Sentence using word detached

отдельный, отделенный, обособленный, оторванный, независимый, командированный


- отдельный, обособленный; стоящий особняком

detached event — отдельное событие
detached extracts — вырванные из контекста отрывки
detached post — воен. отдельный пост /караул/
the house stands detached — дом стоит на отлёте /на отшибе/

- оторванный; несвязанный

a theory detached from life — теория, оторванная от жизни
to live detached from the world — жить отшельником, жить в одиночестве /в (полной) изоляции/

- отдельный, выполняющий самостоятельную задачу

detached battalion — отдельный батальон

- беспристрастный, непредубеждённый; независимый

detached view — независимый взгляд
detached manner — бесстрастная манера
with an expression of polite and detached interest — с выражением вежливой скуки на лице
it’s true, he said, carefully detached — «это правда»,

- воен. (от)командированный

detached duty — командировка
detached service — амер. откомандирование из части
detached for service — командированный

- геол. отжатый

Мои примеры


She may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she’s not hypocritically effusive. — Она может быть отстранённой, или даже бесчувственной, но у неё хотя бы не бывает лицемерно бурных проявлений чувств.  
detached observer — беспристрастный наблюдатель  
in a detached way — невозмутимо  
detached air — невозмутимый вид  
detached retina — отслоившаяся сетчатка  
semi-detached house — сблокированный дом  
detached chimney — отдельно стоящая дымовая труба  
detached island — отделившийся от берега остров  
detached operational procedures — инструкции по эксплуатации  
detached opinion — независимое мнение  
detached part of mass — оторвавшаяся часть массива  

Примеры с переводом

The house has a detached garage.

В доме есть отдельный гараж.

She felt detached from the group.

Она почувствовала, что отделилась от коллектива.

Try to take a more detached view.

Постарайтесь посмотреть на всё более отстранённым взглядом.

On one side of the island was a huge rock, almost detached.

В одной из частей острова почти особняком стояла огромная скала.

His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery.

У него отслоилась сетчатка, и его срочно отправили на операцию.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She described what had happened in a cold and detached manner.

During the accident the trailer was detached from the car.

He appeared totally detached from the horrific nature of his crimes.

…a detached observer at company parties, taking it all in and saying very little…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

detach  — отделять, отделяться, отрядить, отцеплять, разъединять, отряжать
detachable  — съемный, отрывной, отрезной
detachedly  — изолированно, отдельно, сбивчиво, несвязно, особняком

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word detached, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use detached in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «detached».

Detached in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word detached in a sentence.

  1. The cruiser was successfully detached at 18:14.

  2. Flynn, USN, were detached from Task Force 44 to intercept.

  3. A mudslide detached part of a small bridge on Highway 184.

  4. On 30 April the ship was detached from the Sonderverband Ostsee.

  5. The usually detached households generally have two or more cars.

  6. Gemini B had an autonomy of about 14 hours once detached from MOL.

  7. He is presented as a highly intelligent but perhaps detached and impassive person.

  8. Cradock realized the uselessness of Otranto in the line of battle and detached her.

  9. A detached battalion of 7th SS Division would act as a blocking force driving north.

  10. After 1916, Hand preferred to retreat from party politics into a detached skepticism.

  11. Facing an ultimately detached nature, the characters find solace in human solidarity.

  12. Emden rejoined the East Asia Squadron, then was detached for independent raiding in the Indian Ocean.

  13. Sousa Neto and his gauchos had detached from the main force weeks before to pursue Muñoz and his army.

  14. To alleviate these problems, Saunders created a detached control device, essentially an early gamepad.

  15. The forward superstructure and funnel is detached from the rest of the ship and lies on its port side.

  16. Some detached and fell to the ground, causing no injuries but sparking concern among Boston residents.

  17. By the late 1920s, several folios had detached completely and were kept separate from the main volume.

  18. The three escorting destroyers were detached at 04:14 on 22 May, while the force steamed off Trondheim.

  19. After two months supporting ground forces on Okinawa, Radford’s fleet was detached from that operation.

  20. McKinley’s regiment was detached from the Army of the Potomac and returned by train to western Virginia.

  21. Bomb near-misses heavily damaged Maikaze, and Hashimoto detached Nagatsuki to tow her back to Shortland.

  22. Fletcher immediately detached TF11 to refuel from the oiler Tippecanoe, while TF 17 refueled from Neosho.

  23. Levees surround much of the main slough as well as many side sloughs, detached sloughs, and nearby lakes.

  24. The carrier Franklin was badly damaged and Missouri’s task group was detached to cover her withdrawal.

  25. On 15 March 2015, one of Green Lantern’s cars became detached from the rails when a wheel mechanism broke.

  26. In the meantime, the 3rd Battalion, 766th Regiment was detached and sent on a mission to infiltrate Pusan.

  27. Laverdure detached a small column of troops to take his wounded to Khénifra, remaining behind with the rest of the force.

