Sentence using word brief

Synonym: concise, curt, short, terse. Antonym: long, prolonged. Similar words: briefly, in brief, grief, die for, thief, relief, belief, chief of state. Meaning: [briːf]  n. 1. a document stating the facts and points of law of a client’s case 2. a condensed written summary or abstract. v. give essential information to someone. adj. 1. of short duration or distance 2. concise and succinct 3. (of clothing) very short. 

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1 This is a brief outline of the events.

2 A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.

3 We had a brief honeymoon in Paris.

4 There was a brief pause in the conversation.

5 We stopped by Alice’s house for a brief visit.

6 He began with a brief introduction.

7 She makes all these points in her brief.

8 A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.

9 We took a brief walk around the old quarter.

10 He had only a brief sleep that night.

11 In brief[], it’s like this.

12 She performed a brief mime.

13 A brief rest restored the traveler’s vigor.

14 His acceptance speech was mercifully brief.

15 He felt a brief flash of jealousy.

16 This is, of necessity, a brief and incomplete account.

17 A brief rest restored the traveller’s vigour.

18 Brief is life, but love is long.

19 To be brief,( we can’t accept such harsh terms.

20 I’ll make a brief visit to California.

21 A brief, hand-written postscript lay beneath his signature.

22 What follows is a brief summary of the process.

23 C. Brief is life, but love is long.

24 He gave me a brief outline of what had happened.

25 The wait was mercifully brief, little more than an hour.

26 He knocked on the door and after a brief interval it was opened.

27 Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.

28 There was a brief ad for Mona Lisa skin lightener.

29 The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy. 

30 What is a man’s first duty? The answer is brief ; to be himself. 

More similar words: briefly, in brief, grief, die for, thief, relief, belief, chief of state, commander in chief, chief executive, dried, orient, friend, priest, series, brisk, bride, bribe, bring, brink, brick, carrier, variety, barrier, married, bridge, fabric, rubric, hybrid, debris. 

Examples of how to use the word “brief” in a sentence. How to connect “brief” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

brief (adj): lasting only a short time or containing few words

Use “brief” in a sentence

Just take a brief note.
Whatever advice you give, be brief.

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brief — перевод на русский


For a brief moment, between escape and death they were soldiers again.

На короткий момент между побегом и смертью они снова были солдатами.

Train these prisoners in as much of the behind-the-lines operations… as they can absorb in a brief but unspecified time.

В максимально короткий срок вы должны обучить их всех… ведению операций за линией фронта.

I too felt a brief surge of racial bigotry.

Я тоже почувствовал короткий приступ расовой ненависти.

A brief desire to trample something living.

Короткий порыв растоптать что-то живое.

And for a brief moment…

На короткий момент…

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I’ll be brief and to the point.

Буду краток и перейду к делу.

Baron, I’ll be brief.

Барон, я буду краток.

Mr. Wilson, I’ll be brief.

Мр. Уилсон, я буду краток.

You do not hang, I will be brief.

Не вешай трубку, я буду краток.

I will be brief, then.

Хорошо, я буду краток.

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You may proceed with your briefing.

Вы можете продолжить брифинг.

Jim why no briefing on this?

А брифинг?

Captain Decker requested I complete final science briefing here -before we leave on our mission.

Капитан Декер потребовал, чтобы я закончил здесь последний научный брифинг прежде чем мы уйдем на задание.

Briefing for Jeffrey Pelt, President’s National Security Adviser.

На брифинг Джеффри Пелта, советника Президента по безопасности.

-Who’s giving the briefing? -You are.

— Кто проводит брифинг?

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I’m sure we want to cooperate with Dr. Floyd as fully as possible and as there are no more questions, we ought to get on with the briefing.

Уверен, мы все готовы к тесному сотрудничеству с д-ром Флойдом и если нет других вопросов, то начнем совещание.

You don’t want to be late for your shift briefing and I’ve got a lot of cooking to do.

Ты же не хочешь опоздать на совещание смены, а мне надо многое приготовить.

Briefing in the Sit Room in 20 minutes.

Совещание в зале заседаний через 20 минут.

We’ll have a briefing by the Treasury on the market adjustment.

Привет. У нас будет совещание с министерством финансов о рыночном регулировании…

I’m surprised the briefing went as quickly as it did.

Я удивлен, что совещание прошло так быстро.

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And I was briefly at the taking of Termini

А взятие порта Термини? Я там был. Правда, недолго.

All too briefly.

Всё, слишком недолго.

