Sentence using word imagine

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word imagine, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use imagine in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «imagine».

Imagine in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word imagine in a sentence.

  1. I couldn’t imagine living through it.

  2. I can’t imagine not playing with them.

  3. What does he imagine he will have left?

  4. You just can’t imagine how upset I was.

  5. I can’t imagine living like Mother, Mrs.

  6. You can’t imagine the show without her ..

  7. Just imagine the greatest athlete in the world.

  8. I can’t imagine what they are going to do with it.

  9. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here.

  10. He spoke in gestures as big as he could imagine and create.».

  11. I couldn’t imagine a more beautiful place anywhere in the world.

  12. He was told to imagine something coming towards him and to scream.

  13. The pair ecstatically imagine the life they will share, far from Rome.

  14. The result was a universal shift in what the Greek mind could imagine:.

  15. He told Hooker «You cannot imagine what pleasure your plants give me ..

  16. He knew me the more readily I imagine, by my long, bush, curly suit of hair.

  17. He claimed «it’s impossible to imagine post-punk soundscapes» without Marquee Moon.

  18. In this setting, one can imagine the membrane wrapping around the circular dimension.

  19. There is a lot of work to do, as you can imagine but I am more than happy to be here».

  20. I can’t imagine life without him.» Nancy Reagan died on March 6, 2016, at the age of 94.

  21. According to one reviewer, it describes «the kind of challenges that most of us can barely imagine.

  22. New Zealand-born Crowe has a unique and sexy toughness; imagine Mickey Rourke without the attitude.

  23. I, on the other hand, often found small intermediate holds that John couldn’t even imagine gripping ..

  24. Every night I imagine that the war has reached my home and that my own children are being butchered.’.

  25. I got called every name you can imagine, and every four-letter word you can think of was used against me».

  26. Now imagine a stack of hyperbolic disks where each disk represents the state of the universe at a given time.

  27. In one technique, they imagine that their investments have collapsed and ask themselves why this might happen.

  28. The papal nuncio Salviati observed, «it is only with difficulty that we can imagine there will be offspring ..

  29. What nature meant by such a useless production, ’tis hard to imagine; but the land is entirely waste, excep ..

  30. Wells noted, «Pym tells what a very intelligent mind could imagine about the south polar region a century ago».

  31. The song remains controversial, as it has been since its release, over its request to imagine «no religion too».

  32. So you can imagine a pirate rather reluctantly engaging in this behavior as a way of preserving that reputation.

  33. Modeled after cartoon versions of the Manning family that Starr would sometimes imagine, the doll sold for $19.95.

  34. Smith’s response was that he found it hard to imagine anyone needing to print 5,000 copies of a top secret report.

  35. Metroid co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto said he could not imagine how the N64 controller could be used to control Samus.

  36. It is difficult to imagine now what a marvel Feller was when he burst upon the scene in 1936, a callow youth of 17.

  37. If you imagine a world where greed and power continue to run their likely course, you’ll have an idea of the backdrop.

  38. When viewing the following musical examples, it may help to imagine a mirror being placed between the various versions:.

  39. I will leave the reader to imagine what the situation of men, thus confined, particularly in the summer months, must be.».

  40. And in the latter end of a life so spent in study, you at least can imagine that painting is with me a very serious study.

  41. We learnt from guitar feedback, with lots of distortion, that you can make any instrument, any one that you can imagine.».

  42. He was a first-class brigade commander, very able and quick; indeed it was difficult to imagine him in any other capacity».

  43. Joel said: «You can imagine it peopled by failed commercial travelers, with pathetic sex lives, who cry alone in their rooms».

  44. In their opinion, «because we are asked merely to imagine to play a ‘what if’ game, Lennon can escape the harshest criticisms».

  45. As a result, commentary on Austen sometimes seemed to imagine itself as divided into high culture and popular culture branches.

  46. But my friend, as you may easily imagine, is Nicolo who by-the-by, is my Italian master, and we are already very philosophical.

  47. It was difficult to imagine how it could be done in a visual way.» Fincher and Savides did not want to repeat the look of Seven.

  48. Suzy Hansen, writing in Salon, said that the novella allowed the reader to imagine the process of designing a part of the world.

  49. Eurogamer’s Kristan Reed pointed out that, graphically, «it’s hard to imagine how Amusement Vision could have done a better job».

  50. And I imagine that since one of the designers was standing right there in front of them, some of them held back their true opinion.

Synonyms for imagine

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word imagine has the following synonyms: conceive of, ideate, envisage, think, opine, suppose, reckon and gues.

General information about «imagine» example sentences

The example sentences for the word imagine that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «imagine» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «imagine».

Synonym: assume, conceive, dream, envision, fancy, gather, guess, presume, suppose. Similar words: imaginary, imagination, unimaginable, imaginatively, drag in, raging, image, managing. Meaning: [ɪ’mædʒɪn]  v. 1. form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case 2. expect, believe, or suppose. 

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1. If a friend tells a fault, imagine always that he has not told the whole. 

2. I can hardly imagine such a scene.

3. ‘He was furious.’ ‘I can imagine.’

4. He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.

5. I can just imagine him saying that!

6. It’s difficult to imagine anything coming between them.

7. Imagine a house with a big garden.

8. Imagine that you have just won a million pounds.

8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. I could clearly imagine the scene in the office.

10. I can’t imagine life without the children now.

11. I can’t imagine what has happened.

12. I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.

13. Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.

14. Close your eyes and imagine you are in a forest.

15. Imagine you’ve been shipwrecked.

16. Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

17. I like the house but I don’t imagine I’ll live there forever.

18. Imagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job.

19. I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.

20. Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?

