Sentence using word explanation

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word explanation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use explanation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «explanation». In addition, we also show how different variations of explanation can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are explanations and explanation—that. If you click on the variation of explanation that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Explanation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word explanation in a sentence.

  1. Ebert states, «There is no explanation.

  2. Many Egyptologists adopted this explanation.

  3. Day’s explanation of his behaviour to Sidney.

  4. Ulrich walked in and asked for an explanation.

  5. Several scholars have doubted that explanation.

  6. Neither of these results has a clear explanation.

  7. Lundström and Sundman both favor this explanation.

  8. One possible explanation was the shift in complexity.

  9. And, upon consideration of the Court’s explanation ..

  10. Another explanation lies in one of Justice William O.

  11. Many critics did not take this explanation seriously.

  12. He provided another explanation for Dutch tulip mania.

  13. This is based on the explanation given in Ekwall’s 1928 book English River-Names.

  14. Ann soon begins to see unknown figures around the manor, and seeks an explanation.

  15. Hazel sees Doc even more dispirited than before, and asks Suzy for an explanation.

  16. And that’s the only explanation that I can think of as to why I missed the vessel.

  17. But, in assessing the value of an explanation, these questions are not irrelevant.

  18. A complete history was not yet conceived, so Nomura left the explanation for Squall’s scar to Nojima.

  19. Sulfuric acid hydrate is another possible explanation for the contaminant observed spectroscopically.

  20. None of those aboard were seen again, and a commission of inquiry failed to establish an explanation.

  21. Preference for one explanation over another is sometimes predicated upon a given political viewpoint.

  22. They concluded that the most likely explanation for historical incidents was a misidentification of B.

  23. Afterwards, Krueger demanded an explanation from Eichelberger as to why he had allowed Fuller to quit.

  24. Longman asked for an explanation, submitted new designs, and came to Washington to discuss the matter.

  25. Some of Parsons’ colleagues rejected this explanation, saying that he was very attentive about safety.

  26. Part of the explanation was that he joined Dunlop Rubber as a manager at one of its mills in Rochdale.

  27. Another explanation from Welsh, Peraidd, meaning the sweet or delicious river, has also been suggested.

  28. Rachel Arié, also without equivocation or explanation, writes that Greek fire was used against Huéscar.

  29. The poet then begins his explanation of the first astrologically significant circle: the zodiac itself.

  30. Adkin prefers the explanation that Darby intended to rake Orient’s bows, but the anchor had dragged.

  31. Leal further points out that in magic realism, «key events have no logical or psychological explanation.

  32. An alternate explanation for noise is the bubbling of escaping gases from natural decomposition of bodies.

  33. Lucretius’ poem De rerum natura provides the best surviving explanation of the ideas of the Greek Epicurean philosophers.

  34. Sir Walter Scott alludes to a similar explanation in his epic poem The Lady of the Lake (1810), which contains the lines.

  35. The effect is named after Christian Doppler, who offered the first known physical explanation for the phenomenon in 1842.

  36. One possible explanation of the Thebe Extension is influence of the electromagnetic forces from the Jovian magnetosphere.

  37. The most common explanation for the sinking among modern historians is that the ship was unstable for a number of reasons.

  38. One explanation for the renewal of interest in his views is the television series Manhunt: Unabomber, which aired in 2017.

  39. One possible explanation is that the ring has an azimuthal wave-like structure, excited by a small moonlet just inside it.

  40. Pritt finally took the case to the Privy Council in London, but they refused his petition without providing an explanation.

  41. Aubrey offered no explanation following his dismissal, nor did CBS President Frank Stanton or Board Chairman William Paley.

  42. The official explanation was that the orchestra’s policy had always been to appoint conductors for no more than five years.

  43. The historian Ronald Hutton deemed this to be the «simplest» derivation, while folklorists Cawte and Charlotte Sophia Burne also considered it the most likely explanation.

  44. A more mundane explanation is that individuals co-operate in sharing information about carcasses of large mammals because they are too big for just a few birds to exploit.

  45. Mrazek said that later in the visit von Bülow found his wife in Wagner’s bedroom, but nevertheless made no demands for an explanation, either from Wagner or from his wife.

  46. Hopley attempted to explain away the blood on the candlestick by attributing it to a broken blister on his hand, but did not offer an explanation for Cancellor’s injuries.

  47. The Windows version had been scheduled for simultaneous release with other versions, but in September 2011, its release was pushed back to November 18 without explanation.

Explanations in a sentence

Explanations is a variation of explanation, below you can find example sentences for explanations.

