Sentence using word benefit

Antonym: damage, lose, loss. Similar words: benefit from, beneath, in effect, bend, bench, fit to, outfit, define. Meaning: [‘benɪfɪt]  n. 1. financial assistance in time of need 2. something that aids or promotes well-being 3. a performance to raise money for a charitable cause. v. 1. derive a benefit from 2. be beneficial for. 

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1. He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 

2. We should never remember the benefit we have offered nor forget the favour received. 

3. If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 

4. He couldn’t see the benefit of arguing any longer.

5. The company plans to beef up our fringe benefit.

6. In any case, we could halve the benefit.

7. For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.

8. It will be to your benefit to arrive early.

9. People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle.

10. People who apply for housing benefit must be means-tested.

11. That was a health programme to benefit everyone.

12. They labour assiduously for the benefit of future generations.

13. Will the AIDS patients benefit by the new drug?

14. Medically, we will derive great benefit from this technique.

15. Chinese people benefit a lot from the open-up policy.

16. It’s for your own benefit.

17. A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy.

18. I’ve had the benefit of a good education.

19. She derived no benefit from the course of drugs.

20. The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.

21. Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.

22. People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.

23. The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.

24. It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health.

25. How differences between men and women might be used for our mu-tual benefit in everything from our relation with one another to a better undrestanding of how our brains work. 

26. I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.

27. Not making a will can have serious consequences for the people you might wish to benefit.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. From an economic point of view ,[] the new development will benefit the town greatly.

29. You need to spend at least a week there to get the full benefit .

30. I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.

More similar words: benefit from, beneath, in effect, bend, bench, fit to, outfit, define, deficit, fit into, fitness, of itself, nonprofit, definition, definitely, gene, scene, the first person, energy, genetic, in the first place, listener, generate, generous, awareness, in general, entrepreneur, generation gap, effectiveness, the general public. 

Benefit is the third album by the British rock band Jethro Tull, released in April 1970. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«There is a process that needs to take place to understand whether or not we need to change the objective of the defined benefit plan.


However, it’s important to emphasize that this was a one-time expense, and the long-term benefits are likely to outweigh the bad.


They offer an extensive range of services, including full lifecycle recruiting, and customers express appreciation for their integration of payroll, benefits and administration.


But even that specific buyer, willing to pay the extra premium, has to know that there is someone else around the corner that is willing to do the same, or else why should they spend all the money, when they can get the same benefits with very attractive agreements.


There are significant benefits to saving money early due to the impact of compounding interest over time.


Check out our top five benefits of Pure Barre below.


You might think mortgage insurance sounds a little unfair, since you pay the premiums but the lender gets the benefits of the coverage.


But if you owned a partnership policy with a maximum benefit of $ 500,000, for example, you will be allowed to keep $ 500,000 of your assets after your long-term-care insurance runs out and still be eligible for Medicaid.


Too many businesses focus on «what is this going to cost me,» rather than, «what are the benefits


Others do not get the same benefit of the doubt.


Traditional VAs offer mutual fund subaccount allocations, living benefits and optional income riders with contract fees typically deducted from the fund performance.


Revelo Bikes Inc.’s LIFEbike is a lightweight, compact, chainless electric bike that allows commuters to combine the environmental benefits of cycling with the convenience and comfort of a scooter.


Plus, benefit from a competitive low interest rate and monthly payment.


Even during the boom, he said, little was done to share the benefits.


In addition, benefits are often extended to employees but not independent contractors, and employers have the right to control how a worker behaves — how to dress, for example, or specific customer interaction protocol — when they’re an employee and not an independent contractor.


Please note that there is no extension of group benefits coverage beyond the termination date for employees with employment agreements that entitle them to additional weeks of notice or pay in lieu of notice beyond the statutory minimum.


At the very least, she insisted that some of the economic benefits of the project would have to flow to B.C., a condition that’s yet to be met.


From the luxury of lounge access to trip delay and rental car coverage benefits, these cards have just about everything you could need!


One of the big benefits of crowdfunding platforms is the ease and convenience of investing and managing your investments online.


A military loan has the great benefit of allowing a purchaser to buy with nothing down.


In the long run, there are significant advantages to homeownership, one of the largest being the mortgage interest deduction, a tax benefit that allows you to deduct mortgage interest payments from your taxable income.


Every case is different, and so you are encouraged, before deciding on a Social Security strategy, to calculate out what the precise benefits will be in your case.