21. Imagine Robert Redford when he was young — that’s what John looks like.

22. We tend to imagine that the Victorians were very prim and proper.

23. Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years?

24. Can you imagine that Jack has set up a company of his own?

25. To have a darling baby boy was the greatest gift I could imagine.

26. This is positively the worst thing that I can even imagine.

27. They were as far removed from the ethos of terrorism as you could imagine.

28. The region was extremely beautiful. Nonetheless Gerard could not imagine spending the rest of his life there.

29. Marriage changes you as a person in ways that you can’t imagine.

30. The writer gets no immediate feedback and simply has to imagine the reader’s reaction.

More similar words: imaginary, imagination, unimaginable, imaginatively, drag in, raging, image, managing, magistrate, imagery, encouraging, disparaging, pilgrimage, engine, magazine, engineer, stinginess, magazine rack, engineering, inestimable, agile, tragic, fragile, agility, agitate, agitated, contagion, fragility, agitation, homage. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«I could clearly imagine being on the beach.«
(clearly, easily, almost)

«I could hardly imagine living in a different place.«
(hardly, barely)

«I always imagined him becoming a doctor.«

«I can’t actually imagine having children.«
(actually, really, seriously)

«She was simply imagining things.«
(simply, only, just)

Used with verbs:

«They tried to imagine what she went through.«
(tried to, could, couldn’t)

«I began to imagine what life would be like without him.«
(began, started)

«I can imagine what she was thinking.«
(can, cannot)

To imagine means to form new images and sensations that are not perceived through the five physical senses. Imagine may refer to:
Imagination (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

That same affect has provoked anger, even disgust, in those parts of Europe suffering economic pain, and, one imagines, among the various leaders on the European stage she has seen come and go.


But if anything, one imagines, the Indian government is delighted with the short-term advantage it has gained in its dealings with Canada — a fact that lends credence to our government’s leaked damage-control theory.


The difference is the one who has not knows he has not, but the one with half baked imagines has, but has not.


Every founder, during their darkest days, closes their eyes and imagines ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange while holding a multi-million (or possibly billion) dollar check.


(Google notes that other companies are free to set up caching systems to use with AMP, but given that Google’s will be free and, one imagines, pretty good, broad competition here seems unlikely.)


With only a month until he can negotiate with other clubs, its something that will be on the Chelsea man’s mind too, one imagines.


So five years after the original sin of trading Harden over financial concerns, the Thunder are throwing every penny available — and, one imagines, pennies not available — at this team, this year, right now.


Someone please tell the Mad Men writers» room, in which, one imagines, everyone was satisfied that they had earned their paychecks.


I wish it were as simplistic as Weinberg imagines.


These commissions may help fund food/photography purchases as well as costs of running the blog (web hosting, domain name, etc.) All images seen on the blog are original, therefore if you’d like to use any imagines to link to a recipe, kindly refrain from cropping or editing them in any way, as this may ruin image quality.


This year’s commercial imagines a children’s football game featuring NFL quarterback Cam Newton as a player and supermodel Miranda Kerr as a coach.


I was completely over the moon and, my mind instantly began conjuring imagines of what my beautiful baby might look like.


But, mostly, we talk about Jesus at night when my son wiggles under his covers in the dark and imagines.


Would cost a fair penny too, one imagines.


But what if the oldsters have more to give than conventional thinking imagines?


But liberal religion has been more vibrant in the modern era than Hauerwas imagines.


Funny… and probably more common than the average pew-sitter imagines.


But one doesn’t simply fall victim once these things rear their ugly heads — one accepts them as small seeds and hates them once they grow larger than the afflicted imagines they ever would.


I imagine it has to do with a case you’re working on?

He could imagine her turning to dry powder in his arms, stabbing himself on the splinters of her bones as her shrill cackle faded into the cold distance of outer space

Could you imagine what

Could you imagine if

We are just getting started, we’re just warming up, but I can imagine that you are probably seeing your life in a way that you have never seen it

Ennil tried to imagine it

I’d imagine there’s quite a layer of dust on it by now, that was thirty decades ago

It was still hard to imagine that this had all been purchased with eleven retaining balls from hospital cart latch-pins

I can’t imagine what the Inspector will have to ask me

She could only imagine its scale

This achievement enables one to experience bliss that one can never imagine

Imagine the shock to the family when he announced his intention to marry a catholic hotel maid! This love dynamic in his life was the catalyst for his search for religious truth

Just imagine that one thought has

can’t even begin to imagine is that

She could scarcely imagine the Angels of Talstan taking on the only remaining mortal superpower

‘Definitely, even if he offered me the job, which I don’t for a minute imagine he is going to do!’ I said, chuckling at the memory of his face when I walked out of his office

They meant well, he knew that, but how could they imagine that he could

Her arms were twisted painfully over her head in a submission hold she couldn’t imagine and didn’t want to

Nevertheless, who knows what really awaits us after death, to the Other Side? Imagine some sort of aliens waiting there, ready to be fed with strong souls!” Alexander said at a moment, in a rather equivocal manner

It was difficult to imagine walls in this darkness

Can you imagine a

’ I said, looking at the expanse of modern building below me, trying to pick out the older buildings and imagine how it must have looked when Rose came here

Not sure if I imagine her relief or not, but I’m pretty sure about how I feel about it – the thought of spending Christmas with Amy and the family is not one I can contemplate with anything remotely approaching joy

He tried to imagine her wired up on the breaching ship’s bridge and what it feels like to have a 375m-wide ass

This new life was going to be far more complicated than I could possibly imagine

» I imagine her pulling a crop of hair from inside the book

Anyway, there is no proof about that, besides I can’t imagine she could be so mean

After he’s gone, I stand looking at the closed door … I didn’t imagine this, did I? He was actually here … wasn’t he?

