Sentence using the word planning

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word planning, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use planning in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «planning».

Planning in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word planning in a sentence.

  1. Don Murphy was planning a G.I.

  2. Rogers have any hint what he was planning.

  3. Selznick, who was planning a film version.

  4. In Tiflis, Stalin began planning for the robbery.

  5. Morrell retreated to Manila, planning retaliation.

  6. Rumours swirled that Plante was planning a comeback.

  7. According to Dekema, planning for I-805 began in 1956.

  8. Few Australians were involved in planning the invasion.

  9. They fall in love and begin planning their life together.

  10. General Muhayadan was crucially involved in the planning.

  11. Colonel Ralph Bagnold had taken over deception planning, pushing ‘A’ Force aside.

  12. The Friends and the state collaborated in park planning and further fund-raising.

  13. In the wake of a string of Allied victories, thoughts turned to post-war planning.

  14. This would have far-reaching effects on the planning and execution of the assault.

  15. It provides vaccinations, family planning consultations, and prenatal information.

  16. Cooke and Gyse have been described as «remorseless» in the planning of the killing and its execution.

  17. The remainder financed major projects in terms of planning, right-of-way acquisition or construction.

  18. Sold to developers, planning permission was obtained to convert the building into a hotel and museum.

  19. The day after Sega announced it was no longer planning to merge with Sammy, Namco withdrew its offer.

  20. The southern segment was called the Detroit–Toledo Expressway during planning in the 1950s and 1960s.

  21. Initially planning to depart for distant lands, a vision of Christ leads him to aid the impoverished.

  22. This led to rumors that Universal Orlando was planning to expand The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

  23. The following year, Wood began planning for a grand concert to mark his fiftieth year as a conductor.

  24. The city of Kigali is a provincial-level authority, which coordinates urban planning within the city.

  25. In December 1841 Pierce decided to resign from Congress, something he had been planning for some time.

  26. The RAN was originally planning to build non-nuclear submarines in Australia, with the help of France.

  27. He invaded Upper Austria, planning to capture Vienna, but diplomatic exigencies complicated his plans.

  28. War planning is constant during peacetime and when wars are fought, women and children become targets.

  29. Town planning was codified in law, and the State Planning Authority was created to oversee development.

  30. According to his biographer, Alec Hill, the success of the raid was ensured by his meticulous planning.

  31. When the Interstate Highway system was in the planning stages, the western terminus of I-70 was proposed to be at Denver.

  32. She had been planning to return to film in Flower Drum Song when she died in 1961, at the age of 56, from a heart attack.

  33. Each novel in the series focuses on the love story of a different founder of Vows, a fictional wedding planning business.

  34. For planning purposes, it was assumed that casualties on D-Day would be at an exceptionally high («double intense») rate.

  35. Kenyatta and other senior IASB members began planning the fifth Pan-African Congress, held in Manchester in October 1945.

  36. By the time the Interstate Highway System was in the planning stages, no paved road had yet entered the San Rafael Swell.

  37. As well as liaising with GHQ, Forward Echelon LHQ became responsible for planning operations involving Australian troops.

  38. Following the South/North line’s initial defeat, planning for a separate North Portland to Clark County segment continued.

  39. Garnet does not resist, for she was already planning to flee and warn Cid of Queen Brahne’s increasingly erratic behavior.

  40. When Welburn learned that Kendall was planning to seat the land himself, he threatened to shoot trespassers on the island.

  41. Back in London in July 1942, Murdoch was assigned to Combined Operations Headquarters, where he assisted in planning the Dieppe Raid before returning to Australia in 1943.

  42. The Good Campaign opens after the Fellowship of the Ring has set out on their mission to unmake the One Ring of Power, with Elrond and Glóin planning the War in the North.

  43. Preliminary planning for the Montana-class battleships took place in 1939, when the aircraft carrier was still considered strategically less important than the battleship.