  1. One of such explanations that Dr.

  2. The IDF offered no explanations to the strike.

  3. There are different explanations for the delay.

  4. But there are other explanations for the missing rations.

  5. Numerous explanations of the name’s genesis have been offered.

  6. Several explanations for the name «Mendip» have been suggested.

  7. Faye groups explanations into five frameworks: empiricism (i.e.

  8. Scientific concepts and explanations occur throughout the book.

  9. Motivational explanations involve an effect of desire on belief.

  10. Two explanations have been advanced for this sequence of events.

  11. Various explanations for the name-letter effect have been explored.

  12. Moreover, alternative explanations for the small mass of Mars exist.

  13. Guessed at, in part, many times, no one of the several explanations ..

  14. Lawrence offered a variety of explanations for the attempted shooting.

  15. His reasons are unclear, and historians give alternative explanations.

  16. Confirmation bias is a broad construct covering a number of explanations.

  17. Puranic myths provide many explanations for how he got his elephant head.

  18. Several explanations have been suggested for the origins of the word Malkin.

  19. Historians give varying explanations for both the rebellion and the marriage.

  20. Historians give varying explanations for both the marriage and the rebellion.

Explanation—that in a sentence

Explanation—that is a variation of explanation, below you can find example sentences for explanation—that.

  1. An early explanation—that bright clouds are easier to identify in its dark part, whereas in the southern hemisphere the bright collar masks them was shown to be incorrect.

Synonyms for explanation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word explanation has the following synonyms: account and .

General information about «explanation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word explanation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «explanation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «explanation».

An explanation is a set of statements usually constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the causes, context, and consequences of those facts. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

However for the sake of explanation for trend following entries…..


Sorry for the long explanation, I was probably trying to justify separating the lists more to me than you to you.


All lessons have an interesting starter, either «who am I» or a «fact or fiction» fact about living things — again to develop children’s critical thinking skills, scientific reasoning and explanations.


The study has earned high marks from researchers not on the soy industry’s payroll, including Dan Sheehan, PhD and Daniel Doerge, PhD at the FDA’s National Laboratory for Toxicological research in Jefferson, Arkansas.who stated, «Given the great difficulty in discerning the relationship between exposures and long latency adverse effects in the human population and the potential mechanistic explanation for the epidemiological findings, this is an important study.


So we filed an appeal, claiming the failure to provide the records in a timely fashion, absent an explanation for the delay or a deadline for providing them, amounted to an effective denial of our request.


This study therefore shows that climate warming is not the only explanation of global ecological disasters in the past on Earth: it is important to continue analysing ancient marine sediments to gain a deeper understanding of the earth’s climate system.


In my view, the explanation for share-price gains that are stronger than the economic outlook justifies is that hot money fleeing Europe is looking for safe havens — one of which is the U.S. stock market.


One plausible, but as yet unproven, explanation is that these variants provide a genetic background that determines how our bodies respond to environmental risk factors.


One teacher interviewed for Through Our Eyes, a study on Black teachers, offers an explanation: «I think we don’t have the trust barrier sometimes that other teachers of a different ethnicity may» [8].


Every new bubble is fueled by consumers with one of two excuses: 1) Greed is a primal force powerful enough to make even the most intelligent among us succumb to its allure; 2) stupidity is the only other explanation for what we see every day that keeps the free market system from being victim-free.


His explanation is that there were differences, but the media exaggerated them and Brown was the victim of Blairite supporters.


Waters includes a short one/two-sentence explanation with each pick, so head to ArtForum to read all of his thoughts on his Top 10 of 2017.


So, to gain wider-ranging understanding of scientists, we gave explanations like, «This blurry image is the limit of our observation of planet formation at this point.


We’re looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context.


Makeup: — Clinique Chubby Stick for eyes in «Bountiful Beige «— Lipstick Queen lipstick in «Saint Coral «(read the explanation on Sinner and Saint over at Eyespaintedblack)— Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3, which is said to be a dupe for the Naked 3


But what I do understand and find convincing is his alternative explanation: Technology and globalization significantly shift the competitive advantages for certain kind of talent, labor, and expertise.


Many doctors present the parents with a clear explanation on why their child should have the right amount of iron intake.


I would periodically ask a colleague working on worms, Keith Blackwell, if there was an explanation for this strange phenomenon.


You are to let you know who you are and a brief explanation of why you want to connect.


Here is Wenger embarrassing comments after the emirates humiliation, Wenger said: «I do not have to sit here and give you any explanation about every decision I make.


The most obvious explanation for the gap is that women faculty are over-represented in the lower paying, nontenure track jobs such as lecturer or assistant professor, and that relatively few women are tenured professors.


But with no obvious explanation of why size doesn’t correlate with complexity, visitors will probably come away mystified.


Tonight, I will share my own variation on the model, and try to give an intuitive explanation o…


The theory posits that particles in our universe should each have a twin that interacts with our world only weakly, providing a potential explanation for dark matter — the mysterious and inert substance that makes up almost a third of the universe.


Whilst the study served to objectively present the data, there could be 2 possible explanations for this result.