  28. The house and detached tower are among the earliest uses of brick as the principal building material for an English house.

  29. Curtis planned on stopping the pursuit, but the detached troops were returned to him the next day, and the pursuit resumed.

  30. One of the 330th Infantry Regiment’s three battalions was detached from 5 August to 25 September to reinforce Task Force A.

  31. The thunderstorms became detached from the circulation, causing Ele to weaken to a tropical depression late on September 9.

  32. These included a cadet battalion and a company of the 27th Infantry Regiment, detached from the 1st Infantry Division Cerska.

  33. Strassburg was detached to visit Buenos Aires, Argentina before returning to meet the two battleships in Montevideo, Uruguay.

  34. Furious was detached from the 1st CS and ordered to sweep along the 56th parallel as far as 4° East and to return before dark.

  35. Following completion of repairs, König was again detached to the Baltic for training, from the end of July until early August.

  36. On 22 January 1915, III Squadron was detached from the fleet to conduct maneuver, gunnery, and torpedo training in the Baltic.

  37. Her air group was detached to Rabaul on 2 April to participate in Operation I-Go, a land-based aerial offensive against Allied bases in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea.

  38. The documentary makers omitted the crew’s conclusion that they probably saw one of the four detached spacecraft adapter panels from the upper stage of the Saturn V rocket.

  39. In 1965, the Duke and Duchess visited London as the Duke required eye surgery for a detached retina; Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, visited them.

  40. The following day, Saratoga was detached with an escort of three destroyers to join the amphibious forces and carry out night patrols over Iwo Jima and nearby Chichi Jima.

  41. Four gunners were washed overboard at 16:56 as the ship made a sharp turn to avoid dive-bomber attacks; a destroyer was detached to rescue them, but they could not be found.

Synonyms for detached

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word detached has the following synonyms: degage, uninvolved, unconcerned, free, unfixed, freestanding, separate, semidetached, isolated, separated, set-apart and unconnected.

General information about «detached» example sentences

The example sentences for the word detached that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «detached» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «detached».

Ackers detached his keypad box and threw both it and his lock picking gadget into his backpack

Emma and Adrian live in a modern detached house on the outskirts of a village not far from Bridgwater

It is a beautiful house — two storey, detached and standing in its own grounds … the gravel drive large enough for at least six cars to park in

The Chief’s arm detached in his hands along the seam he’d spotted between her new and old skin

Holding out her arm to allow it to perch, and moving the bag holding the bread safely out of reach of the avian’s sharp beak, she carefully detached the message and sent the bird on its way

Then he made them a gift of a beautifully decorated, modern semi detached house on a quiet new estate in a local seaside town

detached five bedroom houses with automatic gates like the ones at

use it is that they natural y become more detached and al owing

its presence without attaching to it (detached observation), you allow

True love happens when we are living in a ful state of detached

conclusion that until we can function in a continual state of detached

OBSERVE without attachment/judgement (detached observation); al ow

” He took the clamp back and detached it, then took off the microscope

The people who lived here were still urban but they lived in detached or semi-detached houses with little bits of ground behind them or on top of them where they might grow a few salad fixings and some spices and/or sit outdoors in the shade of a tree

To dream that you are sleepwalking suggests that you are feeling emotionally detached from others

He felt detached from the situation and just observed


During the course of that war, Rome granted those privileges to the greater part of them, one by one, and in proportion as they detached themselves from the general confederacy

Three identical 15-man troop transporters detached themselves from the underside of Vanguard’s hull, fired up their thrusters and set off directly to the space station

detached from his only daughter and always felt guilty about

The result was that the Release was taken to Boston, laid up, and everyone was detached from her

Early in 1861, while still in Hong Kong, Waddell was detached from the Saginaw and ordered to the John Adams

Despite my cool and detached demeanor, the kitten quickly analyzed me as a long-dormant sucker

In 1862, the USS Wyoming was detached and sent to the East Indies thereby reducing the fleet by one fighting ship

No matter what she told herself, no matter how much she tried to be detached from him, she was relieved that he had survived the fight

He was angry at the fans who cheered from their homes, detached from the reality of the deaths

He thought of his life: his carefree childhood, awkward adolescence, detached university years, his destructive relationships, which had ended one by one because of his inability to relax and enjoy himself, his devastating love of Seraphia and his arrival at Salverford

funeral, detached from the mourners, studying them in their grief with an almost clinical apathy

