Sentence using word fascinating

It’s a fascinating analysis with many interesting and surprising results, so read on.


«It’s an interesting question… He was a fascinating figure who observed a great deal and from whom we can learn a great deal.


It’s fascinating to think that, a decade ago, Nintendo turned the games industry on its head with its hand-waving, vase-breaking, cat-frightening Wii remotes.


Enjoy a neighbourhood tour of the city and learn the fascinating recent history of the city’s ongoing transformation.


Small group, engaging and fascinating.


I told her I thought that was fascinating and wanted to learn more about how she came to that conclusion.


The book is rife with footnotes (they average out to almost one per page), and while these often provide fascinating additional information, many of them feel unnecessary and slow down the reading of the main narrative.


In the process, we get to know Dobson, a fascinating thinker, philosopher, teacher, and inventor.


The elf kingdom of Rivendell looks especially majestic and beautiful, with fascinating nooks and crannies tucked around every corner.


I saw a lot of fascinating charts and graphs about dating site user behavior at Online Dating Summit, from mobile logins to messages sent and daily logins along with many of other KPI’s (key performance indicators).


This Central Europe escorted tour travels through some of Central Europe’s most fascinating countries — Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, and the Czech Republic — each wit… Read More


Postcards may seem like relics of the snail-mail age, but they can still provide an exciting, fascinating entree into literacy for new readers and writers.


Go inside a fascinating and disturbing crime story, set in one of the most lawless places on earth: our oceans, where perpetrators traffic in an illegal product and front-line workers are modern-day slaves.


If you are interested in nutrition in regards to health, it’s quite fascinating to read how all those studies turned out (and were kept quiet).


His journey from egotistical surgeon to noble savior of the Earth is fascinating.


While fascinating, there is no new breakthrough technology in use here to produce the best battery backup times.


Damien — The relationship between literary fiction and sci-fi has been discussed a lot recently, including a fascinating dialogue between Kazuo Ishiguro and Neil Gaiman.


This book begins with a dry account of the Green Belt Movement’s 20-year history, which has been filled with setbacks and successes that are undoubtedly fascinating, but Maathai hurries by them with bland, cut-and-dry statements («Unfortunately, very few people responded»; «Save the Land Harambee began to spread quickly»).


Located at La Isla Shopping Village, this small aquarium lets you see some of the area’s most fascinating marine life up close.


I also found it fascinating that in my completely un-scientific poll of friends and readers, those who consumed dates in later pregnancy did in fact have shorter labors (including a few friends who craved them and had labors under 2 hours!).


eLearning platforms and tools can turn seemingly boring assessments into original and fascinating tasks.


On that basis alone, «The American» presents a fascinating experiment in whether movie audiences gorged on a steady diet of Apatow and «Avatar» can slow their metabolisms down enough for Antonioni.


Going through the process of curating a unique Aston Martin has been fascinating.


Well, for me there is just something very fascinating about roses.


Seriously, I love to blather about health statistics, it’s important and it’s fascinating.


With some of the most impressive looking temples in the world, spacious and welcoming beaches, lush countryside and fascinating cities, Cambodia has a lot to offer to its growing number of visitors.


These stunning paintings, sculpture, video, and photographs reflect the Pizzuti’s most recent interests as collectors and puts on view their passionate eye for new work by a fascinating mix of emerging and established artists from across the United States, Japan, Israel, and Sweden.


The piece might be most fascinating as a study in the evolution of a filmmaker, as Linklater made no fewer than 8 other films during the making of «Boyhood,» from «School Of Rock» to «A Scanner Darkly» to «Before Midnight.»


The topic is fascinating, but the article is long on theory and short on specifics.


Natural rock formations to bewilder the mind, and fascinating natural bridges over waterways, that will both thrill and chill you to the bone.


Her beautiful language, intricate plotting, fascinating characters, and intellectual energy make her debut by far the most interesting work yet from her generation.»


Asbel Morales comments: «Creating the Havana Club Tributo Collection is a fascinating process, as each release will provide a new and unique taste experience, achieved through experimentation with rum bases from our reserves.


