Sentence using word particularly

particularly — перевод на русский


Particularly handsome group this year, as you can see.

Особенно красивая группа в этом году, как вы можете видеть.

I thank the Lord that you are here, for I love every one of you, and particularly this blind boy, who shames us all with a shining example of faith.

Ѕлагодарю √оспода, что вы пришли сюда. я люблю всех вас, и особенно этого слепого юношу, что пристыдил нас блест€щим примером веры.

I’m afraid, as a rule, I prefer the company of men, particularly if they’re bartenders.

Я, как правило, предпочитаю компанию мужчин, особенно если они — бармены.

Jerry, it would be nice to think you’d remembered me all these years, particularly when you’ve written such a really beautiful play.

Мне было бы очень приятно, Джерри, если бы ты вспоминал меня все эти годы, особенно, когда ты написал такую прекрасную пьесу.

No one in particular, just hither and yon.

Да особенно и ни с кем. Шатался туда-сюда.

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I don’t think she was driving anywhere in particular

Не думаю, что она ехала куда-то конкретно

I’m not sure that I’m anything in particular.

Не уверен, что я кто-либо конкретно.

Not that particular spot.

Ну не та конкретно.

I’m not mad at anybody in particular.

Я ни на кого конкретно зла не держу.

I didn’t mean you in particular.

Я не имел ввиду конкретно вас.

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I don’t particularly notice good looks.

Я не особо замечал его внешний вид.

Since this contact was initiated in a sociopolitical context particularly satisfying for the subject,

Контакт произошел в условиях,.. …особо удовлетворяющих объект с точки зрения политики и страсти.

You know, I don’t particularly like the Swampies, but I can’t say I really hate them.

Знаете, Болотники не особо мне нравятся, но я не могу сказать, что ненавижу их.

I don’t particularly want to spend the night out here.

Я не особо хочу провести всю ночь здесь.

Jari’s list of offences isn’t particularly impressive.

Список преступлений Яри не особо впечатляет.

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It was the storks in particular that worried her.

В частности, аист обеспокоил ее.

«and marten, the latter particularly in Eastern Siberia.»

Последняя, font color-«#e1e1e1″в частности, в Восточной Сибири.

In particular, certain enzyme factors.

В частности, выяснить влияние ферментов.

And that at this particular moment he’s with her. — That’s it exactly. Very well.

ты обеспокоен ухаживаниями Ивана за твоей дочерью вообще, и то, что она с ним в данный момент в частности.

He assumed that the Iroquois gens and particularly the Seneca gens to be the classic form of this primitive gens

Он полагает, что род ирокезов, в частности, род сенеков есть классическая форма того примитивного рода.

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Why the movies particularly? I mean….

А почему именно сниматься в кино?

Any particular one you’d like to see?

Кого именно вы хотели бы увидеть?

Who knew you’d be wearing the necklace this particular night?

Кто знал, что вы надели ожерелье именно в тот вечер?

— Any particular place?

— Куда именно?

Why are you so particular about me?

А почему именно я?

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Anyway, I particularly liked her.

Но она очень мне нравилась.

I was particularly interested in that group.

Меня очень заинтересовала вот эта композиция.

You keen on tennis? — Well, not particularly.

— Ну, вообще-то не очень.

Not particularly good.

— Боюсь, не очень.

— Not particularly.

— Не очень.

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Because here is a real map widely publicized by UFO enthusiasts of 15 selected nearby stars, including the sun as seen from one particular vantage point in space.

Дело в том, что у нас есть реальная карта, получившая широкую известность благодаря поклонникам НЛО. На ней отмечены 15 звезд, включая Солнце, расположенных так, как их можно увидеть с определенной точки в космосе.

I think he’s also interested in graffiti, in casual mark s, in mark s that are not made deliberately or with a particular purpose, that might be made by somebody drawing a stick along a soft wall or a child scratching its name into… into a stone in a churchyard.

По-моему, его ещё интересуют настенные надписи, случайные, сделанные неосознанно или без определённой цели, как если бы кто-нибудь провёл палкой по мягкой стене, или ребёнок нацарапал бы своё имя на кладбищенском камне.

And everything that I learn, I learn for a particular task, and once it’s done,

И всё, что я изучаю, я изучаю для определённой цели.

— No particular reason.

— Без определенной причины.

— No particular reason?

— Без определенной причины?

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Excuse me…. pink …. The young of the educated middle classes particularly were attracted by the instant liberation LSD seemed to offer.

розовые …. —реди молодежи из образованного среднего класса Ц было в особенности попул€рно мгновенное освобождение, которое казалось предлагало Ћ—ƒ.

No, nobody in particular. Why?

— Никого в особенности.

See, I know every bit what comes in here, and Myra particularly.

— Точно? Я знаю всех, кто приходит ко мне. А Майру в особенности.