Arbitan viewed the fights with detached boredom

It sounded so unemotional, so detached, nothing at all like the feelings she experienced on her day to day rounds of the Sheltered Accommodation complex

I was put on detached service for thirty days

have been severed from trusting them and detached from the ability to

I had detached to the point that I realized it was her problem, and I didn’t need to take it on and have it become

Mason suddenly felt detached from his body — disorientated

The pain had stopped but now it felt as though his brain was detached from his body, floating in space

Even as I continued talking to Cooper and Kemp, I realized that I had slipped into the detached mode of thinking and talking that I had always used when I had been with McGregor on the Metro force

Which was also why he could blame Amonas for their predicament in a steady, calm, and somewhat detached distant tone of voice

If he had, it would have been enough for even the most socially inept, slow-witted and sentimentally detached human to understand that Amonas was deeply troubled

His right hand, the one adorned with the Holy Diadems, was scratching his chin in a rather detached and insouciant way, in stark contrast to his earlier searing demeanor

The car pulls in through the gates of a very nice detached Tudor style house

It appears that this is as far as I can go in drawing conclusions from the material that I have already gathered without getting so far into the area of speculation that it becomes detached from any foundation supplied up to now

“Died” was just a fact to me then, detached from emotion

His voice sounds somehow detached from him, like it is floating between us

Their collective countenance was clearly detached and a bit cool

the jaw with the detached lever bar

There seemed to be a discussion going on among them for a while; then a small group of them detached and approached Bisdah

Finally, a large group of them detached, laid down their arms and were allowed to pass through our lines

detached structure by its side, idle according to the piles of trash

detached tone of the words

It looked like a jagun detached from the Snake Ordu

They were the ones who Chloe thought zilch of, he was the one with relevance to her and after all this time he thought that wouldn’t matter, but in a detached unimportant way it still represented as something to think about and hold onto

Number 6 Elm brook was a two story large detached property with brown bricks and a large garden

Although he had detached himself from her, it was still like talking about a dead parent

It was bordered by an old, six foot, redwood fence, and had a chainlink gate that gave me an excellent view of the rear of the house and a detached garage that sat within the perimeter fencing

Next I detached six tumen, had them pass Theodore and me in review, and march north as if they were leaving

I detached a tumen to guard and help with this task

Gonzalo detached a small force under the Cardinal of Aragon to watch for and rally the rear guard

He was more detached than I am

Detached means you are not affected by what is around you, but you still are aware of it and help when you can

am detached and see the passing show as a passing show,

state of pure witnessing, detached awareness, passionless and

The ships are detached and are semi-invisible as a bright red star is behind them

Its more detached perspective away from the political battlefront of America seems to sharpen that publication’s frequent comments on America

Q: He may be detached from his own suffering, but still it is

She watched the unfolding drama below, with a detached fascination, bred of knowing that she was safe on a roof, twenty stories above the danger in the street

As I talk to you, I am in the state of detached but affec-

The state of detached awareness is the witness-

What had she seen? She seemed detached, emotionless

He said the fluid had leaked out of the macula (inside of my eyeball) and the retina was almost completely detached

desperate, I was also rather detached from the whole situation; this

As she sat down, she realized he was detached and unfocused

She is detached

Josh checked the altimeter on his watch and detached the

His and Karen’s careers kept them busy, cloaking their detached social interests

Dr Gustave Geley reports a case of a young boy who died in full possession of his mental faculties, although, due to an active abscess, involving the entire cerebellum, this encephalic mass was completely detached from the bulb — which is a condition equivalent to literal decapitation

For example: «By January 1st 2005, I will have moved into a four-bedroom, detached house in large grounds

I want a four-bedroom detached house (fully paid), a brand-new Mercedes, and the equivalent of half a million pounds in today’s money in the bank

A third major factor is that Anne and I are detached from “stuff” and have always been

of detached involvement is helpful here because it enables you appreciate a variety of modes

floated in a cold bath, detached, repelling emotions as

She separated a little displeased by the penetrating aroma, the exuberant smell of the fresh grasses had always disliked her as they awoke her allergy and if that was not sufficient, they detached its unpleasant steams impregnating the ambience with a smell of mellow and rotten fat; she preferred the dehydrated ones that had a light fragrance but were also powerful

The kindling fairy detached from the book front and went to settle on my open hand, introducing herself as Cirila

A block of homes that all look the same, grass cut to precision height, regulation picket fences, mirrored windows, one way glass, detached breakfast nooks

When a great kid becomes detached, it raises a red lag

Right up until his head became detached from the rest of his body

Matthew and Sarah were out playing he would lie on the floor seemingly detached from everything

