Sentence using the word matches

Перевод задания
1) толстый
2) зеленый
3) опасный
4) пустой
5) длинный
6) пустынный
7) внезапный








1) … было жарким и сухим.
2) На новом месте мы сделали … Там было довольно много англоязычных.
3) Все знали о …, убившем как людей, так и животных.
4) Когда я впервые увидел Лилль, она сидела на … дерева с книгой в руках.
5) Их … выглядело грустным, и я решил не оставаться там долго.
6) Это было только начало нашего … назад домой.
7) Новые … стали появляться на ветвях деревьев.

1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – f, 5 – e, 6 – d, 7 – g.
1) The desert air was hot and dry.
2) In the new place we made a sudden discovery. There were quite a lot of English speakers there.
3) Everybody knew about the dangerous disease that killed both people and animals.
4) When I first saw Lill, she was sitting on a thick branch of a tree with a book in her hands.
5) Their empty house looked sad and I decided not to stay there long.
6) It was only the beginning of our long journey back home.
7) New green leaves began to appear on the branches of the trees.

Перевод ответа
1) Пустынный воздух был горячим и сухим.
2) На новом месте мы сделали внезапное открытие. Там было довольно много англоязычных.
3) Все знали об опасной болезни, которая убивала и людей, и животных.
4) Когда я впервые увидел Лилль, она сидела на толстой ветке дерева с книгой в руках.
5) Их пустой дом выглядел грустным, и я решил не оставаться там долго.
6) Это было только начало нашего долгого путешествия назад домой.
7) Новые зеленые листья стали появляться на ветвях деревьев.


order the words to make sentences 1 the match/hasn’t/still/started 2.we/have/already/this game/played 3.just/Berik/the gym/to/gone/has4.bought/Dana/yet/has/a new bike/?5.have/already/had/a break/they. 6.learned/still/to swim/hasn’t/Gani . 7.yet/I/booked/for the match/haven’t/tickets.​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Match the adjectives and the nouns. Use the word combinations you get in the sentences below.

1. immense i) size

2. reluctant e) guests

3. detachable g) cuffs

4. stiff f) back

5. ridiculous h) dress

6. dignified c) manner

7. starched b) collar

8. detached a) house

9. funny d) joke

We were all shocked by the 1. immense i) size of the plain stretching in front of us.

She sang one song after another to the 2. reluctant e) guests who were beginning to feel that they couldn’t take it anymore.

They don’t make shirts with 3. detachable g) cuffs anymore, do they?

He was suffering from a 4. stiff f) back and couldn’t join in the dance.

The girls kept talking about Sue’s 5. ridiculous h) dress and old-fashioned shoes.

The lady’s 6. dignified c) manner and pleasant talk made a great impression on the visitors.

He couldn’t turn his neck because of the high 7. starched b) collar.

A 8. detached a) house is not joined to another house.

The 9. funny d) joke made the audience roar with laughter.

A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Collecting records

These days, most of us have a CD collection. Before the CD, musicians made LPs, or «long-playing» records. Although many children have never seen an LP, they were once very popular. To play these records, you needed a record player with a needle that ran along the record and produced the sound. Some collectors say the sound of LPs was better than CDs — and many singers agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a form of entertainment, but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from their childhood and listening to records reminds them of the past.

B. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You have to use one word twice.

9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to join in with me.

10. It’s so noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to turn the music down?

11. There was a fight during the match and the referee sent two players off.

12. We eat out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time.

13. I love this song! Turn it up!

14. I used to play the trumpet, but I gave up last year because I didn’t have time.

15. We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we carried on.

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between to and five words.

17. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy

Jack is crazyly likes football and never misses a match.

18. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty.

My uncle was working on a sailing boat until he was thirty.

19. Do you watch TV? feel

Do you feel like you want to watch TV?

20. John participated in a swimming competition last week. part

John took part in a swimming competition last week.

21. June and I had a game of tennis. against

I had a game of tennis against June.

22. I played chess almost every day when I was young. used

used to play chess almost every day when I was young.

23. Volleyball doesn’t really interest me. in

I’m not interested in volleyball.

24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. fun

had a lot of fun at your birthday party.

Disneyland is popular among young children.

26. Karen doesn’t like watching TV. keen

Karen isn’t keen on watching sport on TV.

D. Choose the correct answer.

27. When you rang, I was cleaning my bike.

28. At my last basketball club, we used to train every Saturday for three hours.

29. I really liked the meal we had at your house last Tuesday.

30. We went to the beach every day when we were on holiday.

31. I broke my leg when Tony and I were practicing for the school sports day.

32. Leon never talks about it, but he was once a world champion skier.

33. Denise is working at the stadium until she finds a better job.

E. Match the two halves of the sentences.

35. I waited outside the tennis club for a long time, but George didn’t appear.

36. When you rang, I was in the middle of cleaning my football boots.

37. We finally got to the stadium just in time to see the match start.

38. I just play football for fun, and I don’t want to do it as a job.

39. I loved that film and when it comes out on DVD, I’ll definitely get it.

1. Match the words/phrases to their definition.
1 computer games
2 spot
3 alarm system
4 surf the Net
5 beach volleyball

A. look for information on the computer
B. fun activities on the computer
C. machine that signals danger
D. a sport
E. a place
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• heavy • helpful • crowded • convenient • peace

1. They went for a run in the country because they wanted some … and quiet.
2. He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very …
3. In a big city, you will always find … public transport.
4. Her cousin hates driving in … traffic.
5. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and … people.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1 .He (visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.
2. I (cook) lunch today, so please don’t be late.
3. We (go) to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us?
4. She (write) an article about crime in big cities.
5. He (feed) the cows every evening.
6. She (leave) late on Fridays.
7. He (travel) to school by tube every morning.
8. She (think) of painting her house.
9. He (study) in his bedroom at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later.
10. I really have to go. My train (leave) at 8:30.

4. Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

e.g. A: I’m really tired today.
B: (bed/early) You should go to bed early tonight.
1. A: I’m very worried about my best friend.
B: (worry/so much)
2. A: I feel very tired.
B: (stay up/late)
3. A: I’ve broken my sister’s new mobile phone.
B: (tell/tonight)
4. A: I’ve got a bad headache.
B: (take/painkiller)
5. A: It’s very cold today.
B: (wear/a jacket)
5. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire.
First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker.
It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanket over it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn.
Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

1. Nowadays, fires in the home aren’t very dangerous.
2. In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year.
3. A lot of home fires start in kitchens.
4. You should always leave the kitchen while cooking.
5. You shouldn’t wear loose clothes when cooking.
6. You should keep your cooking area clean.
7. Children should stay close to the cooker.
8. If a fire starts, pour water on it to put it out.
9. Call the fire brigade if a fire doesn’t go out right away.
10. You should have a smoke alarm and know how to use it.

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