Sentence using word coast

Synonym: beach, glide, ride, seashore, seaside, slide, waterfront. Similar words: coastal, boast, coal, coach, coalition, last, vast, as to. Meaning: [kəʊst]  n. 1. the shore of a sea or ocean 2. a slope down which sleds may coast 3. the area within view 4. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it. v. move effortlessly; by force of gravity. 

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1. Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida’s coast.

2. The land flattens out near the coast.

3. The land is barren on the east coast.

4. A plane came winging down towards the coast.

5. The ship was wrecked on the Kent coast.

6. We travelled across America coast to coast.

7. The turtles return to the coast to reproduce.

8. The town is a considerable distance from the coast.

9. They saw many seals off the Coast of Alaska.

10. They live in a town along the east coast.

11. How long is the journey to the coast?

12. We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.

13. The boat sailed along/down the coast.

14. The fleet is manoeuvring off the coast.

15. I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.

16. We get heavy fogs on this coast in winter.

17. The ship is currently aground off the Brittany coast.

18. A car swished by heading for the coast.

19. The fleet is — ring off the east coast.

20. We walked along the coast for five miles.

21. We get heavy fogs on the coast in winter.

22. The ship lays to off the coast.

23. We drove along the Pacific coast to Seattle.

24. The surge travelled southwards along the coast.

25. It’s a pleasant drive to the coast.

26. Along the coast,[] an industrial fringe had already developed.

27. He plans to hitch right round the coast of Ireland.

28. The pipeline was constructed to transport oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.

29. After a short rest the travelers pushed on towards the coast.

30. They said we could have the use of their flat at the coast whenever they weren’t there.

More similar words: coastal, boast, coal, coach, coalition, last, vast, as to, fast, blast, pasta, beast, least, nasty, at last, a stage, pastor, breast, southeast, eastern, plastic, at least, taste of, northeast, contrast, in the past, as though, disaster, broadcast, in the least. 

The coast, also known as the coastline or seashore, is the area where land meets the sea or ocean, or a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean or a lake. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

But, the unusual recent earthquake along the northeast coast of the United States shows that earthquakes can strike almost anywhere in the country.


All fishermen appreciate the easy weather, guaranteed on the Kona coast about 90 days out of every 100.


Situated along the coast of Davao Gulf, Toril Beaches have been one of the favorite beach spots of nearby locals looking for a thrifty and economical beach outing.


Several surf breaks, most of them located along the north coast of the island, provide an ample supply of ride-able waves, typically of decent size but choppy due to Aruba’s trade winds — be sure to bring your short board for these waves.


The new study shows the extent of flooding in selected areas along the coasts of southern Italy and Greece, if hit by large tsunamis in the region, and could help local authorities identify vulnerable areas.


President Rafael Correa said the epicenter of the first one overnight was the fishing village of Mompiche on the Pacific coast, about 368 km (229 miles) from Quito.


«I think there is a generalized sense that the system we have now is not working,» said Santiago, speaking from the city of Salinas on the southern coast of Puerto Rico.


For each piece purchased, anywhere from three to 26 bamboo seedlings are planted on Nusa Penida, a small island off the coast of Bali, to help with reforestation efforts.


Now that Kristina lives on the central coast she really looks forward to exploring places like Big Sur.


You took a lot of time to share with those of us who couldn’t make the west coast.


My other interests are reading, sports (doing, not watching), partner dancing (salsa, tango, ballroom, west coast swing), real estate investing, public speaking, podcasting, and traveling.


If one of those tankers go down the San Juan Islands and the north coast of Washington are in the path of destruction.


With no Democrat stepping up to run, Hanna should coast to victory in the November general election to represent the 22nd Congressional District for a third term.


Choose from a cottage in the rugged west, a quaint townhouse in one of our cities, or a seaside holiday home along the coast line.


