Sentence with accommodate word

вмещать, приспосабливать, согласовывать, снабжать, примирять, приспособлять


- приспосабливать

to accommodate oneself to smth. — приспосабливаться /приноравливаться/ к чему-л.
to accommodate oneself to smb. — приноравливаться /привыкать/ к кому-л.

- давать пристанище; устраивать, размещать

to accommodate for the night — предоставить ночлег; устроить на ночь
to be well accommodated — хорошо устроиться, иметь все удобства

- вмещать (людей и т. п.)

the hotel accommodates a hundred guests — в гостинице может разместиться сто человек
will this elevator accommodate 10 people? — этот лифт может поднять десять человек?

- расквартировывать (войска)
- (часто with) снабжать; обеспечивать; предоставлять

to accommodate smb. with a loan — ссудить кого-л. деньгами, дать кому-л. взаймы
can you accommodate him? — ты можешь дать ему взаймы?

- помогать, оказывать услугу

to accommodate a client — обслуживать клиента

- примирять; улаживать (ссору, разногласия)

to accommodate opinions — согласовать мнения /точки зрения/
to accommodate differences — устранять разногласия
to accommodate a dispute — уладить спор

- преим. дип. пойти навстречу (кому-л.); учесть (чьи-л.) интересы
- мириться, примиряться
- физиол. аккомодировать (о глазе)

Мои примеры


to accommodate with a loan — дать кому-л. деньги взаймы  
accommodate with loan — предоставлять кредит  
accommodate with money — предоставлять кредит  
to accommodate an aircraft — размещать воздушное судно (на аэродроме)  
accommodate a client — обслуживать клиента  
accommodate conflicting parties — примирять враждующие стороны; примирять спорящие стороны  
accommodate a dispute — разрешать спор; улаживать спор; уладить спор  
accommodate parties to a dispute — примирять стороны в споре  
accommodate a hospital — размещать госпиталь  
accommodate views — согласовывать точки зрения  

Примеры с переводом

The ballroom can accommodate 400 people.

В бальном зале могут разместиться 400 человек.

Students are accommodated in homes nearby.

Студенты размещены в близлежащих домах.

It was very good of you to accommodate me with the ticket for my journey.

Было очень любезно с вашей стороны обеспечить меня билетом.

The company accommodates employees near the workplace.

Компания предоставляет своим работникам жилье недалеко от места работы.

The school was not big enough to accommodate all the children.

Школа была недостаточно большой, чтобы вместить всех детей.

We’ve made every effort to accommodate your point of view.

Мы сделали всё возможное, чтобы принять вашу точку зрения.

Can you accommodate me with a rental car?

Вы можете предоставить мне автомобиль напрокат?

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories

We can accommodate anywhere between 60 to 300 people.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

accommodating  — любезный, вмещающий, услужливый, сговорчивый, уживчивый, уступчивый
accommodation  — жилье, помещение, приспособление, аккомодация, компромисс, приют, примирение
accommodative  — удобный, услужливый
accommodated  — приспособленный, обеспеченный
accommodator  — поденщица, женщина, домработница

Формы слова

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Thus, 40 such complexes can accommodate 2 million people.

Таким образом, 40 подобных комплексов смогут вместить в себя 2 миллиона человек.

The stadium can currently accommodate 38,000 spectators which will be expanded to 42,000.

В настоящее время, стадион может вместить 38000 зрителей, число которых будет увеличено до 42000.

It can also accommodate scheduled events such as end-of-day shutdown and meetings.

Оно также может разместить запланированные мероприятия, такие как отключение систем в конце дня или встречи.

Now works with the selection of buildings which could accommodate these three hotels.

Сейчас проводятся работы на этапе подбора зданий, в которых могли бы разместить эти три гостиницы.

At the table can accommodate 22 people served by 3 cooks and waiters.

За необычным столом может разместиться 22 человека, которых обслуживают три повара, официанты и конферансье.

We have luxurious yachts and boats that can accommodate 8-60 passengers.

У нас есть роскошные яхты и катера, которые могут вместить 8-60 пассажиров.

Most sport frames can accommodate both prescription and non-prescription lenses.

Большинство спортивных рамок могут вместить как рецептурные, так и безрецептурные линзы.

The club has 8 stables, which can accommodate 68 horses.

На территории клуба находятся 8 конюшен, которые имеют возможность разместить 68 голов лошадей.

For conferences provided room that can accommodate over 700 people.

Для проведения конференций предусмотрен зал, который может вместить более 700 человек.

They require very less space and can accommodate more than one person.

Они занимают гораздо меньше места, и при желании на них можно разместить более одной персоны.

It could accommodate both two and four motor.

На нём можно было разместить как два, так и четыре мотора.

100% means the given air volume cannot accommodate water vapour anymore.

100% означает, что данный объем воздуха больше не может вместить водяной пар.

However, you could also accommodate certain stone tiles to high-moisture areas.

Тем не менее, вы также можете разместить некоторые каменные плитки в местах с высокой влажностью.

1 megabyte (MB) can accommodate a short paperback.

1 мегабайт (МБ) может вместить короткую книгу в мягкой обложке.

Kim Il-sung Stadium can accommodate 70 thousand fans.

Стадион имени Ким Ир Сена может вместить около 70 тысяч болельщиков.

Viking Ocean can accommodate 930 passengers.

Viking Sea имеет 14 палуб, он может принять до 930 пассажиров.

Social Infrastructure typically includes assets that accommodate social services.

Социальная инфраструктура представляет собой подмножество секторов, и обычно включает в себя активы, которые оплачивают социальные услуги.

It also helps accommodate several glasses.

Тем не менее, приятно заработать несколько очков.

Please arrange in advance so we can accommodate your needs.

Мы рекомендуем заказывать процедуры заранее, чтобы убедиться, что мы можем удовлетворить ваши потребности.

The villa can accommodate 11 people.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат accommodate

Результатов: 8146. Точных совпадений: 8146. Затраченное время: 153 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: conform, oblige, supply. Similar words: commodity, to date, up to date, in common, commonly, be good at, accompany, tobacco. Meaning: [ə’kɒmədeɪt]  v. 1. be agreeable or acceptable to 2. make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose 3. provide with something desired or needed 4. have room for; hold without crowding 5. provide housing for 6. provide a service or favor for someone 7. make compatible with. 

Random good picture Not show

(1) The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.

(2) He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.

(3) Are there enough shelves to accommodate all our books?

(4) This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.

(5) You should soon accommodate yourself to the new circumstance.

(6) He will accommodate me with the use of his house, while he is abroad.

(7) My world is silent( ), to accommodate no less than others.

(8) She tried to accommodate her way of life to his.

(9) The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.

(10) It was very kind of you to accommodate us withthe tickets of our journey.

(11) The new policies fail to accommodate the disabled.

(12) They must accommodate themselves to the situation.

(13) The island was used to accommodate child refugees.

(14) The hotel can accommodate 600 guests.

(15) One flat can accommodate a family of five.

(16) The car park can accommodate about 200 cars.

(17) The ballroom can accommodate 400 people.

(18) The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.

(19) I will accommodate my plans to yours.

(20) I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible.

(21) The bank will accommodate you with a loan.

(22) The lens of the eye accommodate to distance.

(23) Will this lift accommodate 10 people?

(24) They erected a marquee to accommodate 500 wedding guests.

(25) Some find it hard to accommodate themselves to the new working conditions.

(26) Can you accommodate me with the loan of one hundred US dollars?

(27) The idea that the United States could harmoniously accommodate all was a fiction.

(28) Life can not fade , the multiple spot color can’t accommodate oneself to wonderful just now best[],alive.

(29) The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children.

(30) He has never put an arm around his wife to accommodate photographers.

More similar words: commodity, to date, up to date, in common, commonly, be good at, accompany, tobacco, account, according, account for, accounting, accord with, recommendation, on account of, according to, moderate, mandate, candidate, update, accomplishment, accountability, accomplishments, out of date, take into account, in accordance with, date back to, accurate, communicate, accurately. 

Definition of Accommodate

to fulfill a request or meet the needs of

Examples of Accommodate in a sentence

When I told my manager I was going to school at night, he told me he would try and accommodate my preference to work on the day shift.


Frank and Joan hoped the hotel could accommodate their request for a one-bedroom suite on their anniversary.


To accommodate customers with late work schedules, the store is extending its hours until ten in the evening Monday through Friday.


Our cabin on the cruise ship can accommodate up to four guests.


When the new prison is built, it will accommodate eight hundred inmates.


Do you think the roaster is big enough to accommodate this gigantic turkey?


The hotel’s business elite rooms come equipped with a printer and computer and are designed to accommodate professional travellers.


