Sentence using the word nurse

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word nurse, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use nurse in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «nurse».

Nurse in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word nurse in a sentence.

  1. She was found by her nurse.

  2. Gwyneth was a district nurse.

  3. Act II scene 5: Juliet intreats her nurse.

  4. Gray was a student nurse, and later a teacher.

  5. DePeltquestangue, (Kickapoo); nurse; William A.

  6. He collaborates with registered nurse Glory St.

  7. He volunteered in the army hospitals as a nurse.

  8. Walruses are known to nurse their young while at sea.

  9. She trained to be a midwife while working as a nurse.

  10. Females may nurse their offspring for up to eight years.

  11. As at Oxford, Ashcroft and Evans were Juliet and the nurse.

  12. She left Rick without explanation to nurse her sick husband.

  13. Walruses are unique in that mothers nurse their young at sea.

  14. She played Brenda Strong, a nurse with whom Frank Abagnale Jr.

  15. On his second day, Leno told a nurse that the clock was wrong.

  16. His mother, Vanda Olivia (née Suddreth; 1892–1980), was a nurse.

  17. I would go to the nurse at lunch most days and just wring my hands.

  18. A soldier assigned to guard and nurse the secretary, Private George F.

  19. They were accompanied by Diana Manners and a private doctor and nurse.

  20. The android head nurse ANI (Julia Pennington) and the alien surgeon Dr.

  21. The family maintained a staff of servants, including a cook and a nurse.

  22. Atangana kept the post for six months and took up extra duties as a nurse.

  23. Bobbin Bergstrom, a registered nurse, was the program’s on-set medical adviser.

  24. The ship’s doctor and nurse attended to the sailor but were unable to save him.

  25. Among the crowd was Clara Barton who became a famed nurse during the Civil War.

  26. MacArthur later defended his decision to take her instead of an American nurse.

  27. He awoke at 2 am on 13 January 1941, and asked a nurse to call his wife and son.

  28. In normal situations, lambs nurse after standing, receiving vital colostrum milk.

  29. She moved to Johannesburg to train as a nurse, and there met and married Mandela.

  30. The Princess’s nurse reported that «the scenes of distress and crying every day ..

  31. Paul Mercy while Alice Ghostley played Edwina Moffitt, the admissions nurse and Dr.

  32. Triage nurse Alyce Heatherington told police «this could be withdrawal from drugs».

  33. Harriet Jacobs wrote her autobiography while being employed as his children’s nurse.

  34. The show’s producers responded by making Susan a nurse and by hiring a female writer.

  35. Cheryl was a champion swimmer before she became a nurse, and Tricia swam for the U.S.

  36. The case revolved around a nurse dismissed for a conversation she had with a coworker.

  37. While at Lewis Research Center, Lunney met Marilyn Kurtz, who worked there as a nurse.

  38. The most prominent catchphrase that was said by all three Warners was «Hello-o-o, nurse!

  39. Michael was recalled from abroad, and Olga went to work in a military hospital as a nurse.

  40. His bride was Jessie Mackenzie, who had worked as a nurse in Samuel Bruce’s London surgery.

  41. In 1943 or 1944, while he was still in the Army, Cooper married a nurse named Evelyn Pfaff.

  42. A female tammar wallaby can nurse a joey in her pouch while keeping an embryo in her uterus.

  43. Shew, who served as a nurse, knew medical care from her father and her husband, both doctors.

  44. Bacon tended to draw images in series, and the Odessa nurse become an obsessive motif for him.

  45. Dutt was hospitalised for the burns and Nargis helped nurse him, at Khan’s place in Billimora.

  46. A nurse by training, Goldman was an early advocate for educating women concerning contraception.

  47. She was educated at home, and her future career was strongly influenced by the family nurse (i.e.

  48. Hacker was a registered nurse married to an anesthesiologist, and also unhappy with her marriage.

  49. Within a few weeks, foals attempt to graze, but may continue to nurse for eight to thirteen months.

  50. One star in the head (Mu Serpentis) marked Tianru, the crown prince’s wet nurse, or sometimes rain.

Synonyms for nurse

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word nurse has the following synonyms: nanny, nursemaid, breastfeed, bottle-feed, suckle, suck, wet-nurse, lactate, give suck, harbor, harbour, hold and entertain.

