Sentence using word promote

Antonym: degrade. Similar words: promotion, remote, protest, protein, prompt, protection, protective, compromise. Meaning: [prə’məʊt]  v. 1. contribute to the progress or growth of 2. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position 3. make publicity for; try to sell (a product) 4. be changed for a superior chess or checker piece 5. change a pawn for a king by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it the row closest to your opponent. 

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1. The government should do more to promote sustainable agriculture.

2. We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.

3. An industrial estate will help to promote the business of that city.

4. a meeting to promote trade between Taiwan and the U.K.

5. If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain.

6. The association works to promote the status of retired people as useful members of the community.

7. You don’t have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.

7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. We need to do more to promote good race relations.

9. The government’s policies will promote the welfare of all citizens.

10. He was in town to promote his new books.

11. Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?

12. The aim is to promote closer economic integration.

13. She’s in London to promote her new book.

14. He did this to promote American exports.

15. Promote physical culture and build up the people’s health.

16. We must promote commerce with neighbouring countries.

17. The government must promote racial equality.

18. The government seeks to promote non-proliferation and disarmament.

19. The organization works to promote the trade between nations.

20. The Church tries to promote racial harmony.

21. We should promote environmentally aware and responsible science.

22. The organizationworks to promote friendship between nations.

23. We must promote originality and encourage innovation.

24. The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.

25. They wish to promote a real and effectual understanding between the two countries.

26. The aim of the culture festival is to promote friendship between the two countries.

27. Some types of antibiotic are used to promote growth in farm animals.

28. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.

29. Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote vigorous growth in the spring.

30. Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second solo album.

More similar words: promotion, remote, protest, protein, prompt, protection, protective, compromise, promising, prominent, environmental protection, no more, mother, no more than, automobile, motor, motive, motion, mothering, note, grandmother, motivate, quote, voter, devote, vote in, notebook, take note of, from, potentially. 

способствовать, поощрять, продвигать, стимулировать, поддерживать, рекламировать


- продвигать; повышать в чине или звании

to be promoted over the head of other persons — продвинуться по службе, обойдя других
he was promoted captain /to the rank of captain, to be a captain/ — ему присвоили звание капитана

- способствовать, содействовать, поддерживать, поощрять

to promote trade — содействовать развитию торговли, поощрять развитие торговли
to promote a scheme [a bill in Parliament] — содействовать продвижению плана [законопроекта в парламенте]; (всячески) поддерживать план [законопроект в парламенте]
to promote international understanding — содействовать взаимопониманию между народами
to promote general welfare — способствовать обеспечению общего благосостояния

- возбуждать; стимулировать; активизировать

to promote disorder [ill-will] — возбуждать беспорядки [недоброжелательность]

- переводить в следующий класс (ученика)
- учреждать

to promote an enterprise [a company] — учредить предприятие [общество]

- рекламировать; содействовать продаже какого-л. товара
- шахм. продвигать пешку
- сл. красть, воровать; раздобывать
- мед. способствовать, провоцировать; активировать; стимулировать; ускорять

Мои примеры


The purpose was to promote homes, clubs, visiting, and other services. — Цель состояла в том, чтобы продвигать дома, клубы, визиты и другие услуги.  
to promote the optimization and diversification of agricultural products — содействовать оптимизации и диверсификации сельскохозяйственной продукции  
to advance / champion / fight for / promote / support the cause of peace — защищать, отстаивать дело мира  
to promote set of concrete — ускорять схватывание бетона  
to promote (international) friendship — развивать (международные) контакты  
to foster / promote growth — благоприятствовать развитию  
to promote (good) health — способствовать улучшению здоровья  
to market / promote an invention — продвигать изобретение  
to promote an officer — повысить офицера в звании  
to promote corrosion — способствовать коррозии  
to promote disorder — возбуждать беспорядки  
promote exchange — содействовать обмену; поощрять обмен  

Примеры с переводом

He was promoted from Captain to Commodore.

Его повысили в чине от капитана до коммодора.

Regular exercise promotes all-round good health.

Регулярные физические упражнения способствуют хорошему состоянию здоровья в целом.

All the children have been promoted to the next class.

Все дети переведены в следующий класс.

Sugary foods promote breast cancer.

Продукты с высоким содержанием сахара провоцируют рак молочной железы.

Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.

Рекламным компаниям постоянно приходится изобретать новые способы продвижения товаров.

I got promoted after many years of hard work

После многих лет усердной работы меня повысили.

This policy is intended to promote more efficient utilization of equipment.

