Sentence with spread the word

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распространять информацию

распространить информацию

распространить слово

распространять слово

распространения информации

распространения слова

нести слово

распространить эту информацию

распространять это слово

spread the word

Распространите информацию

распространении информации

распространению информации

распространение информации


Spread the word, this is important.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: WEB [[Category: NukeNews]]

Spread the word: a rich reward for whoever gives her address.

Spread the word: antibiotics should be used only when necessary and must be used exactly as prescribed.

Распространить слово: антибиотики следует использовать только в случае необходимости и должны быть использованы строго по назначению.

Spread the word by posting the link of the web page on your social networking account, blog, and by emailing the link to all your friends, family, and other contacts.

Распространить слово, разместив ссылку на веб-страницу вашего аккаунта в социальных сетях, блогах и по электронной почте ссылку на все ваши друзья, семья, и другие контакты.

Spread the word on the activities which you held at this occasion or during the year and take the chance to win the World Veterinary Day Award!

Распространите слово о деятельности, которую вы сделали в этот раз или в этом году, и дайте себе шанс выиграть Всемирную премию ветеренаров!

How to help: Spread the word.

Spread the word of their abusiveness by telling what happened, with evidence where possible.

Распространять слово их оскорбительность, рассказав, что случилось, с доказательствами, где это возможно.

Spread the word among you, without violence or vengeance.

Spread the word and do arrive early enough to clean yourself up.

Расскажи всем и приезжай заранее, чтобы привести себя в порядок.

Spread the word — I’ve got answers to the math final.

Стукани всем — у меня есть ответы по итоговой математике.

Spread the word and be like me

Spread the word and get others to do the same.

Spread the word and meet your neighbors.

Spread the word to everyone near and far.

Spread the word — share the link to this blog.

Spread the word, let people know about what’s going on.

Пишите статьи, заставляйте людей осознавать то, что происходит.

Spread the word and promote yourself on social media and you’ll see the rewards.

Spread the word and stand against the tyranny.

Spread the word and be like me

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 844. Точных совпадений: 844. Затраченное время: 137 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

spread the word — перевод на русский

And also, I want you to know and spread the word that I will have my digital camera.

А ещё расскажи всем, что я принесу цифровой фотоаппарат.

And spread the word:

И расскажи всем:

Spread the word.

Расскажи всем

Spread the word, okay?

Расскажи всем, хорошо?

Spread the word.

Расскажи всем.

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Yeah, can you run around a bit, spread the word?

Да, можешь чуток тусануть с плохими парнями, пустить слух?

I need you to spread the word that some serious psycho robbed your place and please, please keep your mouth shut about hiring me or you’ll get us both killed, you understand?

Ты должен пустить слух, что какой-то псих ограбил твой магазин. И прошу, пожалуйста, помалкивай о том, что ты нанял меня. Или нас обоих убьют, ясно?

I couldn’t afford to advertise, so I just used those mavens of mass spectacle, the press, to spread the word.

Реклама была мне не по карману, так что я прибегнул к помощи знатоков массовых зрелищ. Пресса должна была пустить слух.

But, hey, I-I can help you guys, you know, spread the word and stuff.

Но я могу вам помочь, пустить слух и всё такое.

Yeah, try and spread the word that you’ve got a connect on the outside that gives you access to contrabands:

Да, пусти слух, что у тебя есть связи с внешним миром, что у тебя доступ к контрабанде:

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Spread the word of Talon’s plight.

Сообщи всем.

Spread the word, Mac.

Сообщи всем, Мак.

Spread the word.

Сообщи всем.

Look, you just spread the word, OK?

— Просто сообщи всем, хорошо?

Alvarez, spread the word, Mayor James has called in the National Guard.

Альварез, сообщи всем, что мэр Джеймс связался с Национальной Гвардией.

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Spread the word.

Передайте всем.

So, uh, go ahead and spread the word.

Передайте всем.

Hey, look, spread the word, okay?

Передай всем, ладно?

Spread the word, ASAP.

Передай всем срочно:

In front of the Processing Centre. Spread the word.

Перед центром обработки, передайте остальным.

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Look nippy now and spread the word.

Пустите слух.

Right after I let you go, I’m gonna spread the word that you were in here, cooperating with Five-O.

