Sentence using the word suggestion

Suggestion is the psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of another person. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

There are a lot of mainstream, unlabeled products like crisps and biscuits that are «accidently vegan» — a simple Google search for this term will bring up tons of suggestions.


Topic: Staff Scientists 6/9/15 This group of 4 PhD’s proposes 4 specific actions to make academic staff scientist positions more attractive and stable, beginning with the suggestion to «Improve opportunities for promotion, recognition, and compensation increases for AS scientists and have transparent, clearly communicated, and campus-wide-consistent criteria for these.


He doesn’t offer suggestions; he offers actual emails.


My suggestion is to mill the seeds please, it would be so much better for us and that is why you make it, right?


When I asked for his view on the letter Donovan replied with a suggestion of disagreement, saying «I think our government has to get on the same page» and «I think sometimes politics gets in the way of governing», but did not offer any clear statement on the letter.


Mr. Silver also appeared irked at the suggestion that lawmakers had failed to agree to a budget because they were not working hard enough.


I’m pretty sure that the six months suggestion is because at that point most children start eating solids and therefore it is not considered full time nursing.


So here’s what worked for them, and as always I am sure, the comment section will be a hugely helpful secondary source of suggestions.


Following these suggestions could mean the difference between a much easier experience for you and the potential risk of developing even more serious and long-term back trouble than you may already have.


Clinton has repeatedly accused her opponent as being soft on Russia, pointing to his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong leader, his suggestion that he would rethink sanctions against Russian officials, his sharp criticism of NATO and other policy positions.


When it comes time to write your first paper, offer to write the first draft and meet with your supervisor for comments and suggestions.


In this post, I’ll cover the best free ones the tools that are super easy to use and provide you with the best suggestions for your business.


When Ms. Bachmann was criticized for her suggestion that Ms. Abedin be investigated for potential ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh rushed to her defense.


When you’re getting started, have someone knowledgeable watch your routine and offer their suggestions.


When England’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) asked the public for name suggestions for their new $ 300 million state-of-the-art polar research vessel, RRS Boaty McBoatface won by a tidal wave.


I sliced mine up last night and roasted them with a bit of parmesan (thanks to the suggestion from the lovely farmer Andrea!)


Loris Karius was recently dropped in favour of Simon Mignolet but there are also question marks about his ability to hold down a regular place in the side which has sparked suggestions that Klopp will now look for another «keeper.


The first is «The Quick Introduction to Education and Public Outreach,» which offers suggestions to first-timers about how they might start reaching out.


Do you have suggestions for interviews and guest posts?


My suggestion for the missing ingredient is to add just a little bit of cumin.


But if she struggles to come up with much, offer a few suggestions while you’re brainstorming.


With all of that in mind, permit me to make four suggestions in answer to the question «What now?»


See Successful Parenting for practical suggestions to handle a wide variety of behavior problems.


So based on Kaylin’s suggestion I would need about another cup I guess.


You can see all of my recent travel wardrobes and recaps here, and more travel wardrobe suggestions here.


Family and friends will be happy to offer suggestions or knock down your choices.


With 5 weeks of planned activities having a new baby you may not find the time to do all of the planned activities or even want to attempt them straight away but further on the packs there are lists are quick and easy suggestions perfect to dip in and do.


Since there is a lot of variety of flavors, sauces and seasonings in the latest entrées, we thought we’d offer a few suggestions for wine pairings, starting with the best white wines.


Hello, I’m trying to redo my 2017 Wardrobe From Scratch and I wanted to know could you give me any suggestions.


Except when the suggestion is to scream at the top of their lungs (which they do often just to get a rise out of their parents).


Please let me know what you think of these suggestions and I’ll let you know if I come up with any other ideas.


I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding great vegan and raw spots in San Fran, though I have no suggestions for you.


Whilst there is no suggestion that PSG may be thrown out of this season’s Champions League, expulsion is one of many options open to UEFA.


Do you have any suggestions for a replacement in this recipe?


Sean Williams (Canadian Solar): While we Fools don’t take lightly the suggestion that a company may not survive the year, I’m struggling to see how solar-panel manufacturer Canadian Solar (NASDAQ: CSIQ) makes it through the year unscathed.


Developmental psychologist Douglas Gentile offers suggestions for keeping your grade-schooler’s video-game playing time in check.


At her mentor’s suggestion, she applied to the new pharmacology department at the University of Chicago.


How long before behavioural data analysts start to make suggestions about personality types and crime?


