Sentence using word eight

Sentences starting with eight

  • Eight feet,—eight feet, with the cornice. [6]
  • Eight nimble hands, which were often aided by Iras’s skilful fingers, toiled busily, and soon the latter could hold up the mirror before Cleopatra, exclaiming from the very depths of her heart, «Like the foam-born Aphrodite and the golden Hathor! [10]
  • Eight quires, like this sample, gilt-edged… it must be exactly like the sample. [2]
  • Eight of the thirteen mules distanced. [5]
  • Eight hours passed, the cloud still remained, night came, no one had returned to the Grands Mulets. [5]
  • Eight crestfallen creatures stood upon the shore, and O, to think of it! [5]
  • Eight years have passed since the death of Mr. Hawkins. [5]
  • Eight hundred livres, pardieu, and your brother! [9]
  • Eight grown Americans out of ten dread the coming of the Fourth, with its pandemonium and its perils, and they rejoice when it is gone—if still alive. [5]
  • Eight days from now, we shall be wide asunder; for I shall be on the border of the Pacific, and you far out on the Atlantic, approaching England. [5]

Sentences ending with eight

  • And yet I would rather that he should arrive in fourteen days than in eight. [10]
  • I thought he would give more—I was sure of it—he looked it—so I asked him eight. [5]
  • When we took Troyes a calf was worth thirty francs, a sheep sixteen, a French prisoner eight. [5]
  • There were six the day I was present; sometimes there are seven or eight. [5]
  • On top, in the banquette, are seats for eight, besides the postilion and guard; in the coupe, under the postilion’s seat and looking upon the horses, seats for three; in the interior, for three; and on top, behind, for six or eight. [4]
  • The boat backed out from New Orleans at four in the afternoon, and it was ‘our watch’ until eight. [5]
  • The vanguard moved out at dawn and took the road, with bands braying and banners flying; the second division followed at eight. [5]
  • My grandfather kept his word in regard to Mr. Allen, and on Sunday commanded the coach at eight. [9]
  • I named him for Thomas—er—Thomas Carlyle, the great author, you know—and Henry—er—er—Henry the Eight. [5]
  • It is now eight. [11]

Short sentences using eight

  • She had eight thousand men. [5]
  • At eight o’clock she struck. [11]
  • There were eight of us. [10]
  • It’s eight years now. [13]
  • Between eight and nine. [2]
  • Is it eight hundred? [9]
  • Yes, for eight hundred dollars. [9]
  • Eight hours in hot water! [4]
  • Time, eight minutes, forty-six seconds. [5]
  • Time, eight minutes, forty-one seconds. [5]

Sentences containing eight two or more times

  • It was mortgaged to within eight thousand dollars of what it could be sold for but, if he could gain time, that eight thousand dollars would build the mill again. [11]
  • Eight times has it descended, and eight times has it hurried back with broken pinion. [11]
  • The other day he wrote me that he had gone down eight feet on the ledge, and found it eight feet thick—and pretty good rock, too. [5]
  • They induced also half a dozen sailors, «expert thieves,» to accompany them to live with Powhatan; and altogether they stole, besides powder and shot, fifty swords, eight pieces, eight pistols, and three hundred hatchets. [4]
  • A table for eight, and eight canvas chairs; a table-cloth and napkins whose whiteness and whose fineness laughed to scorn the things we were used to in the great excursion steamer; knives and forks, soup-plates, dinner-plates—every thing, in the handsomest kind of style. [5]
  • The skeleton measures eight feet, and the living man’s height is stated as having been eight feet two, or four inches, by different authorities. [6]
  • A trench was dug three and a half feet wide, four feet eight inches deep, and eight feet long. [2]
  • There are eight bullet-holes in that zarape»—he pointed to the wall—» there are eight holes in the wall for the Little Red Peg. [11]
  • It runs in about this way: «The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight. [7]