This 25-storey hotel on the coast of the Persian Gulf will whisk you into the lap of luxury with its luxurious rooms and suites, outdoor pool, spa facilities, and six restaurants onsite.


May through to October is the «off season» on the south coast of Sri Lanka.


I know it may be a little early in the year for some to be thinking about soup, BUT since my dear sweet friend Fuji Mama is going to be recovering from a little minor surgery it’s the perfect dish to share now and it’s what I would make her if I didn’t live on the opposite coast.


In contrast to more common shallow and deep earthquakes, a subduction zone quake will generate a destructive tsunami, a series of waves up to 30 feet (10 m) high that will hit the Cascadia coast and travel across the Pacific Ocean toward Alaska, Hawaii and Asia.


Monterey Hotel’s Located Near Cannery Row Situated along California’s coast the Holiday Inn Express ® Hotel Monterey — Cannery Row offers comfortable intimate accommodations for a business trip or Monterey vacation.


And, the streets of each coast‘s event are transformed into highly-themed scare zones where menacing scare-actors lunge from every darkened corner.


All five engines feature mild hybrid technology (MHEV) which allows the car to coast with the engine switched off, and to restart smoothly.


French Beach is a nice beach for a walk on the west coast and is just a few minutes from Sooke.


The casino also boasts private VIP card rooms and the most mystery card roulette and double-deck blackjack tables of any casino on the west coast.


Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast with over 3 feet of rain and 125 mph winds.


All 3 of my dogs eat this food and I love how it makes their coast shiny while keeping my pug with luxating patellas from limping!


Arsenal have to deal with a strong West Ham opening 10 minutes but then coast to a two goal lead, before doing an Arsenal and throwing that away.


Settle into Swakopmund, on the Atlantic coast, and enjoy free time the next morning to go quad-biking or sandboarding, or just take a walk through town.


Tarpon is abundant from February through August in the many Belize Rivers along the coast.


Filed Under: Adventures, AIP Paleo Recipes, Gluten Free, Low Carb — Keto, Paleo, Side Dish, Vegan, Wild Food — Foraging Tagged With: foraging truffles, hunting wild truffles in oregon, low carb mashed potatoes, low starch veggies, mashed celery root, oregon coast range, paleo mashed potatoes


These two loggerhead turtles were a mere 5600 kilometres off course last week when they washed up on the west coast of Ireland.


It is located on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu.


Its European wannabe fake flaky dagon fish head wearing mitre hat the European will never come clean at that ice box call a Vatican they turn away from not stopping the real Hebrew Isrealite from going into slavery in the west from west africa gold coast of Ghana and south Africa


Gaby makes fun, casual, sunny California-inspired food, which is everything that I love even though I live far from the west coast.


Take advantage of one of the largest and most active Marinas on the west coast and all the professional services it provides… from Yacht Chandlers to Internet Cafes, Fitness Clubs to Sportfishing and Boatyards.


Moreover, several very large polynyas (areas of open water within the pack) have opened in the eastern Weddell and along the Amundsen Sea and Ross Sea coast.


Here on the East coast, we had our first real big snow fall.


Extending along the coast of Monterey Bay, this famous oceanfront walkway is home to amusement park rides, shops, and music venues — and it also provided the backdrop for countless scenes in The Lost Boys.


Over on the west coast was Yaoi-con, celebrating its 10th anniversary, and boy those fujoshi can be scary!


On the other hand, as a new $ 1 billion facility rising on the California coast may prove, maybe we just need to increase the water supply.


The PCH can be divided into three sections as it travels along the California coast: Southern, Central, and Northern.


As the weather system ominously looms down the coast, Fin gets on the road to reunite with his very pregnant, and — thanks to a vengeful shark — now one-handed wife April Wexler (Tara Reid).


Plus, I have never been to the east coast during Fall so I can’t wait to experience the leaves changing first hand!