This innovative investment approach offers two distinct benefits.


With a listing on TSXV, an early-stage company benefits from a marketplace — including the exchange, professional advisors, regulatory model and investor base — that understands venture companies.


Private loans are also ineligible for federal loan benefits, such as access to income-driven repayment plans or Public Service Loan Forgiveness.


He must sell NAFTA and multilateralism to Trump, convincing him of the shared benefits.


LendKey markets itself to graduates who are searching for the lowest interest rates but want flexible payment options and decent fringe benefits.


There are other reasons businesses might want to blog, but I think they’re smaller and stray from the core benefits of blogging.


The taxpayer got the benefit of the appreciated value of 25K for each piece of «art», which was probably BS and paid a lot less in taxes.


As Silver Lake Partners» Genn Hutchins pointed out to the Financial Times in a recent interview when making the distinction between the recent pure currency speculation and the promise of the underlying technology benefits [19], Levi Strauss made more money selling jeans in the Klondyke than most prospectors did finding gold.


WESTERN Australian business will reap the benefits of the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre with four major conventions already booked for the proposed facility.


Here is a good passage (via) on the costs and benefits of too-big-to-fail:


Despite being a relatively new company, U-fi has already established a reputation for providing excellent customer service, innovative benefits, and competitive interest rates.


I certainly do not want to be party to proposing the sacrifice of the present generation of the poor for the supposed benefit of future generations.


Note, though, that the cash value is separate from the death benefit of a permanent life insurance policy so, when you pass away, your beneficiaries will typically not receive any of the cash value.


Instead, the call to action should hype a benefit.


On Thursday, Amazon said Prime members will receive additional savings and in-store benefits once Amazon and Whole Foods» technologies are fully integrated.


Once you’ve set up your account, you can see the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid, along with estimates of your future Social Security benefits.


If the entire benefit is claimed, the policy is then terminated.


Just this week, Mondelez International, whose brands include Trident, signaled it would begin putting more emphasis on so-called functional benefits on its products, such as oral care.


What’s more, national chains can more easily offer a better benefits package.


Most startups allocate funds to research and development, website development, intellectual property filings, equipment purchases, advertising campaigns, staff salaries and benefits, debt repayments and inventory buildup.


Find out why 401 (k) s are such a popular way to save for retirement and learn about key features and benefits that make them unique.


As opposed to big-box stores, you can adapt more quickly to changing market conditions and provide better customer service, unique products, and community benefits.


The Public Accounts/Budget also includes the expenses related to Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts, as the government yields ultimate control over these accounts (i.e. it sets the benefits, premium rates etc.).


The latter half of 2015 through 2017, the political backdrop was a major headwind for the entire pharmaceutical supply chain from drug manufacturers to pharmacies/pharmacy benefit managers (i.e., CVS and Walgreens (WBA)-RRB- and the drug wholesalers in-between (i.e. McKesson (MCK), Cardinal Health (CAH) and AmerisourceBergen (ABC)-RRB-.


Rago first had the couple become members of the Riding Club of London, which opened up a host of exclusive benefits.


Finally, once NAFTA negotiations actually began, the U.S. administration all but closed the door on negotiating any kind of mutual benefit.


To that end, I «m pleased to share today that we are undertaking a comprehensive analysis of British Columbia’s economy, and the benefits that we can secure from transitioning to a low carbon economy.


Given the new-share pricing norm of about 23 times earnings, Foxconn should be engineering even greater benefits.


benefit — перевод на русский


As you know, Inspector Brackenreid has joined Mr. Pendrick in his quest to recover a scientific formulation that could be of great benefit to mankind.

Как вам известно, инспектор Бракенрид сопровождает мистера Пендрика, вознамерившегося вернуть свои научные разработки, которые могут принести немалую пользу человечеству.

So she has announced, as smugly as possible, for your benefit, I believe.

Она это объявила, так самодовольно, насколько это возможно. Тебе на пользу.

Dr. Turner, you might use your influence… to benefit these men for once and tell them to get out of here.

Доктор Тернер, можете использовать свое влияние… хотя бы раз на пользу этим людям и велеть им убираться отсюда.

He can make a bad bargain, but it serves to benefit to have such a wayward son.

Он может продешевить, но это служит на пользу чтобы иметь такого своенравного сына.

It will benefit enormously.

Наоборот, принесет огромную пользу.