More example sentences with the word eight in them

  • I will thank you, therefore, to inform me, if you can, by what day, at the earliest, you can promise to have ready to be mustered into the United States service the eight thousand men. [7]
  • I appeal to you, Mr. Ritchie,»—he was still talking in French—«I appeal to you, who are a man of affairs,»—and he swept me a bow,—«if a captain would risk taking a fugitive to France for eight hundred livres? [9]
  • Did I understand you to say it was your opinion that the supposititious candle was lighted at about eight o’clock yesterday evening? [5]
  • By the figures you send, which I presume are correct, the twelve districts represented fall into two classes of eight and four respectively. [7]
  • I move that you open them all and read every signature that is attached to a note of that sort—and read also the first eight words of the note. [5]
  • I am glad you have laid down some rules by which a man may reasonably expect to leap the eight barred gate. [6]
  • I will see you at eight o’clock in the morning, and we will then arrange the order of the procession. [5]
  • I will show you a man presently who was accustomed to nibble at eight meals a day. [5]
  • Ephraim had not yet returned from the postoffice, which did not close until eight, and Cynthia smiled when she saw the utensils of his cooking-kit strewn on the hearth. [9]
  • She came there yesterday evening at eight o’clock and remained with my wife and myself until twelve o’clock. [11]
  • It was eight years since she had seen him. [11]
  • She was eight years his senior. [5]
  • Two or three years ago I had an appointment to meet Mr. Daly on the stage of this theatre at eight o’clock in the evening. [5]
  • Ten feet more would have taken me in one gigantic leaps of eight hundred feet on to the glacier below. [5]
  • Mr. Isaac D. Worthington stood erect beside the table, his hand thrust into the opening of his coat, and spoke at the rate of one hundred and eight words a minute, for exactly one hour. [9]
  • Trees won’t grow worth chucks in a Cincinnati graveyard, but in a Sent Louis graveyard they grow upwards of eight hundred foot high. [5]
  • But a true word, fresh from the lips of a true man, is worth paying for, at the rate of eight dollars a day, or even of fifty dollars a lecture. [6]
  • Forty eight guns with ammunition have been sent him from here, and his Serene Highness says he will defend Moscow to the last drop of blood and is even ready to fight in the streets. [2]
  • By John Smith, who heard him read eight times. [5]
  • I know one who has to paste all sorts of little scraps from the newspapers into a scrapbook—sometimes as many as eight or ten scraps a day. [5]
  • In a little while all interest was taken up in stretching our necks and watching for the «pony-rider»—the fleet messenger who sped across the continent from St. Joe to Sacramento, carrying letters nineteen hundred miles in eight days! [5]
  • Despite their costumes, which were negligible, they were eloquent of college campuses in every one of our eight and forty States, lean, thin-hipped, alert. [9]
  • It was midnight when we made the successful test, after eight months of experiment. [9]
  • Well, one day when the shaft was down about eight foot, the rock got so hard that we had to put in a blast—the first blast’n’ we’d ever done since Tom Quartz was born. [5]
  • At eight o’clock, when she returned, there were signs that the city had awakened. [9]
  • One autumn day when I was a little lad of eight or nine, my grandfather and I were driving back from Whitehall in the big coach, when we spied a little maid of six by the Severn’s bank, with her apron full of chestnuts. [9]
  • From the time when he set out for France in his fifteenth year, with the exception of a short sojourn in Willoughby seven or eight years after, he lived by his wits and by the strong hand. [4]
  • Some of them were not more than seven or eight years of age; but had evidently been well-drilled. [5]
  • All Rostov’s cards were beaten and he had eight hundred rubles scored up against him. [2]
  • We left Jacob’s Well and traveled till eight in the evening, but rather slowly, for we had been in the saddle nineteen hours, and the horses were cruelly tired. [5]
  • She is a wee little creature, but she builds a strong and enduring house eight feet high—a house which is as large in proportion to her size as is the largest capitol or cathedral in the world compared to man’s size. [5]
  • This second night we run between seven and eight hours, with a current that was making over four mile an hour. [5]
  • In this labour we passed eight days, and then were ready for the launch again. [11]
