Sentence with one word name

English is a beautiful language, and one of its many perks is the one-word sentences. One-word sentences — as the name suggests is a sentence with a single word, and which makes total sense.

One word sentences can be used in different forms. It could be in form of a question such as “Why?” It could be in form of a command such as “Stop!” Furthermore, it could be used as a declarative such as “Me.” Also, a one-word sentence could be used to show location, for example, “here.” It could also be used as nominatives e.g. “David.”

Actually, most of the words in English can be turned into one-word sentences. All that matters is the context in which they are used. In a sentence, there is usually a noun, and a verb. In a one-word sentence, the subject and the action of the sentence is implied in the single word, and this is why to understand one-word sentences, one has to understand the context in which the word is being used.

Saying only a little at all times is a skill most people want to learn; knowing when to use one-word sentences can help tremendously. However, you cannot use one-word sentences all the time so as robotic or come off as rude.

Pointing fingerHere are common one-word sentences, and their meanings:

  1. Help: This signifies a call for help.
  2. Hurry: Used to ask someone to do something faster
  3. Begin: Used to signify the beginning of a planned event.

Basically, the 5 Wh-question words — where, when, why, who and what? can also stand as one-word sentences.

one word sentences in English

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By Bizhan Romani

Dr. Bizhan Romani has a PhD in medical virology. When it comes to writing an article about science and research, he is one of our best writers. He is also an expert in blogging about writing styles, proofreading methods, and literature.

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Complete the sentences with the words from the box and write them down.
Avenue, ceremony, hope, land, Liberty, peaceful, planet, poor, remember, rocky, skyscrapers, states, visitors, voyage
Задание рисунок 1
1. Washington, D.C. is a very green and peaceful city. There are no _ in it.
2. In Washington, D.C. the names of many long and busy streets are names of American _ .
3. I will always _ my first visit to Washington, D.C. Our _ across the Atlantic Ocean was fairly long but interesting.
4. Native Americans were friendly people and welcomed the _ in a traditional _ .
5. In the 15th century people knew that our _ is round.
6. Different people live on this _ . Some of them are _ , others are rich.
7. What is Fifth _ famous for?
8. Where is the Statue of _ situated?
9. We always _ for the best.
10. The _ shores of the lake were very dangerous.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Four. IV. Use of English. Номер №20


Перевод задания
Завершите предложения словами из рамки и запишите их.
Проспект, церемония, надеяться, земля, Свобода, мирный, планета, бедный, помнить, скалистые, небоскребы, штаты, посетители, путешествие
1. Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, очень зеленый и спокойный город. Там нет _ .
2. В Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, названия многих длинных и оживленных улиц являются именами американских _ .
3. Я всегда буду _ мой первый визит в Вашингтон, округ Колумбия. Наше _ через Атлантический океан было довольно продолжительным, но интересным.
4. Коренные американцы были дружелюбными людьми и приветствовали _ в традиционном _.
5. В 15 веке люди знали, что наша _ круглая.
6. На этой _ живут разные люди. Некоторые из них − _, другие − богаты.
7. Чем знаменит Пятый _?
8. Где находится Статуя _?
9. Мы всегда _ на лучшее.
10. _ берега озера были очень опасны.

1. Washington, D.C. is a very green and peaceful city. There are no skyscrapers in it.
2. In Washington, D.C. the names of many long and busy streets are names of American states.
3. I will always remember my first visit to Washington, D.C. Our voyage across the Atlantic Ocean was fairly long but interesting.
4. Native Americans were friendly people and welcomed the visitors in a traditional ceremony.
5. In the 15th century people knew that our planet is round.
6. Different people live on this land. Some of them are poor, others are rich.
7. What is Fifth Avenue famous for?
8. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?
9. We always hope for the best.
10. The rocky shores of the lake were very dangerous.

Перевод ответа
1. Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, очень зеленый и спокойный город. В нем нет небоскребов.
2. В Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, названия многих длинных и оживленных улиц являются названиями американских штатов.
3. Я всегда буду помнить мой первый визит в Вашингтон, округ Колумбия. Наше морское путешествие через Атлантический океан было довольно долгим, но интересным.
4. Коренные американцы были дружелюбными людьми и приветствовали гостей на традиционной церемонии.
5. В 15 веке люди знали, что наша планета круглая.
6. На этой земле живут разные люди. Некоторые из них бедны, другие богаты.
7. Чем знаменита Пятая авеню?
8. Где находится Статуя Свободы?
9. Мы всегда надеемся на лучшее.
10. Скалистые берега озера были очень опасны.

One should consider this a general reference question. However:

Why would we have a tag «single-word requests» if there was a better term for that? Technically, there’s no such thing as a monoword, though polyword is well known, mostly as an adjective.

If you chose to be informal:

  1. monoword. Being of few words, being quite cold in the reply.

Wikipedia mentions word sentences, though I think that’s more of an academic term. (The link under that term contradicts, in a way, the very sentence from where it is drawn!)


a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.

A «set» can consist of any number of words, including one, or even none.

Further to that, everything else is qualified with «typical» but not necessarily.

«Yes.» is a sentence. QED.

By the way, «Yes, I am.» is not monosyllabic.

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