General information about «nurse» example sentences

The example sentences for the word nurse that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «nurse» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «nurse».

nurse — перевод на русский


Has the, uh, has the nurse been in yet?

А медсестра уже приходила?

Nurse, this patient.

Медсестра, этот пациент.

You, too, nurse.

Вы тоже, медсестра.

All right, Nurse.

— Ты — медсестра.

— She’s the nurse in charge.

Она — моя медсестра.

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It’s just not convenient today, Nurse Crane.

Просто сегодня не слишком удобно, сестра Крейн.

Nurse Dyer, would you test me on my Highway Code?

Сестра Дайер, не погоняете меня по правилам дорожного движения?

Come in, Nurse.

Проходите, сестра.

It’s not working, Nurse!

Совсем не помогает, сестра!

What’s happened, Nurse?

Что случилось, сестра?

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Do you know who that nurse was?

Знаете, кто была та сиделка?

You need a kind nurse.

Вам нужна добрая сиделка.

Nurse, I’m in no mood to argue with you.

Сиделка, я не в том настроении, чтобы пререкатся с вами.

— I’m not a nurse!

— Я не сиделка!

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She really isn’t vicious, you know. She’s a wonderful nurse. — Although Father says…

Она не злая, она прекрасная няня, хотя папа говорит…

The nurse said that my mama isn’t really dead.

А правда, папа, мне няня сказала, что моя мама не умерла.

I think my nurse told me, or someone did anyway that if the priest got there before the body was cold it was all right.

Помнится, мне говорила няня или кто-то говорил, во всяком случае, что, если священник войдёт, пока тело ещё не остыло, тогда всё в порядке.

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My grandma used to live there but since her stroke, my parents put her in a nursing home.

Моя бабушка жила там, но после паралича, родители перевезли ее в дом престарелых.

For example, I will always remember fondly the episode when we tried putting gramps into a nursing home.

Я всегда со смехом вспоминаю, например, об одном эпизоде, когда мы попытались сдать деда в дом престарелых.

That’s why my son put me in a nursing home.

Поэтому мой сын отправил меня в дом престарелых.

Wh— what do you think, my mother tried to have me whacked’cause i put her in a nursing home?

Вы что думаете — моя мать пыталась завалить меня за то, что я определил ее в дом престарелых?

— Had her in a nursing home.

— Сдал ее в дом престарелых.

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The Holy nurse!

Святая кормилица!

Nurse, where’s my daughter?

Кормилица, где дочь моя?

Nurse, give leave awhile, we must talk in secret.

Кормилица,.. и ты ступай. Нам надо поговорить наедине.

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His nurse was also murdered.

Его медбрат тоже был убит.

And how about Alain Gosset? Age 30, nurse.

И, наконец, Ален Госсэ, 30 лет, медбрат.

Actually, I’m a nurse.

Вообще-то, я медбрат.

Oh, is that better than a nurse?

Это лучше, чем медбрат?

– Are you a male nurse?

— Ты медбрат? — Да.

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He said nursing you was the best thing for me too.

Он сказал, что если я буду ухаживать за вами, это очень поможет мне самой.

Never you fear, I’ll nurse her like a baby.

Насчет этого не волнуйтесь, буду ухаживать за ней, как за дитем.

To nurse the ill.

Ухаживать за больными.

How can I possibly nurse his Lordship in conditions like this?

Как можно ухаживать за больным в таких условиях?

— She stayed to nurse the sick.

— Она осталась ухаживать за больными.

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My dad’s accountant and two women that work in his nursing home.

Аудитор отца и две сотрудницы его дома престарелых.

-But to her it’s a nursing home.

— Hо она считает, что это дом престарелых.

How’d she get here from her nursing home?

Как она сюда попала из дома престарелых?

And don’t start with that nursing home business again.