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on medical advice. As well as the medical dangers the committee in their report considered and then dismissed the possible spiritual benefits of LSD

ѕомимо опасности по мнению медицины, коммитет в своЄм докладе установил и отверг возможные духовные выгоды Ћ—ƒ.

I sincerely expect the greatest mutual benefit from our association, Mr. Spade.

Я искренне ожидаю значительной взаимной выгоды от нашего сотрудничества, мистер Спэйд.

And real cooperation in providing S.I.U. support for those who want the benefits of S.I.U. membership.

И настоящее сотрудничество в обеспечении поддержки МПМ для тех, кто хочет выгоды от членства в МПМ.

Those who have already passed more who already know this life , who have , therefore, seeks to subjugate someone , for his own benefit.

Те, кто уже прошёл больше, кто уже знает эту жизнь, кто уже, значит, стремится кого-то себе подчинить, для своей же выгоды.

The long-term benefits more than offsetting the one-time cost, for a net savings of $5—

Долгосрочные выгоды компенсирующие их цену, помогают сэкономить 5—

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Getting into another dimension provides, as an incidental benefit a kind of x-ray vision.

Путешествие в другое измерение дает неожиданные преимущества, в своем роде, рентгеновское зрение.

You been in the service industry 19 years, and all you make is 16,000, plus benefits?

Вы были в сфере услуг 19 лет, и все, что вам сделать, это 16000, а также преимущества?

They want to sell us the benefits of free trade!

Они хотят продать нам преимущества свободного рынка!


Хотя преимущества увеличения мышечной массы и более грубого голоса очевидны, эти изменения могут спровоцировать некие нежелательные болезни.

But just because they didn’t have the benefit of your Borg upbringing, doesn’t mean we’re going to turn our backs on them.

Но только потому, что у них не было преимущества вашего борговского воспитания, не означает, что мы собираемся отвернуться от них.

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For example there’s a maternity benefit of $200 to help a seafarer and his family.

К примеру, для помощи моряку и его семье имеется пособие по материнству в размере 200$.

And pay the S.I.U.’s weekly hospital benefit of $15 in cash.

И выплатить недельное пособие — 15$ наличными.

The government doesn’t pay a death benefit in cases… of suicide.

Правительство не платит посмертное пособие в случае самоубийства.

— One year’s salary with benefits.

— Годовая зарплата плюс пособие.

I know it’s been hard getting up at 9 am six weeks in a row, but it was either that or have your benefit stopped.

Я знаю, было тяжело вставать в 9 утра шесть недель подряд, но иначе вам бы перестали выплачивать пособие!

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I’ll want it if it’s of benefit to me

Я захочу, если это будет для меня выгодно.

The issue is to know who might benefit from it.

Для этого надо выяснить, кому это выгодно.

But who’d benefit from that?

Но кому это было выгодно?

Many benefits.

Очень выгодно.

It’s like Lenin said, you look for the person who will benefit and, you know…

¬сЄ как Ћенин говорил: ищи того, кому это выгодно. Ќу и ещЄ это, ты пон€лЕ

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Being part of this group, the S.I.U. provides benefits of many kinds to the seafarer and his family, when he is likely to need them most.

Являясь частью этой группы, МПМ предоставляет различные льготы моряку и его семье, когда он наиболее в них нуждается.

Pension. Fringe benefits.

Дополнительные льготы.

UNICEF benefit, I’m on the committee.

Льготы ЮНИСЕФ, я же в комитете.

Another fringe benefit.

Дополнительные льготы.

Of course, there are fringe benefits.

— Есть дополнительные льготы.

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With benefits?

С привилегиями?

Only if we can be friends… with benefits.

Только если мы можем быть друзьями… с привилегиями.

By the 1950s to be a meatpacking worker was like being an auto worker who has a good wage, good benefits, pension.

К 1950-ым быть пакующим мясо рабочим означало быть как работник автомобильной промышленности с хорошей зарплатой, привилегиями и пенсией.

It’s like friends with benefits.

Как друзья с привилегиями

Zones where we’re friends only, Zones where we’re friends with benefits.

Зоны, где мы — только друзья, и зоны, где мы друзья с привилегиями.

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What would happen to it if she knew the cheap trick you played on her for my benefit?

Что будет с ней, когда она узнает, какой дешевый трюк вы сотворили, желая помочь мне.

For instance, if the children will sell ‘May-Day-flowers’ or flowers to benefit the blind; some of them accept to sell 50 or 100 flowers.