2 On returning to Engedi from his mother’s funeral, he presented his flocks to the brotherhood and for a season detached himself from the outside world while he fasted and prayed

him detached from everything that made him normal

They were empty, detached, hollow

anyone so detached from his emotions and you didn’t have to be a genius to realize, that something

For the same reason he remained detached in his dealings with women, because freedom from responsibility was another prerequisite of this state

This is accessed when one is neither attached or detached — it just is

After a tense moment he spoke, in a far-away detached tone, and a language his hearers did not understand

1 While the Alpheus twins returned the donkey to its owner, Jesus and the ten apostles detached themselves from their immediate associates and strolled about the temple, viewing the preparations for the Passover

He was scared witless, this had been the first close encounter with the Germans and they were in deep shit, they had become detached from their unit and they were hopelessly lost

Muriela’s voice came plainly to Conan’s ears in the breathless silence, and it seemed cold, detached, impresonal, though he winced at the Corinthian accent

I felt more alert, yet detached, sensing the presence of magic on me like a thin second skin pulled over me

Sentences with the word Detached?



  • «His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery»
  • «adopted a degage pose on the arm of the easy chair»- J.S.Perelman; «she may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she’s not hypocritically effusive»; «an uninvolved bystander»
  • «detached houses»; «a detached garage»
  • «the detached shutter fell on him»; «he pulled his arm free and ran»
  • «she felt detached from the group»; «could not remain the isolated figure he had been»- Sherwood Anderson; «thought of herself as alone and separated from the others»; «had a set-apart feeling»
  • «a detached part»; «on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached«; «the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases»

Definition of Detached

not connected or joined

Examples of Detached in a sentence

My real estate agent showed the couple the rancher with the detached garage, but the wife hated it because she would have to carry groceries into the house in the rain.


It is almost impossible to find a detached house in a major city because builders can build more houses on a smaller lot of land if they are together.


When I looked at my detached ticket stub, I could not re-enter the establishment.


Since the product came with detached cords and wires, I spent the majority of the day assembling the product.


I noticed the owners detached the TV from the wall in order to let the potential buyers know that it did not come with the house.


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  • Use the word DETACHED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Remarkable achievement of science- body perform work while brain detached.

I’m usually quite detached.

Then you’re completely detached from Mrs. Drake’s work.

No more than she is detached from mine.

detached. Not interested.

You call this a detached viewpoint?

Have you detached the counters?

The boy appears cool and detached, just waiting.

As of now, I’m on detached service.

Long ears with narrow rims and detached, translucent lobes.

It’s sort of a shock to see your head detached that way.

Ned, I wish you’d treat this whole matter in a more detached fashion.

You are now officially detached from this here bucket.

«Destroyers Luckman, Wald, Green, detached to aid you.»

Until these papers get to Washington, no one really knows we’ve been detached.

When the fuel runs out, the rocket gets detached, saving the train from excess weight, and returns to Earth.

The second stage has got detached.

detached, with no emotional involvement.

If you’ve read him, sir, you remember that he conceives the Superman… as being detached from such human emotions… as anger, and greed, and lust and the will to power.

And emotionally detached?

You have already detached yourselves from family and friends.

Yes, sir, my men are all here, except my weapons platoon, detached to Battalion.

Did you ever work it out brother? In 20 years’ time you could be sitting in Hoylake’s chair, and that’s as high as you can go. and that means a 1.000┬ú a year, a semi-detached downtown, a 2nd hand Austin, and a wife to match, if you know what I mean.

We should learn to love each other so much to live outside of time, detached

Prinz Eugen successfully detached… and proceeding independently.

The Sheffield’s been detached from the flagship, sir.

Mr. Gary, I’m placing you on detached duty.

You feel detached from reality?

I not only feel it- i am detached.

His dog tag detached is the proof.

Mr. Gelman. Before being detached from the Power Commission you’d been ill a long while, correct?

I think a few months’ detached service… to, perhaps, the Public Relations Corps… should put the Major right back in the pink.

Curious, I thought, how detached and even tolerant I could be with the murderers and thieves I treated every day. But with him…

At that moment in life, I was detached from my daughter just like everything else.

…the movement, …detached from itself,

He seemed quite detached about it.

Annemarie finds merits in Mr. Hitler… not apparent to more detached observers.

Oh, bit of detached retina.

Theater is detached. It does not represent life any more. It does not represent society.

It’s called… detached contact.

The second cavalry patrol under Colonel Gearhart was keeping detached contact.

The lens which is the most important part from the Beam Cannon has been detached.

The diamonds detached themselves and rolled into the river.

He became more detached and…

I with my own hands I’ve detached and thrown away my own free will!


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