Sentence using the word stunned

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word stunned, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use stunned in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «stunned».

Stunned in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word stunned in a sentence.

  1. His actions had stunned the entire battalion.

  2. In 2006, the unranked Beavers stunned the No.

  3. Tonelli remarked that «I was totally stunned.

  4. This was very effective and stunned the defenders.

  5. The Allies were stunned by Marlborough’s dismissal.

  6. After the win, Tonelli said «I was totally stunned.

  7. Beatrice is so distressed; everyone quite stunned.».

  8. The crowd fell into stunned silence as he walked off.

  9. The birds appear to have been freshly killed or stunned.

  10. He was stunned by her beauty after meeting her in person.

  11. Bart is stunned as their car drives away blaring a gay anthem.

  12. A week later, they quieted a stunned crowd in College Station’s G.

  13. Branham’s death stunned the Pentecostal world and shocked his followers.

  14. Panicking, the trio delivered karate chops to Ghazali’s neck and stunned him.

  15. With bayonets fixed, the force easily put the stunned Bolshevik defenders to flight.

  16. The spectators were mostly stunned into silence, but some wailed and several began praying.

  17. The announcement stunned many of his teammates, particularly Michael Peca and Jason Woolley.

  18. Although it was expected to a certain extent, the trade nonetheless stunned fans in Calgary.

  19. Staying at a bed-and-breakfast, Borat and Azamat are stunned to learn their hosts are Jewish.

  20. Below the print, the text claims that Nero, if not repentant, is at least stunned by his actions:.

  21. Lim applied a large voltage to Loh, who was electrocuted, while Hoe was stunned into unconsciousness.

  22. Rick storms over, furious that Sam disobeyed his order never to perform that song and is stunned to see Ilsa.

  23. Bald eagles also regularly exploit water turbines which produce battered, stunned or dead fish easily consumed.

  24. Episode 3: Elizabeth is stunned and appalled to learn that Charlotte Lucas has accepted Mr Collins’ marriage proposal.

  25. The committee were left stunned at the performance, but Lloyd argued afterwards that the rudeness was «all in the mind».

  26. Meanwhile, a few wounded or stunned Frenchmen were pulled from the heaps of dead men and dying horses and taken prisoner.

  27. Team manager Gibbs reported that at the end of the first day’s play the Australian dressing room was stunned into silence.

  28. Once it was agreed, Frazee informed Barrow, who, stunned, told the owner that he was getting the worse end of the bargain.

  29. Citing personal reasons, James stunned the organization when he resigned as coach and general manager on September 5, 1996.

  30. Bradman appeared stunned and slowly turned around and walked back to the pavilion, receiving another large round of applause.

  31. However, younger loggerheads are more resistant to cold and do not become stunned until temperatures drop below 9 °C (48 °F).

  32. Quickly apprehended, he is deemed a danger to society and is stunned when the judge condemns him to a life sentence in prison.

  33. Shiloh was the costliest battle in American history to that point and the staggering 23,746 total casualties stunned the nation.

  34. A visibly stunned McGee spent the next few minutes filling time until he was ready to inform viewers that Kennedy had been shot.

  35. Some enemies can also be stunned if they are jumped on, such as the one-eyed Yorps, which block Keen’s path but do not harm him.

  36. In October 2006, Kydd announced that she was leaving the Phoenix after just one season, a move that stunned coach Julie Hoornweg.

  37. The cricket world was stunned that a single American city could turn out a side capable of beating the full strength of Australia.

  38. Author John McDermott wrote that «Hendrix left the Monterey audience stunned and in disbelief at what they’d just heard and seen».

  39. The measure, which had no co-sponsors, stunned Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and provoked heated debate in the Senate.

  40. The admission stunned Khrushchev and turned the U-2 affair from a possible triumph to a disaster for him, and he even appealed to U.S.

  41. Whitaker and Mudry were stunned to later learn that their former classmate was on the island with Japanese forces and was killed nearby.

  42. The South Africans were reportedly stunned by Meckiff’s selection, giving the impression that they considered him an illegitimate bowler.

  43. A stunned District Attorney called the assassinations so close to the news about Jonestown «incomprehensible», but denied any connection.

  44. Reactions to the second round draw predicted an easy task for the English team, but Porto stunned its visitors and Europe with a 4–0 win.

