Sentence with a word available

Waiting for a funds to become available in your bank account isn’t just frustrating, it can negatively impact your cash flow.


Finally, what policy options are available to the government to deal with these economic and fiscal challenges?


The base software doesn’t have some of the commentaries and popular Christians books that other software packages might have, but when it comes to doing primary research on the text of Scripture, there is no better software package available.


This tutorial is also available in video format, check it out below!


preferably the dark, pre-toasted ones, that are labeled kasha and available boxed up in Russian stores and European delis.


There are clues available to those who can concentrate and not waste time with religion.


Even Snapchat will be available to use with the Pixelbook.


Here’s more about each of the largest auto insurance companies, including the latest available consumer satisfaction ratings from J.D. Power.


We also visited some private drug sellers in order to try to understand the other healthcare options that were available to people in areas that we visited.


Your next must-read, More Important Than Money, by Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad Advisors is now available for purchase on audio!


The newest version of the PayAnywhere reader will be available exclusively in Apple Stores nationwide.


Certain products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all client types.


But with available office space in the area growing scarce, tech activity is moving north, causing some to predict that the traditionally stodgy Midtown market could become (at least a little) hip.


«We don’t see excess profits being available for IBM to continue to give back to shareholders,» said Granowski.


PandaDoc streamlines collateral management ensuring only the current and brand approved content is available for reps. Management teams can see sales activity from one dashboard.


These crunchy little Nektar Honey Crystals are available in both the new easy-pour bottle and on-the-go single serve packets.


Shares issued under options or stock appreciation rights count against the shares available under the LTICP on a share-for-share basis.


The berries are available year round and can be found at your local grocery store.


San Francisco, CA, May 3, 2018 — Codex, a cryptocurrency and decentralized title registry for the $ 2 trillion dollar arts & collectibles (A&C) asset class, has unveiled a distinguished catalogue of crypto-themed artwork that will be made available at the live Codex Charity Art Auction at Ethereal Summit on May 12, 2018.


There are multiple other options are also available for mortgage including FHA mortgage services.


The solution will first be available at restaurants and be introduced to businesses of other categories later, according to Sina.


Where to learn more: If you would like to learn more about California FHA inspection and appraisal requirements, please refer to HUD Handbook 4000.1, which is available online.


Our program historically sits in the exact dates of the University of Colorado summer break, in order to maximize the likelihood of available temporary housing.


The video was long available, yet the insightful nuggets were just served!


And it’s available right here for free!


Xapo’s policy in regards to forks is that, when there is a fork, we always follow the chain with the most accumulated difficulty and we make the minority chain available to our customers for them to sell or withdraw from Xapo.


The website of a company launching an ICO has a long landing page or a format with all the essential information available on the website.


And there is a grant of up to $ 1,625 in provincial funds available for homeowners who want to install solar hot-water systems.


The full video of the hour-long Bitcoin and the Future of Payments Technology panel discussion is available below:


Ignore the fact that Doritos is essentially bypassing the little nutritional value available in actual tacos, and try to wrap your head around that for a moment.


Trello — Trello is the best tool available for managing a team of writers.


There is now less than 20 % of LEND token available before the cap is reached and its closing out at a steady pace with the minimum purchase of 0.01 ETH.


The interactivity available on these devices will also create a more direct link between marketers and consumers, taking traditionally passive viewers «from a lean-back to a leanforward mentality,» he says.


Otherwise, I have rotated in whatever winter squash is available at the farmer’s market this week.


Some eight of the 12 private brands it is planning to create from scratch or overhaul will be available in time for the holiday season, and Target is hoping for more success such as that it has enjoyed with Cat & Jack, a brand launched in 2016 that has already rung up $ 2.1 billion in annual sales.


We made our portfolio managers available to the press, especially for stories about value investing.


And in some cases, CRM solutions are even available on a month-to-month basis without a long-term commitment.


The feature is not yet publicly available.


Boilable or steamable pouches of food are available in sizes from 8 ounces to 8 pounds and can be shipped frozen and stored for up to 14 days refrigerated.


Some entrepreneurs move mountains in fewer sessions than are available in their coaching package.