  44. In March 1944, planning for the test was assigned to Kenneth Bainbridge, a professor of physics at Harvard University, working under explosives expert George Kistiakowsky.

  45. Meeker wanted the new half dollars struck as quickly as possible; he was planning another journey west on the Trail, and wanted to be able to sell the coins along the way.

Synonyms for planning

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word planning has the following synonyms: preparation and provision.

General information about «planning» example sentences

The example sentences for the word planning that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «planning» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «planning».

  • Use the word PLANNING in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And suspects that you’re here planning something illegal.

We weren’t planning on swimming.

I saw that couple here on a date… and they were planning on taking a hiking trip somewhere on their day off.

Now that he’s planning on getting married… I’m sure that he’ll just tell me to get lost if he knows that I like him.

The chairman told me that he’ll be back in Korea if his son is truly planning on getting married.

You’re not planning on continuing with this charade, are you?

I think he’s planning on joining them for dinner.

That’s on account of your bad planning!

Kokichi the Rat was planning a big job.

Infantryman Muflot, the terror of the dorms, was planning to give rookie Jean Dubois d’Ombelles a proper welcome.

Three days passed — three days of planning.

So, are you planning on leaving her alone here?

That’s just what he was planning to do! Well, what was he fooling around about?

My father says he caught you and Mac planning to run away together.

You know that I’m not planning to desert you.

We’re planning to found some business down there.

Are you planning to leave me behind?

Well, I must admit, you’re very clever at planning your conquests.

and that we are planning to execute him, possibly tonight.

If anybody was planning a speech about my 16th birthday…

For a big deal I’m planning… it’s a long story.

I’ve been planning it for months.

I wasn’t planning on swimming.

I was planning quite an extensive trip. I see.

Count Zaroff is planning something… about my brother and me.

I thought we might run up a few curtains and make a batch of fudge, while we were planning what to wear to the country club dance Saturday night. Just remember, Lily:

But what you are planning is dangerous.

You can cut out my appendix without ether if I did. Wasn’t I planning to work with him all week?

If you’re gonna sue, you better lam out to her house right now. Because she’s planning to leave for New York and Europe on the five o’clock train. Right.

I’m planning to be a flyer just like you, just as soon as I get time.

planning on staying a while?


Were you…were you planning something special?

Never mind what they were planning!

There are rumors that Your Majesty is planning a foreign marriage.

I think she is planning to back home before you come.

Are you planning to stay here?

They say he’s planning to move the capital to Egypt.

Maybe they’re planning a double suicide.

You’re not planning to be there.

-it will interfere with my plans -plans .. what are you planning now ?

Well, you can stop worrying right now and start planning your dress for the inauguration.

We were planning not even to tell your majesty, isn’t that right?

He’s planning to stay longer, to organize the agency.

Mother’s planning on a big church wedding.

But we were planning on marrying right after Christmas.

He’s evidently planning to kill him.

While many of them relive the meeting in their memories… still others are already planning the next review.

The term planning is imbecilic; everything can change tomorrow. ❋ HENRY MINTZBERG (1994)

Similarly, in certain literature of the public sector (so-called public planning), the term planning has been used as a virtual synonym for decision making and project management (see, for example, the various writings of Nutt e.g., 1983, 1984). ❋ HENRY MINTZBERG (1994)

George Steiner, probably the most prolific of the business planning writers, noted that the word planning comes from the Latin planum, “meaning flat surface” 1969:5. ❋ HENRY MINTZBERG (1994)

For Constellation this ruins planning assumptions, as one assumption in planning is «science will roll over and play dead». ❋ Unknown (2009)

This comment should probably apply to the planning school in general, which could avoid a good deal of confusion by insisting that the word planning be used only with an adjective—other than “strategic”! ❋ HENRY MINTZBERG (1994)

In my part of the Tokyo area there are plans for no less than four lines to be made, some of those plans will happen others may change (demographics, budgets, etc.), but this type of long term planning is what makes it happen. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The only long-term planning is by Cheney, who hasn’t shown great competence in anything but self-aggrandizement, and feeding at the trough. ❋ Unknown (2007)

