Sentence using word wear

износ, одежда, ношение, изнашивание, платье, носиться, носить, одевать, изнашиваться



- быть одетым (во что-л.); носить (одежду и т. п.)

- держать, носить

to wear one’s head high — высоко держать голову
to wear a famous name — носить громкое имя
to wear smb., smth. in one’s heart — быть преданным кому-л., чему-л.

- иметь вид

to wear a troubled look — иметь встревоженный вид
the house wore a neglected look — дом выглядел заброшенным
to wear a sad smile — печально улыбаться
to wear a face of joy — сиять от радости

- изнашивать; протирать; пробивать; размывать

to wear a hole in the rug — протереть дыру в ковре
to wear a path across a field — протоптать тропинку через поле
to wear ruts in a road — проложить колею на дороге

- изнашиваться; протираться; размываться

ещё 15 вариантов

Мои примеры


a badge worn by police officers — значок, который носят полицейские  
a new line of evening wear — новая линия вечерней одежды  
a dress too schoolgirlish for office wear — платье, слишком подростковое, чтобы носить его на работу  
to wear the brand of a traitor — носить клеймо предателя  
to wear a charm against evil spirits — носить амулет, защищающий от злых духов  
wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve — не (уметь) скрывать своих чувств  
to wear / carry a gun on one’s hip — носить пистолет на бедре (на боку)  
to wear one’s socks into holes — доносить носки до дыр  
to assume / put on / wear a mask — притворяться, скрывать свои истинные намерения  
to wear motley — носить шутовскую одежду / быть шутом  
to wear a parachute — надевать парашют  
to wear a ring on one’s finger — носить кольцо на пальце  

Примеры с переводом

What size do you wear?

Какой размер вы носите?

He doesn’t wear a watch.

Он не носит часы.

What should I wear today?

Что мне сегодня надеть?

He wears me out.

Он меня утомляет.

She was wearing yellow that day

В тот день она была вся в жёлтом (на ней была одежда жёлтого цвета)

The rope has worn out.

Верёвка износилась.

His jeans have worn thin at the knees.

Его джинсы износились в коленях.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She wears her hair in a ponytail.

She was too prissy to wear jeans.

The carpet is showing signs of wear.

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Фразовые глаголы

wear away — стирать, стираться, медленно тянуться
wear down — изнашивать, изнашиваться, стирать, стираться, утомлять, опровергать, преодолевать
wear off — стирать, стираться, смягчаться, проходить, облезть
wear on — медленно тянуться
wear out — изнашивать, изнашиваться, износить, состарить, затрахать, истощаться, истощать

Возможные однокоренные слова

underwear  — нижнее белье, нижняя одежда
wearer  — владелец, тот, на ком надето платье
weariness  — усталость, утомленность, скука, утомительность
wearing  — ношение, утомительный, скучный, нудный
wearied  — утомленный
overwear  — изнашивать, изнурять тяжелым трудом, изнурять, тяжелым трудом
wearable  — пригодный для ношения, предмет одежды
wearily  — утомительно, скучно, устало

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: wear
he/she/it: wears
ing ф. (present participle): wearing
2-я ф. (past tense): wore
3-я ф. (past participle): worn

Wear is the damaging, gradual removal or deformation of material at solid surfaces. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Moby wrap for the comfort, especially during long stretches of wear.


Our aging brains similarly show wear in the realm of episodic memory, the part of brain function that handles recollections of recent events, like the last few chapters of the book you put down yesterday, or what you had for breakfast.


In lieu of going door-to-door, he preferred to encourage conversations by building sidewalk kiosks or inviting French locals to play baseball or attend evening parties with American themes — complete with Western wear and guitar strumming.


Pistachios have no outer skin (like cashews) so they can be soaked, blended and processed without too much wear and tear.


Hint Mama shares why to shop for maternity wear at Old Navy, and enter to win a $ 100 Old Navy gift card over at Well Rounded NY.


They will appreciate the thought and the new workout wear!


Back issues Depending on the age of the back issue you order, they may show signs of wear from being stored for months/years.


Sikh men can in principle wear other things (although the alternatives are usually associated with little boys and the turban is the only universally practical option for grown men), and since Sikhs tend to have a very reasonable approach to such matters, they would not usually have a problem going without it if it were genuinely required by context.


Homes here command high prices, and the Cape Quarter, right in the middle of this village-in-the-city, offers beach and leisure wear and accessories from some of the more imaginative independent retailers and designers in South Africa.