After John became partially paralyzed, he hired a contractor to modify his bathroom so it would accommodate his physical needs.


We moved to a bigger house when our starter home became too small too accommodate our growing family.


Since the local jeweler cannot accommodate my request for emerald earrings, I will contact a jeweler in a nearby town.


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How to use accommodate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «accommodate» and check conjugation/comparative form for «accommodate«. Mastering all the usages of «accommodate» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«We’re here to accommodate you, not to accommodate us,» the senator said.
«We’re here to accommodate you, not to accommodate us,» Grassley said, a little sheepishly.
It can accommodate six guests and be customized to accommodate two crew members as well.
Twitter is a feed that is very text-based, but certainly can accommodate pictures, can accommodate video.
The Good Place will accommodate Eleanor, just as she will accommodate it, and all will be well.
We were able to accommodate 10 news outlets and provided a livestream for those we could not accommodate.
We were able to accommodate 85033 news outlets and provided a livestream for those we could not accommodate.
«The social compact has to accommodate these new technologies,» he says, «and our economic models have to accommodate them.»
«We were able to accommodate 10 news outlets and provided a live stream for those we could not accommodate,» Mr. Wilcox said.
This pattern suggests that Reddit has done far more to accommodate The_Donald than The_Donald has done to accommodate Reddit’s community standards and good-faith guidelines.
At the very least, it has to have copious amounts of dead air to accommodate all that riffing, and a decent print to accommodate today’s giant HD television screens.
To accommodate the influx, Dr. Atai-Omoruto pushed beds closer together and put mattresses in the corridors, creating space to accommodate over 200 patients; the clinic’s original capacity was 120.
«We can accommodate you on the next flight, but if you keep this up we will not be able to accommodate you,» the pilot can be seen telling an upset Saleh.
» Yet, she added, «we nonetheless wish to accommodate KNIC.
» She added: «We’re trying to accommodate who we can.
How do they accommodate athletes while maintaining appropriate academic standards?
To accommodate these changes, the financial industry needs an overhaul.
Who would give up land to accommodate a forgotten brook?
Our immigration policies mostly accommodate those who come to work.
«If he needs private briefings we can accommodate,» Manafort answered.
It’s bad because doctors are unwilling to accommodate transgender patients.
Players are going to keep moving, and games should accommodate.
EST Wednesday, which will stay open to accommodate public mourners.
The vessel is also being used to accommodate the delegation.
The desire to accommodate all of them leads to repetitiveness.
Because the Fed will not be able to accommodate that.
The operating ranch can accommodate about 1,000 cattle and horses.
They’re even planning to adapt their house to accommodate him.
Imagine trying to find a babysitter to accommodate that schedule.
But if you want a refund, the company will accommodate.
The square was redesigned especially to accommodate the giant head.
But it could not accommodate Citi’s brokerage or trading businesses.
«I’d like to accommodate them, if we can,» Trump said.
But life is usually messier than these calculators can accommodate.
There are six balcony waves scheduled to accommodate public demand.
The lab has 2404 work benches to accommodate them all.
I’ll be happy to accommodate your schedule during school hours.
No need to find a special restaurant that can accommodate.
The media has to stop trying to accommodate false equivalencies.
There’s Happy Pizza places in town where people accommodate that.
To accommodate her new size, she has needed bigger clothes.
The design would accommodate 900 passengers per level, per hour.
Once again, the Touch Bar changed to accommodate new tools.
Why can’t your manager move things around to accommodate you?
Shareholders cannot reasonably modify valuation assumptions to accommodate such swings.
During rush hour, it automatically swells to accommodate more pedestrians.
The rat traps can accommodate up to 80 rat carcasses.
The socks have a narrower profile to accommodate women’s feet.
The yacht can accommodate 12 guests and 12 crew members.
Time and again, outside powers were forced to accommodate them.
And they always want enough space to accommodate a crew.
However, prices vary widely to accommodate a range of budgets.
It serves meals, sells fuel and can accommodate 50 guests.
We’re happy to accommodate homes on the Upper East Side.
It also shifted match times to accommodate viewers in Asia.
Plus, finding someplace to accommodate animals was taken care of.
The village will expand to accommodate more than 100,000 residents.
She was forced to change jobs to accommodate this schedule.
Forget slits; his skirts have cutouts to accommodate entire limbs.
Most spaces accommodate queer people but aren’t designated that way.
Should it change the laws to accommodate the Sami people?
The Hyatt Regency was built in 286 to accommodate them.
Why aren’t our systems built to accommodate family and work?
Even traffic patterns have been adjusted to accommodate the team.
Already overburdened, healthcare providers must now accommodate a global pandemic.
She spread her crutches out to accommodate the stranger’s embrace.
Streets that accommodate more people are also better for business.
This mindset has pressed higher education to accommodate «customer» expectations.
The Knicks have leverage in not having to accommodate him.
A surge protector with rotating outlets to accommodate larger plugs?
Nightly rates from $397; some rooms can accommodate four people.
The local government has arranged 40,000 beds to accommodate them.
Some models of the mounting bases also accommodate wireless charging.
Carhartt designed the uniforms in order to accommodate such items.
Are there imaginative ways the city can accommodate more people?
Those are reasonable interests and wishes that we should accommodate.
But that has not been enough to accommodate the crowds.
Apartments these days just do not accommodate people who cook.
He eventually changes into maternity pants to accommodate the bird.
Southwest also told CNN that it would accommodate passengers accordingly.
«It’s a facility that could accommodate the team,» Short said.
That classification had to be created specifically to accommodate him.
The new office will accommodate those employees across five floors.
Delta worked to accommodate other passengers on the diverted flight.
A smaller craft, the Celebrity Xploration, will accommodate 2000 guests.
«I just feel that they should accommodate us,» she said.
You’re going to accommodate the security threats as they exist.
The bus company’s policy required drivers to accommodate such requests.
People just had to accommodate themselves to it over decades.
A flatter face to accommodate a mouse’s snout wasn’t working.
UPS, the Supreme Court took the law one step further and found that employers who accommodate most non-pregnant workers with injuries or disabilities must also accommodate most pregnant workers in the same way.
Most airlines will try to accommodate allergy sufferers by reseating them.
KUDLOW: And we’re going to do whatever we can to accommodate.
» He continues: «In our bar, we accommodate every kind of request.
It’s bad because the President is unwilling to accommodate transgender people.
However, he did say that the store «will accommodate» most specifications.
I have since pivoted my career path to accommodate that flexibility.
«I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers,» Munoz said.
Uber’s arbitration amendment wasn’t the company’s only push to accommodate survivors.
Beyond that a multi-tier Europe should accommodate widely differing countries.
Contracts can prohibit modification of materials to accommodate people with disabilities.
Each flight can accommodate up to six passengers at a time.
And clearly, we expect that our strategy needs to accommodate that.
It can accommodate eight guests and two to three crew members.
The city would have to accommodate many thousands of new residents.
Can you accommodate a lot of interest from a production standpoint?
We normally will accommodate their needs through a local secure facility.
Think a men’s fitted dress shirt, but designed to accommodate breasts.
ET Wednesday, as it will stay open to accommodate public mourners.
Wink’s app now has increased functionality to accommodate the Lookout package.
BOKA Powell said its design can accommodate 1,000 takeoffs and landings.
Eggs are large cells, with room to accommodate these extra molecules.
The lockers are varying sizes to accommodate different types of deliveries.
«You can accommodate and cover a lot of things,» says Rajewski.
As for the higher cost … «We try to accommodate,» said Peter.
Uber may have to accommodate local authorities in a similar way.
He hopes the expanded scheme will be able to accommodate him.
In particular, how far should a liberal society accommodate illiberal immigrants?
We continue through the fair, stopping constantly to accommodate selfie requests.
Of course, not every home set up can accommodate that orientation.
Toronto’s mayor says the city cannot accommodate any more asylum seekers.
The new stage can be raised up to accommodate live dancers.
How could she possibly find a way to accommodate them all?
Forty-two percent said they plan to accommodate their adult children.
Sets were still being painted and constructed to accommodate the ep.
Chairs, blood pressure cuffs, and gowns might not accommodate larger bodies.
In recent years, GoPro’s hardware strategy has shifted to accommodate smartphones.
One thing he’s not willing to do is accommodate Romero’s ego.
This strong internal liquidity should comfortably accommodate small scale business additions.
One new development alone is being built to accommodate 100,000 households.
Germany is well-placed to accommodate the expected moderate fiscal loosening.
Outdoor parking in the rear can accommodate six to eight cars.
The organizers built four new garages to accommodate the additional entries.