Unexpectedly touching, Rosie O’Donnell’s documentary about the maiden voyage of her LGBT Family Cruise is a fascinating look at parenthood and the very concept of «family» within the LGBT community.


Laettner, perhaps, but that was at the end of a very interesting, fascinating basketball game that lasted two and a half hours.


Still, the existence of a previously overlooked finch call is a fascinating find, Kleindorfer adds.


He meets new and fascinating people that change his life from the most minute ways to the most epically life altering ways that change him to his very core.


From Vietnam to Sri Lanka, Borneo to Thailand, South-East Asia’s National Parks have some of the world’s most fascinating wildlife, from orangutans and elephants to «dragons».


Rook’s party is filled with fascinating characters who have varying shades of grey to define their personality.


Greece is a fascinating country, offering stunning coastlines, delicious seafood, adventurous cliff jumps, ancient ruins, and much more.


Leaning into the performances, Reitman develops their relationship beyond employer and heaven-sent angel into a fascinating Gen X/millennial friendship that draws out their similarities and differences.


Plus, the city itself has so much to offer: 24/7 excitement, amazing architecture, a fascinating history, and some of the most interesting, enigmatic people I’ve ever met!


I choose to view it as money I spent to allow me to be an audiobook publisher of current titles, do creative work of my choosing that fulfills me, and have a lasting thing of beauty in the completed audiobook, a long-term passive revenue stream, and an infinitely more fascinating life!


«Our research brought us to a fascinating and unexpected finding,» Liu said.


It’s not surprising to see rookies like Case Keenum and Geno Smith struggling to make second-half adjustments, but there are certainly a few very fascinating names on this list.


I’m at Goldsmiths University, London exploring the bleak but fascinating topic of demonic possession.


You should know that those with the most fascinating profiles tend to have the most number of views.


The world is big, the gameplay mechanics are deep, the simulation aspect is broad, and the open-world is bleak and fascinating.


Some of the most fascinating cases stem from diseases and congenital conditions.


She states, «And I find that not only fascinating but wondrous, awe-inspiring and humbling.»


Everyone can agree that tanks are an integral part of military might, and this fascinating look into the rise of these machines is important in tracing their historical roots.»


очаровательный, пленительный, обворожительный


- очаровательный, обворожительный, пленительный

fascinating smile — обворожительная улыбка
fascinating woman — обаятельная женщина

- увлекательный, захватывающий

fascinating idea — увлекательная мысль
fascinating discovery — интереснейшее открытие
the prospect is pre-eminently fascinating — от этой перспективы дух захватывает

Мои примеры


the fascinating — but dubious — legend that Pocahontas rescued John Smith from certain death — очаровательная, но сомнительная легенда о том, как Покахонтас спасла Джона Смита от неминуемой смерти  
a fascinating field of endeavor — увлекательная область деятельности  
a baseball fanatic who is a mine of fascinating trivia about the game — фанат бейсбола, который является кладезем интереснейших фактов об этой игре  
a fascinating but creepy stage show by an offbeat magician — увлекательное, но жуткое представление на сцене в исполнении оригинального фокусника  
fascinating aspect — интереснейший аспект  

Примеры с переводом

I found him quite fascinating.

Он показался мне довольно привлекательным.

It’s fascinating to listen to her.

Её очень приятно слушать.

This city is endlessly fascinating.

Этот город бесконечно пленителен.

That sounds absolutely fascinating.

Это звучит безумно интересно.

It’s a fascinating book which merits attention.

Это увлекательная книга, которая заслуживает внимания.

The details of everyday life can be fascinating.

Повседневные мелочи жизни бывают весьма интересными.

Your report made fascinating reading.

Читать ваш доклад было очень увлекательно.

It is a fascinating and accessible book.

Это увлекательная и доступная книга.

Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.

Гонконг — это динамичный, обворожительный город.

Berlin sounds fascinating from your description.

Cудя по вашему описанию, Берлин обворожителен.

The history of space exploration is a fascinating topic.

История освоения космоса — это увлекательная тема.

The fascinating cities and peoples of central Asia have been intriguing travelers at least since the time of Marco Polo.

