Sentence using word reason

Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, establishing and verifying facts, applying logic, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

There are simply too many reasons to believe that the overall trend will continue to go higher.


Whatever your reason for coming to this page, you want to know more about a freelance copywriter before you hire him.


Compassion and reason have won, so all that’s left to you is your intolerant whining.


For this reason, Google’s interest in the company is, in part, defensive.


The Bitcoin project is retiring the «Alert» feature for showing informational messages and warnings to Bitcoin users and is citing security concerns as the main reason.


We do not accrue as a receivable interest on loans for accounting purposes if we have reason to doubt our ability to collect such interest.


Yet, targeting $ 80 oil — if we assume that Saudi Arabia is doing that — has its economic reasons.


The principal reason for this educational divide: female students academically outperform male students at every level — high school and university.


German businesses had no reason to invest domestically because Germans were unable to consume, so there was no increase in domestic investment, and because the Current Account Surplus = Savings — Investment, those savings * had * to be exported elsewhere.


Those who didn’t have their own reasons why, from good to suspicious to bad.


One of the reasons, because of it, is in their development, like, their project pipeline and a lot of the existing business they have right now is in what is called the demand pull side of the midstream business, which is rather than being the company that gathers from the field, which is from the well and things like that.


As has been the case for a number of years in Europe, the political backdrop remains uncertain, and this is one of the reasons we think President Draghi’s firm line on resisting calls to adjust the ECB’s accommodative monetary policy is the correct one.


Although Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert’s new convergence plan acknowledges the immorality and implausibility of the exclusivist position, in opting for unilateral action it still ignores the rights of those families whose land was expropriated for reasons having nothing to do with security.


The slightly lower dollar has been one of the reasons for higher international investment returns, and we don’t expect the dollar to rise significantly.


For this reason, if you’re new to safety razors or simply want to try out a number of different brands, Amazon has a number of sample packs that include a variety of different blades — giving you the opportunity to use each brand in turn to see how they work for you.


It’s for this reason we created a colorful slideshow that celebrates the eight busiest airports in the world.


Sarah Smart, chairwoman of pensions administrator TPT Retirement Solutions, suggests some reasons why.


This may not be the only reason to get this card, but it’s a valuable perk.


Owing to various reasons, a good number of the reputable online binary options brokers today do not accept traders from the USA.


For that reason, he says he’d rather buy Target, calling it the «catch-up trade.»


For these reasons, in addition to the momentum from Facebook dating, I wouldn’t write of Facebook’s stock just yet.


For that reason, they’ve continued to rely on inferior metrics while only the most sophisticated professional investors have been able to dig through the accounting data and uncover the true underlying economics of a company.


Clifford Chance, Ashurst and Gilbert + Tobin have been ranked as the top law firms in the Business News 2014 corporate finance league table, but for very different reasons.


And on paper, all equities, for example, would be maybe the best portfolio for them, but the behavioral reasons to try to mess with that.


It’s probably still the reason I don’t bet too big on «growth» stocks.


For this reason, we believe sound risk management and a strong quality bias should be paramount when investing in EM today.


The primary reason for providing traders with a demo account is to enable them to improve their trading experience by practicing trade setups as well as to enable them to understand how to use the trading platform.


Short submissions accepted on topical faith and reason subjects, consistent with FAITH aims and ideals.


While most of the investment has flowed into U.S. companies, there is no reason why Canadian companies couldn’t start to see some of this funding coming their way.


Baltimore-based Under Armour has reason to join rivals such as Nike and Converse in opposing a new round of tariffs.


It is the reason to choose you over your competitor.


Morgan Stanley’s final reason for the upgrade revolves around a «surprisingly supportive political environment» and the «strategic relationship between Tesla leadership and the new administration.»


While there’s no specific reason to think Americans would behave any differently than the study subjects, it is a possibility that we’re less easy to anger (yeah, I don’t think so either) or other social networks show different patterns.


(Bloomberg) The market had different interpretations as to the reason that why the BOE was curtailing the QE bond purchases.


An earlier version of this column misstated the reason a Delaware court struck down a fee-shifting bylaw.


