Sentence using word inform

сообщать, сообщить, информировать, уведомлять, известить, извещать, доносить


- сообщать, извещать, уведомлять, информировать

to inform smb. of smth. — сообщить кому-л. что-л. /о чём-л./
inform me on /about, concerning, regarding/ this matter — проинформируйте меня по этому вопросу
if I am rightly informed — если меня правильно проинформировали
to keep smb. informed (of smth.) — держать кого-л. в курсе дела
I wish to inform you that — офиц. (я) хочу сообщить Вам, что
I have the honour to inform you that — офиц. (я) имею честь сообщить Вам, что
herewith I inform you that — офиц. настоящим сообщаю Вам /извещаю Вас/, что

- (against, редк. on) осведомлять, доносить; подавать жалобу

to inform smb. against /on/ smb. — донести кому-л. на кого-л.; пожаловаться кому-л. на кого-л.

- возвыш. наполнять (чувствами и т. п.); (во)одушевлять

to inform smth. with life — вдохнуть жизнь во что-л.
to inform one’s heart with pity — наполнить сердце жалостью

- редк. развивать (ум и т. п.); формировать (характер)

Мои примеры


the principles that inform modern teaching — принципы, определяющие сущность современной педагогики  
duty to inform — обязанность сообщать информацию  
obligation to inform or explain — обязательство информировать или разъяснять  
we hereby inform you — настоящим уведомляем вас  
beg to inform — сообщать  
inform against — доносить  
inform all addresses — сообщить все адреса  
inform heart with pity — наполнить сердце жалостью  
inform the police about — сообщать полиции  
to inform — информировать; извещать  
inform beforehand — предуведомлять  

Примеры с переводом

You were wrong not to inform the police.

Напрасно вы не сообщили в полицию.

He informed us about his arrival.

Он уведомил нас о своём приезде. / Он сообщил нам о своем прибытии.

It’s your responsibility to inform us of any changes.

Информировать нас о любых изменениях — ваша обязанность.

I informed him of his rights.

Я сообщил ему о его правах.

We regret to inform you that your position has been eliminated.

Мы с сожалением сообщаем вам, что ваша должность упразднена.

The book will entertain and inform you.

Книга будет развлекать и давать вам новые знания.

The prisoner hoped to gain his own freedom by informing on his companions in the robbery.

Заключённый надеялся получить свободу, дав показания на своих соучастников ограбления.

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They decided to inform the police.

I regret to inform you that your contract will not be renewed.

The arresting officer failed to inform the suspect of his rights.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

informal  — неофициальный, неформальный, непринужденный, без соблюдения формальностей
informant  — информант, осведомитель, доносчик, носитель языка
informed  — осведомленный, знающий, образованный
informer  — информатор, доносчик, осведомитель
misinform  — дезинформировать, вводить в заблуждение, дезориентировать
disinform  — дезинформировать, сообщать искаженную или ложную информацию

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: inform
he/she/it: informs
ing ф. (present participle): informing
2-я ф. (past tense): informed
3-я ф. (past participle): informed

Synonym: accuse, advise, betray, blab, communicate, enlighten, instruct, notify, report, snitch, squeal, tattle, tell. Similar words: informal, information, go in for, in force, reinforce, unfold, on foot, enforce. Meaning: [ɪn’fɔrm /-‘fɔːm]  v. 1. impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to 2. give character or essence to 3. act as an informer. 

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1. We are excited to inform you that…

2. Kindly inform us when this is put into effect.

3. We regret to inform you that…

4. Please inform us how to find his house.

5. I’ll inform the mistress of your arrival[], madam.

6. Please inform us of any changes of address.

7. We are happy to inform you that…

8. He went to inform them of his decision.

9. We are sorry to inform you that…

10. We ought to inform head office.

11. We would like to inform you that…

12. We are pleased to inform you that…

13. We must inform the police.

14. I have no other recourse than to inform the police.

15. Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc.

16. I am writing to inform you that your rent will be increased to £60 p.w. from October 1st.

17. The government was slow to inform the public about the health hazards of lead in petrol.

18. Please inform us of your decision and we will act accordingly.

19. The smuggler was finally obliged to inform against his boss.

20. We shall inform you of the date of the delegation’s arrival.

21. Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.

22. It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early.

23. Inform me at once if there are any changes in her condition.

24. They would inform him of any progress they had made.

25. I’m happy to inform you that you have been promoted to captain.

26. I am pleased to inform you that you have won first prize in this month’s competition.

27. Inform the police immediately if you see anything suspicious.

28. It’s your responsibility to inform us of any changes.

29. Please inform me by letter of your plans.

30. We’ll inform you when a decision has been reached.

More similar words: informal, information, go in for, in force, reinforce, unfold, on foot, enforce, design for, form, norm, in full, infant, in fact, in return for, enforcement, formal, reform, perform, former, format, hormone, uniform, normally, formula, in future, platform, formerly, enormous, performer. 