Пленительные города и таинственные народы Центральной Азии привлекали путешественников по меньшей мере со времен Марко Поло.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Snake charming is always fascinating and at times mystifying.

A visit to the caves makes a fascinating and exciting day out for all the family.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fascination  — очарование, обаяние, прелесть, обворожительность
fascinated  — очарованный, зачарованный
fascinatingly  — очаровательно, обворожительно, увлекательно

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Rudolph Larson

Score: 4.1/5
(33 votes)

Fascinating Sentence Examples

  1. It was a bewildering and fascinating place.
  2. He was also the most fascinating person she’d ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way.
  3. The geology of New Mexico is fascinating.
  4. Women were a strange and fascinating gender.

What type of word is fascinating?

of great interest or attraction; enchanting; charming; captivating: a fascinating story;fascinating jewelry.

How do you use how in a sentence?

We use how when we introduce direct and indirect questions:

  1. I haven’t seen you for ages. …
  2. How was the film? …
  3. Do you know how I can get to the bus station?
  4. I asked her how she was but she didn’t answer me.
  5. How old is your grandfather?
  6. How often do you get to your cottage at weekends?

How do you say someone is fascinating?

Explore the Words

  1. intriguing. capable of arousing interest or curiosity. …
  2. exciting. creating or arousing uncontrolled emotion. …
  3. fascinating. capturing interest as if by a spell. …
  4. riveting. capable of arousing and holding the attention. …
  5. absorbing. capable of arousing and holding the attention. …
  6. amusing. …
  7. diverting. …
  8. engrossing.

How do you use interesting in a sentence?

Interesting sentence example

  1. You’re a very interesting person. …
  2. She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently. …
  3. You get to meet all kinds of interesting people. …
  4. It is very interesting to watch a plant grow, it is like taking part in creation. …
  5. Interesting .

30 related questions found

How do you write interesting?

5 Tips to Making Your Writing More Exciting

  1. Choose active voice and vivid verbs. Passive voice, or leaving the subject out of the sentence, makes it look like you are trying to avoid responsibility. …
  2. Choose precise words. …
  3. Choose concise phrasing. …
  4. Choose simple words. …
  5. Choose appropriate words.

Are you interested on or in?

Since we’re using an adjective referring to our state of being when we talk about the desire to buy something, we always say “interested in” instead of “interested on.” For example: I am interested in buying some property.

What are 2 synonyms for fascinating?

synonyms for fascinating

  • alluring.
  • appealing.
  • charming.
  • delightful.
  • engaging.
  • gripping.
  • intriguing.
  • riveting.

What is it called when something is interesting?

intriguing. adjective. very interesting, especially because of being strange or mysterious.

What word can replace interesting?

Synonyms & Antonyms of interesting

  • absorbing,
  • arresting,
  • consuming,
  • engaging,
  • engrossing,
  • enthralling,
  • fascinating,
  • gripping,

How do we use questions?

How is a very useful question word. Let’s look at some of the ways it can be used.

  • How can I stay healthy?
  • How do you use a public bus? …
  • How big is your room? …
  • How long does it take to get to your job each day? …
  • How many people do you know who can speak English? …
  • How much fun do you have each day?

How do you write per se?


  1. ˈpərs
  2. per se. adverb.
  3. (ˌ)pər-ˈsā also per-ˈsā or (ˌ)pər-ˈsē
  4. per se. adjective (2)
  5. Perse. biographical name.

What is the type of the sentences?

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators.

Where do we use the word fascinating?

Fascinating Sentence Examples

  • It was a bewildering and fascinating place.
  • He was also the most fascinating person she’d ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way.
  • The geology of New Mexico is fascinating.
  • Women were a strange and fascinating gender.

What is the difference between fascinating and interesting?

As adjectives the difference between fascinating and interesting. is that fascinating is having interesting qualities; captivating; attractive while interesting is arousing]] or holding the attention or [[interest#noun|interest of someone.

What is a fascinating mean?

: extremely interesting or charming : captivating a fascinating documentary gave a fascinating account of the expedition. Other Words from fascinating Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About fascinating.

How do you say something is fun?