While the ship will be named after famous naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, the popular suggestion of the contest — Boaty McBoatface — lives on in the form of an unmanned submersible that will support the research ship to explore parts of the polar regions inaccessible to humans.


One suggestion I have, though, is the order of directions.


With American Thanksgiving just a couple of weeks away, you are likely being inundated by recipes and entertaining suggestions on the web, in magazines, and on television.


It’s great to be able to eat your meal and healthy snack suggestions and see my body getting leaner.


One of my favorite parts of their service is that your stylist will give you outfit suggestions based on pieces from your trunk!


I had very little to offer in the way of positive theological suggestions.


Another common suggestion is to cut the onion under running water… BUT this can make the onion mushy AND it may wash away some of the water-soluble nutrients.


13eastie This piece was simply flagging up quite a significant policy suggestion by the LibDem deputy leader, which though the South London Press had splashed it in print had not been mentioned at all online in the media/blogs/twitter.


One suggestion is that it ease away from its specific target of expanding Japan’s «monetary base» by introducing a wider range — perhaps 70 to 90 trillion yen.


To help you out, here are our suggestions of fun date ideas for a variety of tastes.


Former Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy has angrily denied suggestions that he has considered quitting the Labour party.


I will have to google your suggestions and wander around your blog to get inspiration and more info.


Synonym: hint, hypnotism, mesmerism, proffer, prompting, proposition, trace. Similar words: suggest, question, in question, questionnaire, out of the question, investigation, beyond question, prestidigitation. Meaning: [səg’dʒestʃn /sə’dʒ-]  n. 1. an idea that is suggested 2. a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection 3. a just detectable amount 4. persuasion formulated as a suggestion 5. the sequential mental process in which one thought leads to another by association 6. the act of inducing hypnosis. 

Random good picture Not show

1. I want to make a suggestion.

2. His suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter.

3. He surmised that the suggestion wouldn’t find favour.

4. This suggestion won’t be welcomed at No. 10.

5. They fobbed off our suggestion.

6. Can I make a suggestion?

7. He balked at making the suggestion.

8. His suggestion borders on the ridiculous.

9. The two leaders were flummoxed by the suggestion.

10. He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent suggestion.

11. Did the director say anything against your suggestion?

12. Might I make a modest suggestion?

13. We are in the process of reviewing your suggestion.

14. His suggestion is in a sense workable.

15. He made an indecent suggestion to my wife.

16. I want to offer a suggestion.

17. He made the suggestion that we go by.

18. He dismissed her suggestion out of hand.

19. Have you got an alternative suggestion?

20. Are you agreeable to my suggestion?

21. Might I make a suggestion?

22. The mayor bucked at the school board’s suggestion.

23. We value your suggestion highly.

24. You can put forward your suggestion at the meeting.

25. The delegate moved for a reconsideration of the suggestion.

26. May I present a suggestion?

27. Someone came out with a most useful suggestion.

28. The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.

29. Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion.

30. She firmly rejected the suggestion that she had lied to Parliament.

More similar words: suggest, question, in question, questionnaire, out of the question, investigation, beyond question, prestidigitation, distinction, institution, restriction, destruction, constitution, institutional, constitutional, esterification, gesture, testing, testify, estimate, domestic, estimated, testimony, clandestine, investigate, Palestinian, investigator, notion, option, action. 

suggestion — перевод на русский


What a splendid suggestion.

Какое великолепное предложение!

That isn’t a suggestion.

Это не предложение.

— No, I have a much better suggestion.

— Нет, у меня предложение получше.

Yes, it’s a very wise suggestion.

Мудрое предложение, Леон.

That’s a charming suggestion, but I’m afraid I cling to the old motto,

Заманчивое предложение, но мне пора вернуться к машине.

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Officer, may I make a suggestion?

— Офицер, могу я сделать предположение?

Well, it’s not a bad suggestion.

Это неплохое предположение.

-That is an outrageous suggestion…

— Это возмутительное предположение…

The suggestion that you have travelled through space and time was utterly dismissed by the computer analysis.

Предположение, будто Вы путешествовали сквозь пространство и время, было отклонено компьютерным анализом.

It’s a suggestion or fact?

Это предположение или уверенность?

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You ask me, she gave the Sheriff a mighty sensible suggestion.

Как мне кажется, она дала шерифу довольно дельный совет.

A suggestion of mine, yes.

— Мой совет, да.

