Sentence using word dull

Synonym: blunt, boring, dingy, dreary, dry, flat, gray, inactive, slow, sluggish, stupid, uninteresting, bright, keen, sharp, vivid. Similar words: adult, schedule, indulge, adultery, modulate, undulant, credulous, pendulum. Meaning: [dʌl]  v. 1. make dull in appearance 2. become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness 3. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping 4. make numb or insensitive 5. make dull or blunt 6. become less interesting or attractive 7. make less lively or vigorous. adj. 1. lacking in liveliness or animation 2. emitting or reflecting very little light 3. being or made softer or less loud or clear 4. so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness 5. (of color) very low in saturation; highly diluted 6. not keenly felt 7. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity 8. (of business) not active or brisk 9. not having a sharp edge or point 10. blunted in responsiveness or sensibility 11. not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft 12. darkened with overcast. 

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1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. 

2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 

3. The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.

4. He had grown staid and dull.

5. His head hit the floor with a dull thud.

6. After a dull start, it should brighten up later.

7. She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.

8. The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.

9. The first half of the game was pretty dull.

10. Her eyes looked dull and sunken.

11. The work gets a bit dull at times.

12. A dull red flush suffused Selby’s face.

13. I have a dull pain.

14. I feel a dull ache in the shoulder.

15. Life in a small town could be deadly dull.

16. Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.

17. There’s never a dull moment when John’s around.

18. Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here.

19. A dull pain began to throb behind his lids.

20. I abhor the dull routine of existence.

21. That was dull, wasn’t it?

22. I felt she found me boring and dull.

23. The conference was deadly dull.

24. I am dull of

25. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

26. The room is dull.

27. The book was so dull that I didn’t finish it.

28. My life is dull.

29. No, it was dull.

30. It is dull today.

More similar words: adult, schedule, indulge, adultery, modulate, undulant, credulous, pendulum, undulate, on schedule, incredulity, incredulous, indulgent, modulated, adulation, indulgence, fraudulent, adulterate, incredulously, fraudulence, bull, full, mull, pull, Bull., behind schedule, fully, bully, skull, bullet. 

скучный, тупой, унылый, тусклый, пасмурный, притуплять, притупляться, делать тупым


- тупой, бестолковый, тупоумный

dull brain /intelligence/ — тупоумие
dull curiosity — тупое любопытство
dull with drinking — отупевший от пьянства
dull with old age — плохо соображающий от старости
to be dull at mathematics — туго соображать по математике
it was dull to have brought him here — было глупо привозить его сюда

- неповоротливый, тяжёлый, медлительный; вялый

dull style of the team — неизобретательный стиль игры (этой) команды

- подавленный; печальный, хмурый, невесёлый

dull mood — невесёлое настроение
I feel dull — у меня плохое настроение

- унылый, печальный, приводящий в уныние; безрадостный

dull landscape — унылый пейзаж

- хмурый, пасмурный (о погоде и т. п.)

dull day — пасмурный день

ещё 13 вариантов


- делать тупым, вялым; утомлять
- затуплять, делать тупым (нож и т. п.)
- притуплять; уменьшать

to dull smb.’s senses [pain] — притуплять чьи-л. чувства [боль]
to dull the edge of appetite [of pleasure] — испортить аппетит [удовольствие]
to dull the edge of hunger — заглушить голод
sorrow is dulled with the passage of time — со временем горе притупляется
time dulls the memory of the war — со временем память о войне стирается

- делать смутным, неясным; делать тусклым, блёклым
- наводить мат, делать матовым, матировать
- тускнеть; становиться матовым

the varnish dulls — лак тускнеет

- редк. хмуриться, делаться пасмурным (о погоде)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

It’ll be dull today.

Сегодня будет пасмурно.

It sounded pretty dull to me.

Это звучало довольно скучно / глупо для меня.

The pain was dull but persistent.

Боль была тупая, но постоянная.

The sky was a dull grey now.

Небо стало тускло-серым.

He drank some alcohol to dull the pain.

Он выпил немного алкоголя, чтобы притупить / приглушить боль.

She found the work very dull.

Она считала эту работу очень скучной.

When other people were merry, Mrs. Varden was dull.

Когда все веселились, миссис Варден грустила.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The pain has changed to a dull throb.