  1. amusing.
  2. enjoyable.
  3. entertaining.
  4. lively.
  5. pleasant.
  6. boisterous.
  7. convivial.
  8. merry.

What do you mean by entrancing?

adjective. capturing interest as if by a spell. “antique papers of entrancing design” synonyms: bewitching, captivating, enchanting, enthralling, fascinating attractive. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm.

How do you explain why something is interesting?

To say that something is interesting is also to describe a particular kind of synthesis that arises within the experience. Whenever we engage in an activity, we bring to that experience some combination of expectations, likes/desires, beliefs, curiosity, and so forth.

What does enrapture mean in English?

transitive verb. : to fill with delight.

Is fascinating positive or negative?

Fascinating is generally positive, but the mildest of the three. It is used in everyday contexts, e.g. The child finds insects fascinating.

What is synonyms of attractive?

Synonyms: good-looking , pretty , handsome , beautiful , charming , appealing , seductive, gorgeous , lovely , desirable , sensuous, sexy (informal), hot (slang), easy on the eye (slang), fit (UK, slang), ravishing, pulchritudinous (literary, formal), fair , comely.

What does I am interested in you mean?

To be interested in someone or something means to find it worthy of further attention. If «She doesn’t seem the least bit interested in him» this indicates she doesn’t desire to pay attention to him, for whatever purpose may be clear from context.

Are you interested in this job?

Example: «I’m interested in this job because I can see that, in this role, my skills could help solve this problem within your company. I also see an opportunity for me to learn and grow these skills, so we both would benefit personally, professionally, and financially.

Can you say interested to?

While «I am interested to start my career in your company» may be technically correct, you should not use it because people generally don’t use «interested» with «to start». A more commonly accepted way to say it while still using the «to» would be «I am excited to start my career in your company».

About 10046 results found using ‘FASCINATING’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • It’s both fascinating and a bit disconcerting until you get your mind around it.  (open, save, copy)

  • The buildings he gave us, however, are among the most fascinating of their time.  (open, save, copy)

  • If you’re interested, the New Yorker produced a fascinating profile this summer.  (open, save, copy)

  • The ideas were fascinating, but they didn’t always register in the music itself.  (open, save, copy)

  • However, the most fascinating part of the 4S is Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant.  (open, save, copy)

  • The exchange of plants is equally fascinating, overturning preconceived notions.  (open, save, copy)

  • For me, the fascinating thing in sport is not the reaction to the great moments.  (open, save, copy)

  • His story, however, is fascinating, and a significant biography is long overdue.  (open, save, copy)


  • The Newseum is a fascinating museum that walks you through the history of media.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘fascinating’:

  • fascinating is present participle form of fascinate

    1. Draw irresistibly the attention and interest of (someone)
    2. (esp. of a snake) Deprive (a person or animal) of the ability to resist or escape by the power of a look or gaze
    1. Extremely interesting

Web Definitions for ‘fascinating’:

  1. Intrigue: cause to be interested or curious [source]
  2. To render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe; «The snake charmer fascinates the cobra» [source]
  3. Capture: attract; cause to be enamored; «She captured all the men’s hearts» [source]
  4. (fascinated) having your attention fixated as though by a spell [source]
  5. (fascinating) absorbing: capable of arousing and holding the attention; «a fascinating story» [source]
  6. (fascinating) bewitching: capturing interest as if by a spell; «bewitching smile»; «Roosevelt was a captivating speaker»; «enchanting music»; «an enthralling book»; «antique papers of entrancing design»; «a fascinating woman» [source]
  7. (fascination) the state of being intensely interested (as by awe or terror) [source]
  8. «Fascinated» is the title of a hit song by the dance-pop / Hi-NRG / freestyle musical girl group Company B. It was the first single released off their self-titled album in early 1987. It was written and produced by Ish Ledesma and released by Atlantic Records. [source]
  9. ((Keep Feeling) Fascination) «(Keep Feeling) Fascination» is a dance song performed by British synthpop group The Human League. It was composed by Jo Callis and Philip Oakey. [source]

Synonyms for ‘fascinating’:


  • charm
    , enchant
    , bewitch
    , captivate
    , enthral
    , enthrall
    , spellbind
    , glamour
    , glamor
    , allure
    , ravish
    , mesmerize

Translate ‘fascinating’ in :

Images for ‘fascinating’:

Native speakers pronounce  ‘fascinating’:

pi0 v3 pd 00

прилагательное ↓

Мои примеры



I found him quite fascinating. pi v3

Он показался мне довольно привлекательным.