1to tell someone about something, especially in an official way inform somebody (of/about something) Please inform us of any changes of address.

  1. The leaflet informs customers about healthy eating.
  2. He went to inform them of his decision.
  3. Inform me at once if there are any changes in her condition.

What is the adjective of inform?

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs inform, informationize, informatise and informatize which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. informative. Providing information; especially, providing useful or interesting information.

What is an example of Inform?

To inform is defined as to tell, give knowledge or information. An example of to inform is someone telling a friend what time they’ll arrive. To disclose confidential or incriminating information to an authority. The defendant informed against the other members of the ring.

How do you use the word inform in a sentence?

Inform sentence example

  1. ” Inform the prince that I the bridge fired!” said the colonel triumphantly and gaily.
  2. Allow me to inform you…
  3. This time, Daniel Brennan was not available to inform us and it was just my bored web surfing that spotted the notice.

What is the adverb for inform?

In an informational manner. With regard to information.

What is the adverb of justify?

Word family (noun) justification (adjective) justifiable ≠ unjustifiable justified ≠ unjustified (verb) justify (adverb) justifiably ≠ unjustifiably.

What part of speech is inform?


part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: informs, informing, informed

What is another word for warning or caution?

SYNONYMS FOR warning 2 caution, admonition, advice; omen, sign, portent, augury, presage.

What is the synonyms for caution?


  • warning, admonition, admonishment, injunction, monition.
  • reprimand, rebuke, reproof, scolding.
  • exhortation, guidance, caveat, counsel.
  • informal telling-off, dressing-down, talking-to.
  • British informal ticking off, carpeting.

What’s another word for caution?

SYNONYMS FOR caution 1 circumspection, discretion, watchfulness, heed, vigilance. 2 admonition, advice, counsel. 4 admonish, forewarn.

What does word of caution mean?

“A word of caution” is usually a spoken label. It tells the listener to pay careful attention; what they are about to hear next may help them avoid trouble. Friend A speaking to Friend B: Oh, so you’re going to swim in the old quarry. Just a word of caution, there are alligators and snakes in it.

What does use caution mean?

If you act with caution, it means you are careful. Be sure to use caution when walking across a patch of ice.

What does you are a caution mean?

OED, definition 1, sense d: “slang. ( Of U.S. origin.) Anything that staggers, or excites alarm or astonishment; an extraordinary thing or person.”. I’ll say that to an American ear, this usage has a particularly Southern flavor. –

How do you use caution in a sentence?

take caution in a sentence

  1. Keep the soil moist, but take caution not to overwater.
  2. Parents, take caution, but you wouldn’t be derelict.
  3. Therefore, nursing women are urged to take caution while using fexofenadine.
  4. Travelers should take caution when adventuring to the isolated town of Ouray, Colorado.

How do you write a caution?

Use the following format for caution notices:

  1. Type the label “Caution” follow it with a colon, and bold both the label and the colon.
  2. Skip one line and begin the text of the caution aligned with the start of the caution label.
  3. Singlespace the text of the caution; skip one line above and below the notice.

Can you do something with caution?

caution. to warn someone about the possible dangers or problems of something caution against something I would caution against getting too involved. caution somebody against/about something Sam cautioned him against making a hasty decision.

What is caution notice?

A caution notice calls attention to a situation that is potentially hazardous to people because of some existing condition. A caution notice can be accompanied by different symbols, as in the examples below: If the symbol is… It means… A hazardous electrical condition with less severity than electrical danger.

What is meant by exercise caution?

This means “be cautious”, “ask your doctor if it’s okay”, find out what you’re doing…..these vitamins may not be good for you. Take caution, take care, take a warning!

What is caution in academic writing?

Cautious language is used to convey how certain you are of the opinions or arguments you are using in your writing, especially when writing an argument. It is important to be cautious or tentative in your claims unless they are proved without any doubt.

What cohesion means?

1 : the act or state of sticking together tightly especially : unity the lack of cohesion in the Party — The Times Literary Supplement (London) cohesion among soldiers in a unit. 2 : union between similar plant parts or organs.

What do you know about caution?

The definition of a caution is a warning, or is the act of expressing care because of potential risk or danger. To caution is defined as to warn. An example of caution is when you warn someone to be careful because the floor is wet.

How long does a caution last?

six years

What does safety caution mean?

Caution sign indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. Caution signs are used in areas where potential injury or equipment damage is possible, or to caution against unsafe practices. Caution signs should only be used if there is a risk of personal injury.

What is the importance of caution sign?

The primary importance of displaying Safety Signs is to prevent injury and ensure staff and visitors are well aware of the possible dangers and hazards ahead in certain situations and/or environments.

  • Use the word INFORM in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«Dear Mission President, it is my honor to inform you that the elders of Uganda District 9 have brought twenty new members into the Church.

Someone should inform the next of kin.

I beg to inform you that the administration of your property in the Rue de Varennes will require your immediate presence.

«I must inform you of bad news… «

…and can inform you that your application for divorce has been accepted.