  45. I am shocked and stunned.» Harrison modified the lyrics of a song he had written for Starr in order to make the song a tribute to Lennon.

  46. Kupriashvili threw a grenade that blew off the horse’s legs, but Kupriashvili was caught in the explosion, landing stunned on the ground.

  47. He was able to grab the ball with one hand and Smith was out; Barnes then told the stunned batsman «I told you you wouldn’t drive me away».

  48. Her study stunned the medical community and made her a hero to many gay men and lesbians, but homosexuality remained in the DSM until 1974.

  49. The red rail depicted in the Gelderland journal appears to have been stunned or killed, and the sketch is the earliest record of the species.

  50. Using colour-based metaphors, the song’s lyrics describe the grief suffered by someone stunned by the sudden and unexpected loss of a partner.

Synonyms for stunned

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word stunned has the following synonyms: amazed, astonied, astonished, astounded, surprised, dazed, stupefied, stupid, confused, knocked out, kayoed, KO’d, out and unconscious.

General information about «stunned» example sentences

The example sentences for the word stunned that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «stunned» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «stunned».

Similar words: tunnel, stunning, runner, stunt, attuned, manned, sunny, funny. Meaning: [stʌn]  adj. 1. filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock 2. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow 3. in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock. 

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1. The fall stunned me for a moment.

2. Carter looked stunned, but he soon regained his composure.

3. His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.

4. The punch stunned me for a moment.

5. Redfern stunned the crowd with a last-minute goal.

6. Morton stood stunned, unable to believe his ears.

7. The animals are stunned before slaughter.

8. News of the disaster stunned people throughout the world.

9. He looked completely stunned.

10. The robber stunned the guard by banging him on the head.

11. The blow on his head stunned him for a moment.

12. Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film’s violent and tragic end.

13. I am stunned and saddened by this news.

14. They stood in stunned silence beside the bodies.

15. The world was stunned by the vicious defamation.

16. The impact of the ball had stunned her.

17. He was stunned at the bad news.

18. United left the pitch looking stunned and drained.

19. This film stunned the movie world in 1955.

20. Would you turn down your radio? I was stunned.

21. The boys were stunned into silence by this news.

22. She was a bit stunned by the news.

23. He was stunned by the sudden news.

24. She sat stunned for a while,[Sentencedict] until she recovered.

25. They were stunned by the view from the summit.

26. She was too stunned to speak.

27. There was a stunned silence, punctured by shrill laughter.

28. He had been stunned and, naturally, deeply upset.

29. Her wit stunned the audience.

30. The assault was so unexpected that he was briefly stunned into submission.

More similar words: tunnel, stunning, runner, stunt, attuned, manned, sunny, funny, cunning, running, unnatural, tune, tunic, tune in, fortunate, annex, inner, importune, annexe, banner, bonney, winner, manner, dinner, fortunately, channel, planner, connect, study, stump. 

stunned — перевод на русский


Stunning, really.


It was absolutely stunning.

Это было потрясающе.

Oh, that’s stunning!

— О, потрясающе!

— My God, you look absolutely stunning. — Oh.

Боже, ты выглядишь потрясающе.

— You look stunning!

— Ты выглядешь потрясающе!

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-Absolutely stunning.


If I may say so you look so absolutely stunning.

Если позволите, должен сказать, что вы выглядите сногсшибательно.

— You look stunning.

— Выглядишь сногсшибательно.

I’m just gonna take the bench and look stunning.

Я просто сяду на скамью и буду выглядеть сногсшибательно.


Вот это здесь смотрелось бы сногсшибательно.

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Everyone at the club is stunned by that fatal stabbing at Tyneburn, but that’s all forgotten now on a historic day for the East London club.

аждый в клубе ошеломлен той ужасной поножовщиной в «унеберне, но сегодн€ об этом все забыли, в этот исторический день дл€ клуба из восточно-лондона.

I was so stunned that I totally forgot about my dad

Я был настолько ошеломлен, что совсем позабыл про отца.

I’m stunned!

Я ошеломлен!

Well, I’m shocked, stunned, and completely amazed.

— Ну, я шокирован, ошеломлён и совершенно поражён.

I’m stunned!

Я просто ошеломлен!

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— It is stunning.

— Оно великолепно.

Monica, I can’t get over how great you look. You look stunning.

Моника, я не могу поверить, как великолепно ты выглядишь.