The cats particularly.

Кошки в особенности.

My monastic seclusion was devoted to a study of the classics, particularly one from which I acquired my style, not only in literature but in my brilliant career of love and crime.

Мое монашеское уединение я провел, изучая классиков… /»Похождения Казановы»/ …в особенности, одного, откуда я почерпнул свой стиль, не только литературный, но и жизненный, в любви и преступлении.

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Humans do claim a great deal for that particular emotion.

Люди действительно требуют много для этой специфической эмоции.

My story will interest you all especially our dear President; it concerns a particular mania his dearest caprice, which enabled me to make his acquaintance

Мои истории будут интересны для всех… особенно для Вас наш дорогой Президент, это касается Вашей специфической мании… и Вашего самого дорогого каприза, который дал возможность мне завести это знакомство

It’s difficult because you’re selling to a particular group, understand?

Это очень трудно потому, что ты продаешь товар специфической группе людей. Понимаешь о чём я?

There’s a particular reason why… Burns would not have worn a kilt.

Бёрнс не носил килт по специфической причине.

I just keep wondering, like, what if I’d made a different choice, you know, like, on a particular night, in one of these moments,

Я только продолжаю задаваться вопросом, что, если я сделал другой выбор, ну ты знаешь, как, специфической ночью, в один из этих моментов,

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For any particular reason?

На то есть причины?

Any particular reason why we shouldn’t see this young woman’s photograph, inspector?

У вас есть какие-то причины для того, чтобы скрывать фото этой девушки от нас, инспектор?

— No reason, particularly.

— Да так, без причины.

They had a particular connotation, which wasn’t sexual.

Причины, не связанные с сексом.

Almost every boy goes through a phase where his penisbecomes hard… for no particular reason.

В жизни практически каждого мальчика наступает момент, когда его пенис твердеет… без видимой причины.

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  1. Alone or in combination to communicate. Aided AAC makes great use of symbols,


    ,for non-literate users, could be used, whereas switch access scanning is often
  2. Growth in recent years, but corruption and public-sector mismanagement remain,


    ,in the oil sector, which accounts for over 50 percent of GDP, over 90 percent
  3. Referred to Rand as» the most courageous man in America,» a compliment that,


    ,pleased her because he said» man» instead of» woman. » Rand also developed a
  4. Commodities are escalating. Many Asian countries lack key natural resources,


    ,fossil fuels, and economic growth in many countries has often been
  5. Closely approximate the permutation test’s p-values: The approximation is,


    ,close when the design is balanced. Such permutation tests characterize tests
  6. Against perceived external environmental effects of mainstream agriculture,


    ,regarding water pollution, resulting in the organic movement. One of the major
  7. Many transportation cases in the midst of the nation’s western expansion,


    ,the conflicts arising from the operation of river barges under the many new
  8. Seeking to terminate their pregnancies sometimes resort to unsafe methods,


    ,when access to legal abortion is restricted. About one in eight
  9. Mr. Thompson is the» Head of the State» for the United States. He is not,


    ,intelligent and has a very undistinguished look. He knows politics, however
  10. Quantum mechanics. The number of electrons in each element’s electron shells,


    ,the outermost valence shell, is the primary factor in determining its chemical
  11. Fossil fuel derived inputs than conventional crops. Such developments would be,


    ,important in areas which are normally arid and rely upon constant irrigation
  12. The 20th century as anthropologists increasingly also study Western subjects,


    ,variation across class, region,or ethnicity within Western societies, and
  13. Has dropped somewhat in the past five years. Federal government employees,


    ,United States Postal Service (USPS) workers and active-duty military members
  14. And the challenge of obtaining payment can inhibit or delay diagnosis. It is,


    ,hard to diagnose autism among the visually impaired, partly because some of its
  15. The issue of Amazing languages and identity increased in significance,


    ,after the extensive Kabyle protests of 2001 and the near-total boycott of local
  16. The lifetime of Baha’u’Allah. Since the middle of the 20th century, growth has,


    ,occurred in other Asian countries, because the Bahá’í Faith’s activities in
  17. Meters (Bazardüzü peak). The formation of climate in Azerbaijan is influenced,


    ,by cold arctic air masses of Scandinavian anticyclone, temperate of Siberian
  18. Parts of the Roman provinces of Dalmatia (southern Illyricum),Macedonia (,


    ,Virus Nova),and Media Superior. The territory remained under Roman (
  19. The rapid rise of mechanization in the late 19th century and the 20th century,


    ,in the form of the tractor, farming tasks could be done with a speed and on a
  20. Have been rewritten to avoid changing instruments. Response Gershwin did not,


    ,like Walter Damrosch’s interpretation at the world premiere of An American in
  21. Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated in India, South Asia. In East Asia,


