Sentence using the word wednesday

Wednesday — перевод на русский


On Wednesday I go roller— skating.

В среду я катаюсь на роликовых коньках.

On Wednesday, a Hussar

Ну а в среду был гусар

Well, the point is, we were married on Wednesday instead of Tuesday.

Суть в том, что нас поженили в среду, а не во вторник.

Wednesday, Thursday at the latest, they’ll be in Paris.

В среду, самое позднее четверг, они будут в Париже.

Never on a Wednesday night.

Только не в среду.

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It’s Wednesday, you know.

Сегодня среда, вы знаете.

This is Wednesday, you know.

Ты ведь знаешь, сегодня среда.

Taylor said it was Wednesday.

Тэйлор сказал, что сегодня среда.

But it is Wednesday. — He’s not here.

Но сегодня среда, его здесь нет.

This is Wednesday.

Сегодня среда.

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This whole thing came to a head because last wednesday he was supposed to go swimming with the varsity club. Instead, he went down to the beach with some faculty wives.

Мне пришло это в голову, потому что в прошлую среду он должен был идти плавать со школьным спортивным клубом, а вместо этого он пошёл на пляж, к жёнам преподавателей!

And it was last Wednesday that it all started.

Всё началось в прошлую среду.

His wife, this guy says, was kidnapped last Wednesday.

Мужик говорит, что жену Линдегарда похитили в прошлую среду.

-On Wednesday.

В прошлую среду.

Look, this kind of insubordination is precisely the reason you were overlooked for promotion last Wednesday.

Послушайте, именно такая инсубординация была причиной того, что вам было отказано в повышении должности в прошлую среду. Ясно.

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Next Wednesday I emerge from this… plaster cocoon.

Я вылуплюсь из этого гипсового кокона в следующую среду.

Those 2000 men on Kheros will die next Wednesday morning unless somebody climbs the cliff.

2000 человек на Керосе погибнут утром в следующую среду, если не залезть на этот утёс.

Because next Wednesday, you’re leaving for our office in Paris.

Потому что в следующую среду, Вы отправляетесь в наш офис в Париже.

I’ll be 30 next Wednesday and I won’t have many more chances in life.»

В следующую среду мне исполнится 30 и быть может у меня больше не будет шанса в моей жизни»

Also, I was hoping you could come to lunch next Wednesday.

Я также надеялась, что вы придете на обед в следующую среду.

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Wednesday adores the Bermuda Triangle.

Вэнсди боготворит Бермудский Треугольник

I’m Susan Firkins. I’m Wednesday’s teacher.

Я Сьюзен Фиркинс, учительница Вэнсди.

Wednesday’s told us so much about you.

Вэнсди так много говорила о Вас.

Wednesday is an excellent student, but, frankly, I’m concerned.

Вэнсди прекрасно учится, но, честно говоря, я слегка беспокоюсь.

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I won’t be back until Wednesday.

Я не вернусь до четверга.

We don’t need to go till Wednesday.

Мы можем остаться до четверга.

Would… Would you… Would you like to… to stay till… till Wednesday?

Значит можете….ээ.. остаться до четверга?

If I’m going to be here till Wednesday, I can get cracking on this sink!

раз уж я остаюсь тут до четверга, займусь-ка этой раковиной!

See you Wednesday!

До четверга!

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Remember Wednesday when you asked me if I saw that half bottle of gin on the bar?

≈сли помните, во вторник вы спросили мен€, куда делось полбутылки джина из бара?

It doesn’t matter to him if he dies on wednesday or friday.

Ему ведь всё равно, когда умирать: во вторник или пятницу!

You can pitch on Wednesday.

Ты можешь начать во вторник.

— See ya on Wednesday.

— Увидимся во вторник.

He wants us to put everything into search-and-seizures… and hit the projects Wednesday afternoon.

Он хочет, чтобы мы перешли к обыскам и облавам… и нанесли удар по трущобам во вторник утром.

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[Morticia] Wednesday, look at all of the other children-— their freckles, their bright little eyes, their eager, friendly smiles.

Аромат сосен Венсди посмотри на других детей— Их веснушки их радостные глаза их дружелюбные улыбки

Wednesday’s at that very special age when a girl has only one thing on her mind.

А эта маленькая девочка. Венсди сейчас в том возрасте когда у девочек только одна вещь на уме

Wednesday, you have to continue the ghost story.

