Sentence with resistance word

Resistance is the first EP or mini-album (second overall release) by Mika Nakashima, though the title track later appears on her Love album. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

In Kentucky and Tennessee, two bills aiming to end child marriage have met significant resistance and from unlikely groups at that.


Attach a resistance band around your raised foot and hold the ends of the band with both hands.


Good question, Jeff, and it really illustrates the elephant in the room: what the hell does insulin resistance * really * mean?


In conclusion, pyrethroid resistance may have had an impact on pyrethroid-based IRS.


External resistance can either stay constant, reduce, or remain the same over the exercise ROM.


Today, though, people are worried about antibiotic resistance and are also looking to natural remedies.


Crude has been «pressing significant resistance levels,» and it makes sense that investors would cash in on those gains as a holiday-shortened week draws to a close, said Stephen Innes, head of Asian trading at Oanda, in a note to clients, ahead of the supply report.


The Bankers (2011) symbolize denial: a resistance to acknowledge our looming environmental crisis, and the shortsighted actions of banking and government institutions.


The amount of carbohydrate and protein found to be most effective for endurance and resistance exercise ranges between 1.0 and 1.5 g carbs/kg body weight, and 0.4 to 0.6 g protein/kg body weight.


Roast until partially cooked and a small knife inserted in the stem end meets with slight resistance, 30 to 35 minutes.


The USD is banging on big resistance levels ahead of today’s FOMC, which includes only the release of a policy statement and fairly low expectations, ironically meaning that surprise risk may be underappreciated.


Push, counter-push: This is a great way of strengthening the legs to build resistance ready for standing or walking.


Every Sunday afternoon I take the time to go through the charts and plot my key support and resistance levels, look for any relevant price action, turning points or swing points.


You may already know that resistance training triggers more anabolic hormones and positive regulators of muscle growth than any other activity.


Of course, you can not avoid activating the biceps during the lats pulldown since your elbow constantly bends and flexes to handle the resistance.


Some children have an easier time with this than others, so be sure you’re willing to take your time with this process and work slowly and patiently in case your baby is going to put up more resistance about weaning.


Genetic studies indicate that lp3 alleles are under selection in pine and likely confer adaptive resistance to drought [77, 78].


Because blood sugar issues such as insulin resistance (and many times full-blown Type II Diabetes) are a BIG underlying contributor to PCOS, doctors may prescribe this drug to get blood sugar under control so you can release some weight.


I am recommending active nonviolent resistance.


Town Supervisor Carl Fulgenzi said the state-run school houses troubled kids and teenagers at an open campus facility, meaning students can leave at any time, often with little or no resistance.


An epigenetic mechanism of resistance to targeted therapy in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


To do so, wrap the entire squash in foil and bake at 375 degrees F for about 40 minutes, or until you can pierce through the narrow end with some resistance.


Scientists watch as bacteria evolve antibiotic resistance.


Regions flanking the JH segment were cloned by PCR using primers spanning the gaps in the genome assembly, from the cell line we used for targeting (derived from a cross of commercial Brown Leghorn and the Minnesota Marker Line), and homology regions totaling ∼ 8 kb were assembled into an isogenic DNA targeting vector with a puromycin resistance cassette and Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) flanked by loxP sites (Fig. 1A).


You can actually work almost every muscle in your upper body simply by using your body weight as resistance.


While it is true that Jesus offered no resistance to physical attacks against himself, his love did not prevent him from using the most aggressive and blistering invective against those who thought they held a «corner» in religion.


With your arms straight out in front of you spaced about shoulder width apart, hold your resistance band with both hands.


MitoBlast 2 was Formulated to: • Reduce fat mass • Increase muscle mass • Improve appetite control • Improve insulin sensitivity • improve liver function • Improve exercise performance • Improve immune system • Improve cardiovascular function • Improve resistance to oxidative stress


The program involves three 20 — to 30-minute mini-workouts a week — with lots of crunches, lunges, and planks to target the core and butt — using basic home equipment like resistance bands and dumbbells.


Excess sugar has been linked to insulin resistance, which is why we think it’s so important to stop your sugar habit — including sweeteners.


As seen in the above example, you can remove a floxed resistance gene using Cre recombinase.


Tie a resistance band around the ankles (optional) or you can wear an ankle weight.


However resistance is not futile, it’s not inevitable that you will be assimilated to the Borg.


In that short amount of time, researches noticed increased insulin resistance and waist circumference (27).