Christine, you look stunning.

Кристин, выглядишь великолепно.

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But they’ll only stun human beings for a length of time depending on the degree of concentration we adjust them to.

Но они могут только оглушить человека на определенное время, в зависимости от настройки их фокуса.

We had to stun the Andorian.

Нам пришлось оглушить андорианца.

Use phasers, on stun, if necessary.

В случае необходимости оглушить фазерами.

Put it on stun, not to kill, DeSalle.

Нужно его оглушить, но не убить, Десалль.

If they were inside where they wouldn’t be seen, we could stun them with our phasers, but not out here.

Внутри, где нас никто не видит, можно было бы оглушить их бластерами, но не здесь же.

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I’m stunned…

Я потрясена…

But completely, absolutely stunned.

Совершенно и абсолютно потрясена.

You will be stunned.

Ты будешь потрясена.

Stunned by soup?

Потрясена супом?

I know I should be happy. I’m still stunned.

Я знаю, что должна быть счастлива, но я всё ещё потрясена.

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Basically, a kind of long-distance stun gun.

В сущности, дальнобойный электрошокер.

Which do you prefer, the pepper spray or the stun gun?

Вы что предпочитаете, слезоточивый баллончик или электрошокер?

Let me just grab my night-vision goggles and my stun gun. Heh.

Только захвачу прибор ночного видения и электрошокер.

So I had to use his stun gun on him.

Поэтому мне пришлось применить электрошокер.

Stun guns are a great way to bring down a larger opponent.

Электрошокер — это неплохой путь свалить большего, чем вы, противника.

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it’s stunning.

Это ошеломляюще.

What can I do… in our stunning, wide open universe? News that Mugen’s operations were behind schedule hit the gossip tabloids.

Чем бы я мог заниматься в этой ошеломляюще огромной Вселенной? разразился скандал.

— You look stunning.

— Ты выглядишь ошеломляюще.

Yes, because you are a stunningly beautiful woman.

Да, потому что ты — ошеломляюще красивая женщина.

Yeah, you look stunning.

Да-а, Вы выглядите ошеломляюще.

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— Why are you so stunned?

— Чего ты в таком шоке?

— I’m stunned!

— Я в шоке!

I kind of just stood there in stunned silence.

Я просто молча стояла в шоке.

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Yes, the crew are stunned, but otherwise they’re unharmed.

Да, экипаж оглушен, но в остальном невредим.

Yes, the crew are stunned but otherwise they’re unharmed.

Да, экипаж оглушен, но в остальном невредим.

Maybe he’s just stunned.

Может быть, он просто оглушен.

He’s only stunned.

Только оглушен.

If you hit an opponent in a vital area, he’s stunned for one round.

он оглушен на 1 раунд.

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Use ‘stunned’ in a sentence | ‘stunned’ example sentences

1- The latest attack has left club members stunned .

2- I was simply too stunned to protest.

3- This stunned industry observers and players alike.

4- The killing stunned officials in both states.

5- The stunned crowd was silenced in disbelief.

6- All domestic animals must be stunned before slaughter.

7- I was stunned to hear those names .

8- I was more stunned than anything else .

9- My aunt looked stunned and vaguely sympathetic.

10- The stunned Spanish garrison was quickly expelled.

11- They are also fed intermittently with stunned insects.

12- The man sat stunned for a minute.

13- This has left me a little stunned .

14- The driver seemed stunned by his dead vehicle.

15- I was completely stunned with the performance.

16- I am stunned yet believing in the same instant.

17- There was a moment of stunned silence.

18- China has been stunned by the attack.

19- The disaster stunned and shocked the nation.

20- The nation was stunned by the killing.

21- The entire nation was stunned at his unexpected defeat.

22- Friends and relatives were comforting her stunned family yesterday.

23- His words briefly stunned her into silence.

24- They were immediately followed by a stunned silence.

25- I was too stunned to feel the pain.

26- His former teammates were stunned by his decision.

27- There was stunned silence in the room.

28- The crowd sat in stunned silence before bursting into applause.

29- The colonists were stunned by their success.

30- The entire crew was stunned by the shock.

31- They were reportedly stunned by the news.

32- This stunned those that suspected a spoken code.

33- This declaration was greeted with a stunned silence.

34- University officials were stunned at the news.