We felt like outsiders, and New York seemed to accommodate that.
Wider aisles between the seats can accommodate wheelchairs, strollers, or bikes.
The Iraqi government plans camps to accommodate up to 150,000 more.
When I can, I try to accommodate people’s feelings and positions.
They can accommodate up to $100,000 without affecting means-tested benefits.
«They can’t accommodate the current and projected passenger growth,» he added.
This wall mount can accommodate TVs between 46 and 95 inches.
It consists of four canvas lodges that can accommodate eight guests.
The roads are not built to accommodate the influx of people.
The blimp can accommodate two overnight guests and will cost $150.
«I apologize for having to re-accommodate these passengers,» Munoz said.
«The human body cannot accommodate sudden changes of environment,» warned Fujimoto.
How do you accommodate that in any kind of budgetary process?
Some of these regions are large, and accommodate many different functions.
«We have got ample headroom to accommodate expansion opportunities,» Ralphs added.
Eventually, a town was built to accommodate the influx of employees.
The counties do nothing to accommodate the poor, and nothing changes.
The desk folds up on the wall to accommodate the bed.
In 2013, the Federal Communications Commission ordered Comcast to accommodate Bloomberg.
Nor can the hospital’s 6900 beds accommodate all who need care.
Why did this idea never become ecumenical enough to accommodate Muslims?
Most damaging, however, was that each also sought to accommodate China.
Also gives disaster shelters the option to accommodate evacuees with firearms.
Twilley loves to paint and doesn’t try to accommodate the viewer.
How does a government accommodate people of unconventional lifestyles and beliefs?
Then I was like, I can’t accommodate that in my apartment.
Hence, the team embarked on their mission to accommodate those users.
It hurts that discussion, too, when the table can’t accommodate us.
Some apps accommodate those who are hard of hearing or seeing.
«We are looking with this plan to accommodate that,» he said.
Possibly the roof of the truck couldn’t accommodate any more putrefaction.
When beliefs clash, people and government need to accommodate those differences.
It also comes in three finishes to accommodate different door designs.
Many of the resort’s eight dining venues can accommodate large groups.
Its primary airport, Ataturk, can barely accommodate its current teeming masses.
He also cautioned parents not to accommodate their children’s avoidance strategies.
FreshDirect is adding timeslots and restocking products constantly to accommodate demand.
It will ultimately be able to accommodate up to 15,000 workers.
Can a democratic society accommodate those whose questioning goes so deep?
Jettly is tripling its flight support staff to accommodate the demand.
REPORTER: Does the deal you are working on accommodate these points?
Mr. Trump’s national message does virtually nothing to accommodate those voters.
My wife (his stepmother) tries to accommodate him at family meals.
But the internet was built to accommodate these spikes in activity.
The existing city barracks on Wards Island cannot accommodate the expansion.
«Accommodate» was also the most misspelled word for users of Dictionary.
What’s required is we need to reasonably accommodate a person’s beliefs.
Each of the two rooms can accommodate up to seven customers.
There aren’t enough jobs, houses and services to accommodate these people.
Airlines would also no longer have to accommodate emotional support animals.
It measures 6.2 x 3 inches in order to accommodate it.
The canal needs another upgrade to accommodate new «ultra-large» vessels.
But most schools do not have the space to accommodate them.
» But, he went on, «we cannot accommodate a wheelchair-bound patient.
A standard car wouldn’t be able to accommodate Noah’s needs, either.
Even the doors here are in funny places, to accommodate pieces.
Most sleeping bags come in different sizes to accommodate different people.
The products were designed to accommodate all hair types and hairstyles.
The set just expanded to accommodate twice its 22-person audience.
Can the city accommodate the pace and volume of the counterrevolution?
But regulators have so far proved eager to accommodate SpaceX’s plans.
Most of its tunnels are too narrow to accommodate bench walls.
As for the others, «we can’t accommodate encroachers,» Mr. Akhtar said.
Many players share intel about setups to accommodate specific physical needs.
Small tries to accommodate her players’ educational, professional and family responsibilities.
A former storage space, it can accommodate only about 13 people.
» Manafort wrote that if Deripaska «needs private briefings we can accommodate.
Maybe it’s because our lockers can’t accommodate a decent-size pitchfork.
These organs swell to accommodate their new citizens, which can hurt.
Most importantly, how large of a tree will the stand accommodate?
It comes and goes with the sun; they must accommodate it.
Touchstones Rochdale is much bigger, so we could accommodate bigger works.
When are they going to change the laws to accommodate me?
Good software accommodates its users, rather than ask them to accommodate it.
He also said there will be adjustments to accommodate Obama’s security detail.
It can even accommodate older Apple devices, including the OG iPod classic.
Whatever you grab, the Snipping Tool window expands to accommodate the screen.
We had to move our TV distinctly off center to accommodate it.
Expect IS to have adapted its laundering tactics to accommodate both approaches.
That depends on having enough courtroom and detention space to accommodate them.
Many of Georgia’s smaller counties can’t accommodate a trial of this size.
We had more investors that wanted to invest than we could accommodate.
These will also accommodate more sizes and provide more comfort and mobility.
In order to accommodate new aircraft, you have to adjust the airport.
Below deck, the yacht can accommodate eight guests and two crew members.
He’s now planning to build missions that accommodate the dreams of soldiers.
The school didn’t accommodate her the way they were legally supposed to.
Unfortunately, the studio was unwilling to accommodate me and terminated my services.
Night buses are also expected to run to accommodate the new service.
It currently has the capacity to accommodate 103,000 people across its centers.
Only two reactors were built on a site meant to accommodate four.
However, this leaves barely enough backseat room to accommodate two small children.
In Baltimore, shelters added hundreds of extra beds to accommodate the homeless.
But there are not enough large-berth marinas to accommodate the demand.
A few other state fairs have made similar efforts to accommodate guests.
The theater opened a second screening room to accommodate the sizable crowd.
The Paris Agreement was designed to accommodate entire nations, not individual cities.
To accommodate this, Enlighted created an innovative financing model for its customers.
Another strategy might be restructuring the retail business to accommodate electric vehicles.
Urwicz said he eventually wants Birdie to accommodate smartphones and other cameras.
The new space will give the company room to accommodate additional staff.
That meant it could only accommodate men in accordance with local law.
But that doesn’t mean the military is fully equipped to accommodate them.
Some worry whether the country’s current workforce can accommodate these newly insured.
Cities will have to decide how to accommodate autonomous and electric vehicles.
He also used government vehicles to help accommodate his political events schedule.
Kylie’s rental was ridiculous … 3 oceanside villas that could accommodate 54 guests.
The issue’s pretty obvious … not enough spaces to accommodate Tesla’s growing staff.
Sadly, most stores in Turkey are not built to accommodate large birds.
With decrepit infrastructure, how will the country accommodate its growth going forward?
Some analysts say output can accommodate many of the new transportation lines.
This charging station can accommodate four USB devices and one Qi device.
It is challenging for a speech recognition model to accommodate for everything.
Reporters who don’t accommodate Spicer’s ridiculous deceit will thus be highly empowered.
There’s no way the subway can accommodate thousands of sweaty club kids.
And many buildings lack the electrical paneling necessary to accommodate full electrification.
Gamers, it seems, are even adapting their travel plans to accommodate gameplay.
There are many occasions where we cannot accommodate requests for safe shelter.
If your luggage can’t accommodate a gift, find something when you arrive.
Meesho also plans to extend its platform to accommodate new product lines.
We built small sets to accommodate whatever he had to interact with.
One reason is that they have been painfully slow to accommodate it.
The joy disappeared in the effort to accommodate people and their stuff.
But federal officials had seemed eager to accommodate, or even reward, Gilead.
Anne’s response to the scene is to restore order and accommodate disruption.
Our seaports are unequipped to accommodate growth in the movement of freight.
They quickly bought a bigger model to accommodate their family of seven.
The Ketchum place could easily accommodate Miller’s four hundred and fifty guitars.
To accommodate the growing inmate population, the prison built more cell blocks.
Of course, the Senate chamber cannot accommodate all 535 members of Congress.
We also had to accommodate someone else’s schedule at someone else’s location.
It can comfortably accommodate moderate lending growth or regulation-driven RWA inflation.
In Fitch’s view, Germany can comfortably accommodate such a moderate fiscal easing.
There aren’t enough slots in U.S. vet schools to accommodate all applicants.
The yacht can accommodate 18 guests and a staff of 55 people.
The five-deck superyacht would accommodate 14 guests and 31 crew members.
Like other Kidkraft homes, it can accommodate dolls up to 12 inches.
It has 3 boardrooms that can accommodate up to 20 people each.
Russell did not explain how Britain might accommodate two separate migration policies.
«[My dad] would always accommodate my random creative whims,» Parker says, affectionately.