— Ох. Венсди, Ты должна продолжить историю.

Wednesday Addams.

Венсди Адамс.

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What day is today? Wednesday

— Какой сегодня день?

This false report appeared on Ash Wednesday and the message said she’d die by the end of it.

Ложное известие появилось в день мессы. И в письме было написано: ты умрешь до первой мессы.

Today is Wednesday. It’s «anything can happen» day.

День, когда случается, что угодно.

I’m in court all day Wednesday,

Я буду весь день в суде.

Except for Wednesday nights.

Репетируем каждый день.

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— Did you see them on Wednesday?

— Ты видел в пятницу показ? — Неа.

At practice on Wednesday, Trey cracked his ride all to hell.

На тренировке в пятницу он разбил машину вдребезги.

I’m afraid my car was stolen from Oxford station on Wednesday.

Боюсь, моя машина была угнана от станции Оксфорда в пятницу.

«They meet Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the early afternoon.»

Они встречаются по вторникам и пятницам сразу после полудня…

-Okay, we’ll do that. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3.

— По понедельникам и пятницам.

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  • Use the word Wednesday in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Christine Daa├® will sing the role of «Marguerite», wednesday night!

wednesday evening you will hear her singing!»

wednesday night found Mlle. Carlotta strangely ill, and Christine Daae singing «Marguerite’.

You will be at the Bazaar on wednesday.

I wouldn’t even bother to put it in the bank, because we want to give it to Mr. Durkin on wednesday.

Bill Lawgen — And Mary Syer Last wednesday man and wife became

Bill Lawgen and Mary Syer Last wednesday man and wife became

The committee invites you to Mr. Flott’s reception wednesday at 8 o’clock in front of the Grand Hotel.

I went to Aix as I do every wednesday.

You go to Aix every wednesday? — To see my sister.

I can hardly believe it’s wednesday already.

She won’t be home until wednesday.

I always get a letter on wednesday.

Look. Two of them, since last wednesday. — All by myself.

Anna B├Ânike, born 28 June 1911, in Berlin; residence in Berlin, 27Trift St, single,occupation-worker, group 52,date 11 Jan. 1932, form no.4879, payday wednesday

«Leaving for New York next wednesday.

I leave from Rio wednesday and it takes 21 days to get here.

Speaking of fun I’m thinking of arranging a little party for next wednesday.

wednesday, he go to the ball game, but we fool him!

wednesday night, 7 to 8:45, Thorne had dinner at the Red Onion Cafe with Miss Joyce.»

We will deliver the card to Miss Tira on wednesday.

wednesday night at 8 o’clock.

Good night, honey, I’ll see you wednesday.

skin ┬┐Robaste last wednesday?

Will next wednesday suit you ?

Grigory, army council for next wednesday.

And wednesday afternoon we’re going to meet again… he said… but before that, he’ll phone… or he’ll write.

I thought that you must be especially happy today… because yesterday was wednesday.

wednesday was the happiest day of my life.

Monday, Tuesday, wednesday, Thursday…

Monday, Tuesday, wednesday… — On wednesday !


wednesday. WHAT YOU HAULIN’?

I usually have my hair cut on wednesday.

But I’ll save wednesday for you.

Holy smokes, haven’t we a date for next wednesday?

All right, this is wednesday.

«Sailing Aquitania wednesday.

«Yale University cordially invites Texas State University to play its football team… on wednesday, November 11.»

wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday…

Next wednesday at five o’clock at the Grand Duchess.

I’ll be in Paris next wednesday.

I’ll be there wednesday at five o’clock.

It, er… It must have been wednesday.

In terms of spelling, Old English Wōdnes dæg (Woden’s day), mutated into Wēdnesdæg, then Middle English Wednesdai, which became Wednesday.

In terms of pronunciation, there were multiple paths to the simplified pronunciation. Besides English, for example, Old Frisian wōnsdei, and Middle Dutch wōdensdach became Dutch woensdag. When honoring of mythical gods stopped being a thing, there was a natural tendency to simplify pronunciation.

Once the modern spelling became established, there was not a push to modify it when it could simply be pronounced differently.

source: American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition, Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition, and Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, all via

An example of what a drought can do!
Wow, what a drought!

When you move to California, you will immediately hear people using the word “drought.” What does it mean?




