Sentence using the word talented

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word talented, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use talented in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «talented».

Talented in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word talented in a sentence.

  1. Dunglass was a talented sportsman.

  2. Martin), a talented black baseball player.

  3. She is by far the most talented youngster I’ve ever heard.

  4. Lansbury was a talented politician, speaker, and organizer.

  5. His wife, Clara, a former pupil, was a talented singer and pianist.

  6. He’s one of the most talented vocalists in the history of vocalists.

  7. Claris is a talented singer and her ambition is to perform on stage.

  8. Stone was able to recognize and mentor talented people for his crew.

  9. Joyce was a talented tenor and explored becoming a musical performer.

  10. He was a talented student and won a scholarship in counterpoint in 1891.

  11. Kenyatta has also been described as a talented orator, author, and editor.

  12. The Iberian horse was identified as a talented war horse as early as 450 BCE.

  13. He is a very talented young man who studied for a year under Rimsky-Korsakov.

  14. He was young for a holder of the position, but was known as a talented scholar.

  15. Rimsky-Korsakov felt talented students needed little formal dictated instruction.

  16. In 2012, Rolling Stone called Lawrence «the most talented young actress in America».

  17. Under Grindal, a talented and skilful tutor, she also progressed in French and Greek.

  18. The 1940s team included the talented Gunnar Gren, who became the top scorer in 1946–47.

  19. A talented dancer, he was cast as Wang San, Ta’s thoroughly Americanized younger brother.

  20. Edith Britten was a talented amateur musician and secretary of the Lowestoft Musical Society.

  21. The Observer commented, «…we have authors and musicians quite as talented as [the French]…

  22. Dance historian Marian Hannah Winter argues that Juba was simply too talented to be held back.

  23. I was a talented boy, God knows, and, when washed and smarmed down a bit, passably attractive.

  24. Between 1904 and 1980, mainly attacking Belgium players were recognised as talented footballers.

  25. In addition, Auerbach had already used his territorial pick to acquire talented forward Tom Heinsohn.

  26. Fleury’s dad was a talented man who could play a variety of instruments, such as the piano and guitar.

  27. He travelled the country trying to find players who were talented and willing to spend a year on tour.

  28. He came to be regarded as a highly talented but unpredictable performer, who usually raced in a visor.

  29. Steve New was considered the one talented guitarist to have tried out and the band invited him to join.

  30. O’Brien’s sister Ann was a talented swimmer in her childhood years, but she preferred horseback riding.

  31. The Prince, who was himself a talented musician, moved close to the keyboard to view Chopin’s technique.

  32. Moore regarded him as one of the most talented British painters of the 1820s, if inconsistent in quality.

  33. Studying in Maryland and Rome, Ryder proved to be a talented student of theology and was made a professor.

  34. Adams describes Isabeau as a talented diplomat who navigated court politics with ease, grace and charisma.

  35. He was a talented musician, and took part in the artistic, literary, and scientific activities in the town.

  36. Gerald of Wales said that Coutances was dedicated to learning, and considered him to be a talented courtier.

  37. A talented all-round player and champion sprinter, Gould could side-step and kick expertly with either foot.

  38. Edison assigned Dickson, one of his most talented employees, to the job of making the Kinetoscope a reality.

  39. Moore has been described by the media as one of the most talented and accomplished actresses of her generation.

  40. Louise was the most artistically talented of Queen Victoria’s daughters and was a prolific artist and sculptor.

  41. A talented batsman, he once topped the season’s batting averages ahead of former Australian captain Bob Simpson.

  42. Biographer Elizabeth Drew summarized Nixon as a «smart, talented man, but most peculiar and haunted of presidents».

  43. It portrays Hollywood as crass and exploitative, devouring talented individuals in its neverending quest for profit.

  44. From her early years, Louise was a talented and intelligent child, and her artistic talents were quickly recognised.

  45. An avid Red Hot Chili Peppers fan, Frusciante was, according to Flea, «a really talented and knowledgeable musician.

  46. The talented and famous furniture makers of Newport, Rhode Island Job, Christopher, John and Edmund descend from him.

  47. Though also a talented swimmer, she was forced to make a choice between the two sports, and ultimately chose netball.

