Sentence with acquaintance word

1, Short acquaintance brings repentance.

2, I have some acquaintance with the Russian.

3, I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Baker.

4, He’s just a business acquaintance.

5, I bumped into an old acquaintance on the train.

6, I bumped into a casual acquaintance in town.

7, I have no acquaintance with this book.

8, He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.

9, She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.

10, They renewed their acquaintance.

11, The annual dinner is a chance to renew acquaintance with old friends.

12, Over time, their acquaintance developed into a lasting friendship.

13, They developed an acquaintance over the Internet.

14, They have little acquaintance with colloquial English.

15, You can’t judge her on such short acquaintance .

16, When did you make the acquaintance of his brother?

17, I had little acquaintance with modern poetry.

18, The imposter sponged 1000 pounds from his acquaintance.

19, Professor Gladwyn would be an acquaintance worth cultivating.

20, It delights me to have made your acquaintance.

21, My uncle did not improve on further acquaintance .

22, I made his acquaintance at a party.

23, He was greeted as an old acquaintance.

24, On first acquaintance she seemed a little odd.

25, Sadly,[] my acquaintance with Spanish literature is rather limited.

26, I slowly scraped an acquaintance with my neighbours.

27, Acquaintance has developed into friendship.

28, He hoped their acquaintance would develop further.

29, I first made his acquaintance in the early 1960s.

30, He is not a friend of mine, only an acquaintance.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I look forward to resuming our acquaintance in due course.

Я с нетерпением жду, чтобы затронуть наше знакомство в установленном порядке.

Just acquaintance, and we think love has happened.

Случается всего лишь знакомство, а мы думаем, что это любовь.

A casual friend or acquaintance is someone you know slightly.

Случайный друг или знакомый — это тот, кого вы знаете немного.

I believe our mutual acquaintance called ahead.

Я думаю, наш общий знакомый уже предупредил вас об этом.

The men greet him like an old acquaintance.

Ученые обращаются с ним словно со старым знакомым.

She talked to him like an old acquaintance.

Говорили они с ним, как со старым знакомым.

These techniques are to change acquaintance into understanding.

Эти техники предназначены для того, чтобы превратить знакомство в понимание.

Then acquaintance with the exhibition started.

После этого, собственно, и началось знакомство с экспозицией.

But they also arrested my acquaintance.

Кроме того, он также ограбил свою знакомую.

Portuguese dating site serves one purpose — to further acquaintance in real.

В принципе, любой сайт знакомств служит одной цели — последующему знакомству в реальной жизни.

They most likely are acquaintance, perhaps even friends.

Скорее всего, это знакомые люди, а, возможно, даже очень близкие.

The museum impresses even before acquaintance with its exposures occurs.

Музей поражает ещё до того, как происходит знакомство с его экспозициями.

This mutual acquaintance was well-known for using MDMA in a psychotherapeutic setting.

Этот наш общий знакомый был широко известен тем, что использовал МДМА в проведении психотерапии.

Lonely Aquarius offers promising meeting interesting but brief acquaintance, flirtation.

Одиноких Рыб ждут многообещающие встречи, интересные, но непродолжительные знакомства, легкий флирт.

They cannot leave said one acquaintance in Kiev.

Они не могут оставить все там», сказал один знакомый в Киеве.

Yesterday called out an acquaintance said that Tuva is becoming more Chinese.

Вчера позвонил оттуда знакомый, сообщил, что в Тыве становится всё больше китайцев.

Explain yourself, Nicolas demanded of his new acquaintance.

Он понимает меня , — рассказывала Николь о своем новом знакомом.

We even discovered that we have an acquaintance in common.

Потом увидела, что у нас есть один общий знакомый.

This the purchaser could boast, from a long and intimate acquaintance.

Этот покупатель мог похвастаться долгим и интимным знакомством».

My acquaintance with this class of materials stems from a review that contained the latest advances in the field of perovskite-based nanophotonics.

Свое знакомство с данным классом материалов я начала с изучения обзора, в котором описывались последние достижения в области нанофотоники с применением перовскитов.