  • Seems to me we had a man from there eight or nine hundred years ago—but people from that system very seldom enter by this gate. [5]
  • Then the herd was seven or eight miles south, an’ if they ain’t bolted yet—» «Lassiter!…Bolted? [13]
  • At last it was secured by stratagem, in the year eight hundred and something. [5]
  • The Orange funeral was not to take place until eleven o’clock, and it was only eight o’clock when the Ry left his home. [11]
  • This main avenue was not more than eight or ten feet wide. [5]
  • Considering that he was expected to go to bed at eight o’clock, one would say that the opportunity for study was not great, and that his reading was rather interrupted. [4]
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson was eight years old at that time. [6]
  • As the clock was about to strike eleven he had before him three thousand eight hundred dollars. [11]
  • At eight there was a grand rustling of silks, and Mrs. and Miss Sprowle descended from their respective bowers or boudoirs. [6]
  • It is not very rare there, for Graba saw during his visit from eight to ten living specimens. [1]
  • I live not very far from the Four Corners—that is, about eight miles. [9]
  • Indiana largely for us,—Governor, it is said, by fifteen thousand, and eight of the eleven members of Congress. [7]
  • Mr. Cooke tells us that he entered the public grammar school at the age of eight years, and soon afterwards the Latin School. [6]
  • That will carry us beyond eight o’clock at night. [7]
  • A few miles up this river, the depth of water on the banks was fully eight feet, and on all sides could be seen, still holding against the strong current, the tops of cabins. [5]
  • The railway journey up the mountain is forty miles, and it takes eight hours to make it. [5]
  • We climbed far up on the mountain side and went to work on a little rubbishy claim of ours that had a shaft on it eight feet deep. [5]
  • We are cut up into parties of six or eight, and by this time are scattered far and wide. [5]
  • We remained cooped up eight days and nights with that curious crew. [5]
  • She had got up at eight that morning and had been in a fever of excitement and activity all day. [2]
  • It was a twenty-mile drive, and the last eight miles wound down the boiling Washita, still high with the melting snows of the pine lands. [9]
  • It is now twenty-five minutes past eight by the true time, as my watch has it. [6]
  • Yes, what was true eight hundred years ago, is just as true today: «Few there be that can keep a hotel. [5]
  • We made the tramp from Martigny to Argentie`re in eight hours. [5]
  • Nolan Doyle nodded towards the Young Doctor, who said: «I saw Mrs. Mazarine at the house of Mr. Doyle last evening between the hours of eight and ten o’clock. [11]
  • At eight o’clock to-morrow night she will be taken to the Convent of the Ursulines, to be there shut in. [11]
  • When you went to the wrestling school in Alexandria, Eumedes was scarcely eight years older than you, and I remember how he preferred you to the others. [10]
  • My, you ought to seen old Henry the Eight when he was in bloom. [5]
  • The dog came to see me at eight o’clock this morning. [5]
  • I told him to put up eight «points,» and put them all on the roof, and use the best quality of rod. [5]
  • For she resorts to metaphor this time, and it makes trouble, for she seems to reverse the percentages and claim only the eight per cent. [5]
  • Calvin was given to me eight years ago by Mrs. Stowe, but she knew nothing of his age or origin. [4]
  • He went on to his platform at eight in the morning, and left it at twelve at night, sixteen hours of continuous labor every day in the week. [4]
  • I was obliged to exert the utmost care and caution, for in many places the road was not two yards wide, and often the lower side of it sloped away in slanting precipices eight and even nine feet deep. [5]
  • He was condemned to eight, but they’ve let him free, I don’t know why. [11]
  • At ten minutes to eight she emerged again and glanced anxiously at Mrs. Holt’s door; and scarcely had she reached the lower hall before he drove into the circle. [9]
  • It reduces her to eight per cent. [5]
  • At sixteen minutes to eight a mild excitement occurred, an incident of some significance which served to detain many waverers. [9]
  • It was hard to bring the comprehension away down to such a snail-pace as that, when we had been used to making eight and ten miles an hour. [5]
  • I have reason to believe that when the wages of mechanics are raised to eight and ten dollars a day, the workmen will not come at all: they will merely send their cards. [4]