  48. Thornton agreed to let his talented younger brother continue his education, a sacrifice that Hobey Baker never forgot.

  49. She was very talented: played the piano exquisitively, had a distinct gift for drawing and painting in water-colours ..

  50. News agencies sent some of their most talented writers, as it was the first major American combat operation of the war.

Synonyms for talented

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word talented has the following synonyms: gifted.

General information about «talented» example sentences

The example sentences for the word talented that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «talented» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «talented».

талантливый, одаренный, даровитый


- талантливый, одарённый

Мои примеры


a very skilled and talented writer — очень умелый и талантливый литератор  
an actor who is a talented mime — актёр, который является талантливым мимом  
gifted / talented artist — талантливый артист  
talented author — талантливый писатель  
to patronize talented artists — оказывать поддержку талантливым художникам  
talented orator — талантливый оратор  
the few talented — немногие талантливые  
talented musician — талантливый музыкант  
prodigiously talented nut — необычайно талантливый, но неуравновешенный человек  
insufficiently talented — малоодарённый; малодаровитый  
talented athlete — одарённый спортсмен  
very talented — высокоодарённый  

Примеры с переводом

She’s a very talented musician.

Она очень талантливый музыкант.

She’s a very talented individual.

Она очень талантливый человек.

He’s a talented architect but a poor diplomat.

Он талантливый архитектор, но плохой дипломат.

I have no musical talent.

У меня нет музыкальных способностей.

The team has recruited some of the best talent around.

В этой команде собраны одни из самых больших талантов.

Most young talented players are determined to turn pro.

Большинство талантливых молодых игроков полны решимости стать профессионалами.

She’s a talented singer and also a fine actress.

Она талантливая певица, да ещё и хорошая актриса.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She has a job that makes the most of her talents.

We have great hopes of her — she’s very talented.

Her artistic talent has been obvious ever since she was a child.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

talent  — талант, талантливость, дар, одаренность, способность, талантливый человек
talentless  — бездарный, лишенный таланта

Definition of Talented

having above average or a surprising skill at an activity

Examples of Talented in a sentence

Even though Vincent van Gogh was an extremely talented artist, he only sold one painting during his lifetime.


The talented young pianist mastered Mozart and Beethoven’s hardest pieces by the time he was five years old.


The talented baker made it to the finale of The Great British Bake Off.


Mandy was a talented makeup artist whose skills were sought after by major celebrities and designers.


The talented swimmer was already beating records by the time he turned five and qualified for the Junior Olympics.


Other words in the Positive Connotation category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

talented — перевод на русский


«Do you think I can’t guess why Bielecki’s talent has so unexpectedly developed?»

«Вы думаете, что я не догадываюсь, почему талант Белецкого так неожиданно раскрылся?»

…and he’s got talent.

И у него есть талант.

You are very talented

У тебя большой талант

-A lithograph, with unique talent.

— Литографом, исключительный талант.

Because it takes talent.

Здесь нужен талант.

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You have a very talented husband.

У вас очень талантливый муж.

On that note, it takes equal talent to perform farces and operetta as acting great tragedies.

И, кстати… Талантливый актер одинаково хорош в фарсе, оперетте и драме.

You’re a very talented fellow, aren’t you?

Вы очень талантливый парень, не так ли?

I’m too young, and I have too much talent.

Я слишком молодой и слишком талантливый..

He’s young and very talented, I think.

Он молодой и, думаю, очень талантливый

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Francesca has an extraordinary talent for music.

У Франчески исключительные музыкальные способности.

But it seems the wilderness needs my particular talents.

Оказалось, мои способности нужны в пустыне.

He’ll surely have use for his writing talents now.

Наверняка проявятся его писательские способности.

A chance to develop her talent and to do whatever she wants to do for the rest of her life without fear.

Прекрасная возможность развивать свои способности и заниматься любимым делом всю жизнь Ничего не боясь

The performed tests have shown multi-directional talents, a high intelligence level as well as ontological leaning and inclination towards reflection.

Проведенные проверки показали многосторонние способности, высокий уровень интеллекта, а также онтологические склонности и предрасположение к анализу.

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Otherwise, this wonderful talent…

Иначе такой дар…

But he is attempting to use that talent against your will.

