Sentence using word near

Examples of how to use the word “near” in a sentence. How to connect “near” with other words to make correct English sentences.

near (adj, adv, prep): not far away in distance, time, characteristics, or quality;

Use “near” in a sentence

Is there a mall near here?
My apartment is near here.
Don’t let that dog come near me.
Where’s the nearest bank?

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Synonym: at hand, close, imminent. Antonym: far. Similar words: on earth, nearby, nearly, near to, not nearly, far and near, year after year, neat. Meaning: [nɪr /nɪə]  v. move towards. adj. 1. not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances 2. being on the left side 3. closely resembling the genuine article 4. giving or spending with reluctance 5. with or in a close or intimate relationship 6. very close in resemblance. adv. 1. near in time or place or relationship 2. (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished. 

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1. The best fish swim near the bottom. 

2. Better good neighbours near than relations far away. 

3. A vaunter and a liar are near akin. 

4. He warms too near that burns. 

5. The best [greatest] fish keep [swim near] the bottom. 

6. A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. 

7. He who lives near the woods is not frightened by owls. 

8. One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls. 

9. Diligence is near success.

10. Don’t go near the edge — it isn’t safe.

11. There is a bush near the school playground.

12. He must be getting near retiring age.

13. Rose buds are near the burst.

14. The land flattens out near the coast.

15. The roads intersect near the bridge.

16. Joanne had a small dark birthmark near her hairline.

17. The high number of strikes resulted in near anarchy.

18. I couldn’t find a parking space near the shops.

19. He looked mournful(,[] even near to tears.

20. She isn’t anywhere near as kind as he is.

21. The wine was bottled near the vineyard.

22. Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton, near Preston.

23. Are there any restaurants still open near here?

24. The corps are assembling near this town.

25. Is there a post office near here?

26. They vanished into the haze near the horizon.

27. Far water does not put out near fire.

28. This new freighter is near completion.

29. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.

30. The fire which lights (or warms) us at a distance will burn us when near

More similar words: on earth, nearby, nearly, near to, not nearly, far and near, year after year, neat, sneak, one another, beneath, one after another, gear, rear, year, tear, fear, hear, wear, earth, learn, yearn, beard, early, clear, swear, heart, appear, tear off, tear up. 

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  1. Righting spheres are displayed at the Smithsonian’s Udvar-Hazy Center annex,


    ,Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia. In 2009 the Lunar
  2. Lifesize so-called» Adonis» found in 1780 on the site of a villa suburban,


    ,the Via Fabiana in the Roman suburb of Centocelle is identified as an Apollo
  3. Wire which has four beads, for quarter-ruble fractions. This wire is usually,


    ,the user). (Older models have another 4-bead wire for quarter-kopeks, which
  4. May have begun as early as 3000 BCE, and the early city of Sundial (,


    ,Kandahar in the south of the country) may have been a colony of the


  5. Glacier ice covers some land and of tidal zone. The Bering Glacier complex,


    ,the southeastern border with Yukon covers alone. With over 100,000,Alaska has
  6. The paper and can be adjusted to suit. * Copyholder holds printed material in,


    ,vertical position for easier reading and can be adjusted to suit. * Closed
  7. Orbit injection In addition to throngs of people crowding highways and beaches,


    ,the launch site, millions watched the event on television, with NASA Chief of
  8. Historic Site in Tuskegee; and Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site,


    ,Tuskegee. Additionally, Alabama has four National Forests: Conch, Talladega
  9. These materials are found mostly on the continental shelves and are thickest,


    ,large river mouths or off desert coasts. *Pelagic deposits, which contain the
  10. The state. In the foreword to the novel, Rand stated that We the Living» is as,


    ,to an autobiography as I will ever write. It is not an autobiography in the
  11. Throughout the countryside, agricultural activities have been brought to a,


    ,standstill. Some efforts to recover have gone forward, however,notably in
  12. Of the methane in the atmosphere. There also appear to be Methane/Ethane lakes,


    ,the north polar regions of Titan, as discovered by Cassini’s radar imaging.
  13. A rally at Chicago’s Haymarket Square. A bomb was thrown by an unknown party,


