Sentence using word shock

Synonym: appall, awe, frighten, horrify, startle, terrify. Similar words: hockey, chocolate, dock, sock, stock, knock, block, rocket. Meaning: [ʃɑk /ʃɒk]  n. 1. the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally 2. the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat 3. a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body 4. (pathology) bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor 5. an instance of agitation of the earth’s crust 6. an unpleasant or disappointing surprise 7. a pile of sheaves of grain set on end in a field to dry; stalks of Indian corn set up in a field 8. a bushy thick mass (especially hair) 9. a mechanical damper; absorbs energy of sudden impulses. v. 1. surprise greatly; knock someone’s socks off 2. strike with disgust or revulsion 3. strike with horror or terror 4. collide violently 5. collect or gather into shocks 6. subject to electrical shocks 7. inflict a trauma upon. 

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1. The poor little bugger got an awful shock.

2. He is receiving treatment for shock.

3. The shock of the explosion was felt far away.

4. Julie walked in, ashen-faced with shock.

5. I got a shock when I saw the bill.

6. That shock almost finished him.

6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

7. He’s still in a state of shock.

8. She was in a state of shock.

9. The men were suffering from shell shock.

10. The shock left me numb.

11. The shock of the blast shattered many windows.

12. The news gave me a nasty shock.

13. Her death was a shock to him.

14. She was crying with vexation and shock.

15. India is where I first experienced real culture shock.

16. Her death was a grievous shock.

17. For a moment shock held her immobile.

18. Severe shock can bring on an attack of acne.

19. Peter fainted away with the shock of the news.

20. She fainted away with the shock of the news.

21. I got a terrible shock the other day.

22. They were struck dumb by some sort of shock.

23. The news came as a profound shock.

24. The news of his death came as a shock to us all.

25. The shock wave from the blast blew out 22 windows in the courthouse.

26. It was a real shock, the first time I heard my mother swear.

27. The reaction to the murders was one of shock and disbelief.

28. She still hadn’t got over the shock of seeing him again.

29. If you touch an electric wire, you ll get a shock.

30. The death of his mother came as a tremendous shock.

More similar words: hockey, chocolate, dock, sock, stock, knock, block, rocket, cocked, knock out, knock off, knock down, show, shout, show in, shove, short, shoot, shower, show off, show up, rush out, shorts, bishop, should, in short, shortly, shoot up, shortage, cut short. 

Sentences with the word Shock?



  • «anaphylactic shock«
  • «a face turned ashen»; «the invalid’s blanched cheeks»; «tried to speak with bloodless lips»; «a face livid with shock«; «lips…livid with the hue of death»- Mary W. Shelley; «lips white with terror»; «a face white with rage»
  • «in a nasty mood»; «a nasty accident»; «a nasty shock«; «a nasty smell»; «a nasty trick to pull»; «Will he say nasty things at my funeral?»- Ezra Pound
  • «a bad headache»; «in a big rage»; «had a big (or bad) shock«; «a bad earthquake»; «a bad storm»
  • «The shock numbed her senses»
  • «it came as a shock to learn that he was injured»
  • «soften a shock«; «break a fall»
  • «The noise brought her up in shock«
  • «The first success came three days later»; «It came as a shock«; «Dawn comes early in June»
  • «his mother’s death left him in a daze»; «he was numb with shock«
  • «her death came as a terrible shock«; «upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren»
  • «struck dumb»; «speechless with shock«
  • «The scientists set up a shock wave»
  • «subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response»; «electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks»
  • «She suffered a fracture in the accident»; «He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars»; «She got a bruise on her leg»; «He got his arm broken in the scuffle»
  • «a highly sensitive explosive is easily exploded by a shock«; «a sensitive colloid is readily coagulated»
  • «the armies met in the shock of battle»
  • «the door closed with a jolt»; «all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers»
  • «vital organs»; «blood and other vital fluids»; «the loss of vital heat in shock«; «a vital spot»; «life-giving love and praise»
  • «live coals»; «tossed a live cigarette out the window»; «got a shock from a live wire»; «live ore is unmined ore»; «a live bomb»; «a live ball is one in play»
  • «everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock«
  • «a profound silence»; «a state of profound shock«
  • «the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch»
  • «loss of blood is an important cause of shock«
  • «corn is bound in small sheaves and several sheaves are set up together in shocks»; «whole fields of wheat in shock«
  • «he had an unruly shock of black hair»
  • «shock grain»
  • «the explosion created a shock wave»
  • «unprepared remarks»; «the shock was unprepared»; «our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared»- R.E.Danielson

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The family will be in for a big shock when they see the airfare costs.«
(big, great, huge, real, awful, considerable)

«I enjoyed the party after the initial shock wore off.«
(initial, first)

«When we went to China, he experienced culture shock.«

Used with verbs:

«I got a huge shock when I saw him.«
(got, felt, had, received)

«You gave me quite a shock.«

«His mom expressed great shock by her son’s bad grades.«

«She never got over the shock of the tragic accident.«
(got over, recovered from)

Used with nouns:

«He does crazy things just for the shock value.«

Used with prepositions:

«She fainted in shock over the news.«

«That was a huge shock to me.«

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Shock | Shock Sentence

  • The shock was too great.
  • The shock might kill her.
  • It was such a shock to him that it nearly killed him.
  • Had the shock been too much for his enfeebled body?
  • Landing shock absorbing: 2 wheels and 1 skid.
  • They do not know me; I shall shock them.
  • The electric shock of Serajevo soon spent its force.
  • He was conscious of a distinct shock of loneliness that she was not there.
  • The shock was almost as great as when he thought he had to die.
  • That noise and that awful shock make him clear out of the cabin.
  • A sudden noise without brought him back with a shock to present surroundings.
  • The shock was almost as great as if she had thought Mrs. Stiles was a client.
  • Do you really mean that you won’t shock the young men away from you?