At a small hospital on the Oregon coast, nurse Laura Adderley is relieved to be getting a divorce, but devastated to discover that she and her ex-husband’s sole attempt to reconcile has resulted in a pregnancy.


Cyronak notes that the California coast has temperature gauges on some piers, but they are few and far between.


It is Baja funky — a world apart from the fancy tourist towers that spring up every year along the Baja coast.


It started on a yacht in one of the fjords off the coast of British Columbia with a helicopter poised on the bow and a pilot I knew, about to go into terrain that I had visited two decades prior.


Pagano and colleagues used helicopters to search for polar bears on ice about off the Alaska coast in the Beaufort Sea.


Ucluelet is one of the few hot spots along the west coast of Vancouver Island where fishing has stayed hot.


Scattered along the California coast are groves of eucalyptus, cypress, and pine which provide winter shelter to hundreds of thousands of monarch butterflies born each summer across the western North America.


India’s financial capital, located on the west coast, originally consisted of seven individual islands inhabited by small fishing communities, which have since joined together and grown into this cosmopolitan city.


coast — перевод на русский


Miss Blake said to ask you how the weather is on the coast.

Мисс Блейк просила узнать, как погода на побережье.

It’ll be nice to get to the west coast. Relax a bit with Stefan. Enter.

Как славно будет отдохнуть со Стефаном на побережье…

And below us somewhere was the French coast.

И где-то под нами лежало Французское побережье.

I’ve just crossed the coast at Seaford Head, descending through cloud.

Я только что пересёк побережье в Сифорд Хэде, спускаясь через облака.

He used to be the best box-man on the West Coast.

Он был лучшим медвежатником на западном побережье.

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-Well, after they said you did, the coast guard and everybody.

— Ну, после того, как мне так сказали и береговая охрана, да и все вокруг.

The coast guard made a formal report that you were drowned.

Береговая охрана сделала официальное заявление, что ты утонул.

— Hello, Coast Guard.

Алло, береговая охрана.

Hello, Coast Guard. — Go on.

Алло, береговая охрана.

The coast guard informed Mrs. Hobbs… that the only hope now was that the boat had drifted far enough out to sea… to be picked up by a passing tramp or tanker.

Береговая охрана сообщила миссис Хоббс, что надежда только на то, что лодку отнесло достаточно далеко в море, и её подберёт проходящее судно.

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Well, go ahead with that copy, but take out the line about skirting the Florida coast.

Текст оставляем, только убираем строчку о прогулке вдоль берега.

Thus, the inhabitants preserve… their tradition of celebrating weddings with a trip… to a heavenly island situated one mile off the coast.

Поэтому жители сохранили традицию отмечать бракосочетания поездкой на священный остров, расположенный в миле от берега

— My gracious sovereign… on the western coast rideth a puissant navy. To the shore throng many doubtful hollow-hearted friends… unarmed and unresolved to beat them back.

У западного берега флот сильный появился, и туда неверные друзья толпой бегут.

«That night the Romans landed on our coast.

В ту ночь приплыли римляне на наши берега.

— Toward the coast.

— В сторону берега.

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Check if the coast is clear.

Проверьте, чист ли горизонт.

— See if the coast is clear.

Надо проверить, чист ли горизонт.

The coast is clear, I take it?

Как я понимаю, горизонт чист?

All right, the coast is clear.

Так, горизонт чист.

Let’s see if the coast is clear.

Давайте посмотрим, чист ли горизонт.

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Francis, is the coast clear?

Фрэнсис, все чисто? Фрэнсис!

The coast is clear !

— ¬се чисто!

Don’t worry. First let me make sure the coast is clear.

Не волнуйся, сначала проверю, все ли здесь чисто.

I’m gonna check if the coast is clear.

Я пойду проверю насколько там чисто.

Gonna go downstairs and make sure the coast is clear.

Пойду вниз, проверю, чтоб все чисто было.

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Coast Guard.

Береговая охрана скоро прибудет.

-What? Here come the Coast Guard.