Но он пытается использовать этот дар против вашей воли.

Listen, little sister… you got this freako talent to bring folks into your dream… but we don’t need it anymore.

Послушай меня, сестричка… твой дебильный дар забрасывать людей в свои сны — он нам больше не нужен.

It’s a talent I have. Like your ability to piss people off. But I’m suffering terribly!

Это дар, как у тебя, например, досаждать людям.

I’d never thought I had so much talent for simulation.

Никогда не думала, что у меня такой дар к притворству.

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They’re right in the middle of the talent competition.

Сейчас у них как раз конкурс талантов.

Now the talent portion of the competition.

— А теперь начинаем конкурс талантов!

Fry, come on! The talent show.

Фрай, пойдем, конкурс талантов!

«Talent show»

«Конкурс талантов»

I signed up for the talent thing they have at school.

Я записался на на эту фигню — конкурс талантов в школе.

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The most talented of his generation.

Самым одаренным в своем поколении.

He could leap backwards from a stationary position onto a mantelpiece, just leap… He was described by John Arlott as the most variedly talented Englishman ever born.

Джон Арлотт (*спорт. комментатор) назвал его самым разносторонне одарённым англичанином из когда-либо рождённых.

I wasn’t the most talented student in school.

Я не был самым одаренным студентом.

He was a very talented artist, And incredibly accurate.

Он был очень одаренным художником и невероятно точным в предсказаниях.

Melissa, this is Mrs. Framm… and her talented son, Josh.

Ну ладно, я всё говорю без остановки. Мелисса, это миссис Фрэм и её одарённый сын Джош.

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and then outside of town that night, they’re gonna have a talent show.

а потом ночью за городом, будет шоу талантов

Who’s the guy with the talent show

У кого есть шоу талантов?

How’s it going with the talent show?

Как дела с шоу талантов?

I’m going to be on the talent show.

Я поеду на шоу талантов.

The talent show you have all been anticipating is tomorrow night.

Шоу талантов состоится завтра ночью.

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You have a talent, man.

А ты способный, старик.

I wouldn’t like to blame him, he is talented, he’ll manage. And it’s so easy to understand him.

Я не хочу его чернить, он способный, несомненно справится, а понять его легко.

He’s talented, your brother.

— У тебя способный брат.

— (Choir Vocalizing) You are such a talented young man.

Ты такой способный молодой человек.

If you’re talented and black, why would you be in Baltimore?

Если ты способный и черный, что ты забыл в Балтиморе?

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I mean, I know you are talented… but I bet there’re doctors all over the Federation saying,

Да, конечно, ты очень талантливый… но я готов поспорить, что доктора по всей Федерации думают примерно так:

My friend Maggie is a talented designer.

Среди моих друзей есть очень талантливый дизайнер Мэгги.

The first time I saw this film I knew I was in the hands of a talented filmmaker. But I was equally moved by a letter which accompanied the film’s submission.

Когда я впервые посмотрел этот документальный фильм, я понял, что режиссер очень талантлив, но так же меня тронуло письмо, сопровождающее этот фильм.

He’s talented.

Он очень талантлив.

And as talented as you all were… … themosttalentedpupil I ever taught… … wasLukeTrimble.

Все вы были очень талантливы но самым талантливым учеником был Люк Тримбл.

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I mean , George Shapiro has worked with some of the best talent in the last, you know,

В смысле, Джордж Шапиро работал с одними из самых талантливых людей за последние, наверно, лет тридцать.

— Rob… I don’t fuck about with talent I want to work with.

Роб, я не могу кинуть по настоящему талантливых людей.

Those who make it are unbelievably talented.

Это удел очень талантливых людей.

You never spook the talent, alright?

Никогда нельзя пугать талантливых людей, понимаешь?

You’re a great talent.

Вы же талантливый человек.

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1. Mozart was a talented musician.

2. He had been a talented musician in his youth.

3. There are several talented people in that organization.

4. They are inviting talented, but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work.

5. Love isn’t just for the smart of talented, but for all the animals God created.

6. You are such a talented and smart member of our team and we are truly grateful of having you. Though, you decide to walk an extra mile we are always here to support you. We just wish you more success on your new endeavor. Thank you because the way you motivate us is something remarkable.