One of my favourite games over the months through to the coming of early spring birdsong was to recount those alternative life stories and to imagine myself in the place of either Aban or Menachem

We often wondered whether the other hostages felt the same, but we could never quite imagine Aban and Beniamin finding the same closeness

But that was only because of the native virus, he could still imagine the tortures he would have inflicted on them to get it out of them if it wasn’t for that artificial Instinct

He wished he could imagine what it was like for Angels a century and three quarters beyond the one’s who’s sister he once loved

Can you imagine an entire nation of Pauls going to and fro throughout the earth to proclaim the freedom that they have now experienced in Christ? It will be during the Millennial Kingdom that Israel will fulfill her ultimate purposes of being the priestly nation to the nations (Exodus 19:6)

If you can imagine it, you can have it -‐ especially once you

They meant well, he knew that, but how could they imagine that he could do all of these normal things without her

Earth’s civilization would never imagine that the most humans live in the deepest concentrations of jungle

‘Can you imagine it? Me living in a manor house with staff!’ he chuckled, stooping to pick up another stone and throwing it with some power towards the same rock where it smashed

Imagine you are in a river with the boat over your head

They have a gas lantern also, I imagine she’s got that going

I gather that once, when he was a young man (very young I should imagine), he met her grandmother and was immediately struck by the resemblance Angie bears her … sounds unlikely to me, but who am I to quibble?

I imagine it must have come as a shock to you coming so close to Joris’s death

” Can you imagine the humility it would take for a nation to come under that? Can you really imagine a nation that would acknowledge their boundaries being established by the hand of God according to the sons of Israel?

Just imagine, though

Just imagine the early videos that went viral; animals doing crazy things, babies dancing and other content that had never been shared in this past

Can you imagine the Islamic and Moslem extremist nations that desire the death of Israel seeing this take place? Can you imagine what will happen when those nations hear the Jewish people admitting their failure before God – and that their judgment was due to their sin – and in love embracing their enemies and blessing them that cursed them?

“Nothing wrong there in Jodechi, but here, I can’t imagine you

Though I imagine here, beyond the glass,

It was claimed to be more massive than people could imagine

She could imagine his hands on her doing what he did in the dreams… damn it! I’ve got to stop doing this… it’s those damn dreams! She could hear a deep chuckle filling her mind, all right Jake, I get the point!

Can you imagine that?’

It is bad enough when it rains here, I can’t imagine trying to get around the sort of terrain you describe in the downpours mentioned in your last letter

I have read your last letter over and over, trying to imagine what the landscape is like where you are

You can imagine the result

‘I should imagine that there are many things that you want to know, Lintze

’ I said almost defiantly … sure is one thing I am not at the moment, but I can imagine that I shall be climbing the walls out of sheer boredom by then

I can’t imagine Wiesse putting up with anything less than the best

Imagine you have come to a stage in your life where you do not feel a need to offer anyone explanations about yourself

Imagine that you don’t have to impress anyone

As before, I am impressed by the skill of our distant ancestors … I can’t imagine the work and organisation that must have gone into building this place

Something far greater that anything they could imagine; and it involved riding the dragons of their dreams

in the same flow, imagine how we could erode the rocks

From the gossip columns there’d been veiled rumours of his associations with certain criminal elements, but then I’d imagine after-show parties and nightclubs must have been brimming with suspicious characters in those days

Can you imagine the shock treatment all this activity has on the digestive and nervous systems? And because of this fast dying down the body is aware of a hunger for more and more sugar

«I can imagine,» Alan said, «It would cause wars on Earth

She couldn’t even imagine what this journey must have been like for him, all the way from YingolNeerie and then all the way from Wescarp across a world he knew nothing about, as little as she knew about the world at YingolNeerie

’ He said trying to imagine the concept

You can imagine his surprise when the old woman produced a long length of coiled rope from under her voluminous purple overcoat

«I imagine you want some loving

They talked about what the menu would have in the best restaurant he could imagine on his planet

He allowed himself to imagine one of those elaborate shorting-out scenes like in ancient movies where the robot becomes encased in blue plasma with arcs of lighting all around them until their parts clatter to the floor, smoking

But, if she’s going to accuse me of being ‘the other woman’ surely she wouldn’t choose to do it over lunch? I try to imagine the scenario and fail miserably

I’ve known her for several years, and she’s a straightforward, non-hysterical woman; some people would say that she was cold and unemotional but that may just be in comparison with the temperamental musician she’s married to – after all someone would have to be the down-to-earth sane one in that partnership! Try as I do, I cannot imagine her screaming at me or making a scene … a consoling thought to some extent, but it still doesn’t explain why she wants to see me

Imagine you walked over to

Imagine being a part of a conversation where the

imagine that Ali sees the ball in slow motion A normal player will use the second

‘We felt the tremors hundreds of kilometres away, imagine the situation in

Imagine the lives lost if the mall was open?’