Rocky Balboa, we wanna get a brief interview in with you.

Добрый день, Рокки Бальбоа. Мы хотим взять интервью. Это недолго.

— Alas, all too briefly.

— Увы, недолго.

The fellowship was a brief beginning a fair time that cannot be forgotten.

Наше братство было так недолго но это прекрасное время нельзя забыть.

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You’ve all been briefed on this morning’s run, so I won’t go over it.

Вы все прошли утренний инструктаж, так что не буду повторяться.

You will arrive tomorrow at 1600 for briefing.

Завтра в 16:00 Вам надо прибыть на инструктаж.

Assuming I get the President’s authorisation,… .. the mission briefing will be at 0800 hours.

Только после получения разрешения президента… ..инструктаж в 8.00.

Briefing at 0800 tomorrow.

Инструктаж завтра в 08:00.

I’ll start over. We’re briefing people. To my right, Major Noah, who’s in charge of the rescue unit.

Мы проводим инструктаж, рядом со мной — майор Ноах, командир спасательной части.

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Don’t worry, we won’t take the brief, but an old friend needs help.

Не беспокойтесь, я не возьму это дело, просто Мэйхью давний друг, ему нужна помощь.

Bring that brief to jo ann.

Отнеси дело Джоан.

What, of another brief?

Что, другое дело?

You haven’t even read the brief.

Вы даже не читали дело.

Because the judge ruled on my brief today, and the class action suit against winslow… has been dismissed.

Судья сегодня вел мое дело, и ходатайство против Уинслоу было отклонено.

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As a matter of fact, I was just about to brief him when you rang.

По правде говоря, я как раз хотел проинформировать его, когда вы позвонили.

We are obliged to brief this doctor on the disappearance of Victor Foxtrot.

Мы обязаны проинформировать этого доктора об исчезновении Виктор Фокстрот.

He wants you to brief him.

Он хочет, чтобы вы, чтобы проинформировать его.

I’ll brief you on the way to your aircraft.

Раз с вами все в порядке, сэр, то я хочу проинформировать вас по пути к вашему самолету.

I need to brief you, and they won’t leave your office.

Мне надо проинформировать тебя и они не покинут твой кабинет.

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We’re just paying him a brief call.

Мы к нему ненадолго.

Veranderding went back briefly during summer vacation.

Я заезжал домой ненадолго в летние каникулы.

I’ll be brief, I have to pick up my daughter.

Я ненадолго: мне нужно забрать дочь.

We’ve had to shut down… all Group-7 personnel… just briefly.

Мы закрыли доступ для всех сотрудников с уровнем 7… Ненадолго. Из соображений безопасности.

Briefly, for the sake of the girls.

Ненадолго, ради девочек.

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When I came back, for this was brief I found them close together at blow and thrust even as again they were when you yourself did part them.

Я, вернувшись, — А все это происходило быстро, — Застал их в схватке — ранят, бьют друг друга, Как и при вас, когда вы их разняли.

I do hope the search will be brief, Mr. Advisor.

Надеюсь, поиск завершится быстро, советник.

Vlsiting time was brief.

Время свидания пролетало быстро.

They are shadows, as we are shadows, briefly walking the earth, and soon gone.

Они — тени, все мы — тени, быстро идущие по земле, и быстро уходящие.

Before you came, I looked down. I thought: It’s so easy to die, so brief.

Перед вашим приходом я стояла на этом балконе и думала, что умереть можно быстро и просто.

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English Collocation

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Used with verbs:

«This meeting will be brief.«
(will be, be: was)

«Please keep your questions brief.«
(keep, make)

Used with adverbs:

«Our vacation was extremely brief.«
(extremely, fairly, very)

«Today’s meeting was relatively brief.«
(relatively, comparatively)

Used with nouns:

«We were given a brief account of what happened.«
(account, answer, description, explanation)

«He made a brief appearance on the show.«

«She had a brief career in singing.«

«They had a brief discussion about politics.«
(discussion, exchange, meeting, talk)

«They started the show after a brief introduction.«
(introduction, ceremony)

«She gave a brief outline on the issue.«
(outline, overview, statement, speech, summary)

«They had a brief relationship.«
(relationship, romance)

«For a brief moment, I thought I was having a dream.«
(moment, second)

Previous Word by Letter: bridge

Previous Word by Frequency: boring

Next Word by Frequency: cake

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Briefs are a type of short, snug underwear and swimwear, as opposed to styles where material extends down the thighs. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

These Refugee Backgrounders and Culture Profiles include a population’s history, culture, religion, language, education, and resettlement needs, and brief demographic information.