7. He’s a talented athlete who competes nationally and internationally.

8. The team has many talented players.

9. People wanted to know who this talented designer was.

10. He moulded a talented amateur into a brilliant actor.

11. The talented twosome have won the tennis doubles again.

12. We fielded a team of highly talented basketball players.

13. Some of these young musicians are hugely talented.

14. Our next act is a very talented young musician.

15. She’s an immensely talented young athlete.

16. Ade is regarded as a talented youth.

17. She is a prodigiously talented pianist.

18. She is very talented and should go far.

19. Most young talented players are determined to turn pro.

20. He’s a very talented young actor who’s just ready to break through.

21. He’s made a name for himself as a talented journalist.

22. She is a talented musician but is content to just dabble.

23. She is very talented.

24. His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented performer.

25. Although he’s less talented(Sentencedict), he won by sheer dogged persistence.

26. Like all talented musicians, he operates on a different plane from most people.

27. Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.

28. She’s a very talented writer — I’m sure she’ll go far.

29. He may be a very talented designer, but as a manager he’s a dead loss.

30. Without a shadow of a doubt, he’s the most talented player we have.

More similar words: equivalent, unprecedented, calendar, tale, entertainment, integrated, violent, lenient, rental, unrelentingly, parental, mentally, center, intent, sentence, enter into, enter upon, experimental, fundamental, enterprise, developmental, environmental, intervention, a bone of contention, environmental protection, sentiment, lens, blend, length, male. 

The film features a talented young cast in addition to its veterans.


Romantic, sensitive, caring, attentive, talented, creative… and so much more, and there in so lies a veritable wealth of qualities I have yet to fully share with anyone.


I’ve been having some success with audiobooks — my own Granny Smith Investigates is performed by the very talented Fiona Thraill and she really brings the story to life.


It was probably one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen because he is a talented guy, and he is one of the best 170-pounders in the world.»


Without the contribution of this exceptionally talented actress, Manifesto would be rough going indeed.


In the raging river of rapidly changing opportunities in the publishing industry, everyone needs a champion, a talented, knowledgeable one.


«Boz is a talented leader who says many provocative things,» Zuckerberg’s statement reads.


When the 6» 4», 210-pound Drew started practicing with the Wolverines, Carr told the media that «without question, he’s the most talented quarterback that I’ve been around.»


The two talented blondes, born two months apart, had already competed head-to-head for roles.


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On Top of the News 1 competitor, 1 spelling bee — 20,000 note cards 05/31/10 The Boston Globe Behind the Headline Competition Makes a Comeback Summer 2010 Education Next With the National Spelling Bee just days away, attention has turned to its talented and dedicated competitors — including Tim Ruiter, one of the -LSB-…]


Each OTG dining program minimizes traveler anxiety as passengers can enjoy refreshing dining options crafted by talented, regional chefs.


On dry pavement, the grip level improves, but third-gear tail-slides are still second nature for this tactile and talented cat.


Don’t get me wrong, I really like Cumberbatch, there’s no denying the guy is immensely talented.


I’m sure there are a lot of more talented filmmakers than me, with really great ideas, who just haven’t followed through.


In his latest timelapse video, Frank Howarth, an extremely talented woodworker based out of Portland, Oregon, documents how he created a giant bamboo replica of the


Instead, Gerwig’s smart writing, simple but effective direction, and talented ensemble, led by the captivating Saoirse Ronan, make «Lady Bird» one of the sweetest movies of 2017.


When you don’t want or rather don’t have the time to get your hair styled, just pop in and get gorgeously styled hair by some super talented stylists.


They are obviously a supremely talented studio, as their pedigree with the PSP God of War titles speaks for itself.


The ones that resonate with me the most would be validation — people who know what they’re talking about feel my work is worth something, talented editors — people who know what they’re doing can always improve my work, and marketing efforts — people who have connections helping me get my book into readers hands, which is the ultimate goal.


Passionate, talented and kinky, I enjoy both sides of the leash in the dogplay scene.


We think this graphic, by the lovely and talented (and cheeky in the best way) Jamaica Jenkins of Parenting On Track, sums it up perfectly.