Береговая Охрана.

-And the Coast Guard—

И Береговая охрана…

Paza Coast, «Buna dimineaþa.»

Береговая охрана: «Доброе утро»

U.S. Coast Guard.

Береговая охрана США.

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«Now the coast is clear.»

Теперь путь свободен.

Coast is clear.

Путь свободен!

The coast is clear!

Путь свободен!

The coast is clear.

Путь свободен.

No, the coast is clear.

Нет, путь чист.

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Is it on the coast, in the mountains?

Мы даже не знаем, в горах ли он, на море, во Франции, в Швейцарии, в Англии.

Don’t you like the coast?

– Вы не любите море?

Good day, Mrs.Pahlevi, there’s a story in the New Review about life in Iran, about how hot it gets there, and how you, like most Persians, like to holiday on the Caspian coast.

Добрый день, фрау Пехлеви Вы рассказываете о своём родном Иране, что летом там очень жарко, и Вы, как и большинство иранцев, отправляетесь со своей семьёй на Каспийское море.

Illegal immigration tragedy off the island of Mayotte. Coast guard reports 20 people still missing.

В море произошла новая трагедия с нелегальными иммигрантами безвестипропалооколо20-тичеловек

You set out through the red sea towards the coast of Somalia.

Вышла через Красное море прямо к берегам Сомали.

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Sailing around the Cape to the east coast of Africa… is impossible because the Arabs monopolize the slave trade… from Zanzibar on down.

Он оцепил мыс Кейп-Кодна западе Африки, потому что арабы монополизировали работорговлю вниз от Занзибара.

I shouldn’t have let you stay on the west coast.

Не нужно мне было оставлять тебя на Западе.

Fine, because I have something to do on the west coast.

Это хорошо, потому что у меня кое-какие дела на западе.

We have an AWAC off the West Coast.

У нас на западе система раннего обнаружения.

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Coast Guard and environment cleanup organizations are working overtime to clean up the disastrous 53,000-gallon spill that left over 30 miles of pristine coastline soaked with sludge and oil.

Ѕерегова€ ќхрана и общества по защите природы работают в экстренном режиме над очищением катастрофической утечки в 200.000 литров котора€ покрыла химическими отходами и нефтепродуктами более 45 км прибрежной территории.

I don’t want to see any of your boys lounge around Main, near the beaches, or the coast road.

Не хочу, чтобы ваши ребята слонялись вокруг Мэна, рядом с пляжами, или прибрежной дороге

I’m just beyond the straw bride and groom on the coast road to Skellwick.

Я прямо позади соломенных невесты и жениха на прибрежной дороге на Скеллуик.

… in the waters off the coast of Iran.

… в прибрежных водах Ирана.

They’re trying to get people on side for oil rigs off the coast.

Пытаются заручиться сторонниками установки прибрежных нефтебуровых платформ.

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  • Use the word COAST in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We could stop the Queen Mary anywhere here, just off the coast of Abaco Island.

And so they started out for the far-flung ports on the Atlantic coast by way of the Inca trail, having trekked the Andes forgoods to trade on theirtravels.

We climbed the temples of Penang, we cycled the Quang Ninh coast and we elephant-trekked through the Ratanakiri.

Paradise, on the west coast!

Leary’s East-coast Millbrook community had a reverential attitude to LSD that contrasted sharply with the merry pranksters’ anarchic West-coast style.

«Now the coast is clear.»

We went ashore on the coast of the Falkland Islands and found our secret cache in the caves, as we had left it two years ago.

Our bearers were so terrified they deserted- …carrying me back to the coast — leaving my father marooned up there — with those beasts —

A dance club for those who live in the large cities along the coast of Danzig.

The gold rush has brought them to this desert coast

Well, anyway… next morning the sun was shining the ocean was as smooth as glass. And right up the starboard was the coast of China.