Например, если дети продадут цветы, предназначенные для праздника Первого мая, чтобы помочь слепым, одни продадут 50, а другие 100 цветов.

We like to start them around 2 or 3, but I think he can benefit from our training.

Лучше начинать занятия с 2-х или 3-х лет, но я думаю, что мы сможем ему помочь.

Jesus Christ, listen, all of humanity can benefit from this, for Christ’s sake, all we gotta do is take the ball and run with it.

Боже! Послушай, это может помочь всему человечеству. Нам нужно идти дальше.

Nonsense, I’m happy to inconvenience myself for your benefit.

Вздор, я искренне рад вам помочь.

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Ah, yes, but I’m using for his benefit, Della.

Да, но я использую ее для его же блага, Делла.

Even if you’re not gonna soap up at least pretend, for my benefit.

Даже если не используешь мыло хоть притворись, для моего блага.

This is for your benefit, after all.

В конце-концов, все это для вашего же блага.

That was for your benefit.

Это для твоего же блага.

In any case, this is for your own benefit.

Я делаю это ради твоего же блага.

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Great Benefit. You heard of ’em.

Грейт Бенефит, знаете таких?

What I want you to do, I want you to draw up a lawsuit against this Great Benefit, and you put my name on it.

Начнет дела против Грейт Бенефит.

I’m handling your case against Great Benefit. I met you over at the Memphis state law workshop.

Я вас представлял в деле против Грэйт Бенефит.

We’re gonna argue Great Benefit’s motion to dismiss.

Пора взыскать с Грейт Бенефит за невыплату страховки.

I’m here for the Black vs. Great Benefit hearing.

Я пришел на слушание дела Блэйк против Грейт Бенефит.

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  1. Which effectively becomes a one-pass algorithm for higher moments. One,


    ,is that the statistical moment calculations can be carried out to arbitrary
  2. The following» low» tech visual support strategies can be created and used to,


    ,and assist the child in increasing his comprehension skills and thus decreasing
  3. Nervousness and dizziness. There is some evidence low-dose aspirin has,


    ,for reducing the occurrence of migraines in susceptible individuals. Prevention
  4. An AK converted into a guitar. One sold for US$17,000 in a fundraiser held to,


    ,the victims of anti-personnel mines, while another was exhibited at the United
  5. Upon the spiritual and poetic monitions of external nature; and upon the,


    ,to man of a serene mood and a simple way of life. Final years Alcott’s
  6. An assembly of articles entitled Year In, Year Out (which Milne likened to a,


    ,night for the author). He also adapted Kenneth Grahame’s novel The Wind in
  7. ASU) prompted the Arizona Board of Regents to re-evaluate the salary and,


    ,policy for athletic staff. Arizona State Sun Devils football was founded in
  8. The Soul and Barbed Wire» ). The narrative poem The Trail (written without,


    ,of pen or paper in prison and camps between 1947 and 1952) and the 28 poems
  9. Describes Alfonso as a tireless soldier who would sleep in his armor without,


    ,of cover, who responded when asked why he did not take his pleasure from one of
  10. Anthropological bodies often object to the use of anthropology for the,


    ,of the state. Their codes of ethics or statements may proscribe anthropologists
  11. Services and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for mutual,


    , Generally, airline companies are recognized with an air operating certificate
  12. By a recent review. Several trials have indicated that migraine patients,


    ,from acupuncture, although the correct placement of needles seems to be less
  13. Are a compulsory monopoly on the use of force, use their coercive powers to,


    ,some businesses and individuals at the expense of others, create monopolies
  14. And materialism #It is okay for Jews to cheat non-Jews #Jews use their power to,


    ,» their own kind» Gerald Krefeld summarizes the myth as» Jews control the
  15. The other animals, Squealer secretly paints additions to some commandments to,


    ,the pigs while keeping them free of accusations of law-breaking (such as» No
  16. Design, the grapnel is merely a shank with four or more tines. It has a,


    ,in that no matter how it reaches the bottom one or more tines will be aimed to
  17. Transmitter power efficiency of DSB-AM is relatively poor (about 33 %). The,


    ,of this system is that receivers are cheaper to produce. The forms of AM with
  18. Abu Bakr separated from his son Abdul’l-Rahman. His conversion brought the most,


    ,to Islam. Abu Bakr’s brought many people to Islam. He persuaded his intimate
  19. IF-THEN-ELSE, and WHILE-DO, with two more: DO-WHILE and CASE. An additional,