Employers said they had gone a long way to accommodate the union.
Luckily, they have a gorgeous backyard living area to accommodate their guests.
Later, Mr. Welbourne hopes to accommodate users of Apple iPhones as well.
What are the major challenges cities will face to accommodate driverless cars?
Some contend that the limited spectrum can accommodate sharing among multiple interests.
The vessel can accommodate up to 10 guests and 10 crew members.
I’ll design a workout plan to accommodate my increasingly troublesome left knee.
Having parents that over-accommodate could be perpetuating pre-existing anxiety disorders.
A pluralist, democratic society can accommodate a good amount of such disagreement.
There’s also a kosher menu and modified meals to accommodate therapeutic diets.
We now have over 200 students and the hall cannot accommodate everyone.
The aircraft was also built to accommodate jet lag and atmospheric needs.
Even the interstitial scenes necessary to accommodate set changes flow notably smoothly.
The waffle maker has seven different browning settings to accommodate all tastes.
Their products are manufactured to accommodate both right- and left-handed users.
Until the music was lowered to accommodate Tyson Chandler’s interview with reporters.
In the right conditions, that half acre could easily accommodate 150 trees.
And most are open 24/7 to accommodate drivers on different schedules.
Some in academia are too ready to accommodate and appease intellectual fraud.
All they’re missing is a stage big enough to accommodate their personalities.
A new port (the Olympic Port) was built to accommodate increased tourism.
Refusing to accommodate pregnant women is often completely legal under federal law.
He said they could accommodate my timeline and even help select materials.
If McDonald’s won’t accommodate you, I bet one of its competitors will.
If the guide can’t accommodate you, they may know someone who can.
«Tight construction schedules leave little flexibility to accommodate later deliveries of components.»
The center can sleep 20, and can accommodate 40 for meditation classes.
Big enough to accommodate a steady stream of camera-wielding tree lovers.
The airlines say they will accommodate passengers unwilling to fly the jet.
There are other ways doctor’s offices can accommodate more patients, he added.
In his plans, he designed wide streets that could accommodate public squares.
Deposition dates were shuffled around on Monday to accommodate events honoring Rep.
In these cases, the rent is higher to accommodate that escrowed amount.
Project Orca is designed to accommodate 12 guests and 14 crew members.
Many stores are opening hours earlier than usual to accommodate the rush.
Platforms designed to accommodate and harvest infinite data inspired an infinite scroll.
That deck can accommodate a child’s seat, but also an adult passenger.
Each set needed to be able to accommodate the camera&aposs path.
For the moment, might it be a good idea to accommodate yourself?
To accommodate this growth, Amazon will need people, and lots of them.
How are our global services and infrastructures going to accommodate these individuals?
To accommodate the crowds, the museum has extended hours, from 10 a.m.
The local tourist board came up with Morse walks to accommodate demand.
Buses are expected to accommodate 15 percent of displaced L train riders.
«Our network self-monitors to accommodate for increased demands,» Lam Abrams said.
It includes life-size houses that can accommodate children and adults alike.
Above, snow was brought in to accommodate a 2015 race in Anchorage.
He was not going to accommodate himself to the whims of others.
The next steps to accommodate more solar on the grid are clear.
When the new Yankee Stadium was built, the Yankees demanded about 9,300 spaces to accommodate their fans on game days, but the team has agreed to reduce the number of spaces by about 3,000 to accommodate the new project.
Therefore, although we accommodate all presidents, because we should, you cannot accommodate any president so much that you undercut the legitimacy of the institution in its own eyes, the eyes of the people, or in the eyes of history.
The downside is you lose a bunch of vertical pixels to accommodate them.
Construction projects are building in flexibility to accommodate technological advances, like driverless cars.
Once everyone has moved in, the buildings will accommodate more than 23.0,000 employees.
Its customized equipment was adapted from equestrian medical equipment to accommodate camel treatment.
Hours are expected to be extended to accommodate the high number of cases.
Simply finding enough empty ground to accommodate the refugees is a huge problem.
This ultimately led to a dedicated feature being rolled out to accommodate waving.
And no strand of rock could accommodate that mission more than prog rock.
State is «certainly appreciative of the effort to accommodate Secretary Tillerson,» Toner said.
I find that people are pretty open and always willing to accommodate me.
«We normally will accommodate their needs through a local secure facility,» Clapper said.
It also has more storage and can accommodate a passenger this time around.
BuzzFeed News could not accommodate this request in order to protect the sources.
HotelTonight has shifted its model to accommodate bookings up to a week ahead.
The Niko Hold is small, but it can accommodate plenty of compact gear.
Some say it can accommodate as much as 10, but we don’t know.
To accommodate the carless, the government said it would provide 3,000 extra buses.
I went fishing for options to accommodate your style aspirations and your breasts.
It can be mounted on a monitor arm to better accommodate different setups.
And various types of suits must be made to accommodate these different conditions.
The difference with Switch is the sheer range of experiences it can accommodate.
Apple is adding a new campus in Austin that can accommodate 15,000 workers.
Though it’s hard to imagine anyone not scrambling to accommodate a future duchess.
It can also accommodate car key fobs and even has a belt loop.
«The first way we accommodate change is by complaining about it,» LaRue said.
It is built to accommodate 18 guests and a staff of about 50.
It’s made of relatively attractive neutral colored canvas and can accommodate fabric drawers.
Its islands of Kish and Qeshm have hotels aplenty that could accommodate fans.
«The Democrats are already moving further to the left to accommodate Bernie supporters.»
But the life of a reality superstar doesn’t really accommodate recluses, does it?
Each pod will accommodate six passengers and a steward in case of emergencies.
But it claimed the existing budget for the program would accommodate the delay.
Camps have been set up to accommodate an expected flood of desperate families.
Nations will choose to accommodate a United States that trades strategically and fairly.
Extra space around the eyes was added, in order to better accommodate glasses.
And it’s considering building a housing compound to accommodate a coming hiring boom.
We reported to the city that almost no shelters accommodate people with disabilities.
Last year Coinbase struggled to accommodate a spike in demand for new accounts.
They are restructured to accommodate modern lifestyles by design intellect and aesthetic sensibilities.
Not only does it accommodate these new rhythms; it makes them look good.
So we need to find ways to accommodate more people in the city.
The federal government will actively find ways to accommodate people of all faiths.
«Think about not expanding your lifestyle to accommodate the new income,» he said.
In order to accommodate the design, Xiaomi had to move the selfie camera.
Our team worked to re-accommodate the party on the next available flight.
Have companies been increasing their limits of coverage to accommodate the potential exposure?
Just two years ago, Peru had introduced new migratory laws to accommodate Venezuelans.
To her credit, she refuses to accommodate that binary viewpoint with her paintings.
China’s economy should, in theory, be able to accommodate many of the unemployed.
It teaches you that the world is big enough to accommodate us all.
Joyus specifically created this bag to specially accommodate every single workout must-have.
Inclusive, or adaptive, playgrounds are meticulously designed to accommodate children of all abilities.
That could pressure it to cut interest rates further to accommodate these bonds.
To accommodate the more powerful GPU, Microsoft reengineered the thermals in the base.
Post-war German politicians never foresaw having to accommodate Islam within this framework.
During exam periods, in order to accommodate students, we don’t have any parties.
If you knew you couldn’t accommodate, you shouldn’t have put me through this.
Instead, the game evolved to accommodate teams that combine human and machine players.
It would have necessitated extensive training and infrastructure to accommodate all those samples.
It would have been kinder for your daughter-in-law to accommodate you.
Western cities can often accommodate their growing populations by squeezing more people in.
And then there’s the fact that Republicans need to accommodate key Trump priorities.
The pickup area, they said, wasn’t big enough to accommodate all their cars.
The ending — with one tweak to accommodate today’s bulkier mattresses — is the same.
Like the main house, it’s a warm and rustic abode to accommodate guests …
Most will go to school part-time to accommodate a full-time job.
They also don’t come with tips in varying sizes to accommodate different preferences.
«The statue was not built to accommodate millions of people,» Mr. Briganti said.
But airport operators are already preparing to accommodate a bigger-than-usual surge.
Washington (CNN)What happens if the American flag needs to accommodate another star?
Some Australian strategists argue that we must do more to accommodate China’s rise.
Engineers were also modifying the Florida launch pad and tower to accommodate Vulcan.
The massive chef’s kitchen can accommodate as many as four chefs working simultaneously.
And her shirts are a boxier cut, to accommodate guys of varying heights.
For families, the tent’s seating area can be configured to accommodate additional beds.
Delta said it added a «handful» of flights on Monday to accommodate travelers.