  • Dinner at five, to bed at eight, up before daylight, and off to Dublin when the light breaks. [11]
  • A canoe was to be built out of a cotton-tree large enough to carry eight or ten oars. [11]
  • In eight days’ time, the sessions commenced. [12]
  • And in that time my absolute and necessary expenses have been scorchingly heavy—for I have now less than three thousand six hundred dollars in bank out of the eight or nine thousand I have made during those months, lecturing. [5]
  • There are the three layers again and the solid earth between—and, besides, there were only eight in Noah’s family, and they could not have eaten all these oysters in the two or three months they staid on top of that mountain. [5]
  • When, as he thought, he had saved himself from complete ruin, he wanted to keep and gloat over the trophy of victory, and his trophy was the eight thousand dollars got from the Barbille farm. [11]
  • When I measured this in 1837, it was twenty-four feet eight inches in circumference at five feet from the ground; growing larger above and below. [6]
  • At eight and thirty, though tragedy had left its mark, it had been powerless to destroy the sweetness of a nature of such vitality as hers. [9]
  • Ten pages of these sky-scrapers of yours would pay me only about three hundred dollars; in my simplified vocabulary the same space and the same labor would pay me eight hundred and forty dollars. [5]
  • Besides the family, there were eight borzoi kennelmen and more than forty borzois, so that, with the borzois on the leash belonging to members of the family, there were about a hundred and thirty dogs and twenty horsemen. [2]
  • Why bless you, there was my income from the Daily Warwhoop for four months—about—about—well, what should you say to about eight thousand dollars, for instance? [5]
  • He said now there was a state of things to make a man glad to be alive; and added, «I leave it to you if you ever saw anything more deliriously picturesque than eight lightning-rods on one chimney? [5]
  • They had gathered there at eight o’clock that morning to elect a new member, and they had now been drinking beer four hours at the new member’s expense. [5]
  • So Gridley stood there and shouted and perspired till the sun went down; and when the crowd dispersed he had sold the sack to three hundred different people, and had taken in eight thousand dollars in gold. [5]
  • However, I enjoyed the walk inexpressibly, and would not have missed the spectacle on any account» She did not achieve this walk of seven or eight miles, in such weather, with impunity. [14]
  • At half-past eight the steamer rounded into view of the hotels and cottages at Alexandria Bay, and the enchanting scene drew all the passengers to the deck. [4]
  • The inn on the Riffelberg is nearly eight thousand feet high, almost two thousand feet above the hut on Mount Washington; yet it is not so cold and desolate as the latter. [4]
  • But of all the ridiculous sights I ever have seen, our party of eight is the most so —they do cut such an outlandish figure. [5]
  • I will remind the reader that in Pennsylvania a coal vein only eight feet wide is considered ample. [5]
  • At eight o’clock, the priests were chanting vespers to a larger congregation than many churches have on Sunday: their voices were rich and musical, and, joined with the organ notes, floated sweetly and impressively through the dim and vast interior. [4]
  • I went to the place with the owners, and found a shaft six or eight feet deep, in the bottom of which was a badly shattered vein of dull, yellowish, unpromising rock. [5]
  • In the morning the pair carried fuse, drills, and the powder-can to the shaft; it was now eight feet deep, and to get into it and out of it a short ladder was used. [5]
  • I can put the ore right there, I can send the coke back from here in cars which would otherwise be empty, and manufacture tubes at eight dollars a ton less than they are selling. [9]
  • Half stifled in the one, they mounted in the other eight stories, while they tried to keep their self-respect under the gaze of the superintendent, which they felt was classing and assessing them with unfriendly accuracy. [8]
  • The hands of the old dining-room clock pointed to quarter of eight, and Lise had already made her toilet and departed. [9]
  • And there is the old clock and watch tower, which for eight hundred years has enabled the Augsburgers to keep the time of day and to look out over the plain for the approach of an enemy. [4]
  • The reply of the mutineers was to row into Sheerness harbour and take away with them eight gunboats lying there, each of which fired a shot at the fort, as if to announce that the mutineers were now the avowed enemies of the government. [11]