Here‘s an example: Imagine that you recently applied for a

imagine – no matter how outlandish it may be

imagine that a cord of brilliant white light travels from the

He grew the most beautiful romantic roses you could ever imagine

My Lord, she is more of a threat to them than you can possibly imagine

‘Yes, imagine the saving

I’d imagine at least ten thousand a head, or forty

never imagine that both the ground and the monkey

“The only part of that I can answer was the ‘how’ they can do that, who and why I can’t imagine

Even though he couldn’t take it seriously, he tried to imagine what it would be like to be in the heaven his mother’s letter hinted at

more profound and sacred than we imagine

Then they all started honking their horns, apparently just for the fun of it … you should have seen the grin on Emanuele’s face as he joined in the cacophony! Getting out of Naples was slow work, it is a busy city and the road system appears to have been built piecemeal, so you may imagine how it was

» He stood up to get himself from between those melons, he couldn’t think rationally while he was there, and after listening to Heymon he worried that there might be a chance it was Ava driving this cherub, though he could scarcely imagine Ava being this aggressive with her body

» Kelvin could imagine it felt good to have someone else carry some of the weight that rested on his forearms, her clothing wasn’t helping

you have a goal that you want to achieve, imagine how

He could imagine

I can imagine growing old with this man

She looked at the mossy and eroding concrete and could scarcely imagine so ancient a time

She tried to imagine what kind of bug it would be in the rendering that would cause that

I can only imagine what they must be like in their own Hold

‘Wicked to laugh at them … it’s funny, Jo … I’ve known Gary for years but can’t imagine what it would be like … you know, seeing him letting his hair down

Maybe I’m fastidious, but I couldn’t imagine wanting to watch someone else at it

She could imagine Bishop Rendellyn wanting to do this to her, but she knew he would have tried to encapsulate her via prayer, and had to have acolytes actually maintain the user settings for his universe

Toby imagined Michael Jordan doing a lay over up to the top shelves

This was still more different than anything any of them could have ever imagined

When she was there, at the closest star in whatever constellation it’s in, she certainly never imagined she would be here, now, wondering what happened there

When she was there she certainly never imagined she would even exist now

Johnny imagined that his dad would be crushed, and it was a moment that Johnny wanted to do his best to spare him from ever having to go through

He wrapped himself around her shoulders and imagined the warmth of his mate, the way they gripped each other in the warm sky

This was not her idea of a fun way to spend the dusk, especially when she imagined the fine cups that would be going around at Kulai’s duskmeal while they discussed the upcoming evening’s entertainment

was imagined; Do not stoop to

demons as companions because Smith had never imagined imagination

that reinforced the heavens as imagined by a responsible God

imagined it would be

I imagined the space around me to be infinite, falling away from the edges of reality like the seas that tumble over the edge of a flat earth

More polar opposites can scarcely be imagined than the mortal privation and terror of Talstan and the fleshpits of Satan’s world

I imagined him blowing smoke into my covered face

I imagined him sat at a table, softly lit, with a family, bowls of steaming meat and vegetables between them

We were a happy band, an imagined brotherhood

I shuffled backwards on my arse, scrabbling to put distance between myself and the door, which slammed open just as I had imagined it would

Could my distorted mind be playing tricks on me? Was the ultimate nature of my lunacy to take shape in a world of imagined friends, of odd and sundry voices rattling off the walls of my empty head?

To watch your soul-brother take a beating for some off-hand remark or imagined slight, is to have your heart cut, slice by slice, into ribbons

We existed in a world of words and imagined intellectual propositions, spending hours talking through the possibilities for the citizens of this benighted planet

But since it’s just an RNAcid trip and not something you imagined yourself, I’m going to try real hard to not let it gross me out to the point where I won’t want the one of you YingolNeerians that does have flesh

Smith was unable to fashion physical angels and demons as companions because Smith had never imagined imagination

Smith preferred to consider a thought from a familiar set of view points, rolling it across the heavens like thunder, looking at all those aspects of silence and darkness that reinforced the heavens as imagined by a responsible God

This was going to be harder than he had imagined it would be

Danton imagined the breaking of this man’s fragile skeleton with every bounce

I had a wonderful time and being in those mountains is even more beautiful than I imagined from the valley

Her gonads curled painfully within her as she imagined the deviant rites these people must practice

He had probably just imagined hearing her

than the fingers imagined in scales of familiarity and use,

I had imagined that Nepal would be just snow-capped mountains – but that says more about my lack of geographical knowledge than anything, I feel! Your description of the fauna and flora found in the tropical savanna and the forests was most interesting and the watercolours you enclosed are extremely good

He said that I was in shock because of what I had been thru; that I had imagined all of it

for simple things well intentioned but childishly imagined

She imagined it must be much worse for Luray

more fiend than I could have imagined

Daniel could not have imagined the emotions that engulfed him

I had travelled — actually flown all the way — and alone — into a balmy welcome I could never have imagined

What he saw can only be imagined

I could not have imagined it

he wants to be imagined

I imagined the life there, far from towns, with the faintest strain of music floating in the air and the echo of modest family voices

and you are, for that precise imagined moment,

It reminded me of infant school formalities, and that memory took me home for a second and I imagined my aunt arriving at our cottage and how it would be empty

We set off without a clue as to what we’d find in Faria but it was much more serious than we could’ve imagined

It was worse than I’d imagined — tourism as a front for fencing loot

“We could not, however, have imagined how this would affect them,” continued Tarak

Their love was born of hope and that hope always took the form of imagined blue lines and smiling doctors, but their loving was in vain

thousands now, but imagined that transacting in lakhs and crores wouldn’t be

Immediately after the disposal of Alan’s body Helen Roach found that coping with her daughter’s stress and grief was far harder than she had ever imagined it would be

What if Alfred had been right and they should have stayed and studied the planet at 61 Cygni until the next expedition arrived? True it wasn’t the wonder Alan had imagined, but it was still the only place outside Earth where macroscopic biology had been discovered

She spun around and seized K’nada, unsheathed his blade and leaped through the air slicing thru imagined enemies swinging the blade with lightening speed

than we ever could possibly have imagined

As they left Naria watched them go from the top of the parapet and thought to herself that things were working out better than she could have imagined

I think she said science though I might have imagined that bit, to me she had science student written all over her