    ,of a structured program will be one that lends itself to proofs of correctness
  20. Duty, while others may not. Pure altruism is giving up a value (a reward or,


    ,) with no expectation of any compensation or


    s, either direct, or
  21. Were used. These tools would have also been easier to transport, which was a,


    ,as people only stayed until the soil’s nutrients were depleted. However
  22. Not get any


    from just knowing how your body works, but rather the true,


    ,of medicine itself is in its practical aspect, since medicine is for the
  23. Periods of above-average rainfall. This would allow crops to be grown without,


    ,of irrigation. At the same time, nearby areas experiencing significantly drier
  24. Several studies have shown that like oats, amaranth seed or oil may be of,


    ,for those with hypertension and cardiovascular disease; regular consumption
  25. And Practical Medicine In Sing goes on to say that you do not get any,


    ,from just knowing how your body works, but rather the true


    of medicine
  26. Significantly increase the failure rates. » A small pilot study has found no,


    ,from packing of simple cutaneous abscesses. Primary closure has
  27. By the state and leased to people who would make whatever use of it that would,


    ,the largest number of people, thus breaking the often-abused power of wealthy
  28. Strike down individual or class action censure of polluters in order to,


    ,» the many «, and legal or economic subsidy of heavy industry is justified by
  29. Was objectionable to those wanting a strong centralized state or expecting to,


    ,from such power. It could not collect customs after the war because tariffs
  30. He supported public education and religious institutions as providing general,


    ,to the society. Finally, he outlined how the government should support the
  31. Self-interested competition in the free market, he argued, would tend to,


    ,society as a whole by keeping prices low, while still building in an incentive
  32. Theodoric died, Attila was in retreat and disarray, and the Romans had the,


    ,of appearing victorious. Invasion of Italy and death Attila returned in 452 to
  33. He was forced to become the murderer in Curtain, although it was for the,


    ,of others; Poirot himself noted that he wanted to kill his victim shortly
  34. To an ethical doctrine that claims that individuals are morally obliged to,


    ,others. Used in this sense, it is the opposite of egoism. The notion of
  35. Were also nationalist parties, because peasants often worked their land for the,


    ,of landlords of different ethnicity. Peasant parties rarely had any power
  36. Reward him for that on the Day of Resurrection. No one’s property has been of,


    ,to me as much as Abu Bakr’s. And if I were to take a Khaled (close friend
  37. And ultimately killing it. Other associated ant species appear to do nothing to,


    ,their hosts. Similar mutualisms with ants occur on Acacia trees in Africa, such
  38. Training) and in a financially disinterested manner. The lack of financial,


    ,can also be seen as a sign of commitment to an activity; and until the 1970s
  39. Of the QC time-history, or the number of points if Delta t is constant. The,


    ,of expressing the statistical moments in terms of gamma is that the Q sets can
  40. Spirit manifested truth; And whoso is enlightened by the Spirit shall obtain,


    ,therefrom; And whoso received not by the Spirit, cannot be


  41. It to all members of the public, establishing the Carnegie Undermine Trust to,


    ,the people of Undermine. A statue of him stands there today. He gave a
  42. Joint and the overall body of the person. Individuals with arthritis can,


    ,from both physical and occupational therapy. In arthritis the joints become
  43. Into the soil by decaying matter. Others, such as nitrogen-fixing legumes,


    ,from symbiotic relationships with phobia which create ammonia from
  44. Is higher than the average for the Caribbean/Latin American region. Rubens,


    ,from a strong primary school education. A segmented secondary school program
  45. In The World as Will and Representation: If the reader has also received the,


    ,of the Vedas, the access to which by means of the Upanishads is in my eyes the
  46. His works would continue to generate interest and be published by and for the,


    ,of both his admirers and his enemies long after death. He did not—I repeat
  47. And claim that the Arabic language was the language revealed by God for the,


    ,of mankind and the original language as a prototype symbolic system of
  48. Which would enable the Auto Union business, under a new owner and with the,


    ,of a rediscovered name, Audi. In 1964 Volkswagen acquired a 50 % holding in the
  49. Metaphysics of Sexual Love «. He also wrote that homosexuality did have the,


    ,of preventing ill-begotten children. Concerning this, he stated,» … the vice
  50. In Oslo, Norway on 10 December 1989. Environment At the same time as they,