It is a stand-in, obviously, for Whitby Abbey, a ruin on the North Yorkshire coast that Stoker knew well, and features prominently in the first portion of his novel.

I don’t know, somewhere along the coast.

I’m on the coast of Norway, and I can’t get out.

Will you come get me out of the coast of Norway?

coast of Norway,» and then a lot of blanks. Is that it?

Just been able to get off of that Norway coast so far.

Been sinking everything in sight… off the coast of Gibraltar in Spain- that’s where we’re headed.

And I end up on the Barbary coast.

Jenny Sandoval, the Barbary coast.

Right out of the same gulch on the Barbary coast.

Born in the slums raised on the Barbary coast in her father’s notorious dive.

These dust storms… are something like the fogs off the coast of Labrador Only the result is different.

Youre hopeless. lt┬┤ss a woman who lives by her wits along the China coast.

I can see a huge safari with you at the head… bearing ivory down to the coast.

Sing loud, the coast is clear

Last night, I sent another telegram to the coast.

Just as I thought, the coast is clear.

Boys, your name’ll be in lights from the rock bottom coast of Maine… to the sunny strands of California.

I travel from coast to coast.

Have you heard, perhaps, of the Barbary coast?

He wanted to know about that Sally girl you sent to the coast.

I hope you ain’t sending them girls to the coast… to become classy dips and burglars, like Flynn thinks.

Known from coast to coast as «Everybody’s Auntie!»


Help, Police! coast Guard!

Yes we’ve decided to put the Carribean on the coast along Savannah.

We want a ride down the coast to Kintaling and catch a freighter there.

I am sorry to give Tuan astonishment, but impossible to go down coast.

Oh, later on, when we passed by the coast again… they slipped over the side and swam ashore.

It’s the Juju of the Masai, the Wakabaranda… and all the tribes from the east to the west coast.

Say, listen, my fine-feathered friend, you’re just wasting your time… patrolling this lonely coast.

You don’t have to be afraid, the coast is clear.

Now, you be quiet for a spell until the coast is clear… then I’ll take you upstairs.

To the greatest captain on the coast.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«This is a rocky coast.«
(rocky, sandy, beautiful)

«We live on the east coast.«
(east, eastern, west, western, north, northern, south, southern)

«We like walking along the sea coast.«
(sea, ocean)

«The city is near the Atlantic coast.«
(Atlantic, Pacific, Mediterranean, African)

Used with verbs:

«When will the storm reach the coast?«
(reach, hit, approach)

«The road follows the coast.«

Used with nouns:

«We’ll drive along the coast road.«
(road, highway)

Used with prepositions:

«I like to walk along the coast.«
(along, by, near)

«We sailed around the coast.«
(around, up, down)

«They spent their honeymoon at the coast.«
(at, on)

«They’re fishing just off the coast.«

How do you use Coast as a verb?

Examples of coast in a Sentence Verb The car coasted to a stop. The airplane coasted down the runway. The children coasted on sleds down the snowy hill. They came coasting down the hill on bicycles.

What is Coast mean?

The coast, also known as the coastline or seashore, is defined as the area where land meets the sea or ocean, or as a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean or a lake. The term coastal zone is used to refer to a region where interactions of sea and land processes occur.

What are the types of coast?

Such a classification leads to the definition of three general tectonic types of coasts: (1) collision coasts, (2) trailing-edge coasts, and (3) marginal sea coasts.

What is an example of a coast?

An example of coast is to ride a sailboat through the waters near a beach. An example of coast is to sled down a hill. The definition of coast means land along the ocean. An example of a coast is a beach.

What are the features of a coast?

Coasts have many different features, such as caves and cliffs, beaches and mudflats. Tides, waves, and water currents (flow) shape the land to form these coastal features. Some coasts are also changed by the flow of glaciers, which are huge rivers of ice, and lava from volcanoes.