It’s fascinating to listen to her. pi v3

Её очень приятно слушать.

This city is endlessly fascinating. pi v3

Этот город бесконечно пленителен.

That sounds absolutely fascinating. pi v3

Это звучит безумно интересно.

It’s a fascinating book which merits attention. pi v3

Это увлекательная книга, которая заслуживает внимания.

The details of everyday life can be fascinating. pi v3

Повседневные мелочи жизни бывают весьма интересными.

Your report made fascinating reading. pi v3

Читать ваш доклад было очень увлекательно.

It is a fascinating and accessible book. pi v3

Это увлекательная и доступная книга.

Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city. pi v3

Гонконг — это динамичный, обворожительный город.

Berlin sounds fascinating from your description. pi v3

Cудя по вашему описанию, Берлин обворожителен.

The history of space exploration is a fascinating topic. pi v3

История освоения космоса — это увлекательная тема.

The fascinating cities and peoples of central Asia have been intriguing travelers at least since the time of Marco Polo. pi v3

Пленительные города и таинственные народы Центральной Азии привлекали путешественников по меньшей мере со времен Марко Поло.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Snake charming is always fascinating and at times mystifying. pi v3

A visit to the caves makes a fascinating and exciting day out for all the family. pi v3


1 fascinating

2 fascinating

3 fascinating

4 fascinating

обворожительный, очаровательный, пленительный

5 fascinating

6 fascinating

7 fascinating

8 fascinating

It’s fascinating to listen to her. — Её очень приятно слушать.

9 fascinating

10 fascinating

11 fascinating

12 fascinating

13 fascinating

14 fascinating

15 fascinating

16 fascinating

17 fascinating

См. также в других словарях:

fascinating — adj. 1. capable of holding the attention; as, a fascinating story. Syn: absorbing, engrossing, gripping, riveting, spellbinding. [WordNet 1.5] 2. capturing interest as if by a spell; as, a fascinating woman. Syn: bewitching, captivating,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

fascinating — index attractive, sapid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

fascinating — charming, bewitching, enchanting, captivating, alluring, attractive (see under ATTRACT) Analogous words: *delightful, delectable: luring, enticing, seducing or seductive, tempting (see corresponding verbs at LURE) Contrasted words: *repugnant,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

fascinating — [adj] interesting, spellbinding alluring, appealing, attractive, bewitching, captivating, charming, compelling, delectable, delightful, enchanting, engaging, engrossing, enticing, glamorous, gripping, intriguing, irresistible, ravishing, riveting … New thesaurus

fascinating — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look, prove, sound ▪ His testimony in court could prove fascinating. ▪ become ▪ seem … Collocations dictionary

fascinating — adj. 1) fascinating to + inf. (it s fascinating to listen to her) 2) fascinating that + clause (it s fascinating that migratory birds never get lost) * * * [ fæsɪneɪtɪŋ] fascinating that + clause (it s fascinating that migratory birds never get… … Combinatory dictionary

fascinating — fas|ci|nat|ing [ fæsı,neıtıŋ ] adjective ** making you very interested or attracted: a fascinating story/person/place it is fascinating to do something: It will be fascinating to see who the Association appoints. find someone/something… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

fascinating */*/ — UK [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] / US [ˈfæsɪˌneɪtɪŋ] adjective making you very interested or attracted a fascinating story/person/place it is fascinating to do something: It will be fascinating to see who the Association appoints. find someone/something… … English dictionary

fascinating — [[t]fæ̱sɪneɪtɪŋ[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something as fascinating, you find it very interesting and attractive, and your thoughts tend to concentrate on it. Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to. Her perceptions… … English dictionary

fascinating — adjective extremely interesting: a fascinating book | find sb/sth fascinating: I found his tale of a wild and lawless life fascinating. fascinatingly adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English



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Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I fascinate We fascinate
You fascinate You fascinate
He/She/It fascinates They fascinate
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I fascinated We fascinated
You fascinated You fascinated
He/She/It fascinated They fascinated


The beautiful scenery fascinates every traveler.
Этот красивый вид завораживает каждого путешественника.

