufficient to keep warming to well below 2C?


The launch of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will only take place once relevant trading and clearing rules and systems have been finalised as well as all regulatory approvals have been granted, market participants have had sufficient opportunity to configure and adapt their operational and technical systems.


In another of his 1905 papers, Einstein showed that the conventional definition of time «is indeed sufficient if a time is to be defined exclusively for the place at which [a] watch is located, but the definition is no longer satisfactory when series of events occurring at different locations have to be linked temporally.»


Trip organisers will ensure that suitable and sufficient insurance arrangements are in place.


Study after study shows that adequate funding is necessary (but not sufficient) to increasing student achievement.


Indeed, you couldn’t get to points of extreme overvaluation like 1929, 1972, 1987, and yes, today, if overvaluation was sufficient to turn the market south.


Whether near or far, the earlier you begin to save, the better chance you’ll have of building a nest egg sufficient to sustain the retirement lifestyle you envision.


But pleasure, while necessary, isn’t sufficient.


The lender must determine the cause and significance of the derogatory information, verify that sufficient time has elapsed since the date of the last derogatory information, and confirm that the borrower has re-established an acceptable credit history.


So, while we are far from bullish on business prospects and we acknowledge that there’s risk to ACLS» ability to raise much-needed cash in the next several months, we think the company will be able to raise sufficient capital w/o going to the public markets.»


As always, animal issues were part of the discussions and we worked tirelessly with our House and Senate animal protection champions and other groups to successfully fight for positive provisions and sufficient enforcement funding of our key animal protection laws and to stave off harmful riders to kill horses and wildlife.


«This kind of thing is by itself sufficient to alienate plenty of decent people.


I feel it will be aimless to just start writing without sufficient evidence the content is adding value.


The amount of power involved would be sufficient to push a payload of a million tons, or about 20 times the largest cruise ships on Earth.


Both groups followed a physical activity plan, but beneficial results were seen only in the supplemented group, indicating that physical activity is important, but not sufficient to achieve a significant result.


West Michigan About Blog Nicole is a suburban homesteader, committed to doing her best to live a sustainable and self sufficient life.


The steering weight and feel is sufficient to encourage you to push hard into corners, where understeer builds initially.


The presence of Arnaud Desplechin’s My Golden Days, Philippe Garrel’s In the Shadow of Women, and Miguel Gomes’s Arabian Nights (all six hours of it) were sufficient to ensure that the official selection was completely overshadowed and perhaps even something of a laughingstock for the connoisseurs.


Yet for all he achieved in his seven years, Duncan said he’s disappointed to leave office without having made sufficient progress…


The former England Under 21 international will hope for sufficient first team action to impress at the Serie A giants and has no doubt had countless offers from Premier League sides though may feel Italy is the place where he can ignite his career.


After July 16, the only public records that will remain in consumers» files will be bankruptcies, which apparently do come with sufficient publicly indentifiable information.


Information on dating profiles gives you a sufficient amount of knowledge about every girl.


Regrettably, «asset allocation» is not appropriately discussed sometimes, and diversification is frequently not sufficient to shelter common day investors.


«If he’s not producing sufficient insulin, [his body] would have trouble transporting amino acids [the building blocks of protein] into his cells.»


Danger does not deter when desperation is sufficient or when the danger of staying surpasses the danger of leaving.


Although a nutritious vegetarian diet could very well supply sufficient protein, this isn’t always true in the case of fat and fatty acids.


With sufficient battery charge, our first few hundred meters at the wheel are achieved under electric power with the front electric motor providing drive to the front wheels.


But, the results of those studies are not sufficient to substantiate any claims of a cause-and-effect connection between Low T and heart disease.


Mr. Walsh said that financing will be sufficient to see Aurora through the construction of the demonstration plant.


KM, we all know that Arsenal can not force their luck to buy any of their transfer targets save if they have sufficient money in their hands to contemplate forcing their luck.


They include a whole foods diet rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fats, sufficient vitamin D, regular physical activity and enough sleep, healthy social activity, and avoiding foods and lifestyle factors that increase stress and inflammation.


But Porter, any large industry player with sufficient tech savvy and data expertise — or the ability to hire the same — could do what I did.


But it’s far better to have an education destination worth reaching, i.e. rigorous standards set forth with sufficient specificity, clarity, and rich content to provide real guidance to curriculum designers, classroom teachers, test developers and more.


K-5 science teachers are more likely to find the digital tools they use frequently to be less effective, while those in grades 3-5 and 9-12 are more likely to say that digital and non-digital resources are not available and sufficient to meet the standards.


The district’s decision was challenged in the courts by the parents who asserted that the child’s progress in his current setting was sufficient.


For best results, use Focus Formula along with sufficient sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet.


Use a fuel pump rated for the fuel: if you change from petrol to diesel then the petrol pump may not deliver sufficient fuel at higher engine speeds,


Sadly, simply standardizing production and harvesting of plant material has been sufficient for local and transnational companies to increase the consumption of unregulated phytoremedies to never-before-seen levels.


The newspaper said February accounts for Rupert’s Recipes showed Baroness Warsi held 60 % of its shares — sufficient to require a public declaration.


