Sentence using word lost in thought

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погружен в свои мысли


погружен в размышления

в раздумьях

погруженный в свои мысли

погрузился в размышления

погружены в мысли

погруженным в свои мысли


в глубокой задумчивости

ушел в мысли

погруженная в мысли

погрузившись в раздумья


He seemed to be lost in thought.

What did you say? I’m sorry, I was lost in thought.

Katerina follows him with her eyes and stands for some time, lost in thought.

Катерина провожает его глазами и стоит несколько времени задумавшись.

Once lost in thought over her photograph in the cell phone, doing this it finds its cousin, Kay.

Однажды задумавшись над её фотографией в сотовом телефоне, за этим занятием его застает его двоюродная сестра, Кей.

You probably didn’t even hear what was said because you were lost in thought.

When the Emperor’s health was drunk, Pierre, lost in thought, did not rise or lift his glass.

Когда стали пить здоровье государя, Пьер задумавшись не встал и не взял бокала.

During that time, he also traveled to Princeton and snapped photos of Einstein while he was lost in thought.

За это время он также побывал в Принстоне и сфотографировал Эйнштейна, пока тот был погружен в свои мысли.

During breakfast one morning, he seemed lost in thought and ignored his food.

Во время завтрака однажды утром, он казался потерянным в мысли и проигнорировал его еду.

She speaks more slowly now, as if lost in thought.

Он говорил медленно, как будто размышляя.

Often lost in thought circling the square.

I’m lost in thought about…

I myself, lost in thought, looked at the scorched metal.

There she was, lost in thought.

Sorry maam, I was lost in thought.

They walked with their heads hung — sad and lost in thought.

Все шли опустив голову — опечаленные и задумчивые.

And your father was working behind me, lost in thought.

А твой отец хлопотал надо мной и был такой растерянный.

He was still deeply lost in thought when she spoke to him.

Он был глубоко в раздумьях, когда они говорили на него.

When you are meditating and you realize that you have been lost in thought, simply return your awareness to the object of your meditation.

Когда вы медитируете и понимаете, что потерялись в мыслях, просто верните свою осознанность к объекту вашей медитации.

Her face, gentle yet powerful, presents an image of someone lost in thought.

Ее лицо, нежное, но мощное, представляет образ человека в раздумье.

A tired old woman sits on the threshold of the old house, lost in thought, and peers into the distance with some curiosity.

Усталая пожилая женщина сидит на пороге старого дома, погрузившись в свои думы, и вглядывается вдаль с некоторым любопытством.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат lost in thought

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

lost in thought — перевод на русский

I’m sorry, captain, I was lost in thought.

Простите, капитан я задумался.

I’m sorry. I got lost in thoughts.

Извините, я задумался.

Lost in thought.


Lost in thought, I think.

Погружен в размышления, я думаю.

You were lost in thought.

Ты был погружен в размышления.

People walk around, lost in thought, among the photographs, the reconstructions, for lack of anything else.

Люди ходят вокруг, погруженные в свои мысли, среди фотографий. Воссоздание, потому что больше ничего нет.

I myself, lost in thought, looked at the scorched metal.

Я смотрела сама, погруженная в мысли, на металл, выжженный металл.

I was lost in thought while I fell in love.

Я потерялся в мыслях, потому что влюблен.

Lost in thought?

Потерялись среди своих мыслей?

There she was, lost in thought.

Там была она, вся в своих мыслях.

«When Robert A. Durst returned to «South Salem in Westchester County, «a neighbor noticed him seemingly lost in thought

«Когда Роберт Дерст вернулся в Южный Салем в округе Вестчестер, соседка увидела его, будто погружённого в мысли на причале у озера Трусдэйл, за домом из дерева и камня, где он раньше жил вместе с женой Кэйтлин.

I got lost in thought…

Я как-то забыла…

Sorry maam, I was lost in thought.

Извините, мадам, я отвлеклась.

Lost in thought.

В раздумьях.

Lizaveta Ivanovna was in her room, still in her ball dress, lost in thought.

Лизавета Ивановна сидела в своей комнате, ещё в бальном своем наряде, погружённая в глубокие размышления.

I was probably lost in thoughts.

Я, наверное, просто ушел с головой в свои мысли.

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Use ‘lost in thought’ in a sentence | ‘lost in thought’ example sentences

1- She walked on, lost in thought .

2- He looked to be lost in thought .

3- She stared at the fire, lost in thought .

4- Edward spoke vaguely, as if lost in thought .

5- She walked off in a random direction, lost in thought .

6- Aranyos paused momentarily, apparently lost in thought .

7- Nathanael was impressed and lost in thought .

8- I smiled, and was lost in thought for a moment.

9- That is what makes Frodo stand ‘ lost in thought ‘.

10- Xue seems lost in thought at this.

11- Mrs Alderley sat lost in thought for a few moments.