In contrast, resistance training for weight loss is a long term approach with long-lasting results that benefit all areas of the body.


The team analysed their DNA, as well as other signs of ageing, such as insulin resistance.


To me, accommodating resistance was useful for advanced athletes, but now that I have seen it used at the high school and college levels over the last two years, I recommend it for developmental athletes as well.


You can add resistance to your core exercises by using dumbbells, medicine balls, ankle weights, cables / tubing, or ab machines.


After this break, this resistance level becomes a support level.


For most individuals, there will not be a lot of wiggle room on the weight capacity to consider adding excessive amounts of extra weight and increasing the resistance on the machine.


Cuomo’s plans are likely to meet resistance in the Assembly, where key Democrats have alliances with the teachers.


SoulActivate is an athletic-based high-intensity interval training and strength class in which we use recovery as a tool and resistance as a way of unleashing our inner athlete.


Those with Insulin-Resistant PCOS also exhibit a greater potential for developing diabetes and increased testosterone levels — both of which are actually caused by the underlying insulin and leptin resistance.


«Similar patterns of pathogens and drug resistance have been observed in tertiary care centers, suggesting that bloodstream infections in community hospitals aren’t that different from tertiary care centers,» Anderson said.


For example the T. gondii kinase ROP18 together with the pseudokinase co-factor ROP5 are able to phosphorylate the interferon-gamma-inducible immunity-related GTPases (IRG proteins) involved in host resistance to T. gondii [6].


When the business owner does take the plunge and start to delegate, he often runs into resistance from his clients, who want him and only him to do the work.


Pending orders for buy should be placed above the downtrend line and 100.00 resistance level.


Continuing a recent recovery, a key biotech ETF rose 0.9 percent Thursday, topping its key resistance level of $ 300 for the first time since January.


High insulin resistance is associated with Type 2 diabetes, so what we are seeing is that people who eat foods rich in these two compounds — such as berries, herbs, red grapes, wine — are less likely to develop the disease.


What causes the insulin resistance in the first place?


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Well there certainly has been resistance.

Good physical strength (tear resistance, folding resistance and freezing resistance).

Applying specific strategies for resistance management and prevention could control resistance of pests.

С устойчивостью вредителей сельского хозяйства можно бороться с помощью конкретных стратегий борьбы с устойчивостью и профилактики.

This area was previously support and resistance.

Ранее этот уровень уже выступал в качестве как сопротивления, так и поддержки.

This level was formerly support and resistance.

Ранее этот уровень уже выступал в качестве как сопротивления, так и поддержки.

Caesar entered Rome without any resistance.

Цезарь выдвигается в направлении Рима и не встречает никакого сопротивления в городах.

Its internal resistance (called series resistance) very high, and high resistance means high losses.

5 design, according to the initial resistance of the double resistance, as the filter calculation resistance.

All materials except superconductors have some resistance; conductors have low resistance, while insulators have high resistance levels.

Все материалы, кроме сверхпроводников, имеют некоторое сопротивление; проводники имеют низкое сопротивление, в то время как изоляторы имеют высокий уровень сопротивления.

Pure metals have positive temperature coefficient of resistance, alloys have nearly equal zero temperature coefficient of resistance and semi conductors have negative temperature coefficient of resistance.

Чистые металлы имеют положительный температурный коэффициент сопротивления, сплавы имеют почти равный нулевой температурный коэффициент сопротивления, а полупроводники имеют отрицательный температурный коэффициент сопротивления.

The aging resistance, ozone resistance and oil resistance are also quite good, but the temperature is easily hydrolyzed.

And the grounding resistance, the greater the resistance of the grounding resistance, the larger the partial pressure on the grounding resistance.

The clamp-type ground resistance tester can accurately measure it, because the clamp-type ground resistance tester measures the combined value of the grounding body resistance and the line resistance.

Тестер сопротивления заземления зажимного типа может точно измерить его, поскольку тестер сопротивления заземления зажимного типа измеряет совокупное значение сопротивления заземляющего элемента и сопротивления линии.

Often, resistance is mediated by resistance genes, which can simply jump from one bacterial population to the next.

Часто устойчивость опосредуется специальными генами устойчивости, которые могут просто «перепрыгивать» с одной бактериальной популяции на другую.

Pure corporative resistance becomes pure political resistance.

The total resistance of these keys actually provides a doubling of its internal resistance.