He should be, she imagined there was a lot of competition for this job

It’s done very well too … though I have always imagined Lucy to be shorter than the actress playing the part in the film

on to the real or imagined hurts you have suffered,

of hope and that hope always took the form of imagined blue lines

She said nothing but she moved more swiftly than I imagined she could or would

she had ever imagined it would be

undergrowth one winter some years ago, Tom imagined, and had not

and Tom initially imagined that looking after three children might

This was going better than he could have imagined

Jorma felt stupid, he had imagined some drug that would extract his mind or knock him out til he came to in a stew pot

Jorma’s testicles crawled up his legs when he imagined being locked in some chamber somewhere beyond one of those openings

Guardians and which, Tom imagined, had been carefully designed to

‘Chrissie!’ Billy said, his surprise every bit as satisfying as Chrissie had imagined it would be

During the long, pillow tossing watches of the night, between imagined conversations during which Andy persuaded the Sergeant by sheer dint of his charismatic personality that there had been nothing going on, the unwelcome thought had occurred to Andy that the Sergeant was being exceptionally curious about what Andy had been doing since he left Tracey

Tom imagined that

” She imagined having the time to get him to understand what that was like, but he continued, “What I remember thinking about you is how remarkably normal you seem for someone from that far away and different a culture

Tom imagined that the concerted campaign of

In his childish way, he had imagined

His mother was dressed as he had always imagined her – a floral

She imagined them as Internal Investigations operatives and lead them on a merry chase

seems to have more in common with a baseball field than I ever imagined

He imagined something like a hologram recording the soul, but the ghost insisted she experienced that half century and spent a lot of time doing research in her field, learning more about it as a ghost than she could have as flesh

He imagined remembering their love affair from Tdeshi’s side, for such is the power of the Kassikan’s pills, but Kulai assured him her mind was big and powerful but already empty

They went on for several minutes in that imagined

as he had once imagined

imagined himself swinging and kicking but the poison in his blood had different

He imagined it must be what kind of stitch switch because they often pointed to foci of the patterns

He had probably never imagined that such a problem could exist

He could have never imagined doing such a thing just half a bottle ago

Easing back into the overstuffed chair in front of the fireplace; placed exactly where she’d imagined it that first night, she thought of how it could be her second chance at life as well

I always imagined the busy

The thoroughbred gladiators I’d imagined

he imagined but something was amiss

It was someone he’d never imagined seeing on his

It was a limp grip, just as I imagined

a wince of pain as I imagined, but a sigh of relief, that of a heroin addict finally

Being far from your boyfriend is really a little hard, because I always imagined that thought about him what he’s doing and how he spends his leisure time

always imagined she was bound for a convent

He imagined truer words were never spoken

stopped hunting him, they would always haunt his dreams she imagined

Heather imagined she could watch him

» He put his arms around her and thus began a Nightday better than he could have ever imagined when he was with that expedition, one that made them glad they stayed home together, and one that took her mind completely off her search for a teaching position

imagined his soul was doing the same thing right about now

He imagined the containers falling overboard

I imagined it would be very different than

I began to imagine (because I have a sanctified imagination), I imagined a day when the world would come to the prophets to find missing children, wanted criminals, and even hidden terrorist cells

Their meeting was not how he imagined it to be, and he imagined it often and in many ways

Evan imagines her as the head cheerleader and valedictorian of her high school

Moments when his eyes glaze as he imagines the nearly, the what ifs

She imagines herself in the arms of a man,

he imagines the world inverted

Davie hears the buzzard’s high pitched squeal of annoyance and imagines the bodies in the pit, in their death throes, pleading for light

She imagines the tip of the needle breaking skin, sliding into muscle, the bulge where the liquid pools as she presses on the plunger, and the spasms, a face, a rictus grin

He imagines that Bex is six years old, and that she is holding his free hand

But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject

This, he imagines, upon the true principles of the mercantile system, is a clear proof that this forced corn trade is

Despite Sisyphus’s tragic existence, Camus imagines he is happy, though he does not fully explain why

Nobody imagines, I beileve, that even the greater part of the annual coinage, amounting, for ten years together, before the late reformation of the gold coin, to upwards of £800,000 a-year in gold, was an annual addition to the money before current in the kingdom

My daughter imagines he drives around in her Barbie Bus, while my son envisions him logging on to Wikipedia or reading the newspaper

Although our primal emotions may originally have been intended to operate at the level of instinctive reactions, they can also influence procedures at other levels…Minsky imagines that each of his six levels of mental procedures is populated by special resources called ‘critics’ which recognize various kinds of situations

2 who imagines mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war

16 An enemy speaks sweetly with his lips, but in his heart he imagines how to throw you into a pit, he will weep with his eyes, but if

He will not concede that his new belief is not based on facts, cold reason, historical necessity, or reality as he imagines it to be

Then let them delete also the words that he or she imagines might offend someone else

One imagines that one is

himself, he imagines an answer from without

But man imagines that he works for an incen-

commotion is meaningless, for I am not the entity that imagines

Its destiny is the duty of him who imagines himself to be

what one imagines it was

His fists are clenched tight in the bath as he imagines he is

But, as Sherwood Anderson wrote in “Discovery of a Father,” a son’s wish for what he imagines to be a perfect father does not always come true: “One of the strangest relationships in the world is that between father and son

When Ralph enters, pushing aside the torn curtain that hangs down in what he imagines is a vain attempt to keep out the wind, he expects the room to be empty

He imagines crimson and black, colours to induce terror

Hartstongue simply nods, as if he imagines it could be him she was addressing, and gazes beyond her to the land around them

As the wolf snarls once more, baring its teeth and crouching for the kill, he imagines he will die here

He never once imagines that such discovery might be not by an enemy but by a friend

But if he is puffed up by the respect thus shown to him and imagines himself to belong to a high class, he directly ceases to be a Brahmin (because this reflects his arrogance and ignorance)