Many other presidents made changes to the White House to accommodate their workouts.
You’ll then have more room to accommodate new hires without downsizing existing workspaces.
The stuff they’ve had the last 20 years might not accommodate them now.
«Our team worked to re-accommodate the party on the next available flight.»
Mock-Georgian houses feature large paved driveways, to accommodate the caravans parked outside.
Unfortunately, right now, the business model has not really evolved to accommodate that.
A large new parking has been built alongside the road to accommodate tourists.
But airlines also have to consider how their ground operations will accommodate electrics.
We were scared—at first we didn’t know if we could accommodate them.
Each move was meant to accommodate a new phase in the family’s development.
After a brief service, the vigil moved outside to accommodate a larger crowd.
Social media companies have been revising their business models to accommodate the transition.
What about the educational system that doesn’t accommodate all sectors of the community?
«There is no way Beijing can accommodate them, appease them,» Mr. Zhang said.
In order to accommodate the new product, Lopez had to build new lines.
The bank also became known for doing more than rivals to accommodate customers.
The movable parts offer 49 possible configurations to accommodate a range of projects.
Yet I have reoriented my life to accommodate my obligation to say Kaddish.
The camp, designed to accommodate 20,000 people, is now sheltering more than 66,000.
«We cannot accommodate in Florida just dumping unlawful migrants into our state,» Gov.
And the electoral system as it stands is not able to accommodate. Education.
Now there is also a stylish hotel to accommodate the crowds flocking there.
The Senate and House postponed or canceled votes to accommodate the funeral, too.
Netflix isn’t the only streaming site making changes to accommodate the high demand.
» On egalitarian prayer spaces: «The Western Wall is long enough to accommodate everyone.
The Jewish coming-of-age ceremony stretches to accommodate the new gender fluidity.
Sometimes the energy shifted to accommodate a drop-in guest with fresh ideas.
And I think he’s tried to accommodate that by giving subsidies in places.
Fox tries to accommodate people with special circumstances, such as life-threatening illnesses.
Ordinary Russians are going out of their way to accommodate thousands of guests.
His contract with UConn will presumably be adjusted to accommodate his new job.
If you really believe coal is the future, the quota can accommodate that.
Voting machines may not accommodate people who use wheelchairs or are visually impaired.
This $8 million ski-in, ski-out chalet in Whistler, Canada, should accommodate.
Funeral services for children are staggered, so as to accommodate a broken community.
They’ve added private rooms and renovated shared ones to accommodate only one person.
There are multiple seating areas in the outdoor space to accommodate large groups.
The house is designed to accommodate 14 guests, according to its Airbnb listing.
Once I’d figured out the substitutions, I tweaked the recipe to accommodate them.
Sometimes we are able to alter the activity to accommodate my pain level.
Airline caterers often modify their recipes to accommodate for the loss in taste.
The revamp plan also included expanding the mall to accommodate new entertainment options.
The operator’s website said its S-76 helicopters accommodate up to nine passengers.
Kennedy, I wish there were more we could do to accommodate your wishes.
How do we accommodate all that, and then how do we resource it?
That’s a lot of work to accommodate a new(ish) form of transportation.
Until recently, smartphone makers needed to create larger phones to accommodate larger displays.
The wedding was scheduled for St. Patrick’s Day to accommodate Uncle Teddy’s schedule.
Many are happening in nursing homes around the state to accommodate the elderly.
She opened the restaurant an hour early to accommodate Adelaide and her family.
Gateway’s master plan calls for an investment of $722 million to accommodate growth.
The Flying Bum can accommodate over 16 overnight passengers and 40 dining passengers.
It wasn’t the first time the Andreescus had to scramble to accommodate Coco.
She will make adjustments to the nest’s décor, modifying to accommodate the brood.
You’ll have no real choice but to accommodate his ever-changing life circumstances.
ET every day to accommodate Justice Roberts&apos schedule for the Supreme Court.
To accommodate additional guests, the lounge can also be converted into a bedroom.
It’s not impossible to accommodate big tour groups, but it’s far more challenging.
It would be thrilling to accommodate them, but we’re not quite there yet.
Part of that involved tweaking the environment design to better accommodate the camera.
That’s what I call hijacking the regular committee process to accommodate political interests.
«We are flexible enough to accommodate any of our neighbors’ creativity,» he said.
They are also expanding production and hope to accommodate 8,000 members by March.
» Americans, Grossman told us, must accommodate to a future of «armed people everywhere.
It imported more than 1,000 Mercedes-Benzes to accommodate the influx of foreigners.
Reggiana played in a large stadium that could eventually accommodate upper-league crowds.
The same agents would accommodate white testers who did not meet that condition.
China as I think has every interest in finding a way to accommodate.
Sidewalks will be expanded to accommodate the extra crowds waiting at the stops.
«It seemed like they really wanted to accommodate me,» Father Ramsey said afterward.
Do you feel as if society is built to accommodate your sleep cycle?
» United CEO Oscar Munoz publicly apologized «for having to re-accommodate these customers.
There will be a live stream in an adjacent room to accommodate overflow.
The sign of anus stretching to accommodate the load really gets me going.
But that’s changing, and Silicon Valley’s consumer giants are moving to accommodate that.
If anything, she seemed unable to accommodate herself to the world around her.
The monastery is large enough to accommodate 250-300 students at a time.
But Capitol Hill is still learning how to accommodate its surge of women.
But it could also accommodate politicians who didn’t want to do those things.
I definitely think the E-Pace has the width to accommodate five people and a reasonably large pile of their things at the back, but the car just feels like it needs to be a bit longer to accommodate everyone properly.
«We’re pleased that Amtrak now says it can accommodate all of our wheelchair riders tomorrow for no additional fee, but we remain deeply concerned about its new policy charging disabled customers huge fees to remove seats to accommodate wheelchairs,» she said.
I asked Huver and Sullivan if these issues were something they had to accommodate.
Many feel that there are too many of them (around 900,000) to accommodate indefinitely.
DeGeneres called on the airline to make some changes to accommodate parents like Deschanel.
It’s also a bit thinner, with a redesigned hinge to accommodate the size change.
People with cerebral palsy demonstrate adapted versions of the exercise to accommodate varying abilities.
«These are seniors whose rents were designed to accommodate high medical costs,» Couch said.
Another problem with the current controllers: there aren’t enough buttons to accommodate every finger.
As tourist arrivals surge, AOT said it will accommodate demand by developing airport infrastructure.
And we can’t really dumb down engine development just to accommodate new entries, right?
And for $165,000 CDN, Quebec City could have done much more to accommodate cyclists.
I am worried where to accommodate such a large number of North Korean people.
The congressional leaders were picky about their pens, and Trump worked to accommodate everyone.
Over the years, Twitter has tried to alter its timeline to accommodate these conversations.
Rebecca is just beginning to show, her body curving out to accommodate their future.
Finally, the Republican Party needs to change at the policy level to accommodate women.
This makes it hard to design products that can accommodate every individual’s specific desires.
«She did a lot of things to accommodate him,» says the close family friend.
Besides being able to accommodate last minute bookings, Snappr’s main benefit is its affordability.
It also hired a translator to accommodate Chinese shareholders—a first for the restaurant.
The van also had to accommodate a slightly more unusual demand: housing a bed.
STEVE EASTERBROOK: We look to design the restaurants to accommodate each and every need.
This means we need to make sure the facility can accommodate both their needs.
Aside from obsolescence, Amazon removed that ring to accommodate the Echo’s new customizable skins.
The hospital in Slavutich is so strapped for cash it can’t accommodate specialized needs.
China has different values and different interests which it would like others to accommodate.
Donald Trump brought up the fact that he would — he’d want to accommodate Russia.
«If he needs private briefings we can accommodate,» Manafort wrote, according to the Post.
Until recently, unless your phone could accommodate two SIMs, you were out of luck.
And I just … it blows my mind how willing reporters are to accommodate us.
But how can discussions on the EU accommodate citizens who distrust the whole enterprise?
Another way to bind the generations together is to accommodate younger family members’ priorities.
Bigelow says the habitat can accommodate up to six crew members at a time.
Building more affordable housing in those cities would allow them to accommodate more people.
The Pentagon’s lumbering acquisition system will find it hard to accommodate any of this.
Faced with unprecedented overcrowding, the jail administration had to find ways to accommodate them.
As large as the car is, it can accommodate only three people at most.
He also said that America and North Korea should «accommodate each other’s reasonable concerns».
Traditionally, stores used to open on Friday at 6AM to accommodate the extra traffic.
The Rams are obliged to design their stadium to accommodate a second N.F.L. team.