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5 Letters

3 Consonants

2 Vowels

1 Syllables

Types Of Speech
You can use eight as a noun or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.
About Eight
A 1 syllables noun and 5 letters with the letters e, g, h, i, and t, 3 consonants, 2 vowels and 1 syllables with the middle letter g. Eight starts with a vowel and ends in a consonant with the starting letters e, ei, eig, eigh, and the ending characters are t, ht, ght, ight, ..
A group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life
School Grade
Eight is set as a kindergarten word that starts with e, ends with t, 1 syllables, 2 vowels and 5 letters.
Is eight a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.
Pig Latin
Eight in Pig Latin is said as «eightay or eightway».
e | i | g | h | t
ei | ig | gh | ht
eig | igh | ght
eigh | ight
Word Gram
  • second letter i
  • third letter is g
  • fourth letter is h
  • fifth letter is t
  • Use As A Noun
  • Use As A Adjective Satellite
Noun Examples
a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life

the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one

Adjective Satellite Examples
being one more than seven

  • Synonyms
  • Anagrams
  • Hypernyms
  • Names
  • Word Games

Synonyms (Cognitive Synonyms) For «Eight»

There are 48 synonyms available. These are cognitive relationship words which is to say they have a similar meaning, mean the same thing, or have close definition and relationship to eight.

Synonym Definition
Ball Club
Baseball Club
Basketball Team
Bowed Stringed Instrument
Cast a violent throw
Club a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink
«don»t expect a good meal at a cabaret»
«the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night»
«he p
Company an institution created to conduct business
«he only invests in large well-established companies»
«he started the company in his garage»
Complement something added to complete or make perfect
«a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner»
Crew an organized group of workmen
Eight a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life

View all cognitive synonyms for Eight


There are 1 anagrams from eight.

Anagram Definition
Eight a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life

View English words with the unique letters used in eight. Words With The Letters Eghit


Eight has 3 hypernyms.

Word Definition
Artistic Movement
Art Movement
School a building where young people receive education
«the school was built in 1932»
«he walked to school every morning»

Names With The Word «Eight»

12 names are spelled with eight.

Name Male Female
Leighton Yes No
Creighton Yes No
Kreighton Yes No
Peighton Yes Yes
Breighton Yes No

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The word games Words With Friends, 4pics1Word, Word Chums, and Jumble which is by far one of the most successful of the word games. Jumble was created in 1954 — below, you will find the most unscrambled letters for each descramble word game that others have solved or decoded to make the word eight.

Is eight a scrabble word or can you use eight in Words With Friends? The probability of getting this word in scrabble is 1 out of every 19364 games and in Words With Friends it’s 1 out of every 10527 games. This 5 letter 9 point scrabble word can be rearranged 120 ways. What other words can be made with the letters e, g, h, i, and t? There’s 8 with 7 letters or less with the letters e, g, h, i, and t. Here is a list of 8 to try to get you more points.

Word Scrabble Words With Friends Word Chums 4Pics1Word Jumble
Weight (6 letters) 13 +4 13 +4 weight
Height (6 letters) 13 +4 12 +3 height
Eight (5 letters) 9 9 eghit
Eighty (6 letters) 13 +4 12 +3 eighty
Bedight (7 letters) 14 +5 15 +6 bedight
Dighted (7 letters) 13 +4 13 +4 dighted
Weighty (7 letters) 17 +8 16 +7 weighty
Heighth (7 letters) 17 +8 15 +6 heighth

Eight Is In These Word Lists

  • Starts With E
    • Five letters, starting with e
    • Starting with e, ending with t
    • Five letters with the second letter i
    • Three consonants, starting with e
    • Two vowels, starting with e
    • One syllables, starting with e
  • Ends With T
    • Five letters, ending in t
    • Three consonants, ending in t
    • Two vowels, ending in t
    • One syllables, ending in t
  • Spelled With / Contains Letters
    • Solve the puzzle _i_h_
    • Solve the puzzle _ig_t
    • Solve the puzzle _igh_
    • Solve the puzzle _ight

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Помогите с заданием пожалуйста..
Write eight more sentences using words from columns 1, 2, and 3.(Напишите еще восемь предложений, используя слова из столбцов 1, 2 и 3.)
1 столбец:
1 l 2 I’m 3 My 4 She 6 was 5 He’s a 7 It’s 8 Are
2 столбец:
1 not interested 2 the party 3 favourite 4 enjoy 6 you keen 5 fantastic 7 prefers reading 8 a boring
3 столбец:
1. boss. 2. watching TV 3. film is Tootsie 4. on tennis? 5. in politics. 6. programme. 7. good fun? 8. to writing.