The bird is dull brown and gray in colour.

As marriages go, it certainly wasn’t dull.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dullish  — скучноватый, туповатый
dullness  — тупость, непонятливость, бессодержательность

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dull
he/she/it: dulls
ing ф. (present participle): dulling
2-я ф. (past tense): dulled
3-я ф. (past participle): dulled

срав. степ. (comparative): duller
прев. степ. (superlative): dullest

If you are cool-toned or your skin seems dull, pick a shade that has warm tones, as this will liven up your complexion.


Over the past 18 months or so, policy changes have been much less frequent, but the process of decision making has nonetheless not been dull.


New York Times reviewer Michiko Kakutani says the plot is «willfully banal, so depressingly clichéd that The Casual Vacancy is not only disappointing — it’s dull


And there are plenty of dull stretches, including a tacked-on ending, simply to get to the required 90-minute runtime.


Returning to the UK was hard and we struggled to fit back into the dull routine of working 9-5.


Your students do NOT want to hear about the first Thanksgiving, and they DEFINITELY do NOT want to write dull paragraphs about the things they are thankful for.


As Cassia’s parents, Jared Harris and Carrie-Anne Moss are particularly dull and unmemorable.


LG claims this allows for a 25-percent brighter display with a 50-percent increase in the contrast and 56-percent improvement to the color accuracy… and you can really tell the difference over what most thought was the LG G3’s rather dull looking display.


Kids clubs for all ages mean younger guests will never have a dull moment.


Now they complain that the contest is too dull because the candidates are not tearing each other apart.


In most marriages, if the general relationship is dull, frozen, or hostile, sex will be too.


A worried, serious manager often overlords a dull crew who makes the restaurant seem like Edward Hopper’s «Nighthawks at the Diner,» even during the day.


Two, from the beginning of the 1960s, ring changes on the same palette of stormy grays, rich browns and dull oranges.


Take your 8-hour course online with us instead of sitting in a dull lecture all day.


If you feel like your skin is looking dull, the last thing you want to do is scrub extra hard in hopes of turning the lights back on your complexion.


Some of the computer generated Orcs especially Azog and the Goblin King feel generic, dull and echo that of a video game or cartoon.


But who wants to cuddle up next to a dull fireplace?


On the Razer Phone, that ethereal blue maw looked dull and washed out.


Pictures taken using rear camera of Gionee M7 Power look a bit dull, and I’m not the biggest fan of the colour reproduction.


On a track that may have been a bit dull after some early-morning rain the time of 1:49 4/5 was respectable.


Most people are turned off by salads, they seem dull and boring, and with so many restaurants serving up salads that just don’t cut it, this is very understandable.


However, this tropical bridal shower is anything but dull, with the pops of color and creative design elements.


The first round is always a bit of a dull affair.


There’s the odd dull cavern, but some of the dungeons look wonderfully inspired: The city of Jurayn is centered around the Sky Temple, a sacred tower that resembles a lily: You’ll clamber through its basement before ascending to the sky above, climbing to the top of the lily as you watch the world recede through its glass floors.


While the interior is functional and ergonomic, it looks rather dull — Skoda could have livened it up a little with contrasting materials and trim.


The camerawork by director Denise Di Novi (the veteran producer making her directing debut) is clumsy and dull, and her art direction is weird and distracting.


The details: This beta-hydroxy mask is a wake-up call for dull, tired skin, adding glow, smoothing texture, and minimizing the appearance of pores.


To avoid making the outfit look dull, a great tip is to use different textures to create an effect.


The younger guests will also appreciate the kids club where a choice of fun games and activities are organised during the summer months and regular entertainment is organised for all ages in the evenings ensuring there will never be a dull moment at the resort.


It can however dull the image slightly, but it certainly cuts out most of the unwanted reflections.


C fibers are small, unmyelinated, and conduct at a speed of 0.5 to 2 m/sec.1 A fibers are sensitive to thermal or mechanical stimulation, causing a sharp, localized pain, while C fibers can be sensitive to thermal, mechanical, or chemical stimuli, causing a dull, aching pain that is more diffuse.1,3


It’s time to turn your dull everyday commute into an exhilarating and painless drive with one of the best-handling sport sedans on the market.


The colors too look dull, as many have noted.