35- A stunned nation watched the battle on television.

36- He says the college is stunned and shocked.

37- Tonight workers themselves were stunned by the news.

38- I was really stunned by that number .

39- The violence stunned visitors to the famous tourist destination .

40- All these wizards of smart were stunned ! We were simply stunned to hear of his sudden death.

41- She was stunned when she was told she had won the scholarship.

42- The audience was stunned when the magician made the elephant disappear.

43- The child was momentarily stunned after being hit in the head with a rock.

44- The American soccer team stunned the heavily-favored Mexicans 2-0 in the final of the Gold Cup.

45- The entire world was completely stunned by the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

46- During the slaughtering procedure, an animal is usually stunned before being suspended by a hind limb and then bled.

47- We were all stunned when we got to school, and found there had been a fire which had completely destroyed the building.

48- In July of 1976, fourteen-year-old Romanian Nadia Comaneci stunned spectators when she scored perfect 10s in Olympic gymnastics.

49- In July of 1976, fourteen-year-old Romanian Nadia Comaneci stunned spectators when she scored perfect 10s in Olympic gymnastics.

50- styleStevens stunned the detectives by admitting he killed Shauna Tiaffay.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
Related Words:
stumped – stumping – stumps – stumpy – stun – stung – stunk – stunned – stunning – stunningly – stuns – stunt – stunted – stunting – stunts –

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He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, «But you wore those sandals, I couldn’t have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don’t think I’ve ever carried an aluminum on my person,» Ava said

Johnny and Ackers turned to each other in stunned silence

And every man, woman and child in the audience was stunned into silence

Stephen just looks stunned

All the teachers seem to be stunned, but otherwise OK

Ava looked stunned, «You’ve seen the structural changes so far and heard a little introduction to the science I’ve been working on

He seems dazed, stunned, his hair and clothes disheveled

Glenelle was stunned by the discovery that was being announced in this courtyard

’ I said, stunned by her fantastic head gear which towers a good foot above her head and wobbles most precariously every time she moves her head

Dante’s ears are stunned moment, preventing hearing the

It was like the whole boat was stunned

‘Good God!’ I exclaimed, truly stunned … the bastard was playing with her at the same time was he! ‘She’s only about twenty isn’t she?’

Lying on the stage with him and looking as stunned as he did were Diam, Enrico and someone he barely recognized from astrophysics

For a second or two Aban just stood there, mid-hug, looking stunned

There was stunned silence

We looked around stunned; what had just happened? Where was the thing?

be amazed, be stunned, prepare to witness the wonders

ERICK remains in the room with a stunned look

Tarlass had no idea who she was talking about, but was stunned at this revelation

I’d been quite stunned when I realised that this was the way things are here … it seemed so very strange to my Earth-accustomed mind

‘Yes … he was somewhat stunned

He was pretty stunned when I gave him the reply – just stood there staring at me as though he had seen a miracle and didn’t quite believe it

The fisherman sat in stunned silence as they drove towards his fine executive home at Seaview Park

I’m stunned at his attitude but relieved that I don’t have to run the gauntlet of trying to justify the unjustifiable

‘Well, to be honest, I was completely stunned when she first mentioned it but, I daresay she knows what she is doing

I am still stunned when I put the phone down

Kai was stunned, as were the animal’s handlers

‘Did you doubt it?’ I asked stunned, sometimes his insecurities shake me

I’m still standing stunned when Alastair comes up behind me and takes my empty mug from my hand

‘Italy?’ I’m initially stunned by the thought, then the possibilities start springing up like weeds after rain

‘That’s fabulous news … you’ve completely flattened your son, Anna! He’s stunned, but he’s never quite got used to the idea that his mum’s an attractive woman who was bound to find another man sometime

scientists were stunned; the spacecraft was made of an

politician was stunned when he heard these claims

He was stunned to see that holding on to his

The fisherman sat in stunned silence as they drove towards his

Kai was stunned, “How could you possibly know these things?”