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знакомство, ознакомление, знакомый, знакомый


- знакомство

upon (further) acquaintance — при более близком знакомстве
to make smb.’s acquaintance, to make the acquaintance of smb., to make acquaintance with smb. — познакомиться с кем-л.
to cultivate the acquaintance of smb. — ценить чью-л. дружбу, поддерживать знакомство с кем-л.
to scrape acquaintance with smb. — разг. навязывать знакомство кому-л., набиваться на знакомство с кем-л.
to drop an acquaintance — раззнакомиться

- (with) знание, осведомлённость

I have some acquaintance with the language — я немного знаю этот язык

- знакомый; знакомая

we are but slight acquaintances — мы немного /едва/ знакомы
we have many acquaintances in our town — в этом городе у нас много знакомых

Мои примеры


our family’s close acquaintance with our neighbors — близкое знакомство нашей семьи с соседями  
upon further acquaintance — при более близком знакомстве  
to make the acquaintance of smb. — познакомиться с кем-л.  
to renew an acquaintance — возобновить отношения, возобновить знакомство  
to strike up an acquaintance with smb. — завязать знакомство с кем-л.  
a passing acquaintance — шапочное знакомство  
casual acquaintance — случайная встреча, случайное знакомство  
nodding acquaintance — шапочное знакомство  
passing acquaintance — случайная встреча, случайное знакомство  
slight acquaintance — поверхностное знакомство  
non acquaintance — неведение; незнание  

Примеры с переводом

He has some acquaintance with statistics.

Он немного знает статистику.

It gave me great pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Я был очень рад познакомиться с вами.

They have little acquaintance with Chinese philosophy or history.

Они мало знакомы с китайской философией и историей.

On closer acquaintance he proved to be a nice person.

При более близком знакомстве он оказался приятным человеком.

She struck up an acquaintance with a man from the city.

Она завязала знакомство с человеком из города.

On first acquaintance she is cool and slightly distant.

При первом знакомстве она производит впечатление холодного и слегка надменного человека.

Most people are nicer than you think on first acquaintance.

Большинство людей приятнее, чем кажется при первом знакомстве.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She ran into an old acquaintance at the grocery store.

If you haven’t listened to this music since the 1960s, it’s time to renew your acquaintance with these songs.

The poems were written by various women of her acquaintance.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): acquaintance
мн. ч.(plural): acquaintances

acquaintance — перевод на русский


An old acquaintance…

Старый знакомый.

A certain gentleman acquaintance of yours is waiting for you inside, Captain.

Некий знакомый Вам джентльмен ждет Вас внутри, капитан.

I’ve seen ‘im, old acquaintance of mine

Я видел его, мой старый знакомый

This confirmation came out as an old acquaintance.

А вот и еще одно подтверждение — старый знакомый.

And Leonard McCoy, also of long acquaintance.

И Леонард Маккой, также давний знакомый.

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Pleased to have made your acquaintance, I’m sure.

Приятно было познакомиться, мое почтение.

Glad to make your acquaintance.

Много слышал о вас, сенатор, рад познакомиться

Charmed to have made your acquaintance.

Я была счастлива познакомиться с вами, дорогой граф.

I’d be proud to make her acquaintance.

— Хотелось бы с ней познакомиться.

I’m happy to make your acquaintance.


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It is called The Creeper… and is about a person who had a very peculiar way… of striking up an acquaintance with women:

Она называется «Ползучий» и рассказывает о человеке, который особенным образом.. завязывал знакомство с женщинами:

Long acquaintance is no guarantee for honesty.

Длительное знакомство не является гарантией порядочности.

My story will interest you all especially our dear President; it concerns a particular mania his dearest caprice, which enabled me to make his acquaintance

Мои истории будут интересны для всех… особенно для Вас наш дорогой Президент, это касается Вашей специфической мании… и Вашего самого дорогого каприза, который дал возможность мне завести это знакомство

I’m sorry our acquaintance was so brief, Doctor.

Жаль, что наше знакомство было таким коротким, Доктор.

I’ve been very anxious to renew our acquaintance.

Я сам стремился продолжить наше знакомство.

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She’s an old acquaintance of the family.

Старый друг семьи.

— Just another acquaintance?

— Ещё один друг?

I pray you, Leonardo, these things being bought and orderly bestowed, return in haste, for I do feast tonight my best esteemed acquaintance.

Так подзаймись, прошу, друг Леонардо, всем этим. Закупив и все устроив, скорей вернись. Я нынче угощаю друзей ближайших.

So, who here Iacks acquaintance?

Так, кто здесь ещё не представлен друг другу?

What, old acquaintance…

А, старый друг!

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I told an acquaintance I wanted to work And then he asked me if i was exemplary

Когда я сказал приятелю, что не прочь поработать, он предложил мне поработать горничной.

I called an old acquaintance in probate court about Mr. Ashbaugh’s estate.