Here are a few questions you should ask before posting that «hilarious» picture you snapped during a church retreat prank, a late night during summer vacation or while wear — ing what you now realize was a problematic costume to a Halloween party: Will posting this give the next business/nonprofit/church / school that wants to hire me any pause?


The reviewers have used the Williams Sonoma towel in their kitchens for two years, and they are yet to show any wear.


The aluminium rings while lightweight have also been modified to be similar to the nylon rings in terms of strength and durability for wear.


One of the concerns for electric blanket owners is that because the cords are sometimes inflexible, it causes premature wear and, inevitably, the blanket stops working.


As we age, the wear and tear of everyday life can damage our DNA.


It has a little discoloration on it but I like to imagine that that’s just the wear and tear of long hard hours in the bakery (but really it’s brand new).


Other parents plug into an informal network, swapping, borrowing or lending baby furnishings, toys, equipment and clothes (including maternity wear).


Quality workmanship ensures years of wear.


Pull out the seeds and inner ribs with your fingers (wear rubber gloves if your skin is sensitive to handling hot peppers).


She has joined Parkside from work wear clothing company, Simon Jersey, where she held the role of operational and commercial controller before being appointed finance director.


Between barre classes and a growing demand for premium active wear, you have multiple revenue streams available to you as an owner.


it suggests we are not robotic and therefore can not be expected to produce constant outputs as if we’re never subject to varying degrees of downtime, exhaustion, wear and tear.


Big Nation stands behind their diaper bags, and the company offers a limited warranty for basic wear and tear on any of their products.


What happens, I hear Gilbert suggesting, is that the daily dribbles of woe wear you down.


My initial intention was to baby wear in a moby until babe was big enough for the ergo, but I found I was having such back pain, I decided to trial a friends insert.


SUNNY GAULT: Before we start today’s episode, which is focused on women who are a bit more curvy on the top, we’re joined by Amanda Hall from Rumina nursing wear.


I am on the love side of them and all the kids own a pair which get used for trips to the beach and general summer wear as they are perfect to protect little feet from stones, they dry instantly if you take them into the water for a paddle and they are lightweight to tuck away in a bag.


We strongly recommend that children under 48 inches and weak or non-swimmers wear a life jacket.


It’s not your typical trendy, Hollywood kind of stuff that starlets wear


One company that I absolutely adore is Seraphine Maternity because they have lots of fashionable tops that double as maternity and nursing so I am able to get lots of wear out of them — especially since I have nursed my kiddos until they were at least one year old.


Each diaper cover comes with two absorbent and soft hemp… MORE inserts suitable for day or overnight wear.


So anticipate the casual wear, I guess?


Kindred Bravely is a collection of luxury nursing wear that enables moms to transition from the bump to the breast and beyond.


If they blow it then great, if they don’t you’re no worse for the wear cause you’re not getting out there anyway.


One thing that has discourage me from purchasing nursing apparel is: often times it’s hard to find stylish nursing wear.


The 29-year-old was sat on the pavement looking worse for wear on a night out in Edinburgh, after allegedly touring a host of lap dancing clubs with a group of friends.


Is there a method to assess the wear and tear domestic bourgeois life inflicts upon our souls and our imagination and our creativity?


You’re bound to adore these high quality and stylish products — including Bounty’s own limited edition changing bag range, comfortable maternity wear, toys and much more!


Nike is not only selling athletic wear, they are also selling the idea that you can be a great athlete.


These tend to be the same guys who put glue across the toes of their tennis shoes where they show wear, and at each tournament the first consideration of these impoverished players is picking up the free T shirt to which they are entitled.


Also, if you’re forced to check a bag, I either wear or stuff in this any critical clothes I’ll need.


The slings arrive in a no frills packaging with written instructions on the care of your sling and best practices for wear.


A Flagstaff, Arizona mother commented that she used this bag for four flights and still showed very little wear or tear.


Safety strategy: Have your baby in a Baby wear.


It looked a little worse for wear, but it still tasted great!


I’ve tried the expensive brands and after all the wear and tear, the brutal sanitary washes I run my bras through, and the ever-changing shape of your rib cage through the first year post-partum, no bra looks good at the end of its life.


I always get upset because I’ve never bought stovetop wear with lids… not a good idea.


Other deals haven’t played out as well: The online athleisure wear brand Lucy, which it bought in 2007, was a bust and will be shut down this year and folded into The North Face.


We’ve have been using ours twice a day for the past year and there are no visible signs of wear and tear.


I still use them so much they do have some wear and tear.


Even for those who exclusively baby wear, LullaBelay can give a helping hand.