— И не надо опять начинать про дом престарелых!

It’s not a nursing home, it’s a retirement community!

Да это не дом престарелых! Там живут пожилые люди твоего возраста.

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Now she’s my nurse.

Теперь вот нянька.

Rude ragged nurse… old sullen playfellow for tender princes… use my babies well. So… foolish sorrow bids your stones farewell.

Ты, нянька грубая, пестун суровый, с детьми моими ласков, Тауэр, будь!

Why not? As long as there’s a nurse.

Если есть рядом нянька.

Makes you sound like a nurse.

Ты говоришь, как нянька.

— They have a child’s nurse.

— У них там есть нянька, идиот.

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Synonym: care for, feed, foster, mind, nourish, nurture, sustain, tend to. Similar words: course, of course, discourse, by yourself, in due course, in the course of, burst, oversee. Meaning: [nɜrs /nɜːs]  n. 1. one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician) 2. a woman who is the custodian of children. v. 1. try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury 2. maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings) 3. serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped people 4. treat carefully 5. give suck to. 

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1 Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom. 

2 He worked as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital.

3 The nurse washed and shaved him.

4 The nurse visits patients in their homes.

5 A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound.

6 The young nurse was assisting at her first operation.

7 Words like «bag»,»dog»,»nurse«,»electricity», and «wood»are all nouns.

8 The nurse wheeled the dinner up.

9 The patient nurse ministered to the dying old man.

10 The nurse bent down and kissed the child.

11 The nurse is coming to give you an injection.

12 The nurse gave me a tetanus injection .

13 The nurse forced the food into his mouth.

14 She is a nurse for ward duty.

15 The nurse wore a pleated cap on her head.

16 The nurse rocked the cradle.

17 She had spent 29 years as a nurse.

18 The nurse tapped the patient’s abdomen.

19 The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.

20 The nurse was a cheerful plump woman.

21 The nurse assisted with the preparation of the medicine.

22 Has nurse given you your medicine?

23 The nurse cleaned the wound.

24 A nurse ministers to the sick.

25 The nurse disrobed the elderly patient expertly.

26 She works as a nurse in a hospital.

27 She awoke when the nurse entered the room.

28 The nurse bleeped the doctor.

29 The patient rang for the nurse.

30 There is a nurse in attendance.

More similar words: course, of course, discourse, by yourself, in due course, in the course of, burst, oversee, endorse, reverse, diverse, pursuit, burst in, burst into, burst out laughing. 

Sentences with the word Nurse?



  • «The nurse accompanied the old lady everywhere»
  • «he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain»
  • «attentive to details»; «the nurse was attentive to her patient»; «an attentive suitor»
  • «The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle»; «bandage an incision»
  • «The wetnurse suckled the infant»; «You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places»
  • «The nurse called in the next patient»
  • «The nurse was caring for the wounded»
  • «the nurse looked at him pityingly»
  • «The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim»; «She divested herself of her outdoor clothes»; «He disinvested himself of his garments»
  • «The nurse drew blood»
  • «He left the decision to his deputy»; «leave your child in the nurse‘s care»
  • «The nurse palpated the patient’s stomach»; «The runner felt her pulse»
  • «We vaccinate against scarlet fever»; «The nurse vaccinated the children in the school»
  • «the nurse gave him a flu shot»
  • «Don’t jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!»
  • «a wet nurse«; «a wet cow»; «lactating cows»
  • «The nurse packed gauze in the wound»; «You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice»
  • «The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample»
  • «he washed the dirt from his coat»; «The nurse washed away the blood»; «Can you wash away the spots on the windows?»; «he managed to wash out the stains»
  • «the nurse was expert at the withdrawal of blood»

Examples of how to use the word “nurse” in a sentence. How to connect “nurse” with other words to make correct English sentences.

nurse (n): (the title given to) a person whose job is to care for people who are ill or injured, especially in a hospital

Use “nurse” in a sentence

Why do you want to be a nurse?
Her dream is to become a nurse.
Their daughter is a nurse.
The nurse wrapped the baby in a blanket.