    ,the conclusion of the rally, killing an officer. In the ensuing panic, police
  14. At the Watts Cemetery, home of the Watts Mortuary Chapel in Compton, a village,


    ,Guildford, Surrey,England. Media coverage of Huxley’s passing was
  15. Staff officers removed Johnston from his horse and moved him to a small ravine,


    ,the famous» Hornets Nest» and desperately tried to aid the general. He bled
  16. Natural resources southward (i.e., coal from the Isabella coal mine,


    ,Healy to Seward and gravel from the Matroska Valley to Anchorage). The Alaska
  17. In Stalker, is convinced that they were all poisoned when shooting the film,


    ,a chemical plant. Filmography Tchaikovsky is mainly known as a director of films.
  18. Military Park


    Alexander City; Little River Canyon National Preserve,


    ,Fort Payne; Russell Cave National Monument in Bridgeport; Tuskegee Airmen
  19. And features deep canyons and striking landforms. Dinosaur Provincial Park,


    ,Brooks, Alberta,showcases the badlands’ terrain, desert flora, and remnants
  20. Abyss is found off the eastern coast of Canada *Romance Trench is located,


    ,the equator and reaches a depth of about. Ocean sediments are composed of:
  21. Ground, starring Michael Caine, was filmed in part at the Worthington Glacier,


    ,Valdez. The 1999 John Sales film Limbo, starring David Stratagem, Mary
  22. Through December, a decrease in the late winter and spring months, and a,


    ,absence of rainfall during the summer months. Algeria also has ergs, or sand
  23. Of upcoming battle plans, to the point of thinking the end of the war could be,


    ,if a string of victories could be put together; these plans included Hooker’s
  24. By the National Park Service include Horseshoe Bend National Military Park,


    ,Alexander City; Little River Canyon National Preserve


    Fort Payne; Russell
  25. 8 elements on the extended periodic table, it may well be discovered in the,


    ,future. Currently, none of the period 8 elements have been discovered yet. It
  26. His graveside. The Texas Historical Commission has erected a historical marker,


    ,the entrance of what was once his plantation. An adjacent marker was erected by
  27. Gold. He participated in a year-long research expedition to the river Create,


    ,Turukhansk in the Krasnoyarsk Province. During this time in the Taiga Tchaikovsky
  28. Such as Lac La Niche and Bonneville. Fort La Conquered was established,


    ,what is now Calgary in 1752. The Athabasca River and the rivers north of it
  29. Angola might include as many as 300,000 persons at the end of 2010,but nothing,


    ,to reliable statistics are at this stage available on this point. In 1974/75
  30. That are landlocked. Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta, is located,


    ,the geographic center of the province and is the primary supply and service hub
  31. To the present day. The Bantu came from the north, probably from somewhere,


    ,the present-day Republic of Cameroon. When they reached what is now Angola
  32. Name Ethiopia. The modern nation of Ethiopia, in northeast Africa, is nowhere,


    ,the Ethiopia Ocean, which would be said to lie off the west coast of Africa.
  33. Early the next morning at the age of 76,having continued to work until,


    ,the end. During the autopsy, the pathologist of Princeton Hospital, Thomas
  34. A six-foot floral arrangement in the shape of a dollar sign was placed,


    ,her casket. In her will, Rand named Leonard Payoff the heir to her estate.
  35. Quebec; United States of America * Aberdeen, Montana,place,


    ,Interstate 90 in Montana Other * Some members of the Marquess of Aberdeen and
  36. Powers across the region. The Greek cognate of Assume first describes a plain,


    ,the Master river in Homer. In early Greek testimonial Asia indicated
  37. Was declared the winner because of this. Apollo flayed Marshal alive in a cave,


    ,Celgene in Phrygia for his hubris to challenge a god. He then nailed Marshal ‘
  38. Use pseudopodia to move and feed. They are powered by flexible microfilaments,


    ,the membrane. Microfilaments are at least 50 % of the cytoskeleton. The other
  39. Infant Hermes stole a number of his cows and took them to a cave in the woods,


    ,Pylons, covering their tracks. In the cave, he found a tortoise and killed it
  40. Use in everyday life. Moreover, and above all, the proportion of native (or,