He often imagines firing rockets from his torso or shooting bullets or small gas bombs from his arms and watching through infrared eyes as his enemies are torn to bloody shreds

Everywhere he looks he sees The Lord Yhwh (what he imagines to be the name of that which cannot be named—your name)

As Below so Above and Beyond, he imagines

Wisely, for one so young and inexperienced, he sensed that a relationship in which one partner imagines he is more desirable, or has more to offer than the other, is doomed to failure

3 The story of Ruth as the author imagines it might have been told to the youth David by

Simon imagines in his mind unscrewing and unbolting the door as the postman arrives for his parcel

Suzy stares deeply into Lewis’s eyes as she imagines her life living with someone disabled

“Dying is much more difficult than one imagines

With vigor, he imagines the point whereby he flips into real fear and at that very point, we ask him to STOP!

“Garcia’s brain and implant function as one unit and the images he imagines could be transferred to a media storage device in use by the Iotians

The only way is to wake up and realise that Reality is not the problem; it is you who imagines it is a problem

The “bliss” which my limited “I” imagines is the real Bliss

” Just to be on the safe side he concentrates his magic towards the undergrowth and imagines the molecules there swirling and dancing together

He sees the magic between the water and himself and he pulls on it, tugs at it, imagines the magic stilling the water, calming it, deep at the molecular level — so the water’s spinning hydrogen atoms lock together and crystals form on the ground and in the sky

believes that the world is as he imagines it

Colorful images that a child imagines

“…with conceit…”: means that one imagines that one acquires greater good by an action than what is already in one’s possession, when in fact the opposite is true

Rico has become the kind of young man Cass imagines his son would become

And she slips the tip of his finger seamlessly into her mouth and sucks, and for a moment he imagines that it’s not her lips squeezing him, that it’s not his finger she’s circling with her tongue

He imagines that he can see her tower in the dark

«Well, please be kind enough to be present when I attach the irons to the prisoner in case in his madness he imagines that I am that young lad,» Olin requested with a dry mouth

I know exactly what just went through his mind – for a moment there, he experienced what he imagines I must have been felt

Maybe he has a crummy old car, and maybe he’s really ugly and scrawny, but when he’s dreaming he’s this big, strong man with a really expensive car, because that’s how he imagines things should be for him

As her mind begins to slip into the dark places—where, she imagines, not even the monsters can be seen—Mary begins to realize something

She knows this in her heart in a way she imagines all little girls know that they are loved by their mothers, their fathers, their Mama Grandmas, and for that she is confident in the fact that nothing will stir her emotions unless she finds something that is more confident than the thing that fell from the olive branch

She imagines there are much greater things in this world than the one with many colors

The ring, though small compared to the field, extends a fair distance away from where she stands—where, she imagines, a small car could park if one so truly desired

Were she to do that, she imagines she would become small—much, much too small—and would eventually be reduced to tears

She imagines her brain cracking a hole in her head and sliding out until it is nothing more than sludge before her, a clump of pudding of the mortal variety

In looking at the creature, and upon the sad spectacle before her, she imagines this is likely what the moth feels as the pearlescent beauty continues to feed upon it—liquefying, as Mary understands from school, its interior organs, then pumping them back into its body

Had it a will, she imagines, and a purpose capable of action, it would have flown out of her chest and toward the place that it would likely call home

It could only, she imagines, harbor ill intentions

If her mind has its own way, she imagines they are nothing like little girls—that beneath it all, the skin and clothes and hair and eyes, they are really ugly creatures who look like blobs of jelly that eat everything in their path

The man’s high-heeled boots come down on the ground with a crunch that Mary imagines will be her bones should he come anywhere near her

It is with grief and sadness, of youth and inexperience that Mary begins to walk forward—toward, what she imagines, is the great nothing before her

Because of this, Mary imagines that, were this world normal, and were she several hundreds of thousands of years back in time, there would have been men here—wielding, of course, clubs and canes—and they would have tried to start fires

The stone, even from a distance, is distinguishably scarred—broken by axes, Mary imagines, when the rest of the world fell—and while it isn’t necessarily an ugly feature, it does make the sight before it appear frail: tired, she could say, and ready to collapse

She has never felt so weak in her life and, she imagines, never will again, as it is with this advance that she knows that she will never leave home once she returns to the real world, never step foot outside, never leave the confines of her room or her bed or even the blankets that are spread atop it

I’m not sure what she imagines I’m going to say, but she has a tendency to expect the worst

— Firstly, dear Kseillirgmiya’, everything around those who sit here, near this bonfire at Ayfaar, looks completely in a different way than each of us imagines it, because every one considers “personally” oneself (but not UU-VVU-copies used by one’s Formo-Creators) the main character in this inertial Process, although everything is just to the contrary — UU-VVU-copies exist in their “niches” as if “by themselves”, and we only use their typical qualitative characteristics to integrate them through active Levels of our own Self-Consciousness and be able to synthesize and realize, in the Formo-system of Worlds, a subjective Experience of Our universal relative inertial Existence in this range of Energy-Plasma

he imagines that he could build some sort of walls to protect the trees, so that no one could

In addition, we endow such characters with our own psychisms, because when the child imagines that it communicates with a dwarf, it can picture only the dwarf it wishes to see, — with the same character traits, which the child wants to have

For an aboriginal who imagines his future dwelling, this will not be flaks VVU-Information, but dolls one which has been rezonationally attracted by karmo-klofts of “mixing Fields” to the resopasons of 2

“We have followed him and listened to him, all the while knowing his weakness, his weakness of jealousy! How can we trust a Captain who does not have control of his emotions, whose rage is a rage over nothing? Whatever he imagines in his mind takes over and instead of keeping his ship and crew safe