«He’s just a monumentally talented guy.


«We are excited to work with such a talented ensemble cast, with Bruce Willis at its helm,» said Ward.


«Mr. Kashkari may be the most brilliant, talented person in the United States, but the optics of putting a 35-year-old Paulson protégé in charge of what, at least at one point, was supposed to be the most important part of the recovery effort are just very damaging,» said Michael Greenberger, a University of Maryland law professor and a former senior official with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.


Our team of talented graphic designers work with authors supplied images, graphics and textual elements that will make a book come to life the way the author envisions it.


Given believes the talented and hardworking player can be the country’s No. 1 anytime soon.


Not all services will have MA and PhD native English writers onboard, but you need to look for the ones where they pay attention to selecting the most talented writers.


And the talented midfielder has attracted the likes of Arsenal, Tottenham and Manchester City, who have all scouted the player out several times.


It was reported yesterday that Inter Milan had offered around # 18m for Frenchman, but today the Mirror, amongst others, reckon that Arsenal is now ready to offer the full asking price for the talented youngster, and this could prove to be an excellent investment if he continues his improvement under Wenger’s tutelage at the Emirates.


07/04/2018 10:17 am — Inter have reportedly won the race to sign talented Zorya Luhansk goalkeeper Andriy Lunin, beating Juventus and Arsenal…


Films that are entertaining, with talented contributors and high production values.


Together with the talented Elle Photographie we took some natural shots in her studio and this…


For the English dub, Disney once again assembled a talented group of actors, including Liam Neeson, Tina Fey and Cate Blanchett.


Our talented teachers also collaborate with parents to nurture children into respectful, confident and joyful learners.


(b) School districts may adopt guidelines for assessing and identifying students for participation in gifted and talented programs.


In this role, he provided oversight to a division that included special education, as well as other program areas such as English Learners, gifted and talented, response to intervention, the Kentucky School for the Blind, and the Kentucky School for the Deaf.


The Bulldogs of 2010 also faced a much stronger opponent in its bowl game as Serra-Gardena was on a 29-game win streak and had a talented team led by current NFL player Marqise Lee.


They took shape after he learned his trade as a successful politician, and they were worked out in collaboration with a talented staff.


We have a wonderful, multi talented, selection of vendors joining us this year and we are very grateful they have chosen to spend the weekend of November 25th and 26th with us.


Let the talented Lisa Mansour inspire you to learn the art of cake decorating.


Team Purimetla got it’s start this past Summer in the Hoops League and turned some heads with a talented squad..


At the end of May this year the incredibly talented Christiana Anca, perhaps better known under her blog moniker Tales of a Kitchen, released her debut cookbook Nourishing Noodles.


His best football is ahead, especially if he is paired with a talented defensive line coach.


Always looking for talented, hard-working artists.


When the group’s keyboard player tries to drown himself, a marginally talented, stardom-craving ringer (Domhnall Gleeson) gets his shot.


She finds Sam Chisolm (Denzel Washinton), a duly sworn warrant officer from Wichita who is extremely talented with a pistol and has the bravery to back up the skills.


Roberts once again raises the level of acting in this film, stepping outside her comfort zone and always reminding us that she isn’t just a name, but quite talented.


Rudiger is undeniably talented, making this a potential steal for Roma.


Leeds have a reputation for producing talented players through their youth system, and the 22-year-old is the latest in a long line of youngsters to make an impact at Elland Road.


How to use the word talented in a sentence

He was prodigiously talented and as a centre or five-eighth Fulton made an immediate impact.

general consensus was that the show was in and of itself poor, but the music and talented cast made it entertaining.

Though Sora is a fairly talented performer, there are often huge gaps in her ability, especially on the trapeze.

Chicago is a deep talented offensive team .

His wife is quite a talented woman.

He longed for her talented skills.

She is what we call a talented woman.

The academically talented students helped others in the classroom.

The talented finance minister’s ingenuity has helped his bankrupt nation to get out of the red.

Mozart was a talented musician.

He is the only one of my friends that is talented.

She was not merely beautiful, but also talented.

Am I talented?

Besides being a judge, Soo-Il was also a talented matchmaker.

Carolina is far and away the most talented team in the country.

He had been a talented musician in his youth.