How do you use coast in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] Tom went to college on the East Coast. ( Source_VOA)
  2. [S] [T] The coast is clear. (
  3. [S] [T] I’m from the East Coast. (
  4. [S] [T] I’m from the West Coast. (
  5. [S] [T] We drove along the coast. (
  6. [S] [T] Our hotel faces the coast. (
  7. [S] [T] His cottage is on the coast. (
  8. [S] [T] The ship sailed along the coast. (

How do we use the coast?

Coastal land is used for human settlement, agriculture, trade, industry and amenity. The coastal sea presents problems related to transport, fishing, dumping, mining, etc., stemming from an intensification and diversification of ocean uses.

How is a coast formed?

Waves, tides, and currents help create coastlines. When waves crash onto shore, they wear away at, or erode, the land. But they also leave behind little parts of the sea, such as shells, sand dollars, seaweeds, and hermit crabs. Sometimes these objects end up as more permanent parts of the coastline.

What is the difference between coast and coastline?

The coast is a strip of land of variable width that extends from a body of water inland to a regional break in terrain features. The coastline is the line that forms the boundary between the coast and a major body of water. The coastline is a line connecting the most seaward promontories into the sea.

What is a synonym for Coast?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for coast. coastland, coastline, shore, shoreline.

What’s another word for desert?

SYNONYMS FOR desert 1 waste, wasteland, barren wilderness. 2 wasteland, barren wilderness. 5 wasteland. 6 desolate; barren, infertile; arid.

What is a antonym for Coast?

Antonyms of COAST lumber, shuffle, toil, struggle, flounder, labor, stamp, stumble, limp, plod.

What is the synonym and antonym of coast?

ˈkoʊst) The shore of a sea or ocean. Synonyms. shore landfall littoral littoral zone seaside litoral seacoast foreshore sands tideland sea-coast seaboard seashore. Antonyms. stand still converge rush hop out pull.

What is the Urdu meaning of coast?

1) coast. Noun. The shore of a sea or ocean. ساحل ساحل سمندر

What does littoral mean?

: of, relating to, or situated or growing on or near a shore especially of the sea littoral waters. littoral. Definition of littoral (Entry 2 of 2) : a coastal region especially : the shore zone between high tide and low tide points.

Which word is the closest synonym for the word coast Brainly?

Answer: The answer is B, rest. Explanation: The meaning of coast means moving easily without using effort which is similar to REST as it doesn’t require much energy to do it.

What part of speech is skimming?

transitive verb

How can you identify a littoral zone?

The littoral zone is the near shore area where sunlight penetrates all the way to the sediment and allows aquatic plants (macrophytes) to grow. The 1 % light level defines the euphotic zone of the lake, which is the layer from the surface to the depth where light levels become too low for photosynthesis.

How deep is the littoral zone?

Littoral zone, marine ecological realm that experiences the effects of tidal and longshore currents and breaking waves to a depth of 5 to 10 metres (16 to 33 feet) below the low-tide level, depending on the intensity of storm waves.

What is littoral habitat?

The littoral zone or nearshore is the part of a sea, lake, or river that is close to the shore. In coastal environments, the littoral zone extends from the high water mark, which is rarely inundated, to shoreline areas that are permanently submerged.

What is Lentic habitat?

Lentic ecosystems are those whose water is still, and are made up of ponds, marshes, ditches, lakes and swamps. These ecosystems range in size from very small ponds or pools that may be temporary, to large lakes.

What are littoral plants?

A littoral plant can be defined as any aquatic plant along a lake shoreline. These littoral zones provide a key habitat for wading birds, fish, and other aquatic invertebrate to forage or to find refuge within. These aquatic plants also help stabilize lake shorelines, which can prevent dangerous erosion problems.

What animals live in littoral zone?

Common organisms are snails, sponges, sea stars, barnacles, mussels, sea palms, crabs,… Low intertidal zone or lower littoral zone. This region is usually covered with water.

What is the bottom zone of a lake or pond called?