12- Rather than signifying triumph, they all look lost in thought .

13- It seemed his turn, too, to appear lost in thought .

14- The two women paused for a moment, still lost in thought .

15- Senshi Gawaine remained silent, apparently lost in thought .

16- Maybe you were lost in thought .

17- And then they will get lost in thoughts about work.

18- I find myself lost in thought in the middle of the desert night.

19- I drove aimlessly lost in thought .

20- I tend to get a little lost in thought when I do.

21- Getting lost in thought or daydreaming.

22- During breakfast one morning, he seemed lost in thought and ignored his food.

23- I was lost in thought when my brothers got in and we drove off .

24- I became lost in thought .

25- He was lost in thought .

26- He looks over at me and he knows I’ve become lost in thought .

27- The question is: what is it like when you get lost in thought ?

28- lost in thought , he contemplates regicide as a way to hasten his fortune.

29- As the tech left the bridge, Spock steepled his fingers and seemed lost in thought .

30- Do you remember what you were thinking about when you got lost in thought on Wednesday?

31- They stood in the office, Holdfast resting on the tabletop, both lost in thought .

32- lost in thought , he does not respond as David returns from delivering Beckmesser’s shoes.

33- While lost in thought , he notices a parade in the street and falls in with it.

34- She was lost in thought , and did not seem to notice that everyone was looking at her.

35- And then you’re wide awake, feeling the breath for a moment, then lost in thought .

36- Common experience shows that when communicating to someone lost in thought or otherwise preoccupied the communication does not register.

37- We spend nearly every moment of our lives lost in thought , and hostage to the character of those thoughts.

38- They dressed and packed, silent with each other, lost in thought and dread, not ready to postulate.

39- He seemed lost in thought instead , gazing out of the window; scowling, frowning, scratching his head. He is lost in thought.

40- My father was lost in thought.

41- lost in thought, I missed my stop.

42- He was lost in thought for a while.

43- She was walking to and fro, lost in thought.

44- He was lost in thought with his hand on his forehead.

45- While he was lost in thought, he heard his name called.

46- Paul Fix once said that the only reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
thought of – spare a thought – just a thought – deep in thought – sudden thought – very thought – thought that counts – lost in thought – passing thought – sobering thought – school of thought – on second thoughts – The thought that – thoughtful – it is thoughtful of –

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Я видела саму себя, задумчивую смотрящую на металл.

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People walk around, lost in thought, among the photographs, the reconstructions, for lack of anything else.

Often,»Nancy’s face wears

the blank expression of one lost in thought,» making her appear passive.

People walk around, lost in thought, among the photographs the reconstructions, for lack of anything else.

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Люди гуляли, задумчивые, среди фотографий, манекены, лишенные чего-то.

Lizaveta Ivanovna was


her room, still


her ball dress, lost in thought.

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Perhaps the best way to watch it at night, not


a hurry and lost in thought.


From time to time, the child will babble away as if lost in thought, but he is already well aware of how

he needs to change his voice to get what he wants.


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изменить свой голос, чтобы получить то, чего он хочет.


A boy or young man now


a loose white shirt looks away from

the viewer out of the picture space, apparently»lost in thought.

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На полотне изображен мальчик или молодой мужчина


свободной белой рубашке,

Though reluctant to leave Grace alone

Tom wandered around quite often now lost in thought as he tried to crack the problem of possible escape.

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Том с большой неохотой оставлял Грэйс,

но теперь он часто бродил по Догвилю, погруженный в свои мысли, пытаясь решить проблему и разработать план побега Грэйс из города.

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Волконская изображена не позирующей, а как будто мечтающей, погруженной в собственные мысли.


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One may be lost in thoughts but not completely forget there’s another person



the same appartement.

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что еще один человек живет


той же самой квартире.

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Time: 0.0342






lost in thought

Meaning | Definition

  • thinking about of something
  • concentrating on something in thoughts
  • to not be paying attention to the current issues
  • to be mentally absent from a particular situation

Example Sentences

  • The waiter was so lost in thought that he did not see us coming in or occupying the table at all.
  • I have been lost in thought ever since I finished that book. It has inspired me very much.
  • You cannot be lost in thought when you are at work. Please gain a better perspective.
  • She seems to be lost in thought at all times.
  • I was lost in thought and did not hear you speak. Would you repeat what you said?
  • Can someone be so lost in thought that they do not see the things that are right in front of their nose?
  • I have always noticed that painters and artists are lost in thought most of the time.
  • The lawyer was lost in thought but when he came around he had a solution to the problem.
  • During written exam, I always see a patch when I am lost in thought and end up sprinting to complete the paper.


The phrase comes from the fact that many a times people look as though they are so busy with a though that they are not concentrating on a particular subject. The way they look at that time is described as being ‘lost in thought’.


  • day dreaming

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