Прямо после того, как я вас отпущу, я пущу слух, что вы тут были, сотрудничали с 5-0.

We spread the word through the prison system that the Jimenez killed the defendant, and we mount a John Doe prosecution.

Пустим слух, что Хименесам удалось его убить. Проведем анонимный процесс.

Yeah, we’re gonna spread the word that Anton knows where Freebo is.

Да, распустим слухи, что Антон знает, где Фрибо.

We’re gonna spread the word that Anton knows where Freebo is.

Распустим слухи, что Антон знает, где Фрибо.

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So when you limp out of here, you will spread the word amongst your scummy comrades

«ак вот, когда вы выплозете отсюда, вы оповестите всех своих мерзопакостных дружков, что € лично выпущу кишки

dr.Bailey,spread the word.

Доктор Бэйли, оповестите всех.

Help me spread the word.

Помогите оповестить всех.

You need to spread the word.

Вы должны оповестить всех.

Spread the word among every rank.

Оповестите всех.

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Spread the word.

Распространить слово.

We gotta spread the word.

Мы должны распространить слово.

To spread the word that justice has been served.

Чтобы распространить слово , что справедливость восторжествовала.

And I’m going to show you and you are going to spread the word.

И я покажу тебе, и ты распространишь слово.

Doubting Thomas is going to spread the word.

Фома Неверующий распространит слово.

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And you spread the word, you tell all the girls.

И скажи остальным девушкам.

And, uh, spread the word.

И, скажи остальным.

Spread the word.

Скажи остальным.

Spread the word.

Скажи что-нибудь.

Spread the word.

Скажи другим.

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Corporate purchased some airtime in local markets to spread the word about Dunder Mifflin Infinity, and they are even sending up a professional ad company to help us make it later, so… it’s not too shabby.

Компания купила немного эфирного времени на местных каналах, чтобы разнести весть о Дандер-Миффлин-Бесконечности. Они даже решили отправить к нам профессиональных рекламщиков, чтобы те нам помогли. В общем…

That should spread the word.

Это должно разнести весть.

Spread the word throughout Mineworld.

Разнесите весть по всему Подземному миру.

Spread the word, darling, Omar back.

Разнеси весть, дорогуша, Омар вернулся.

Who would spread the word of my murder like wildfire.

Кто разнесет среди всех весть об убийстве.

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— She’s spreading the word.

— Она распространяет его слова.

Elen is spreading the word, to keep people away from here.

Элен распространяет его слова, чтобы люди держались отсюда подальше.

He spreads word of your search.

Он распространяет слово вашего поиска.

I spread the word… well, the photos really.

Я распространяю слово… Точнее фотографии…

They’re spreading the word all over the world, quantum fast.

Они распространяют одно слово по всему миру со скоростью фотона.

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Смотрите также

  • расскажи всем
  • пустить слух
  • сообщи всем
  • передайте всем
  • слух
  • оповестите всех
  • распространить слово
  • скажи остальным
  • разнести весть
  • распространяет его слова

Synonym: disperse, distribute, extend, scatter, sprawl, stretch out, unfold. Similar words: spread out, widespread, read, reader, thread, already, get ready, readily. Meaning: [spred]  n. 1. process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space 2. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures 3. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle) 4. a haphazard distribution in all directions 5. a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers 6. a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed 7. two facing pages of a book or other publication 8. the expansion of a person’s girth (especially at middle age) 9. decorative cover for a bed 10. act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time. v. 1. distribute or disperse widely 2. become distributed or widespread 3. spread across or over 4. spread out or open from a closed or folded state 5. cause to become widely known 6. become widely known and passed on 7. strew or distribute over an area 8. move outward 9. cover by spreading something over 10. distribute over a surface in a layer. adj. 1. distributed or spread over a considerable extent 2. prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out 3. fully extended in width. 

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1. He spread out his arms and shrugged his shoulders.

