Sentence using the word optimistic

optimistic — перевод на русский


When I say 15 million, I’m being optimistic.

Когда я говорю «15 миллионов» — это оптимистично.

Mr. Leslie, I suspect you are being unrealistically optimistic for my benefit.

Мистер Лесли, подозреваю, что вы слишком нереалистично и оптимистично пытаетесь завоевать мое расположение.

The doctor’s very optimistic.

Профессор настроен оптимистично.

I felt I was being somewhat overly optimistic.

«Мы-народ» когда я сказал: «Пусть всем управляет народ» мне показалось, что я настроен чересчур оптимистично.

Too optimistic.

Слишком оптимистично .

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— Because I’m very optimistic by nature.

— Потому что я оптимист.

I’m optimistic then. The bastard has no guts

Ну, если все так, тогда я оптимист.

I am very optimistic.

Я — большой оптимист.

He is more optimistic than you!

Он больший оптимист, чем ты!

I’m not optimistic.

Я не оптимист.

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If we’ve been too optimistic, they’ll be the sufferers. We shan’t.

Во избежание жертв мы не должны проявлять неоправданный оптимизм.

I feel strangely optimistic about this evening.

Какой-то странный оптимизм я ощущаю этим вечером.

Do not give me optimistic numbers.

Не будь таким оптимистом. Ты же знаешь, я ненавижу оптимизм.

I always liked that Greg was so optimistic.

Мне всегда нравилось в Греге его оптимизм.

Well, it makes me optimistic.

Это вселяет в меня оптимизм.

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But if certain conditions are met, I’m optimistic.

Но если все условия будут соблюдены, я настроен оптимистично.

I’m feeling optimistic…

Я настроен оптимистично.

In Los Angeles, I wasn’t optimistic.

В Лос-Анджелесе, я не был настроен оптимистично.

I’m very optimistic.

Я настроен оптимистично.

You’re optimistic about your health.

Ты настроен оптимистично по поводу своего здоровья.

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My mom, always optimistic, was on her fourth husband, Pete.

Моя мама, вечная оптимистка,.. …была четвёртый раз замужем за неким Питом.

I’m totally optimistic, totally pessimistic.

Я абсолютная оптимистка, абсолютная пессимистка.

It’s hard… but I’m more optimistic than hell.

Это трудно. Но я оптимистка.

I’m not that optimistic.

— Но я не оптимистка.

I was being optimistic.

Я оптимистка.

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I’m not optimistic.

На хороший исход я не надеюсь .

— I’m very optimistic.

— Я очень надеюсь.

I wake up and try to be happy… And optimistic every day.

Я просыпаюсь и пытаюсь быть счастливой… и надеюсь каждый день.

«I am optimistic, that we will be back home by christmas.»

«Я надеюсь, что Рождество мы все-же встретим дома.»

I am optimistic that it could save your life.

Я надеюсь, это спасет вашу жизнь.

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I feel very optimistic about these new developments.

Я возлагаю большие надежды на последние разработки.

I wish I could be more optimistic about her decision.

Надежды на решение в нашу пользу почти нет.

Far as her chances, the doc’s not optimistic.

Что до её здоровья, док не питает большой надежды.

I’m very optimistic about this new viral cocktail.

У меня большие надежды на новый вирусный коктейль.

I’m optimistic.

Я не теряю надежды.

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The emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.

Император не разделяет вашей оптимистической оценки ситуации.

Take account of this sportive optimistic notification. We ended the movie.

ну вот на этой оптимистической спортивной ноте мы и закончим нашу фильм.

Well, I’m sorry if I don’t share your optimistic assessment, Brady.

Прости, если я не разделяю твоего оптимистического настроя.

Ms. Dodd doesn’t share my optimistic view of the future.

Мисс Додд не разделяет моего оптимистического взгляда на будущее.

Cautiously optimistic, sir. — Can you fix it?

Осторожно оптимистическая, сэр.

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She doesn’t seem very optimistic about getting that footage.

Она не очень-то верит в успех этой затеи.

We’re not having problems yet, but Crosby’s optimistic things will turn around.

У нас пока нет трудностей, и Кросби верит, что обстоятельства переменятся.

