Sentence using the word masterpiece

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1 The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.

2 His book, I must add, is a masterpiece.

3 The book was hailed as a masterpiece/as masterly.

4 This is not just another disaster movie-it’s a masterpiece.

5 Her press conference was a masterpiece of media manipulation.

6 The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.

7 This book is a real masterpiece.

8 The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.

9 The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.

10 Her work is a masterpiece of simplicity.

11 Lang’s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.

12 The report is a masterpiece of brevity.

13 The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.

14 I know enough about art to recognize a masterpiece when I see one.

15 Technicallythe building is a masterpiece(,[] but few people like it.

16 The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.

17 The film was hailed as a masterpiece in its day.

18 This movie is in every way a masterpiece of cinematography.

19 As a result, it’s a masterpiece.

20 Off you go to create your own masterpiece!

21 Many people regard this painting as Raphael’s masterpiece.

22 Troup produced his masterpiece in Dunedin in 1907.

23 Andrews snipped and sewed the masterpiece into one-piece garments.

24 ‘The Last Supper’ is widely regarded as Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece.

25 Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror masterpiece ‘Frankenstein’.

26 The artistic zealot devoted his life to the completion of a great masterpiece.

27 She produced regular pot — boilers while also working on her masterpiece.

28 He played an early little sonata of Mozart’s, which he magicked into a masterpiece with his deft touch.

29 ‘Man’s Fate,’ translated into sixteen languages, is probably his masterpiece.

30 Within a week of publication, the novel was hailed as a masterpiece.

More similar words: master, piece, a piece of, go to pieces, piece together, plaster cast, eastern, plaster, asteroid, disaster, monastery, eastern europe, mast, interpret, interplay, haste, enterprise, taste, counterpart, fasten, interpersonal, counterpoint, taste of, roasted, lambaste, interpretation, free enterprise, toothpaste, stern, poster. 

Definition of Masterpiece

an outstanding work or skill

Examples of Masterpiece in a sentence

Staring at the blank canvas, the artist pondered how he could turn this slate into a world-renowned masterpiece.


The flawless Rembrandt masterpiece was sold for several million dollars.


Sitting down at his piano, Mozart pieced together his latest masterpiece.


An outstanding work of art, the poem was a first-class masterpiece.


The world-class chef used unique ingredients to create a delectable masterpiece.


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masterpiece — перевод на русский


My masterpiece, my Marie Antoinette.

Мой шедевр, моя — Мария-Антуанетта.

The others are pasted on, this one is my masterpiece,

Остальные проклеены, а это мой шедевр,

I bring you a masterpiece made by an old man.

Я принес тебе шедевр, сделанный стариком.

It’s a pity your masterpiece will remain unknown.

Жаль, что ваш шедевр останется неоцененным.

Well, you can’t put any price on masterpieces like that.

Такой шедевр нельзя просто оценить.

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There’ll be masterpieces.

Это будет настоящий шедевр.

They really created a masterpiece.

Он провернул настоящий шедевр.

Even though for you I’m sure I’d make my masterpiece.

Даже при том, что для тебя уверен, я сделал бы настоящий шедевр.

It’s a masterpiece.

Настоящий шедевр.

Yet he’s managed to write what is obviously a masterpiece.

То, что он сейчас пишет— настоящий шедевр.

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It’s a masterpiece.

Это настоящее произведение искусства..

An undoubted masterpiece.

Несомненное произведение искусства.

This sword… is a real masterpiece.

Этот меч… настоящее произведение искусства.

This is a masterpiece right here.

Вот это произведение искусства.

You’re looking at a masterpiece, and you’re talking about some elephant painting?

Ты смотришь на произведение искусства и говоришь про какого-то слона?

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That is a masterpiece.

Это просто шедевр.

What a masterpiece.

Просто шедевр.

And baby… It’s a masterpiece.

И, детка… это просто шедевр.

A masterpiece.

Просто шедевр.

See, now, their version, it works cool, but mine, masterpiece.

Их пушка что надо, но моя — просто шедевр.

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Making our work of art a masterpiece.

Превращаю нашу работу в произведение искусства.

It’s my masterpiece.

Это мое произведение.

That means you’ve penned a masterpiece.

Значит, получится гениальное произведение.

«madame butterfly» is Puccini’s masterpiece.

«Мадам Баттерфляй» — это лучшее произведение Пуччини.

No smudging my masterpiece.

Нечего размазвать моё произведение!