I wanted to inform you of the suicide of your patients, Count Told!

We hereby inform you that we received your letter.

Miss Rumfort, it is with great displeasure that I inform you of your father’s debts

I’ll inform you in a moment when and where the Brontosaurus will be on view!

We will go and inform Edm├®e, who is resting upstairs.

Dear Mr. R├®vande, In response to our interview this morning, and your offer of a contract, I must inform you that my acceptance depends on a strict condition:

And in case you’re too serious-minded to notice such things… let me inform you… my legs are perfect.

There┬┤s something I want to inform you about.

Why didn’t you inform me?

I have the honourable task to inform you that the committee has awarded this year’s first prize to your book.

But I must inform you that the post of private secretary has already been taken.

We are sorry to inform you-

I’m sorry, DeVoss, but you might inform Mr. Lorch that we’re leaving.

I have something to inform you. — Please.

Wire headquarters at once, Colonel, and inform them of the capture of H-14, of the Russian Secret Service,

Anna Marie. I’m sorry to inform you, but I’m forced to detain you aboard as a prisoner.

We were to inform the Ministry of the disturbing … situation in the South.


I regret to inform you. That you’re absolutely right.

I will hasten to inform you further. — Mother

You inform the boys saying it’s like a dormitory to me.

Please inform Thomas Connors, Fay Wilson condition critical, not expected to live.

I just want to inform you that I’m filing suit for defamation of character.

«Dear Peter Ivanovich, with deep sympathy, we inform you that your older son, Nikolai Petrovich, is in the hospital with minor injuries and your younger son, Semyon Petrovich, was killed during an attack».

«You will inform your brothers and sisters of my decision and tell them that I decline absolutely to discuss it when I return home.»

Telephone the gendarmerie at Visegrad and inform them.

And, gentlemen, I regret to inform you… that at the last moment… our guest of honor was taken ill.

I’m very sorry to inform you, wifey dear but the family purse won’t stand for our having separate establishment.

I regret to inform you … I have to call in your debts.

«Please inform her that she is to follow dutifully…

His Majesty wishes me to inform Her Majesty… that she is a fool.

«I should regret having to inform Her Highness that you are ashamed «to come after your unwarranted attack on the Taronian bond issue.»

don’t you think we better inform your father that you are safe ?

Will any kind friend inform a poor blind man who has lost the precious sight of his eyes in the gracious defense of his native country, England, and God bless King George where in whatever part of this country he may now be.

Nevertheless, at the risk of boring you… it is my painful duty to inform you that 250 of my men… are now complete masters of the town of Port Royal.

inform, please, will be in laboratory.

I will inform my most august lady of your exalted presence.

I don’t believe it. All right then. It’s my dity to inform the police.

I regret to inform you that my time is limited.

I regret to inform you, Concha, I still think it’s you.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think I can inform you that we shall see no phantom tonight.

I’ll inform him, at least.

Peabody, inform the departments of the sudden death of Wolfinger’s mother-in-law, Mrs. Neselrode, several days ago.

These words are very common in legal writing, but unfortunately few people know how to use them correctly. Here are a couple of common mistakes:

The Contracting Party hereby informs of selecting the most favourable offer.

The Contracting Party hereby gives notice of selecting the most favourable offer.
The Contracting Party hereby announces its selection of the most favourable offer.
The Contracting Party hereby declares its selection of the most favourable offer.

I, Monica Dupont, domiciled in [-], hereby notify of my intention to sell 39 (thirty-nine) shares in the Company’s share capital.

I, Monica Dupont, domiciled in [-], hereby give notice of my intention to sell 39 (thirty-nine) shares in the Company’s share capital.

In these examples “inform” and “notify” cannot be used because you must “inform” or “notify” somebody about something. It is incorrect in English to “inform” or “notify” something and omit somebody. This is because these verbs require two objects. Grammarians call such verbs “ditransitive” verbs.

So in the above examples I have exchanged “inform” and “notify” for the verbs – “give notice of”, “announce” and “declare” – verbs which only require one object.

If you want to use “inform” or “notify” you MUST use two objects in your sentences, as shown below:

We are pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted.

Please notify us of any change of address.

In these sentences the underlined text is the direct object and the bold text is the indirect object.

In Slavic languages it is possible to use the equivalents of these verbs with only the direct object, and omit the indirect object. In English you must have both objects.

More examples:

If a Party fails to inform about a change of address, deliveries made to the address last known by the other Party will be deemed effective.
If a Party fails to inform the other Party about a change of address, deliveries made to the address last known by the other Party will be deemed effective.

The Company must notify any amendments to its articles of association.

The Company must notify the Regulatory Authority ofany amendments to its articles of association.


If you use “inform” or “notify” you MUST have two objects in the sentence (something AND somebody).

If you do not include somebody in the sentence (i.e. there is no indirect object) you have to use different words:
Instead of “inform” – e.g. announce, declare, give notice, state
Instead of “notify” – e.g. give notice [in advance], report [after the event]

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