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Your radiographer or nurse can advise you on skin care during this time.

Ваш рентгенолог или медсестра могут дать вам советы по уходу за кожей в течение этого времени.

I heard the head nurse was sour.

Я слышала, что старшая медсестра была очень рассержена.

Something nurse Hopkins said concerning Mary.

То, что сказала сиделка Хопкинс про Мэри.

Nurse O’Brien lives in and nurse Hopkins comes everyday.

Сиделка О’Брайан у неё ночует, а сиделка Хопкинс приходит ежедневно.

She dreams of becoming a great nurse someday.

Весёлая девушка, которая мечтает стать медсестрой, когда вырастет.

The nurse let her shower before we got there.

Медсестра позволила ей принять душ, прежде чем мы добрались туда.

The nurse says you think I missed something.

Медсестра сказала, вы считаете, что я что-то пропустил.

The nurse said you saw his drug screen.

Медсестра сказала, что вы получили результаты анализов на наркотики.

For finding you such a charming nurse.

За то, что я нашел вам такую очаровательную сиделку.

Any psychiatric nurse, please pick up extension 432.

Кто-нибудь из медсестер психиатрического отделения, пожалуйста, примите звонок по внутренней линии 432.

Especially since she was the nurse administering the medication.

Особенно учитывая, что это она была медсестрой, выдающей лекарства.

No accident involving a nurse has been reported.

Не было заявлено ни об одном несчастном случае с участием медсестры.

Please don’t tell anyone I was a nurse.

Пожалуйста, никому не говори, что я помогал, как медсестра.

I could introduce you to a nurse.

Может быть, медсестру, с которой я могу тебя познакомить.

I thought it was the chief nurse.

Ксенз? А я думала, что это старшая медсестра.

The nurse said the doctor is wonderful.

Медсестра сказала, что тот другой доктор тоже очень хороший.

The strained work of the nurse negatively affects her health.

Конечно же, напряженный труд медсестры негативно отражается и на ее здоровье.

Another nurse said she had to stop helping with abortions.

Другая медсестра призналась мне, что ей пришлось отказаться помогать при абортах.

Nurses and nurse practitioners work long hours.

Средний медицинский персонал и медсестры выполняют тяжелую многочасовую работу.

Four young psychopaths escape a psychiatric hospital with a nurse

Четверо молодых людей совершают побег из психиатрической больницы, прихватив с собой медсестру.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат nurse

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

A sentence using the word nurse. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use nurse in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for nurse.