He did, though he didn’t seem terribly optimistic about our chances of gaining an audience.

— Знает, но не слишком-то верит в наши шансы получить аудиенцию у него.

My brother wasn’t optimistic it could be done.

Мой брат не верил, что всё получится.

But as it turns out… Michael was right to not be optimistic it could be done.

Но всё закончилось тем, что Майкл оказался прав, что не верил, что всё получится.

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This exceeds even the most optimistic estimates published last year by the White House Budget Office of 300 billion.

Что превышает даже самые оптимистичные прогнозы, представленные в прошлом году Бюджетным управлением Белого Дома и составлявшие 300 миллиардов.

This is… a horrible time for you, and you’ve got so much on your mind. It’s… it’s not that horrible, and the doctors are very optimistic that we’re going to find a donor. I’m not worried.

у тебя сейчас такое ужасное время так о многом приходится думать все не так ужасно и доктора делают оптимистичные прогнозы что нам скоро удастся найти донора я не волнуюсь об этом как же ты меня обрадовала!

The neurosurgeon is optimistic he could make a full recovery, but with those injuries we just don’t know.

Нейрохирург делает оптимистичные прогнозы. Говорит он сможет полностью восстановиться. но с такими повреждениями, мы просто не знаем.

They’re not optimistic.

Прогнозы не оптимистичны.

I’m optimistic.

Прогноз оптимистичный. Спасибо.

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Synonym: bright, carefree, cheerful, glad, happy, jaunty, lighthearted, pleasant, radiant. Antonym: pessimistic. Similar words: artistic, by this time, realistic, statistics, statistical, sophisticated, characteristic, option. Meaning: [‘ɑptɪmɪstɪk /’ɒp-]  adj. 1. expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds 2. expecting the best. 

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1. Your view is too optimistic.

2. I’m very optimistic about our chances of success.

3. He is optimistic about the future.

4. He is an optimistic young fellow.

5. I hold an optimistic view of events.

6. U should be more optimistic.

7. Earlier sales forecasts were overly optimistic.

8. Bankers are cautiously optimistic about the country’s economic future.

9. He remained strongly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.

10. The President says she is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon.

11. You will feel more buoyant and optimistic about the future than you have for a long time.

12. The meeting ended on an optimistic note.

13. Ferguson is optimistic about the future of the business.

14. The timeline for the project is optimistic.

15. He is known for his optimistic can-do attitude.

16. We are now taking a more optimistic view.

17. The doctor sounded optimistic and John’s hopes rose .

18. She’s not optimistic about the outcome.

19. Despite all the difficulties, he still remains optimistic.

20. Ever optimistic, I decided to take the exam again.

21. My own reading of events is less optimistic.

22. The conference ended on an optimistic note.

23. The book ended on an optimistic note.

24. She is not optimistic about the outcome.

25. We have every reason to feel optimistic.

26. Andrew took a more optimistic view.

27. The City is optimistic about the outlook for inflation.sentence dictionary

28. I’ve always had a fairly optimistic outlook on life.

29. These estimates were wildly optimistic.

30. We think you are being overly optimistic.

More similar words: artistic, by this time, realistic, statistics, statistical, sophisticated, characteristic, option, adoption, timing, antiseptic, chemistry, by mistake, economist, stimulus, estimate, stick to, plastic, stick out, stimulate, estimated, testimony, domestic, distinct, do justice, fantastic, existing, assist in, consist in, distinctive. 

оптимистичный, оптимистический


- оптимистичный, оптимистический

an optimistic(al) view of things — оптимистический взгляд на вещи
I am optimistic(al) about the chance of good weather this weekend — по-моему, можно надеяться на хорошую погоду в выходные дни

Мои примеры


optimistic / positive outlook on life — оптимистическое, позитивное восприятие жизни  
to tend to be optimistic — склоняться к тому, чтобы быть оптимистом  
optimistic estimation — оптимистическая оценка  
end on an optimistic note — закончить на оптимистической ноте  
over-optimistic reserve figure — завышенная оценка запасов  
an optimistic view of things — оптимистический взгляд на вещи  
be unduly optimistic — быть слишком большим оптимистом  
even with the most optimistic assumptions — даже при наиболее оптимистичных предположениях  
he has an optimistic turn of mind — он оптимист  
optimistic duration — оптимистическая продолжительность  

Примеры с переводом

He has an optimistic turn of mind.