How To Use Shock In A Sentence?

  • The best knowledge indicates that death uniformly results from shock to the heart.
  • It is believed that death has occurred from shock due to pressure as low as 100 volts.
  • Before I could recover from the bewildering shock and speak to her she was gone.
  • The Mobilization Order tore through the capital with the velocity and the shock of a shell.
  • The shock seemed to have quite broken her, so that it was the mistress who had to comfort the servant.
  • Bert stiffened the muscles of his wrists until they were as hard as steel, to withstand the shock of landing.
  • All that could be done to protect them from the full force of the shock was done by relatives and good friends.
  • It occurred to him suddenly with a shock that she was deeper, far deeper than he had ever suspected.
  • In seconds the shock wave returned to their side of the bridge making both of them nearly lose their footing.
  • The unfortunate man who was forced to perform this dreadful work died in consequence of the shock it gave him.
  • A terrible suspicion came to him that her mind was wandering, that the shock she had received had unbalanced her reason.
  • I heard the paper’s name with a queer little shock and surveyed the man with interest.
  • Boyce tried to fend her off by flailing his arms, but he was weakened by the shock to his body, knocking the air from him.
  • As it was, he was badly jarred, not only by the shock of the buck-jumps but also by the caustic comments of the cowboys.
  • He had a shock of coarse black hair, that stood out from his head in all directions; and bore an axe on his shoulder.
  • The water was icy cold, and for a moment the shock of it took away his breath and made his heart stand still.
  • All started from their seats, imagining it the shock of an earthquake, or that old father red-cap was coming among them in all his terrors.
  • He had talked rapidly, almost like a drunken man, as his reeling brain battled with the rising shock of the malarial stroke.
  • And it happened that they stumbled over a tree-stump, and with the shock the piece of apple which Snow-white had bitten off came out of her throat.
  • Through all the shock of the astounding revelation that Mills and Dulcie cared for each other came the sting of their sympathy.
  • I shuddered sometimes at the thought of the shock to the Old Housekeeper if she were to see her hall and stairs.
  • The consequence is an explosion; the spirits vanish, and Faust receives an electric shock which paralyzes all his bodily functions.
  • I shall shock many honest souls by this confession, but I hope and believe that it may awaken and enlighten others.
  • I was within a few doors of the number when I came with a great shock against a man, who was walking like myself without looking ahead.
  • It was entirely in my conception of things that I should be very watchful not to shock or distress Margaret or press the sensuous note.
  • The shock was severe, for though he had never treated me with kindness, still he was my father, and at his death I felt myself alone in the world.
  • The stone that looked so firm, was insecurely balanced below, and at the first shock one side went down with a splash, and Ida went with it.

Definition of Shock

(transitive) To collect, or make up, into a shock or shocks; to stook. | An arrangement of sheaves for drying; a stook. | (commerce, dated) A lot consisting of sixty pieces; a term applied in some Baltic ports to loose goods.

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Shock in a sentence

Shock sentence

sentence with Shock

Shock used in a sentence

Shock make sentence

make sentence with Shock

make sentence of Shock

Shock sentence in english

  • Use the word Shock in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I didn’t get to tell you this earlier because I was in a state of shock.

It just gave me a bit of a shock.

When we told her how expensive it was she almost dropped it and broke it from the shock of hearing that.

It seems as though President Joo is suffering from the huge shock.

Raphael’s death is a shock to us all.

This must be a shock. No, no I’m alright. No, I’m…

There will be a pulse check before the shock.

This will be the third shock.

DEFIBRILLATOR: ‘150 joules biphasic shock.

One, two, three… shock.

DEFIBRILLATOR: ‘shock charging.

DEFIBRILLATOR: ‘Ready to shock…’ Shocking after three.

Haven’t you ever heard of future shock?

The shock and fear of an unreasoning fanaticism will pass.

Claire … fainting from shock unexpected music … hateful … in this tortured atmosphere, Claire is increasingly … excited … haunted … suddenly the wind … when she finally leaves to discover the Secret of her immense human suffering …

The shock made her half-mad.

The Chevalier, overpowered by shock, is still too weak to testify in person.

I … I had a great shock once!»

Don Wilson arrived at stardom with both feet, so the shock didn’t go to his head…

Corporal Bourrache, a kind of shock absorber placed between soldier and chief and destined to take all the blows.

In the ruins of Verdun, the French divisions prepare themselves for the shock.

So now that he’s over the initial shock, I can step in and close the deal.

Well, I got a shock for you guys.

To the production advisors and to the shock workers.

All the shock workers all workers, actually.

I, a shock worker from pit #1, promise to overfulfill the Plan till the year’s end… 28 000 tons!

I, a shock worker from pit #9, promise to exceed the quota this year and to deliver 28 000 tons!

Here come the shock workers!

We, Brigade #4 commit ourselves and declare ourselves shock workers.

Hail the shock worker’s movement!

There are times in human existence when the need for a powerful shock a cataclysm which will shake Society to its roots arises beneath all the supports at once.

I hadn’t gotten over the shock of last night.

Wasn’t it only shell shock with father?

I suppose we are a bit of a shock to each other, Sydney.

No, you’re not a shock to me.

You will realise what a shock would do to her.

With father, it wasn’t just shell shock.

He wasn’t suffering just from shell-shock.

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