«Dog Hyperactivity is not common in dogs and tends to be due to a lack of sufficient exercise.


«Rising rates and a temporarily stronger dollar should bring sufficient headwinds to push prices below $ 1,300 over the coming months,» he added.


Incidentally, this is one area where even a Unionist might favour decentralisation, but is decentralisation to the Welsh Assembly sufficient?


Even though a home birth can save money, cost alone is not sufficient motivation.


The lap straps are sufficient to keep her in place.


He goes so far as to claim that «what one does or does not do is dependent on possessing a «self sufficient to take personal responsibility for one’s action» (VV 113).


sufficient — перевод на русский


The murderer and robber left behind him sufficient evidence for the police however, in a photograph found in a wallet near the victim. An early arrest…

убийца и грабитель оставил после себя достаточно доказательств для полиции фотография, найденная в бумажнике рядом с жертвой.


Мой дорогой Герчард, всех моих извинений будет не достаточно…

It is my belief that we already have sufficient evidence against Zachetti… and Mrs. Dietrichson to justify police action.

Мы имеем достаточно улик против Закетти и миссис Дитрихсон,.. …чтобы оправдать вмешательство полиции.

— I trust that my clues will be sufficient for your future chief of police to solve the case.

Думаю, этих улик будет достаточно для вашего нового шефа полиции.

I think five pounds is sufficient, Mr. Graham.

Пяти фунтов будет достаточно, мистер Грэхем.

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Jade, Mr. Marlowe… is not sufficiently known or appreciated in this country.

Жадерит недостаточно знают и ценят у нас в стране.

It is not sufficient, captain.

Недостаточно, капитан.

If it isn’t sufficient, you will have to kill us.

Если этого недостаточно, можете убить нас.

The first is that we journalists don’t know life sufficiently well… … andweneverwill,becausethose who could help us mislead us at will

Первая — мы, журналисты, недостаточно хорошо знаем жизнь, да никогда и не будем, потому что те, кто мог бы нам в этом помочь, сознательно вводят нас в заблуждение.

It’s because I don’t have sufficient fervor!

Это потому что у меня недостаточно усердия.

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— It is sufficient.

Хватит уже.

I assume your wives are not with you, as the very title of our piece… is sufficient to strike terror in their hearts… and cause them to remain at home in their kitchens, where they belong!

Приветствую вас, джентльмены. Полагаю, ваши жены не сидят сейчас рядом, ведь одного названия нашего фильма хватит, чтобы вселить страх в их сердца и заставить их забиться в кухню, где им и место.

Engineering reports we have sufficient impulse power

Инженеры говорят, у нас хватит импульсной энергии,

Should the Vians return, there is sufficient data for you and the captain to complete the adjustments.

Если Виане вернутся, там хватит данных для вас и капитана, чтобы вы смогли закончить.

— it will be sufficient. 3-3-3…

Хватит. Э-э-э…

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The only sufficient source of ice cubes that don’t have bugs in them.

Единственный источник, в котором есть достаточное количество ледяных кубиков.

Well, that’s a sign that it’s in your system at sufficient levels.

Ну, это означает, что в тебе его достаточное количество.

My office believes that there is sufficient evidence for a conviction.

Офис окружного прокурора считает, что есть достаточное количество доказательств его вины

The aqueduct will carry sufficient water to the gardens of Versailles because it must.

Акведук будет поставлять достаточное количество воды в сады Версаля потому, что должны.

There are sufficient specific references to dates, times, locations, in the fragments of the journals that have survived the fire to be able to state with some certainty that the subject being stalked was Sarah Kay.

Также имеется достаточное количество отсылов к датам, времени суток, адресам в тех фрагментах его дневников, которые не сгорели дотла, чтобы с некоторой уверенностью заявить, что субъектом, которого он преследовал, была Сара Кей.

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The consul says that the documents you’ve presented are not sufficient for your transfer to Argentina.

Консул говорит, что не видит достаточных оснований, чтобы разрешить вам выезд.

Sending the cavalry to Yemen without sufficient provocation delivers entirely the wrong message.

Если мы пошлем группу быстрого реагирования в Йемен без достаточных оснований, нас неправильно поймут.

Here’s the deal, boys… the DA’s office believes that we currently have sufficient grounds to obtain a warrant and take custody of Lester Hamilton’s body as evidence in his murder investigation.

Вот в чем дело, ребята, окружной прокурор полагает, что у нас есть достаточные основания для того, чтобы получить ордер и забрать тело Лестера Гамильтона в качестве улики по его убийству.

A grand jury agreed, with the district attorney’s office that there is sufficient reason to proceed with a 19-count indictment against reputed crime boss, Alfonse Fiorello crime boss Alfonse Fiorello, after former underboss, Joseph De Luisa

Большое жюри согласилось с окружным прокурором, что есть достаточные основания для предъявления официального обвинения по 19 пунктам известному криминальному авторитету, Альфонсо Фиорелло. авторитету, Альфонсо Фиорелло, после того, как его бывший заместитель, Джозеф де Луиса, заключил сделку, чтобы избежать заключения.