  • Not I, Nurse! (8)
  • Nurse, Nurse! (8)
  • As if she were really a nurse! (8)
  • I can nurse. (10)
  • He has his nurse. (10)
  • The nurse passed on. (8)
  • A nurse met him there. (8)
  • The old nurse went too. (8)
  • Will you remember, nurse? (8)
  • Soames signed to the nurse. (8)
  • He demanded a trained nurse. (12)
  • The nurse thinks her better. (14)
  • The nurse plumped the pillows. (8)
  • He had refused to have a nurse. (8)
  • But, Nurse, how can you leave us, you? (8)
  • A nurse was at the pillow smoothing it. (10)
  • The nurse came by, and smiled at Pierson. (8)
  • The nurse continued to look in the glass. (5)
  • Upstairs again, before Nurse catches you. (8)
  • I hope the maids will nurse you properly. (10)
  • The nurse, after one swift look, went out. (8)
  • Her husband says she is an excellent nurse. (10)
  • At all events, let the darling have her nurse. (8)
  • Still, nurse is with her, and I can do nothing. (8)
  • To have you confined as nurse in his apartment! (4)
  • Gower called in the nurse, and went downstairs. (10)
  • Another nurse, who was sitting beside it, rose at once. (8)
  • It was the housekeeper who received the trained nurse. (12)
  • Had she made a mistake in summoning Mrs. Noel to nurse him? (8)
  • In this great town she can only nurse her grief against me. (8)
  • Is there not some poor devil whom we can get to nurse him? (18)
  • The lady, the much cooler person, did nurse a bit of flame. (10)
  • She was frequently at the Hall, helping to nurse Lady Patterne. (10)
  • A nurse, at the far end, looked round, and went on with her work. (8)
  • Christian beckoned to the nurse, and stole out through the window. (8)
  • George was nourished by his own mother, Wendelin by a hired nurse. (5)
  • To-morrow they would see whether a night nurse would be necessary. (8)
  • He put his hand up to his forehead; behind him the old nurse sniffed. (8)
  • She and Nurse Betty were installed at his own hunting-box, Mildenham. (8)
  • And I will nurse her under your direction, obediently, conscientiously. (9)
  • The nurse, watching those lips, still pale with pain, felt a queer pang. (8)
  • He moved to the shadow of a cypress, and was seen moving by the old nurse. (10)
  • They taste a wound from the lightest touch, and they nurse the venom for you. (10)
  • Her old nurse prayed for the day of her espousals to come with a quicker step. (10)
  • In short, she is a general chaperon, hospital nurse, friend and counsellor in one. (21)
  • They were hand in hand with the little fellow as physician and professional nurse. (10)
  • With every hour she would be less his nurse and comforter, more the woman he loved. (8)
  • Her old nurse counselled the brothers that they should consent to her taking a husband. (10)
  • Only yesterday she had renewed her request to be allowed to begin her training as a nurse. (8)
  • He superseded Grace as a nurse no less completely than he had displaced her as a physician. (9)
  • Now and then, when near him, we galloped for the fun of seeing him nurse the bottle-pocket. (10)
  • She had studied medicine for that purpose, and she had served as nurse in a London hospital. (10)
  • Poor man, he was laid up with a disorder like a fever, and I had to nurse him and care for him. (18)
  • She awoke to find the nurse standing by the bed, looking as if she wanted to tell her something. (8)
  • But whatever they were, they had ceased to nurse an injury or feel the pain for having inflicted it. (10)
  • Keepers feared to put it in the water, thinking it would drown, and tried to nurse it with a bottle. (21)
  • This officer stooped to her, and before the nurse could stop her, made her say where her father was. (10)
  • Under the care of a faithful nurse little Juli gradually grew stronger, both physically and mentally. (5)
  • She partook of the general impression that Diana Warwick was too humorous to nurse a downright passion. (10)
  • Her old nurse, Lucy, a very broad, good woman, had married the proprietor of the inn in the village there. (8)
  • The old nurse, Nonna, aided the Majordomo, and these two faithful souls confided their anxiety to one another. (5)
  • Early in the morning the nurse had brought him in his loud delight, still with the rosy warmth of sleep upon him. (12)
  • Segwuna could nurse him by night, and the two doctors agreed to divide their time during the day with the patient. (18)
  • When the war broke out, remembering that she was a good nurse, she took her real name again and a change of occupation. (8)
  • Jammed close to him was her old nurse, whose puffy, yellow face was pouting with emotion, while tears rolled from her eyes. (8)
  • He heard the nurse quietly crying over there by the fire; curious that she, a stranger, should be the only one of them who cried! (8)
  • Mrs Harville was a very experienced nurse, and her nursery-maid, who had lived with her long, and gone about with her everywhere, was just such another. (4)

Also see sentences for: advance, cherish, encourage, foster, nourish.

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More Sentence Examples

Select First Letter

медсестра, няня, медицинская сестра, кормить, нянчить, ухаживать


- няня, нянька
- кормилица, мамка
- сиделка; санитарка

male nurse — брат милосердия

- медицинская сестра (тж. trained или registered nurse)

Nurse Corps — амер. воен. служба медицинских сестёр
male nurse — брат милосердия
district nurse — районная фельдшерица; патронажная сестра

- хранитель (традиций и т. п.); колыбель (свободы и т. п.)

the nurse of souls — духовный наставник
ancient Greece was the nurse of learning — Древняя Греция была колыбелью учёности

ещё 4 варианта


- кормить грудью; выкармливать ребёнка

to nurse dry — отнимать от груди, кормить рожком
she did not nurse her child — она сама не кормила своего ребёнка