Would you think it impertinent if I were to make another suggestion?

Я не покажусь вам назойливой, если дам еще один совет?

Funny, I was about to make the same suggestion.

Я собирался дать такой же совет.

Just a suggestion.

Это только совет.

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Some of the things are his suggestions

Кое-что еще он мне предложил.

But Toulouse’s suggestion that Audrey and I write the show together…

Тулуз предложил писать слова мне и Эдрю вместе …

— It was actually his suggestion.

— Он сам его предложил.

He was just making a suggestion.

Он просто предложил.

Hey, my suggestion first.

Я первый это предложил.

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Sometimes, human consciousness reacts strangely to certain suggestions.

Порой человеческое сознание странно реагирует на некоторые внушения.

The power of suggestion.

В мощность внушения.

We can monitor and direct their subconscious… implant suggestions.

Мы можем наблюдать и направлять их подсознательное… делать внушения.

Or maybe it’s just the power of suggestion.

Или это просто сила внушения.

In that case, you were so influenced by my suggestions that you unconsciously burned yourself.

— В таком случае, вь настолько оказались под влиянием внушения, что бессознательно обожглись

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— My suggestion… is for you to sleep in the filth you created.

— Я предлагаю… тебе поспать в той грязи, которой ты запятнал честь семьи.

So my suggestion: You pick yout man.

Я предлагаю вам выбрать кого-нибудь из своих.

We still have eleven days to go. Suggestion: We stay reasonable then we all get our money and that’s it.

У нас впереди еще целых 11 дней, поэтому я предлагаю спокойно переждать это период.

Wasn’t a suggestion.

Я ничего не предлагаю.

My suggestion is we admit to sufficient facts.

Я предлагаю признавать только обоснованные факты, чтобы вам не пришлось тратить время на доказательства.

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Any suggestion who that might be, sir?

Есть идеи, кто бы это мог быть, сэр?

Well, I’m open to any suggestions.

! Есть идеи?

We’re gonna whack her? I’m open to suggestions.

Готов выслушать идеи.

They didn’t take any of my suggestions!

Они проигнорировали все мои идеи!

Got any other suggestions?

Другие идеи есть?

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Any suggestions?

Хоть какой-то намек?

Interesting suggestion.

Интересный намек.

A subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends.

Тонкий намек на то, что сигареты — твои великосветские и верные друзья.

Now-now, this is just a suggestion.

И-и, это только намек,

Not them, that’s just a little suggestion box…

Шалопаи? Не эти, это просто маленький намёк.

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I thought that my suggestion was good.

Мне показалось, что мой вариант был неплохим.

I’m open to suggestion.

Предложи свой вариант.

Do you have better suggestions?

У тебя есть другой вариант?

— That was my next suggestion.

Это второй вариант.

So until someone has another suggestion, we’re at a bit of an impasse.

Так что пока кто-нибудь не внесет другой вариант, мы будем в тупике.

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I would like to make a suggestion.

Я хотел бы внести предложение.

[ Sighs, Giggles ] — Hey, Ross, as your partner, can I make a suggestion ?

— Эй, Росс, как твой партнёр, я могу внести предложение?

Can I make a suggestion? I think I should walk you home.

Разреши внести предложение?

Can I make a suggestion?

Я могу внести предложение?

If I may profer a suggestion in bars, all across this great nation

≈сли позволите мне внести предложение

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How to use the English verb SUGGEST |

A lot of English learners struggle with the verb suggest because suggest is an unusual English verb. It is not used in a sentence the same way that other verbs are.

Suggest means mention or recommend something to think about, or something someone should do. You suggest a thought or an idea.

1. “I suggest that you call him.”

suggest that someone do something

This is the most difficult use of suggest for English learners to understand, so take some time to read this part of the lesson carefully.

You want to tell someone your opinion. You want to tell them to do something.

Don’t use me, us, you, etc. as indirect object pronouns after suggest. Use a that-clause after suggest.

What is a that-clause?
A clause is any part of a sentence that has a subject and a verb. A sentence is one or more clauses joined together. A that-clause is a clause that starts with the conjunction that. A conjunction joins two clauses or sentences together into one longer sentence.

Start your sentence with this specific structure:

I suggest that

The next part of the sentence needs a subject and a verb, because it’s a clause.

I suggest that someone do something

“Someone” is the subject of the clause. The subject is followed by the verb phrase “do something.”

REMEMBER: Don’t use an infinitive after suggest. Don’t say “I suggest to do something.”