Я позвонил старому приятелю из суда по делам наследства по поводу наследства мистера Ашбау.

Belonged to a dear friend of mine, a former acquaintance of Iniko’s.

Принадлежала моему близкому другу, бывшему приятелю Инико.

You were with a group of friends, chance acquaintances.

Вы стояли в кругу друзей — случайных приятелей.

Barton Mathis doesn’t have any family or known acquaintances.

У Бартона Матиса нет семьи или известных приятелей.

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Now we can meet as indifferent acquaintances.

Теперь мы можем встречаться как просто знакомые.

Well, more of an acquaintance, actually.

Вообще-то, больше, чем просто знакомые.

Keep having me over here like this, and I’ll start thinkin’ we’re more than acquaintances.

Будешь так часто приглашать меня к себе, и я начну думать, что мы больше, чем просто знакомые.

She’s more of an acquaintance.

Скорее, просто знакомая

Um, more like an acquaintance.

Скорее просто знакомая.

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But in France, you’ll make new acquaintances.

Но сейчас во Франции у вас могут завязаться новые контакты. Вы встретитесь с новыми людьми…

ln the course of the summer on Saint Charles… he had made many acquaintances… some more savory than others.

На протяжении всего лета на Сант Чарлзе Он познакомился со многими людьми. Некоторые были более уважаемые, чем другие.

But… it will force me to become acquaintances with people I consider… coworkers.

Зато так я буду вынужден познакомиться с людьми, которых считаю… Коллегами.

-Is he an acquaintance of yours?

— Это твой человек? — Какой мой?

And other acquaintances, who were much more loyal than I thought.

И другие люди, которые оказались более лояльны, чем я думал.

Tancredi should guard against certain friendships certain dangerous acquaintances

Дону Танкреди следовало бы отказаться от некоторых знакомств От опасных встреч.

Let’s drink to our acquaintance!

Отпразднуем нашу встречу!

To spend a harmonious evening with my wife and if it ends different than planned, by making a new acquaintance, then it is surely the end of a successful evening ball.

И провести вместе с моей женой гармоничный вечер. И если иногда это заканчивается иначе, тем не мнее, встреча с новыми людьми — это хороший показатель успешного вечера!

I will consider today’s incident as the beginning of our acquaintance.

Думаю, наша встреча — судьба.

Search his mail, tap his home phone, follow his acquaintances.

Обыскивайте почту, прослушивайте домашний телефон, следите за его встречами.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word acquaintance, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use acquaintance in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «acquaintance». In addition, we also show how different variations of acquaintance can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are acquaintances, acquaintanceship and acquaintanceships. If you click on the variation of acquaintance that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Acquaintance in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word acquaintance in a sentence.

  1. He made Thomas Jefferson’s acquaintance at this time.

  2. Zelda wrote to an acquaintance that the film was «rotten».

  3. A lady amateur mycophagist of the writer’s acquaintance, ..

  4. Ellis is portrayed by Hart Bochner, an acquaintance of Silver.

  5. It was only on further acquaintance that I noticed other traits.

  6. Marshal, but spoke amicably with an acquaintance he found there.

  7. During his stay in the capital, he makes the acquaintance of Zhou.

  8. A parliamentary colleague was Fox, his old acquaintance from Nelson.

  9. Shortly thereafter he married his childhood acquaintance Hatsu Itokawa.

  10. This the purchaser could boast, from a long and intimate acquaintance.».

  11. He was picked up and dusted off by an acquaintance of his father’s, Alfred H.

  12. As Lyadov put it, our acquaintance with the great composer was a real occasion.».

  13. Worden had agreed to carry 144 additional covers, largely for an acquaintance, F.

  14. There he made the acquaintance of George Butterworth, and other British composers.

  15. While studying at Yale University, he formed an acquaintance with priest Michael J.

  16. He undoubtedly did see a print of it which was published in 1867 by an acquaintance.

  17. In Auschwitz he had encountered an acquaintance from Trnava, Alfréd Wetzler (prisoner no.

  18. The following year, their son Richard fell in love with the estranged wife of an acquaintance.

  19. Hadley, a long-time acquaintance of Stefansson’s, was entered in the ship’s books as carpenter.

  20. Ruddell, an acquaintance from El Toro, who was commanding the 39th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron.