Phrases with «wear»:

  • wear
  • to wear
  • to wear something
  • of wear
  • everyday wear
  • to get a lot of wear out of something
  • more wear out of someone
  • to get a ton of wear out of something
  • to get a lot of wear out of
  • to get a lot of wear
  • (see

Synonym: corrode, decay, deteriorate, don, have on. Similar words: swear, wear off, wear out, year after year, weave, weaken, wealth, sweater. Meaning: [wer /weə]  n. 1. impairment resulting from long use 2. a covering designed to be worn on a person’s body 3. the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment. v. 1. be dressed in 2. have on one’s person 3. have in one’s aspect; wear an expression of one’s attitude or personality 4. deteriorate through use or stress 5. have or show an appearance of 6. last and be usable 7. go to pieces 8. exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress 9. put clothing on one’s body. 

Random good picture Not show

1. If the cap fits, wear it. 

2. Better wear out shoes than sheets. 

3. If the shoe fits, wear it. 

4. Better wear out than rust out. 

5. It is better to wear out than to rust out. 

6. This coat withstands hard wear.

7. She should wear a thinner shirt in summer.

8. You can’t wear the red pants.

9. I wear blue-tinted glasses on sunny days.

10. The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.

11. Trainers are so comfortable to wear.

12. He’ll only wear clothes with a designer label.

13. The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.

14. I can’t wear wool — it makes me itch.

15. Well, if the shoe fits, wear it.

16. She likes to wear woolen socks in winter.

17. Singers performing Mozart’s operas often dress in/wear historical costume.

18. Cotton is suitable for wear in summer.

19. I don’t usually wear much make-up .

20. The machine will soon wear out.

21. Cheap shoes soon wear out.

22. They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances.

23. Wear your coat, it’s perishing out there!

24. That store sells men’s wear.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. Lab workers must wear protective clothing.

26. Lots of students wear jeans nowadays.

27. She doesn’t wear her dentures at night.

28. Football and hockey players wear shoulder pads.

29. Workers should wear full protective clothing .

30. It is said that a cat hath nine lives, yet care would wear them all out. 

More similar words: swear, wear off, wear out, year after year, weave, weaken, wealth, sweater, wealthy, gear, rear, tear, hear, year, earth, learn, beard, early, heart, clear, on earth, near to, bear out, hear of, tear off, tear up, bear on, at heart, nearly, nearby. 

wear — перевод на русский


And I will wear it with pride.

И буду носить его гордо.

I’d go looking for a Cinderella… that could wear this for a garter.

Я бы пошёл искать Золушку которая смогла бы носить вот это вместо подвязки.

I’ll wear all the clothes you wanna buy me.

Я буду носить любую одежду, которую вы захотите купить для меня.

Own clothes will have to be worn when walking through town

Вместо нее нарушитель будет носить собственную одежду

I should wear it and think of her

Я должна носить ее и думать о ней

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I can show you, but you must wear this.

Я могу показать, но придётся надеть это.

Okay, like, like, like, I want to wear a forest green tux.

Я хочу надеть зелёный смокинг.

What do I wear, bathing suits?

— А что мне надеть, купальник?

— Can I wear your hat, Daddy?

— Пап, можно мне надеть твою шляпу?

Certainly, you can wear your red dress, I’ll be in green.

Ты можешь надеть красное платье, я буду в зелёном.

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He was wearing a green suit and a white tie…

Он был одет в зелёный костюм с белым галстуком…

He’s about 20 years old, 5-foot-6, wearing a gray overcoat.

Ему примерно 20 лет, рост 1,76 м, одет в серое пальто.

Something suspicious about their actions, something said… or the mere fact of wearing a dark coat and a light hat.

«то-то подозрительное в действи€х, что-то сказал, или просто одет в тЄмное пальто и светлую шл€пу.

After all, everyone who wears old clothes isn’t a hobo just like everyone who give strange kids $80 trains isn’t an eccentric millionaire.

Ведь не все кто одет в старую одежду являются бродягами… как и те кто дарит незнакомым детям поезда за 80 долларов не обязательно миллионеры

Armed suspect, tall man, Caucasian, wearing a dark suit and soft hat.

Гостиница Париж. Подозреваемый — высокого роста, одет в темный костюм и шляпу.

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I thought you weren’t supposed to wear white to a wedding.

Я думал, что нельзя надевать белое на свадьбу.

You see, Bates insists that a square tie… is the only possible tie that can be worn with evening clothes.

Видишь ли, Бейтс утверждает, что к вечернему костюму следует надевать только квадратный галстук.

No, thanks. I’m not wearing black.

Нет, я не собираюсь надевать траур.

— Do I have to wear this suit, Mother?

