Sentence with a word daily

Synonym: day by day, regularly. Antonym: annual, monthly, nightly, weekly. Similar words: dainty, family, readily, happily, heavily, steadily, jauntily, primarily. Meaning: [‘deɪlɪ]  n. a newspaper that is published every day. adj. 1. occurring or done each day 2. measured by the day or happening every day. adv. 1. without missing a day 2. gradually and progressively. 

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1. In life’s earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail. 

2. He wrote to her almost daily.

3. The daily work continued;nay, it actually increased.

4. Oxide is usually seen in our daily life.

5. The restaurant has an extensive menu and daily specials.

6. Take the tablets twice daily.

7. We read news in the daily press.

8. Their daily lives are described in detail.

9. Take three pills daily after meals.

10. Fresh fruits are flown in daily.

11. I always take my daily dose of vitamin C.

11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

12. The museum is open daily except Monday.

13. Make exercise a part of your daily routine.

14. He is the editor of a daily paper.

15. What is your daily intake of calories?

16. Our daily profit is usually around $500.

17. The machines are inspected daily.

18. The weather here alters almost daily.

19. His health was impoverished daily.

20. Their daily work is to refine crude oil.

21. He commuted daily between London and Surrey.

22. The daily housemaid hoovers the carpet every other day.

23. He used to edit the China Daily.

24. John’s departure had upset their daily routine .

25. He drudges daily with no hope of bettering himself.

26. The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.

27. Try to fit some regular exercise into your daily routine.

28. His daily work is to riddle coal cinders to get out the larger pieces.

29. None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. 

30. It remained very difficult to procure food, fuel and other daily necessities.

More similar words: dainty, family, readily, happily, heavily, steadily, jauntily, primarily, sail, nail, jail, mail, rail, trail, retail, detail, fail to, ailment, prevail, trailer, retailer, railroad, in detail, detailed, junk mail, available, be available, availability. 

Examples of how to use the word “daily” in a sentence. How to connect “daily” with other words to make correct English sentences.

daily (adj): happening on or relating to every day

Use “daily” in a sentence

Tell me about your daily activities.
The restaurant is open daily except Sunday.
Take three pills daily after meals.
I am getting tired of the daily routine.
The museum is open daily throughout the year.
I’m fed up with my daily routine.
Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
He practices yoga daily.

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daily — перевод на русский


— Half the countrymen drink insanitary water on a daily basis.

— Половина сельских жителей пьёт заражённую воду ежедневно.

Electroshock therapy daily, until further orders.

Электрошоковая терапия ежедневно, до дальнейших распоряжений.

«Her grandfather, John Dinwoodie, now an inmate of ForestviIIe jail, «preaches daily to his fellow prisoners.

«Ее дед, Джон Динвуди заключенный в Форествильской Тюрьме, где проповедует ежедневно для своих товарищей-заключенных.

Come see this great human phenomenon, the fakir Siva, who has broken all previous records… our experiment is controlled daily by European experts…

Кто хочет посмотреть? Человек-чудо, факир Шива, побивший все предыдущие рекорды… ..наш эксперимент ежедневно контролируется лучшими европейскими экспертами…

I was careless and I have seen and heard you daily.

Я поступил неосторожно предаваясь милой привычке видеть и слышать Вас ежедневно

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He’s been sending her flowers daily ever since they came here.

Он посылал ей цветы каждый день с тех пор, как они приехали.

— Slimane sees him daily in the Casbah.

Слиман видит его каждый день.

I only saw her daily.

Мы могли встречаться только каждый день.

And with a mother like that, feeding him a daily diet of her anxieties… I don’t wonder at it.

— Я не удивлюсь, что он действительно сошел с ума с такой матерью, которая пичкала его излишней заботой каждый день.

More and more often, almost on a daily basis.

Всё чаще и чаще, едва ли не каждый день.

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«Give us this day our daily bread

«Хлеб наш насущный дай нам на сей день

Lord, we thank thee for our daily bread.

Господь, благодарим тебя за хлеб наш насущный.

«Give us this day our daily bread.»

«Дай нам на сей день хлеб наш насущный.

Give us this day our daily bread… and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Даруй нам на сей день хлеб насущный,.. ..и прости нам грехи наши, как мы прощаем тех, кто грешен против нас.

This is our daily bread.

Это — наш хлеб насущный.

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They think of the names of their friends and the people who enter into their daily lives like the Farlows and they think up funny situations.

Они используют имена друзей и людей, которых встречают в повседневной жизни таких, как пара Фарлоу и выдумывают смешные ситуации.