He was fascinated with her beauty.
Он был очарован её красотой.

Tom was astounded and fascinated by what he saw there.
Том был поражен и очарован тем, что он там увидел.

I was fascinated by her beauty.
Я был околдован её красотой.

I was fascinated by her opera singing.
Я был очарован её оперным пением.

I am fascinated not so much by ballet itself as by the way the human body moves.
Я впечатлён не столько самим балетом, сколько тем, как двигается человеческое тело.

Despite being fascinated with English, many Japanese don’t even try to study it.
Несмотря на то, что многие японцы восхищены английским, они даже не пытаются учить его.

It’s impossible not to be fascinated by her beauty.
Невозможно не очароваться её красотой.

I was fascinated by her performance.
Я был очарован её выступлением.

Young children are often fascinated by science.
Молодёжь зачастую очарована наукой.

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Для общих комментариев по сайту следует использовать раздел Отзывы и предложения.


A fascinating performance will please both adults

and small guests of the wedding.


context icon

Завораживающее выступление придется по душе как взрослым,

так и маленьким гостям свадьбы.


This fascinating slot introduces the characters while the game is

still being loaded.


context icon

Захватывающий slot знакомит со своими героями еще на этапе загрузки приложения.


which at night is illuminated by colored lights.


context icon

который в ночное время освещается разноцветными огнями.


There is a number of fascinating objets d’art and galleries in Nizhny Novgorod.


context icon

В Нижнем Новгороде немало интересных арт- объектов и галерей.


The nogg has been hatched on a fascinating plot belonging to Matthew.

context icon

Nogg была вылупились на захватывающий сюжет, принадлежащего Матфея.

We invite you to look at the unusual and fascinating world of this larger strategy.


context icon

Мы приглашаем и вас заглянуть в необычный и захватывающий мир это масштабной стратегии.


There are a large number of ancient monuments, fascinating museums around 250.


context icon

Здесь находится большое количество античных памятников, около 250 интересных музеев.


This city does not hold daring and vanity, there is something fascinating in it.


context icon

Этому городу не занимать дерзости и тщеславия, в нем есть что-то завораживающее.


The first and the most fascinating of them is St. Nicholas Day.


presented to guests of holiday.


context icon

Гостям также было представлено завораживающее действо поющих фонтанов.


I think a study of this culture is going to prove very, very fascinating.

All this allows to create incredibly beautiful and fascinating show which collects many thousands audience.


context icon

Все это позволяет создать невероятно красивое и завораживающее шоу, которое собирает многотысячную аудиторию.


I sip the wine, taste the food, find everyone fascinating.

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Extraordinarily fascinating pattern in the form of a mosaic of mottled yellow eyes.


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Необычайно чарующий узор в виде мозаики из пестро- желтых глазков.


The audience will immerse themselves in the fascinating world of classical music!


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Зрители погрузятся в чарующий мир классической музыки!


You must have been terribly handsome, you still are, I find you fascinating.

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Вы… были по-настоящему прекрасным мужчиной. И вы все еще такой. Я нахожу вас обворожительным.

Will dip into the fascinating world of the memories and dreams.


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Погрузится в чарующий мир воспоминаний и грез.


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It was so fascinating that it kept all other thoughts at bay.

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Это было так занимательно, что заняло место всех остальных мыслей.

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I have always found the Brooklyn vernacular fascinating.

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I would think a physician like you would find him fascinating.

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You should agree, though the high level of the sound,

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Согласитесь, несмотря на высокочастотность издаваемых ими звуков,

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What can be more exciting and fascinating look than a pure spring sky?


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Что может быть более волнующим и завораживающим взгляд, чем чистое весеннее небо?


Results: 2345,
Time: 0.0661





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