    ,from dramatic market growth, countries in Asia face huge sustainability

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

пособие, выгода, польза, прибыль, бенефис, приносить пользу, извлекать, помогать


- преимущество, привилегия
- польза, благо

public benefit — общественное благо
for the benefit of smb. — на благо /в пользу/ кого-л.
for your special benefit — (только) ради вас
to be for the benefit of one’s health — быть полезным для здоровья
to give smb. the benefit of one’s experience [knowledge] — поделиться с кем-л. своим опытом [знаниями]
he gave us the benefit of his advice — он помог нам советом
the book wasn’t of much benefit to me — книга не принесла мне особенной пользы

- выгода; редк. денежная прибыль

to get /to derive/ benefit from smth. — извлекать пользу /выгоду/ из чего-л.

- благодеяние, милость, доброе дело

benefit concert [performance] — благотворительный концерт [-ое представление]
to confer benefits on /upon/ smb. — осыпать кого-л. милостями

- пенсия, пособие (страховое, по безработице, по болезни и т. п.)
- юр. неподсудность
- театр. бенефис (тж. benefit night)
- церк. уст. приход


- приносить пользу, помогать; оказывать благотворное (воз)действие

the sea air will benefit you — морской воздух будет вам полезен

- приносить выгоду, прибыль
- получать пользу, помощь

he benefited by the medicine — лекарство помогло ему

- извлекать выгоду

Мои примеры


the benefits of fresh air and sunshine — польза свежего воздуха и солнечного света  
medicines that benefit thousands of people — лекарства, которые приносят пользу тысячам людей  
the airport’s economic benefit to the region — экономическая польза аэропорта для данного региона  
for the benefit — на благо  
to reap the benefit of smth. — пожинать плоды чего-л.  
to derive / get (a) benefit from smth. — извлечь выгоду из чего-л.  
for smb.’s benefit — для чьего-л. блага  
to give smb. the benefit of the doubt — оправдать кого-л. за недостаточностью улик  
with benefit of clergy — освящённый церковью  
benefit conferred — предоставленная, жалованная привилегия  
to give the benefit of the doubt — оправдать за недостатком улик  
maternity benefit — пособие роженице  

Примеры с переводом

Did you benefit from your holiday?

Вы провели выходные с пользой?

Do you really think she’s doing this for your benefit?

Вы действительно думаете, что она делает это в ваших интересах?

The new plan may benefit many students.

Новый план может принести пользу многим студентам.

Who is eligible for benefit payment?

Кто имеет право на получение пособия?

I think the student will benefit by further study.

Я думаю, что дальнейшие занятия благотворно скажутся на этом студенте.

I think the boy would benefit by further study.

Я думаю, что дальнейшее обучение благотворно скажется на этом мальчике.

Extra few minutes of sleep won’t benefit you as much as a good breakfast.

Лишняя пара минут сна не принесёт вам столько пользы, как полноценный завтрак.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Increased motivation is more than an incidental benefit of reward schemes.

Large firms benefit from economies of scale (=ways of saving money because they are big).

He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.

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Формы слова

I/you/we/they: benefit
he/she/it: benefits
ing ф. (present participle): benefiting or benefi
2-я ф. (past tense): benefited or benefit
3-я ф. (past participle): benefited or benefit

ед. ч.(singular): benefit
мн. ч.(plural): benefits

Definition of Benefit

a payment, advantage, or gift

Examples of Benefit in a sentence

Since I get sick a lot, my health insurance is one work-related benefit I really appreciate.


A healthy skin tone is a benefit that comes from exposure to sunlight.


As a rewards member, I receive the benefit of free Internet when I stay at one of the brand’s hotels.


One benefit of taking vitamins is a stronger immune system.


If there is a benefit to changing phone carriers, I will definitely switch in order to gain an advantage.