My biggest reason is that I’ve been managing this property since 2004 and I’m ready to take a break on that front.


Yet, many refuse to do this and cite many reasons as to why the market is wrong instead.


One of the reasons you should not max out your card is that you don’t know exactly when your credit card issuer will report your balance to the credit bureaus.


Have you ever prepared to buy a momentum-driven breakout on a stock that formed a great chart pattern (such as a cup and handle), but for whatever reason you missed the entry point on the day the stock breaks out?


Less than one third of renters cited an inability to get a mortgage as the reason they won’t become a homeowner within five years.


The fact of the matter is, the cross remains in human consciousness for one reason «the resurrection that succeeded it.


The Libs are easy to despise for many reasons but the self-righteousness of the NDP and their complete back-and-forth on the issues that I care about as a voter make me equally angry.


For some reason, the term «Dutch disease» seems to be uniquely associated with fossil fuels, so the phrase doesn’t dominate the public debate in Australia the the extent it does here.


He identifies VR as one of its three strategic growth areas, and with good reason: VR rendering requires seven times as much graphics horsepower as 1080p HD rendering.


The main reason to accumulate gold as a savings instrument is to mitigate sovereign risk — the risk that governments and central banks will confiscate wealth by devaluing currencies and running mind-boggling deficits.


A cosigner is obligated to make the monthly payments on your loan if, for whatever reason, you stop paying.


He takes the traditional value investing process and just flips it around a little bit, starting by identifying situations in which there is a reason why something might be misunderstood, where it’s likely investors will not have correctly figured out what’s going on, then does the more traditional work to confirm whether, in fact, there’s an attractive investment to make.


This is one of several reasons why so many Albertans have objected to industrial development in the foothills.


For the 262 contracts awarded as of November 16 that did not go through the open bidding process, the most common reason for not seeking price quotes from more than one business was «urgency.»


The overtime premium was instituted for two primary reasons.


reason — перевод на русский


I think Gerard is kind of the main reason why there’s a lot of «evilness» in the Argent family.

Думаю Джерард как раз та причина, почему в семье Арджентов так много зла.

I deal with many countries as Chief Prosecutor, is there any reason for me to talk to the North Korean dedication for more than 2 minutes?

Я выслушал претензии уже многих стран. Разве у меня есть причина слушать северокорейскую делегацию даже в течении двух минут?

Last time when that Lady’s remain was found, it was the same reason too. Although a murderer’s tomb was found in their town, there isn’t even one single person who wants to know the truth.

причина была та же. кто хотел бы узнать правду.

Of couse, in a sense, it doesn’t really matter what reasons people have for using it. What does matter, is that LSD is an extraordinaly powerful drug.

онечно, в известной степени не так важна причина использовани€. ¬ажно то, что Ћ—ƒ необычайно мощный наркотик, воздействие которого мы не в состо€нии контролировать, принима€ его.

The reason for this measure

Причина такого решения —

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Well… the reason why I didn’t tell you was…

почему я не рассказал тебе…

So that’s the reason you haven’t been around.

Так вот почему ты долго не появлялся.

You know, Dale, I haven’t told you the real reason I asked you down here.

Знаешь, я не сказала тебе, почему в действительности просила тебя приехать.

The only reason he wasn’t killed in her place… was that Anderson was found out.

Единственное, почему его убили не в её комнате это то, что Андерсона раскрыли.

Well, what other reason could it be?

Ну почему же еще?

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— I have reason to believe she is here.

— У меня есть основания считать, что она тут.

The awful thing about life is this: Everyone has their reasons.

Ужасная правда жизни в том, что у каждого есть свои основания.

And there is every reason to hope.

Есть все основания надеяться…

But he didn’t have a good reason.

Но папа не имел серьезного основания.

Have you any reason to be dissatisfied?

У вас есть какие-то основания сомневаться?

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One moment you’ll be her little Fifi, the next she’ll be looking for reasons to complain.

Вот ты ее маленький Фифи, а вот уже ищет повод для недовольства.

That’s no reason to show your goods before the wedding.

Это не повод показывать свои прелести до свадьбы.