Данная политика направлена на достижение более эффективного использования оборудования.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

promoter  — промоутер, покровитель, подстрекатель, патрон, тот, кто способствует
promotion  — продвижение, поощрение, содействие, стимулирование, продвижение по службе
promoted  — выдвинутый
promotive  — продвигающий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: promote
he/she/it: promotes
ing ф. (present participle): promoting
2-я ф. (past tense): promoted
3-я ф. (past participle): promoted

The word (


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  1. Of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed,neither intends to,


    ,the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the
  2. Name Beyer stein /> cognitive biases that help maintain self-esteem and,


    ,harmonious social functioning, name Beyer stein /> and the post hoc, ergo
  3. That I have observed …» Ginsberg travelled to several Communist countries to,


    ,free speech. He claimed that Communist countries, such as China, welcomed him
  4. While opium was used to relieve pain. Garlic and onions were used regularly to,


    ,good health and were thought to relieve asthma symptoms. Ancient Egyptian
  5. Product lines — for example,» think, therefore iMac» was used in 1998 to,


    ,the iMac, and » Say hello to iPhone» has been used in iPhone advertisements. »
  6. After being evicted from Cefalù he returned to Britain, where he continued to,


    ,Thelma until his death. Crowley was also bisexual, a recreational drug
  7. In 1888–1889,Spalding took a group of Major League players around the world to,


    ,baseball and Spalding sporting goods. Playing across the western U. S., the
  8. Lectures, later incorporated as the Nathaniel Branden Institute (FBI),to,


    ,Rand’s philosophy. Collective members gave lectures for FBI and wrote articles
  9. Respectively. In Louisiana, Lincoln ordered General Nathaniel P. Banks to,


    ,a plan that would restore statehood when 10 % of the voters agreed to it.
  10. Gregory the Great’s Pastoral Care, kings who fail to obey their divine duty to,


    ,learning can expect earthly punishments to befall their people. The pursuit of
  11. His enormous amounts of philanthropist works, not only to charities but also to,


    ,democracy and independence to colonized countries. Death of bronchial pneumonia
  12. Gain, and he is in this, as in many other eases, led by an invisible hand to,


    ,an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the
  13. Were, but it may have involved limitations on the doctrines he could teach or,


    , He was still teaching in 515,since Olympiodorus heard him lecture on Plato’s
  14. Reputation to help the Swami establish the first temple, and toured with him to,


    ,his cause. February 1967) (): Ginsberg: So what do you think of Swami
  15. Their explorers to marry local women, under a policy set by Albuquerque. To,


    ,settlement, the King of Portugal granted freeman status and exemption from
  16. The complete version surfaced on bootlegs. The group travelled to London to,


    ,The Singles: The First Ten Years in the first week of November 1982,appearing
  17. White coat. In 1998,the Colored Angora Goat Breeders Association was set up to,


    ,breeding of colored Angoras. Today, Angora goats produce white, black (deep
  18. As Prussian nationalistic historian Heinrich von Tranche did much to,


    ,this form of racism. He coined the term» the Jews are our misfortune» which
  19. Was published in 1920. When Archie was offered a job organizing a world tour to,


    ,the British Empire Exhibition the couple left their daughter with Agatha’s
  20. The single» Dancing Queen» received radio airplay in the UK in summer 1992 to,


    ,the upcoming ABBA Gold: Greatest Hits album, as a result of which the song
  21. Studies further by isolating the penicillin, and by being motivated enough to,


    ,his discovery at a larger scale. Fleming also discovered very early that
  22. European Union health ministers voted to ban four antibiotics widely used to,


    ,animal growth (despite their scientific panel’s recommendations). Regulation
  23. Hectares of farmland or raw land at prices of a few hundred US$ per hectare. To,


    ,exports of agricultural products, many government agencies publish on the web
  24. Their traditional working boat ancestors, have been structurally modified to,


    ,greater speed under sail. The island’s waters and striking underwater sites
  25. 6 Jews. In June 2011,the Economist suggested that» The best way for Turks to,


    ,democracy would be to vote against the ruling party «. Not long after, the
  26. Of beta-lactam antibacterials. In agriculture, antibacterials are often used to,


    ,weight gain in livestock animals. More than 70 % of the antibacterials used in
  27. Tankers. Religious viewpoints Most, if not all, of the world’s religions,


    ,altruism as a very important moral value. Buddhism, Christianity,Hinduism
  28. Awards, studios spend millions of dollars and hire publicists specifically to,


    ,their films during what is typically called the» Oscar season. » This has
  29. Seem better known as Afro Celt Sound System. They played a number of shows to,


    ,Anatomic in 2006 and summer 2007,ending with a gig in Korea, before taking an
  30. At the awards ceremony, and the fact that they are performing is often used to,


    ,the television broadcast). The Academy Awards is televised live across the
  31. Classical economists see in Smith’s first sentences his program to,


    ,» The Wealth of Nations «. Taking up the physiocratic concept of the economy
  32. Competitions and prizes There are a number of competitions and prizes to,