But for ancient man, myths and rituals are concrete experiences, which are even included in his daily existence.

Но, видишь ли, для античного человека все мифы и ритуалы реальный опыт, часть его повседневной жизни.

Pseudo-cyclical time… is that of the consumption of modern economic survival, augmented survival, where the experience of daily life… remains deprived of decision— making and is forced to submit, no longer to the natural order, but to the pseudo-nature… developed in alienated labor;

Псевдо-циклическое время является временем потребления текущего уровня экономического выживания, при этом в повседневной жизни по-прежнему имеются ограничения, вызванные уже не естественным, природным порядком, а псевдо-природным — результатом разделения труда.

of art, of daily life, is immediately implicated, it’s there that may be found the two faces of a new… spontaneous struggle which begins with a criminal aspect.

профанированного искусства и мелочной повседневной жизни, — мы начинаем различать формы новой спонтанной борьбы, которая пока ещё начинается под маской преступности.

Because it seems to lend a cosmic significance to our daily lives.

Почему? Потому что она как бы придавала космическое значение нашей повседневной жизни.

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Look what a lawsuit did to New York Daily last year.

Вспомни, что сделали с Нью-Йорк Дейли в прошлом году.

«Kolley Kibber is the special representative of the Daily Messenger «and will be mingling with the holiday crowds in Brighton today.»

«Колли Киббер специальный представитель «Дейли Мессенджер» «будет сегодня находится среди праздной толпы в Брайтоне.»

«A prize of ten guineas will be awarded «to the first person carrying a copy of the Daily Messenger «who challenges him in the following words:

«Призом в 10 гиней будет награждён» «человек, имеющий при себе экземпляр «Дейли Мессенджер» «и первым окликнувший его словами:»

I was reading it this morning in the Paris Daily American.

Я читал этим утром Париж Дейли Америкен

Captain Daily’s on, sir.

Капитан Дейли на связи, сэр.

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daily planet info line.

— Информационная линия Дэйли Плэнет

daily planet info line.

Дэйли Плэнет на линии

well, chloe’s juggling classes and the daily planet, and lois… i’d do anything to get rid of lois.

— Ну, Хлоя разрывается между учебой и Дэйли Плэнет, а Лоис… Я прикладываю все усилия, чтобы не столкнуться с Лоис

You are destined to be a big-shot reporter at the «Daily Planet.»

Ты создана, чтобы стать известным репортером в Дэйли Плэнет.

I didn’t think the «Daily Planet» was on your weekend orbit.

Не думала, что ты собираешься посетить на выходных Дэйли Плэнет.

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You condemn Dai Chung to death, you know?

Это ты приговорил Даи Чунга к смерти!

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— Hey, we made the «Daily News.»

— Вы видели Дэйли Ньюс?

It was hot She told you Women’s Wear Daily?

Она сказала тебе, что снималась в»Уименз Уеар Дэйли»?

Erm, don’t forget that we human beings are also animals, and among the beastlier and most aggressive of all, as evidenced by this cutting from the Daily Telegraph.

Не забывайте, что мы тоже животные. Причём, одни из самых зверских и агрессивных, о чём свидетельствует эта вырезка из Дэйли Телеграф.

The «Daily Journal» says that you are going to be — the social highlight of the season.

В «Дэйли Джорнал» пишут, что эта свадьба — событие сезона.

i got a friend of mine who works at the daily planet.

У меня подруга работает в Дэйли Плэнет.

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Dai… you go first!

Дай… иди первым!

Dai, we’ve got another one.

Дай (имя), вот еще один.

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Lord, bless our daily bread

Боже, благослови наш дневной хлеб.

We shall drop in early in the evening, so as not to disturb his daily routine.

Мы заедем завтра вечером, чтобы не мешать его дневной работе.

They need money to have fraction of daily activity.

И каждая часть денег определяет часть дневной активности.

You can sign up for daily or nightly patrols, which might seem like overkill, but regular surveillance will deter even the most determined criminal.

Вы можете записаться в дневной или ночной патруль Может, чрезвычайные меры , но регулярный надзор отпугивает самых решительных преступников.

Daily ration of food for slaves from Category 7…

Дневной рацион для рабов из категории семь.