Ну конечно, Фиби, когда она больна, есть двойной повод для-

Just because you were there and there were holes in him, Mrs. Marko… is no reason why people should…

Вы были рядом, он был нашпигован пулями, но это, конечно, еще не повод — чтобы люди думали…

— Still, that’s no reason…

— Но это не повод…

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For these reasons I request the death sentence According to the Article 2 of the Act of March 10, 1792.

Поэтому я требую смертной казни, в соответствии со статьей 2 Закона от 10 Марта 1792 г.

No reason to trample!

И поэтому ногу мне отдавил?

That’s the reason for all those rejection slips.

Поэтому я получал все эти отказы.

Well, that’s the only reason I came over from my room and knocked on your door, so you’d have the toothbrush and…

Вот, поэтому я пришел из своей комнаты и постучал к тебе. У тебя теперь есть зубная щетка и…

That’s the reason.


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— Well, I will say this… unless the conflict inside her is stopped, It may even affect her reason.

— Ну, я скажу что… если борьба внутри неё не прекратится, … это может затронуть её разум.

In truth, it took some time for my reason to recover.

Сказать по правде, мой разум долго не мог проснуться.

My reason tells me as much.

Мой разум говорит мне, что это неправда.

But reason dominates will.

Но разум управляет волей.

Although sense and reason discovered and revealed the causes of that sad period, it does not ease the weight of those first impressions.

И хотя чувства и разум изыскали и раскрыли причины моей грусти в тот период, Мне не облегчить груза тех первых впечатлений.

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The only reason I told Nick about Johnny…

— Я рассказала Нику о Джонни только потому…

Even if only for the practical reason that he’s a lawyer and will know what to do.

Хотя бы потому, что он адвокат, и знает, что нужно делать.

I certainly do. But I wouldn’t publish it for the reason Ms. Madden couldn’t be in our town. Well, I didn’t say she was.

Нет я думаю, но никогда не написал бы об этом потому что мисс Медден никак не может быть в нашем городе а я и не говорю что она была но почему вы думаете что и не может быть?

I find myself welcome at many gatherings for no better reason that that my arrival is the signal for Monsieur Laroche-Mathieu’s departure.

Меня с радостью принимают во многих домах только потому что мое прибытие знаменует уход Ларош-Матье.

That’s the very reason I’m asking you questions. Fine!

— Вот именно потому я задаю вам вопросы.

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Arang, what is the reason you want to see me?

зачем ты хотела меня видеть?

Any particular reason?

Расскажешь зачем он тебе? Да.

— Yes, I don’t see any reason why he should ever come home at all.

— Да, я не понимаю зачем ему вообще приходить домой.

For what reason would he do that?

Зачем он согласился?

I couldn’t see any reason for throwing away good money.

Ой, не вижу, зачем выбрасывать на ветер хорошие деньги.

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– That wasn’t the reason. You are a coward

Ты просто струсила

— Ehh…no reason.

— Э… просто.

— For a mighty good reason.

— Очень просто.

No particular reason. I thought you’d like to take it to her.

Я просто подумал, что тебе будет приятно отнести это ей.

The simple reason is that I need the money

Просто мне были нужны деньги.

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— Well, he had a reason and the chance.

— У него был мотив и возможность.

-There’s your reason!

Воттебе и мотив.

Evidence of sabotage is sufficient reason.

Саботаж — это, разумеется, достаточный мотив.

They can always find a reason when they want to. Especially in your case.

Увы, они всегда найдут мотив!

The reasons why are identified.

Мотив тут уже указан.

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What is rock music? When and how did rock music originate? What are the leading bands, singers and songs of rock music? Brief history of rock.

Rock and roll is a genre of popular music that originated in the United States in the 1950s. It is characterized by a strong backbeat, the use of amplified instruments (especially the electric guitar, bass guitar, and drums), and the use of blues-based chord progressions. The lyrics of rock and roll songs often deal with themes of love, rebellion, and social issues.

The origins of rock and roll can be traced back to various musical traditions, including rhythm and blues, country, and gospel. The term “rock and roll” was first used to describe the music in the early 1950s, and it quickly became a catch-all term for a new type of music that was emerging at the time.