Sadly the championship mode get’s dull quickly as it lacks any sort of progression to keep you motivated.


«If you only expand upon existing hardware, it’s dull,» Iwata said at that time.


«If your skin is looking dull, time to think about a mask,» says Garnier Consulting Dermatologist Dr. Diane Madfes.


Some of the words used to describe them are: nowhere, boring, dreary, obscure, anonymous, deadly, dull, hideous, ugly, nonentity, godforsaken, depressing, derelict.


The only thing I learned from sharing a bathroom with my brother for 15 years was that his razor was not in fact a backup razor for when mine went mysteriously missing or was too dull to hack into my leg hair.


And yet, the comical exuberance of its components transcends the dull palette of grey, black and white: a fiercely phallic Viennese sausage looms off the plate, while vaguely testicular onions nestle near its base surrounded by tiny white squirls, which could be grated parmesan, or could be pubic hair; Stevi likes to keep us guessing.


If you want dull in this class, look no further than the Toyota Camry and Nissan Altima.


Hey Aimee… I’m winking already:) I feel as though this season we all need to be brightening up our homes to compensate for all the dull stuff happening around us right now.


Afterall, looking all dull or shining like a disco ball are both not really desirable.


Critic Consensus: Filled with dull action sequences and an underdeveloped storyline, this fifth Trek movie is probably the worst of the series.


This ultra-concentrated powder to mousse mask offers deep detoxification, transforming dull, congested skin and revealing a renewed radiance.


While many people suggest that having a few drinks is the ideal way to get to know your date, just having a drink can be a bit dull or bland.


Though Kidman delivers a workmanlike performance, the story manages to be soppy and ploddingly dull, told via a screenplay that drives home the fact that it’s not really about momentous events, but momentous feelings.


Meat, animal flesh, eggs were considered dull, heavy, impure.


Hi Nessa, I find that it isn’t great for my skin and makes it look/feel pretty dull but everyone reacts differently!


The problem is that the film sticks too close to it’s stage roots, which makes the scenery a little dull after awhile.


Impressively, however, this never gets dull.


Examples of how to use the word “dull” in a sentence. How to connect “dull” with other words to make correct English sentences.

dull (adj): not interesting or exciting in any way

Use “dull” in a sentence

This knife is dull.
There’s never a dull moment when you’re around.
This work gets a bit dull when he watches TV too much.

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All work and no play makes a man dull and boring.

Life without friends is dull.

All work and no play not only makes jack a dull boy, but also endangers his health.

Work, whether interesting or dull, is preferable to idleness.

There is a dull pain in my jaw and I have a very slight headache.

All work and no play makes children dull.

Winters usually make the skin dull and dry.

Time can dull memories but not pain.

It can brighten up your dull day.

The lustre of a good quality pearl should be bright and not dull.

This film is boring and has a very dull plot.

Life would have been dull and dry if there had been no variety in it.

Time can dull memories but not pain.

A summer wardrobe without a dash of printed clothes is definitely dull.

The lustre of a good quality pearl should be bright and not dull.

This film is boring and has a very dull plot.

Why are you looking dull and tired?

The knife is dull.

This party is dull.

She can’t understand it because she is dull.

The knife is too dull to cut.

This student is dull.

Are your scissors dull?

She is not a dull girl.

He is as dull as an ass.

This colour is too dull to match your face.

The later part of the drama is dull.

It is a dull day.

She is too dull to understand it.

I am sick of this dull life.

He makes our life dull.

The tale was dull.

He was so dull that he could not understand.

He is dull of hearing.

To teach that dull boy is like cutting like Gardian knot.

It is a dull play.

You are looking dull and weak.

It provides diversion from the daily dull routine.

You must be feeling weak and dull after this long illness.

These boys are dull.

His opening remarks were dull.

Life is dull without a hobby.

His speech was dull and devoid of humour.

We seldom watch television because we find it dull.

He doesn’t see his role as dull or drab.

Life without beauty is dull and tasteless.

This knife is so dull that it can’t cut.

You are dull and lazy.

He is too dull to follow your speech.

He is dull enough to understand me.

But for beauty this world would have been a dull place.

He was dull depressed and lost in worry .

My job is dull and boring.

Skip the dull chapters.

He has dull senses.