So while people in Dawson Creek, Sudbury and Val-d’Or need no explanation, the value of resources can be lost on those living in bigger southern cities.


Most articles start with a very basic explanation of who might need information on the topic.


Lohmeyer’s position is certainly not an explanation, but the statement of ultimate philosophical paradox.


«If you’re wondering why marketers seem intent on e-mailing you more and more,» McKinsey states, «there’s a simple explanation: it works.»


Granted, neither campaign’s website is loquacious on policy, but Mr. McKinney’s 1,060-word explanation of his tax plan beats Mr. Foley’s 57 words on the economy.


Science offers testable, and therefore falsifiable, explanations for natural phenomena.


However, the Senate explanation to their version of the bill, which ultimately made it into law, states that «Taxpayers may still generally deduct 50 % of the food and beverage expenses associated with operating their trade or business (e.g., meals consumed by employees on work travel).»


I mean, there is no other explanation


Phantom Thread is not a film that benefits from a lot explanation.


Your «explanations» did nothing of the kind.


Actually Nicole, I love your explanations of the «ingredient and recipe development weeds»!


After years of explanation and debate as a part of the education blitz to build acceptance of its New Distribution Capability standards, the… KEEP READING


Pictures and explanation gorgeous, as always.


One possible explanation for why mortality rates are higher for non-drinkers may be that low levels of ethanol (alcohol) in your bloodstream helps prevent the formation of formaldehyde from dietary methanol.


The post offers a complete guide with lots of links to further ideas and explanation, but here are the basic eight steps to a thorough pre-holiday decluttering:


Tony’s BARF technology was thought to be an alternate explanation for their retro looks, but we’re not sure how that could help undo Thanos’s destruction.


This write up is not meant to go deep into Instructional Design; hence a detailed explanation of these models is not being presented here.


For the full explanation on how to use the list, scroll down to the bottom of the list.


So putting that aside, what is your response to the explanation of Genesis 6:5 above?


The algorithm used by a computer model called the Boltzmann machine, invented by Geoffrey Hinton and Terry Sejnowski in 1983, appears particularly promising as a simple theoretical explanation of a number of brain processes, including development, memory formation, object and sound recognition, and the sleep-wake cycle.


It’s natural to react this way and it is a bit rude to continually stare at a couple without giving an explanation.


As usual explanations for low performance goes immediately to blaming the victims — student demographics.


However, following is a list of the most common insurance programs available and a brief explanation of each one.


[2] For an explanation of the wrongness of condomistic intercourse in the absence of contraceptive intent see Luke Gormally, «Marriage and the prophylactic use of condoms», The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 5 (2005): 735-49; reprinted in Faith 38/2 (March-April 2006): 16-24.


Digital Reader comes up with an upfront explanation about «loss leaders» and «predatory pricing» to clarify what Amazon is accused to do and there is no necessity to repeat Nate’s definition.


Examples of how to use the word “explanation” in a sentence. How to connect “explanation” with other words to make correct English sentences.

explanation (n): the details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear or easy to understand

Use “explanation” in a sentence

I was convinced by his explanation.
I was convinced by his explanation.
Can you give me an explanation?
I don’t need an explanation.
I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this.
That explanation is unlikely to be true.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The logical explanation is that he forgot.«
(logical, likely, natural, rational, obvious)

«He gave a credible explanation for being late.«
(credible, convincing, logical, acceptable, adequate, reasonable, satisfactory)

«She gave me an unacceptable explanation for not coming to class.«
(unacceptable, unlikely, inadequate)

«The assignment should need no further explanation.«
(no further)

«There was no apparent explanation for her absence.«
(no apparent)

«The professor gave a clear explanation of the assignment.«
(clear, easy, simple)

«He gave me a detailed explanation of the process.«
(detailed, complete, comprehensive, full)

«She provided a convenient explanation for not finishing her assignment.«

«There are a number of possible explanations for this.«
(possible, alternative, common)

«The official explanation seems unlikely.«

«She gave a brief explanation of the cause.«
(brief, lengthy, long, general, partial)

«This is the only explanation that makes sense.«

«They detailed many political explanations for the crisis.«
(political, cultural, historical, scientific, technical, theoretical)

Used with verbs:

«I have no explanation for being late.«

«He offered two explanations for the situation.«
(offered, gave, provided)

«This plan requires a detailed explanation.«
(requires, needs)

«The teacher demanded an explanation of the students’ actions.«
(demanded, asked for, waited for)

«She deserves a good explanation.«

«I owe him a better explanation.«

«I never received an explanation.«
(received, got)

«His explanation suggests he doesn’t really understand.«
(suggests, shows, indicates)

Used with prepositions:

«He quit his job without explanation.«

«They gave a long explanation about their reasons for leaving.«
(about, of)

«She’s still waiting for an explanation from her friend.«

«He gave a brief explanation for being late.«


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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ ek-spluhney-shuhn ]