The minister should check to see what resources are available through such a program in his state.


Instead, you move toward a «free disposal» equilibrium where people use and enjoy the information but there are no excess profits available from that use.


Some of the most popular cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, bitcoin cash, dash, ethereum, litecoin, and ripple, have been added to the list of available trading instruments.


And, despite the historically low levels of today’s mortgage rates plus a wide array of low — and no-downpayment mortgages available to first-time buyers, student-loan-holding consumers are discouraged.


The exciting thing is that the available brokers on this software are reputed and well-known in the trading industry.


Tools related to processes and having information available at their fingertips when prospecting and calling on buyers.


First, there need to be more options available to finance an education.


There are many options available for investors looking to add dedicated exposure to the real estate space.


These unique timesaving recipes take advantage of readily available gluten-free ingredients and kitchen shortcuts.


I can’t say it would be available at every Whole Foods (I don’t think my old Whole Foods in DC used to have it?)


Phrases with «available»:

  • available
  • to be available
  • available options
  • available resources
  • available credit
  • of options available to someone
  • standard and available features
  • to make someone available
  • only available option
  • to make something available to the public
  • (see

available — перевод на русский


The drug was freely available and everyone joined in its ritualized consumption.

Ќаркотик был доступен и все объедин€лись в ритуальном употреблении. Ћ—ƒ был легален.

Your ship will be available to you when you return.

Ваш корабль будет доступен вам, когда вернетесь.

a quarter-pound of meat, two loaves of bread, a pound of potatoes when available and two ounces of bacon.

фунта картофеля, когда он доступен, и двух унций бекона.

He ain’t available right now. Meanin’?

Он пока не доступен.

No, I tried. I wanted to borrow a couple of quid off him in a hurry, but, well, they said he wasn’t available for phone calls.

Я хотела занять у него пару фунтов, но они сказали, что он был не доступен для звонков.

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They’re not paying salaries on our lot, and I’m available.

Ќам не плат€т жаловани€, поэтому € свободен.

— Si, signora, but I am so sorry… because of the carnival, the only thing available is the bridal suite.

— Да, синьора, но к сожалению… из-за карнавала у нас свободен только номер для новобрачных.

— Harvey? — Oh, well, at least he’s available.

— Ну, по крайней мере, он свободен.

I’m still available.

Я все еще свободен.

He’s available.

Он свободен.

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Sorry, still not available.

Простите, он все еще недоступен.

-Party not available. -Oh, yes.

-Объект недоступен.

Party not available.

Объект недоступен.

-Party not available.

-Объект недоступен.

Unfortunately, he’s not available at the moment.

К сожалению, сейчас он недоступен.

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— I’m not available.

— Я занят.

This table is not available

этот столик занят!

As I wasn’t available, she went to you.

Я был занят. Тогда она пошла к вам.

Good Lord. I’m not available.

Господи Боже. Я занят.

— Mr Sloan is not available.

— Мистер Слоан занят.

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Sorry, the Minister is not available.

Извините, он не может говорить.

Warren Oates might not be available.

Варрен Оутс может отказаться.

Are you available for dinner tonight?

Может, поужинаем сегодня?

He’s not available for comment.

Он не может дать вам комментарии.

i need four hands, and i need everyone in here to help me turn him. page thompson. he’s out. is burke available?

мне нужно четыре руки и мне нужен кто-нибудь, кто может повернуть его вызови Томпсона Он ушел

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He wants her to start learning the ropes so that she can take over in case he’s not available.

Он хочет, чтобы она научилась чему-нибудь, чтобы на нее можно было положиться на случай, если он сам не сможет.

is she available to do it?

А она сможет это сделать?

— They’ll be available to the press?

— Пресса сможет с ними поговорить?

This interview, and I’ll make the tape available to whoever wants it he goes on to claim that he’s just survived an assassination attempt.

В своём интервью, которое позже сможет получить каждый… он утверждает, что его пытались убить.

Yes, he’d like to know when the box containing his motorcycle… — will be available for pick up.

Он хотел бы узнать, когда он сможет забрать контейнер с мотоциклом.