That, they argue, includes the increasingly pitched battle over bathrooms that accommodate transgender people.
To accommodate different tastes and schedules, she encourages families to eat some meals separately.
What’s happening: VW, Toyota and Renault have concept AVs that could accommodate wheelchair users.
In response, the TEDWomen conference made substantial changes this year to accommodate nursing moms.
It will accommodate 10,000-TEU ships, the largest that can pass through the Bosporus.
CEO Oscar Munoz used the word «re-accommodate» to describe the man’s bloody encounter.
So either the frame gets bigger to accommodate it or the battery gets smaller.
Start-ups are also developing ways to accommodate the kingdom’s last-mile delivery quirks.
The Swiss daily Blick said the planes can accommodate 17 passengers and three crew.
This juncture, Doyle said, should be able to accommodate the addition of other operators.
By the way, if you wanna have a ‘Black Panther’ party, we’ll accommodate that.
Assam protested, seeing it as an attempt to accommodate Bengali Hindus in their state.
He said the company was applying for more airline seats to accommodate tour bookings.
The seat belts will be able to shift to accommodate passengers of varying widths.
BPI moved modular offices into town to accommodate its legal team, the company said.
The cities for not creating proper pathways (like bike lanes) to accommodate e-scooters?
The company also said it raised prices to accommodate higher transportation and commodity costs.
Plus, this converter is sturdy enough to accommodate double monitors (up to 33 pounds).
Called GoRide, the fleet has 15 transit vans to accommodate people with varying needs.
«You have to accommodate your pasts within your persona,» Mr Bowie reflected in 1990.
We’re told the location was chosen to accommodate the thousands expected to show up.
They even shifted the Touch ID button a bit to accommodate the larger screen.
Those regulations must be redrawn to better accommodate the needs of the rural economy.
With the introduction of high-frequency trading, dark pools began to accommodate smaller trades.
Delta said it was working to accommodate customers whose travel plans had been affected.
But the Pacifica hybrid minivan is a larger vehicle that can accommodate more passengers.
Extra work has been required to accommodate the donations, costing about $40,000 per month.
I’ll accommodate my mother’s incredibly specific instructions for slicing potatoes when I help prep.
For students looking to accommodate several different personalities in a single trip, consider Tampa.
But, as ever, there is also a limit to her willingness to accommodate Britain.
In fact, Israel even had to move its election day to accommodate Spears’ performance.
The Democratic National Committee is still figuring out how to accommodate so many candidates.
Delta told NBC that the airline cannot guarantee that flights can accommodate such requests.
Rental-car companies are reporting increased demand for bigger vehicles to accommodate the generations.
I was pleased that the wide-open grid could accommodate several zippy long downs.
«If he needs private briefings we can accommodate,» Manafort wrote, according to the paper.
Thriving places could do more to build the housing and infrastructure to accommodate newcomers.
The mansion can accommodate up to four adult guests and costs $101.10 per night.
«James went on to say that they «finally found a place to accommodate us.
A spiral or conical base is easily adjusted to accommodate different-size tree branches.
With something like Orbis, they also require an airport able to accommodate a plane.
Apple is redesigning the Music app for Macs to accommodate the elimination of iTunes.
Some models fit two to four adults; larger ones accommodate six or more adults.
» They wrote that Patten was instead «blinded by a desire to accommodate his client.
The university sought to accommodate protesters as applications plummeted and entire dorms were closed.
Location: Amsterdam, NetherlandsPrices: Start at $132 per nightThe suites can accommodate two guests each.
It closed in 2017 but reopened in March last year to accommodate an influx.
They also come with three sizes of rubber tips to accommodate different ear sizes.
It also had to accommodate 20-plus people, including the band members and staff.
ALL BUDGETS ARE WELCOME Train vacations can accommodate both luxury and cost-conscious travelers.
«We are certainly appreciative of the effort to accommodate Secretary Tillerson,» Toner told reporters.
But unexpected surges in demand in these areas would have been tough to accommodate.
Meanwhile, providers and insurance plans rack up administrative costs as they accommodate these changes.
There are extra L.I.R.R. and extra Metro-North trains running to accommodate the parade.
Our goal is really to accommodate a wide variety of different cultural learning styles.
Fitch believes the ratings provide sufficient capacity to accommodate the company’s capital allocation policy.
But venues in Brooklyn and Manhattan are not fit to accommodate thousands of people.
Its deep port is able to accommodate aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and other ships.
Elsewhere, tiny 20-square-metre homes are being built in gardens to accommodate refugees.
Phoenix Sky Harbor airport also has longer runways to accommodate flights on hot days.
It’s not as if the school didn’t try to accommodate her, by its lights.
Why wouldn’t tennis accommodate a motherhood trend the way it did a fitness craze?
Russia, the tournament’s host, has relaxed laws against public gatherings to accommodate celebrating fans.
For people who decide to cancel their travel, airlines are preparing to accommodate them.
Just two years ago, Peru had introduced new migratory laws to accommodate Venezuelan migrants.
The rerouting of Amtrak trains to Grand Central will accommodate another set of repairs.
They’re under growing political pressure to accommodate moderates, but they’re still very powerful themselves.
«We should not sacrifice any more Texas lives simply to accommodate a legislative calendar.»
Airlines are not required to accommodate certain service animals, including ferrets, rodents and reptiles.
This influx of Chinese students overwhelmed universities that were not prepared to accommodate them.
There are different paces, and you have to realize that, and accommodate each other.
«If this is what’s on her mind, we’ve got to accommodate it,» she said.
Of course, this six-people-per-stage formula can only accommodate about 18 candidates.
Professors try to accommodate students in individual conferences by working in their preferred language.
The grandma had one mosquito bed net that could accommodate a couple of children.
Rather, communities choose not to make the political choices necessary to accommodate more people.
There are not enough beds at the silent vegan meditation centers to accommodate them.
The administration plans to open 2450 shelters over five years to accommodate the homeless.
«I will beat anyone’s rates and accommodate parents according to their schedule,» it read.
Still, Halep felt that more could be done by the WTA to accommodate players.
They also added auxiliary spillways at the ends of each reservoir to accommodate overflow.
As satellites have shrunk, new launch providers have popped up to accommodate these vehicles.
Berkeley bent over backward to accommodate Yiannopoulos, and the event’s organizers ended up canceling.
The company was under pressure to make some kind of move to accommodate travelers.
But the seaside establishments that accommodate people in wheelchairs are few and far between.
Once inside, is the furniture designed and situated to accommodate someone with mobility issues?
And if we can do it, and our customers can accommodate it, we will.
Plans have been drafted to expand the auditorium so it can accommodate 1,800 people.
«The green wave doesn’t just accommodate people on bikes — it prioritizes them,» he said.
According to local lore, they even installed a helipad to accommodate oligarchs passing through.
«Business won&apost be in business if we don&apost accommodate consumers,» she said.
The large, expensive vehicles accommodate large, expensive batteries better than a compact sedan does.
Before the holiday, banks struggle to accommodate long lines of customers demanding fresh bills.
Before the holiday, banks struggle to accommodate long lines of customers seeking fresh bills.
He decided to redesign all three notes to accommodate the various views, and sooner.
A podium atop it provides three sides that could accommodate only the tenant’s signage.
The highway curves through ranchland, then briefly splits to accommodate Arlee’s five-block downtown.
The architects said the rear door was designed to accommodate the park’s sloping terrain.
The bus was built in 2017 and could accommodate 37 passengers including the driver.
«We can’t continue to accommodate a lot of the growth with cars,» she said.
«Business won’t be in business if we don’t accommodate consumers,» Perez told the BBC.
The Moria camp was built to accommodate 2,840 people but housed 19,500 on Feb.
I’d also lose the space that can now easily accommodate a small makeup bag.
As a result, companies need less space to accommodate the same number of workers.
The house can sleep more than 16 guests, so it can accommodate large parties.
The State Department said it was unable to accommodate everyone due to space limitations.
Most important, mesh networks better accommodate a shift in how people use technology today.
To accommodate more people, Catland added an additional mass hex event for November 3.
Maybe the thing was to accommodate the power, and work to change it later.
Can’t we all just agree that there’s plenty of room to accommodate many tastes?
Created to accommodate 3,000 people, more than 15,000 people are crammed into the facility.
The island can accommodate up to 36 people with a total of 19 rooms.
«Over time, technology will progress in ways these products are not able to accommodate
And what can we do to ensure that policy does acknowledge and accommodate menstruation?
«We are launching sizing without the ability to accommodate handicapped individuals,» the letter says.
Over time, technology will progress in ways these products are not able to accommodate.
The apartment can accommodate four guests with a current rate of $288 per night.