’ I said stunned by this offer, ‘Please pass on my thanks

He could not see the stunned faces of those below

That was the next question, and it stunned me and I didn’t answer soon enough

He is stunned by his good fortune, by his darling girl

asked, stunned into interrupting the old man

Stunned, Chas lay on the floor for a moment before leaping to his feet and throwing himself at Mickey, his face a vicious mask of violence

Chrissie could hear her own breathing sounding loud in the stunned silence which swamped the room

She’d been stunned by his proposal

of understanding of the history behind this, was stunned

I sat there stunned for a

She was too stunned to vent her full wrath on him yesterday, she didn’t know her full wrath until now

Jarvis stared at her in silence, stunned by her reaction

Monica raised both her eyebrows and stood there stunned for a few moments, then went to look in the freezer

in stunned amazement, Jean decided it was time to

” Harry was stunned

I was stunned! How did this happen? How could

The day the letter arrived, she was stunned to find more than a simple notation about how the land was secured

’ I was now looking on in stunned silence!

Brian also was stunned by the blast furnace

Tom nodded stunned and then the pain hit him

We were all too stunned to respond, but I — for one – had

«How did you get here?» She was too stunned by this apparition to say something rational, her startled instinct had taken over

«Individual kedas are older than the human race?» Ava was stunned by that revelation

There was a stunned silence

For an instant Rollinthor was stunned, unable to believe in his own indignation

Bishop cut into the argument with words that stunned

Breathless, she ran and told Aladdin, who was stunned at first, but presently thought of the lamp

Klowa was stunned by that news

There was a stunned pause, eventually broken by Johnson

Desa was stunned by that comment

He was up then, as stunned as Desa was when this same mechanical man, haunted by a different ghost, shot her in the leg with a poison dart

’ The stunned look of the three

Jean was stunned

As they all stood watching in stunned silence, some of the

Stunned, Nathalia watched as black blood restored its vertebrae and tissue began growing over its newly formed spine

«What in the Dead was that?» Drau’d thundered over the stunned defenders

Anon was stunned, helpless

However, Ostedes was stunned by the blow, and it even sent him reeling backwards

When he snapped back to what Althart was saying he was stunned at his insight

Four rapid bursts of energy stunned them, his blade-shaped hands cut them down

But she had stunned me once again

“What happened? Why are you so stunned? You have got your

One tried to run, but Kestides stunned her with a backhand blow, then carried her over his shoulder

Patrice is stunned, unsure what to say

Tragus stunned her with a fist to the temple

Crissy was stunned and went as white as a sheet

Zarko was stunned at the sight of four men standing in the heart of the furnace, smiling and chatting

Nothing registered – Zarko was too shocked and stunned

The stunned young Nord just continued to stand by watching as his shaken commander unfolded the parchment and began to read the note

Edrimer was stunned to finally see his brother’s face after 2 years, and Arkaneh was shocked to see the white mask that stared back at him

She was seething with pent-up anger and the severity of her verbal attack stunned him

But as she watched the charismatic yet notably aloof Chaerea retreat back into the throng of mourners, she was stunned by the appearance of a somewhat unexpected face: the Emperor Titus Mede II himself

Her words shocked Azubah into a stunned silence

The Bee and Barb’s visitors were collectively stunned by the events, but once again were expecting things to quiet down with the stranger’s exit

A stunned Penelope nodded and after stumbling over a nearby corpse and fallen stone, she ran with the robed man in escape

Though the animals remained quietly in their places, the young woman uttered a stunned DRAFT

She questioned, still stunned from the

Eight stunned faces filled the split screen main viewer

I fell backwards, stunned

Raiya considered inviting him to remove her dress, but already he looked stunned … but aroused

Roidon couldn’t help but feel a moment of empathy for the man – being stunned was not at all pleasant

Joseph looked at me with a stunned expression

Now it was Abner»s turn to look stunned

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Stunned | Stunned Sentence

  • Mills had a stunned look.
  • The ghastliness of my position stunned me.
  • She was stunned by the suddenness of the crisis.
  • For a moment he was stunned by the vigorous outburst.
  • A sharp rap behind the head stunned it.
  • The two boys were almost stunned by their discovery.
  • She was astonished, stunned by my negation.
  • I stood stupefied, stunned by this amazing statement.
  • For a moment Mabel was too stunned to speak.
  • But the shock stunned me so that I could not speak.
  • He was pleased when Dr. Hoyt sank into stunned silence.
  • For a while each stared at the other, too stunned to move or speak.
  • With the invocation he cast the stunned reptile far out into the garden.
  • He seemed for a moment stunned at the sight of her motionless figure.
  • Douglas was only stunned for the time, and very much bruised and shaken.
  • That kind o’ stunned him, and he gave in.
  • Caroline Smith stood for a moment stunned and then ran to him.
  • But Tom doesn’t stay stunned long.
  • The novelty, the immensity of the proposition, stunned Dave.
  • Poor McGuffey was stunned when he heard the news that night from Scab Johnny.

