Sentence using word send

send — перевод на русский


But then he sent me this note asking me to meet him, so I started to think maybe he wasn’t a jerk.

Так что я начала уже думать, что он подонок. Но когда он послал мне записку с просьбой о встрече, я подумала, может он не такой уж и подонок.

I sent patrolmen.

Я послал стражников.

What, you sent patrolmen?

ты послал стражников?

I told you I sent patrolmen!

что послал стражников.

I sent a kid to tell him.

Я послал мальчика передать это ему.

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Leebang sent a letter addressed to you.

Либан прислал Вам письмо.

Someone sent a private plane.

Кто-то прислал за мной частный самолет.

Somebody sent you a present?

Кто — то прислал тебе подарок?

Oh, a guy sent it to me.

Это прислал мне один парень.


Вчера за мной прислал президент.

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When the sun rose, I should have sent her back right away.

мне следовало отправить её обратно.

Don’t you want to send that insolent creatrure to the devil?

Не хотите ли снова отправить к дьяволу эту бесстыдную особу?

«I must send you home now.»

А сейчас я должен отправить тебя домой.

There’s enough to send you up the minute you start anything. Do you get me?

Там достаточно, чтобы вмиг отправить вас за решетку, как только что-нибудь исполните.

I put in $ 1000, what I was gonna send back for my wife to bring her here.

Я внесу ту тысячу, которую собирался отправить жене, чтобы привезти её сюда.

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You mean you didn’t send for him?

Так ты не посылал за ним ?

He’s been sending her flowers daily ever since they came here.

Он посылал ей цветы каждый день с тех пор, как они приехали.

But I never sent this letter.

Но я никогда не посылал это письмо.

I never sent this letter.

— Я никогда не посылал этого письма.

— Dr. Candell just sent for me.

— Доктор Кандэлл посылал за мной.

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I don’t like sending people on leave.

Я не люблю отправлять людей в отпуск

You better learn to write, Johnny, so you can send me some letters.

Джонни, учись писать, тогда ты сможешь отправлять мне письма!

It’s no kindness to send a man into the next world unawares. It’s heathen. That’s what it is, I say.

Разве по–божески отправлять человека в мир иной без сознания?

They must be sending off 50,000 men every night.

Они должны отправлять по 50,000 солдат каждую ночь.

Why, darling, who do you know to send a telegram to?

Зачем, дорогая? Кому ты собираешься отправлять телеграмму?

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I’m sorry if I’m late, J.B., but I had to send a very important wire.

Извините за опоздание, Джей Би, мне надо было отослать очень важную телеграмму.

Suppose I send them away?

Предлагаете их отослать?

In the meantime, you can send your congregation over to my parish.

А пока, можете отослать своих прихожан к нам.

You’ll have to send Carmen away.

Вы должны отослать Кармен.

You could have sent it. A stamp would take care of the whole thing.

Ты могла бы просто отослать их по почте

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Our butcher sends us the most inconsiderate chickens.

Наш мясник присылает нам неправильных кур.

I did a special job for Parkinson… and, well, every year he sends me some little thing like this.

Я выполнял работу для Паркинсона, а он каждый год присылает мне такие вещи.

Rhys Howell is in a solicitor’s office, and is sending home ten shillings a week.

Рис Хоувел работает в адвокатской конторе, присылает домой по 10 шиллингов в неделю.

Yes. Every Christmas since I left, my old mother sends me one of these.

С тех пор, как я уехал, мать каждое рождество мне присылает такую.

— He’s sending me a sailor for Christmas.

— На Рождество он присылает мне моряка.

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You can’t make enough money there anyway to send to your husband… unless you meet another sucker like me.

У тебя не будет достаточно денег, чтобы выслать мужу, если не встретишь кого-то вроде меня.

They can’t send you back.

Они не смогут выслать тебя.

Unless I can marry an American citizen right away, I’ll be sent back to… to what used to be Austria.

Если я не выйду замуж за гражданина Америки, меня могут выслать… в страну, которая раньше была Австрией.

I still can’t believe it that you’re here and you’re safe, and you won’t be sent away.

Я все еще не могу поверить, что ты здесь, ты в безопасности… и тебя не могут выслать.

You see, I thought we’d have the boxes… sent up on a dray later that afternoon. — The what?

А саквояж сдала не хранение, попросив выслать с нарочным.

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Почему бы вам не вызвать местных полицейских?