[We can’t] [commit] to that yet, [we need] to develop a plan for the plan first. ❋ FlatGreenBall (2021)

[Dutch] needs 1 more score for his [plan] to work you just need more [faith] ❋ John Marston The Rock Farmer (2019)

Yo, did you see what The [Plan] did? They were [spamming] that chat with [WideHardo’s]. ❋ THE PLAN WIDEHARDO (2019)

[Stalin] on the meeting with his army [generals], walking back and forth and smoking his pipe
Stalin: -Comrade [Zhukov], is it your plan?
Zhukov: -Yes, Comrade Stalin!
Stalin, having a good puff: -Comrade Zhukov, you have a great plan! ❋ Dildo777 (2018)

weed-plan ❋ Leonid (2003)

Yo did u see [the plan] harass this guy?
Yes I totally saw the plan harassing other [streamers] because [Gross Gore] told them to do so ❋ PLANNER1234 (2019)

plans? [hit me] [upp]
damn [rain] ruined my plans
making plansss(: ❋ Ilovemockingpeople (2010)

Oh [Friday’s] [not good], [I have plans]. I have plans for the weekend too. ❋ Dantes (2008)

A: Did you see Ali [Larsen] newest propaganda speech at Leicester square?
B: No I would never take part in a salafistic activity
The Plan is mainly located in [Ashford] and London and cause a lot of trouble for uk citizens. They usually gather a lot in [White Willow Close], Ashford ❋ Joe_Sterling (2020)

Did you see [that bomb] that was [planted] by Ryan Nettleship? Yes he did it in the name of [the plan]. ❋ PLANNER1234 (2019)

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∙ 7y ago

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we were planning it from a long time. Our planning did not come
to life.

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I am planning a party later.

The planning committee rejected the proposals.

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Q: How to use the word planning in a sentence?

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Synonym: aim, arrange, design, devise, intend, maneuver, mean, plot, project, propose, scheme, think. Similar words: plant, planet, planner, airplane, planning, planetarium, explanation, land. Meaning: [plæn]  n. 1. a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished 2. an arrangement scheme 3. scale drawing of a structure. v. 1. have the will and intention to carry out some action 2. make plans for something 3. make or work out a plan for; devise 4. make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form. 

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(1) Working without a plan is sailing without a compass. 

(2) Failing to plan is planning to fail. 

(3) He was quite agreeable to accepting the plan.

(4) At any rate, your plan needs revision.

(5) The boss wouldn’t approve of the plan.

(6) What was his reaction to this plan?

(7) I changed my mind and disconcerted her plan.

(8) Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.

(9) Don’t stint on time to make a plan.

(10) Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape.

(11) It’s just a sketch of the plan.

(12) The whole plan went like a dream.

(13) Management and staff are at loggerheads over the plan.

(14) I opposed myself to the training plan.

(15) Can you sell the chief on your plan?

(16) The Government seems to have jettisoned the plan.

(17) He steamrollered the plan through the committee.

(18) Your idea will be incorporated in the plan.

(19) His plan is incompatible with my intentions.

(20) He openly criticized the plan as impracticable.

(21) How long do you plan to stay?

(22) He spoke on behalf of the plan.

(23) Their plan will probably meet with little success.

(24) I plan to stay for a week.

(25) I am in accord with your plan.

(26) In a word[],the whole plan fell through.

(27) Our ideas began to crystallize into a definite plan.

(28) This is conditional on the overall plan.

(29) We need to plan for the future.

(30) When society requires to be rebuilt, there is no use attempting to rebuild it on the old plan

More similar words: plant, planet, planner, airplane, planning, planetarium, explanation, land, lane, blank, island, landing, glance, landmark, blanket, homeland, play, landscape, balanced, parlance, jubilant, plate, place, balance of, playoff, player, clandestine, in place, explain, plastic. 

level 1

You can sort of prove that your word «planning» is a verb in your example sentence by looking at some related sentences. For instance:

  1. «I plan to go to her birthday party.»