The space can accommodate six guests and is currently going for $329 a night.
The organization had to flip a banquet hall in the facility to accommodate migrants.
According to the cruise line’s website, the ship is able to accommodate 2,100 passengers.
The airlines all said they would work to accommodate passengers affected by the grounding.
That includes relocating thousands of people and building the necessary infrastructure to accommodate them.
The judges had to change to a different room to accommodate the large crowd.
Decide how many people you can comfortably accommodate, and narrow your invite list appropriately.
Arched recesses in the dining room were made to accommodate hutches and other storage.
So we have to change our editing system to accommodate the changes in journalism.
She now sells that design in two lengths to accommodate women of all heights.
At ZANU-PF’s congress, Mr. Mnangagwa’s staunchest allies showed little willingness to accommodate outsiders.
How does an institution built on order accommodate the gray areas of gender diversity?
Segway said the S-Pod could accommodate a payload of up to 265 pounds.
The city’s infrastructure can accommodate 150,103 people, but the current population is just 86,000.
This might accommodate your average flattened shoebox, but probably not a standard Amazon box.
They communicate those ideas clearly to publishers, who do their best to accommodate them.
Every inch is designed to accommodate the activities and needs of my creative life.
The biggest question, though, was how do you accommodate all the East River traffic?
And it’s really okay to be this way — we should accommodate and respect it.
In pre-trial proceedings, Menendez’s team fought hard for the court to accommodate his schedule, even requesting that the court delay proceedings until October to accommodate the start of the Senate session Tuesday — the day before the trial is due to commence.
Now, she said, she wonders how they would accommodate everyone seeking abortions in south Louisiana.
When the bakery wouldn’t accommodate his request, he «had a fit,» the Sun Sentinel reported.
Executives told the Austin Business Journal that the site could grow to accommodate 10,000 employees.
Casey’s room has been rearranged to accommodate her supply of ingredients and containers for packaging.
Like the company’s other mattresses, it can adjust each side independently to accommodate two sleepers.
More likely than not, Comcast isn’t looking for some limited breathing room to accommodate innovation.
And because I can’t change culture alone, I’ve decided to accommodate, not fight for justice.
Glass could help accommodate new shapes and provide a clear casing for a wraparound screen.
The rubbery surface flexes to accommodate rounder surfaces when you flip the dish over too.
Troy Price, the Iowa party chair, said he spent weeks planning to accommodate 19 speakers.
Eventually the Generative Design tool will accommodate other types of manufacturing beyond just additive design.
Think of it like a metal beanbag that crumples to accommodate a new, unexpected passenger.
Perfect for those dads who live in small spaces that can’t easily accommodate end tables.
The surrounding homes were not built to accommodate city dwellers for grand weekends of escape.
«You cannot accommodate refugees unless the leaders have a good attitude towards refugees,» he says.
Hilton, Marriott and Hyatt have built up new properties to accommodate the surge in demand.
The tree’s stump was used as a dance-floor, big enough to accommodate 40 people.
There’s no word on where the tunnel might go, only that it will accommodate cars.
To accommodate his return, the Brewers optioned pitcher Aaron Wilkerson to Triple-A San Antonio.
Its new airport terminal was designed to accommodate an improbable ten-fold jump in traffic.
Better for governments to manage the influx, building roads and schools to accommodate the newcomers.
The company says it’s adding 26 more buses to its fleet to accommodate the expansion.
The 11 camps completed or planned will only accommodate 120,000 people, according to the UNHCR.
«I basically just rearranged the components to accommodate the screen,» he wrote in the description.
Federal law requires employers to accommodate workers’ pregnancies in the same way as other disabilities.
Most editors were happy to accommodate Bernhardt even without the threat of a court case.
That’s a very bad thing to accommodate,» Unger said in an interview with «Closing Bell.
First, he must accommodate Renamo, which may not be any easier with Mr Dhlakama gone.
The reform shows that the central bank is no longer trying to accommodate competing objectives.
In 2016 at least two flights were delayed to accommodate politicians who were running late.
If almond milk is your dairy alternative of choice, Starbucks is about to accommodate you.
Even among serious musicians, few have homes of a size that can accommodate grand pianos.
Atlanta’s airport has only one gate that can accommodate the A380 — the world’s largest airliner.
It’s tough to find a bag that can accommodate a 17-inch laptop these days.
Because Riminder has seen resumes from around the world, regional variations are easy to accommodate.
After all, we often need to go up a size to accommodate our widest measurement.
Short-term spikes in leverage to accommodate modest acquisitions would be consistent with the rating.
I still don’t mind that, and I think most people can accommodate themselves to it.
If it’s going to be a true theory, it must accommodate the fine-tuning problem.
Illustrator Jasjyot Singh Hans draws fashion illustrations that accommodate the bodies the runway still won’t.
Boundary says the final bag will have gusseting at the bottom to accommodate smaller bottles.
But there has been no evidence that China is cutting prices to accommodate Trump’s tariffs.
The included Triton 663-in-1 cable can accommodate UCB-C and microUSB connections too.
Keep in mind Glaser isn’t talking about sprawling townhouses that can accommodate a large family.
She had forfeited a trip to the United Kingdom, including airfare, to accommodate the operation.
She’s also taken this year off, to accommodate her almost-daily travel and appearance schedule.
Middle Eastern countries sometimes refuse to accommodate films of a certain political nature, Higbee says.
Prisons hold 7373% more people than they can decently accommodate, by the government’s own standards.
The new building will enable to accommodate about 1,200 employees, HSBC said in a statement.
The state is embarking on a radical plan to revamp utility models to accommodate renewables.
«We have existing pipeline access to accommodate all of our oil sands production,» he said.
«This is something no gallery would tolerate, nor be large enough to accommodate,» they continued.
CL: Consumers who crave style, exclusivity, and adaptability to accommodate their transient and urban lifestyles.
Our local Nashville Employees are working diligently to accommodate those passengers on to their destination.
Hundreds of chairs were arranged with three aisles to accommodate people with questions and comments.
On the right, the return key has a little cutout to accommodate the back slash.
Kislyak couldn’t accommodate that request, so they tabled the idea, Kushner says in the statement.
The Copper Box Arena was built to accommodate the 2012 Summer Olympic games in London.
Even the smallest patio or balcony can accommodate a pot-grown Egg and Chips plant.
It has to accommodate a foot that might swell over the course of a game.
The system must have the flexibility to accommodate the organisation you and your users want.
Munoz’s now infamous use of the term ‘re-accommodate‘ led to widespread mockery and indignation.
Krzyzewski even canceled practice Monday to accommodate the closed-door meeting, according to The Undefeated.
And in doing so, accommodate the growing armada of cargo bikes with sufficiently wide lanes.
Federal law requires employers to accommodate workers’ pregnancies in the same way as physical disabilities.
To accommodate the larger volume, dealers began looking in earnest at overseas markets, especially Asia.
The campaign also wanted the museum closed for five hours to accommodate Trump. http://bit.
Our expectations as customers need to become more nuanced to accommodate changes in the narrative.
U.S. airports must ensure their facilities are able to accommodate increased passenger and cargo demand.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban refused to entertain moving playoff games to accommodate a convention.
The upgraded airport, when it is completed in 2030, will accommodate 760,000 passengers a year.
Kelley had long been fascinated by the way one language can accommodate many different speakers.
So far, a total of six camps have been built that can accommodate 50,000 people.
Pampered pooches have been spotted in LA Dodgers kits (adapted, naturally, to accommodate four legs).
Aleppo has lots of broad, French-style boulevards wide enough to accommodate the new stores.
Officials said they considered factors like which areas could accommodate growth, and had undervalued land.
Brian McKeon, a former Defense Department official, cautioned against changing the laws to accommodate Trump.
HBO added the show’s production schedule will be adjusted if needed to accommodate its star.
Their objective: dog-proof the jet to accommodate the trio of 150-pound Moscow Watchdogs.
He has used charter aircraft for official business in order to accommodate his demanding schedule.
Each one is as big as the terminal’s concourse, built to accommodate thousands of passengers.
Tranquility’s master suite and nine additional guest cabins can accommodate as many as 26 guests.
Hobart airport still needs to extend its runway to accommodate larger planes such as 747s.
Publishers juggle scheduling around to accommodate last-minute finishing touches on games that need them.
McDonald’s left Chicago and moved to the suburbs in 1971 to accommodate its rapid expansion.
The 2020 model has an option of adding a third row to accommodate seven passengers.
To accommodate these residents, Indonesia plans to develop hundreds of thousands of acres of land.
Such a size could accommodate space telescopes that astronomers may only dream of right now.
The duplex villas can each accommodate two kids and two adults, according to Kanu’s representative.