It’s my duty to warn you, and this goes for the rest of the territory, that any further demonstration of lawlessness or threats of violence will force me to send for troops from St. Michael to maintain order.

Мой долг предупредить вас, что любое продолжение беззакония и любые угрозы насилия принудят меня вызвать войска из Сент-Майкла для восстановления порядка.

You may have to send for those soldiers yet.

Может, лучше вызвать солдат?

— Can I send for a doctor?

Вызвать врача?

I’ll send her a summons. Wait.

Тем хуже,придется вызвать ее в полицию.

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— Barbara sends her love to me?

— Барбара шлет мне свою любовь?

She’s sending her love to my picture.

Тогда, наверно, она шлет свою любовь моему изображению.

— She sends you her greetings.

Она шлёт вам поклон.

She sends her regards and is waiting for him.

Что Лиза, жена его, работает… шлет привет, ждет.

Oh, and… and Peggy sends her love to ya.

А, и ещё Пегги шлёт тебе привет.

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  1. In the Wyoming Valley and at Cherry Valley in 1778 provoked Washington to,


    ,the Sullivan Expedition into western New York during the summer of 1779. There
  2. War. The news aroused the 13 colonies to call out their militias and,


    ,troops to besiege Boston. The Battle of Bunker Hill followed on June 17, 1775.
  3. By Volta, was the remotely operated pistol. He made use of a Laden jar to,


    ,an electric current from Como to Milan (~50 km or ~30 miles),which in turn
  4. Say he wishes me to publish, but I shall, of course, at once write and offer to,


    ,to any journal. » Distraught about the illness of his baby son, Darwin put the
  5. Ship eventually comes to a stop again when not thrusting. The player can also,


    ,their ship into hyperspace, causing it to disappear and reappear in a random
  6. A certified e-mail system called Good mail, which will allow companies to,


    ,email to users with whom they have pre-existing business relationships, with a
  7. Org./IN»> pl»/> In 1943,the» Kampfgruppe Auschwitz» was organized with the aim to,


    ,out as much information about what was happening in Auschwitz as possible. They
  8. Called for citizens who knew anything about the founding of baseball to,


    ,in letters. After three years of searching, on December 30, 1907,Spalding
  9. Meet in Metz, France,and come to an agreement wherein the Russian church would,


    ,observers to the Second Vatican Council and in exchange, the Roman Catholic
  10. Following James Madison’s recommendation, invited all the states to,


    ,delegates to Annapolis, Maryland to discuss ways to reduce these interstate
  11. McClellan resisted General-in-Chief Halleck’s orders to,


    ,reinforcements to John Pope’s Union Army of Virginia, which made it easier for
  12. Que l’original but impossible, outside the rules. Instead, she suggested he,


    ,a number of works for her loan exhibition of French art from American
  13. In response to South Carolina’s nullification claim, Jackson vowed to,


    ,troops to South Carolina to enforce the laws. In December 1832,he issued a
  14. Virginia),which had repeatedly rejected Confederate overtures, now refused to,


    ,forces against their neighbors, declared their secession, and joined the
  15. Of his feud with Agamemnon. In Book 9,Agamemnon and the other Mycenaean chiefs,


    ,Ajax, Odysseus and Phoenix to the tent of Achilles in an attempt to reconcile
  16. S successor Zara Yacob in 1450,in which he wrote that he would be happy to,


    ,artisans to Ethiopia if their safe arrival could be guaranteed, but it probably
  17. Then was to starve the Bush into submission, but this allowed the king time to,


    ,assistance with his mobile field army or garrisons from neighboring Burns. In
  18. Had contracted with inventors Thomas Edison and Elisha Gray to find a way to,


    ,multiple telegraph messages on each telegraph line to avoid the great cost of
  19. Churchill, try to seize power, the utopians simply point a ray gun at them and,


    ,them on to someone else’s universe. Wells describes a multiverse of
  20. And performing out-of-band status queries. It also allowed the server to,


    ,asynchronous attention messages to the client. Applejack Transaction Protocol
  21. Dimapur. The shah’s ambassador to Dimapur visited Albuquerque inviting him to,


    ,back an envoy to Persia. Miguel Ferreira was sent via Hormuz to Tabriz, were he
  22. With a power adapter. It provides data transfer at 2400 bit/s, and can also,


    ,and receive fax messages at 9600 and 4800 bit/s respectively. Power options The
  23. A maximally entangled Bell state are distributed to Alice and Bob. Alice could,