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You said you wanted to see the masterpiece piano, right?

Ты ведь говорила, что хочешь увидеть шедевральное фортепиано?

I begged her to show me the masterpiece piano because I was curious about the sound it made.

Я просила показать мне шедевральное фортепиано, потому что мне было любопытно, как оно звучит.

I brought her because she wanted to see the masterpiece piano.

Я привела её, потому что она хотела взглянуть на шедевральное фортепиано.

The President’s position will become weak. Because she hasn’t kept her promise to make the masterpiece piano within 6 months.

Позиция председателя ослабнет, потому что она не создала шедевральное фортепиано за 6 месяцев, как обещала.

Didn’t you hear that our competitor is making a masterpiece piano?

Ты не слышал, что наши конкуренты делают шедевральное фортепиано?

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Go take care of your masterpiece.

Идите спасайте своё творение.

A novelist who can’t quite finish his masterpiece here, a designer abandoned by fickle inspiration there.

Писатель, который никак не может закончить своё творение, дизайнер, утративший ветреное вдохновение.

I showed my masterpiece to grown-ups and asked if the drawing frightened them.

Я показал мое творение взрослым и спросил, не страшно ли им.

Just sit back and enjoy this delicious blue masterpiece.

Просто наслаждайся этим восхитительным голубым творением.

— But you persevered and created this masterpiece from your suffering.

Но вы выстояли и создали это творение из своих страданий.

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  • Use the word MASTERPIECE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Claude Zoret closed the door to everybody to create his masterpiece completely alone and when this was finished,

«Faces of Children» is a cinematic masterpiece about the world of childhood.

Never mind. We’ll finish this masterpiece together.

You return from Europe with a masterpiece worth $100,000, and instead of displaying it yourself, you let me unveil it at my party for Captain Spaulding.

And now it is my privilege to reveal the masterpiece of François Jacques DuBois Gilbert Beaugard.

My friends, you are all familiar with Beaugard. This is perhaps his masterpiece.

There’s a beautiful, old masterpiece.

What do you call this masterpiece?

Come along, Joseph, and find your masterpiece for me.

My masterpiece, my Marie Antoinette.

Help me, my dear… you’ll help me to give back to the world… my masterpiece.

A masterpiece of construction built upon the ruins of the masterpiece of destruction.

The masterpiece of murder.

A masterpiece. I’ll bet this will be good.

In the way that every artist loves the masterpiece he has created.

I have turned her into a masterpiece of loveliness.

I don’t want a masterpiece of loveliness.

And because now you need never lose your masterpiece.

In other words, I shall destroy your masterpiece.

Your masterpiece is only trying to look masterpiecey.

She came across this painting, a masterpiece.

The whole world would hear my masterpiece

This german film is masterpiece of film art, a sensation of thought, of photography, of music

Like your poem, I┬┤ve created a masterpiece.

Yes, she’s a real masterpiece.

That was also a masterpiece crafted by Goto Yujo.

The masterpiece by Goto Yujo?

This is what my late father received from the Shogun, the masterpiece by Goto Yujo.

It really is the one and only masterpiece forged by Goto Yujo.

He’s working on a masterpiece What, this boy?

You know all you need is a frame now and you’d be a masterpiece.

Now, ladies and gentlemen— He’s a masterpiece of manhood.

In the name of their lordships, I request you to unveil… Rembrandt Van Rijn’s masterpiece.

It looks like a candy-store’s masterpiece, or like a station selling tickets for unknown destinations only, or like a first-class cure spa, which is just what it is, since it caters to those with a most unusual illness.

Hey fools, how do you like my masterpiece?

Regard with admiration the masterpiece of all casinos.

Miss Agnew, I have every reason to believe that this is going to be my masterpiece.

That’s what I think of your masterpiece.

That’s a masterpiece of understatement.

A masterpiece, Your Majesty.

You told me, Madame, that we could assume the author of this little literary masterpiece was Monsieur de Limon, former servant of my brother in Provence and currently in exile. Quite frankly, I don’t like his style.

I won’t have my masterpiece thrown away on Freddy.

But if it’s a masterpiece, he could easily ruin the whole thing!

Mr Albert’s Tyrolean opera is to be his masterpiece.

You go ahead with your foolishness but at the last moment don’t come crying to me to sing your…your masterpiece!

No one else has ever had the genius to paint this masterpiece except De Vinci.

Well, that, young lady, is a masterpiece of understatement.