Early rock and roll songs were heavily influenced by the blues, but also incorporated elements of country and pop music. The first rock and roll records were produced in the early 1950s, with hits such as Bill Haley and His Comets’ “Rock Around the Clock” and Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode” leading the way.

Rock and roll music has had a significant impact on popular culture and has influenced many other genres of music. It has also led to the formation of subgenres such as rockabilly, rock and roll, hard rock, and heavy metal.

Rock & Roll Music


History & Greatest Bands and Artists

Rock music is a genre of popular music that originated in the United States in the 1950s, and has since spread to become a global phenomenon. The origins of rock music can be traced back to various musical traditions, including rhythm and blues, country music, and gospel. The key elements of rock music include the use of amplified instruments, particularly the electric guitar, bass guitar, and drums, as well as a strong backbeat, and the use of blues-based chord progressions.

The first rock and roll records were produced in the early 1950s, with hits such as Bill Haley and His Comets’ “Rock Around the Clock” and Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode” leading the way. These early rock and roll songs were heavily influenced by the blues, but also incorporated elements of country and pop music.

In the 1960s, rock music underwent a significant transformation with the emergence of the “British Invasion,” led by bands such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Kinks, which brought a new level of sophistication and experimentation to the genre. This era also saw the rise of folk rock, with bands like The Byrds and Simon & Garfunkel blending elements of folk and rock music.

The late 1960s and early 1970s saw the emergence of hard rock and heavy metal, with bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple leading the way. This period also saw the rise of psychedelic rock, with bands like The Doors and Pink Floyd incorporating elements of psychedelic culture into their music.

In the 1970s, punk rock emerged as a reaction against the perceived excesses of the previous decade. Punk bands like The Ramones, The Sex Pistols and The Clash, rejected the traditional rock and roll formula in favor of a raw, stripped-down sound and lyrics that often dealt with political and social issues.

The 1980s saw the emergence of a new wave of rock bands, including U2, R.E.M, and The Police, that blended elements of punk, new wave and post-punk. This era also saw the rise of hair metal bands like Mötley Crüe, Guns N’ Roses and Poison, which blended elements of hard rock and heavy metal with a more glamorous image.

In the 1990s and 2000s, rock music continued to evolve with the emergence of alternative rock, post-grunge and Indie rock bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, and The Arctic Monkeys, which blended elements of punk, hard rock and alternative music. In recent years, rock music has seen a resurgence in popularity with bands like The Black Keys, The White Stripes, The Strokes, and The Arctic Monkeys, leading the way.

Rock music continues to evolve and has a strong presence in the music scene, with new subgenres and bands emerging all the time.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«I can’t find a good reason to go.«

«I don’t understand your reasons.«

«She doesn’t have any good reasons.«

«Can you explain your reasons?«
(explain, list)

«He didn’t provide any reasons.«
(provide, state, give, offer)

«Let’s discuss the reasons why you won’t do it.«

«We discovered the reason behind the move.«
(discovered, uncovered)

Used with adjectives:

«He dislikes her for no good reason.«
(good, particular, apparent, real)

«She has clear reasons for her decision.«
(clear, legitimate, obvious, valid)

«I am doing this for several reasons.«
(several, many, selfish, sentimental)

«I can’t attend for health reasons.«
(health, personal)

«I can’t give you an exact reason.«

«Fame is the only reason I became an actor.«
(only, primary, main)

«That is a bad reason for getting married.«

«She is doing this for the wrong reasons.«

Used with prepositions:

«She is angry and without good reason.«
(without, with)

«There is a reason behind what I did.«
(behind, for)

«There are obvious reasons against using illegal drugs.«

Examples of how to use the word “reason” in a sentence. How to connect “reason” with other words to make correct English sentences.

reason (n): the cause of an event or situation or something that provides an excuse or explanation

Use “reason” in a sentence

He revealed the real reason for his absence.
Tell me the reason why he has been fired.
He insulted me without any reason.
He quit his job for no particular reason.
Tell me the real reason why you are not willing to do it.
Give me one reason why I should believe you.
I don’t know the reason for her absence.
I don’t see any reason why I have to apologize.

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