Example sentences

I suggest that you memorize sentences instead of grammar rules!

Emily suggests that we go out for dinner after the movie.

My mom suggested that I get a summer job.

Her brother suggests that she study harder so she can get into a good university.

Hmmmmm. Let’s look at that last sentence. Do you notice something strange about the verb?

Her brother suggests that she study harder so she can get into a good university.

Shouldn’t it be “she studies“?

No. This is what makes the English verb suggest different from other verbs.

Remember, in this structure, I suggest is followed by a that-clause. A clause contains a subject and a verb.

The verb in the that-clause is the subjunctive form.

Don’t let the word subjunctive scare you! This is a very rare verb form, and it is rarely used in English today.

Learn more: Advanced English grammar: The subjunctive mood

In the subjunctive form, the verb doesn’t change. Don’t add -s or change the verb after the subjects he, she, or it. The verb says in the base form of the verb. The base form, or the bare infinitive, is the simplest form of a verb. It’s the way that you find a verb in the dictionary.

Her brother suggests that she study harder.
NOT: Her brother suggests that she studies harder.

NOTE: You cannot use another verb tense in the that-clause. You cannot use the simple past. You must use the subjunctive form.

Also, in American English it is not common to use should in the that-clause. It is more common in British English.

More example sentences

She suggests that he go to France instead of Italy this summer.

I suggested that she be Queen Elsa from Frozen for Halloween!

I suggested that he ask someone else for help.

Tip: You don’t need to include that in the sentence. It is still a that-clause even if you don’t say or write that in this sentence structure

I suggest you memorize sentences instead of grammar rules!

Emily suggests we go out for dinner after the movie.

My mom suggested I get a summer job.

Her brother suggests she study harder so she can get into a good university.

I suggest you go to the doctor!

She suggests he go to France instead of Italy this summer.

He suggested I ask someone else for help.

Tip: Make the that-clause negative by adding not in front of the verb.

The teacher suggests we not waste time playing video games after school.

Learn more: The subjunctive mood + more verbs used in the subjunctive form

REMEMBER: You suggest that someone do something.

2. “He suggested going for a walk together.”

suggest doing something

suggest + gerund

I suggest memorizing sentences instead of grammar rules!

Don’t use an infinitive after suggest! If you use a verb after suggest, use a gerund!

What is a gerund? A gerund is a noun that is formed by adding -ing to a verb.

Example sentences

Her brother suggests studying harder so she can get into a good university.

My doctor suggests eating less and exercising more.

Her family suggested waiting a few years before she gets married.

I suggest not waiting so long to go to the doctor.

The meaning of this sentence is the same as suggest that someone do something.

3. Suggest an idea for a grammar lesson!

suggest something

suggest + noun

Can you suggest a good hotel in Paris?

I can suggest some interesting apps.

I really love this app and will suggest it to everyone.

No politician has suggested a way to improve the economy.

He suggested several different things to do after dinner.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«That is an excellent suggestion.«
(excellent, great, good, wonderful)

«Thank you for your helpful suggestion.«
(helpful, useful)

«His stupid suggestion almost got her fired.«
(stupid, ridiculous, dumb)

«Do you have any other suggestions?«
(other, alternative, better)

«The mere suggestion of moving makes his children very sad.«
(mere, slightest)

Used with verbs:

«Do you have a better suggestion?«

«Can you think of a better suggestion?«
(think of, come up with, make, provide, offer)

«Please send your suggestions to our headquarters.«
(send, submit, mail, forward, direct)

«We followed his suggestion to reduce his number of employees.«
(followed, accepted, took)

«They rejected our suggestion to hire more help.«
(rejected, dismissed, denied, ignored)

«We appreciate any suggestions.«
(appreciate, welcome)

«I will seriously consider your suggestion.«
(consider, look at)

Used with prepositions:

«We need more suggestions on how to cut costs.«
(on, about, as to, regarding)

«Do you have a better suggestion for us?«

«At the suggestion of our accountant, we laid off several employees.«

A sentence using the word suggestion. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use suggestion in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for suggestion.