I’ll give you exactly three weeks to finish your little masterpiece and get to Reno.

The others are pasted on, this one is my masterpiece,



- шедевр

Мои примеры


a little masterpiece of low-keyed eloquence — маленький шедевр сдержанного красноречия  
enduring masterpiece — бессмертный шедевр  
to create a masterpiece — создать шедевр  
masterpiece of understatement — образец выдержанности, сдержанности  
achieve a masterpiece — создать шедевр  
operatic masterpiece — шедевр оперного искусства; оперный шедевр  
touch up overall masterpiece — добавить заключительный штрих к готовому шедевру  
touch up the overall masterpiece — добавить заключительный штрих к готовому шедевру  
masterpiece of art — произведение искусства; сокровища искусства; шедевр искусства  
a masterpiece of understatement — шедевр замалчивания  

Примеры с переводом

The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.

Акула — это шедевр эволюции.

You can tell it’s a masterpiece.

Вы же понимаете, что это шедевр.

The painting was immediately recognized as a masterpiece.

Картина сразу была признана шедевром.

Her study of apes is a masterpiece.

Её исследование обезьян — это шедевр.

Some critics have called the movie a masterpiece, but not everyone agrees.

Некоторые критики назвали этот фильм шедевром, но с этим согласны не все.

Herman Melville’s masterpiece was Moby-Dick.

Шедевр Германа Мелвилла назывался «Моби Дик».

Lang’s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.

Первый фильм Лэнга сразу же был провозглашён шедевром.

Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror masterpiece ‘Frankenstein’.

Мэри Шелли было всего восемнадцать лет, когда она написала шедевр в жанре ужасов «Франкенштейн».

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the composer’s masterpiece has been hopelessly vulgarized by its use in countless TV commercials…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): masterpiece
мн. ч.(plural): masterpieces

Other forms: masterpieces

Many people have to agree that a painting or a novel is wonderful, and they usually need to feel that way for years, in order for it to be considered a true masterpiece.

An artist or writer is generally capable of creating only one masterpiece in her lifetime, if she makes a masterpiece at all. When an art historian or English teacher uses it, the word masterpiece implies a truly sublime, amazing creation. You can also describe something that’s simply great as a masterpiece, like the seven-layer chocolate cake your mom baked for your birthday. Masterpiece comes from the Dutch meesterstuk, «work by which a craftsman attains the rank of master.»

Definitions of masterpiece

  1. noun

    the most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman

  2. noun

    an outstanding achievement

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘masterpiece’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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: a work done with extraordinary skill


: a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement


: a piece of work presented to a medieval guild as evidence of qualification for the rank of master


Example Sentences

The painting was immediately recognized as a masterpiece.

Herman Melville’s masterpiece was Moby-Dick.

Her study of apes is a masterpiece.

Recent Examples on the Web

But no one can doubt that Yi Yi is another unsung Edward Yang masterpiece — and one that lands in a very different state of mind from A Brighter Summer Day.

Patrick Brzeski, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2023

Turns out, the family joke was a hidden masterpiece, a genuine work of Pieter Bruegel the Younger, a 17th-century Flemish artist.

Jonathan Edwards, Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023

The French masterpiece at 3518 Armstrong Ave., designed in 2008 by celebrated architect Lloyd Lumpkins, has six bedrooms in more than 12,200 square feet of living space.

Allie Beth Allman & Associates, Dallas News, 4 Apr. 2023

Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso One Precious Colors Two of the most outstanding pieces to come out of the show are Jaeger-LeCoultre’s métiers d’art masterpieces, Reverso One Precious Colors.

Justin Fenner, Robb Report, 3 Apr. 2023

Dusty old painting turns out to be Brueghel ‘masterpiece’ This 17th-century painting was hiding in a family home for years.

Alexandra Meeks, CNN, 28 Mar. 2023

An intense masterpiece with a warming oak-spiced, lingering finish.

Joseph V Micallef, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

The daytime festival highlights artists, sidewalk chalk masterpieces, international street cuisine, food trucks, craft beer and family-friendly activities.

Patrick Connolly, Orlando Sentinel, 23 Mar. 2023

In the form of these miniature masterpieces, which sit atop microchips, the semiconductor industry churns out more objects in a year than have ever been produced in all the other factories in all the other industries in the history of the world.

Virginia Heffernan, WIRED, 21 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘masterpiece.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1600, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of masterpiece was
in 1600

Dictionary Entries Near masterpiece

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“Masterpiece.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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