He moulded a talented amateur into a brilliant actor.

He sang in the choir, was a talented musician and a keen sportsman.

He’s a talented screenwriter who has sold out to TV soap operas.

He’s a very talented young actor who’s just ready to break through.

He’s made a name for himself as a talented journalist.

His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented performer.

Jackie Chan is the talented actor’s stage name.

Most young talented players are determined to turn pro.

People wanted to know who this talented designer was.

Sam was also a keen and talented naturalist.

She is a prodigiously talented pianist.

She is a talented musician but is content to just dabble.

She’s a very talented writer – I’m sure she’ll go far.

Susannah York was very talented but spoiled.

The region has a large and talented labour pool .

The talented twosome have won the tennis doubles again.

The team has many talented players.

There are several talented people in that organization.

They were a resourceful and talented people.

Although he’s less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence.

She is gracious and talented, and no one begrudged her good fortune.

Steve was talented, but lazy and undisciplined.

Like all talented musicians, he operates on a different plane from most people.

We will endanger our country if we demote our most noble and talented citizens.

The new manager changed a talented collection of individuals into a cohesive unit.

The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.

Stacey is a talented lawyer who does pro bono work to help people in her community.

He loved both the outdoor life and the companionship of genial and talented colleagues.

The annual competition has encouraged the emergence of several talented young musicians.

As the most prestigious Paris couture house, Dior attracted the most talented assistants.

With so many talented players in the squad, Netherlands are dubbed as the uncrowned king.

They are inviting talented, but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work.

The pair have a lot in common – both are young, Dutch and outrageously talented.

Young, charming, talented; she was also more resilient than he had anticipated.

Learn and study English with lots of free online and interactive exercises, games, tests, quiz and activities. All these English teaching activities are designed according to the needs of ELT Esl learning and teaching.

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У меня есть талант. Правда, Свен?

He was talented, but a little too fond of addictive drugs.

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Он был одаренным, но имел пристрастие к наркотикам.

How could someone so talented have ventured so far from the industry?


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Как такой талант мог оказаться настолько далеко от своего призвания?


African people are industrious and talented.


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Африканские народы— трудолюбивые и одаренные.


Already when he was a young boy, Manfred von Ardenne was exceptionally talented in physics.


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В детстве Манфред фон Арденне был исключительно одаренным в области физики.


In Bogolyubov Drawing School Karev entered the circle of talented youth, where he met P.


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В Боголюбовском рисовальном училище Карев вошел в круг одаренной молодежи, где встретил П.


One of its main activities is supporting talented children.


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Одним из важнейших направлений его деятельности является помощь одаренным детям.


Besides being a talented designer, Yegor proves to have wonderful managerial abilities.


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Кроме таланта дизайнера, у Егора неплохие организаторские способности.


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In Kazakhstan established

one more program on providing educational grants to talented students.


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В Казахстане запущена еще

одна программа по предоставлению образовательных грантов одаренным студентам.


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I mean, I indulge his fantasy because he’s talented.

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Я имею в виду, что я поддерживала его, потому что у него есть талант.

Soon the news of a talented immigrant spread among the actors.


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Вскоре слава о талантливом приезжем распространяется среди звезд.


The diploma of winner was given to V. Ravdanovich for the talented acting of male role.


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Дипломом победителя за талантливое исполнение мужской роли, была отмечена работа В.


You are one of the most talented people here.

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The choreography was made by Paulina Andrzejewska-

one of the most talented Polish dancers and choreographers.


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Паулина Анджеевска- одна из талантливейших молодых польских солисток и хореографов.


In 2012 our audience gave the talented young people from Lake Baikal a standing ovation.


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В 2012 году публика устроила юным талантам с озера Байкал настоящую овацию стоя.


And her momis very talented, but the dress you made for yourself is much nicer.

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И ее мама очень талантлива,- но платье, сшитое тобой, гораздо лучше.

Our most talented director is back from vacation.

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Are you young, talented, dreaming about education and traveling around Europe?


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Вы молоды, талантливы, мечтаете об образовании и путешествиях по Европе?


I think you’re a lot more talented than you think you are.

I think you’re probably a lot more talented than you think you are.