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), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. The twentieth century. Non-scientific legacy While travelling, Einstein wrote,


    ,to his wife Elsa and adopted stepdaughters Margot and Else. The letters were
  2. Workers on assembly lines while studying industrial mass production in their,


    ,work. Heidi became a union shop steward in the aluminum foundry where she
  3. Skills and thus decreasing the occurrence of challenging behaviors. Consistent,


    ,use of an individualized visual schedule will increase a child’s organization
  4. That a patient must experience chronic anxiety and excessive worry, almost,


    , for at least 6 months due to a number of stressors (such as work or school)
  5. Angeles, passing major cities like Chicago, Dallas and Las Vegas during the 13,


    , stages,as well as natural wonders including the Rocky Mountains, Death Valley
  6. As» the relationship between lord and subject is established, hearts become,


    ,filled with evil designs, until the manacled criminals sullenly doing forced
  7. Existing cases and the country’s emergency reserves are depleted. When the,


    ,number of deaths jumps to 30,the town is sealed and an outbreak of plague is
  8. Democratic candidates. However, on September 1,2010,when Agassi appeared on,


    ,NYC public radio program» The Brian Leader Show,» Agassi stated that he is a
  9. From Westport to Chill via Newport and Mulroney. * Bus Ireland 440 provides,


    ,commutes to Westport and beyond from the island’s scattered villages. * Bus
  10. Generally living at home and needed considerable support and supervision in,


    ,living,46 % needed specialist residential provision from facilities
  11. Of individuals with autism do not develop enough natural speech to meet their,


    ,communication needs. Differences in communication may be present from the first
  12. Of editing a film only after all footage has been shot—was to edit a film,


    , bit by bit, during production. This helped particularly when he started using
  13. Of the Italian Anarchist Union (20,000 members plus Humanity Nova, its,


    , paper ) grew accordingly … Anarchists were the first to suggest occupying
  14. Thickness is very effective at controlling inside temperature through the wide,


    ,fluctuations typical of desert climates, a factor which has contributed to its
  15. Showed that, in spite of the high fat content of almonds, using them in the,


    ,diet might lower several factors associated with heart disease, including
  16. Results regarding its usefulness. Another study has demonstrated that,


    ,use of an alum-containing mouth rinse was safe and produced a significant effect
  17. Present in the community are an obvious and visible part of the city’s,


    ,life and contribute to many cultural flavors uncommon for the North, such as
  18. Zealand). The fastest ferries in the world (100 km/h) operate up to 10 times,


    ,from the port of Aarhus to the port cities of Sjællands Odde and Lundberg on
  19. Nares. In this randomized controlled trial, patients used nasal mupirocin twice,


    ,5 days a month for 1 year. *Chlorhexidine baths, In a randomized controlled
  20. Of the Washington Monument in 1884,a time when one ounce (30 grams) cost the,


    ,wage of a common worker on the project; The capstone, which was set in place on
  21. Kilometres southeast. Summers are moderately warm but rarely hot. The average,


    ,high in August is, and or higher is only measured on average on 3 days, placing
  22. Thus, to make his point very clear, and show the extreme necessity of,


    ,exercise for health, Ibn Sing states: Massage Before you begin to exercise it
  23. After several years, most patients require help to carry out activities of,


    ,living such as self-care, feeding,and transportation. MND is typically fatal
  24. And in 15 % of residents receiving mupirocin ointment plus chlorhexidine baths,


    ,for the first three days of mupirocin treatment (4/27). Although these
  25. Prime minister of the island nation, Mike Man, is of Jewish descent. Average,


    ,consumption in is about 37,000 metric tons. Places of interest
  26. Scattered around the city with Arms being the newest and largest featuring,


    ,exhibits of contemporary art. Other museums include Aarhus Kunstbygning also
  27. Pegged to the rock floor, covering an area of, where a pair of vultures feasted,


    ,on his liver. Trojan War Apollo shot arrows infected with the plague into the
  28. Airport (DCU). Rail For rail transport, Amtrak schedules the Crescent,a,


    ,passenger train, running from New York to New Orleans with stops at Anniston
  29. As a correspondent covering Congress and the White House for a Pennsylvania,


    , Meanwhile, his wife worked at a specialized library for business and behavioral
  30. Verbal prompting system that talks people with cognitive impairment through,


    ,routine tasks. Claims Since children with autism process visual information
  31. Art concerned not only with fighting proficiency but with the betterment of,


    ,life, this mental aspect is of key importance to aikido practitioners.
  32. To control and can cause serious mental anguish that interferes with normal,


    ,functioning. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV
  33. Communicating with friends or family outside the town. The separation affects,


    ,activity and depresses the spirit of the townspeople, who begin to feel
  34. Edited by Pat Hackett, is a diary dictated by Warhol to Hackett in,


    ,phone conversations. Warhol started the diary to keep track of his expenses
  35. Ten Watermark, and Dappermarkt. Some of these markets are held on a,