    ,native) speakers of the official language is no doubt considerably higher than
  41. Smiths,» Corinthian»—that is,» of the town of Smiths or Smith» ),


    ,the Road town of Maximus. The epithet» Smiths» has historically been
  42. To hell, I suppose. » In 1844,the couple bought a house in Springfield,


    ,Lincoln’s law office. Mary Todd Lincoln worked diligently in their home
  43. It. After the arrival of French Canadians in the west around 1731,they settled,


    ,fur trading posts, establishing communities such as Lac La Niche and Bonneville
  44. Southern corridor, part of the Trans-Canada Highway system, enters the province,


    ,Medicine Hat, runs westward through Calgary, and leaves Alberta through Ban ff
  45. Mackenzie, followed the North Saskatchewan River to its northernmost point,


    ,Edmonton, then setting northward on foot, trekked to the Athabasca River, which
  46. Which will hopefully introduce a broader spectrum of realized technology in the,


    ,future. Now Says is working at the Science University of Tokyo as a guide. The
  47. Yet as of. Or 25 micromolar; higher concentrations approaching 7 ppm are found,


    ,hydrothermal vents. And the most abundant alkali metal. Sodium is found in many
  48. Apollo Vinous (‘clear light’ ). Apollo Vinous had a temple at Essays,


    ,Châtillon-sur-Seine in Burgundy. He was a god of healing, especially of the
  49. To 1780. Thomas Bassett was the first British settler in the state. He settled,


    ,what is now Tombigbee River in Washington County. Alabama became part of
  50. Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory. * Pass a strict physical examination, and have a,


    ,and distant visual acuity correctable to 20/20 (6/6). Blood pressure, while

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

около, недалеко, близ, около, возле, у, близ, к, ближний, ближайший, приближаться


- указывает на:
- нахождение поблизости или на приближение близко, недалеко, поблизости, подле

to stand [to be] near — стоять [быть] недалеко
don’t go away, stay somewhere near — не уходите (далеко), будьте поблизости
nearer and nearer — ближе и ближе
to come /to draw/ near — приближаться
as soon as he came near er — как только он приблизился
do not approach too near — не подходите слишком близко

- близость, приближение во времени близко, недалеко; передаётся также глагольными приставками

the harvest season is drawing near — приближается время уборки урожая

- тесное родство, непосредственную связь и т. п. близко, непосредственно

we are near related — мы близкие родственники
tribes near allied — родственные племена
they are near acquainted with the people of the country — они хорошо знают народ этой страны
to be near akin /of a kin/ — быть очень близкими родственниками
news that concerns you very near — новость, которая близко касается вас

- указывает на приближение к какому-л. качеству, состоянию и т. п. почти, чуть не, едва не:

near a century ago — почти сто лет назад
you are near right — вы почти правы
the results are pretty near equal — результаты почти совпадают
it is done or near so — это сделано или почти сделано
it is the same thing or near so — это то же самое или почти то же самое
he is not near as popular as before — он далеко не так популярен, как раньше

- бережливо, скупо

to live near — жить скупо /расчётливо/


- указывает на:
- нахождение вблизи от чего-л. близ, возле, у, около

near the station — близ /около/ станции
near the river — у реки
regions near the equator — области, расположенные у экватора
he was standing near the table — он стоял у стола
we live near them — мы живём близко /недалеко/ от них
near the ground — метеор. приземный
Plessis near Tours — геогр. Плесси под Туром /близ Тура/

- приближение к чему-л. к

bring your chair near the fire — подвиньте свой стул к камину /к огню/
don’t come near me — не подходи(те) ко мне (близко)
he drew /came/ near us — он подошёл к нам
to be near the end /the goal, the mark/ — быть близким к цели

- приближение во времени почти

it is near midnight — почти двенадцать часов ночи, скоро полночь
it is near dinner-time — скоро обед
he is near fifty years of age — ему скоро будет /исполнится/ пятьдесят лет

- приближение к какому-л. качеству, состоянию и т. п. к; почти, чуть не

his hopes were near fulfilment — его надежды были близки к осуществлению
the plan came near being realized — план был почти осуществлён
I came near forgetting how to get there — я чуть не забыл, как туда идти
this act came near spoiling his chances — этот поступок чуть не испортил ему всё /все шансы/