He is a rich but dull man.

I can’t write with this dull pencil.

He was so dull that he could not understand.

I have grown sick of this dull life.

It was a long, dull and wearisome journey.

He was too dull to understand.

Foundation is supposed to enhance your look, but if you make mistakes while applying it, you may end up looking more dull and old.

I’m getting tired of the dull game.

It was a dull ache.

The feeling was dull and painless.

Milk contains compounds like magnesium that can work wonders on dull skin.

A dull skin gets life only when it is nourished well both internally and externally.

Aloe vera is one of the best ingredients that can help to prevent dull and damaged hair.

When our skin is accumulated with dead skin cells it makes our whole face look dull and dry.

Applying too much of makeup can make your eyes look dull and small.

As a result of toxin build-up in the skin the skin gets dull and shines less.

Milk contains lactic acid that helps to brighten dull and tired skin.

Who wants to look dull and tired?

Our skin can look really dull at times.

It nourishes dull and frizzy hair to make it smooth and shiny.

It revives dull and damaged hair.

Sometimes despite our best efforts our hair loses its lustre and becomes dull and dry.

Is your skin dull?

Dark circles can make you look more dull over-aged.

Dark circles under the eyes can make your whole face look dull tired and lifeless.

Dead cells on the skin makes your skin look dull.

The sun often makes your skin dull dark and dry.

Do you feel that your dull skin makes you look older than you actually are?

Doing this is one of the easiest ways of getting rid of dull skin.

Do you rely on makeup items like primer and foundation to brighten up your dull skin?

It is very important to exfoliate dead skin cells as this will make your skin look dull and dry.

Exfoliation is necessary for removing the dead skin cells in order to give way for new skin to grow and to get rid of the dull surface skin.

To get rid of all signs of dead and dull skin make sure you scrub and exfoliate your skin.

Exposing our skin to harsh climates will make our skin dull and dry.

Dull skin steals your confidence levels.

Nowadays our skin is getting dull and we usually wonder what can be the reason behind it.

Dull skin problem is faced by many people.

Every one of us dreads about sagging and dull skin.

Insufficient consumption of water leads to dull skin.

It prevents your skin from looking dull and stressed.

It treats dark and dull skin.

Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and makes dull skin look wonderful.

Our skin looks dull and damaged when the dead skin cells accumulate on the skin.

Most of us have a dull skin.

Our skin can become dull and dark due to several reasons.

Dull skin is everyone’s worst enemy.

Smoking is known to make the skin look dull and it also quickens the ageing process.

Sometimes our face may look dull and older than the real age.

Are you tired of the dull look of your skin?

Your face will look dull if you don’t take care of your lips in summer.

After a few sleepless nights or tiresome days your skin may look dull and lifeless.

The lack of vitamins and proteins can cause your body to become weak and dull.

The lactic acid present in the curd works as an exfoliator which helps to remove dead and dull skin.

The loss of proteins from your hair makes them look dull and damaged.

This face pack is really good for people who have dull skin.

This is one of the best home remedies for dull skin care.

This will harm your roots and lead to dull and damaged hair.

This will make you look dull and lifeless.

This works best if you want to get rid of dull skin.

Dark circles can turn out to be the major reason behind a dull looking face.

How to get rid of tired dull skin?

Cucumber has a cooling property and this helps to bring a new life to a dull face.

You can’t afford to look dull at any occasion.

Lime juice exfoliates the skin to remove dead and dull skin.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that will help in treating dull skin.

Our skin tends to look dull after a long and tiring day.

Love without affection can make any relationship dull and lifeless.

Too much work and no play can make you dull.

Working without a break makes us dull and decreases our productivity.

You are not as dull as he.

It is dull and boring at times.

I am sick of this dull life.

She is too dull to understand it.

The day was dull and foggy.

Lack of sleep not only tires your body but also makes your skin look dull and tired.

This will glow up the dull and tired skin.

The coffee enabled me to stay awake during the dull concert.

After the chilling winter season, the coming of spring brings new life and vigor into the dull life.

She is not a dull girl.

Apples contain various vitamins which instantly brighten up dull and tired skin.

He is dull as an ass.

Some books are so dull that they can’t be read curiously.

The movie was so dull that the audience left one by one.

He is so dull that he cannot understand it.

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