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For example, the noblest names in France are available to anyone if the family’s died out.

Можно отхватить самую знатную фамилию во Франции, если род иссяк.

These are the men available.

Можно взять вот этих.

Therefore, I am compelled to use all available personnel.

Следовательно, мне приходится использовать всех, кого можно.

A red dot means ‘available at night’.

Красным отмечены те, кому можно звонить по ночам.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, sometimes it’s the best course available.

Это — не обязательно плохо. Иногда это лучший из всех курсов, которыми можно следовать.

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They don’t need clerks at the moment, but they promised me a job as soon as one is available.

Им сейчас не нужны служащие… Но они обещают мне место, как только оно освободится.

Do you have any idea when he might become available?

Вы не знаете когда он освободится?

— The minute she’s available I’ll call you.

Через минуту она освободится. Я позову тебя.

Well, why don’t you let me know when she is available?

А вы не могли бы сказать мне, когда она освободится?

I got a tip on a really great space and it should be available soon.

Мне посоветовали отличное помещение. Скоро оно освободится.

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Plan of attack, we assume a basic 57-56 strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor.

Итак! План нападения, за основу возьмём стратегию 57-56, перекроем все возможные выходы на цокольный этаж.

We assume a basic 57-56 strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor.

За основу возьмём стратегию 57-56, перекроем все возможные выходы на цокольный этаж.

Lex is using every resource available to him to unlock the mystery of that Pandora’s box that he somehow managed to get a hold of.

Лекс использует любые возможные средства чтобы открыть загадку этого ящика Пандоры, который он каким-то образом сумел заполучить.

If the Pentagon’s not stepping up, I’ll call in every available agent.

Если Пентагон не откликнется, я позвоню во все возможные службы.

We’ll use every resource available to track down those people responsible and make sure they know how powerful our system of justice is.

Мы используем все возможные ресурсы, что бы найти тех, кто в этом повинен и заставить их понять, сколь сильна наша система правосудия.

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The report is not available.

Сообщений нет.

It is not available.

Нет, не получается.

Mary, would you get me the file on available anchormen and their phone numbers?

Восемь тысяч долларов! О, нет, нет!

— I’m sorry, he’s not available.

— Извините, его сейчас нет.

No draft available?

А новобранцев нет?

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Отправить комментарий

Synonym: at hand, convenient, handy, obtainable, ready. Similar words: be available, availability, prevail, able, cable, table, unable, enable. Meaning: [-ləbl]  adj. 1. obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service 2. not busy; not otherwise committed 3. convenient for use or disposal. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Work expands so as to fill the time available

2. This offer is available for a limited period only.

3. There are often discounts available for midweek travel.

4. Chinese commodities available for export are varied.

5. What kind of tours are available?

6. The fabric is only available in a narrow width.

7. First-class accommodation is available on all flights.

8. It’s available in a choice of colours.

9. Tickets are available from the Arts Centre at £2.50.

10. Is it available in sufficient quantity?

11. The table is available in several different heights.

12. What kind of wine do u have available?

13. The report form is available on disc from Personnel.

14. I’ll send you all the periodicals available.

15. Two very clear and comprehensive handbooks are available.

16. The carpet is available in various widths.

17. Tickets are available from the box office.

18. The offer is only available for a limited period.

19. Further information is available on request.

20. Our chefs use only the freshest produce available.

21. Keys are available on application to the principal.

22. These tablets are available over the counter.

23. There were no secretaries available to take dictation .

23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

24. Free ticket is available only to students.

25. Every available doctor was called to the scene.

26. Find out what services are available in your area.

27. They are often available at a discount.

28. The new drug will be generally available from January.

29. All sorts of lamps are available in that shop.

30. A paperback edition is now available at bookshops.

More similar words: be available, availability, prevail, able, cable, table, unable, enable, tableau, be able to, suitable, disabled, reliable, variable, vegetable, bearable, favorable, agreeable, comparable, on the table, acceptable, inevitable, remarkable, changeable, vulnerable, tablespoon, uncomfortable, sustainable, considerable, unchangeable. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Those that were available were very expensive.