- указывает на сходство ближе к; почти:

nobody can come anywhere near him — с ним никто не может сравниться
the copy does not come near the original — копия мало похожа на оригинал
to lie /to come, to go/ near smb. /smb.’s heart/ — близко затрагивать /непосредственно касаться/ кого-л.
to sail near the wind — а) мор. идти в крутой бейдевинд; б) действовать крайне рискованно


- близкий; тесно связанный

near relation — ближайший родственник, член семьи (о детях и родителях)
near friends — закадычные друзья
near to suicide — близкий к самоубийству
near to smb.’s heart — заветный, близкий сердцу
a matter of near consequence to me — вопрос, в котором я тесным образом заинтересован

- близлежащий, ближний, близкий, находящийся рядом

near point — мед. ближайшая точка ясного зрения
the post-office is quite near — почта совсем близко

- этот, свой, наш, ближний

near shore — воен. берег, занимаемый своими войсками, исходный берег
on the near bank — на этом /на нашем/ берегу
on the near side — по сю /по эту/ сторону

- ближайший (о времени)

the near future — ближайшее будущее

- короткий, прямой (о пути)

the nearest way to the station — кратчайший путь к станции
to show smb. a nearer cut — разг. показать кому-л., как пройти напрямик

ещё 7 вариантов


- приближаться к (чему-л.); подходить

the ship was nearing land — корабль приближался к берегу
they are nearing the end of their exile — их изгнание подходит к концу
the road is nearing completion — строительство дороги близится к завершению
to be nearing one’s end — образн. быть на краю могилы

- мор. идти в крутой бейдевинд

Мои примеры


as the wedding day drew near — по мере приближения дня свадьбы  
getting near to the true explanation — приближение к истинному объяснению  
immediate / near future — ближайшее будущее  
the near fields — близлежащие поля  
the near road — прямая кратчайшая дорога  
to come / draw near — приближаться  
to be near related — состоять в близком родстве  
the coffee was near boil — кофе почти вскипел  
he came very near to being drowned — он чуть не утонул  
near completion — приближаться к завершению  
crowd concentrated near the royal palace — толпа стекалась к королевскому дворцу  
a very near concern of mine — дело, очень близкое моему сердцу  

Примеры с переводом

They live near London.

Они живут недалеко от Лондона.

She came home near midnight.

Она пришла домой около полуночи.

She was near to crying.

Она была готова вот-вот разреветься.

The new year draws near.

Новый год уже близко.

The hour of sunset was near.

Приближался час заката.

Inflation is now near 10%.

Сейчас инфляция составляет около десяти процентов.

Who comes near him in wit?

Кто может сравниться с ним в остроумии?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A lot of the women were near tears.

Unemployment is now near to its all-time low.

He always cheers up when baseball season nears.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

nearly  — почти, около, приблизительно, близко
nearness  — близость
nearest  — ближайший

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: near
he/she/it: nears
ing ф. (present participle): nearing
2-я ф. (past tense): neared
3-я ф. (past participle): neared

near — перевод на русский


It’s nearly seven o’clock.

Почти семь.

And it’s nearly seven o’clock.

И время — почти семь часов.

The program Li was working on, it’s germ weaponry, banned by nearly every nation on earth.

Программа над которой работала Ли. Это бактериологическое оружие. Запрещено почти во всём мире.

He’s been sitting at that cart for nearly an hour.

Сидит здесь уже почти час.

You know, for our sake as nearly injured.

Знаете, я ведь почти потерпевшая.

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The murderer and robber left behind him sufficient evidence for the police however, in a photograph found in a wallet near the victim. An early arrest…

убийца и грабитель оставил после себя достаточно доказательств для полиции фотография, найденная в бумажнике рядом с жертвой.

I’m not allowed to go near him.

Мне нельзя появляться рядом с ним.

Shot near the phone, there.

Застрелен рядом с телефоном, здесь.

— Oh, as long as it’s near the railway.

О, я не возражаю, лишь бы рядом с железной дорогой. Давайте взглянем.

All that happened, happened because I was trying to keep you near me.