A great many talented people, composers, poets, writers, created this cult.


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Огромное множество талантливейших людей, композиторов, поэтов, писателей, создавало этот культ.


He was talented, he was sexy, he was a doctor, he was charming.

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Он был талантлив, сексуален, он был врачом и он был очарователен.

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talented, but I’m shit here

The golden girl, so talented, good looking, the envy of all her friends in looks, talent and career

It seems she is the most talented of all in massage

Only the most inventive and talented of her subjects would be able to engage with her grand-daughter on a mutually fulfilling and intellectual level

‘And this is the talented boy?’ Mr Greener patted All’s back

‘Yep, as talented as the man above sends them,’ Fred said as we settled at the

You don’t have to be a talented or experienced

’ Trevor said ‘I can always find a job for a talented journalist

Only the most inventive and talented of her subjects would be able

‘The standard of performance was pretty high – we had some really talented girls

The talented girls didn’t stay long; the revue was in a prime site and agents prowled around regularly looking for talent they could sell elsewhere in the city

talented he truly was

One of the first things I found out about him was that he wanted to write music for children – something along the lines of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ style of thing, but he felt that he was not talented enough

Later, when we could speak, he’d explained that he had fallen for me more or less as soon as he met me but had assumed it was hopeless as he could see no reason why someone as talented and attractive as me could ever consider him

As you may have come to know yourself, my daughter is greatly talented, but lacks the singular discipline to truly succeed a proper human should have

The twins answered easily to congratulations as either ‘the talented gentlemen,’ or as ‘gifted actresses’ whichever accolade might be offered by their peers

meeting my talented friend, how in a million years I never thought I’d be in a car

She was a talented, intelligent warrior

The talented? Or enslave them?

As for the young woman, she is talented and I suspect that the good faith put in her by so many is wisely placed

He was a talented swordsman and a streetwise Nord; there seemed little that could have given him trouble

She was truly talented

I can only follow the instructions of whosoever sticks their talented behind on that attendant’s chair,’ said the elevator to Jodie


In other words, some of the world’s inventions were not solitary efforts but instead were joint efforts between talented people living in our world and higher entities residing on the Other Side

Somewhat dissolute, rapacious, murderous, and vindictive, who saw himself as a talented performer

Khan was the more talented fighter; he should have won

I never thought we’d bounce back from losing such an amazing, talented fighter, but Raven has filled the void superbly

ESPN: (Laughing) Did you know you had a such a talented player buried on the

I knew I had a talented student of the game who worked his tail off every day at practice to be a better player, but I never imagined he had come that far

Reducing academic standards provides a free pass to underachieving students while undermining the (potential) progress of talented students (otherwise) capable of taking ―it‖ to a higher level

Once opportunities beckoned, however, the more talented or determined among them departed for

The hastening of scholastic mediocrity in America‘s (urban) Public School System is understood by the efforts of (its) soft-headed administrators and educators seeking to promote equality of results at the expense of its brightest students, many of whom are routinely held in check in order to allow their less talented classmates ―sufficient‖ opportunity to play catch-up; oftentimes necessitating a lowering of academic standards for the ―benefit‖ of other students who are intellectually less gifted, thereby promoting false impressions of academic achievement where performance results are (oftentimes) questionable

It may be reasonably argued that the Private Sector traditionally attracted (more) talented individuals (less) averse to risk taking in exchange for the prospect of potential advancement while other individuals possessing less capacity (perhaps) or who, lacking the requisite skills demanded by most companies, generally opted for quasi-guaranteed job security provided by the Public Sector

We did not, however, during this week, have another organized class on oral stimulation, and we saw no more of the talented Slave Vina

‖ Competition, properly channeled, was/is intended to be ―ruthless‖, rewarding the talented and industrious above the ordinary and idle

I would remind this young man that whatever franchise in whatever sport, team owners are looking to recruit the most talented athletes available on the open market that offers its club the best opportunity to win regardless of color or ethnicity

She was actually pretty talented, even if she did say so herself

The woman is a talented powerhouse waiting to be put to use in the twin worlds, Faery and Human

“You are amazingly talented, Teresa, in this as in everything else I have taught you