Drought Definition: a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this.

synonyms: dry spell, lack of rain, shortage of water

source: Google

Example sentences:

It hasn’t rained in California for so long, the drought is turning the state into a dessert.

The drought killed all of our crops!

Drought can also be used more creatively…

Example Sentence:

I’m in such a drought right now, no one is giving me any business!

My love-life is in a drought, I need a boyfriend to give me life again!

At the time of this writing, we are happy to say that all the recent rain has pulled California out of a drought!

Can you make a sentence using the word drought? Give it a try!

Упражнения на пропущенные предлоги английского языка уровня elementary

Итак, сегодняшний наш материал посвящен английским предлогам, а точнее, уже практике и проверки заданий этой темы. Выполните упражнения на пропущенные предлоги английского языка, вставьте нужный предлог там, где это необходимо.

Данные тесты рассчитаны на учеников уровней elementary и pre-intermediate, а также отлично подойдет, как практическое задание для всех, кто изучает английский язык самостоятельно.

Тренируемся правильно употреблять английские предлоги


  • Задание на английские предлоги
  • Задание на английские предлоги 2
  • Задание на английские предлоги 3
  • Prepositions 1
  • Prepositions 2
  • Prepositions 3

Задание на английские предлоги

Заполните недостающие предлоги в следующих предложениях:


I met my husband

a party


Sally has been a teacher

three years.


Many Swedes are good



Anne is 25-years-old. but she still lives

her parents.


See you


7 o’clock.


We are having a big party

New Year’s Eve.


Shall we go

the cinema tonight


I got a tie

my girlfriend



Shall we ring

a taxi?

Задание на английские предлоги 2

Продолжаем заполнять недостающие предлоги:


I must introduce you

my cousin.


Don’t eat sweets, they’re bad

your teeth.


I haven’t been to the cinema



Would you like a piece of cake

your cofFee?


How often do you borrow books

the library?


Yes, you’re right, Jane. I agree



Cheers! Let’s drink

your success.


Can you look

the children tonight? I have to go to a meeting.


My children are looking forward



My brother is living

a French girl.

Задание на английские предлоги 3

И еще немного, продолжаем заполнять недостающие предлоги:


Look at the exercise

the bottom of page 17.


We went to Swansea



Do you usually have a party

your birthday?


He put a ladder up

the wall.


I’m really longing

the holidays.


What time did you arrive



There is a bus stop

the end of the road.


My sister is afraid


Выполните следующие упражнения:

Prepositions 1

Заполните недостающие предлоги в следующих предложениях:


I’m very interested



Would you like some wine

the meal?


I’ve been learning English

two years.


I went to Stockholm



I bought my son a bicycle

his birthday.


My grandfather was in the army

the War.


He lives

the corner of Green Street and Links Road.

Prepositions 2

Продолжайте заполнять недостающие предлоги в предложениях:


Why are you

such a bad mood today?


Where are you going

your holidays?


Don’t speak

him now; he is not feeling very well.


My wife has just been



That’s really typical

John. He says he’ll come but he never turns up.


I’ve know him

many years now.


I must be home

11.30 at the latest.


My children are really looking forward


Prepositions 3

И еще немного недостающих предлогов


Do you usually have a holiday



I haven’t seen John

he got married.


What time do you usually get up

the mornings?


My son’s really afraid



I’m afraid I’m not very good



See you

4 o’clock, then.


There’s no point

saving nowadays, is there?

Возможно будут интересны другие упражнения:

  • Лексические упражнения на части речи
  • Лексическое задание английского языка уровня elementary
  • Найдите лишнее слово

Ну как, получилось с первого раза без ошибок? Если нет, то рекомендуем проходить тест пока не освоите данную тему и не будете делать ошибки.

Удачи в изучении английского языка!

Просмотры: 6 087

Английский язык, 4 класс

Урок № 4, Work and play! (раздел Будние дни)

Цели урока:

Познакомиться с видами спорта, названиями дней недели, наречиями времени, времени суток и глаголом have to.

Задачи урока:

Научиться говорить о видах спорта и о том, как часто они ими занимаются. Научиться задавать вопрос «Сколько сейчас времени?» и давать на него грамотный ответ. Научиться использовать глагол have to в предложениях. Закрепить фразы по теме урока. Развить навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма.