It was entirely the product of a wrong-headed effort to accommodate a client’s request.
It can also accommodate any brand or type headset, whether it be wired or wireless.
Only this past year did he rent a Manhattan apartment to accommodate his longer hours.
But we can accommodate mining, even here in the United States, without sacrificing bedrock principles.
In practice, though, fund-manager wallets are shrinking to accommodate the extra payments for research.
Or they can accommodate the rising power, allowing it a greater stake in the region.
The queen-sized bed sleeps two guests, while a couch can accommodate one other person.
The Obama administration then renegotiated the pacts to accommodate concerns from Democrats and industry groups.
According to MSR, the Shift’s binding can accommodate kids shoe sizes from 1 to 7.
Their inclination is to want to accommodate, to succeed, and to help the boss succeed.
According to the blueprint, Mitzpe Danny is projected to accommodate 189 permanent homes by 2040.
There are «never enough beds» to accommodate such cases, Patrick Cummiskey, of Wellpath, told me.
The new Lifeprinter is physically bigger to accommodate the larger prints, but barely more expensive.
In Utah, some Democratic caucus sites had to print additional ballots to accommodate the turnout.
The GM subsidiary is expanding its office space in San Francisco to accommodate the growth.
Bosnia has strengthened border controls and pledged to accommodate all migrants who apply for asylum.
The keypad can accommodate up to 250, though I can’t imagine anyone needs that many.
In Berlin, Rammstein will play the Olympiastadion, which can accommodate nearly seventy-five thousand people.
«There is a way for us to accommodate sacred lands of Native Americans,» he said.
Any attempt to accommodate him, any appraisal only leads him to go a step further.
The university has said that they will accommodate students who need to stay on campus.
At five and a half quarts, it’s big enough to accommodate long pasta like linguine.
But the world’s most popular destinations cannot expand to accommodate an infinite flood of visitors.
Some lenders already have policies in place to accommodate borrowers who are out of work.
After the explosion, the camera struggles to shift smoothly to accommodate MOAB’s enormous smoky remains.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association has moved the game up several hours to accommodate Yeshiva.
The regular Sunday matinee was shifted to the evening to accommodate Mr. Davies’s «Rinaldo» concert.
At many cemeteries, plots accommodate two stacked caskets (a «double-depth» grave, in funeral parlance).
The policies were typically part of an effort to accommodate employees in same-sex relationships.
That pool is 241 feet by 21969 feet and was designed to accommodate 2126,241 swimmers.
Cooking stations can accommodate up to 16 students for hands-on classes, 24 for demonstrations.
Officials in the South are struggling to accommodate the North’s Olympic delegation without breaking sanctions.
«How do you accommodate as many people as you can while still preserving the resource?»
He wanted to find ways to accommodate growing populations of people without harming the Earth.
There does have to be a revolution of form in order to accommodate different voices.
Some 100 smaller airfields were built around South Vietnam to accommodate helicopters and supply aircraft.
As president, the political system will not have to try to accommodate two power centers.
The fate of this report explains how Israel must change to accommodate modern Jewish realities.
You can filter your search results by «House Rules» to find places that accommodate pets.
Courtney said that her home needs multiple screens on at once to accommodate the lessons.
I welcome the opportunity to explore how best to accommodate the Frick Collection’s programmatic needs.
Developers can’t just lower the rents to accommodate demand and keep the projects financially viable.
Public schools like U.N.C. have an additional incentive to accommodate a full range of viewpoints.
The van has a pneumatic lift and can accommodate multiple large bodies at a time.
M.L.B. has already made compromises to accommodate the arrival of Ohtani and his extraordinary talent.
The beds had to be pushed together to accommodate Hammer, who is 6-foot-5.
If you need something a bit more down-to-earth, Boulder can accommodate that, too.
Beck says that’s because the smaller sized Electron couldn’t really accommodate this kind of recovery.
«When galleries fire someone instead of trying to accommodate their injury, that’s discrimination,» she said.
Yet we’ve remade the world to accommodate these machines and we seldom escape their presence.
«We can’t possibly accommodate the thousands of people who’d like to stand here,» he said.
I don’t think shifting things about yourself to accommodate another person is a bad thing.
The trash rooms of large buildings require reorganization and new routines to accommodate organics collection.
They had divested themselves of myriad possessions to accommodate life in tight New York quarters.
MetLife Stadium, in East Rutherford, N.J., can accommodate well over 50,000 people for a concert.
They can even accommodate twin beds if you’re wanting some distance from your traveling partner.
New Urbanist planners have recommended incorporating petite dwellings into subdivisions, to accommodate lower-income residents.
«The marketplace of the future must accommodate the needs of vulnerable New Yorkers,» he added.
The city is attempting to build two new hospitals to accommodate the influx of patients.
Road infrastructure has largely failed to accommodate the influx of cars that swarm over them.
We recognize it may be challenging for some non-profits to accommodate the new rules.
The price is reasonable and we wait to hear back if they can accommodate us.
Wuhan officials have already acknowledged local hospitals were struggling to accommodate people seeking medical attention.
Available in three sizes, the Casper Dog Bed can accommodate dogs up to 90 pounds.
State spending contributed 0.1 percentage points as authorities spent more to accommodate and integrate migrants.
These are simply fun alternatives for those whose living rooms can’t accommodate a full pine.
They developed the permissioned blockchain Corda to accommodate banking regulations around protecting sensitive customer data.
The Education Department has rescinded Obama administration guidelines on how schools should accommodate transgender students.
Amazon’s Fire tablets and some of Barnes & Noble’s Nook tablets can also accommodate such cards.
She expected to experience an intensity of meaning that the myths may have helped accommodate.
A junior suite, with nightly rates beginning at $212, can accommodate a family of four.
She is confident that the organization is ready to accommodate the surge in tourist numbers.
Instead of pursuing decentralization to accommodate regional aspirations, the Russian government is downgrading their autonomy.
In 2006, Fensterman rented one hall that could accommodate 10,000 people in the Javits Center.
In New Delhi, the government runs 221 winter shelters that can accommodate nearly 10,000 people.
Finally, air jets dried the walls, ceilings and floors, which were sloped to accommodate drainage.
With three different blades built-in, it can accommodate all sorts of fruits and veggies.
With four ports built-in, this USB wall charger can accommodate your entire tech collection.
You can manipulate the system in different ways to accommodate what you want to do.
The large elevator that was clearly made to accommodate gurneys is a big tip-off.
Walmart was unable to accommodate a request for an interview with McKenna for this story.
Moreover, she said, the town assigns children to schools with the space to accommodate them.
According to the Journal, there were 27 flights made without any passengers to accommodate Trump.
The division’s 20143 employees man two shifts, working until midnight to accommodate urgent corporate filings.
We’ve said all along that any stadium development should be prepared to accommodate two teams.
The Nigerian Stock Exchange has been upgrading its platform to digitize and accommodate more listings.
Therefore, China has to accommodate the  U.S. and its allies where North Korea is concerned.
The state is growing quickly and our aging infrastructure can’t accommodate the concomitant population increase.
This hurts because so few seats (if any) are available to accommodate the affected passengers.
Stretching the Countryman by eight inches has increased interior room to comfortably accommodate four adults.
I’d argue that our job as adults is to live with and accommodate that incongruity.
But Carmel Valley will likely never accommodate the crowds that flock to the other regions.
Meeting spaces will have multi-functional features to accommodate impromptu meetings or even cocktail parties.
While Penn Station was built to accommodate 200,85033 daily commuters, daily traffic now exceeds 700,000.
«In general, we try to accommodate these requests,» Mnuchin told reporters in a brief gaggle.
Everything must be done by hand, as the hills are too steep to accommodate machines.
St. Theresa, for example, lacks an elevator and cannot accommodate children with serious physical disabilities.
I would have to make the e-mail small and insignificant to accommodate his problems.
Europe has been struggling to accommodate huge numbers of migrants, many from predominantly Muslim countries.
It can accommodate 60 people in its capsules and hundreds in tents around the base.
Most restaurants can accommodate customers asking to split the check, but not for large parties.
The spacious formal dining room can accommodate one long dining table or multiple smaller tables.
Still, do you need to switch it up at all to accommodate your new reality?
Dentist created and approved, this brush can accommodate dental-work, including braces, implants, and veneers.
The result is bigger and bigger WeWorks that can accommodate a wider range of businesses.
To accommodate the outpouring of goodwill, the blood bank organized a pop-up center nearby.
Like other Hillary likenesses, she cut short her career to accommodate her husband’s political life.
The Jade Yoga Travel Mat comes in two sizes to accommodate people of different heights.

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