- быть кормилицей
- сосать, брать грудь (о ребёнке)
- пить медленно, посасывать, пригубливать

he nursed a drink all evening — он растянул стакан (вина) на весь вечер

- нянчить; ухаживать за детьми; быть няней

to nurse to sleep — убаюкать

ещё 12 вариантов

Мои примеры


a young nurse in her first day on the wards — молоденькая медсестра в свой первый день в больничных палатах  
to nurse a child — нянчить ребёнка  
to stoke / nurse a fire — поддерживать огонь  
to nurse a grievance — пестовать обиду  
to nurse a grievance against smb. — затаить обиду на кого-л.  
to harbour a grudge, hold a grudge, nurse a grudge — испытывать недовольство  
to cherish / entertain / nurse hope — лелеять надежду  
to nurse / suckle an infant — выкармливать ребенка  
maternity nurse — акушерка  
mental nurse — сиделка в психиатрической лечебнице  
nurse’s area — пост медсестры  

Примеры с переводом

I’m training to be a nurse.

Я учусь на медсестру.

The nurse is coming to give you an injection.

Медсестра приходит, чтобы сделать вам укол.

Nurse, may I have some water?

Сестра, можно мне немного воды?

The dog nursed her puppies.

Собака кормила своих щенков.

My older sister is a nurse.

Моя старшая сестра работает нянечкой /медсестрой/.

The school nurse sent Sara home.

Школьная медсестра отправила Сару домой.

The nurse bandaged up the nasty cut.

Медсестра перевязала этот глубокий порез.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The puppies nursed for eight weeks.

The nurse gave me a tetanus injection.

She is nursing her son through his illness.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

nursing  — уход, кормящая грудью

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: nurse
he/she/it: nurses
ing ф. (present participle): nursing
2-я ф. (past tense): nursed
3-я ф. (past participle): nursed

ед. ч.(singular): nurse
мн. ч.(plural): nurses

How do you use the word nurse in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] She dreamed of becoming a nurse. (
  2. [S] [T] She is not a nurse, but a doctor. (
  3. [S] [T] She likes to dress up as a nurse. (
  4. [S] [T] The nurse took my blood pressure. (
  5. [S] [T] She may be a nurse.
  6. [S] [T] The nurse looked after the babies. (
  7. [S] [T] The nurse has given Tom a sedative. (

What is Nursing in simple words?

Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people.

What nursing means?

1 : a person who cares for the sick or infirm specifically : a licensed health-care professional who practices independently or is supervised by a physician, surgeon, or dentist and who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health — compare licensed practical nurse, registered nurse.

What type of word is nurse?

noun. a person formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm. Compare nurse-midwife, nurse-practitioner, physician’s assistant, practical nurse, registered nurse. a woman who has the general care of a child or children; dry nurse.

What are the 3 types of nurses?

Nursing generally falls into three categories: non-degree, degree and advanced degree.

  • Non-degree: The nurses in this category include Certified Nurse’s Aides (CNAs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs).
  • Degree: This category most commonly refers to Registered Nurses (RNs).

Can a nurse become a millionaire?

So can nurses become millionaires? Yes. Many nurses can become millionaires by following some simple steps. For starters increasing their income, managing their expenses and saving/ investing some of their money.

Is nursing better than pharmacy?

Nursing provides more diverse career opportunities, but pays less than a career in pharmacy. Pharmacists are specialists whereas nurses are generalists who need to study and know drugs, but also administer them. Nurses have a broader scope of responsibility in terms of patient care.

Can nurses make 6 figures?

It is absolutely possible to make $100,000 a year as a registered nurse. In fact, the path for how to make six figures as a nurse can be reasonably straightforward. However, the amount of money a nurse makes in a typical year varies depending on several factors.

What is the highest-paying nurse?

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

What type of nurse is most in demand?

Registered nurse (RN)

Are nurses rich?

Nurses are known for having a stable income, but nothing glamorous. It isn’t the mindset of most nursing students to become millionaires, but it is not impossible for regular registered nurses to become millionaires if they play their cards right.