10 июня мне обязательно надевать этот костюм?

— Nor do I intend to wear it again.

— Я не собираюсь его больше надевать.

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Why don’t you wear another pair?

Почему бы тебе не одеть другую пару?

But I haven’t got a thing to wear. Ha-ha.

Но у меня не будет что одеть

You won’t be able to wear what I’m getting you.

Ты не сможешь одеть то что я подарю тебе

I could wear an 8, it’s just that 81/2 is more comfortable.

Могу одеть и 8, просто 8 с половиной удобнее.

Want me to wear a bra?

Мне одеть бюстгалтер?

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You see, we were concerned, because a few of your guys got roughed up in that last game, and so, for your own protection, we talked to the teachers, and they said that from now on, in order to avoid any more injuries, everyone has to wear protective equipment.

Видишь ли, мы были обеспокоены, что некоторые твои люди покалечились в прошлой игре, и теперь, для вашей же безопасности, мы обсудили это с учителями, и они решили, что отныне во избежание возможных травм, все обязаны одевать защитную экипировку.

You’re already sitting in a wheelchair, how can you wear this kind of shoes?

зачем одевать такую обувь?

They’ll tell you what you eat, what you can wear, what you drink.

Они буду говорить тебе, что тебе есть, одевать и пить.

But you don’t have any opportunity to wear it

Но тебе все равно некуда его одевать.

No need to wear them during the day, but in the evening, I’d appreciate it.

Днем их одевать не надо, но по вечерам доставьте мне удовольствие.

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Like wearing expensive clothes and perfume.

Такая же, как и использование дорогих одежды и духов.

Got nothing to wear but that old sequin dress. Like some tailor was crazy and sewed the whole thing over with broken glass.

Из всей одежды, то самое платье сшитое безумным портным и сверкающее битым стеклом

How many bodices are you wearing?

Как вы можете носить столько одежды?

What size sheet do you wear?

У вас какой размер одежды?

I’ll go find you something to wear.

Сейчас найду для тебя что-нибудь из одежды.

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Have you got a brunette with green eyes, kind of slanted either alone or with a little guy, weighs about 115 pounds wears a grey hat and grey suit?

Брюнетка, с зелеными глазами, немного раскосыми, живет одна, или с невысоким парнем, весит где-то 52 килограмма, ходит в серой шляпе и сером костюме.

She’d like to wear it where everybody could see her, in the Yankee Stadium.

Она ходит в нем только в людные места: на стадион, например

— She wears a floral cotton dress.

В платьице пёстреньком ходит, бумазейном

Tall, wears a raincoat, a hat and carries a briefcase. And most importantly, he’s round-shouldered.

Высокий… ходит в плаще, в шляпе, с портфелем… и главная примета — сутулый…

And she wears this big black fright wig all throughout the picture.

И весь фильм она ходит в этом дичайшем парике.

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I assume this is what the factory workers wear at their dances?

Стало быть, фабричные работницы так одеваются на танцы?

Or is it what they’re wearing this season in wigwams?

Или так одеваются в вигвамах?

The latest creations are not worn by those in dire poverty.

Ведь нищие не одеваются по последней моде.

Funny clothes they wear around here.

Как смешно они тут одеваются.

If you saw what people wear over there, you would be ashamed of our clothes.


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At least I have formal summer wear.

Хорошо, что у меня есть летний строгий костюм.

That’s the outfit to wear in a cellar.

— Отличный костюм для подвала.

You can always find another girl to wear her costume.

Нетрудно будет найти другую — ту, что влезет в её костюм.

— What do you want me to wear?

— Водолазный костюм.

The Prince wears the costume of…

У принца костюм из… Ну вот!

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Used with adjectives:

«We went shopping for school wear.«
(school, work, children’s, women’s, men’s)

«Those shoes are comfortable for daily wear.«
(daily, day, everyday, weekend)

«We put away our summer wear.«
(summer, winter)

«She is always dressed in designer wear.«
(designer, casual, leisure, outdoor, business)

«The ladies were excited to go shopping for maternity wear.«
(maternity, bridal, formal, evening)

«His shoes have holes because of excessive wear.«

Used with verbs:

«The fashion show displayed a new line of evening wear.«
(displayed, showcased, presented, revealed)

«The floors are showing signs of wear.«
(be + showing)

«The auto shop checked our tires for wear.«
(checked, inspected, examined)

«Reduce carpet wear by not wearing shoes inside the house.«
(reduce, minimize, prevent)

«Driving too fast causes wear on the tires.«

Used with prepositions:

«The carpet has become old with wear.«

«Driving too fast causes wear on the tires.«

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