Sentence using word shocked

shocked — перевод на русский


You will be shocked someday when, full of maxims, mottoes and education. You behold injustice triumphant. And wrongdoing receiving the rewards.

Однажды вы испытаете шок, когда, полные принципов, девизов и знаний, увидите торжество несправедливости и подлости, получающей награды, которые должны быть даны только добродетели.

She must have been shocked.

У нее, наверно, был шок.

Unless a shock or another blow brings you back to your right self!

Если шок или еще один удар не вернет вас к своему прошлому!

Well, you see, lady, he’s had a pretty thorough shock.

Видите ли, леди, он получил довольно сильный шок.

— It was a terrible shock.

— Был ужасный шок.

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It’s going to shock you, but i’m going to tell you.

Возможно, это шокирует тебя, но всё равно я скажу.

Oh, it isn’t shocking.

О, это не шокирует.

Their liberties shock me, but serious people bore me.

Свобода нравов меня шокирует, но люди серьезные мне скучны.

Our appearance shocks you?

Наш вид вас шокирует?

— Does darkness shocks you?

— Темнота Вас шокирует?

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I was kind of a bit shocked because I didn’t think she saw me as that kind of person.

Я был даже слегка шокирован я не думал что она видет во мне человека способного на такое.

I’m somewhat shocked to see the stars advertised like shoeshine.

Я как-то шокирован, что звезды будут рекламироваться как аттракцион.

At first he seemed troubled and said he’d discuss it with my uncle, but when I told him my uncle’s words, he was shocked.

Сначала он даже растерялся и сказал, что поговорит с дядей, но когдая передал ему слова дяди, он был шокирован.

Are you shocked?

Ты шокирован?

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This time I’m shocked.

Я просто потрясен этим.

It’s kind of a shock.

Я потрясен.

— He’s shocked.

— Он потрясен.

I’ve shocked your fine delicateness.

Я потрясён твоей деликатностью.

I’m in total shock.

Я просто потрясён.

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Shocking, isn’t it, what three months of tragedy can do to a woman?

Шокирующие, не правда ли? Вот, что три месяца кошмара могут сделать с женщиной.

They were… shocking films.

По-настоящему шокирующие фильмы.

ATTENTION This movie contains shocking images and rude translations.

Внимание! Этот фильм содержит Шокирующие сцены и грубые сравнения.

Hello, Mr. Stanky? I have shocking news about Samantha. Who am I?

Мистер Вон, у меня шокирующие новости о Саманте.

It is shocking new evidence.

Шокирующие новые показания.

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Mrs. Landis has had a very great shock.

Миссис Лэндис перенесла тяжелое потрясение.

The caning at school resulting in the failure at the music examination and fear that her hands might be injured, the attempt by her guardian to smash her hands finally the car crash, the shock of finding herself in hospital with her hands bandaged.

наказание палкой в школе привело к неудаче на экзамене по музыке и страху, что её руки могут быть повреждены, попытка её опекуна раздробить её руки и под конец автокатастрофа, потрясение от обнаружения себя в больнице с перевязанными руками.

I know how great a shock this is to you.

Я понимаю ваше потрясение.

You know, Stratton, it’s quite a shock to find that your wife’s in love with another man.

Понимаете ли вы, Страттон, какое это потрясение обнаружить, что твоя жена любит другого.

But the shock drove me crazy.

Но потрясение свело меня с ума.

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I was afraid of what the sudden shock might’ve done to you.

Я боюсь, что внезапный удар будет тяжело принять.

Oh, this is a terrible shock, Parris, I’d counted on…

О, это страшный удар, Пэррис. Я рассчитывал на…

The shock would have been too much.

Удар был бы слишком сильным.

Bill, I know what a shock it must be to have found out this thing about Ann.

Билл, я знаю, какой это, должно быть, удар, узнать такое про Энн.

This’ll be a shock.

Управляющий. для него это будет удар.

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It’s shocking to see him in such a state.

Ужасно видеть его в таком состоянии.

It’s terrible, it’s shocking.

Ужасно, просто ужасно.

I know this has been a terrible shock for you.

Я понимаю, как это ужасно.

— It was shocking’.

— Это было ужасно…

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Well, perhaps that last shock wave did more damage than we thought!