    ,research in artificial intelligence. The main areas


    d are: general
  33. Promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to,


    ,it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the
  34. Two opposing solubility trends in alcohols are: the tendency of the polar OH to,


    ,solubility in water, and the tendency of the carbon chain to resist it. Thus
  35. Electric Industrial (today’s Panasonic Corporation),which was designed to,


    ,the brand National. This campaign was designed initially for Australia, where »
  36. Krishna in the airport lounge with flowers in hands. To further support and,


    ,Bhaktivedanta Swami’s message and chanting in San Francisco, Allen Ginsberg
  37. The philosophical novel Atlas Shrugged. Afterward she turned to nonfiction to,


    ,her philosophy, publishing her own magazines and releasing several collections
  38. And visible gay and lesbian community which the city officially attempts to,


    ,and nurture. The Aarhus Feature festival usually includes several exhibits
  39. Lindbergh considered Carrel his closest friend, and said he would preserve and,


    ,Carrel’s ideals after his death. Due to his proximity with Jacques
  40. And took the oath of allegiance to the new duke, who used his full powers to,


    ,the doctrines of Luther. This transition did not, however,take place without
  41. Such as phytoplankton and detritus. Some profitable aquaculture cooperatives,


    ,sustainable practices. New methods lessen the risk of biological and chemical
  42. Any major movements or referendums. There are several groups wishing to,


    ,the independence of Alberta in some form currently active in the province. In
  43. And his future veneration was forbidden, though a handful of extremists still,


    ,the narrative as a fact. Current situation A March 2008 report by the U. S.
  44. And wood. The New Kingdom pharaohs began a large-scale building campaign to,


    ,the god Amen, whose growing cult was based in Barney. They also constructed
  45. II – and classical economists believe that Smith stated his program how to,


    ,the» Wealth of Nations» in the first sentences. Smith used the term» the
  46. To its limits with the new Audi Space. » Audi TDI As part of Audi’s attempt to,


    ,its Diesel technology in 2009,the company began Audi Mileage Marathon. The
  47. Form a multicellular fruiting body in which some cells sacrifice themselves to,


    ,the survival of other cells in the fruiting body. Social behavior and altruism
  48. Active role in the demystification of LSD, and,with Timothy Leary, worked to,


    ,its common use. He was also for many decades an advocate of marijuana
  49. Of essential oils from flowers, herbs,and trees is inhaled in an attempt to,


    ,health and well-being and to help lessen a patient’s discomfort following
  50. List of professional architecture organizations for groups created to,


    ,career and business development in architecture. A wide variety of prizes are

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promote — перевод на русский


I don’t need textbooks to know that you could’ve promoted him too fast.

Мне не нужно учебников, чтобы знать, что вы рано его повысили.

But after the press got ahold of it… they promoted him to full colonel instead.

Но обо всем пронюхали в прессе… и они повысили его в звании до полковника вместо наказания.

I don’t know what I’d do if you ever got promoted.

Ќе знаю, что бы € делал, если бы теб€ повысили.

You’ve been promoted.

Ќо теб€ повысили.

Homer Simpson, you’ve been promoted.

Гомер Симпсон, тебя повысили.

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You know, you’d rather see Whitey promoted than me comfortable.

Ты предпочтешь повышение Уайти моему комфорту.

— You’ll get promoted for this, Lieutenant.

Вы получите повышение за это, лейтенант.

The union gets the notebook, you get promoted to a soft job.

Профсоюз получает блокнот, ты получаешь повышение на непыльную работку.

They fire you, and I get promoted.

Тебя уволят, и я получу повышение

So you can get promoted, have more responsibility and have to get to sleep even earlier?

Чтобы получить повышение, еще больше ответственности и уходить спать еще раньше?

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I go about my business, make money, help society the best I can and try to promote free trade in this world.

Но, мне удается продолжать свое дело, зарабатывать деньги и помогать Обществу, как только могу. Я пытаюсь продвигать свободную Торговлю во всем мире.

Living people have a strong interest in promoting the idea of somehow life is sacred.

Живые люди очень заинтересованы в том чтобы продвигать идею о святости жизни.

To promote a society of laws, not arms.

Продвигать законы вместе с обществом, а не путём насилия

The President wants to promote you to management

Президент хочет продвигать тебя в управленцы.

And while one may be to keep beef safe… the other… the bigger one… is to promote the sale of American meat.

И пусть один гласит, что мясо должно быть безопасным, другой, более важный, должен продвигать продажи американского мяса.

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— Are you getting promoted?

— Тебя повышают?

He bores my life out about not promoting him— over my head, if you please.

Он жутко надоел мне — что его не повышают. Через мою голову, заметь.

Perhaps they do not promote you because you fight with your men?