    ,in China and Japan, Confucianism,Taoism and Zen Buddhism took shape. Over 80 %
  22. In Asia has traditionally been strongest in East and Southeast Asia,


    ,in the People’s Republic of China (PRC),Taiwan, South Korea, Japan,India
  23. Proportion of trial court decisions result in appeals. Some appellate courts,


    ,supreme courts, have the power of discretionary review, meaning that they can
  24. Primarily caribou, moose,and All sheep is still common in the state,


    ,in remote Bush communities. An example of traditional native food is Akita
  25. Advantages due to their greater thermal mass, but they are known to be,


    ,susceptible to earthquake damage. Buildings made of sun-dried earth are common
  26. Consumption is two of the most important drivers of environmental pressures,


    ,habitat change, climate change, water use and toxic emissions. Agriculture
  27. Returned directly to the grassland as a major nutrient source. This system is,


    ,important in areas where crop production is not feasible because of climate or
  28. Ability of the alkane in question to packing well in the solid phase: This is,


    ,true for isolates (2-methyl isomers),which often have melting points
  29. In the United States Many jurisdictions recognize two types of appeals,


    ,in the criminal context. The first is the traditional» direct» appeal in
  30. Religious belief and symbolism globally. Neither Taylor nor Fraser, however,was,


    ,interested in fieldwork, nor were they interested in examining how the cultural
  31. Demonstrative sense. Art has a transformative capacity: it confers,


    ,appealing or aesthetically satisfying structures or forms upon an original set
  32. More than 100 years that have elapsed since the song as we know it was born,


    ,during the John F. Kennedy administration, there have been efforts to give »
  33. Alien was reelected for a second term. Despite the much improved economy,


    ,with the exploitation of Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli oil field and Shah Deniz gas
  34. Of Classics, Egyptology,and the like. In other countries (and in some,


    ,smaller, British and North American universities),anthropologists have also
  35. Some perennials and biennials are grown in gardens as annuals for convenience,


    ,if they are not considered cold hardy for the local climate. Carrot, celery and
  36. Governance. It was ranked 44 from 48 sub-Saharan African countries, scoring,


    , badly in the areas of Participation and Human Rights, Sustainable Economic
  37. Blaming the economic crisis on her support of selfishness and free markets,


    ,through her influence on Alan Greenspan. For example, Mother Jones remarked
  38. Monocropping, organized irrigation, and the use of a specialized labor force,


    ,along the waterway now known as the Shaft Al-Farabi, from its Persian Gulf delta
  39. Built up institutions that furthered their programmatic ambitions. This was,


    ,the case with Radcliffe-Brown, who spread his agenda for» Social Anthropology
  40. Due to its many shoals and reefs. The Virginia and North Carolina coasts were,


    ,dangerous. The Bermuda Triangle is popularly believed to be the site of
  41. Heavily on the use of ambiguous words and phrases. In Continental philosophy (,


    ,phenomenology and existentialism),there is much greater tolerance of
  42. That later shoo artists tended to follow. Coloring is added to give eyes,


    ,to the cornea, some depth. The depth is accomplished by applying variable color
  43. As a clear, direct expression of an individual’s self-ownership. Free love,


    ,stressed women’s rights since most sexual laws discriminated against women:
  44. Is little evidence in the ancient sources Alexander had much interest in women,


    ,since he did not produce an heir until the very end of his life. Apart from
  45. As were applicable. ) Amongst those of British origins, the Scots have had a,


    ,strong influence on place-names, with the names of many cities and towns
  46. Spain (usually in the Mudéjar style),Eastern Europe and East Anglia,


    ,Norfolk, known as ‘clay lump. Adobe had been in use by indigenous peoples of
  47. Leaves are less often produced along the stem. The flowers are in the main not,


    ,distinctive, being of a general ‘lily type ‘, with six sepals, either free or
  48. Would be different, but he nevertheless proposed this theory because it was a,


    ,clear demonstration that quantum mechanics could solve the specific heat
  49. Epicenter were all cited as factors in potentially sparing thousands of lives,


    ,in Anchorage. The 1968 discovery of oil at Proudhon Bay and the 1977 completion
  50. Depression. Clinical genetics evaluations are often done once ASD is diagnosed,


    ,when other symptoms already suggest a genetic cause. Consensus guidelines in

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

особенно, в частности, в особенности, очень, чрезвычайно, особым образом, детально


- очень, чрезвычайно; особенно, в особенности

not particularly difficult — не особенно трудно
his good humour was particularly noticeable — его хорошее настроение бросалось в глаза

- особым образом

I particularly mentioned that point — я особо отметил этот пункт

- индивидуально, лично; в отдельности

generally and particularly — в общем и в частности
he studies astronomy and planets particularly — он изучает астрономию и, в частности, планеты

- подробно, детально

the facts must be considered more particularly — факты должны изучаться более детально

Мои примеры


group of particularly redundant brick buildings — группа совершенно стандартных кирпичных домов  
particularly cruel means of warfare — особо жестокие средства ведения войны  
particularly dangerous event — особо опасное метеорологическое явление  
particularly dangerous weather event — особо опасное метеорологическое явление  
be particularly energetic — обладать большой энергией  
intend particularly — специально намереваться; иметь специальную цель; специально умышлять  
be particularly promising — быть особенно перспективным  
it is particularly remarkable that — примечательно, что  
more particularly — конкретнее  
particularly sensitive sea areas — особо уязвимые морские районы  

Примеры с переводом

Pay particularly close attention to the second paragraph.