The court finds sufficient misconduct to warrant a new trial.

Суд считает ненадлежащее исполнение обязанностей достаточным основанием, чтобы начать новое судебное разбирательство.

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on all, unfortunately, it does not be sufficient.

На всех, к сожалению, не хватает.

It’s not sufficient even for the cabbages.

Этого не хватает даже на капусту.

If the time is sufficient, they would like to stay longer.

Если времени хватает, то они хотели бы остаться ещё немного.

Do you approve of whole families being without sufficient food to keep them alive?

А вы одобряете то, что целым семьям не хватает пищи, чтобы выжить?

«Do you approve of whole families «being without sufficient food to keep them alive?»

Ответ: а вы одобряете то, что целым семьям не хватает пищи, чтобы выжить?

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And there are those sufficiently accustomed to wealth that the only thing to be considered in such a choice is how well will the young man perform the errand.

А есть такие, настолько привыкшие к богатству Что единственная вещь, которая их волнует это как хорошо посыльный выполнит поручение.

I’m afraid neither Moya nor I is sufficiently conversant with Peacekeeper technology.

Мы с Мойей не посвящены в технологию Миротворцев настолько хорошо.

Even talking to you is sufficiently menial that I can feel the proverbial juices starting to flow.

Даже разговор с тобой настолько похож на черную работу, что я практически чувствую, как я набираюсь жизненных сил.

Sufficiently asinine as to constitute a valid argument for eugenics.

Это настолько тупо, что может служить аргументом в поддержку евгеники. (*учение о селекции применительно к человеку)

I assure you that my social circle is sufficiently small that I would know anyone foolish enough to call themselves any such thing.

— Уверяю вас, мой круг общения настолько узок, что в нем не найдется глупца, который бы стал называться другом.

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The Prophet tells us four wives are sufficient for a true believer.

Нет. Пророк говорит, что 4 жены вполне достаточно для правоверного.

Rice is sufficient for regular everyday electric energy.

Для обычной жизни электрической энергии риса вполне достаточно.

The two public defenders are sufficient for Mr.Baader.

*1 день процесса* У господина Баадера есть два назначенных судом защитника, которых вполне достаточно для его защиты.

Sufficient mass for an obsidian knife.

Вполне достаточно для обсидианового ножа.

Well, I believe that is a sufficient amount of excitement for one day.

Думаю, на сегодня впечатлений вполне достаточно.

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Lieutenant Riley sufficiently recovered to be discharged, but captain has ordered him restricted to Sickbay to prevent contact with passenger who calls himself Karidian and is suspected of being Kodos the Executioner and of murdering the lieutenant’s family.

Лейтенант Райли полностью поправился, и его можно выписать, но капитан приказал ему оставаться в лазарете, чтобы исключить контакт с пассажиром, называющим себя Каридианом. Подозревается, что он, на самом деле, Кодос-Палач, убивший семью лейтенанта.

I don’t think she has sufficient control of her emotions at the moment to make that kind of decision.

Я не думаю, что она полностью контролирует свои эмоции в данный момент, чтобы принять такое решение.

I understand that the defendants are ready to offer Alford pleas, whereby they assert their innocence while acknowledging that there is still sufficient evidence to obtain convictions upon retrial on the murder charge of Troy Faber?

Я понимаю, что подсудимые готовы принять прецедент Алфорда основываясь на котором, они декларируют свою невиновность полностью сознавая, что до сих пор существуют важные докозательства позволяющие иметь возможность для пересмотра дела об убийстве Троя Фарбера?

This is my D.N.A. talking, but you do not seem sufficiently excited about the prospect of driving a new Cadillac.

Это говорит моя ДНК, но ты не кажешься полностью удовлетворен перспективой водить новый Кадилак.

… the rider induces sufficient concentration in the horse, who then independently performs piaffe.

Как только всаднику удалось полностью завладеть вниманием лошади, можно незамедлительно переходить к пиаффе.

The world has now been sufficiently explored for the oil industry to know now all the promising areas.

Мир сегодня уже в достаточной мере разведанный о нефтяных месторождениях чтобы знать все обещающие места.

You embarrass him and his friends sufficiently and I guarantee he’ll sacrifice the agent involved and put a halt to proceedings.

Вы скомпрометируете его и его приятелей в достаточной мере, и, я гарантирую, он пожертвует задействованным агентом и замнёт дело в суде.

I’d like to give both parties an opportunity to.. Request additional testimony.. On topics that the court has not sufficiently addressed.

Хочу дать обеим сторонам возможность ходатайствовать о дополнительном опросе свидетелей по вопросам, которые не были в достаточной мере освещены в суде.

Now, is your custodial duty sufficiently fulfilled to oblige me in mine?

Вы исполнили свои обязанности хранителя тайны в достаточной мере, чтобы помочь мне с моими?

Forgive me, but… some results are sufficiently disturbing to merit a second look.

Простите, но… некоторые результаты в достаточной мере повреждены и не подлежат повторному анализу.

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  • достаточно
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  • достаточное количество
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  • настолько
  • вполне достаточно
  • полностью
  • достаточной мере

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