The myth-tale of a spirit is told: the person imagines it, carves the amulet or icon, the child is raised with the icon that they can see-touch, which goes to create their own impression-experience of outer normality, which they then transform into their own version of inner reality

One never imagines such pitfalls are as much for oneself as for everyone else

Evans imagines the possibility of his empire stretching across the land he has already conquered

She imagines a group of people in a laboratory, tweaking an SIM card

He imagines her holding

Tennyson imagines with regard to an ‘Evangelist;’ but there is everything in this narrative to suggest, if it be but true, all that follows in succeeding revelations as to the abnormal cause of man’s mortality

Sammy is also aware that it depends on what he visually imagines

At this point one of the two that looked like kings exclaimed, «Enough, enough, divine singer! It would be an endless task to put before us now the death and the charms of the peerless Altisidora, not dead as the ignorant world imagines, but living in the voice of fame and in the penance which Sancho Panza, here present, has to undergo to restore her to the long-lost light

And having once assimilated the state to the individual, he imagines that he will find the succession of states paralleled in the lives of individuals

«Is that Catherine Linton! He imagines me in a pet—in play, perhaps

Would you say ‘most,’ I replied, when you consider that there is a further stage of the evil in which a man is not only a life-long litigant, passing all his days in the courts, either as plaintiff or defendant, but is actually led by his bad taste to pride himself on his litigiousness; he imagines that he is a master in dishonesty; able to take every crooked turn, and wriggle into and out of every hole, bending like a withy and getting out of the way of justice: and all for what?—in order to gain small points not worth mentioning, he not knowing that so to order his life as to be able to do without a napping judge is a far higher and nobler sort of thing

If the latter possess native sagacity, and a nameless something more,—let us call it intuition; if he show no intrusive egotism, nor disagreeably prominent characteristics of his own; if he have the power, which must be born with him, to bring his mind into such affinity with his patient’s, that this last shall unawares have spoken what he imagines himself only to have thought; if such revelations be received without tumult, and acknowledged not so often by an uttered sympathy as by silence, an inarticulate breath, and here and there a word, to indicate that all is understood; if to these qualifications of a confidant be joined the advantages afforded by his recognized character as a physician;—then, at some inevitable moment, will the soul of the sufferer be dissolved, and flow forth in a dark, but transparent stream, bringing all its mysteries into the daylight

To reflect that each one who enters imagines himself to be the first to enter whereas he is always the last term of a preceding series even if the first term of a succeeding one, each imagining himself to be first, last, only and alone whereas he is neither first nor last nor only nor alone in a series originating in and repeated to infinity

Is this what it used to look like? He imagines it is

He imagines that person’s reaction: disoriented

Geffard pronounces this almost gleefully and pours wine into his glass, and she imagines his head as a cabinet filled with ten thousand little drawers

He imagines two observers in a field pacing out the distance between them, then leveling their eyes on a far-off landmark: a sailing ship or a smokestack

She moves along the tide line, almost crawling at first, and imagines the beach stretching off in either direction, ringing the promontory, embracing the outer islands, the whole filigreed tracery of the Breton coastline with its wild capes and crumbling batteries and vine-choked ruins

She imagines the walled city behind her, its soaring ramparts, its puzzle of streets

He spoke with her about love and truth and timeless bliss, imagining her voice

the door and asked for my Dad, I was imagining what I called the Autocopter

Eva leaving didn’t help the machine imagining either, given that a broken heart

’ I commented, more than capable of imagining the conversation they must have had

‘Stop imagining the worst, Kate

Wrapped as I was in the cotton wool of solitary confinement, unable as I was to express any of my thoughts in concrete form or to engage in conjecture with another rational human being, nonetheless I spent hours imagining faces and clothes and names to accompany the hollow tapping sounds in the night

I floated in the black void, imagining not the sweet smile of my saviour but the sour breath of the angel of death

Man and wife tended their plants, made sure that their supporting canes were securely tied, weeded and hoed beds, watered and pricked out, and through their horticultural therapy they began the process of contemplation, of imagining their lives lived forever in the shadow of the hole

dreaming state, forgot about everything in the world, imagining

contemplation, of imagining their lives lived forever in the shadow

He could sit for long stretches immersed in the antiquities, imagining himself among the colonnades and odea of the ancient cities, the great architectures and ideas of an age long past

They took a short sailing trip one day when the tide was high, to Tombelaine and back, imagining as they voyaged how merchants in ships of yore must have felt as they approached the island and the fortress it once was

The size of the land title was so large she’d trouble even imagining it

happy official, imagining in her warped condition that she

from imagining other cosmogonies

imagining the sort of dwelling where a courtesan would entertain her patron

Now, I couldn’t stop imagining all the horrible scenarios that Savannah may be placed in

In Nerissa’s profound isolation, she’d spend entire days imagining how his epic sounded

Edrimer felt the sweat building up on his face, his mind constantly imagining the worst and best scenarios that might be expecting him

But thank you for imagining it possible that I was

She’d never allowed herself the hubris of imagining his approval

” The mind is complex beyond imagining, and we carry all of this within us, referring to it constantly

“You’re imagining things,” he said to me

Even as he stood discussing such matters with his officer, he was always contemplating, strategizing and imagining all sorts of tactical possibilities for his principal task

Imagining that you are the vehicle is as

‘Raiya?’ He was imagining the kind of manipulation Parmayan would try with her

For much of journey back he had been imagining how Deanna would react to what he had seen at the institute; rehearsing the words in his mind

keys on the laptop, imagining the hand on the

He began to make deep throated sobbing sounds, a man in pain beyond imagining

The steel, pressed firmly, kept reminding; he tried imagining he was in space, floating freely