/ ˌɛk spləˈneɪ ʃən /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


something that explains; a statement made to clarify something and make it understandable; exposition: an explanation of a poem.

a meaning or interpretation: to find an explanation for a mystery.

a mutual declaration of the meaning of words spoken, actions, motives, etc., with a view to adjusting a misunderstanding or reconciling differences: After a long and emotional explanation they were friends again.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of explanation

1350–1400; Middle English explanacioun<Latin explānātiōn- (stem of explānātiō), equivalent to explānāt(us) (see explanate) + -iōn--ion

OTHER WORDS FROM explanation

o·ver·ex·pla·na·tion, nounpre·ex·pla·na·tion, nounre·ex·pla·na·tion, noun

Words nearby explanation

explain, explain away, explainer, explain oneself, explanate, explanation, explanatory, explant, explement, explementary angle, expletive Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to explanation

account, answer, cause, comment, commentary, confession, definition, description, evidence, example, excuse, expression, information, interpretation, justification, meaning, motive, note, report, resolution

How to use explanation in a sentence

  • They may be accurate, or there may be a reasonable explanation for everything.

  • Now, there could be several explanations for the absences this year.

  • McIlroy told reporters the PGA Tour was informed Monday that a course volunteer acknowledged stepping on his ball while looking for it in the rough, providing an explanation of how the ball might have become embedded after taking a bounce.

  • Bill Murray is Bill Murray — the best possible explanation for why he was nominated for “On the Rocks,” but not co-star Rashida Jones.

  • In explanation, administrators have pointed to the nation’s inability to contain the coronavirus pandemic, but another factor may have been outspoken advocacy from teachers’ associations, which have pushed for remote learning from the start.

  • Have you looked around the American Dental Association website for an explanation of how fluoridation actually works?

  • This was later repurposed in Europe as an explanation for racial superiority, and the term “Aryan” came to define a white race.

  • That explanation is believable…but increasingly less so when you hear Jay talk about the nature of his relationship with Adnan.

  • Pakistani security officials offer a more nuanced explanation.

  • The deacon said he is demanding an explanation from Williams.

  • «There is no more war,» Brion translated for Ulv, realizing that the Disan had understood nothing of the explanation.

  • And yet, the acknowledged state of things here is a grave fact which challenges inquiry and demands explanation.

  • The explanation of his mysterious earlier moods offered itself with a clarity that was ghastly.

  • If you were to have a frank explanation with her, Blanche would very soon throw Jim Crow out of the window.

  • «But it was n’t a lie,» Punch would begin, charging into a laboured explanation that landed him more hopelessly in the mire.

British Dictionary definitions for explanation


the act or process of explaining

a statement or occurrence that explains

a clarification of disputed terms or points; reconciliation

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

  • Use the word EXPLANATION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

There is always an explanation.

There is no explanation

It’s the only explanation.

That’s the most plausible explanation.

Then… should I give you a longer explanation?

she needs you to demand an explanation as to why she called off the wedding.

It’s the only explanation for the letter.

When primitive man is confronted with something incomprehensible, the explanation is always sorcery and evil spirits.

Probably. There’s no medical explanation?

I’ve had enough of your behavior; you owe me an explanation!

I don┬┤t owe you an explanation!

Perhaps not. But if it concerns Miss Cameron, I’ll demand an explanation.

Your Grace, may I suggest perhaps a few words of explanation?

I don’t need any explanation, I understand everything.

And when I do, Spade, you’ll know that we have information about you and Miles Archer’s wife that will require a lot of explanation.

Can you give us an explanation?

You owe me an explanation.

There was no explanation at the time.

That’s the only explanation for it. Anyway, there’ll be lots of other letters.

Well, if I must give an explanation, it was stuffy in here.

We are not asking for your explanation.

The whole town is waiting for an explanation.

You might think me impertinent, but I’ve come here for an explanation.

Immediately afterwards, you’re arrested in the grounds… having no satisfactory explanation for your presence.

[Exhales] I am grateful for the explanation.


Pardon, sir, but no doubt there is some explanation.

I owe you an explanation.

So sorry, but Society demands explanation.

That is perhaps explanation.

explanation of what, Mr. Chan?

Await explanation, please.

I needn’t tell you, Diana… that Philip is in really a desperate predicament. And a few words of explanation at this time would be of great help to him.

I suppose I owe you an explanation. But I prefer not to give any.

So that’s the explanation!

An easy explanation of how I came to set you free.

But I would like some explanation of this insanity.

I have only one explanation to make:

you owe me an explanation

explanation here in timing head.

There’s got to be an explanation.

Was that her explanation? I mean, is that what she told you?

Some things need no explanation.

Godfrey, I demand an explanation!

Your explanation preposterous.

Well, that seems a fairly complete explanation.

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