The resistance is still a strategic option, and armed resistance is on the table.

Сопротивление по-прежнему является стратегическим выбором, и вооруженное сопротивление находится на столе…

The resistance when navigating in unfavourable conditions generally increases by 50-100% of the total ship resistance in calm weather.

Сопротивление при плавании в неблагоприятных условиях обычно увеличивается на 50-100% от общего сопротивления корабля в спокойную погоду.

But along with internal resistance, you’ll also face a lot of external resistance from people around you.

Но вместе со внутренним сопротивлением вы также сталкиваетесь с большим количеством сопротивления от людей, которые находятся вокруг вас.

Going back to the nature of resistance, resistance is victory.

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resistance — перевод на русский


If you meet any resistance, mobilize the military!

Если встретите сопротивление, мобилизуйте армию!

The taller the man, the more rarefied the atmosphere, and the less the air resistance.

Чем выше человек, тем разреженней атмосфера и меньше сопротивление воздуха.

Resistance is useless.

Сопротивление бесполезно, милорд.

— I was in the Resistance.

— Это было Сопротивление.

And every morning, to stop the Resistance, and for his own pleasure, he hangs ten Spaniards.

Каждое утро, чтобы сломить сопротивление, он вешает десять испанцев.

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I don’t have any sales resistance, as my father said.

Я не мог сопротивляться.

They have no resistance to it.

Их организм не может ей сопротивляться.

So you’re putting up resistance?

Сопротивляться вздумала?

polarized silicon… which gives him a prolonged resistance… to adverse environmental conditions.

поляризованным кремнием… что позволяет ему долгое время сопротивляться… действию враждебной среды.

If he offers any resistance, he’s to be shoot down.

Если он будет сопротивляться, пристрелите его.

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When they wake, all resistance will have ended. They will remember her no more.

Когда сопротивляемость прекратится, они больше ничего не вспомнят.

Guided by the whole, drawing its strength from the whole, which probably accounts for its unusual resistance to our phaser weapons.

У него единое управление, оно черпает силы от единого целого, отчего, скорее всего, и происходит эта необычная сопротивляемость нашим фазерам.

Because their ancestors, who survived, had to have a superior resistance.

Их выжившие предки имели превосходную сопротивляемость.

Suppleness and resistance. Suppleness, so as not to lose the feel of the object.

Гибкость и жесткость, жесткость, сопротивляемость.

Why is Columbia being asked to study MM-88’s resistance to extreme heat?

С чего бы Колумбийскому университету поручено изучить сопротивляемость ММ88 сверхвысоким температурам?

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I’ll get a sinus infection cos diarrhoea lowers your resistance.

Я подхвачу синусит потому что при поносе снижается иммунитет.

The bacteria builds up a resistance, so antibiotics aren’t working anymore.

Бактерии приобретают иммунитет, так что антибиотики перестают работать.

All supernaturals, we got a natural resistance.

Как и у всех суперлюдей, у нас естественный иммунитет.

The ability to breathe poisonous atmospheres… Resistance to infection.

способность дышать ядовитой атмосферой, иммунитет к инфекциям.

I haven’t developed any resistance.

У меня больше не вырабатывается иммунитет.

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the Resistance were all annihilated.

Движение Сопротивления уничтожено.

Resistance begins in the South, with the «Four Days of Naples.»

Движение Сопротивления подняло восстание в Неаполе.


Движение сопротивления.

A resistance movement?

Движение сопротивления?

Some kind of resistance or army.

Это какое-то движение сопротивления или армия.

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Project: resistance to fear.

Проект: устойчивость к страху.

The only thing I didn’t count on was his resistance to the quills.

Я не учла только одно, устойчивость к этим иглам.

Six times you’ve taken the poison and each time your resistance grows.

Шесть раз ты принимал яд. и с каждым разом твоя устойчивость возрастала.

Resistance to the idea of formalizing her interest in writing.

Устойчивость к идее формализации ее интересов в письменной форме.

Well, he’s showing remarkable resistance to the pox.

Ну, он показывает замечательно устойчивость к чуме.

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How did you find the Piece of Resistance?

Как ты нашел Кубик сопротивления?

You found the Piece of Resistance.

Вы нашли Кубик сопротивления.

Tower at the end of the universe… put the Piece of Resistance onto the Kragle… and disarm it forever.

…в Башне на краю света, положит Кубик сопротивления на Адскл и навсегда обезвредит его.