Ведение этикетного диалога о спорте, времени, днях недели и любимых занятиях в распорядке дня. Использование конструкции have to. Лексические единицы по теме урока.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Мы узнаем названия видов спорта, дней недель и сможем их использовать в речи. Мы научимся использовать наречия времени и глагол have to.

Учебник (учебник, которому соответствует урок):

Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс Английский язык. 4 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М.: Просвещение, 2018. — (Английский в фокусе)

In this lesson

  • You will listen, read, and speak about your everyday life, sport, and time.
  • You will learn to describe your day, using the adverbs of frequency.
  • You will learn to ask and answer the questions “what time is it?”.
  • You will learn to use the verb have to.
  • Ключевые слова: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Volleyball, tennis, badminton, hockey, table tennis, baseball. What time is it? Have to/don’t have to. Once/ Twice a week, three/four times a week.

Блок 3. Тестовые вопросы.

Task 1. Match the parts to make the sentences. (Установление соответствия). На экране два столбца. Ребенок их соединяет линиями.

  1. badminton
  2. baseball
  3. hockey
  4. tennis
  5. volleyball
  6. волейбол
  7. теннис
  8. бадминтон
  9. хоккей
  10. бейсбол


1 с

2 е

3 d

4 b

5 a

Task 2. Put the days of the week in the correct order. (Восстановление последовательности элементов горизонтальное)

Friday, Tuesday, Sunday, Saturday, Wednesday, Monday, Thursday

Ответы: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Task 3. Find and circle the words. (Филворд)












table tennis


Task 4. Tick the answer (единичный выбор — тип маркера ответа: check box (галочка))

1. They ________ wear a uniform at school.

has to

have to

2. My sister ________ work at night.

have to

has to

3. He ________ be polite at the lessons.

has to

have to

4. Sue ________ do her homework every day.

has to

have to

5. We ________ go to work on Sundays.

have to

has to


  1. have to
  2. has to
  3. has to
  4. has to
  5. have to

Task 5. Choose the correct answer. (выбор из выпадающего списка)

  1. My parents have/has to wear a uniform at work.
  2. I don’t/doesn’t have to wash the dishes after dinner.
  3. Peter don’t/doesn’t have to go to school today.
  4. Sam have/has to go to work on Sunday.
  5. Tim have/has to write a lot of emails.


  1. have to
  2. don’t
  3. doesn’t
  4. has
  5. has

Task 6. Write the words under the pictures. (добавление подписей к изображениям)

(Дать символические изображения следующих видов спорта под номерами: 1 настольный теннис, 2 баскетбол, 3 хоккей, 4 бадминтон, 5 волейбол)




table tennis




1 table tennis

2 basketball

3 hockey

4 badminton

5 volleyball

Task 7. Write the time. (ввод с клавиатуры)

Ученик впечатывает в пропуски соответствующее время в числовом формате.

  1. It’s quarter to six. ___________
  2. It’s half past seven. ___________
  3. It’s five o’clock. ____________
  4. It’s half past three. ____________
  5. It’s quarter past eight. ________

Ответы: Внимание! Предусмотреть 2 варианта ответов!

  1. 5:45 (17:45)
  2. 7:30 (19:30)
  3. 5:00 (17:00)
  4. 3:30 (15:30)
  5. 8:15 (20:15)

Task 8. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажёр)

Ученик ставит буквы в словах в правильный порядок и впечатывает их в клеточки.

1. dyanom _ _ _ _ _ _

2. hsrtuday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. evbolllyla _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. heckoy _ _ _ _ _ _

5. lealsabb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. Monday
  2. Thursday
  3. volleyball
  4. hockey
  5. baseball

Task 9. What time is it? Look and match. (установление соответствий).

На экране картинки циферблатов часов с указанным временем (время указано ниже в двойных скобках). Ребенок перетаскивает время к соответствующему циферблату.






quarter to twelve

half past seven

quarter past nine

half past ten

three o’clock


((9:15)) quarter past nine

((15:00)) three o’clock

((7:30)) half past seven

((11:45)) quarter to twelve

((22:30)) half past ten

Task 10. Put the words in the correct order. (восстановление последовательности)

  1. sister/a month/goes/My/two/shopping/times.
  2. three/I/wash/a week/times/the dishes.
  3. Tom/holiday/goes/on/a year/once.
  4. a week/works/five/hospital/The nurse/times/at a.
  5. table/tennis/a month/play/once/We.