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Used with adjectives:

«His height was a great benefit for playing basketball.«
(great, considerable, enormous, huge, significant)

«The positive benefit of my injury is I finally get some rest.«
(positive, unexpected)

«This machine has proven benefits.«
(proven, practical, long-term, short-term, direct, indirect, lasting, potential)

«This car’s fuel mileage is an added benefit.«
(added, additional, extra)

«Carpooling to work can provide mutual benefits.«

«This discovery will have great environmental benefits.«
(environmental, educational, financial, nutritional, psychological, social, therapeutic, economic, health)

«She only helps people if it results in personal benefit.«

«This job provides fringe benefits.«
(fringe, tax, employee, tax, retirement)

«She’s now receiving welfare benefits.«
(welfare, child, disability, health-care, housing, social-security, retirement, unemployment)

Used with verbs:

«We are enjoying the benefit of these extra vacation days.«
(be + enjoying, be + experiencing, be + reaping, be + having)

«The farmers are reaping the benefits of extra rain.«
(be + reaping, be + receiving, be + getting, be + seeing)

«This position provides added benefits.«
(provides, offers, yields, delivers, brings)

«The salesperson highlighted the benefits of this particular car model.«
(highlighted, outlined, described, mentioned)

«Now I can appreciate the benefits of having family nearby.«
(appreciate, see, recognize, admit)

«We need to evaluate the benefits of both options.«
(evaluate, weigh, discus, measure)

«The company decided to extend its benefits to all employees.«
(extend, offer)

«He collects benefit checks every month.«
(collects, receives, claims, be + eligible for, qualifies for, draws, gets, be + paid)

Used with prepositions:

«She only does things for her own benefit.«

«What is the benefit to the employees?«

«Some countries do not have the benefits of good health care.«

«They are working without good employment benefits.«
(without, with)

«She is enjoying the benefit from being a business owner.«
(from, of)

Used with nouns:

«She received a benefits plan when she was hired.«
(plan, package)

  • Use the word benefit in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Since the days are getting chillier now… and we are not, alas, settled in a home of our own… my sister feels we might benefit by travel to a warmer clime.

But as for the Supreme Court decision in Kelo, public benefit is determined on a quantitative, not qualitative basis.

I just thought that you’d feel less offended and be a little bit more understanding if I told you that I did what I did for your benefit sake.

Ms. Tae told me that she was leaving for the sake of her own benefit.

I want to give it the benefit of my experience. Mmm!

Let the serfs benefit from all our doings!

Others, however, had the benefit of the creation of an exuberant life.

Dr. Bess Mensendieck, an American female doctor, has developed a specific exercise for the benefit of the female body.

The benefit of good physical training:

«And he wouldn’t even give me the benefit of the doubt!»

Could you reveal the past of another person without it being a benefit to anyone?

And I want you to benefit by my experience.

We shall drink to an affiliation which will prove, I am sure, a pleasure and a benefit to us both.

I really only carry them for the benefit of the less fortunate.

And when I die, who will benefit by it?

Crimes that benefit no one, whose only objective is to inspire fear and terror.»

You see, we’re having a little trouble getting stuff in European publications. And I feel sure that if the Marquis will give us the benefit of his continental training, I’d certainly appreciate ÔÇô

Uh, we’re only here in behalf of the Policeman’s benefit Ball.

Otherwise we will get forth unemployment benefit.

People say, «Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor.»

Yeah, a benefit performance.

For the benefit of the stars? — Ha-ha-ha.

You’re only showing’ off for my benefit.

You will benefit by the country air and complete seclusion of your new surroundings.»

The opera house is sold out tonight, but for your benefit I have ordered 100 more chairs.

For the benefit of all those who do not know me, I am the Great McGonigle.

Huh. Well, how about giving these beans the benefit of your talents?

We will be most grateful for the benefit of such assistance… as you may be able to offer.

It’s a benefit performance.

He’s been called mad or I shouldn’t have the benefit of his society.

But I… I like to see each and every one of you derive the full benefit… of your enterprise.

A benefit for the milk fund.

I tell you, I gave Gypo the benefit of every doubt, every chance.

And I won’t benefit by it any longer.

The rest of the world will benefit.

Just wait until you boys ask me to do another benefit for you.

I’ll set out with only five pounds. And without driving the slightest benefit from my name, money or present position,

On the other hand, if there is the slightest doubt in your minds as to the prisoner’s guilt, you must give him the benefit of that doubt and find him not guilty.

I want to do you a benefit.

The greatest benefit one man can do another.

You mean, this is not a gag just for my benefit?

This has all been done for your special benefit.

Jones vindicated his errors, and I say that the soil of Texas shall be all the more fertile for the blood he shed to the benefit of those who come after him.

For the benefit of our new members, I remind you the ace of clubs designates the executioner, The ace of spades, the card of death,

Add 100 points benefit night for me.

I want to thank Your Honor for permissi├│n to have the scene… in Otto Krayler’s home reenacted for the benefit of the jury.

That he willfully and brutally put to death eight of his men without giving them benefit of trial.

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