Все это случилось только потому, что я хотела быть рядом с тобой.

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«The master is near…

«Хозяин близко…

The master is near…!»

Хозяин близко…!»

~ Hear the sound of horses His highness must be near ~

— Слышен стук копыт Его высочество, должно быть, близко

Near or far, it sounds the same.

— Далеко или близко, зачем тебе?

But if I come too near, if they feel the presence of my shadow, a horror comes upon their minds.

Но, если я подхожу слишком близко, если они чувствуют присутствие моей тени, ужас овладевает ими.

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Hey, how far is the nearest town from here?

Как далеко отсюда ближайший город?

The nearest town is 10 miles from here.

Ближайший город в 10 милях отсюда.

Where’s the nearest police station?

Где ближайший полицейский участок?

Thanks. And tell me, how far to the nearest town?

Спасибо, скажите, а как далеко ближайший город?

— Where’s the nearest phone?

— √де ближайший телефон?

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If you’re near Stockholm, go and see him.

Если будете недалеко от Стокгольма, навестите его.

Van steed owns a railroad between albany and binghamton, right up here near saratoga.

Когда? Ван Стиду принадлежит железнодорожная ветка, между Олбани и Бингемтоном это прямо здесь недалеко от Саратоги железнодорожная ветка протяженностью в 100 миль.

A couple of years ago, during summer vacation we went on a camping trip up in the San Lorenzo Mountains near a place we called Natural Bridge.

Пару лет назад, во время летних каникул. Мы отправились в поход в горы Сан-Лоренцо. Недалеко от места, которое мы назвали «Природный мост» Клайд потерял свой карманный ножик.

The plan is for Abul to kindle a fire near you… and make you an easy target.

Абул задумал развести костёр недалеко от тебя… чтобы в тебя было легко попасть.

At a cutlet shop near my place.

В закусочной, недалеко от моего дома.

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The time draws near and Walter prepares to go

Время приближается и Уолтер уже готовится идти

Father dear, the day now nears For you to make the fateful trip.

Дорогой отец, приближается день твоего Восхождения.

The day nears that his information is important.

Приближается день, когда его информация будет очень важной.

Which neither retreats nor grows nearer.

Он не отдаляется, но и не приближается.

I think it must be near the time.

Я думаю, время приближается.

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Don’t get near me now. I’ll spit in your eye.

Не подходи, а то ещё плюну в рожу!

Don’t get near or you’ll catch a bullet!

Не подходи, или пулю всажу!

— You’re not to go near the water.

— Не подходи к воде.

— Don’t come near me. — Then get away from the door.

— А ты не подходи!

Don’t come near me Why?

— Не подходи!

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Up? I’m nearly out.

Я уже ухожу.

Mr. Meng’s been living here nearly 14 years and always paid his rent promptly.

Мистер Менг живет здесь уже 14 лет. -И всегда платит вовремя.

— Well, it’s nearly 6.

Уже 6 часов.

It’s nearly 4 am, and Karl-Hugo’s not home yet.

Уже 4, а Карл-Гуго не вернулся.

We’ve been married nearly a year and I’m in the habit of having you for a wife.

Мы женаты вот уже целый год, и я ужасно привык видеть тебя своей супругой.

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She’s buried near here.

Её похоронили неподалёку.

─ In the fifties, near there.

— На 50-й, неподалеку.

Near the plaza was a little café called La Mar Azul next to a movie house.

Мне оставалось лишь ждать. Я ждал ее в маленьком кафе «Ла Мара» неподалеку от местного кинотеатра.

There’s a village near here called Maneciras.

Неподалеку есть городок Манесирас.

Did the landlady tell you about this hostel near by?

Владелица говорила с тобой об этом месте неподалеку?

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He is near

Он где-то поблизости

I imagine the house must be somewhere near here.

Как я представляю, этот дом где-то здесь поблизости.

Not yet but we may go nearer to it.

Не совсем, но нам лучше быть там поблизости.

OK, any kind of hotel or boarding home near here?

Ok, а есть поблизости отель какой или пансион?

I shall be near to second your attempt, and he shall fall between us.

Я буду поблизости, чтобы подоспеть к тебе на помощь. Он очутится между двух огней.

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