  1. My sister goes shopping two times a month.
  2. I wash the dishes three times a week.
  3. Tom goes on holiday once a year.
  4. The nurse works at a hospital five times a week.
  5. We play table tennis once a month.

Task 11. Fill in the crossword. (английский кроссворд)

По горизонтали

5. The first day of the week.

6. You will need a long bat and a ball for this game.

7. You have to be tall to play it.

По вертикали

1. You usually play it on ice.

2. The last day of the weekend.

3. The fifth day of the week.

4. You need a long net to play it. It is a popular game on the beach.


По горизонтали

5. Monday

6. baseball

7. basketball

По вертикали

1. hockey

2. Sunday

3. Friday

4. volleyball

Task 12. Colour the answer.

(выделение цветом ответа)

I’m Mike and I’ve got a lot of friends. My friends always help their parents about the house. Sandra has to/doesn’t have to go shopping and wash the dishes. She has to/doesn’t have to clean her room because her sister does it once a week. Tim have to/has to wash their car and clean his room. He has to/doesn’t have to wash the dishes or go shopping. Tina makes breakfast for her little sister and plays with her when her mum cooks in the kitchen.

I have to/has to clean my room twice a week. I don’t have to go shopping.


has to

doesn’t have to

has to

doesn’t have to

have to

Task 13. How often do they play sports during the week? Write the sentences. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Sara – tennis – four times
  2. John – baseball – three times
  3. Peter – hockey – twice
  4. Sam – basketball – once
  5. Jane – volleyball – five times


  1. Sara plays tennis four times a week.
  2. John plays baseball three times a week.
  3. Peter plays hockey twice a week.
  4. Sam plays basketball once a week.
  5. Jane plays volleyball five times a week.

Task 14. Write the sentences in English.

(ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Сколько времени? Без пятнадцати два. ____________
  2. Я играю в настольный теннис два раза в неделю. ____________
  3. Половина девятого. Папе нужно приготовить ужин. ____________
  4. Они играют в хоккей раз в месяц. ____________
  5. Я играю в настольный теннис два раза в неделю. ____________


  1. What time is it? It’s quarter to two.
  2. I play table tennis twice a week.
  3. It’s half past eight. Dad has to cook supper.
  4. They play hockey once a month.
  5. I play table tennis twice a week.

Блок 4. Контрольный модуль.

Вариант 1

Task 1. Write the missing letters. (ввод с клавиатуры пропущенных букв)












Task 2. Tick the answer (единичный выбор)

1. Mark ________ do his homework every day.

has to

have to

2. Pupils ________ be quiet at the lessons.

has to

have to

3. We ________ wear a uniform at school.

has to

have to

4. My mum ________ go to work on Saturdays.

have to

has to

5. Children ________ sleep at night.

have to

has to


  1. has to
  2. have to
  3. have to
  4. has to
  5. have to

Task 3. Look and choose. (выбор из выпадающего списка)

  1. wash the dishes ✓
  2. wear a uniform ✗
  3. clean his room ✓
  4. wash the tortoise✗
  5. do our homework ✓
  6. Jack has to/doesn’t have to wash the dishes.
  7. I have to/don’t have to wear a uniform.
  8. My brother has to/doesn’t have to clean his room.
  9. Mum has to/doesn’t have to wash the tortoise.
  10. We have to/don’t have to do our homework.


1 has to

2 don’t have to

3 has to

4 has to

5 have to

Вариант 2

Task 1. Make the words out of the letters. (восстановление последовательности элементов)












Task 2. Make the sentences negative (use have/has to). (ввод с клавиатуры).

  1. He ________ cook supper.
  2. I ________ get up early on Sundays.
  3. My sister ________ wash the dishes.
  4. They ________ go to work on Sunday.
  5. We ________ study at night.


  1. doesn’t have to
  2. don’t have to
  3. doesn’t have to
  4. don’t have to
  5. don’t have to

Task 3. Choose the correct word. (выбор из выпадающего списка)

  1. ((5:00)) It’s five zero/o’clock.
  2. ((16:15)) It’s quarter to/past four.
  3. ((15:30)) It’s half past four/three.
  4. ((18:45)) It’s quarter to/past seven.
  5. ((20:30)) It’s half past eight/nine.


  1. o’clock
  2. past
  3. three
  4. to
  5. eight

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