Он оптимист.

We were young and thence optimistic.

Мы были молоды, и потому — полны оптимизма.

Ever optimistic, I decided to take the exam again.

Будучи вечным оптимистом, я решил сдать экзамен ещё раз.

Andrew took a more optimistic view.

Эндрю принял более оптимистическую точку зрения.

What’s the opposite of ‘optimistic’?

Какое слово является противоположным для слова «оптимистичный»?

The early sales reports are cause for optimism.

Первые отчёты о продажах дают повод для оптимизма.

He maintains a sense of optimism, despite all that has happened.

Он сохраняет оптимизм несмотря на всё, что произошло.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The doctor sounded optimistic and John’s hopes rose.

There is growing optimism that the problem can be corrected.

…that feeling of optimistic expectancy that fills theatergoers as they wait for the curtain to rise…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word optimistic, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use optimistic in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «optimistic». In addition, we also show how different variations of optimistic can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are optimistically. If you click on the variation of optimistic that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Optimistic in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word optimistic in a sentence.

  1. Other writers were more optimistic.

  2. Though it was optimistic, the Restudy noted,.

  3. Speaking the next day, Reedman appeared genial and optimistic.

  4. The defense was not optimistic about the probability of success.

  5. Weather Bureau was optimistic that the storm would spare South Florida.

  6. He was optimistic by nature, with a belief in «guts and determination».

  7. She played Lili, an optimistic orphan who falls in love with a magician.

  8. Edward Teller was the most optimistic, predicting 45 kilotons of TNT (190 TJ).

  9. Nonetheless, Goldie remained optimistic about Robey’s future television career.

  10. York were optimistic for 1955–56, and they were top of the table after 10 matches.

  11. His 1846 estimate that writing his «big book» would take five years proved optimistic.

  12. The 14 paintings are optimistic, joyous and visually expressive of the burgeoning spring.

  13. Despite this, he is always optimistic, a trait Kishimoto said makes this character unique.

  14. The optimistic picture of Afghan capability presented by ISAF command has been challenged.

  15. Even the most optimistic estimate suggests fewer than 100 Javan rhinos remain in the wild.

  16. Adams was originally optimistic and greatly enjoyed the city, but soon became disappointed.

  17. He cast optimistic horoscopes for anyone who asked, and soon became popular with Hawaiians.

  18. Goodman Beaver is a naïve and optimistic character, oblivious to the degeneration around him.

  19. They reported that while Oppenheimer was fundamentally correct, his estimates were optimistic.

  20. In several cases pre-opening predictions of passenger numbers had proven to be over optimistic.

  21. Within two weeks, the Tigers were optimistic that Houtteman would be able to play again by June.

  22. The Fourth is generally regarded as a more optimistic work than its predecessors and successors.

  23. Philosophers had trouble fitting the horrors of this earthquake into their optimistic world view.

  24. Andrée gave a glowingly optimistic account of the ease with which these requirements could be met.

  25. In the days leading up to the match, Norwich manager, Mike Walker, remained resolutely optimistic.

  26. Bono noted that the theme behind the song was infinity, and that the track was inherently optimistic.

  27. Arnold Whittall sees the music as embodying Tippett’s philosophy of «ultimately optimistic humanism».

  28. He also warned that audiences should not attend the performances anticipating an optimistic conclusion:.

  29. Where Rubin’s original script had been more sermonic and deprecating, Ramis made the tone more optimistic.

  30. Hopelessly optimistic, the offensive was over within 24 hours, although fighting continued until 13 August.

  31. They said, ‘Why did Shostakovich write an optimistic symphony at the beginning of the war and a tragic one now?

  32. British assessments of that operation had proven optimistic and the channel there had not been properly closed.

  33. Listening to them having sex, he becomes optimistic when he thinks that Becky begins to shout his name («M…»).

  34. Despite the gravity of Disraeli’s condition, the doctors concocted optimistic bulletins, for public consumption.

  35. In the days after the shooting, McKinley appeared to improve and doctors issued increasingly optimistic bulletins.

  36. After the election and the return of the National Government, little happened to support Baldwin’s optimistic words.

  37. Tucker’s final comment on the situation was an optimistic one, for the future of the economy and for his authorship.

  38. Voltaire depicts the worst of the world and his pathetic hero’s desperate effort to fit it into an optimistic outlook.