  2. «I am planning to go to her birthday party.»

  3. «I was planning to go to her birthday party.»

  4. «I had planned to go to her birthday party.»

As you can see in #1, the verb «plan» is the the main verb (as it is in present tense), and other forms of that verb are used in the other examples.

level 1

As others have said, «planning» is definitely a verb in that sentence. If you need another way to show your brother that it is a verb, consider if we extend the sentence:

I was planning a holiday.

Here, a holiday is the direct object of planning. As such, planning cannot possibly be a noun, because nouns do not take objects.

level 1

It’s the verb «to plan» in the present continuous tense, just like «I was eating or «I was shouting.»

Planning is the primary function of management that involves deciding the future course of action. There are several definitions of planning, but the one studied well and holds the right meaning is – planning means the determination of what is to be done, how and where it is to be done, who is to do it, and how the results are to be evaluated.’

When it comes to understanding what is planning, the first thing you need to understand that it revolves around a process of thinking before fling and making plans for the organization. A plan is a specific course of action proposed to help the organization to achieve its short-term as well as long-term goals.

Strategic planning outlines how objectives are to be achieved. It is important to remember that plans are analyses developed for a given time frame. If the time factor is not considered, conditions in the environment may change, and all business plans may waste.

Planning involves the setting of objectives and developing an appropriate course of action to achieve these objectives. This is the starting point of planning: setting the objectives.

In the words of Harold Koontz an American organizational theorist, Professor of Business Management at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a consultant for many of America’s largest business organizations-

“Planning is deciding in advance what to do when to do, how to do, and who is to do it. It is bridging the gap from where we are to where we want to go.”

 All in all, planning revolves around nine key principles-

  • Goal orientation
  • Specificity
  • Accuracy
  • Comprehensiveness
  • Flexibility
  • Objectivity
  • Simplicity
  • Communicability
  • Implementable

So, when your planning includes these nine principles, it would have better chances of gaining short-term as well as long-term success. Let us now have a look at some of the key features that planning should comprise-

Features of Effective Planning

Planning is a process of decision-making. It has the following features:

1. Planning focuses on achieving objectives

Planning specifies the objectives to attain and lays down the necessary activities to achieve them.

2. Planning is the management’s primary function

Planning logically proceeds with the performance of all the other managerial activities. It helps in an efficient organization. It assists in manpower planning and designing employment and training programs for the employees. Planning lays down the benchmark of performance for the employees with the help of which the manager can control the employees’ activities.

3. Planning is pervasive

Planning is the basic function of managers at all levels. It is performed by the top-level management, middle-level, as well as lower-level management. However, the nature and the scope of planning vary in each level of management.

4. Planning is a continuous process

Every manager is engaged in planning continuously. The old plans have to be revised, and the new ones are supposed to be introduced depending upon the situation’s needs. Thus, planning is a continuous process of making new plans and modifying existing plans to ensure that it is achieved.

5. Planning is futuristic

Planning is a forward-looking process. It is carried out to achieve some objectives in the future. It involves forecasting future events like customers’ demands, competitions, government policies, etc.

6. Planning involves decision-making

Planning involves searching for alternatives and selecting the best alternative to achieve specified objectives. Therefore, decision-making is an integral part of the planning process.

Importance of Planning

Importance of Planning

Planning provides the organization to carry out the foundation of efficient management. Here is the importance of planning mentioned below –

1. Planning provides direction for an action or an objective

Planning provides direction to all the organization’s activities by clarifying the objectives and targets. If the objectives are laid down, all the business plans will be specifically directed towards the objectives. Therefore, planning provides a clear-cut direction for all the departments and individuals working in the enterprise.