    ,bits to Bob in the following way: If Alice wishes to transmit a» 0 «, she
  24. In Kosovo and Afghanistan. There are also debates within the government to,


    ,peacekeepers to Lebanon since there are many Armenians living
  25. Slander. The distributors had used Amway’s Amos voice messaging service to,


    ,the rumor to their downline distributors in April 1995. After more than a
  26. First shot; they did just that. » On April 15,Lincoln called on the states to,


    ,detachments totaling 75,000 troops to recapture forts, protect Washington’D.
  27. Or» vacate» ) the whole decision or any part of it. It may, in addition,


    ,the case back (» remand» or» remit» ) to the lower court for further
  28. With binary coded decimal. However, it would require all data transmission to,


    ,eight bits when seven could suffice. The committee voted to use a seven-bit
  29. Manipulate probability. *Lords: A character who has mastered the Lords can,


    ,out Lords tendrils and pull themselves or objects through shadow.
  30. The unique ring homomorphism from Z to A is determined by the fact that it must,


    ,1 to the identity in A. Therefore rings and Z-algebras are equivalent concepts
  31. Hagar or Ishmael. When the teenager was jesting around, Sarah told Abraham to,


    ,the two of them away. She declared that Ishmael would not share in Isaac’s
  32. The morning of 19 December, when,being so weak, she declared:» if you will,


    ,for a doctor, I will see him now «. It was far too late. At about two o’clock
  33. And powerful Syrian opponents made this situation unstable, leading Rome to,


    ,forces to secure the country as a province of its empire. Roman Period Egypt
  34. Above average. He often used his hard slice serve in the deuce service box to,


    ,his opponent off the court, followed by a shot to the opposite corner. Agassi
  35. Engine to return the CM to Earth, thus demonstrating the Saturn V’s ability to,


    ,the Apollo craft to the Moon, and a direct return-to-Earth abort capability.
  36. Then waste the Saturn V on another simple Earth-orbiting mission, they chose to,


    ,the crew planned to make the second orbital LM test in Apollo 9,to orbit the
  37. Ajax, despite their sacrifices Athena is so angry that she persuades Zeus to,


    ,a storm that sinks many of their ships. When Ajax finally leaves Troy, Athena
  38. Was opened, each end sent the other an ATP request which basically meant «,


    ,me more data «. The client’s response to the server was to


    a block of
  39. NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft. *2001 – NATO decides to,


    ,a peace-keeping force to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. * 2001 –
  40. Capitulation. Northerners rallied behind Lincoln’s call for all the states to,


    ,troops to recapture the forts and to preserve the Union
  41. His ordinary advisers, Alexander ordered the Minister of the Interior to,


    ,a circular to the provincial governors of European Russia, containing a copy of
  42. Meant»


    me more data «. The client’s response to the server was to,


    ,a block of PostScript code, while the server could respond with any diagnostic
  43. Throughout the conflict, apart from small German states that were willing to,


    ,troops (» Hessians» ) to do much of the fighting. The Americans had a large
  44. And since he was already engaged in a romantic affair with her, he decided to,


    ,Octavia back to Rome. Octavian used this to spread propaganda implying that
  45. The Ainu held such ceremonies there as» locate,» a ceremony to,


    ,the spirit of a bear to the gods. Life of Ainu The Ainu people had various
  46. Inaw (singular) and NASA (plural). They are placed on an altar used to «,


    ,back» the spirits of killed animals. Ainu ceremonies for


    ing back bears
  47. Scrutinized for a Control-D character (ASCII 4),which BASIC programs would,


    ,before seemingly Printing a disk command to get DOS’s attention (the disk
  48. Arranged to have transcribed onto 1,100 typewritten pages. He was also able to,


    ,letters and financial instructions, and to obtain writing paper and letters
  49. The struggle against the growing activity of al-Qaeda in Yemen, and promised to,


    ,additional aid. Because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U. S. is
  50. Came to power and Parliament debated whether to repeal the stamp tax or,


    ,an army to enforce it. Benjamin Franklin made the case for repeal, explaining

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отправлять, послать, посылать, передавать, присылать, отсылать, рассылать, слать


- посылать; присылать; отправлять; отсылать

- передавать

Send the wine round. — Обнесите всех вином.
to send sheets to the wash — отдать простыни в стирку

- извещать; давать знать; сообщать

Send to me if you have some news. — Известите меня, если у вас появятся новости.
Send to me in the morning. — Известите меня утром.
If you don’t send, I’ll not come. — Если вы мне не сообщите, я не приду.