  • What suggestion! (9)
  • Have you any suggestion? (8)
  • She dismissed that suggestion. (10)
  • She laughed at the suggestion. (10)
  • It is my finest suggestion, aha! (10)
  • I now editorialize by suggestion. (16)
  • The suggestion was a cruel shock. (10)
  • The suggestion was a cruel shock. (22)
  • But it was an inciting suggestion. (10)
  • The suggestion was generally welcome. (4)
  • Mrs. Alger chose to ignore the suggestion. (9)
  • Why should not he act upon the suggestion? (9)
  • Very queer the power suggestion has over the mind. (8)
  • Mrs. Doria laughed at the ingenuity of her suggestion. (10)
  • The fancy was full of suggestion, malign, fateful, heroic! (1)
  • And as she planted that dart of suggestion, the gong sounded. (8)
  • The suggestion of so cruel a piece of selfishness wounds me. (10)
  • Shelton, leaning back, considered this impertinent suggestion. (8)
  • The scene was too earthly in its suggestion of a tale of blood. (10)
  • The scene was too earthly in its suggestion of a tale of blood. (22)
  • My cowardice would not let me wound him with a single suggestion. (10)
  • Very haltingly, the ladies were guilty of a suggestion to Victor. (10)
  • Whitwell smiled with pleasure in the loosely philosophic suggestion. (9)
  • She laughed now, with a faint suggestion of unwillingness in her laugh. (9)
  • Knowing that Bosinney had no capital, he regarded this as a wild suggestion. (8)
  • By dint of a sweet suggestion here and there, love-making crossed the topic. (10)
  • This suggestion, the work of the pipe, did but bring on him another torrent. (10)
  • In Frances Freeland, lying awake till two, as was her habit, the suggestion grew. (8)
  • At her suggestion they went after dinner to the public terrace overlooking the river. (8)
  • If she took this suggestion in good part, he could tell her that Kenby was in Wurzburg. (9)
  • Soames saw that his suggestion had touched some unintelligible point of personal vanity. (8)
  • As to the risk of proceedings being taken against him, he laughed scornfully at the suggestion. (10)
  • At my suggestion, he fixed the trees to the date of the Heptarchy, a period of heavy ploughing. (10)
  • It was a lame excuse, and in its most potential implication his suggestion proved without reason. (9)
  • The suggestion, of course, is that the cheque was altered; whether by you or Davis is the question. (8)
  • A suggestion of possible danger might prove more dangerous than silence, by rendering it attractive. (10)
  • Each of these is a suggestion to his memory that brings instant response in some change of movement. (21)
  • Indeed, I do not know any other that in the same direction goes so far with suggestion so penetrating. (9)
  • Sir Thomas was indeed the life of the party, who at his suggestion now seated themselves round the fire. (4)
  • He called here yesterday to inquire your address, and at my suggestion wrote a note, which I now enclose. (6)
  • And this contrivance for fetching me from my tower to her bed was my own suggestion, in a fit of generosity! (10)
  • They had made no holiday plans, and he eagerly fell in with her suggestion that they should go down to Hayle. (8)
  • He had no sooner pronounced these words than I began to feel a weird and potent fascination in his suggestion. (9)
  • I, fearless in my new control, sent out a small editorial feeler, a little suggestion about municipal ownership. (16)
  • The proofs went back and forth between us till the author had profited by every hint and suggestion of the editor. (9)
  • Indeed, the suggestion was needless; to go by the short route meant absolutely certain failure to deliver the message. (1)
  • My lord nodded to the footman; he nodded to himself over a suggestion started in a tactical intelligence by the name. (10)
  • Frantic, but under perfect self-command outwardly, he glanced to right and left, for the suggestion of a means of escape. (10)
  • In regard to dates, the suggestion is that pupils take turns, lesson by lesson, in presenting a plan by which to memorize them. (3)
  • Red rambler roses formed a sort of crown to her dark head; her ivory-coloured face had in it just a suggestion of the Japanese. (8)
  • The stranger relaxed the frown he had put on at the greed of her suggestion; it might have come from ignorance or mere innocence. (9)
  • When the door was shut, Mr. Wagge cleared his throat; the grating sound carried with it the suggestion of enormously thick linings. (8)
  • Adela tried laughter as a defence from his suggestion against Wilfrid, but had shortly afterwards to fly from the fearful anatomist. (10)
  • It was a rough little affair, the suggestion of which the architect had got from a kodak of a Sicilian farm-house he had once taken. (13)
  • A fortnight ago it would have been perfection; now it filled him with dismay; he felt that the sudden suggestion had to do with Fleur. (8)
  • Old Jolyon held up his hand; dark-rimmed glasses depending between his finger and thumb quivered slightly with a suggestion of menace. (8)
  • The suggestion to leave the horse obviously enough meant that Brayle was to take the longer line, through the woods and among the men. (1)
  • Then indeed the colossal creature, inaccessible to every argument, is open to any suggestion: the oak-like is a reed, the bull a deer. (10)
  • The place had also for me an agreeable alien suggestion, and in passing the long row of cottages I was slightly reminded of Scheveningen. (9)
  • He had returned from business, humming and rubbing his hands, like one newly primed with a suggestion that was the key of a knotty problem. (10)
  • His attire was faultless, his bearing easy and graceful, the look which he turned upon me open, free, and devoid of any suggestion of rudeness. (1)
  • Mrs. Weston proposed having no regular supper; merely sandwiches, &c., set out in the little room; but that was scouted as a wretched suggestion. (4)
  • The suggestion of mountains was enough to make her mind play, and her old father and she were aware of one another without conversing in speech. (10)
  • A railroad had set out from Omaha westward, and another at Sacramento was solemnly considering the impossible suggestion of going eastward to meet it. (7)
  • Strangely too, the proposal came from her, or the suggestion of it, notwithstanding her subjectedness to the nerves, that she should show her face in public. (10)