  21. On this date, she encountered HMS Santa Margarita, whose captain was an acquaintance of Nicholson’s.

  22. The company hired Ken Macklin, an acquaintance of Winnick’s, to design the game’s packaging artwork.

  23. Edward reportedly told an acquaintance, «After the war is over and Hitler will crush the Americans ..

  24. In early December, after only two weeks, she quit to marry Ludlow Ogden Smith, a college acquaintance.

  25. He had made the acquaintance of their daughter Maria in Poland five years earlier when she was eleven.

  26. The couple had been brought together a year earlier by a mutual acquaintance, the pianist Moura Lympany.

  27. A medical man of Hopley’s acquaintance named Roberts pronounced that the boy had died of natural causes.

  28. Nixon proposed that his wartime acquaintance, former Minnesota Governor Harold Stassen campaign for him.

  29. He also annoyed his fellow-pupils by parading his acquaintance with a range of famous and important people.

  30. Seward was seen as having influence over Taylor: taking advantage of an acquaintance with Taylor’s brother.

  31. Derrick, who lived with the actress Jane Lessingham, was an acquaintance of Samuel Johnson and James Boswell.

  32. He made the acquaintance of two girls he met on Princes Street and went out with them on a couple of evenings.

  33. In November 1822 an acquaintance of his, George Francis Grey, loaned him a box of Greek papyri found in Egypt.

  34. He recommends Roark to Hopton Stoddard, a wealthy acquaintance who wants to build a Temple of the Human Spirit.

  35. Without disclosing his acquaintance with Simran, Raj befriends Kuljeet, and is quickly accepted by both families.

  36. An officer on the ship was an acquaintance and had given Sanders the tip that there was a position was available.

  37. The three astronauts and an acquaintance, Horst Eiermann, had agreed to have the covers made and taken into space.

  38. Shortly thereafter, Walter Burch, an acquaintance of the Davidson family, tried to develop the cave as a business.

  39. He had worked with Beatles producer George Martin, and was an acquaintance of Pink Floyd’s manager, Steve O’Rourke.

Acquaintances in a sentence

Acquaintances is a variation of acquaintance, below you can find example sentences for acquaintances.

  1. Other acquaintances remembered White as very intense.

  2. In absence of his family, he made new friends and acquaintances.

  3. He spent that time speaking with other pioneers and acquaintances.

  4. Peirce also interviewed Tisdel’s mother and Brandon’s acquaintances.

  5. Many of the acquaintances he made at this time appeared in his work.

  6. Harding appointed a number of friends and acquaintances to federal positions.

  7. Likewise, Henry Livingston was ostracized by his family and acquaintances in Ohio.

  8. In the decades after the war many of Cardus’s earlier heroes and acquaintances died.

  9. In his earlier years, acquaintances believed Constantine was too conscious of colour.

  10. The pair based the game’s cast on friends, family members, acquaintances, and stereotypes.

  11. Many acquaintances found him to be distant and aloof, and he insisted on being addressed as «Dr.

  12. Along the way, they accumulated a circle of friends and acquaintances who often moved with them.

  13. At the same time, Chris Higgins (Dana Kimmell) returns to family property with some acquaintances.

  14. Although they were only distant acquaintances, she accepted and they were married on June 27, 1925.

  15. Many readers and literary analysts have assumed that Widmerpool was drawn from Powell’s acquaintances.

  16. Auschwitz guard Stefan Baretzki grew up in the same town; he and Pestek were acquaintances as children.

  17. In her will she left property worth between 1,000 and 50,000 francs to the daughter of some acquaintances.

  18. She described living with her father’s friends and acquaintances as giving her the experience of the other.

  19. During his lifetime, Fitzgerald’s sexuality became a subject of debate among his friends and acquaintances.

  20. Two acquaintances in steerage had an argument over a young female second-class passenger that both men knew.

Acquaintanceship in a sentence

Acquaintanceship is a variation of acquaintance, below you can find example sentences for acquaintanceship.

  1. Petersburg, personal acquaintanceship was impossible…

  2. The supervisor later recalled Kaczynski as intelligent and quiet, but remembered little of their acquaintanceship and firmly denied they had had any romantic relationship.

Acquaintanceships in a sentence

Acquaintanceships is a variation of acquaintance, below you can find example sentences for acquaintanceships.

  1. Throughout the 1960s, he continued to form acquaintanceships with other experimental and serialist composers such as Pierre Boulez and Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Synonyms for acquaintance

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word acquaintance has the following synonyms: acquaintanceship, familiarity, conversance, conversancy and friend.

General information about «acquaintance» example sentences

The example sentences for the word acquaintance that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «acquaintance» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «acquaintance».

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