Возможно последняя ударная волна принесла больше повреждений, чем мы думали!

It makes a shock wave a small sonic boom in the Italian countryside.

Создаётся ударная волна, небольшой акустический удар, нарушающий покой итальянской природы.

— It has produced a level 12 shock wave.

— И возникнет ударная волна 12 уровня

We’ve got a level 12 shock wave coming in. We must get out of here!

Идёт ударная волна 12 уровня Мы должны уходить отсюда!

Shock wave approaching.

Приближается ударная волна!

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Under continued shock treatment the patient’s fantasy takes on more detail.

Находясь под током, фантазии пациента приобретают более подробную картину.

Electric shocks.

Электрическим током?

High voltage shock !

Меня ударило током!

— What shock?

— Каким током?

Yeah, but I didn’t know you were gonna give me electric shocks!

Да, но я не знал, что Вы собираетесь бить меня током!

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word shocked, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use shocked in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «shocked».

Shocked in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word shocked in a sentence.

  1. They were shocked that they had killed.

  2. They too were shocked at his appearance.

  3. I’m shocked that the other actors re-signed ..

  4. These developments shocked the revolutionaries.

  5. He was shocked by the assassination of Robert F.

  6. On arrival, Navarre was shocked by what he found.

  7. The suicide shocked the band and their management.

  8. Braun called «a shocked hush of chastened admiration».

  9. We are deeply saddened and shocked by this tragic loss.

  10. The event shocked the entire band; drummer Larry Mullen Jr.

  11. The committee was shocked by the prisoners’ living conditions.

  12. His family (apparently to his surprise) was shocked and furious.

  13. Footage of Beyoncé in the audience looking shocked was then shown.

  14. Ben attempts to negotiate and is shocked when Keamy executes Alex.

  15. Gay activists were shocked to see how little support they received.

  16. They met at the railway station, and were shocked at his appearance.

  17. The ruling class was deeply shocked and reconciliation was attempted.

  18. Branham’s death stunned the Pentecostal world and shocked his followers.

  19. When the corpses arrived at JGS headquarters, the generals were shocked.

  20. Marshall was shocked, and rose to announce the news to the congregation.

  21. Balachander was shocked on hearing this and obliged to Meiyappan’s wish.

  22. The high salary shocked the public and was widely reported in the press.

  23. Being refused by a neophyte author shocked him and increased his interest.

  24. Truman was shocked when he was informed how small the stockpile really was.

  25. Some people can be reasoned into sense, and others must be shocked into it.

  26. Olympia shocked the Parisian art world when it was first exhibited in 1863.

  27. He said it was a «very poor push» and he had been shocked when Tomlinson fell.

  28. So the first thing that shocked us is that British rock papers gave a big review.

  29. The crime had shocked Londoners and the service showed evidence of their feelings.

  30. For some of us they’re only sporting events.» Barbirolli was shocked by such levity.

  31. My niece would have known that her condition would have indeed have shocked [her].».

  32. News of the fall of Jerusalem shocked Europe and plans were made to send assistance.

  33. His friends were shocked as Brock was a large target and his opponent an expert shot.

  34. In the winter of 1945–1946, Slotin shocked some of his colleagues with a bold action.

  35. Despite being on trial for Faulkner’s murder, Andre is shocked by this news and faints.

  36. When he failed to do so, it shocked the populace and angered his friends and supporters.

  37. Olson absorbed the news quietly, though Ted wondered if she’d been shocked into silence.

  38. The Australian press were shocked and criticised the hostility of Larwood in particular.

  39. Marie would never have been shocked at anything, and a niece of mine would have known it.

  40. She then revealed her face to the shocked family, who moved out of the house immediately.

  41. Audiences were also shocked and offended by Chef’s sexually suggestive song about Gifford.

  42. When she spoke of her dissatisfaction with the Soviet government, the audience was shocked.

  43. The army which invaded England in January and February 1138 shocked the English chroniclers.

  44. Eddie is shocked to see that the pair have come to steal an almost completely white painting.

  45. Upon further investigation, Francis is shocked to learn that Caligari is the asylum’s director.

  46. Johnson was shocked by the death of Levet, who had resided at Johnson’s London home since 1762.

  47. Horowitz, Heifetz and the rest were shocked by this but there was little they could do about it.

  48. These attitudes were not unusual in Britain in the 1820s, much as it shocked visiting Americans.

  49. Advertisements called it «[t]he world’s only record of the crime that shocked humanity».

  50. The British guards were shocked by Domery’s appetite, and agreed to place him on double rations.

Synonyms for shocked

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word shocked has the following synonyms: aghast, appalled, dismayed and afraid.