    ,basis, like the Albert Upmarket and the Dappermarkt. Others, like the
  36. In North America, while the Calgary C-Train has one of the highest number of,


    ,riders of any LRT system in North America. Alberta is well-connected by air
  37. Diaries, Pat Hackett did the transcriptions and text for the book based on,


    ,phone conversations, sometimes (when Warhol was traveling) using audio
  38. Currently served by suburban rail and two subway lines with about 300,000 total,


    ,commuters, and three additional subway lines are under construction. Sports As
  39. Music producer. *Time Capsules: In 1973,Warhol began saving ephemera from his,


    ,life – correspondence, newspapers,souvenirs, childhood objects, even used
  40. Are lower than in the coastal areas and much lower at higher elevations, but,


    , fluctuations are greater. Daytime maximum temperatures in the interior basins
  41. A month, the store sold 60 million applications and brought in $1 million,


    ,on average, with Jobs speculating that the App Store could become a
  42. As slave labor in German-controlled territories or simply killed. The facts of,


    ,life in the plague-stricken city resemble life in wartime France: the showing
  43. Political situation, as well as the economic and social issues affecting their,


    ,lives. One was conducted in 2010 by the Asia Foundation (with technical
  44. Being the birthplace of News Corporation itself. The only South Australian,


    ,newspaper is The Advertiser, published by News Corporation six days a week
  45. From» low» tech to» high» tech, should be incorporated into every aspect of,


    ,living in order to improve the functional capabilities of children with autism.
  46. Somewhat arbitrary. Or on how much support the individual requires in,


    ,life; these subdivisions are not standardized and are controversial. Autism can
  47. Paste made of cornmeal and water. Media Up until April 2010 there were two,


    ,newspapers: Daily Observer and which also published newspapers on other
  48. Dry air permits rapid loss of heat, and the nights are cool to chilly. Enormous,


    ,ranges in temperature are recorded. The highest official temperature was at In
  49. Transmitted, Speer sought a new project. He found one while taking his,


    ,exercise, walking in circles around the prison yard. Measuring the path’s
  50. And produced a significant effect on plaque that supplemented the benefits of,


    ,tooth brushing. However, many studies acknowledge that Chlorhexidine remains the

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

ежедневный, повседневный, ежедневно, ежедневная газета


- ежедневный, каждодневный; повседневный

- спец. суточный

daily allowance — воен. суточное довольствие
daily details — амер. воен. суточный наряд
daily range — метеор. суточная амплитуда

- текущий

daily inspection — тех. текущий /профилактический/ осмотр

- (Daily) Дейли (в названиях газет)

Daily Telegraph — Дейли Телеграф

- дневной

daily and nightly draughts — дневная и ночная доза лекарства
daily bread — хлеб насущный
to earn /to gain/ one’s daily bread — зарабатывать на хлеб (насущный); добывать средства к существованию
daily dozen — разг. ежедневная зарядка, гимнастика


- ежедневно; каждый день

the train runs daily — поезд ходит ежедневно

- всегда, постоянно

to happen daily — происходить постоянно


- ежедневная газета
- разг. приходящая прислуга

Мои примеры


the city’s two largest dailies — две крупнейшие ежедневные газеты города  
the editor of the Daily Telegraph — редактор газеты «Daily Telegraph»  
He was closely involved in monitoring daily progress. — Он принимал активное участие в ежедневном контроле прогресса.  
daily bulletin — ежедневная сводка  
daily average — среднесуточный  
daily output — суточная выработка  
daily increments to our knowledge — ежедневное возрастание наших знаний  
daily lottery — ежедневная лотерея  
food, fuel and other daily necessities — еда, топливо и другие предметы первой необходимости  
the daily number — выпуск газеты, выходящий ежедневно  
daily periodicity — суточная периодичность  
daily prayer — ежедневная молитва  
daily time sheet — график суточной загрузки  

Примеры с переводом

The zoo is open daily.

Зоопарк работает ежедневно.

She phoned the hospital daily.

Она звонила в больницу каждый день.

I always buy a daily newspaper.

Я всегда покупаю ежедневную газету.

The garden needs watering daily.

Сад /огород/ нужно поливать ежедневно /каждый день/.

They repaired daily to the park.

Они каждый день собирались в парке

The program is aired daily.

Эта программа выходит ежедневно.

Worship services are held daily.

Богослужения проводятся ежедневно.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the punctual delivery of the daily mail…

…a daily grind that would outwear anybody…

…took his daily swill of the foul-tasting medicine…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): daily
мн. ч.(plural): dailies

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