2. Planning reduces the risk of uncertainty

The process of planning involves forecasting or anticipating future events. This helps to reduce uncertainties in the business. It is also noted that these uncertainties are caused by the changes in technology, taste and fashion, and other business conditions. Sufficient provisions can be made in the plans to meet these uncertainties.

3. Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities

Effective planning lays down various courses of action that are useful in accomplishing objectives. The chances of wasteful overlapping and activities are reduced to a great extent.

4. Planning promotes innovation and creativity

Planning is the thinking function of management. It promotes innovative and creative thinking. Many new ideas come to the mind of a manager when he is planning.

5. Planning establishes standards for controlling

managerial control involves keeping activities on the right path by restricting deviations from the plans or standards. It is through the process of planning that the management establishes the standards of performance. These serve as the benchmark for the appraisal of actual performance. In other words, planning and controlling are like the inseparable twins of management. Planning facilities controlling.

Steps involved in the Planning Process – How to do Planning

Steps involved in the Planning Process - How to do Planning

The process of planning involves seven steps. The steps are as follows –

1. Setting objectives

The first step in the planning process is the establishment of objectives. Specific objectives have to be laid down, which can be achieved with the help of policies, procedures, rules, budgets, programs, and strategies. Objectives provide the nucleus to the planning process. They help the employees in understanding what is expected of them.

2. Developing premises

Planning premises are the assumptions about the likely shape of events in the future. They serve as the basis of planning. To make effective plans, the planning premises must be based on systematic forecasting. Assessment of future demand, the taste of customers, competition in the market, etc. can be made with forecasting.

3. Identifying alternative courses of action

Search for alternative plans or course of action is an important step in learning. Without resorting to a search for alternatives, a planner is likely to be guided by his limited imagination. Generally, there are several alternatives to solve any problem. The manager should try to screen out the most unviable alternatives to have a small number of alternatives for the final selection.

4. Evaluating alternatives

The alternatives generated at the previous stage are evaluated in the light of objectives, costs involved, availability of capital, materials, personnel, etc. The positive and negative aspects of each alternative course of action should be evaluated based on their feasibility and consequences.

5. Selecting the best alternative

This step involves decision-making. It involves quantitative analysis and judgment and experience of the manager. The alternative to be selected must be the most feasible and profitable and should have the least negative consequences. Sometimes, a combination of alternatives may be selected instead of one alternative.

6. Implementation of the plan

After choosing a particular plan, it is put into action by taking the necessary steps. Immaculate implementation of a plan revolves around the courses of action that strategic planning incorporates, and hence chances of getting favorable outcomes to get optimized. All in all, the implementation of a plan decides how effective strategic planning was in being operational planning.

7. Follow up action and review

After the plan has been implemented, it is necessary to monitor it to ensure various activities are performed as per schedule and objectives are achieved. Strategic planning, as well as operational planning, are only successful if they are executed in a result-driven manner. Follow-up and review methods help leaders and decision-makers to check the effectiveness of strategic and operational planning.

Three Levels of Planning

1. Operational Planning

This level of planning occurs at the lower level, as it revolves around the basic details of how any specific goal or objective can be accomplished using available resources.

Operational planning is generally done for finding the right marketing plans, best-suited production methods, different organizational facilities, etc.

2. Tactical Planning

It occurs at the middle level. Tactical planning is responsible for doing planning through which the mission of an organization can be accomplished.

At the level of planning, decisions related to services or products that should be added, pricing, facilities, systems, size of capital investments, etc are made.

3. Strategic Planning

This level of planning occurs at the top-most level where top management tries to accomplish long-term goals by using available resources.

Strategic planning revolves around making a mission for the entire organization, finding out all the financial requirements, allocation of resources, ensuring authority relations in the organization, etc.

Though planning is crucial in giving more favorable results, it also incorporates some inherent and hidden limitations. Let us go through them as well-

Limitations of Strategic and Operational Planning

Planning may sometimes not lead to the desired results. It is because of some limitations which can be classified into internal as well as external limitations. While making plans for long-term success, paying heed to these limitations is crucial.