And we search for the Piece of Resistance.

И мы ищем Кубик сопротивления.

Although… you did let the Piece of Resistance go.

Но ты упустил Кубик сопротивления.

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They were Resistance.

Они были повстанцы.

Cleric! They’re Resistance fighters.

Они же повстанцы.

The resistance must have been in the area because the in-— the invaders hit the whole block with light bombs, and…

Видимо, недалеко находились повстанцы, потому что за… захватчики ударили по целому кварталу световыми бомбами, и…

Even to the man who brings him the Resistance?

Даже тому, кто приведёт к нему повстанцев?

Anna’s worried about a group of resistance fighters called the Fifth Column.

Анна беспокоится о группе повстанцев, назвающих себя Пятой Колонной.

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Resistance is useless!

—опротивление бесполезно!

Shut up! — Resistance is useless!

Ч —опротивление бесполезно!

Resistance is useless!

Ч —опротивление бесполезно!

I’ll just get you two shoved out, and then get on with some other bits of shouting. Resistance is useless!

€ лучше суну вас в шлюз, а потом еще потренируюсь в кричании. —опротивление бесполезно!

Resistance is useless.

—опротивление бесполезно.

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Dutch Resistance are hiding 140 men outside a town north of the river.

Голландские партизаны укрывают 140 человек за пределами города к северу по реке.

The resistance fighters brought them here.

Партизаны привели к нам раненых.

Thought we were the resistance.

А я думал, что мы партизаны.

I’m afraid we’ve lost the food and the medical supplies. But if we rendezvous with the Resistance at St. Alexis, they’ll supply us with both.

Боюсь, мы потеряли еду и медикаменты, но если мы встретимся с партизанами в святом Алексисе, они всем нас снабдят.

— What if I joined the resistance?

А что если мне уйти к партизанам?

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  • сопротивление
  • сопротивляться
  • сопротивляемость
  • иммунитет
  • движение сопротивления
  • устойчивость
  • кубик сопротивления
  • повстанцы
  • опротивление
  • партизаны

Definition of Resistance

the effort made to prevent something from happening or someone from accomplishing something

Examples of Resistance in a sentence

The peaceful activist urged his followers to refrain from any acts of resistance if they were arrested.


As soon as I saw the roses, my resistance to his dinner invitation disappeared.


The employees’ showed their resistance to the salary cuts by picketing outside the factory.


While I expected my daughter’s resistance to the idea of her new curfew, I didn’t expect her to throw a childish tantrum.


The president’s healthcare plan drew a lot of resistance from his political rivals.


Other words in the Negative Connotation category:

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Antonym: obedience. Similar words: assistance, distance, in the distance, resist, stance, assistant, substance, instance. Meaning: [rɪ’zɪstəns]  n. 1. the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with 2. any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion 3. a material’s opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohms 4. the military action of resisting the enemy’s advance 5. (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease 6. a secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force 7. the degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria) 8. (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness 9. an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current 10. group action in opposition to those in power. 

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1. The enemy resistance thinned out as night approached.

2. As with all new ideas it met with resistance.

3. They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.

4. Mass communication sometimes arouses resistance.

5. resistance was the City Opera House.

6. Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion.

7. Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.

8. I had never encountered such resistance before.

9. The defenders put up a strong resistance.

10. His response was one of resistance, not submission.

11. The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.

11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

12. The no-smoking policy was introduced with little resistance from staff.

13. Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.

14. The reduction in white blood cell counts lowers resistance to disease.

15. There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.

16. Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.

17. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.

18. The villagers were unable to put up any resistance to the invading troops.

19. The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police.

20. Wherever there is oppression(, there is resistance.

21. The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.

22. Government troops offered no resistance .

23. Her resistance only fanned his desire.

24. Our troops encountered only token resistance.

25. Her background disinclined her from resistance.

26. Ten years of guerrilla resistance followed the occupation.

27. The resistance movement started a campaign of terror .

28. When he suggested going into business on their own, she put up only a token resistance.

29. Some people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm.

30. Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor ‘s arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger, rescue is the life guard.

More similar words: assistance, distance, in the distance, resist, stance, assistant, substance, instance, for instance, circumstance, residence, distant, pittance, acceptance, of importance, hypothesis, resign, insist, subsist, assist, persist, stand, consist, resident, assist in, president, consist of, consist in, stand by, stand for. 

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