At what age do nurses usually retire?


Can nurses make 200k?

Yes, you can earn $200,000 per year as a surgical nurse if you work all the extra double time shifts, don’t care about your family or patient safety. I would not recommend it as a life style but in case of an emergency it’s nice to know you can earn some extra cash.

Why do nurses make so little?

It is due to hospitals wanting to cut expenses and not wanting their bottom line to be jeopardized. Many hospitals have cut pay differentials and raises due to thinking it is better to get new nurses with no experience than keep the experienced ones.

Are nurses paid fairly?

As per The Nurse Salary Guide, the average salary of a nurse in United States is $73,550 (source). Considering this, it can be deciphered that the nurses earn more than the industry average. It is calculated that the median household wage of nurses is 8% more in United States.

Are teachers paid more than nurses?

How does the teaching profession compare to other large public sector professions? Average annual earnings for teachers exceed those of nurses (but are less than police), but after adjusting for annual hours worked (taking account of school holidays), teachers and nurses have similar levels of average hourly pay.

Are nurses considered middle class?

Yes, most registered nurses are considered part of the middle class, with the possible exception of some working/non-working part-time registered nurses. While most registered nurses do make a good annual income, most will agree that their work is often challenging and demanding.

What are the 5 social classes?

Gallup has, for a number of years, asked Americans to place themselves — without any guidance — into five social classes: upper, upper-middle, middle, working and lower. These five class labels are representative of the general approach used in popular language and by researchers.

Is nursing a working class job?

The majority of nurses identify themselves as being working class and the ONS categorises them below doctors and pharmacists in its social stratification. Consequently, nurses are oppressed in the same way as other working class professions as part of the economic and social structure of society.

Why doctors are paid more than nurses?

Doctors have a higher salary than the nurses, mainly because of their education, title, and license. While this may be indulging disparity, that is how the world have went on in the past, and will always be in the future.

Can nurses become doctors?

Nurses and doctors are both essential parts of the healthcare field and work together closely to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. For this reason, a registered nurse (RN) cannot automatically become a medical doctor (MD) without additional schooling, training, and exams.

Why are nurses so mean?

What do we mean when we call someone mean? Mean nurses have an exaggerated sense of self and want to be in control of all aspects of the work environment, including other nurses: They want to control how others take care of patients, to control happiness at work, and decide others think of them.

What’s the difference between nurses and doctors?

Doctors, at their core, are scientists. They study diseases and how to cure them. Nurse practitioners, at their core, are healers. The vast majority begin their careers as registered nurses (RNs) and focus their care on wellness of the whole body and mind.

What nurses Cannot do?

Some of the things registered nurses are not allowed to do include violating HIPAA laws, prescribing medications, or performing advanced invasive medical procedures. Registered nurses in every state have a scope of practice given to them by law that they must follow.

Are Nurses as good as doctors?

A fact sheet on nurse prescribing showed that nurses provide better care for patients than doctors and that patients get their drugs more quickly from nurses who prescribe drugs than from doctors. A good result for patients.

Can a nurse prescribe medication?

Nurse practitioners can prescribe medications in all 50 states. By comparison, registered nurses are not allowed to prescribe medications independently. For registered nurses, a physician order is always required to prescribe controlled substances.

Which is higher RN or NP?

Licensed nurses (LPNs) handle the most basic nursing duties, but registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) have more advanced responsibilities. RN will help practicing RNs determine whether they should pursue a postgraduate degree and nurse practitioner certification.

Can a nurse prescribe antibiotics?

Since the introduction of nurse prescribing in 2002, over 20,000 nurses have become qualified to prescribe independently. Large numbers of these prescribers work in general practice and antibiotics are frequent medicines prescribed.

Can a nurse prescribe narcotics?

Can Nurse Practitioners Prescribe Medication Without Physicians? Yes, nurse practitioners can prescribe medications in all 50 states. This includes the power to prescribe antibiotics, narcotics, and other schedule II drugs such as Adderall.

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