Also see sentences for: allusion, cue, hint, insinuation, instance, intimation, proposal.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for suggestion. Now that you’ve seen how to use suggestion in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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  • Use the word SUGGESTION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This suggestion stands in the starkest contrast… to the principles in my book and I vote against it.

As I hope for quiet days, fair issue, and long life, With such love as ’tis now, …the murkiest den, the most opportune place, the strong’st suggestion our worser genius can, shall never melt mine honour into lust, to take away the edge of that day’s celebration,

Today the suggestion that there may be a good side to LSD could hardly be less fashionable.

Some incredible suggestion?

An Evening of Experiments Sandor Weltmann Experiments in Mass suggestion, Sleeplessness Hypnosis, Trance, Natural Magnetism, The Secrets.

I will follow your suggestion!

I would next like to demonstrate to you a case of typical mass suggestion such as is the power base of the Hindu Fakirs.

Let me make a suggestion, in all friendship.

«I accept your suggestion merely in order to convince you!»

Officer, may I make a suggestion?

What a splendid suggestion.

I permit myself to make the following suggestion.

May I… May I make a suggestion?

Can’t you make a suggestion?

«She breathes evenly, and as her head lies back we see her beautiful white throat and a suggestion of her well-formed bosom.»

In the film, any suggestion of vampire foreplay is completely eliminated.

Well, I have another suggestion to make.

Perhaps I can offer a suggestion.

After all, gentlemen, this is my daughter’s own suggestion.

-I told the boss it was your suggestion. -You did?

Perhaps we’ve been somewhat crude in our suggestion.

Last I got from you, there wasn’t any suggestion

May I make a suggestion

Yes, and an excellent suggestion, too. Oh, forgive me.

What such a suggestion does to one.

Your Majesty, may I make a suggestion?

Your majesty, may I make a suggestion?

May I offer a simple suggestion?

As long as you all feel so kindly towards my brother, I have a suggestion.

I’ll remember the suggestion.

I shall make you general of all my armies for that suggestion.

Mr. Malloy has spoken to me, and inasmuch as Mr. Wolfinger’s been with the firm for more than two decades, he thinks that if Mr. Wolfinger will return to work and forget wrestling, Mr. Malloy will accept my suggestion that he return to his old position.

But I’ve only one other brilliant suggestion to make.

Do I take charge of their split or have you some other suggestion?

We accept His Highness’ suggestion only on the condition that we hold you hostage pending Major Vickers’ safe return.

I do not think you seriously believe that I’ll accept your optimistic suggestion.

Any suggestion must guarantee the safety of the women and children.

Perhaps can offer slight suggestion.

May offer suggestion, please?

Uh, you make suggestion about visit?

May I make a suggestion before he wakes up?