So, when you want to understand what is planning, it is important to go through these limitations as well-

1. Internal Limitations of Strategic Planning

a. Planning leads to rigidity and inflexibility

Planning involves laying down plans in advance. It might lead to inflexibility or rigidity by compelling the managers to confirm the plan.

Inflexibility in strategic planning/operational planning may be costly for the organization, particularly when it has changed. Managers often deviate from the plans with a fear of doe being responsible for any undue result.

b. Planning may not work in a dynamic environment

In some cases, planning may not have any practical utility because of uncertainty in the environment. The managers cannot fully depend upon plans that are meant for a stable environment.

They have to adopt suitable measures or strategies to get the desired results in a troubled environment.

c. Planning is a time-consuming process

Strategic planning is a lengthy process that might lead to a delay in action. It consumes a lot of time in defining objectives, collecting data, analyzing data, and evaluating and choosing alternatives.

It may not be feasible to undergo this process when the situation demands a quick decision.

d. Planning does not guarantee success

Planning in itself does not guarantee success; it needs effective implementation. The effectiveness of planning depends upon the attitude and behavior of the planners. Planning may sometimes create a false sense of security among planners.

Planning may sometimes create a false sense of security among planners. They may assume that as long as work goes on according to plans, it is good for the organization.

As a result, they may attract more concerned with the fulfillment of specific plans’ requirements rather than securing better performance.

e. Planning involves huge costs

Planning is not only time-consuming but expensive also. The cost of the formulation of plans is directly proportionate to the executives’ time spent on planning.

If sufficient time is not given to planning, the management’s decisions may prove to be wrong. Expenses incurred on discussion with the professional experts and collection of required data may not justify the proportionally fewer benefits derived from the plans.

2. External Limitations of Planning

The planning premise is based on trends in certain external factors, and the management does not have any control over these factors-

  • Government policies
  • Natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, etc.
  • Change in taste of fashion of customers
  • Change in technology
  • Introduction of new products and a rise in competition

Here is a video by Marketing91 on Planning.

Top Tips to Overcome Planning Limitations

Top Tips to Overcome Planning Limitations

To learn and master what is planning, it is important to know the best ways of overcoming different planning limitations and making plans that are foolproof. Let us have a look at those tips here and now-

  • You need to do a scientific selection of goals and opt for mathematical methods
  • For effective planning, an organization should incorporate a sound communication system
  • Incorporate right forecasting strategies and develop managerial confidence
  • Enable your organizational members to accept change
  • Ensure top management support and proper responsibility setting
  • Encourage group participation and make contingency plans for long term success

Finally, we will discuss some of the benefits of immaculate planning systems in an organization-

Benefits of Planning

  1. Planning ensures better use of available resources and enables you in accomplishing short term as well as long term business objectives
  2. Via planning strategies, you can ensure economy in operations and minimize future uncertainties
  3. Strategic planning optimizes competitive strength and control
  4. Via Operation, strategic and tactical planning, you can ensure motivation, cooperation, growth, and long term improvement
  5. Planning is deciding factor in developing rationality amongst all the management executives
  6. Via strategic, operation, and tactical planning, an organization can prevent hasty judgments and reduce red-tapism
  7. Adept objectives planning is also responsible for channelizing innovative thoughts and abilities to handle the changes effective
  8. Planning helps a team in deciding in advance and hence ensures a forward-looking attitude in management for long term success
  9. By making plans, managers can ensure the development of efficient methods and delegation of authority
  10. Adept planning also empowers an organization to anticipate the crisis and make a plan for handling that beforehand


Planning is a continuous process, and so is its appraisal or review. Continuous review of plans would help to detect deficiencies in the plan and the planning process.

This can act as the basis for improving or revising the existing plans and introducing new plans in the future. Planning is an important process for the organization.

How important do you find planning in optimizing the success ratio in different endeavors?

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