2. Its branches spread far and wide.

3. Rampant spread of those wanton in the night.

4. The bird spread its wings.

5. He spread some strawberry jam on his toast.

6. The plague has spread over many states.

7. A network of railways has spread over the province.

8. The reformer’s fame spread all over the country.

9. The flames grew larger as the fire spread.

10. The secret was spread among the crowd.

11. Her renown spread across the country.

12. We spread a carpet over the floor.

13. Cookies are spread with white sugar pebbling the surface.

14. She spread a sheet on the sofa for me.

15. The flames soon spread to the other buildings.

16. What he studied spread over many fields.

17. The cancer has spread to his stomach.

18. The writer’s fame spread all over the country.

19. His lips were spread in a sly smile.

20. Diseases were spread through poor sanitary conditions .

21. She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.

22. Prompt action was required as the fire spread.

22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

23. The pests spread quickly in these regions.

24. Say forever,I do not know how to spread.

25. The current survey will have a wider geographical spread.

26. Dinner is ready. Spread the tablecloth!

27. Colds are spread by germs.

28. The disease spread rapidly throughout Europe.

29. Viruses can be spread inadvertently by email users.

30. Money is like muck, not good except it be spread

More similar words: spread out, widespread, read, reader, thread, already, get ready, readily, breadth, preach, already in, preamble, spray, spring up, sprinkle, offspring, head, dead, lead, plead, leader, steady, lead to, deadly, head up, head on, head for, forehead, ahead of, get ahead. 

Sentences with the word Spread?



  • «the aptness of iron to rust»; «the propensity of disease to spread«
  • «a banquet for the graduating seniors»; «the Thanksgiving feast»; «they put out quite a spread«
  • «the blaze spread rapidly»
  • «he helped her clear the dining table»; «a feast was spread upon the board»
  • «spread information»; «circulate a rumor»; «broadcast the news»
  • «the rumor spread«; «the story went around in the office»
  • «he was well known throughout the Catholic community»; «the news spread rapidly through the medical community»; «they formed a community of scientists»
  • «a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance»
  • «uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden»
  • «has ties with many widely dispersed friends»; «eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe»
  • «The invaders spread their language all over the country»
  • «readiness to continue discussions»; «they showed no eagerness to spread the gospel»; «they disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority»; «he tried to explain his forwardness in battle»
  • «the peacock’s fanned tail»; «the spread-out cards»
  • «they needed rugs to cover the bare floors»; «we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent»
  • «gap between income and outgo»; «the spread between lending and borrowing costs»
  • «the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth»
  • «the significance of his remark became clear only later»; «the expectation was spread both by word and by implication»
  • «spread the margarine thinly over the meat»; «apply paint lightly»
  • «the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact»
  • «open the map»; «spread your arms»
  • «And I on the opposite shore will be, ready to ride and spread the alarm»- Longfellow; «we lived on opposite sides of the street»; «at opposite poles»
  • «outspread wings»; «with arms spread wide»
  • «A big oil spot spread across the water»
  • «prepared ergot»; «processed cheeses are easy to spread«
  • «the news spread rapidly through the medical profession»; «they formed a community of scientists»
  • «the infection spread«; «Optimism spread among the population»
  • «He spread fertilizer over the lawn»; «scatter cards across the table»
  • «a table spread with food»
  • «she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread«
  • «spread the bread with cheese»
  • «spread cheese on a piece of bread»
  • «lay spread-eagle on the floor»
  • «They spread-eagled him across the floor»
  • «His residences spread-eagle the entire county»
  • «an inch thick»; «a thick board»; «a thick sandwich»; «spread a thick layer of butter»; «thick coating of dust»; «thick warm blankets»
  • «spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface»; «we were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt»
  • «bigotry is a virus that must not be allowed to spread«; «the virus of jealousy is latent in everyone»

Also found in: Acronyms.

spread the word

To disseminate a specific piece of information. Hey, the game is canceled due to the rain—spread the word. The goal of this program is to spread the word about the dangers of opioids.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

spread the word

to tell many people some kind of information. I need to spread the word that the meeting is canceled for this afternoon.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

spread the ˈword

tell people about something: Because of her contacts in the business world, he asked Kate to spread the word about his latest venture. OPPOSITE: keep something to yourself

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • fan out
  • spread
  • spread (one’s) net wide
  • spread like wildfire
  • spread like wildfire, to
  • urban legend
  • urban myth
  • urban tale
  • word of mouse
  • if (the) word gets out

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