предложение, внушение, совет, намек, указание


- предложение, совет

practical suggestion — практический совет
suggestion box — ящик для предложений
at smb.’s suggestion, at the suggestion of smb. — по чьему-л. предложению, по предложению кого-л.
to make /to offer/ a suggestion — а) внести предложение; I have a suggestion to make

- намёк, указание

a suggestion of weariness — следы усталости, некоторая усталость
a suggestion of a smile — тень улыбки
blue with a suggestion of green — голубой с зелёным оттенком
there was a suggestion of contempt [of regret] in her tone — в её тоне слышались нотки пренебрежения [сожаления]
to speak with a suggestion of a foreign accent — говорить с еле заметным иностранным акцентом
full of suggestions — многозначительный; наводящий на размышления
it conveys the suggestion that … — это наводит на мысль, что …

- внушение (тж. hypnotic suggestion)

cure by suggestion — лечение внушением

- спец. суггестия
- вероятное или возможное обстоятельство; предположение

my suggestion is that you were not there at that time — я предполагаю, что вас там не было в то время

- информация, полученная не под присягой

Мои примеры


doubts about the practicality of your suggestion — сомнения по поводу целесообразности вашего предложения  
a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion — предложение, не относящееся непосредственно к настоящему обсуждению  
to accept a proposal / a suggestion / an offer — принять предложение  
to entertain a suggestion — откликнуться на предложение  
a breath / hint / suggestion of scandal — намёк на скандал, ощущение приближающегося скандала  
to adopt a suggestion — принять предложение  
to reject a suggestion — отклонить предложение  
appropriate suggestion — дельный совет, уместное предложение  
helpful suggestion — дельное предложение  
pertinent suggestion — своевременный совет  
preposterous suggestion — нелепый совет, абсурдное предложение  
to make a suggestion — предлагать  

Примеры с переводом

Could I make a suggestion?

Могу ли я внести предложение?

Do you have any suggestions?

У вас есть какие-либо предложения?

I’d like to offer a suggestion.

Я хотел бы высказать предложение.

The picnic was her suggestion.

Этот пикник предложила она.

I’ll look over your suggestion.

Я поставлю ваше предложение на рассмотрение.

He readily adopted her suggestion.

Он охотно принял её предложение.

The suggestion has some merit.

Данное предложение имеет некоторые преимущества.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His suggestion did not go down very well.

You’ve opposed every suggestion I’ve made.

…voiced a suggestion about where to go…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

suggest  — предлагать, означать, говорить о, подсказывать, внушать, советовать, намекать
suggesting  — предлагающий
suggested  — предложенный, внушенный
suggestionize  — лечить внушением, подвергать гипнозу

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): suggestion
мн. ч.(plural): suggestions

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The word “suggest” is a verb. A verb is an action word — it tells what the subject in the sentence is doing. In this case, the verb “suggest” means to provide an idea or convey a thought to be considered. The word comes from an old Latin word meaning “to prompt.” Start with Step 1 below to learn how to use the verb «suggest» in a grammatically correct manner.

  1. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 1


    Choose the subject of your sentence. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing or idea that is doing the action. To begin your sentence, choose who or what will be doing the suggesting.

    • People are the most likely types of nouns to suggest something, as they frequently convey thoughts or ideas through language. Choose a person’s name to use in an example sentence using the word suggest, such as «Sally».
    • But what other kinds of nouns work with the verb suggest? Sometimes, things can be suggestive. For instance, “evidence” is often used in coordination with “suggest,” as in, “The evidence suggests the dog ate his homework.”
    • Other nouns might not work as well; for instance, you might have a hard time making a sentence with “drinking glass” as the subject and “suggest” as the verb, as it’s difficult for a glass to suggest something (though not impossible).
  2. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 2


    Next, add in the verb. After you have chosen the subject of your sentence, it’s time to add the verb «suggest». In general, a verb is a word that expresses an action, feeling or a state of being. You will need to conjugate the word «suggest» depending on the subject.

    • In our example, the subject «Sally» is a third person singular noun. The third person singular form of “suggest” is “suggests,” so your sentence will read “Sally suggests.”
    • If the subject of your sentence was in first person singular, such as «I», you would use the first person singular form of the verb, which is simply «suggest». In this example, your sentence would read «I suggest».


  3. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 3


    Include the direct object. The direct object of a sentence is the thing that the verb is being done to. It can be a noun, pronoun, phrase or clause. In relation to the verb «suggest», the direct object is the thing that is being suggested.

    • To find the direct object of your example sentence, ask yourself what Sally is suggesting? If you can answer that question, you’ve found your direct object. For instance, maybe Sally is suggesting ice cream for dessert.
    • In this case, “ice cream” is the noun that becomes the direct object. Add this direct object to the end of the sentence, after the verb «suggests“. This forms the sentence: «Sally suggests ice cream for dessert.”
  4. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 4


    Learn how to structure your sentence when the direct object is an entire phrase. Sometimes, the direct object is a bit more complicated, when a verb phrase or clause acts as a noun.