Benthic Zone

What is the difference between littoral zone and benthic zone?

The littoral zone is the part of a body of water that is near the shore, while the benthic zone is the deepest area of a body of water, including some of the sediment. But when you consider the sediment in the deepest area, that would be the benthic zone only.

Why is littoral zone important?

The littoral zone is the area around the shoreline where the aquatic vegetation is and is required for most man-made lakes. This is because it is critical for wildlife habitat, water quality, and erosion control which are all important factors of a lake to have a healthy ecosystem.

What is the difference between littoral and coastal?

As adjectives the difference between coastal and littoral is that coastal is relating to the coast; on or near the coast, as a coastal town”, ”a coastal breeze while littoral is of or relating to the shore, especially the seashore.

What is the difference between littoral and Limnetic?

The topmost zone near the shore of a lake or pond is the littoral zone. The vegetation and animals living in the littoral zone are food for other creatures such as turtles, snakes, and ducks. The near-surface open water surrounded by the littoral zone is the limnetic zone.

The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Berbera on the Red Sea coast is a bit of a wreck as are most of the cities, due to the heavy damage inflicted in the pre-independence civil war. ❋ Mike Arkus (2010)

Lusmila, my neighbor, friend and kitchen guru tells me sal de grano from the coast is the absolute best. ❋ Unknown (2008)

So far, there are no known plans for any mega-developments, but Sayulita Point, the defining landmark on the Sayulita coast is about to be covered with Million-Dollar Plus homes. ❋ Unknown (2008)

* WEST DELTA BLOCK 58 The forest of oil rigs off the coast is arguably the most productive fishing «reef» in North America. ❋ Unknown (2007)

As he showed slides of the ocean floor and explained that the coast is a system of energy dissipation, the crowd peppered him with questions. ❋ Unknown (2007)

The Oil field on the Florida coast is a great example. ❋ Unknown (2006)

We’re planning this summer to go back up and do what they call coast down tests to test this tip again. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Veracruz turned out to be rather expensive for what we wanted around Boca del Rio and environs and the climate on the coast is too hot and humid for us after those two years in the 70s when we lived in Mobile in the hot, humid soup there. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The only restaurant I have found better on the Nayarit coast is at a private, 6 star club-hotel north of Melaque. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Abutting the craggy coast is an iconic lighthouse that first directed ships in 1837. ❋ Unknown (2009)

He has large haciendas at Ambato and Latacunga, and down the coast is he interested in oil-wells. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The NSW coast is nice too, but beware the towns whose economy is based around speeding fines, and make sure and watch the documentary The Cars that ate Paris carefully before driving anywhere south of the Tweed. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Hastings, on the south coast, is also mooted as a future home for London’s housing benefit claimants. ❋ Jamie Doward (2010)

If the driver is in coast mode and needs to pass another driver, the combustion engine starts back up with a push of the accelerator, giving nearly instant access to the powerful V6 engine. ❋ Melissa Hincha-Ownby (2010)

For recreation, the rugged Oregon coast is a 90 minutes to the west, the nearby Cascade range offers great skiing, and Portland is about 100 miles to the North. ❋ Unknown (2009)

….[kick push] kick push coast-Lupe [Fiasco’s] «[Kick Push]» ❋ Ipod Snatcher (2006)

A [1st grader] could have [aced] that test. I just [coasted] during the entire thing. ❋ Jem2a Says (2007)

No [thank] [I don’t] need another, I am [coasting]. ❋ Cruzzy (2010)

1. The California shore meets the Pacific coast.
2a. The pirates left, so [the coast is clear].
2b. The Navy left, so the coast is clear for pirating.
2c. We [cased] the joint, and the coast is clear. ❋ Downstrike (2005)

[Magic Johnson] went [coast to coast] on that [play]! ❋ Kint_the_man (2013)

«Dude, [my dude], just [went] coast-to-coast. [Check it out].» ❋ Zor Prime (2003)