You are talented, handsome, and you have a lot to offer

“You say that you only have visions about talented people?” Hunter asked

A rebel, very talented with computers

It hasn’t hit me yet: that Edward, by far the most talented transfer initiate we had, the boy whose blood I cleaned off the dormitory floor, is dead

undoubtedly use to hurt others? She was already powerfully talented, and as

with the fragrance of the knowledge produced by talented charm with the aroma of ability,

CFI’s staff continues to grow with many talented people

The SOLDIER was a talented swordsman, agile and strong, but

But you must understand, I also believed, and continue to believe, that Terry was the most talented member of the band, and without him it is highly likely the band will lose its popularity and eventually fail

“Father never bragged about himself or showed off, but he was actually very talented

Oxygene number 5, he was sure the talented Frenchman peered

Talented attorneys come to

These are people skilled at deploying words and phrases, and talented at remodeling words to suit their purpose: bully words; coercive words; killing words

* Talented in the arts, music and defense

She was what she had always been, a highly ambitious and talented, as well as capable and consuming, person and woman

consciousness would need to incarnate as both male and female, rich and poor, talented and

man who is a talented musician

It’s the parents’ job to find what kind of magic their children are more talented at and then contact a wizard usually from another family, who has the same talents so they can start an apprenticeship

She had talented children, yet she felt burdened with them, and she could not feel proud

He was very talented in art, making A’s all 4 years

man named Rodan living in the mall, and that he was a talented

Dixie was an excellent homemaker, great cook, talented seamstress, and avid gardener

rules, saying the current system slows recruitment of talented em-

This is particularly true when the people is, in fact, talented

They were very talented and astute at turning a

very talented at hurting others, and who have only a longing for

very talented in that profession

She found her mother to be amazingly talented at

“Oh so you’ve met my sister then” I said joking with him knew he was talking about me, not that I thought I was beautiful or talented or anything but I could just tell by his voice

This talented salesman flattered Roy to a degree that was disgusting to others on the station staff and to us in Ithaca

This far-north site was a management problem for me, who secured a manager for the Duluth stations who was so talented as to rise through the ranks to supervise all the Park radio stations

He flicks thrice more and blasts another breath in pursuit of this Bojudai, who flies some incredibly talented evasive maneuvers before the blade neatly cleaves him

The most talented and enthusiastic dancers moved through the air above it all, improvising as soloists, duos, and small groups

“If you were in any way less than your father and your grandfather, that is if you were smaller or weaker, or less intelligent or talented, I would conclude that the Longstrider strain had finally weakened over the many generations

They are generally talented but poorly adjusted minor wizards adrift in the midst of vast and populous empires, where the majority of the citizenry are humans with no appreciable magic ability

Thanks to the talented musicians who inspire me — in particular, Justin from Blue October

tiny, tiny group of the most talented individuals on the island,

this great talented ‘pool’ they’d planned on forming, would have

It will give you exposure to talented faculty, classmates, and an academic credential that will advance your career

A couple of the George’s friends were talented musicians and were encouraged to

The most talented were summoned inside the temples structure to sleep with her, they would have years of youth returned to them and would return infused with new found power, but when they returned they would also be totally infatuated with her

A few weeks ago (November 2009) a talented second year resident told me that,

Patrick O’Conner, a red headed, hot-tempered, unbridled, albeit talented, sometimes defiant midshipman

you’ve teamed up with other talented DJs to share the glory with

She was a very talented artist—»

«She was very talented,» Eva replied and glanced at the painting of the countryside

“Yes Suzy, I too am glad to see the rest of the public is finally coming around to your views on this talented rising star

It takes a team of dedicated, intelligent, highly disciplined, and talented people to carry out any Satyāgraha (civil disobedience)

Baja was short on talented and powerful kids

They were focused and talented and they wrote them

During lots of ups and downs I made friends with a tremendously talented writer, Steve Bowkett, who happened to make note that his publishers, Hendersons, were looking for writers to work on a teen horror line

My father was a talented amateur photographer all his life

Upon the revelation that I once had a passionate love affair with this talented Hollywood actress, I masturbate onto the screen three times in one hour

Akshat and Dhruv were equally talented in sports as

Patrick’s who had some talented players

But as Matthew pointed out Joe was talented in carpentry and gardening

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