How To Use Stunned In A Sentence?

  • I was stunned with such variety of noise as made me heartily regret the quiet of the parsonage.
  • The intellect is stunned by the shock, and but gropingly gathers the meaning of the words.
  • It had toppled bodily upon her head, and she was stunned by the completeness of the ruin.
  • It had grazed his skull and stunned him for a little time, and crazed him into the bargain.
  • Fallen in an hour from heights of love and hope and exaltation, she lay stunned in the abyss.
  • Secrecy, silence, her stunned brain had grasped that and directed her restraining hand.
  • The blow had badly stunned Gray, and it was some time before he recovered consciousness.
  • I am so thoroughly stunned that I feel nothing outside, but my heart is crucified.
  • For a time I was stunned by the blow, and a dull stupor overpowered all recollection.
  • She was glad to be a little stunned by the cheerful view he took of what must be so sad as well as so sweet.
  • For many rods in all directions stunned creatures were struggling to their feet after the stupendous shock that had felled them.
  • A little stream ran at the bottom which would revive him if stunned or drown him as the fates saw best.
  • The mystery of it all had so stunned me that I felt myself utterly incapable of believing anything.
  • Half stunned though she was by her fall, the marquise saw something coming after her, and sprang aside.
  • After two sharp turns they came out unexpectedly into the blaze of blue day, nearly stunned by light and sound.
  • He took advantage of my being stunned to rifle me of my watch and whatever valuables I had about my person.
  • In the bitterness of desolation, still stunned and bewildered by the cruelty of the blow that has come upon them, his mind is clear on that point.
  • The king of the desert rolled heavily under the stroke, and fell headlong, stunned and senseless, but not dead.
  • This intelligence stunned me for a moment or two, and I am sure its effect upon the men was very great.
  • Shortly afterwards, while sitting at the piano playing I felt a heavy blow, which for a few moments stunned me.

Definition of Stunned

Unable to act or respond; dazed; shocked. | simple past tense and past participle of stun

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Stunned sentence in english

Asked by: Karina Olson Sr.

Score: 4.4/5
(43 votes)

verb (used with object), stunned, stun·ning. to deprive of consciousness or strength by or as if by a blow, fall, etc.: The blow to his jaw stunned him for a moment. to astonish; astound; amaze: Her wit stunned the audience. to shock; overwhelm: The world was stunned by the attempted assassination.

What word can replace stunned?

Synonyms & Antonyms of stunned

  • amazed,
  • astonished,
  • astounded,
  • awestruck.
  • (also awestricken),
  • bowled over,
  • dumbfounded.
  • (also dumfounded),

What does it mean when someone says Stunned?

If you are stunned by something, you are extremely shocked or surprised by it and are therefore unable to speak or do anything.

What is the noun form of stunned?

Noun. stun (countable and uncountable, plural stuns) The condition of being stunned. That which stuns; a shock; a stupefying blow.

What are three synonyms stunned?

synonyms for stunned

  • bewildered.
  • confused.
  • overwhelmed.
  • shocked.
  • speechless.
  • startled.
  • surprised.
  • stupefied.

40 related questions found

What is the opposite stunned?

(indifferent) Opposite of confounded with surprise or wonder. indifferent. nonchalant. unimpressed. unconcerned.

Is stunned a feeling?

Stunned means to cause someone to feel great shock, or to overwhelm or make someone motionless by using some type of force. When you tasered someone and made him motionless, this is an example of when you stunned him. Stunned is defined as a state of being shocked, overwhelmed or rendered immobile. …

Is stunned positive?

“Stunned” can be found in positive or negative situations. The sentence you gave is fine as it is. It is used a lot in sports when one team is about to win the game and the other team wins instead. Many people say, “We were stunned that they came back and won the game!”

What is the adjective of stunned?

adjective. /stʌnd/ /stʌnd/ ​very surprised or shocked; showing this.

What’s a synonym for Shocked?

stunned, stupefied, surprised. (also surprized), thunderstruck.

What is the difference between stunned and surprised?