Может, вас не повышают из-за драк с рядовыми?

I mean, I work in the city in a job I don’t understand, and everyone keeps getting promoted above me.

Я ничего не понимаю в своем деле и повышают всех, кроме меня.

They get promoted.

Их повышают.

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An encyclopedia is an unusual product for a supermodel to promote, isn’t it?

Для супермодели, должно быть, очень непривычно рекламировать энциклопедию, не так ли?

We are the proud parents of a child whose self esteem is sufficient that he doesn’t need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car.

Мы гордые родители ребёнка чьё самоуважение достаточно для того что мы ему не нужны чтобы рекламировать его несущественные школьные достижения на бампере нашей машины.

I won’t mention its name so as not to promote it.

Это был городок на восточном побережье, Не называю его, чтобы не рекламировать.

I have to promote her.

Я должен её рекламировать.

Why would they need to promote themselves?

Зачем им понадобилось так рекламировать себя?

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Well, actually, um, KACL is not doing all it should to promote my show.

Вообще-то, КАСЛ не делает всё возможное для продвижения моего шоу.

No programming means no platform to promote the fall season.

Нет программ — нет основы для продвижения нового сезона.

…that those with intimate knowledge of the case create an information clearinghouse to promote an exchange and free flow of ideas.

—чтобы кто занимается этим делом, создали центр обмена информацией для продвижения и свободного потока идей.

Rock’n’roll’s most enduring rooter had arrived in town to promote his new album ‘Concubine of the Soul’.

Самый упертый рок-н-ролльщик прибыл в наш город для продвижения своего нового альбома «Наложница для души»

Yeah, maybe now that you’re taking a day off from promoting your clubs, we could hang?

Да, может теперь возьмешь выходной от продвижения вашего клуба. Мы могли вместе провести время?

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We’d like to promote you.

Мы хотели бы продвинуть вас.

interests of members of other species, in order to promote the most trivial interests of our own species.

интересы членов других разновидностей, чтобы продвинуть наиболее тривиальные интересы наших собственных разновидностей.

— Because it detailed the extent to which… the media can go to promote conservative Republican causes.

– Потому что это объяснило, насколько далеко могут пойти СМИ, чтобы продвинуть консервативные республиканские идеи.

And to promote it, they want to put me on a billboard wearing this.

И чтобы продвинуть его, они предложили установить рекламный щит с изображением меня, одетой в это.

Your teachers and I have come up with… something to help promote this idea of… kindness. Shall we?

Учителя и я пришли к решению о том, что поможет нам продвинуть идею… доброты.

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[Narrator] In the mid ’90s, Tobias formed a folk band… to promote a supplement that promised better unity and teamwork.

В середине 90ых Тобиас сформировал фолк-группу для рекламы добавки, обещающей сплочённость и единство.

When Agent Griffin Dowd’s investigation revealed why this deceased college student was chosen to promote the Kill With Me site, it cost him his life.

Агенту Грифину Дауду который нашел ответ… Почему этот несчастный студент был выбран… для рекламы сайта «убей со мной» это стоило жизни.

At Jim’s insistence, all songs are credited simply to The Doors. To promote the album,

Для рекламы альбома Хольцман заказал огромный рекламный щит на бульваре Сансет Стрип.

If it was meant to promote them, it has gone very wrong.

Если это было нужно для рекламы, то всё пошло совсем не так.

Our school has been selected from ten thousand candidates all across the country to promote milk for middle schoolers.

Из 10 тысяч школ страны для рекламы молока выбрали именно нашу среднюю школу.

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Uh, Colonel Sokolov, he has been promoted also?

Мм, полковник Соколов, тоже был повышен?

Now that Corwin’s been promoted sooner or later he’ll get in our business.

Теперь, когда Корвин повышен, рано или поздно он станет вмешиваться в наши дела.

Killed in the line of duty, and promoted two ranks…

Убит при исполнении и повышен на два чина…

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forgetting that violence only promotes destruction and hate.

пытаются навязать мир и братство через страх и силу, забывая, что насилие только способствует разрушению и ненависти.

Isolation, even if incomplete, promotes diversity.

Изоляция, даже не полная, способствует разнообразию.

— It promotes weight loss.

— Это способствует потере веса.

— Yes it is, thoughts bend one’s brains but practical thinking straightens them out and promotes circulation.

— Верно, мысли они искривляют мозг, а соображение выпрямляет и способствует кровообращению.

There’s nothing like a little bit of explanation to promote understanding.

Ничто так не способствует пониманию, как простое объяснение.

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Examples of how to use the word “promote” in a sentence. How to connect “promote” with other words to make correct English sentences.

promote (v): to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something

Use “promote” in a sentence

I got promoted to manager yesterday.
She deserves to be promoted.
The company is promoting a new product.

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