Co account, you have to answer a very brief questionnaire and then your profile is sent for verification.


For those brief moments in time, everything just feels so light, carefree, and plain amazing.


This article lists all the Marvel characters in all Marvel comics beginning with the letter H followed with a brief paragraph introducing the character.


Scientists from all kinds of fields are asked to submit photographs of themselves and write a brief bit about who they are.


Hope everyone is able to enjoy the brief HEAT SPELL we’ll have in the middle of the week..


A nap time routine should mimic bedtime routines but be more brief.


Dr. Seuss» The Lorax is rated PG by the MPAA for brief mild language.


Even though Jimmy Kimmel encouraged all of the winners to make their speeches brief, most spoke until the orchestra drowned them


I know Spring is just around the corner and she keeps stopping by for brief visits every few days or so, but I have to be honest, it is still really cold here.


to the premises of the Department of the State Security Service (DSS) to access and brief his lawyer in the on-going trial of criminal charges on corruption brought against him.


As a follow up to yesterday’s How to Cloth Diaper Your Baby for $ 50 here is a brief tutorial on how to hand wash flat cloth diapers.


It is neither good nor bad as a film, undoubtedly amusing for its brief run time, but whether it will be remembered shortly after screening is uncertain at best.


I saw the brief post match interview that Sanchez gave during the Confeds Cup.


Following a perhaps inappropriately brief period of reflection, the mainstream media have lighted on a consensus interpretation of these events which many in the Parliamentary Labour Party apparently share.


After a Democratic court move fails, the new Republican-led «coalition» convenes a brief session in the Senate chambers.


You will also see a brief section that may include more personal information about what they are looking for in a relationship too.


As part of the pre-show preparations for the 2016 Chicago Air and Water Show, taking place 20-21 August, we joined the AeroShell Acrobatic Team for a brief flight over Lake Michigan to see their aircraft and experience some of what they experience in over two dozen shows per year.


Typically employed for get-out-the-vote efforts, the surge involves serving up display ads on behalf of a single advertiser on most or all of the Google content network pages generated within a brief period, targeting a specific geographic area.


Interstellar Starring Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway Directed by Christopher Nolan (Dark Knight Trilogy) Rated PG-13 for some intense perilous action and brief strong language


There were brief periods when the old Collide-a-scape blog and Bart Verheggen’s site provided such moments.


The list here is long, but I will try to be as brief as can be.


Can you give brief instructions in chronological order such as: painted two coats french linen, used clear wax and dark wax, followed by dry brushing with french linen & old white, folowwed by protective top coat… or did you wax again?


I believe the quotations, in each case fairly brief, are indicative of the general position of the writers.


A Tesla Model S P100D recently raced a Dodge Demon on a drag and rolling street race, providing a brief idea about…


If you’ve been wondering what’s up with Dr Cate, here’s a brief summary of what’s going on and where you can go to listen to Dr Cate discuss how low-carb, keto, Paleo and foodies can help their vegetarian and vegan friends optimize…


Our research brief Unfair Deal in September 2015 examined the impact on students of the changes to student loan terms announced in the 2015 summer budget.


Fast Track Boxing training consist of HIT (High-Intensity Training) which is a form of progressive resistance exercise characterized by a high level of effort in a brief period of time.


Give brief characteristic about yourself and extended search of new Vilvoorde friends and Vilvoorde singles will begin automatically!


In the years following grad school she worked at the Boca Raton News as a business reporter followed by a brief stint as a press secretary for former Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.).


So committed to her calling is Rebecca that she goes along for the ride, snapping a final shot in the brief moment between her exit and detonation.


Send the final draft of your piece, a proposed headline, brief bio, and links to any other pieces you’ve published to


After a brief little much needed break, Blue Eyed Girl Lacquer is back!


Parent’s guide: R (for language throughout, violence, and some sexual content including brief graphic nudity).


The external facilitators were asked to keep brief monthly notes summarizing the activities pertaining to the school change project that had transpired at their school.


After the pediatrician does the medical checkup, the parenting educator could give a brief talk and Q&A.


During its brief time awake on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the Philae lander documented a diverse world.


His point in this admittedly rather brief aside is that people have always studied literature.


Still, the posts are very brief for beginners.


MPAA Rated: PG-13 for strong thematic material, violence, disturbing images, brief sexuality, and language Running time: 123 min.


The debate over immigration in Congress was a mitigating factor in the brief government shutdown that lifted on Tuesday.