Обратите особенно пристальное внимание на второй абзац.

The restaurant is particularly popular with young people.

Этот ресторан особенно популярен среди молодёжи.

Steve was in a particularly bad mood when he got back.

Стив был в особенно плохом настроении, когда вернулся.

All of you, but particularly anyone with a problem, should feel free to contact me at any time.

Все вы, но особенно те из вас, кто попал в беду, можете без колебаний обращаться ко мне в любое время.

We are hoping to expand our business, particularly in Europe.

Мы надеемся расширить свой бизнес, особенно в Европе.

He was particularly fussy about spelling.

Он был чрезвычайно привередливым в отношении орфографии.

Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him.

У каждого в жизни есть момент, который принадлежит исключительно ему.

British farmers, particularly those producing lamb, are very worried.

Британские фермеры, особенно производители баранины, очень обеспокоены.

Возможные однокоренные слова

particular  — особый, особенный, частный, специфический, частность, деталь, подробность
particularism  — партикуляризм, исключительная приверженность
particulars  — подробный отчет, детали

Use ‘particularly’ in a sentence | ‘particularly’ example sentences

1- The area around fish camp is particularly diverse regarding animal life.

2- The middle marble slab is particularly interesting.

3- particularly important changes among water beetles are known.

4- The trend is particularly prevalent among migratory birds.

5- The auto progress has been particularly encouraging.

6- The disguised lease costs discriminate particularly against more elderly entrants.

7- The federal science function is particularly vulnerable.

8- This unemployment occurred particularly among young workers.

9- This skin condition is particularly common among children.

10- The decorated silver ear trumpet is particularly fascinating.

11- The 50 multiple choice bar exam questions are particularly difficult.

12- It is particularly difficult during rainy periods.

13- The native red squirrel is particularly elusive.

14- The daily inequality between low waters is particularly marked.

15- The last category has proven particularly contentious.

16- The reasonable adjustment duty is particularly important.

17- This last manufacturer is particularly noteworthy here.

18- In many regions weather was particularly stormy.

19- particularly worth mentioning here are “1.

20- Two particularly important research projects are worth highlighting.

21- It is gaining popularity particularly among wild hog hunters.

22- These close contacts are particularly common during animal transport.

23- particularly affected areas include rural areas lacking medical facilities.

24- The 1985 supplemental draft was particularly controversial.

25- Its hearing is neither particularly acute nor poor.

26- One particularly controversial issue is affirmative action.

27- Soccer is very popular particularly among children.

28- particularly old groundwater is called fossil water.

29- An “outside passed pawn” is particularly deadly.

30- The traditional huge monthly information pack is particularly criticised.

31- A particularly promising application is optical phase conjugation.

32- He was particularly successful against leading batsmen.

33- It is considered particularly effective against altitude sickness.

34- Washington state has been particularly hard hit .

35- They are particularly common around large metropolitan areas .

36- Chinese financial stocks were particularly hard hit .

37- One particularly convenient solution is park assist .

38- He said loan demand has been particularly strong among government contractors .

39- This is particularly important given congressional concerns .

40- The local banking sector has been hit particularly hard . Larger groups may assemble at particularly abundant feeding grounds.

41- This ubiquitous enzyme is particularly abundant in the liver.

42- particularly suitable for people with ear and neck abrasion problems.

43- particularly suited to people who have pillow abrasion problems.

44- There are numerous statutory abrogations of the right, particularly in the area of bankruptcy.

45- Kane says it was particularly useful for illuminating the abdominal cavity .

46- Lungs and the abdominal cavity , which contain air, are particularly injured.

47- I don’t particularly like her.

48- He particularly liked history.

49- He is particularly kind to her.

50- I love Nara, particularly in the fall.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
particularity – particularization – particularizations – particularize – particularized – particularizes – particularizing – particularly – particulars – particulate – particulates – partied – parties – parting – partings –

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Examples of how to use the word “particularly” in a sentence. How to connect “particularly” with other words to make correct English sentences.

particularly (adv): especially, or more than usual:

Examples of how to use the word “particularly” in a sentence. How to connect “particularly” with other words to make correct English sentences.

particularly (adv): especially, or more than usual:

Use “particularly” in a sentence

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