- вызвать; пригласить

If he comes tomorrow, send for me. — Если он завтра появится, вызовите меня.
to send smb. for smth., smb. — посылать кого-л. за чем-л., за кем-л.
to send for the doctor — послать за врачом; вызвать врача
the plumber has been sent for — вызвали сантехника; за сантехником пошли

- заказать; выписать

Send for your free sample today! — Закажите бесплатный образец сегодня же!
Have you sent (off) for the booklist yet? — Вы уже заказали список книг?
to send for a book on wild birds — выписать книгу о лесных птицах
Send now for a free catalogue. — Не теряйте времени, закажите бесплатный каталог. (реклама)

- направлять (удар); бросать

to send several shots into the enemy — послать несколько выстрелов вдогонку врагу
The gun sends a ball 2000 yards. — Ружьё бьёт на две тысячи ярдов.
I sent a blow to his chin. — Я ударил его в подбородок.
He sent the ball between the gateposts. — Он послал мяч в ворота.

- радио передавать

Radio signals were sent into deep space. — Радиосигналы были отправлены в глубокий космос.
The ship’s radio sends on a special band. — Судовое радио передаёт в особом диапазоне.

- приводить в какое-л. состояние

to send smb. mad /off his head, out of his mind/ — сводить кого-л. с ума
to send smb. to sleep — усыпить кого-л.
to send smb. to destruction — уничтожить кого-л.
to send smb. sprawling — сбить кого-л. с ног
to send smb. reeling — заставить кого-л. пошатнуться /зашататься/
to send smb. into a rage — привести в ярость, взбесить кого-л.

- сл. исполнять или слушать джазовую музыку, доводя себя до экзальтации
- сл. приводить в восторг

It’s the spectacle and music that send us, not the words. — Не слова приводят нас в восторг, а зрелище и музыка.
Frank Sinatra’s records used to send her. — Когда-то она балдела от записей Фрэнка Синатры.
This music really sends me. — Я прямо тащусь от этой музыки.

- возвыш. ниспослать; даровать; насылать

to send a plague on a country — наслать на страну чуму
to send much rain — ниспослать дождь
What does fortune send us? — Что готовит нам судьба?

- передавать что-л. на словах; передавать сообщение

Please send her my congratulations. — Прошу передать ей мои поздравления.
Send her my good wishes. — Передайте ей мои добрые пожелания.
to send smb. one’s compliments /one’s love, one’s respect/ — передать кому-л. привет

- произносить; издавать какой-л. звук

The lion sent a roar through the jungle. — Рык, который издал лев, был слышен на все джунгли.

Мои примеры


a ramrod camp director who’s been known to send kids home for a minor infraction of the rules — очень строгий начальник лагеря, который известен тем, что отправляет детей домой даже за незначительные нарушения правил  
a tactical decision to send in troops — тактическое решение ввести войска  
to send one’s best to smb. — передавать, посылать привет кому-л.  
to send to the bottom — потопить  
to issue / send a challenge — бросить вызов  
to send a package collect — отправить посылку наложенным платежом.  
to send a dispatch — послать депешу  
to send things flying — расшвырять вещи  
to condemn / send to the galleys — послать на галеры  
to extend / send greetings — посылать поздравления  

to send smb. home — дать кому-л. от ворот поворот  
to send reinforcements — посылать подкрепление  
to send word to smb. — сообщить /дать знать/ кому-л.  
send me word of your arrival — сообщите мне о своём приезде  
to send smb. to Coventry — сл. прекратить общение с кем-л., бойкотировать кого-л.  
to send to the skies — сл. отправить на тот свет, прикончить, убить  
to send smb. packing, to send smb. to the right-about — прогнать /выгнать, уволить/ кого-л.  
to send smb. about his business — а) прогнать, вытурить кого-л.; б) осадить, поставить на место кого-л.; в) послать кого-л. ко всем чертям; ≅ дать от ворот поворот  
to send up the wall — вывести из себя, привести в ярость  

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры с переводом

I’ll send the book to you by post.

Я пошлю тебе эту книгу по почте.

Send him where he wants.

Пошлите его туда, куда он хочет.

I’ll send a copy to you.

Я пришлю вам копию.

Send it express.

Пошлите это с курьером.

Send it by airmail.

Отправьте это авиапочтой.