  39. Werthauer was more optimistic, announcing days after the assassination his certainty of achieving his client’s acquittal.

  40. The preliminary estimates of passenger numbers proved to be over optimistic and revenues were not covering operating costs.

  41. Von Müllenheim-Rechberg described the normally intelligent, humorous and optimistic Lindemann as pessimistic and withdrawn.

  42. Basically Khrushchev was much more optimistic about the future than Stalin or Molotov, and was more of an internationalist.

  43. Maximian’s panegyrist of 289 was optimistic about the campaign’s prospects, but the panegyrist of 291 made no mention of it.

  44. Reviewers have described «San Junipero» as a highly optimistic, emotionally rooted love story and a work of science fiction.

  45. Wilson conferred with his officers, none of whom was particularly optimistic about their prospects: «This is the end» said one.

  46. Alberta’s early years were optimistic and manifested itself in a pronounced enthusiasm for the construction of new railway lines.

  47. The book is written from an idealistic perspective and, despite the anger and underlying sense of guilt, Lewis remains optimistic.

  48. Commenting on the results, Wood set an optimistic tone saying, «Where we stand between inception and production I can’t tell you ..

  49. After Poehler agreed to play the lead, they decided the show would revolve around an optimistic bureaucrat in small-town government.

  50. He claimed that their lack of interest turned the optimistic team into a «grumbling group of depressed and sometimes angry [people]».

Optimistically in a sentence

Optimistically is a variation of optimistic, below you can find example sentences for optimistically.

  1. On the strength of their recent gigs, the UK press were optimistically waiting for the album’s release.

  2. Hansmeyer notes that several of Chaplin’s films end with «the homeless and lonely Tramp [walking] optimistically ..

  3. Fundraising began, and the start date for the race was optimistically moved forward from February 1985 to February 25, 1984.

  4. After Lewis optimistically accepted the Special Envoy position he became increasingly distraught by the devastation he witnessed.

  5. Luxemburg has explained that «in this picture you can see how intricately and optimistically public space in the city is shared».

  6. Most of the piece is inward-looking and pensive, presaging the style of Fauré’s final works, although it ends optimistically in a major key.

  7. Gardner and Doyle, perhaps rather optimistically, interpreted the results of the three expert evaluations as two in favour of the photographs’ authenticity and one against.

  8. For the next few years, the regime optimistically engaged in reform and experimentation and for the first time many Poles could afford to buy cars, televisions and other luxury items.

  9. The newspaper took a wait-and-see attitude about what the impact of the tour would be, but looked optimistically towards the kingdom having a more secure future as an independent nation.

Synonyms for optimistic

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word optimistic has the following synonyms: affirmative, positive, bullish, cheerful, pollyannaish, upbeat, rose-colored, rosy, starry-eyed, sanguine and hopeful.

General information about «optimistic» example sentences

The example sentences for the word optimistic that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «optimistic» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «optimistic».

Definition of Optimistic

hopeful about the future or a specific outcome

Examples of Optimistic in a sentence

Though we haven’t won a game all year, our team is still optimistic that today we will win.


Jenny is optimistic and hopes for the best even when things look bleak.


Optimistic and hopeful, the couple set out on a hunt to find their dream home.


Aaron’s optimistic attitude helps him stay positive when he’s having a tough time at school.


Optimistic about the future, the recent graduate just knew that he would find a job soon.


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I know my numbers above are a very optimistic guess.

Поэтому я бы сказал, что приведенные цифры — это очень оптимистичный прогноз.

It was highly optimistic that we could start quickly until scripts are written.

Было очень оптимистично, что мы могли бы начать быстро, пока не будут написаны сценарии.

On this optimistic view, there will be more continuity than currently expected.

С такой оптимистической точки зрения, преемственности будет больше, чем мы ожидаем в настоящее время.

Men who prefer optimistic illusions to reality can never become wise.

Тот, кто вместо реальности отдает предпочтение оптимистическим иллюзиям, никогда не наберется мудрости.