General information about «shocked» example sentences

The example sentences for the word shocked that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «shocked» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «shocked».



- в состоянии шока

Мои примеры


an atrocious crime that shocked even hardened members of the police force — зверское преступление, которое потрясло даже закалённых сотрудников полиции  
too shocked and scared to move — слишком потрясена и напугана, чтобы пошевелиться  
to be shocked at /by/ the news — быть потрясенным новостью  
to be shocked to hear smth. — с возмущением услышать о чем-л.  
shocked mineral — минерал, образовавшийся при ударе  
to be shocked at the news — быть потрясённым новостью  
shell shocked — страдающий военным неврозом; контуженный  
shell-shocked — страдающий военным неврозом, психическим расстройством, полученным во время боя  
be shocked — возмутительный  
be shocked at the news — быть потрясённым новостью  
be shocked by the news — быть потрясённым новостью  
shocked flotation — течение со скачками уплотнения  

Примеры с переводом

I was so shocked I couldn’t speak.

Я был настолько потрясён, что не мог говорить.

We were too shocked to talk.

Мы были так потрясены, что не могли ничего сказать /что лишились дара речи/.

I was shocked by her radical views.

Я был потрясён её радикальными взглядами.

She gave him a shocked look.

Она потрясённо взглянула на него.

She was shocked by my extravagance.

Она была шокирована моей расточительностью.

I was shocked by her rude behavior.

Я был потрясен её грубым /неприличным, оскорбительным/ поведением.

I was deeply shocked by Jo’s death.

Смерть Джо глубоко потрясла меня.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I was shocked by the inhumane conditions.

He is shocked at what happened to his son.

Everyone is shocked by the news of the arrests.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

shock  — ударный, шоковый, шокировать, потрясать, шок, удар, потрясение, толчок
shocker  — бульварный роман, дешевый бульварный роман, амортизатор
shocking  — отвратительный, очень, копнение

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1. I’m not easily shocked,but his deed was too disgusting.

2. The local community was shocked by the murders.

3. She was taken to hospital, apparently amnesiac and shocked.

4. He had old-fashioned ideas and was easily shocked.

5. His mother was shocked at the news.

6. The stunt brought shocked gasps from the audience.

7. I was deeply shocked by Jo’s death.

8. Her overt sexuality shocked cinema audiences.

9. I was shocked to see him in tatters.

10. Everyone was shocked by his unseemly conduct.

10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

11. Gill’s last school report shocked his parents into action.

12. The passengers were badly shocked but unharmed.

13. Hilary was neither shocked nor surprised by the news.

14. She was shocked by his blatant sexism.

15. This terrible crime has shocked all law-abiding citizens.

16. I was shocked by the realization of what I had done.

17. I was shocked by the blatant racism of his remarks.

18. He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened.

19. I am shocked by the atrocity of this man’s crimes.

20. This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.

21. He was so shocked that he could hardly bring out a word.

22. Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.

23. He was shocked at the sheer venom of her reply.

24. Nowadays people are rarely shocked by the sex they see on television.

25. The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.

26. Everyone in the street was shocked when they heard the news.

27. The enormity of the crime has shocked even experienced policemen.

28. I was shocked to learn of the perception people have of me.

29. It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. 

30. The Senator’s admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.

More similar words: hockey, cocked, shock, wicked, rocket, pocketbook, naked, ad hoc, take down, chocolate, jacket, bicker, bucket, rickets, bracket, sock, lock, dock, stock, block, knock, o’clock, peacock, knock out, knock off, knock down, show, shout, short, shoot. 

Examples of how to use the word “shocked” in a sentence. How to connect “shocked” with other words to make correct English sentences.

shocked (adj): surprised or upset because something unexpected and usually unpleasant has happened:

Use “shocked” in a sentence

I was shocked to see this.
Everyone was shocked by what happened.
She was shocked when she heard my story.

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