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  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Помогите с заданием пожалуйста..
Write eight more sentences using words from columns 1, 2, and 3.(Напишите еще восемь предложений, используя слова из столбцов 1, 2 и 3.)
1 столбец:
1 l 2 I’m 3 My 4 She 6 was 5 He’s a 7 It’s 8 Are
2 столбец:
1 not interested 2 the party 3 favourite 4 enjoy 6 you keen 5 fantastic 7 prefers reading 8 a boring
3 столбец:
1. boss. 2. watching TV 3. film is Tootsie 4. on tennis? 5. in politics. 6. programme. 7. good fun? 8. to writing.

1 ответ:



1. I enjoy watching TV.
2. I’m not interested in politics.
3. My favourite film is ‘Tootsie’.
4. She prefers reading to writing.
5. He’s a fantastic boss.
6. Was the party a good fun?
7. It’s a boring programme.
8. Are you keen on tennis?

точно не уверена, особенно в 4, но типо я пытался

Читайте также

I don’t speak English/

Present Simple: She talks about the weather.

Past Simple: She talked about the weather.

Future Simple: She will talk about the weather.

Present Simple: We come home late.

Past Simple: We came home late.

Future Simple: We will come home later.

Present Simple: There are two windows in the room.

Past Simple: There were two windows in the room.

Future Simple: There will be two windows in the room.

Olivia used to be my best friend
she used to have long red hair and green eyes
из этого предложение с юзд ту составить нельзя , но если бы было in oast we go everywhere together , то we used to go everywhere together
i used to tidy my room very often
опять же , некрасиво получается , но did you used to go to school on foot or by bus

Что?? не понял А прости. прости

1)I have got…
2)He has got…
3)have you got…
4)has your friend got…
5)father has…

Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

around, off, through, to

1) She knew him well enough to see … his behaviour. 2) Will you come to the airport to see Lilian …? She is flying to New York. 3) John said he would see … our luggage. 4) Will you see … the children while I’m away? 5) My elder brother saw … my plan at once and told me about it. 6) He saw his relatives … at the bus station. 7) I must go, Dan. See you … . 8) After all those years she had learnt to see … his little tricks and lies. 9) Don’t you think about the puppies. I’ll see … them. 10) Kevin will make a flowerbed. I’ll see … it.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 8. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения, используя слова из рамки.

around, off, through, to

1) Она знала его достаточно хорошо, чтобы видеть … его поведение. 2) Ты приедешь в аэропорт, чтобы увидеть Лилиан …? Она летит в Нью−Йорк. 3) Джон сказал, что увидит … наш багаж. 4) Ты увидишь … детей, пока меня нет? 5) Мой старший брат сразу увидел … мой план и рассказал мне о нем. 6) Он видел своих родственников … на автовокзале. 7) Я должен идти, Дэн. Увидимся … . 8) За столько лет она научилась видеть … его маленькие уловки и ложь. 9) Не думай о щенках. Я увижу … их. 10) Кевин сделает клумбу. Я увижу … это.

1) She knew him well enough to see through his behaviour. 2) Will you come to the airport to see Lilian off? She is flying to New York. 3) John said he would see to our luggage. 4) Will you see to the children while I’m away? 5) My elder brother saw through my plan at once and told me about it. 6) He saw his relatives off at the bus station. 7) I must go, Dan. See you around. 8) After all those years she had learnt to see through his little tricks and lies. 9) Don’t you think about the puppies. I’ll see to them. 10) Kevin will make a flowerbed. I’ll see to it.

Перевод ответа
1) Она знала его достаточно хорошо, чтобы видеть насквозь его поведение. 2) Ты приедешь в аэропорт, чтобы проводить Лилиан ? Она летит в Нью−Йорк. 3) Джон сказал, что присмотрит за нашим багажом. 4) Ты присмотришь за детьми, пока меня нет? 5) Мой старший брат сразу увидел насквозь мой план и рассказал мне об этом. 6) Он проводил своих родственников на автовокзале. 7) Я должен идти, Дэн. Увидимся. 8) После всех этих лет она научилась видеть насквозь его маленькие уловки и ложь. 9) Не думай о щенках. Я позабочусь о них. 10) Кевин сделает клумбу. Я позабочусь об этом.

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