We are more optimistic than previously…

Мы становимся более оптимистичными, чем мы были до этого»,…

That number is actually fairly optimistic.

Это число, откровенно говоря, является довольно оптимистичным.

Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I hope.

Может быть я чересчур оптимистичен, но я уверен, что так и будет.

I wouldn’t be so optimistic

I choose to remain optimistic and celebrate my life that surprisingly almost ended.

Я выбрала оставаться оптимистичной и праздновать свою жизнь, которая, к удивлению, почти закончилась.

Gupta said he’s optimistic that cases may drop in 2020.

Гупта сказал, что он оптимистичен, что случаи могут упасть в 2020 году.

People who are continuously late are actually just more optimistic.

Люди, которые постоянно опаздывают, на самом деле просто более оптимистичны.

I like optimistic people who smiles even when something is going wrong.

Мне нравится оптимистичные люди, которые умеют улыбаться, даже когда что-то идет не так.

The most optimistic experts estimate it will take 5to 10 years.

По оценкам самых оптимистичных экспертов, это займет от 5 до 10 лет.

Pensioners and youth were much more optimistic than middle-aged respondents.

Пенсионеры и молодежь были намного более оптимистичны, чем респонденты среднего возраста.

The delegation considered both resource scenarios to be too optimistic.

По мнению этой делегации, оба сценария в отношении ресурсов являются чрезмерно оптимистичными.

Another delegation characterized the 2000-2003 income projections for the private sector as rather optimistic.

Представитель другой делегации охарактеризовал прогнозы в отношении поступлений на 2000 — 2003 годы от частного сектора как довольно оптимистичные.

Time will tell if that forecast is overly optimistic.

Конечно, время покажет, не чересчур ли оптимистично это предсказание.

It perhaps sounds too optimistic to be true.

Она, вероятно, звучит слишком оптимистично для того, чтобы быть правдой.

But even that $4 trillion figure looks optimistic.

Но даже в этом случае оценка в 500 долларов выглядит очень оптимистичной.

You’re likely to feel energetic and optimistic.

Вы, вероятно, будете чувствовать себя энергичным и оптимистичным.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат optimistic

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  • Use the word OPTIMISTIC in a sentences

Sentence Examples

They aren’t very optimistic.

I do not think you seriously believe that I’ll accept your optimistic suggestion.

Mrs. Struthers built it for a garage in more optimistic times.

-Well, maybe I was a little optimistic.

I wouldn’t be too optimistic.

Perhaps you’re being slightly optimistic.

Aren’t you jumping to an optimistic conclusion?

In fact, without being unduly optimistic, I think I may say…

They were optimistic, happy and expectant.

I’d say you’re being rather optimistic.

The critical moment mentioned by the head I think we’d be optimistic

No, but people are too optimistic about the victory of war.

We shouldn’t be too optimistic about the war.

We are more optimistic, Mr. Hollenius.

You being the manager of the place I suppose you’re optimistic enough to think it’s going to stay there.

My clients didn’t think me optimistic enough.

So wonderfully, cautiously optimistic.

You never try to be optimistic and think about the future.

You’ll issue optimistic bulletins, Dr. Josephberg, indicating that the king is making rapid recovery.

«Incidentally, Mr. Hackett has been a little optimistic about the acreage.

And where is this mudhole, if I ain’t too optimistic?

If we’ve been too optimistic, they’ll be the sufferers. We shan’t.

I’d like to hear why you’re so optimistic.

And you can say… that the tests have started and we’re all very optimistic.

Her letter sounds so optimistic, yet your reports…

A more optimistic view of the same planet

Then Andy is more optimistic than I am. Why?

She became very happy and optimistic about life in general.

I was too optimistic, Audie, but so was a lot of folks.

I’m more optimistic than you.

We were over optimistic and lazy to boot.

But I can’t be as optimistic as you The boss wants me… wait for me inside

The British are incurably optimistic.

This morning, when you arrived, I was too optimistic.

I wish I were that optimistic.

I’m afraid I was too optimistic about the whole thing

optimistic and full of hopes.

I can’t always be optimistic like you.

Will do. And keep the tone of the paper reasonably optimistic.

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