«What’s with all the [energy drinks]?»
«I’m going [coast to coast] today [at work].»
«Damn.» ❋ PrincessJetta (2009)

[Basketball Player] 1 [dribbles] up the ball.
Basketball Player 2: Coast to coast!
Basketball Player 1 coast to coasts the ball to Basketball Player 2.
Basketball Player 2 [dunks] the ball for the win. ❋ SkllzMstrX (2011)

Craig: Did you hook up with that [skeeve] last night? You never came home.
Phil: No. We went [clubbing] then she didn’t invite me back to her place. I just went [coast-to-coast] about 5 times. ❋ Harold Ramis (2010)

«[Portland] is OK, but it’s great to be in [the No] [Coast] again.» ❋ Daggersdaggers (2009)


He lives on the coast.

He’s flying out to the Coast tomorrow.


The car coasted to a stop.

The airplane coasted down the runway.

The children coasted on sleds down the snowy hill.

They came coasting down the hill on bicycles.

After taking a big lead, the team coasted to victory.

He was accused of trying to coast through school.

She decided she could coast along without a job for the next few months.

The company is coasting on its good reputation.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The highs will be around 90 degrees inland and in the 80s along the coast.

Elainie Barraza, Orlando Sentinel, 2 Apr. 2023

Plant in full sun and water little to not at all along the coast.

Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023

Members of the medieval and early modern Swahili culture lived in towns and villages along the coast of East Africa, shared the Kiswahili language and largely practiced a common religion of Islam.

Margaret Osborne, Smithsonian Magazine, 31 Mar. 2023

This finding must reflect a history of Persian males traveling to the coast and having children with local women.

The Conversation, Fortune, 30 Mar. 2023

The closure, which will go into effect April 15, is being implemented to minimize entanglement risk for humpback whales returning to the California coast to forage.

Jordan Parker, San Francisco Chronicle, 30 Mar. 2023

After Perth Amboy, take the Garden State Parkway for a more scenic drive closer to the coast.

Patricia Doherty, Travel + Leisure, 27 Mar. 2023

How to Reduce Plastic Waste Additional research shows that in the U.S., litter plaguing national parks from the East to West coast is predominantly made up of plastics.

Sean Mowbray, Discover Magazine, 25 Mar. 2023

In the Northeast Atlantic their range reaches to the French coast at the top of the Bay of Biscay.

Melissa Cristina Márquez, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023

Almost like a driver of a car hitting the gas while coasting up a hill.

Lee Billings, Scientific American, 5 Apr. 2023

The same can be said for Air, which coasts by on good will and a real-life success story piggybacking on another real-life success story, until Davis shows up and turns it into something deeper.

David Fear, Rolling Stone, 4 Apr. 2023

After coasting back to Earth for about four days, Orion will bring the crew home for a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.

Jay Cannon, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

The movie is incredibly quick and light on its feet about laying traps, getting in and out of situations, coasting along on the lethal glitches that turn into opportunities.

Owen Gleiberman, Variety, 1 Mar. 2023

What to Consider: There’s no option for coasting brakes on this model.

Kevin Brouillard, Travel + Leisure, 22 Feb. 2023

There has been speculation for months that Lee, who coasted to victory in Texas’s 18th congressional district, would run for mayor.

Phillip M. Bailey, USA TODAY, 27 Mar. 2023

The track continued to coast along in the top 3 while other songs came and went above it, moving 2-2-2-3-2 and now rising again to rule the chart for the 13th time.

Billboard Japan, Billboard, 8 Mar. 2023

But the Zags used a dominant showing in the post, led by junior Drew Timme’s 32 points and freshman Chet Holmgren’s 19-point, 17-rebound, seven-block effort, to coast to a 93-72 win Thursday in the first round of the NCAA Tournament at the Moda Center.

oregonlive, 17 Mar. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘coast.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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