Standing out here imagining the worst wasn’t doing any more good than pumping Katie

That is if you are not imagining all this shit

imagine, and the imagining was limited by the narrow breadth of his experiences

A shame? Vanquished ancestors, was he actually regretting what he had done? Did he feel guilty? Or was she imagining it? Maybe he had just come down to gloat

Amaranthe almost laughed, imagining some handout in Assassinry 101, where rules of etiquette were passed out with Sicarius’s wisdom at the top of the page

You’re imagining things, girl

Or maybe she was imagining hints that weren’t there

Closing his eyes and drawing air into his lungs, Darkburst breathed in the atmosphere, imagining how it would feel to address the Council from such an exalted position of power

I stared in the mirror at my face and my tired swollen eyes, not ever imagining the mayhem to which I would return – a flurry of nurses acting swiftly under the instructions of Dr Preston

She stared at the tower clock with squinting eyes, not used to the bright sun, and maybe I was just imagining it but I think she understood

She pulled her arms away, and adjusted her clothing and hair, imagining it was in the worst of condition

I began imagining all kind of scenarios

I grinned, imagining the look of snooty disdain on her face

I watched the smoke pouring from the lorry’s tyres in a kind of dread fascination, imagining the look of horror that must be distorting the driver’s face as he slammed his foot on the brakes

Much of the public went to the Missing in Action and Rambo film series, vicariously imagining fighting the war again

She smiled maliciously, imagining him standing at the reception desk feeling shy about speaking personally in public, and considered forcing embarrassing comments from him, but just giggled, saving him the torture

I’m a compulsive dreamer, and I feel spoiled to be able to be able to make a career out of imagining things!

The biggest difficulty is imagining Adams re elected

If you are a student of the many metaphysical Masters offering all types of courses these days, you will realize that Imagining clearly what you want and pretending it has already come to pass, is a vital step in the manifesting process

At some point, then, as I continued this Pretending, Imagining the trip together, which is surprisingly easy to do, suddenly someone approached us

Imagining his winning the election itself takes some doing

He was gulping air into his lungs now, muscles trembling, hardly able to pick up the battery, imagining all sorts of terrible creatures moving towards him in the darkness

Too often those on the left, the center, and even the libertarian minded or pragmatic conservatives have fallen for fear mongering, false absurd claims such as imagining a nation in the Mideast or Latin America can actually be a threat to the US

Singh sat on the edge of my bed and, this is beyond imagining, held open my mouth and blocked my nostrils at the same time

He sat, gazing across the lot to the telephone he would use, imagining the relief there would be in her voice when he told her to include the boat in her letter

Had it been the simply immeasurable vastness of the vista around them, this huge shaft that no mind could lay claim to even imagining it? Was it the sudden realization of having returned home in a most inexplicable, wondrous, and even uncanny fashion? Was it the combination of both? What had weakened his strong, determined mind? What had broken a man who was ready to give up his life for his unborn child, for a different, if not a better future? Hilderich could not tell, and only thought that it was an ineffable loss

He could still hear himself laughing, imagining the look on their faces would have been such a treat for master Olom

I’m imagining things, he told himself, it can’t be

on bare ground, tears through the imagining

I spluttered, imagining how Guy Fawkes and Joan of Arc must of felt

This tool of survival was sharpened persistently over those ages before the possibility of a use of the power of this imagining could be extrapolated into a wider utility

Just imagining the whales who swam here, and thinking about how they lived and died, and how much the world has changed since then, puts you in touch with something much bigger than you, your community or your daily life’

I have been looking at him too long, but then, he has been looking back, and I feel like we are both trying to say something the other can’t hear, though I could be imagining it

There is also something extremely interesting about looking at the world now, reading about a possible future world, and imagining the steps in between

Manda had played this moment over and over again in her head, like a favorite scene from a beloved film – imagining how elated she would be to hear Daniel say he had made a mistake

only to stop imagining that you were born, have parents, are a

He is imagining himself being back home on Earth and getting a special award for the furthest traveled human

By imagining that you are born as

He masturbated slowly, watching the action, imagining himself as the one doing the raping

«I’ll check on her when that person leaves,» he said to himself, imagining the rape over and over in his head

imagining that the dream is yours

Stop imagining, stop believing

To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that

gold imagining that an addition of copper will improve it

Imagining all sorts of noises and lights and men in my room

I followed his lead, imagining the music in my mind

His face beams, and he brushes his hair back before saying, “I was just imagining a little Alexandra, frowning as she pauses, dressed in a miniature yellow robe

As the Pastor began to pray, Jesse closed her eyes, imagining his words racing through the atmosphere to God’s ear

“Following me,” she said, expecting him to laugh, to say she was imagining things

“Well at least I’m not imagining flour is turning into something else

Jesse smiled, imagining Olivia with a child of her own, a sweet dimple faced child with big brown eyes and red hair

walks through life imagining the destruction of the

The newness of this proposition, without further investigation, is the act of imagining something beyond our current categories; it is the act of imagining that we would not recognize a species of treatments for lung cancer upon confrontation

place—and here we are imagining confines that limit form as well as

day, or even an hour, without imagining myself as the central

occurred to me to try imagining what it would feel like if he was

imagining that is so close to absolute madness and sheer terror that I

is imagining that I have done something to her — something so

I have a very difficult time imagining that they are not

the ovaries) to do that, but it puts a big smile on my face imagining

late and packed them up into a small box while imagining

and the only way I got through it was by imagining that I

It really would! Before I could only just keep my cool with him, just imagining what it would be like to kiss him but now that I actually knew there is no way that I could act like nothing had happened

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