А те средства, что еще были им доступны, являлись очень дорогими.

Internet access and telephones are not normally available.

Интернет и телефония Доступ в интернет и телефоны, как правило, не доступны.

You have certain choices available regarding your information.

У вас есть определенные варианты, доступные вам, когда речь идет о вашей информации.

The trouble was finding one available.

Трудность состоит в том, чтобы найти такого, который был бы доступен.

Working capital is another word for available cash.

Операционный капитал — это еще один термин который является наличностью, доступной для ведения бизнеса.

He did nothing to make contraceptives more available.

В дальнейшем не было предпринято никаких мер для того, чтобы контрацептивы стали более доступными.

Better than anything else currently available.

Это намного лучше, чем любое другое средство, доступное в настоящее время.

More literature is now available on this subject and medical societies specializing in different forms of alternative medicine are available.

В настоящее время доступно больше литературы по этому вопросу, и доступны медицинские общества, специализирующиеся на различных формах альтернативной медицины.

Such an analysis is fairly straightforward and available using several freely available block controllers.

Такой анализ достаточно прямолинеен и доступен с использованием нескольких свободно доступных диспетчерах блоков.

It is up to these corporations to determine how many devices are available on the open market and when they become available.

Эти корпорации должны определить, сколько устройств доступно на открытом рынке и когда они станут доступны.

Choosing the best primitive available for use in a protocol usually provides the best available security.

Выбор лучшего примитива, доступного для использования в протоколе, обычно обеспечивает наилучшую доступную безопасность из возможных.

While some of these slots are no longer available, at least a couple of new titles become available on an annual basis.

Хотя некоторые из этих слотов больше не доступны, по крайней мере, несколько новых изданий становятся доступными на ежегодной основе.

The State party submits that any complainant should first avail himself of available means of redress before contending that available domestic remedies are ineffective.

Государство-участник заявляет, что любой жалобщик должен вначале использовать доступные ему средства восстановления прав и лишь потом заявлять о неэффективности доступных ему внутренних средств правовой защиты.

Samsung will pursue all available measures, including legal options, to defend its intellectual property rights and ensure its innovative products remain available to German consumers.

Samsung предложит все доступные меры, включая юридические варианты, для продвижения своих прав интеллектуальной собственности и обеспечения того, чтобы ее инновационные продукты оставались доступными для немецких потребителей».

Timetables are online, some available to download; route maps are currently available only at the main bus station.

Расписания онлайн, некоторые доступны для скачивания; Карты маршрутов доступны только на главной автобусной станции.

They will check if these names are available and assign the first available name to your account.

Они проверят, доступны ли эти имена, и присвоят первое доступное имя Вашей учетной записи.

Since military GPS receivers were not available for most troops, many used commercially available units.

Так как военные приемники GPS не были доступны для большинства войск, многих используемых коммерчески доступных единиц.

Numerous resources are available on the Internet for learning more about derivatives trading and the many options available.

В интернете доступны многочисленные ресурсы для получения дополнительной информации о торговле деривативами и множестве доступных опций.

The usual wide variety of deposit methods are available at Mummys Gold, although PayPal, offered on some sites is not available.

Обычно широкое разнообразие методов депозита доступны на мумии Gold, хотя PayPal, предлагаемые на некоторых сайтах не доступен.

The service was initially only available via satellite but since June has been available to viewers in Scotland on Freeview and cable television.

Первоначально сервис был доступен только через спутник, но с июня 2011 года стал доступным для зрителей в Шотландии на платформе Freeview и кабельном телевидении.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат available

Результатов: 278701. Точных совпадений: 278701. Затраченное время: 596 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Available

accessible and obtainable

Examples of Available in a sentence

Once the employee left the firm, his job became available to the community since the position needed to be filled immediately.


Since the game was available on the app store, I downloaded it onto my cell phone and began playing it.


When my dream house was put on the market and appraised in my price range, I knew the house would be available for me to purchase it.


Due to having no events to attend this week, the man was available to practice and run the marathon on Saturday.


“If you are available on Friday,” the mother asked the babysitter, “we will need you to watch our children on Friday while my husband and I go to the movies.


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