As adjectives the difference between stunned and surprised

is that stunned is unable to act or respond; dazed; shocked while surprised is caused to feel surprise, amazement or wonder, or showing an emotion due to an unexpected event.

How do you give someone a shock?

To make someone feel shocked or surprised — thesaurus

  1. surprise. verb. to give someone a feeling of surprise.
  2. shock. verb. if something bad and unexpected shocks someone, they are very surprised or upset by it.
  3. shake up. phrasal verb. …
  4. amaze. verb. …
  5. stun. verb. …
  6. astonish. verb. …
  7. astound. verb. …
  8. stagger. verb.

What does half stunned mean?

filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock. 2. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow.

What is the meaning Flabbergast?

: feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder : utterly astonished Every second person wore a blank flabbergasted expression, having just offered some gratuitous insult to a stranger, or, perhaps, received one.—

What is the synonym of shunt?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for shunted. averted, deviated, moved, rechanneled.

What is the sentence of stunned?

Stunned sentence example. I guess he was stunned by my beauty. There she lay stunned for a few minutes. For a moment Lisa was too stunned to say anything.

Is stun short for stunning?

The first records of stunning come from around 1660. It combines the word stun, meaning “to daze, astonish, or overwhelm” and the suffix -ing. If something is stunning, then it is going to stun a person in one way or another.

Is stun a Scrabble word?

Yes, stun is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is shocked a positive or negative word?

It is generally a positive or neutral situation. On the other hand, we use “shocked” when we want to talk about a situation that we find extremely unexpected. These situations are usually negative but sometimes they can be neutral. The important thing to remember is that “shocked” is much stronger than “surprised”.

Is astonished positive or negative?

Astonished is the adjective form of the verb astonish, which comes from old Anglo-Norman for a blow to the head. We use it now for much more positive feelings, when we are stunned by awe and admiration, and not stunned from being hit in the head with a bat!

Is astounding positive or negative?

Yes, they can. You can say you are astonished that one could be so stupid. Or your friend is astoundingly pigheaded. You could also use extraordinary in place of either word too, although you’d need to rewrite the sentence a bit.

What happens when you are stunned?

When you’re stunned, you‘re thrown for a loop: either by shocking news or a blow to the head. You can be stunned a few different ways, but they all involve a state of confusion.

Why was the court stunned?

The Court was stunned because the criminal has tell and had praised about the new theory..

What stutter means?

to speak or say something, especially the first part of a word, with difficulty, for example pausing before it or repeating it several times: She stutters a little, so be patient and let her finish what she’s saying. [ + speech ] «C-c-can we g-go now?» stuttered Jenkins. Compare. stammer verb.

  • Use the word STUNNED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And I rode through the town and, lost in dreams, I drew up the courting and I saw the beauty flush happily, stunned and moved by the honour!

Santa and Senkichi are stunned by the invitation,

«He hurls the first woman aside. «She is stunned by the fall,

I’ll get the lot, the gonna be stunned back home.

«Boss and several strangers stunned Mr. Song and locked him in the cellar!»

It is only stunned. You will be awake in a minute, but it sure will fall asleep.



No, she’s stunned, I imagine.

You return, head bowed, totally stunned by life’s hard lesson.

Although I am somewhat stunned.

I guess I was a little too stunned to say thank you, but you know how it is when you’ve been waiting for something for a long time.

There was a Nazi tank against every Polish hope… and the people were stunned and helpless.

I want everyone to bow before you and be stunned by your beauty when you wear a dress.

Called the Spectrum, did speak to the tables, … sleeping a public stunned.

And I was stunned by you.

Tin, why are you stunned?

I know. I suppose I shouldn’t be so stunned.

That sudden trip left me stunned.

But completely, absolutely stunned.

Positive, she seemed quite stunned.

Maybe he was stunned while diving.

I think I was stunned momentarily.

I suppose it stunned this, uh, Pepito Alvarez.

With the blows they always give me,.. I made him believe that they stunned my head!

stunned, I rushed to Anna.

We were stunned by its immensity.

The fools at the shop would be stunned if they knew…

Since Jim’s death, I’d felt sort of stunned.

Members of both parties were stunned by the suddenness of McKeever’s decision… to return to private industry.

That stunned me, damn it.

Only a donkey in the noon sun and a poet lost in poetry are so stunned.

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