On the latter points, Shih demurred and promised to submit a brief outlining the DOL positions.


Sending an email with an eye-catching subject line — include a brief summary of your message in your header — and making a personal connection in your introduction can boost response rates.


Unfortunately, their brief love affair ended when Nebula gained the Infinity Gauntlet and sent the two across the Galaxy into deep space where she died because she needed to breathe air and he didn’t.


Webinar Recording: Bridging the Gap Between Afterschool and Workforce This webinar focused on two new papers: Afterschool and Workforce: Opportunities for System-Level Alignment, a white paper released by the American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) and Building Workforce Skills in Afterschool, an issue brief released by Afterschool Alliance.


An article in the November issue of the Harvard Health Letter reviewed dozens of experiments conducted over a decade that have shown the value of sleep — including brief catnaps — in improving learning, memory, and creative thinking.


A manager writes a brief thanks to staff, followed by a long diatribe against the traditional Thanksgiving meal: «I just wanted to make sure you know that eating meat isn’t good for you.


As with Parker and Black Panther, Marvel isn’t going to kill an Avenger after one movie (well, two if you count his brief appearance in Thor: Ragnarok).


This 2-minute video offers a brief look at the journey of discovery that children experience making music and movement the Orff-Schulwerk way.


I met up with director Gavin Hood and producer Bob Orci (aka Roberto Orci of K/O Paper Productions) for a brief but invigorating discussion on Ender’s Game and this sci-fi adaptation.


Sentences with the word Brief?



  • «an abbreviated swimsuit»; «a brief bikini»
  • «the explanation was very simple»; «I expected a brief account»
  • «Anyhow, he is dead now»; «I think they’re asleep; anyhow, they’re quiet»; «I don’t know what happened to it; anyway, it’s gone»; «anyway, there is another factor to consider»; «I don’t know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle»; «in any event, the government faced a serious protest»; «but at any rate he got a knighthood for it»
  • «the rookie made a brief appearance in the first period»; «it was Bernhardt’s last appearance in America»
  • «a brief stay in the country»
  • «covered the matter in a brief statement»
  • «The troops carried the town after a brief fight»
  • «too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures»; «the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland»; «the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters»
  • «a short and compendious book»; «a compact style is brief and pithy»; «succinct comparisons»; «a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject»
  • «there was a brief period of conciliation but the fighting soon resumed»
  • «its was a brief and intense courtship»
  • «he still remembers their meeting in Paris»; «there was a brief encounter in the hallway»
  • «his answers were brief, constrained and evasive»; «an evasive statement»
  • «there was a brief kiss of their hands in passing»
  • «brief, mannered and unlifelike idiom»
  • «the nomination was brief and to the point»
  • «the treasurer gave a brief overview of the financial consequences»
  • «the game was interrupted by a brief shower»
  • «tangible evidence»; «his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor»
  • «the play had a long run on Broadway»; «the team enjoyed a brief run of victories»
  • «he got a taste of life on the wild side»; «she enjoyed her brief taste of independence»
  • «on the geological time scale mankind has existed but for a brief moment»

Use the word brief in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use brief in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for brief.