    • For instance, if Sally suggested going to eat ice cream, the sentence would sound like this one: “Sally suggests we go eat ice cream.”
    • In this case, the direct object is the whole clause, “we go eat ice cream” because Sally is suggesting that whole idea; therefore, the whole idea is acting as one noun. This makes it a direct object. [1]
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  1. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 5


    Change the form of the word «suggest» depending on which pronoun is used. Sometimes a pronoun is used instead of a noun. A pronoun is a replacement for a noun, such as «you», «we». «it», «he» or «she».[2]

    • When using “I” or “You” in its singular form, pair it with “suggest,” such as “I suggest picking flowers,” or “You suggest it to the group.”
    • When using “We” or “You” in the plural form, you also pair it with “suggest.” For instance, the sentence could be “We suggest a different color,” or “You (all) suggest eating out.”
    • In fact, the only time you use the form “suggests” is with third person singular, such as in the «Sally» example above or when using “he” or “she.” The third person plural “they” uses “suggest” rather than “suggests.”
  2. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 6


    Change «suggest» to «suggested» in the past tense. A past tense verb tells your reader (or listener) that the action happened in the past, rather than right now. The past tense of “suggest” is “suggested.”

    • If you made a suggestion to your boss yesterday, you could say, “I suggested it to Rob yesterday, but he didn’t like the idea.”
    • Keep in mind that “suggested” is the past tense no matter whether the noun or pronoun is first, second, or third person or whether it is singular or plural.
  3. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 7


    Change «suggest» to «will suggest» in the future tense. Like past tense, the future tense is all the same for “suggest.” Future tense tells your reader that the action will happen in the future. The future tense for “suggest” is “will suggest”, no matter whether you are using first person singular (“I”) or third person plural (“they”).

    • If your girlfriend wants to make a suggestion in a meeting tomorrow, she might say, “I will suggest that idea tomorrow.”
    • Additionally, if you want to tell someone else what your girlfriend is going to do, you can say: «she said she will suggest that tomorrow.”
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  1. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 8


    Know the meaning of the word «suggest». “Suggest” is the verb form of “suggestion.” When you make a suggestion, you offer an opinion.

    • The word “suggest” is similar to the word «demand», in that they are both putting forth a request. However, “demand” is a very strong word; when you demand something, you are not giving the person you are talking to much of a choice. You are willing them to do something.
    • The word “suggest”, on the other hand, is more of a request. You want your idea to be heard, but you are not requiring that it be fulfilled. When you suggest to a group that you go for ice cream, you are hopeful that you will be able to go, but you are open to other thoughts and ideas.
  2. Image titled Use the Verb Suggest Step 9


    Understand how the word «suggest» works within the structure of a sentence. “Suggest” is a transitive verb. Therefore, a sentence containing the word «suggest» must have a subject, the verb “suggest,” and a direct object.

    • All sentences must have a subject. A subject is a noun or a pronoun, which is a person, place, thing, or idea. A pronoun stands in for a noun; it is a way of referring to something without saying the same word over and over again. Examples of pronouns include «he», «she», «it» and «they».
    • All sentences must also have a verb. Whereas the noun or pronoun does the action, the verb is the action; i.e. it tells what the noun is doing.
    • Some verbs are called transitive verbs, which means they must have a direct object. A direct object is also noun or pronoun. However, this time, the action is happening to the noun, rather than performing the action.
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  • Question

    «Please suggest the following IDD call made from your phone.» Is this correct?


    That doesn’t quite make sense. «Suggest» means to make a recommendation. It’s not clear what you’re trying to say here. Maybe you mean «explain.»

  • Question

    How do I write a sentence using an action verb with the suggested topic of a severe storm?


    A severe storm flooded our town yesterday.

  • Question

    What does «suggest» mean in the following sentence? «Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?»


    «Suggest» is used to mean «mention the name or position of.»

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  • Most of the time, in present tense, you will use the word “suggest” in a sentence, with the exception of third person singular, which takes “suggests.” Also, remember that “suggest” always takes a direct object, so remember to add what is being suggested to the end of the sentence.

  • The pronoun “I” is first person singular, because you are referring to yourself and only one of you exists. “We” is also first person, because you are referring to a group you are including yourself in, but it is plural, as it includes more than one person. “You” is called second person. “You” can be singular or plural, depending on the context.

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  • The verb suggest is never followed by an infinitive.

  • The verb suggest is never followed by an indirect object pronoun (such as me, us, or you).



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