I’ll send the book to you by mail.

Я пошлю тебе эту книгу по почте.

I’ll send her a bunch of flowers.

Я пошлю ей букет цветов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He hinted strongly that he might be prepared to send troops in.

…adherence to convention requires that the couple send out formal wedding invitations…

…a ceremony in which they immolated their cherished possessions so that the gods would send rain…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

send away — посылать, прогонять, увольнять, усылать
send down — сбивать, отчислить, понижать, исключать из университета
send forth — испускать, издавать
send in — подавать, представлять
send off — отправлять, отсылать, удалять, провожать, направлять, прогонять
send on — пересылать, , отправлять
send out — отправлять, рассылать, высылать, испускать, излучать, выставлять, выпускать ростки
send round — распространять, рассылать, пересылать, посылать, пускать по кругу
send up — направлять вверх, подавать, повышать

Возможные однокоренные слова

send-off  — проводы, почин, хвалебная рецензия, добрые слова, добрые пожелания
sender  — отправитель, передатчик, адресант, передающий прибор, телеграфный аппарат
send-up  — розыгрыш, насмешка, пародия
sending  — подача сигналов

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: send
he/she/it: sends
ing ф. (present participle): sending
2-я ф. (past tense): sent
3-я ф. (past participle): sent

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Used with nouns:

«Please send the mail to my new address.«
(mail, letter, envelope, document, email, memo, request, notice, file) *many additional nouns

«She sends him a letter every week.«
(letter, card, gift, note, email)

«He will send him an apology tonight.«
(apology, invitation)

«The military is sending soldiers to battle.«
(soldiers, troops)

Used with adverbs:

«I need to quickly send this email to my boss.«

«I need to send this package off fast.«
(fast, soon, quickly, now, immediately)

«I reluctantly sent her an invitation.«
(reluctantly, unknowingly, accidentally, mistakenly)

Previous Word by Letter: sell

Previous Word by Frequency: roughly

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Sentence Examples

With that dough, why, I can send you to school… and I can get Little Champ, and you and me can travel.

We’ll send everything flyable after that force and continue round-the-clock operations until we smash them.

I send him food, but it comes back untouched.

Odin… send a wind and turn the tide.

I’ll get the Department of the Interior to send out a hydrologist

You can only receive not send.

Emily: I have to fall in love with curtis In order to send him home.

She can send me packing. You’re projecting fine to me. I don’t know.

I have to take cee lo’s advice And pretty much fall in love with curtis In order to send him home.

A real Lion King send-off.

You leave now, your C.O.’s just gonna send someone else.

Just tell me what your number is. I’ll send you the money for this.

I’m the one who won’t send her away.

There’s no way that I’ll just send you off peacefully.

I’m going to send over the doctor, so just stay home and don’t go anywhere.

I’ll send over some of your favorite tuna porridge.

We need to send a message.

Why can’t you just send someone down?

This should send him down.

Harry, you’ll receive that syringe and you’ll send it for FBC,

send those straight off, come back for an ABG.

send him to X-ray and then in ER3.

Prota, did you send my order to the courts.

I, Duke of Verona, send into exile all those who raise a sword against their fellow citizens»

send detective at once. John Davis.

The commander orders the Gallic captains to send messengers to all the tribes to send aid to Alesia.

The next morning, the delegates send Senate officials to the camp.

send Chief Inspector Muller to me immediately.

She could not send him to be drawn and quartered.

«and not send it off until I am on board the steamer to America?»

«and send it to you when I was already on the steamer.

send your bravest man, Francois Laurin, out on a reconnaissance mission tonight.

If I fall in battle, send one letter per month, in order.

You’ll send these letters to Edith.

Madame Labille sure to send me to hell.

As the daughter of the shoe-polish king has married a count, and as we all know that shoe-polish doesn’t trump oysters, I request that you send me a son-in-law with a pedigree in accordance with my oysters.

send for them, Rufio. I want to see them.

send that mob to the devil!

send me this telegram with the urgent note and the rest of the money is for you, for your work.

Alba gives the order to send the guests away.

You know, David, if I could send a message to mankind, I would like to send them a New Year’s greeting.

Lord, please send your angel so that this sinful city can be punished!

The Lord has send me here so that I can punish this town for its sins!

«send him to the gallows.»

Dear Beudet, As arranged, I send you loge tickets for tonight, maybe you could bring your wife and your associate, Lebas.

I will send him with Beate to the cellar for wine.

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