  • There was my brief! (10)
  • A brief silence ensued. (12)
  • Such, in brief, was Tom. (6)
  • She gave him a brief reply. (4)
  • The lady was growing brief. (10)
  • There ensued a brief pause. (13)
  • His reply was low and brief. (10)
  • Her tone was brief; not reassuring. (10)
  • I have obeyed your brief directions. (10)
  • She held a brief for her beloved Ireland. (10)
  • The career of Séguier was brief and bloody. (2)
  • Give a brief résumé of the Council of Trent. (3)
  • James himself had given him his first brief. (8)
  • This is in brief the story of the Guidascarpi. (10)
  • His brief sketch of the creature was repulsive. (10)
  • They punish you in acts: their steps are brief. (10)
  • He was laconic; what he said was brief and sharp. (12)
  • After a brief horrid hesitation, she chose to face Wilfrid. (10)
  • Why, those brief words were the poetry of noble confidence! (10)
  • The brief lines of writing had cut away a lump of her vitality. (10)
  • This happiness was like most others, destined to be a brief one. (6)
  • I drew a brief picture of my state, and asked him what I was to do. (2)
  • It was a brief document, considering the importance of its contents. (13)
  • She said it without sighing: nor was her speech mournful, only brief. (10)
  • At first surgery had attracted him, but that attraction had been brief. (12)
  • In brief, trial by jury was abolished only when it had provoked anarchy. (7)
  • The history of this great disaster to the Union arms is brief and simple. (7)
  • The letter succeeding the omission contained no excuse, and it was brief. (10)
  • But the path they chose robbed her of the hope of a quite brief interview. (12)
  • Shed thy withered grief – But hold not Autumn to thy bale; The eddy of the leaf Must be brief! (10)
  • Brief notes on the journalistic work of the writers are given in the Appendix. (16)
  • Countess Ammiani wrote brief letters from Luino and Pallanza on Lago Maggiore. (10)
  • The fact must be told in brief sentences, with a total absence of emotionality. (9)
  • He had delayed his return, and there had been none of his brief communications. (10)
  • Montcalm, seeing the sands of his life fast running out, despatched a brief reply. (19)
  • We must not write like Clarendon now, even if we could; our sentences must be brief. (2)
  • Now, then, for one last brief explanation, and I leave Munich, never to see her more. (6)
  • Twain made a brief reply which the interpreter translated into a marvellous hunting yarn. (21)
  • The rain still continued, and after a brief pause at Linz we paddled on in search of a camp. (20)
  • Vernon was brief, Corney had not let fly a single anecdote, he said, and lighted his candle. (10)
  • The reaction from our brief but busy visit to Lauingen put us in rather a quiet frame of mind. (20)
  • True conservative policy is not an anodyne hiding away our evil from us in a brief forgetfulness. (14)
  • A brief struggle ensued, the woman trying to free herself, and the man half coaxing, half scolding. (9)
  • After a brief exchange of words your son gave him money again, gold-pieces as well as a bank note. (12)
  • The newspapers, as Hamlet observes of the players, are the abstracts and brief chronicles of the time. (16)
  • In brief, they must try to arouse his horror, or indignation, or pity, or simply his lust for slaughter. (16)
  • She turned to him, and, This you seek is gone; Look in, she said, as pants the furnace, brief, Frost-white. (10)
  • The good news had changed him wonderfully, even in this brief hour, erasing already some lines from his face. (13)
  • After a brief but very animated colloquy, Tom returned, and informed that that all was right; he had secured Daly. (6)
  • He talks almost unceasingly from morning until night in brief but lucid descriptions of the assembly of oddities. (21)
  • The captain was as brief, in ordinary words, whose quick run to the stop could be taken for a challenge of the eye. (10)
  • If, for a brief succession of days, performances have to be abandoned, profits are consumed with a ruining rapidity. (21)
  • He entered into that brief but intense intimacy with the Laphams which the sympathetic architect holds with his clients. (9)
  • The letter was brief, and said simply that the act of which Laxley had been accused, Evan Harrington was responsible for. (10)
  • He had come to Cambridge to see it through the press, and he remained there four or five years, with certain brief absences. (9)
  • As for instance to-day, when he had suspected his client of perjury, and was almost convinced that he must throw up his brief. (8)
  • The note was from Mrs. Blathenoy: she begged Captain Dartrey, in double underlinings of her brief words, to mount the stairs. (10)
  • My enforced residence on the island was, however, too brief to enable me to master the whole subject as I should have liked to do. (7)
  • The two feasts are so near together in point of time that they could be easily covered by the sentiment of even a brief narrative. (9)
  • The occasion was not one for critical judgment, but in the course of his brief speech he made a felicitous point on sonnet writing. (14)
  • It was hardly profitable to be curious about guns which had the trick of the cuttle-fish, and the season of observation had been brief. (1)
  • A brief colloquy between them is going on; the young man seems to be preferring some request which the elder one is indisposed to grant. (1)
  • The latter delivered a brief essay on Gallic blood; the former maintained that Frenchmen were the best judges of their own ways and deeds. (10)
  • The brief invitation had been spread over two pages, and the Colonel had difficulties with the signature which he did not instantly surmount. (9)
  • They were brief, clear and remarkable, not only for their unimpeachable justice, but for their conformity to the fundamental principles of law. (7)
  • One day, shortly after their return to town in the autumn from the brief summer outing they permitted themselves, the Marches met Margaret Vance. (9)
  • Many scraps written by him in circumstances like these used to exist; some of them, though brief, were rich in the simple eloquence of indignation. (2)
  • Those two talking together in the brief words of their deep feeling, had tones that were singularly alike: the mezzo-soprano filial to the divine maternal contralto. (10)

Also see sentences for: abstract, concise, contracted, ephemeral, epitome, precept, sententious.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for brief. Now that you’ve seen how to use brief in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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